Issue 8 Friday, 24 October 2014 Dear All, On Thursday evening last week, we had 92% attendance at our Year 9 GCSE Course Selection Evening. On that evening the Year 9 students and their parents had a chance to find out more about each of the GCSE options for next year. As in previous years, there was a great buzz in the hall as students and parents talked with the various members of staff about the courses. It was great to see the Year 11 Prefects on hand as well, showing great confidence in talking to parents too. I would like to thank staff and the prefects for organising a successful evening. Dates for your Diary 04 Nov Y8 Girls’ HPV Vaccinations 9 am Ski Clothing Presentation Evening 6.30pm 05 Nov Y10/11 ‘Mice & Men’ Performance 06 Nov Y7 Anti-bullying Day Y12/13 Maths Challenge Y11 Information Evening 07 Nov Y7 History Trip—Tower of London 11 Nov Whole School Remembrance Service KS3 Parents’ Assessment Evening 6.30pm 13/14 Nov Staff Conference INSET (only staff attend) On Tuesday night this week, we held a Year 7 Parents’ Forum. This was an opportunity to invite parents of Year 7 students in so we could get feedback on how their child has settled at Sheredes School. Thank you to all the parents who gave up their time to support this event and to those who have signed up to become volunteer readers. 17/18 Nov Whole School Progress Reviews 1 Issued Y10 Geography Field Trip 19 Nov Y12/13 Student Finance Talk 2.15 pm 20 Nov Y10 Drama GCSE exam (all day) Y11 into 6th Form Evening 6.30 pm 21 Nov Y13 English Conference 22 Nov ‘The Overtures’ SSA Event 8-12 pm 24 Nov Y12 English Conference On Thursday this week, we held our very first LEAD Day (Learning Enrichment Activity Day). This involved students taking time out from their normal Parents with Mr de la Croix at the start of the Forum timetable to get involved in various enrichment activities. We will provide more information about these days in our next Spotlight. 25 Nov Y11 Drama GCSE assessment (all day) E-Safety Talk 6.30 pm On the subject of student leadership, the Junior Leadership Team, under the guidance of Miss Bennett has been leading the whole school assemblies this week. It can be a very daunting task, having to speak publicly in front of your peers. However, despite the nerves, the JLT members were extremely confident and shared with the school the various things and events they are working on. For example, they have arranged to take part in a student exchange with Simon Balle School. This will involve Simon Balle students spending a day in our lessons and our students spending a day in their school. 27 Nov Scholastic Book Fair (continues 1/2 Dec) 28 Nov Academic Review Day School Timetable This week we will be sending out a letter asking parents for an annual voluntary contribution per family, to help with our plans to improve the facilities for Sheredes students. The letter will be sent home with students on Friday, and also as an attachment with this edition of Spotlight. Week commencing Monday, 03 November 2014 WEEK 1 Just a reminder to parents that we have two INSET Days coming up after half term: they are Thursday, 12th November and Friday, 13th November. On these two days, the staff will be involved in our new Staff Conference where we will be focusing on strategies to raise the quality of teaching. Our Keynote Speaker will be Andy Whitaker, author of the book `The Art of Being a brilliant teacher’. This week, I am sharing the results from Question 12 from ParentView: These results indicate that 92% of parents would recommend this school to another parent. This is up by 16% when compared to statistics from 2012. I do feel this is further evidence that parents feel that this school is moving in the right direction. Parents can still add their views as well as look at all the results by visiting: Enjoy half term and I hope you can use the time to spend some time together as a family. “A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” SPORTING FIXTURES 05 Nov Y9 Girls’ Football v Freman College(H)3.15pm 06 Nov Y7 Netball v Sele (A) 10 Nov Y8 Girls’ Football v Sele (H) 11 Nov Y7 Girls’ Football v Turnford( A) Y7 Boys’ 6-a-side @ Turnford 17 Nov Y7 Girls’ Football v St Mary’s (A—tbc)3.30pm 18 Nov Y7 Girls’ 6-a-side @ Turnford 19 Nov Y11 Netball v Cheshunt 24 Nov Y8 Netball v Presdales (A) 25 Nov Y8 Boys’ 6-a-side @ Turnford 27 Nov Y9 Girls’ Football v Turnford (H) t.b.c. For news on sporting fixtures, events, etc., follow Physical Education on Twitter: @sheredesPE For news