Opinion Survey

Wednesday, 22nd October, 2014
No 16 – Term 4, Week 1 of 9
STARR VALUES - Success – Team Work – Acceptance – Respect – Responsibility
Opinion Survey
Thanks to families for their fantastic response to this year’s parent opinion survey.
Over 90% of families responded which means that we are able to evaluate
extremely valuable and relevant data. Information gained from the survey will
assist us in responding to parent’s needs. Responses were extremely positive but
some parental concerns were raised and I would welcome the opportunity to meet
with any parents who have suggestions about how we could improve as a school.
Please so not hesitate to drop in and see me for a chat.
Pupil Free Days
Don’t forget that we have 2 Pupil Free Days this term. They will be on Monday,
November 3rd (Week 3) and Monday, November 24th (Week 7).
Hopefully all families have kept Friday, November 14th free, in readiness for this
year’s Continental. Donations have started to roll in, so please keep them coming.
Open Day
Friday October 31st will be Open Day at RNPS. From 9.30am – 12.30pm parents
will have the opportunity to visit all classes and see what Specialisation is all about.
You will get the opportunity to see lessons on History/Geography, Information
Technology, Health/PE and the Arts. This will be a great chance for parents,
grandparents and carers to see why Fridays are so exciting.
Adelaide Credit Union Christmas Pageant
We will have 30 passes to give out for a designated area to watch the pageant. If
you would like some passes, please contact Sam McInerney at school.
Lost and Found
Last term a large amount of money was found on the footpath near the car park. If
you think it belongs to you please come to the front office.
Counsellor News
Welcome back to School.
I trust everyone enjoyed the holidays and were able to spend some quality time
with their child/children.
Where has this year gone???
Yes, it is Term 4, which is always the busiest with Spelling Bee, swimming,
camps, excursions, sleep-overs, Continental, Music Is Fun Band, Pre-School and
Yr. 7 Transition, Yr. 7 Graduation etc.
Day-light saving has now been in swing for three weeks and in talking to some
parents and children it seems to be causing problems with trying to get children
to bed and asleep.
Below is an article that looks at the importance of sleep from Parenting Ideas ,
Michael Grose and I have also included some information from another article ‘9 Ways
to Make a Child's Bedtime Easy’ from fit.webmd.com
Reduce our national sleep debt
By Michael Grose14 Grose Presentations
PO Box 167 Balnarring Vic 3926 p + 61 3 5983 1798 f (03) 5983 1722 e office@parentingideas.com.au
Many parents underestimate the importance of sleep for
children’s learning and well-being.
Recently I spoke at an overseas conference and sleep, or rather
lack of sleep, was high on the agenda. Professor Harlene Hayne, head of the
Psychology Department at the University of Otago, revealed that increasing the
amount of sleep children receive is one of the most powerful strategies for improving
their mental health and well-being.
The links between sleep debt and poor mental health, including anxiety and
depression, are indisputable. Anxiety goes down and confidence and well-being
improves when kids get enough sleep.
Many kids today are sleep deprived. Teenagers, in particular, don’t get enough sleep.
They need between nine and ten hours sleep each night, yet most get about seven or
eight hours sleep. Some get less.
Not getting enough sleep leads to sleep deprivation, which is akin to jet lag, where kids
don’t function at their optimum.
Lack of sleep leads to irritability, decreased creativity and memory lapses. It also has
strong links to anxiety and depression.
Sleep maximises the brain growth which occurs with toddlers and teens. Sleep also
consolidates learning: sleep research has shown that the brain practises what it has
learned during the day when a child or young person is asleep.
So sufficient sleep consolidates past learning as well as keeping kids fresh to
maximise their future learning.
