district | dispatch Laramie County School District 1’s weekly update of events Oct. 24–31, 2014 school events news releases music events future events sports events charity corner district information attached files week at a glance sat Central Anderson Gilchrist 25 sun 26 mon 27 tues Jessup 28 wed 29 Freedom Hebard Jessup Early Release Media: If you are interested in covering these events, please contact the LCSD1 Community Relations office, 771-2192, 771-2238 or 771-2239. thu 30 Triumph Parent Teacher Conferences fri 31 South Secondary Parent Teacher Conferences by Appointment All media must check in at the main office of any schools being covered, show identification and obtain a visitor’s badge. www.laramie1.org district | dispatch Oct. 24–31, 2014 events school events CENTRAL HIGH »» From 5–7 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 25, in the commons, a “Boo Fest” trick-or-treat event will be held. Attendees are asked to bring a canned food item to donate. SOUTH HIGH »» From 3–5 p.m., Friday, Oct. 31, in the rooms throughout the school, a “Trick-or-Treat” event will be held for south triad students and families. TRIUMPH HIGH »» At 2 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 30, in the commons area, a first-quarter platform graduation will be held. »» From 3–4 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 30, in the hallways and the commons area, “Trick-or-Treat off the Street” will be held. A haunted house will be in the library. For information, contact Gina Hughes, 771-2500. ANDERSON ELEMENTARY »» From 9 a.m.–3 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 25, the PTO will hold a gift and craft sale. Featured items include food items, crafts, home décor and much more. FREEDOM ELEMENTARY »» On Wednesday, Oct. 29, students may wear pj’s and hats to celebrate the end of the first quarter. 2 Return to Front Page GILCHRIST ELEMENTARY »» From 2–5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 25, in the gym, the PTO’s fall festival, featuring a chili cook-off and fun activities, will be held for families and students. HEBARD ELEMENTARY »» From 9–9:30 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 29, in the gym, kindergarten through third-grade students will attend a first-quarter celebration. The theme is “The Wizard of Oz,” and perfect attendance, honor roll and most improved awards will be handed out. Fourth- through sixth-grade students will attend from 9:40–10:15 a.m. JESSUP ELEMENTARY »» From 8:50 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 28, sixth-grade students will take a field trip to Vedauwoo Recreation Area. »» From 8:45–10 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 29, students in the Honors Reading Club will visit Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave. district sports & music events The LCSD1 sports and music schedules are online at www.laramie1.org. Click on the “Our District” link, then the “Calendar & Events” link. district | dispatch Return to Front Page Oct. 24–31, 2014 district news releases information For Immediate Release Contact: Jeremiah Kolkman, 771–2680 10-24-14 Parent teacher conferences On Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 11:15 a.m., secondary students will be released for teacher planning. Elementary students will be released at 12:15 p.m. On Thursday, Oct 30, there will be no elementary classes. Elementary conferences will be held on that day and secondary evening parent teacher conferences will be held. On Friday, Oct. 31, there will be no classes for elementary and secondary schools. From 8–11 a.m., secondary parent teacher conference appointments will be held. district meetings LCSD1 Board of Trustees work session The LCSD1 Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 27, in the Storey Gym Executive Boardroom for a work session. LCSD1 Board of Trustees The LCSD1 Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 3, in the Storey Gym Boardroom. An agenda for this meeting will be available online at www.laramie1.org. Click on the “Our District” link, then the “Board of Trustees” link. Central High School drama department to perform William Shakespeare play Central High’s drama department will perform William Shakespeare’s play, “Twelfth Night,” at 7 p.m., on Oct. 25, in the auditorium. This highly energetic modernization of the classic story has received a Vegas style makeover. The production contains flamboyant characters and utilizes a vibrant set. Adult tickets are $10 and student tickets cost $8. For more information, contact Central High assistant drama coach Jeremiah Kolkman at 771-2680 or kolkmanj@laramie1.org. -30- For Immediate Release Contact: Superintendent of Schools John Lyttle, 771–2121 10-24-14 LCSD1 to hold “State of the District” community meeting Laramie County School District 1’s annual “State of the District” address will be held Monday, Nov. 10 at the South High School Auditorium, 1213 W. Allison Road. The event begins at 6 p.m. with an early Veterans Day tribute followed by a district performance update from Superintendent of Schools John Lyttle. 