about Performing Arts, Twitter: @sheredesparts follow us on (George Bernard Shaw) For news and interesting facts, Word of the Day, vocabulary, literacy and much more, follow English on Twitter: @SheredesEnglish Ced de la Croix Headteacher Editor: Sharon Philpott Sheredes School, Hoddesdon, Herts, EN11 8JY. Tel: 01992 410 800 Fax: 01992 410 801 email: @sheredes NEWS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY Governors—Back to School Macey Chapman Rocco Robles Archie Woodford-Smith Louis Baxter Millie Bazzoni Harry Bentley Ryan Boxell Leon Christodoulou Luke Cross Daisy Dyson Ryan Edwards Ewen Gallie Tom Hayden Godwin Okomayin Michael Resmiu Jake Robertson Soni Rolfe Ayden Shevlin Rhys Vale Lewis Weston Callum Wright Rebecca Donnarumma Cody Cassar George Gumble Abbie Kermode Lily Kersey Freddie Norman Sophie Osborne Phoebe Penn Cody Reeves Lissia Walshe Chloe Watson Tom Culley James Durkin Rachel Evans Alex Jackson Louise Latchford Emily Price Trinity Stilwell Jessica Tabib Leona Wright Ellis Aylott Melissa Berry Hannah Clohosy Jasmine Davis Emma Lowdell Danielle Ogilvie Roshni Patel Ben Scott Eleanor Smart Leah Wheatley Faye Wood Year 7 Year 7 Year 7 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 10 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Year 11 Leadership Physical Education Leadership Physical Education Leadership Leadership Physical Education Leadership Leadership, Literacy & P.E. Leadership Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Leadership & P.E. Leadership Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Food Technology Pastoral Leadership Food Technology & History Pastoral Pastoral Leadership Pastoral Pastoral Food Technology Leadership Leadership Mathematics Mathematics Leadership Mathematics Mathematics Physical Education Mathematics Leadership Mathematics Leadership Food Technology History Food Technology Mathematics Leadership Mathematics Food Technology Leadership Mathematics PARENTS’ FEEDBACK WELCOMED Governors took a day off work to once again experience school life. It gave us an opportunity to join in assemblies, tutor time, lessons in our Governor Link departments and to enjoy a school dinner. We also had our own session understand the changing teaching methods to improve standards, which included fact finding workshops. This proved to be very beneficial in enhancing governors' knowledge, as well as a good opportunity to chat with staff and students. We all agreed 'Governor Day' should become an annual school event. Angela Page Chair Sheredes Governing Body NEWS FROM SIXTH FORM YEAR 11 STUDENTS AND PARENTS The Into Sixth Form Evening is fast approaching! Thursday, 20 November at 6.30 pm This is an opportunity to discuss the options beyond the end of Year 11. You will be able to talk to the subject teachers and find out about all the options open to you. Make a note in your diary— this is too important to miss! Mark Hansard Director of Learning—Sixth Form POPPY AMBASSADORS This year’s Poppy Ambassadors are Year 8 students: Please do remember to provide feedback on Sheredes via the Ofsted website. The site can be accessed by going to: I would like as many parents as possible to engage with this site and leave feedback. As a school, we can then use this feedback to build on the strengths, and identify the areas for improvement, so we can continue to improve the School and the experience the students get here at Sheredes. Ced de la Croix Headteacher Maria Angelova Louise Jarman Lucrezia Sanzeri Sanchia Hagland Smith Kaitlyn Perkins Daniela Toro-Encalada They will be selling poppies on behalf of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, during break and lunch times in the first week back after half term. We hope to raise even more funds this year, so please don’t forget to buy a poppy. Mark Stuttle Head of RE/PSHE 2 COLDER WEATHER COMING NEWS FROM PERFORMING ARTS As the weather is starting to turn colder, please ensure that your son/ daughter comes to school in sensible footwear. All students must wear their blazers at all times, but if an extra coat is worn it must be removed once inside the school building. Hoodies should not be worn. Please follow the link below for a reminder of the Sheredes uniform requirements: Sandra Stabler Integration and Inclusion Officer @sheredesparts Music Fantastic turnout once again for the Tuesday Lunchtime concert. Don’t forget to sign up on the sheet. We have rehearsals every Thursday lunchtime for the Christmas Concert. If you want a solo, to