Sleep experts stress that while adults may not have control over biology we can assist
children and teens to establish good sleep patterns. Children usually carry good sleep
habits into adolescence. If you struggle to get young children to sleep or constantly
battle kids who want to stay up longer, some knowledge of good sleep habits may be
Good sleep habits include:
1. Regular bedtimes. Kids may fight this, but make sure kids keep regular bedtimes
during the week and allow them to stay up a little later on weekends. Children need
between 10 and 12 hours of sleep each day, while teens need a minimum of nine
2. A 45 minute wind-down time before bed. This includes: removing TV and other
stimuli, calming the child down and limiting food intake (and caffeine for teens). The
wind-down time informs the body clock that sleeping-time is near.
3. A bedtime routine: Have a bedtime routine, such as story-reading, brushing teeth,
putting on PJs, talking about the day, being told a story that signals psychologically
that it is time for sleep.
Kids will always ask for that one last thing -- kisses, hugs, a drink of water, using the bathroom, just
one more book. They can be quite inventive. Do your best to anticipate all this by incorporating these
small rituals into the bedtime routine. That way you can get it all done before putting your child to
bed. And let your child know that once he/she is in bed, they have to stay in bed.
4. Keeping bedrooms for sleep. Bedrooms that resemble caves (dark and quiet) are
recommended. It gets tricky with mobile phones and other information technology, but
it’s smart to keep mobiles and laptops out of bedrooms at sleep-time.
If your child does not like a totally dark room, turn on a small night light, or leave the hall light on and
the door to the bedroom open.
If he/she gets up, don't react -- simply walk them back to bed.
If you argue or give in to requests, you are giving your child the extra attention -- and delayed
bedtime – he/she is seeking. And don't give into the "just this one time" pitfall. If you read one more
story or let them stay up longer "just this time," you risk that the bedtime routine you've worked so
hard to establish will come undone.
5. Maximise the three sleep cues. These include:
darkness (maintaining a cave-like bedroom); lowering
body temperature (baths can be good for this); and
melatonin (work within their cycle – hormone that
regulates sleeping and waking cycles).
Music is Fun
As part of the Arts Curriculum, students need to listen and
respond to a variety of live performances expressing feelings
about what they have experienced.
Once again we are fortunate to have the Music is Fun Band
visit our school.
The performance will take place in our gym in Week 8, Friday the 5th December at
Throughout the term the children will be listening to and learning the songs that
will be covered on the day of the performance. They will also have an opportunity
to participate in the show by helping out the band with particular songs. Taking part
in the show makes their experience even more enjoyable.
The Renmark Arts Council and the Country Assistance Program support our school
financially every year so that we can make the cost of the show affordable to all
However, even with their support and due to the rising costs of this show we will
require families to pay $5 per child.
We look forward to you supporting the Arts at Renmark North Primary.
If you are unable to pay the amount in full, please feel free to use the following
options - Pay in instalments / Use School Card.
A separate sheet has been added to this newsletter if you would like to use the
instalment option.
Thank you
Athina (On behalf of the Arts Committee)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Music Is Fun – Friday, 5th December
Child’s Name _________________
Teacher/ Class ___________________
Cost $5 per child – Total __________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Music Is Fun – Friday, 5th December
Child’s Name _________________
School Card - Total __________
Teacher/ Class ___________________
Catastrophic Fire Days
With the warmer weather we are experiencing this week, it is probably timely to
remind families about the DECD bush fire policy. On any day designated as a
Catastrophic Fire Danger Day, the school will remain open however buses will
not run.
Material and Services Charges
Opposite is a copy of the Notice of the
Materials and Services Charges for
2015. Part of the process for fixing the
Materials and Service Charge each year
is to extend an invitation to the school
community to attend our next
Governing Council meeting to discuss
these charges. Our next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday 26th
November at 7:00 pm when the 2015
Materials and Services Charges of
$205.00 will be submitted for approval.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not send any
money with this notices as this is not an
invoice. Parents will be sent an invoice
in January 2015.
Boxes and Bottles
Boxes and Bottles will be operating as part of the 2014 Continental. Students can
pass in any items that are in any type of bottle or box. Any donations are greatly
appreciated and can be given to the office staff before or after school.
