Issue 153 24 Oct 2014 Principal’s Welcome Hello everyone and welcome to the final communica on of the first half of Autumn Term. We have had a great start back and have enjoyed ge ng to know our new Year 7 intake, elec ng our Head Boy and Girl, presen ng our Principals’ Award. We have had visits to Kew Gardens and Reading University. Our Open Evening and morning, which demonstrated overwhelming interest in our provision by our community had over 600 visitors. The Opening of our superb new sports facili es by the Harlequins was an exci ng event and it is fantas c to see the community taking up use of the facility a er 5pm. The Rega a victory of our newly formed rowing team and their par cipa on in the Great River Race has developed great ambi on and team skills in our students. Astounding wins in both boys and girls football have made us very proud and of course the resounding win in the Rugby tournament. The highest level of A*‐A results in our history and a strongly closing gap in performance between groups of students. We had higher than na onal average results in English and Science and a pleasing and improving picture in Maths. Quite an amazing start to our first year together. I would like to thank the hardworking staff for the commitment to securing the best outcomes, your hardworking children who have given their best and are developing ambi on to meet their challenging targets and of course yourselves who get them here on me each day in the correct uniform and ready to learn. Thank you. May I on behalf of us all here at Twickenham Academy, the Learning Schools Trust and our Academy Council wish you a very safe and happy holiday. We look forward to your safe return. Tracy Ward CHANGE TO OPENING TIMES OF THE ACADEMY BUILDING FROM 3rd NOVEMBER 2014 8:15am – 3:30pm We would like to advise all parents, carers and students of the changes to the opening mes of the Academy building from Monday 3rd November 2014. The reason for these changes is to increase the security of the building and the safety and wellbeing of all students and staff of the Academy. The Academy gates will be open to students in the morning from 8:15am onwards. Please note that for students who are a ending pre‐arranged morning clubs, i.e. Breakfast Club, the Academy will be open from 7:30am and entry to the Academy will be via the main school recep on. Students must sign in and show their logbooks at recep on with permission evident from a member of staff that they are a ending a club. There will be no access to the building for students before 7.30am. In the a ernoon the Academy gates will open at 3.00pm and close at 3:30pm. Students on site a er 3.30pm must have permission from a member of staff and be supervised at all mes. Exit from the building a er 3:30pm will be via the main Academy recep on only and the Academy will close to all students at 5.00pm. PRINCIPAL’S SURGERY Every Tuesday 4pm ‐ 5pm Star ng Tuesday 4th November 2014 Main Recep on From Tuesday 4th November 2014, Tracy Ward will be offering a Principal's Surgery every Tuesday a ernoon from 4 ‐ 5pm in the main Academy recep on. This will be a drop in session for parents and carers and no appointment will be necessary. Please note there will be no Principal's surgery on Tuesday 18th November 2014. We apologise for any inconvenience. TWICKENHAM YEAR 8 BOYS WIN 2nd MATCH On Monday 20th October, Twickenham Academy played away against St Richard Reynolds. A mixed team of Year 7 and 8 Twickenham boys played with a man down due but Twickenham started well, scoring 2 tries within the first 10 minutes and conver ng 1. St Richard Reynolds managed to pull one back but Twickenham con nued scoring with 7 other tries and 4 successful conversions. St Richard Reynolds managed to score another 2 tries and 1 conversion but it wasn't enough to stop our winning streak. Twickenham showed tremendous improvements since their first game of rugby and are linking well between forwards and backs. Tries were scored by Luke Muraszko, Daniel Overton (2), Shay Connolly, Andre Raubenheimer, Oscar Jansen, Luke Parr and Will Marsen. Conversions from Will Marsen (3) and Andre Raubenheimer (2). Twickenham won 50‐15 with man of the match going to Daniel Overton. Well done! WIN FOR GIRLS FOOTBALL TEAM On Wednesday 15th October the Twickenham Academy girls football team played their 2nd ever match against Waldegrave School and won 5 – 3. The girls