be in a small ensemble or a member of the choir, you MUST be there every Thursday. Bring a packed lunch or see Miss Lewis for a lunch pass. Drama NEWS FROM LEARNING SUPPORT ‘Twilight Time’ For help and support with your work, whether coursework or homework, come along to: ‘Twilight Time’ 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday In the Learning Support Centre The Centre is staffed and supervised at the above times for students in all years to attend and get help with the independent learning tasks that are set in lessons. We are available whenever you feel you need that extra time and/or support to get your work completed. Access to computers and ‘Show My Homework’ is also available during these sessions. As you can see from the photograph above, our fantastic Backstage Crew are very willing and eager to get started on painting the set for the Pantomime. Just one small detail—they need LOTS of paint! If any parent can donate some white emulsion paint we would be very grateful, and all donations will earn one free ticket to the show. Anyone wishing to donate paint should bring it in a sealed carrier bag to Student Reception. Please mark the bag clearly with your name so that we can give you that free ticket! We must stress that we can only use WHITE EMULSION paint. No gloss, acrylic or oil-based paints please—and no colours! Thank you, in advance, for your support. Linda Rowan Director—Performing Arts Faculty Pantomime rehearsals on Thursdays after school! MUSIC Tuesday Lunchtime Concerts—sign up now or come and support. DRAMA Money for ’Othello’ needs to be in please Friday Lunchtime ‘Any Year Drama Club’ DANCE We look forward to seeing you there! Dance Festival Auditions coming soon, so keep a lookout! 3 ANNUAL SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS NEWS FROM STUDENT RECEPTION The deadline for ordering annual school photographs, via School, was Wednesday, 22 October. Students may purchase items of essential equipment from Student Reception, as detailed below. If you would still like to place an order you may do so online by visiting: Item Pencils 0.20 The process is as follows: Pens 0.20 Maths Sets 3.00 Book Covers (set) 5.00 Cost - £ • From the Home Page select ‘Order Online’ (at the top of the page). • Click on the Portrait Proof Card which will then take you to the Portrait Packs page, showing all the available options (A to I). Student Planners 5.00 • Make your choice(s) by clicking on the appropriate ‘Add to Basket’ button(s), and once you have completed your choices Checkout by clicking the Basket in the top right hand corner of the page. Calculators 7.00 Performing Arts polo shirts 10.00 You will then be taken through the registration and payment steps. Lockers ( £7.50each + £5 deposit refundable on return of key) 12.50 • Sketch Books As mentioned in our recent letter, the photographers have offered an additional package to Sheredes School parents: Option ‘I’, which is a single 5” x 7” portrait at a cost of £9.50. various prices Students should bring the correct amount, if possible, to Student Reception daily from 8.15-8.40 am, or at break or lunchtimes If you would prefer, you may still send in envelopes and we will pass these on to the photographers. Sheryl Brackenbury Student Reception NEWS FROM YEAR 7 On Tuesday we held our Year 7 Parents’ Forum, and I would like to thank all those who attended. It was great to see so many parents/carers there, and to hear your views, suggestions and ideas. Thank you also for your very positive feedback, and for the ways in which you think we can further improve the Sheredes experience for our students. 7C Form Tutor, Miss Boittier, speaking with Year 7 parents Anti-Bullying Day History Trip to Tower of London KS3 Parents’ Assessment Information Evening 7E Form Tutor, Mr Stuttle, speaking with Year 7 parents 6 November 7 November 11 November Progress Review 1 issued 17 November E-Safety Evening 25 November Scholastic Book Fair (3 days) commencing: 27 November Academic Review Day 28 November School Pantomime 3/4 December Christmas Fair Christmas Concert 6 December 16 December Richard Hammond Director of Learning—Year 7 4 NEWS FROM PHYSICAL EDUCATION Rugby: Netball: In the middle of a hurricane, the Year 8 Boys’ Rugby match against Dame Alice Owen’s School had to be abandoned after just 20 minutes! On Wednesday, 23 October our Year 9 and 10 girls played at home against Sele School. They started the game brilliantly and didn’t give up throughout the whole match; defending