Cleaner Required
Cleaner required for a fill in cleaning position at Renmark North Primary School. A
working with children screening is required. Please contact Angelique on
0434606244 if interested or to find our more information.
Term 3,
Wednesday, 10th Sept.
2:20pm – 3:10pm
Gym Foyer
Chit Chat
Maria & Athina
When: Wednesday
Time: 2:20pm
Where: Gym Foyer
Term 4
Week 1 - 15th Oct.
Week 2 - 22nd Oct.
Week 3 - 29th Oct.
Week 4 - 5th Nov.
Week 5 - 12th Nov.
Week 6 – 19th Nov.
Week 7– 26th Nov.
Week 8 – 3rd Dec.
Lost Property
Lost Property Bins are located under the verandah in the JP area.
This year, two of the bins will be for clothing and one of the bins
will be for containers/items. If all clothing and containers are labeled
with your child’s name, the amount of lost property that gets
collected each term will be greatly reduced.
At the end of every term, we place lost property on trestles for children to check
and take any items that belong to them.
Last term there were a total of 25 items of clothing.
Three were named, which was absolutely fantastic as I was able to return them to
those children.
With the weather warming up, you are probably not thinking of looking at jumpers
and jackets but it would be great if you could look at the list below and if you think
it belongs to your child, please come in and collect them.
Any leftover clothing will be taken to the ‘OP Shop’ or redistributed to other
School Clothing
JB’s - 1 Jacket - Size 4
JB’s - 1 Jacket - Size 5
JB’s - 2 Jackets - Size 6
JB’s - 1 Jacket - Size 8
JB’s - 1 Jacket - Size 10
JB’s - 2 Jackets - Size 14
LWR -1 Hooded Jacket - Size 12
Target - 2 - Jackets -Size 8
Target - 1 – Vest - Size 10
Target - 1 - Jacket - Size 12
Match it - 1 Top - Size 6
Tri State - 2 Tops -Size 8
Stubbies - 2 Tops - Size 8
Non- School Clothing
Target - 1 Grey Hooded Jacket - Size 9
Target - 1 Grey Hooded Jacket with red 68 - Size 6
Nike - 1 Blue Hooded Top - Size M
Shock Resistant - 1 Blue/Grey Hooded Jacket - Size 10
Dear Parents,
As co-ordinators of the Plant & Produce Stall for this year’s Continental, we would
like to get some idea of the items that people are willing to donate to our stall. If
you could kindly fill out the form below and return to the front office asap, or call
Karen Zunic on 0437296006 or Jenni Thiel 0429676555.
NAME: _____________________
Craft Items
It would be much appreciated if items are packed as to how they are to be sold and
left at the school no later than the 2nd November.
Regards Karen Zunic and Jenni Thiel
2014 Continental
We need the support of all families to make the night a success.
Please plan to be there & plan to do your bit for the school!
Families can help by donating to the following stalls:
 Cake and Sweets Stall - any cake, slices, biscuits, sweets.
 Plants & Produce - potted plants, fresh vegetables, fresh & dried fruit, nuts, jams, eggs,
sauces, relishes, etc.
 Bottle and Box Stall - the Year 5/6 class organises this, but need donations of items that
come in a box or bottle. It is then wrapped up and sold as a ‘mystery’. Items vary - wine,
soft drink, sauce, cereals, perfume, soap – the list is endless. Send these along as soon as
possible to the Year 5/6 class.
 Dessert Stall - Greek, Italian, Indian, Vietnamese, Australian, Turkish….. any & all sweets
are needed. Just great to go with a tea or coffee.
 Silent Auction – items to be included in baskets for the silent auction – fishing, mechanics,
hair & beauty products, car, bike, girls, boys, boating, sporting, craftwork, party,
cooking………………Do you know a local business operator who may be able to help?
We need the support of all families by working on the night for a short time.
Please help us and return the form below (if you have not already contacted us with an
offer to help) as this will save us contacting you.