in the team were Tora, Hyfaa, Alice, Kaitlyn, Brooklyn and Isabelle. Alice and Kaitlyn both scored twice and Waldegrave scored an own goal. Our player of the match went to Kaitlyn and she definitely deserved it. We have never seen a match as intense as this one so thumbs up to those that played. Our next match will be away against Orleans Park so let’s hope we win that match as well! POOR WEATHER CONDITIONS In the event of extreme weather condi ons we will always endeavour to keep the Academy open. Closure would only be on Health and Safety grounds. This could be because we were unable to staff the Academy at an acceptable level or the playground and/or buildings became unsafe. How to check whether the Academy is open: Every effort will be made to post a message on the Academy website. Please check the website for regular updates Please ensure the Academy has your correct email address on our system enabling us to send an email message to you from the Academy ‐ Check the OpenCheck website which gives informa on on all schools. This website can be accessed via a link from the London Borough of Richmond website. Every effort will be made to leave a message on the school answer phone. TERM DATES 2014/15 Autumn Term 2014 Thursday 4 September 2014‐ YEAR 7 ONLY Friday 5 September 2014 ‐ YEARS 8—11 Half Term Monday 27 October ‐ Friday 31 October 2014 End of Term Thursday 18 December 2014 PARENTS FORUM We would like to invite all Parents and Carers to a end Twickenham Academy's Parents Forum 6:00—7:30pm Wednesday 12 November 2014 Twickenham Academy Auditorium Spring Term 2015 Tuesday 6 January 2015 Half Term CASHLESS CATERING Friday 27 March 2015 Please note that we do not carry change for the cashless catering machines. Students need to have the correct money as the machine does not give change. Summer Term 2015 PE CLOTHING Monday 16 ‐ Friday 20 February 2015 End of Term Monday 13 April 2015 Half Term Monday 25 May ‐ Friday 29 May 2015 End of Term Wednesday 22 July 2015 INSET DAYS Tuesday 2 September 2014 Wednesday 3 September 2014 Monday 5 January 2015 Monday 23 February 2015 Friday 26 June 2015 N.B. INSET days are subject to change Please may we ask parents and carers to label all PE kit with the student’s name. Each day there are many items of PE clothing le in the changing rooms and whilst the PE department do their best to return the clothing to the righ ul owner, having a name speeds up this process. The PE department operate a deten on system for students that arrive to PE lessons without the full and correct kit. 1st me = 10 minutes deten on 2nd me = 20 minutes deten on 3rd me = 60 minutes faculty deten on Friday a er School Some useful links to companies that offer labels include MOBILE PHONES AND HIGH VALUE ITEMS May I remind everyone that high value items should not be brought into the Academy. The loss, the or damage o en causes distress. Anyone bringing such items into the Academy do so at their own risk and we would advise parents to have these items insured. Please note mobile phones can be handed into the PE department during PE lessons or locked safely away in the students locker. SAFER NEIGHBOURHOOD TEAM Heathfield Team Whi on and Heathfield SNT Queens House, 2 Holy Road Twickenham TW1 4EG Email: Phone: 0208 161 9487 TWICKENHAM ACADEMY PLAYS HOST TO DRAMATIC EDGE WORKSHOP The auditorium at Twickenham Academy was filled with 'toil and trouble' as Year 5 and 6 students from Nelson Primary School explored the Witches scene from Macbeth using thinking skills. Wearing different ‘thinking hats’ for reasoning, crea vity, enquiry, processing and evalua on. The students learnt iambic pentameter and the importance of punctua on in Performing Shakespeare before the Year 13 BTEC performing arts students directed small groups in different parts of the Witches scene. WOW! What amazing performances, one group performing their scene a er 15 minutes without the script. Mrs MacDonald the students teacher commented 'We hope to be able to develop these skills when we return to Nelson. Yes please, we would love another workshop!. TWICKENHAM TALK The Twickenham Talk is emailed to parents weekly from We would be grateful if you could please ensure the Academy has the correct and up to date email address. We would also encourage parents to view the newsleƩer and key dates regularly via our website at
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