3 district | dispatch At 7 p.m., participants will have a chance to provide feedback during small-group breakout sessions in the classrooms. “State of the District” is open to the public. -30- For Immediate Release Contact: Denise Kittelson, LCSD1 At-Risk Teen Liaison, 771-2408 10-24-14 Resource fair planned for students On Thursday, Nov. 13, various agencies in the Cheyenne community, including the Laramie County Community Partnership, will present a Resource Fair. It will be held at the Kiwanis Community House, 4603 N. Lions Park Drive, from 4–7 p.m. Students ages 15–20, who are living separately from a parent or guardian, are invited. Attendees will have an opportunity to inquire about local assistance that may be available to them. Additionally, there will be chances to win door prizes and refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact Denise Kittelson, 771-2408. -30- Return to Front Page Oct. 24–31, 2014 For Immediate Release Contact: Melanie Fierro, 771-2605 10-24-14 District holds public review for elementary science materials Laramie County School District 1’s science department is conducting an elementary school materials adoption during the 2014–2015 school year. The public and district stakeholders have an opportunity to participate in the adoption process. The prospective science materials will be available to the public for a 45-day review and receipt of public comments. This will be held weekdays from 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., through Nov. 7, in the LCSD1 Administration Building at 2810 House Ave., Room 318. At the Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave., materials will also be on review Monday through Thursday during regular hours. For more information about the materials, contact Science Coordinator Melanie Fierro, 771-2605. -30- For Immediate Release Contact: Dr. Michelle Aldrich, 771-2500 10-24-14 Triumph High culinary arts class hosts annual baked-goods sale Triumph High’s culinary arts class is taking orders for their annual baked-goods sale. Baked goods include cinnamon rolls, sugar cookies and pumpkin and pecan pies. 4 district | dispatch Oct. 24–31, 2014 Cinnamon rolls come in pans of eight. Glazed rolls cost $6, and cream-cheese frosted rolls cost $7. Proceeds from the cinnamon roll sales will help students purchase Christmas gifts for Cheyenne Health Care residents. All orders for Thanksgiving must be received by Friday, Nov. 14 and will be delivered the week of Nov. 24. Christmas orders must be in by Friday, Dec. 5, and will be delivered the week of Dec. 15. For more information or to place an order, call Michelle Aldrich at Triumph, 771-2500. (See attached PDFs) -30- For Immediate Release Contact: Julie Caylor, 771-2373 10-24-14 LCSD1 holds kindergarten readiness meeting for parents, child care providers A kindergarten readiness meeting for parents and child care providers will be held Monday, Oct. 27, from 6–7 p.m., in the Administration Building’s Training Center, 2810 House Ave., Room A306. This meeting will provide parents and child care providers what they need to know to prepare children for kindergarten. For more information, contact LCSD1 preschool transition/child find liaison Julie Caylor at 771-2373. -30- Return to Front Page future events CAREY JUNIOR HIGH »» At 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 10, in the auditorium, a Veterans Day band, choir and orchestra concert will be held. »» On Tuesday, Nov. 11, two Veterans Day assemblies will be held for staff and students. Times TBA. »» At 9:15 a.m. and at 12:45 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 13, in the auditorium, an east triad elementary Veterans Day concert will be held. DEMING-MILLER ELEMENTARY »» On Tuesday, Nov. 11, students will hold Veterans Day classroom activities. DILDINE ELEMENTARY »» From 9 a.m.–noon, Wednesday, Nov. 5, fourthgrade students will take a field trip to the Capitol. »» At 9 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 11, in the gym, the school will hold a Veterans Day program. »» From 6:30–7:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 13, in the gym, the PTO will hold a Chili Bingo night. FAIRVIEW-LEBHART ELEMENTARY »» On Tuesday, Nov. 11, in Fairview’s gym, a Veterans Day assembly for veterans, students and families will be held. Time, TBA. FREEDOM ELEMENTARY »» From 2:15–3:35 p.m., Monday, Nov. 10, in the gym, a Veterans Day assembly will be held. 5 district | dispatch Oct. 24–31, 2014 SADDLE RIDGE ELEMENTARY »» On Monday, Nov. 3, at various times throughout the day, teachers will work with students on a “PBIS Playground Rodeo,” which will help boys and girls understand how to play safely and respectfully with each other on the playground. »» On Tuesday, Nov. 11, in the gym, a fifth-grade Veterans Day assembly will be held. Time TBA. charity corner SOUTH HIGH »» On Saturday, Nov. 1, FBLA chapter members will partner with COMEA House to present the annual 5K Turkey Trot and Goggle Wobble run for children 12 and under. The event will be held at the COMEA House, 1504 Stinson Ave. Participating children will receive goody bags and grand prizes will be given out to the top runners. Additionally, a mascot dressed as a turkey will be on hand to encourage runners along the course. The Gobble Wobble Kids’ Fun Run begins at 9 a.m. and the Turkey Trot starts at 9:30 a.m. All proceeds go to support the COMEA house. TRIUMPH HIGH »» For their community service projects, the Z Club and SkillsUSA are collecting toiletries through October. As part of Domestic Violence Awareness month, these items will be donated to local shelters. CAREY JUNIOR HIGH »» For their eighth-grade community service project, students are collecting donations for the Cheyenne VA Medical Center’s “No Longer Homeless” project. Additionally, each Carey student will write a letter to veterans or active duty service members. 6 Return to Front Page ALTA VISTA ELEMENTARY »» Through the month of October, sixth-grade students are conducting a project titled, “Socktober.” They are collecting items for the COMEA House such as mittens and socks. Additionally, they are collecting travel-size toiletries, which will be placed in plastic Ziploc bags. »» Through Nov. 13, staff members will conduct a project titled, “Alta Vista Shares Their Heart.” They will collect canned food, turkeys, hams and other Thanksgiving dinner items to donate to the COMEA House. Staff and students have also been challenged to fill the lobby’s reading pit with toilet paper to donate to the shelter.
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