Name: ………………………………………..
Please tick your preference:
5.45 - 7.00p.m.
7.00 - 8.15p.m.
8.15 - 9.30p.m.
I prefer to work on:
FRIDAY - 9.00a.m.
- 9.00am
Phone: ………………………..
- Food Cooking
- Food Serving
- Food Tickets
(no money handling)
- Set up Stalls / Area
- Tables /Lights
- Salad Making
(Hall Foyer)
□ I will donate sweets: ____________(and bring to school on the day)
□ I am able to help with the packing up on Saturday Morning – 9am start
□ I am able to help with the wrapping of the silent auction items after school on:
Monday 10 □, Tuesday 11 □, Wednesday 12 □
Renmark High School Spring Carnival
Renmark High School is holding its annual Spring Carnival on Friday, October 24
from 6pm. Come along for a fun family evening which will feature a range of
international foods, demonstrations and displays, stalls, a dunking machine, car
smash, jumping pillow, auctions and other novelty activities. All welcome.
Details: 8586 6974
Vitor Renmark Amateur Swimming Club
The Vitor Renmark Amateur Swimming Club annual registration day will be
held at the clubrooms located in the Renmark Swimming Centre on
Wednesday the 5th of November from 5:30pm. Training for new members
will commence following registration on the night. Swim for fun, fitness or to
compete, you’ll be coached according to your goals and intentions. Take
advantage of our free 2 week Come ‘n’ Try programme which can be
started at any time during the season.
For enquiries please contact:
Club Registrar – Karina Lambert 0431 521 339
President – Kerri Donaldson 0488 533 431
Alternatively you can email enquiries to vitorrenmark@gmail.com
Please note: training for existing members commences on Monday the 27th of October at 6pm
For up-to-date information “like” the ‘Vitor Renmark Swimming Club’ on Facebook
The annual SA water VACSWIM program will be held 5th to 13th January 2015.
To register online please visit: www.vacswimsa.com.au or contact 08 8200 2528.
1st Prize
Blinds to the value of $1000 – Donated By AA Canvas & Shades
2nd Prize
Wine & Dried Fruit Hamper Valued at $100 – Donated By The Harris Family
3rd Prize
Remote Control Helicopter Valued at $50– Donated By Paul Hutchins Loans Centre / RAA
4th Prize
Renmark Hotel Bistro Voucher Valued at $50 – Donated By Renmark Hotel
Come into the front office and support the team.
Tickets To Be Drawn Friday 24th October
Thank You For Your Support
A Big Thank You
A big thankyou to all families for supporting this worthwhile event. Total funds
raised will be announced in the next Newsletter. The raffle will be drawn this
Term 4, 2014
24th October
25th – 26th October
31st October
3rd November
4th November
5,6,7th November
7th November
14th November
20th /27th November
24th November
26th November
28th November
1st -5th December
2nd & 3rd December
5th December
5th December
6th December
8th -9th December
9th December
10th December
12th December
12th December
Warrego Street, Renmark North
Telephone: 8595 3274 & 8595 3399
Facsimile: 8595 3003
Email: dl.0377.info@schools.sa.edu.au
Year 2/3 Combined Sleep Over
Relay for Life Event
RNPS Open Day
Pupil Free Day
Spelling Bee
Year7 camp
Assembly – Miss Dyer/Mrs McInerney
Pre-School Transitions
Pupil Free Day
Governing Council
Yr4/5 Excursion - Sleep Over
Swimming Year R/6
Year7 Transition
Music is Fun
Renmark Pageant
Governing Council Christmas Party
Luke Morrow 5/6 Camp
Splash Day
Reports to go home
9am Assembly – Mrs Maxwell
Early Dismissal – 2.15pm
Principal: Greg Platt
Telephone: 0427 123 413 (a.h.)
Email: Greg.Platt855@schools.sa.edu.au
Home Page: www.rennorth.sa.edu.au