Faith Temple Church of God in Christ 1932 Bishop Carlis L. Moody, Sr. (Dewey Avenue) Evanston, Illinois 60201 1-847-328-3808 find us at: Bishop Dr. Carlis L. Moody, Sr. Pastor Sunday October 26, 2014 Seeing the Unseen in 2014 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18 Youth Sunday Order of Service 11:00 AM PRAYER at the Altar……………………………......................... Pastor Carlis Accompanied by the Praise Team Morning SCRIPTURE………………………………..………………………. Worship Leader ………………………………………………………………. Morning Greetings……………………………………...…………………….. Selection(s) by the Choir…….………………….……………………………. Tithes and Offering ………….…...................................................................... Sermonic Selection ………………………………………………………….. Introduction of Speaker ……………………………………………………… DIVINE WORD……………………………………………………………… Call to Discipleship………………………………………................................ Announcements……………………………………………………………….. Benediction………………………………………………............................. *.*This order of service is subject to the leading of the Holy Ghost* W elcome Visitors We are glad that you chose to worship with us today. We pray that you are blessed. Please come again!!! Enjoy this week’s message all week. Take notes! Message title___________________________________ _____________________________________________ Speaker_______________________________________ Scripture references_____________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Sermon emphasis 1______________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Sermon emphasis 2 _____________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Sermon emphasis 3______________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Additional Notes________________________________ Choose us for Christian Education Registration is now open k 4 & 5 and 3rd grade For more information call: 847-328-3808 We’re on the web: Forward our campaign website to friends and family. Payments can be made directly through the system. Remember those seeking and receiving Healing and Wellness with a prayer, a card or a call. Cordelia Burts Sis. Alana Amaker Evan. Paulettea Moody Sis. Sanchez Marie Carr Lois Moore Evang. Vanessa Beatty Sis. Genevieve Henry Sharlette Robinson Sis. Linnett Ferguson Tina Henry Jory Siegel Glandean Goss JB Davina King Tony King Judy Wright George Seaberry James King Barbara Wharton Thurman Sis. Sandwich Ethel Jenkins (Muffin) Mother Muriel Davis in Manor Care Wilmette 432 Poplar Drive Wilmette, IL 60091 Mother Jeanette King 3775 Grand Avenue Apt 108 Gurnee, IL 60031 847-775-2608 Willie Marie Clark P.O. Box 8189 Waukegan, IL 60079 Dad Uel Thomas would love to hear from the Saints. He lives in Florida with his daughter. He can be reached at 561-498-4828. Please remember the military and those who serve our country Please remember the American trouper: Private Bowe Bergdahl, who has been released by the terrorists and is now in reentry therapy. Keep him in your prayers. Darwin Longsworth 5216C Bosseman Avenue El Paso, Texas 79906 Lance Corporal David DuBose 520 Mesa Breeze Way#145 Oceanside, CA 92058 ANNOUNCEMENTS Today at Faith Temple Evening Service begins at 4:00 P.M. with prayer. The Faith Temple Mother’s Board will host their Annual Day. Be here to support the mothers. This week at Faith Temple Pray for our nation, our leaders members of the armed forces, Germany Jurisdiction, the Peace of Jerusalem, South Africa, Haiti, and our Pastor’s strength, and wellness Bishop has asked us to remember to fast on Tuesday and/or Friday Prayer Daily at 6:00 A.M. 12:00 Noon and 6:00 P.M. Sunday School, Sunday School Come and go to Sunday School Every Sunday at 9:30 A.M. This week th Monday, October 27 The Faith Temple Community Food Pantry is open from 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. Wednesday, October 29th Bible Study Family NightPrayer begins at 6:00 P.M. Thursday, October 30th The Voices of Faith Sanctuary Choir will rehearse at 7:00 PM. All choir members are asked to attend. Friday, October 31st Friday evening service begins with prayer at 6:00 PM. Attention PreK-3rd grade families! Enrolling!Now!! ! ! !Biblical(principles(taught(and(practiced(( !Before(and(after(school(care( !Swimming( !Tennis(instruction(at(Northwestern(( University( !Small(class(sizes( !All(day(kindergarten(( !Option(for(3(or(5(day(prekindergarten( !Music( Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. !Spanish(instruction( Looking!for! something! different!in! education?! ! Praise God! We are fast approaching an exciting time November 6, through November 9, 2014 traveling via a coach bus to the Holy Convocation for "Father of Many Nations" celebration of our Bishop. We are asking you to please provide either Sister Roz Dopson or Mother Blassingame your cell phone number and the name of your roommate right after service. Just jot it down on a slip of paper and give it to them. This information is necessary upfront to save time for Brother Randy Roebuck in making sure everyone is accounted for at the appropriate times. You will receive the itinerary on Sunday November 2, 2014 for the bus, to and from the Convention Center so you can plan accordingly. We ask that you adhere to these times as the cost of the bus may increase if you are late. Blessings and see you there! Purchase your copy of Sis. Rena Boston Ranger’s Latest book ! Contact!Us:! 847C328C3808!! ! 1932!Dewey!Ave! Evanston,!IL!60201! Faith!Christian!Academy!is!NOW!ENROLLING!! for!the!2014C15!school!year!! Purchase your copy of Sis. Rena Boston Ranger’s Latest book If your birthday is not listed please see Sisters Cherise or Carmen If your birthday is not listed, please email Sis. Cherise at October Birthdays Young People Maia Hadaway 10/7 Alanna Williams 10/16 Joshua Peck 10/10 Faith Morales 10/26 Precious Love 10/11 Tewayne T. Kennedy 10/30 Adults Ages 18 and maturing Justin Cramb 10/4 Tommie Southall, Jr. 10/20 Carman Watson 10/6 Mary Abbott 10/22 Terese Gordon 10/7 Fearington Miller 10/22 Sandra Dixon 10/9 Elder Alvin Hemphill 10/22 Mother Marguerite Myisha Myles 10/23 Blassingame 10/11 Sherry Palacio 10/23 Daina Perry 10/11 Mary Holmes Johnson 10/24 Shirley Hoffman 10/18 Amber Dutchess Martin 10/25 Elaine Brown 10/18 Elder Michael Johnson 10/31 Elder Anthony Moody, Sr. 10/31 Bishop’s vision and strategy is to: win more souls for CHRIST Bishop’s vision and strategy is this year! to: win more souls for CHRIST Our Daily Confession this year! “According to the Word of God, We declare that money cometh to the Body of Christ, and money cometh to us for the sake of the gospel. We are laying a foundation, andConfession God is performing His Word in our lives.” “Thank Our Daily You, Lord, to forthe giving us of theGod, power create wealth so thatcometh we havetomore than enough “According Word Wetodeclare that money the Body of Christ, to give unto your and Kingdom. Money cometh to us now!! You are bringing us into our money cometh to us for the sake of the gospel. wealthy place! We are laying a foundation, and God is performing His Word in our lives.” “Thank You, Lord, for giving us the power to create wealth so that we have more than enough to give unto your Kingdom. Money cometh to us now!! You are bringing us into our wealthy place! Be a part of the Bishop C.L. Moody 24 hour prayer circle. We will cover our Pastor and church in circle, there are no dues or weekly meetings. All you have to do is pray for our Pastor one hour a day. You will Be a part of the Bishop C.L. 24an hour certainly be blessed for doing so.Moody Choose hourprayer that you circle. We will cover our Pastor and church in and will pray. Fill in the form and give it to Mother Moody circle, there are no weekly meetings. let’s see the unseen in dues 2014.or You will be glad that All youyou did!have to do is pray for our Pastor one hour a day. You will Here is the Prayer Circle prayer list. certainly be blessed for doing so. Choose an hour that you will pray. Fill in the form and give it to Mother Moody and grandchildren Moody family –children, grandchildren and great let’s see the unseen in 2014. You will be glad that you did! Pastor Carlis and Lady Paulettea Moody and family Here Our is thePresident Prayer Circle prayer list. and all of those in authority The salvation of family members Moody family –children, grandchildren The release of money to burn the mortgageand great grandchildren Carlis and Lady Paulettea Moody and family AnPastor increase of personal finances Our President and allinofour those in authority The salvation of people neighborhoods The salvation of family members The deliverance of those that are bound by any habit release of money to burn the mortgage ForThe those who are under demonic influences of any kind That will give increase to the membership AnGod increase of personal finances ForThe oursalvation children inofallpeople schools their teacher’s salvation in and our neighborhoods ForThe the deliverance continuance of of those Faith Christian Academy that are bound by any habit ForFor Principal Hadaway her family, the faculty and staff those who are under demonic influences of any kind ForThat FaithGod Christian Academy’s and their families will give increasestudents to the membership ForFor a fresh anointinginfor men of Faith Temple our children allthe schools and their teacher’s salvation ForFor thethe families of Faith Temple Church continuance of Faith Christian Academy For Principal Hadaway her family, the faculty and staff “….What,For could yeChristian not prayAcademy’s with me one hour?”and Matttheir 26:40 Faith students families For a fresh anointing for the men of Faith Temple Yes I would like to join the circle! For the families of Faith Temple Church Name:__________________________ Hour:__________________________ “….What, could ye not pray with me one hour?” Matt 26:40 A.M.__________ P.M. ____________ Yes I would like to join the circle! Name:__________________________ Hour:__________________________ Please detach and give this tear off to Mother Moody. Prayer Warriors are needed : 1- 2AM, 7AM, 9AM- 1PM, 3 – 5PM, 7- 9PM, 11PM A.M.__________ P.M. ____________ Please detach and give this tear off to Mother Moody. Prayer Warriors are needed : 1- 2AM, 7AM, 9AM- 1PM, 3 – 5PM, 7- 9PM, 11PM International All members of the Church of God in Christ are asked to pay annual dues in the amount of $20.00. This year the presiding prelate Bishop Blake is asking that the membership make a conscientious effort to pay their dues. This money goes to the Missions Department and Education department for scholarships. Please write your check and turn it in earmarked Membership dues. Faith Temple is sponsoring the Angel Tree Prison Ministries program on Wednesday, December 3rd. We will be buying gifts for thirty children who have a parent who is incarcerated. If you would like to be a part please contact Sis. Simone Warburton. Let’s be a blessing to a family this Christmas A job fair will be held November 6th from 12 to 5 PM with Madison Construction Company and Target at the Evanston Library 1703 Orrington Avenue, Evanston. The Housing Department of Cook County sponsors this fair. All interested parties should bring a resume, social security card, proof of residency and latest paycheck stub (if applicable).
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