some great players and scoring some excellent goals. Visibility in the hailstorm was so poor that the referee could not see play, and with the posts being buffeted by the 5060mph gales, and bending dangerously, everyone was glad to hear the whistle blow. Our boys showed great strength of character and remarkable determination in the conditions, against a very good team. The score was 5-0, with Godwin Okomayin almost scoring a try. Our victorious Year 9 and 10 Girls With a few changes over the quarters we kept all of our players fresh to be able to continue the great effort. This is the first netball game of the year played by a mixed team of Year 9 and 10 girls, who al played incredibly well. In a very close match, Sheredes won 17-15. The team: Thank you to all our supporters, as well as the help given by Year 11 students, Leah Wheatley and Melissa Berry, who lead the training and umpired for us. Louis Baxter Ryan Boxell Luke Cross The team : Ryan Edwards Ewen Gallie Rebecca Donnarumma Tom Hayden Lara Edwards Godwin Okomayin Sophie Harvey Michael Resmiu Abbie Kermode Jake Robertson Lizzie Malessy Ayden Shevlin Eden Montague Rhys Vale Victoria Ogah Lewis Weston Sophie Osborne Callum Wright Maddison Peachey Olivia Smith Trinity Stilwell Jordan Stracey The boys conducted themselves in an exemplary manner, and I was very impressed with all of them. They have each earned a Headteacher’s Commendation for their resilience. Chloe Watson Players’ Player of the Match : Trinity Stilwell Richard Hammond Teacher of Physical Education Director of Learning—Year 7 Sophie Melhuish Head of Girls’ Physical Education 5 NEWS FROM SHEREDES SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Now the fun begins! As you can see, it’s only 100 days to Christmas. Why not make Sheredes part of your festivities and get into the Christmas spirit now! Cheap Bar—Bring your own nibbles! We are preparing for the Christmas Fair to be held at the school on 6 December. To reserve your ticket call Mick on 07785 242 694 To make it the huge success that we would all like, we NEED HELP! Remember they sell out REALLY quickly!! We need helpers from across all age groups— students, parents, grandparents. You can run a stall if you would like, or just be a very willing pair of hands. Each week we will be asking you to dig deep and send in items for the Christmas Fair. This week’s ‘Want’ is Raffle Prize Donations. As you can see from our Christmas Barometer, there’s nothing in the kitty! If you have a business, why not donate something and we will print your company’s name in the Christmas Fair programme. 0 THE OVERTURES—22 NOVEMBER 2014 8 till late Tickets £15.00 each* If you would like to ensure that you get onto Santa’s Special Gifts list, please contact Sue on: *Age restriction: Over 18 years unless with a party of adults If anyone would like to help out at the Overtures Evening, please call Sue on 07909 904 422. We still require Raffle Prizes for that evening, so all donations will be gratefully received! Finally, we would like to thank all those parents, staff and students who have helped out at school events since the start of the academic year. Without your help, we could not support the school in this way. We are always keen to hear from people who would like to join our happy band, so if you can spare an hour or two, we would love to hear from you. Please call Sue on 07909 904 422, or email: 07909 904 422 Sue Ball-Greenwood Chair, Sheredes School Association A VERY GOOD READ We were all very excited to see the first edition of the book ‘Alien Ants’, about the adventures of twin Ant-brothers Anthemius and Anthony, who live on another planet and need to find a new home. The back cover of the book informs us: “One is red and one is black, but they have six legs, antlers and both a strong back”. The book was written by Lee Warwick, father of sixth form student Grace Warwick, who illustrated the book. Copies of the book are being donated to the school library, and to other schools in the area. The book is available from and Lee and Grace are donating all proceeds from the book sales to the BBC Children in Need Appeal. If you would like to make a donation, please visit: 6 SUPPORT STAFF VACANCY We are seeking to appoint a part time evening Caretaker for hirings cover, cleaning and light caretaking duties. Part-time Evening Caretaker 25 hours per week, Term Time Only Grade H2 To start: ASAP We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and the successful candidate will be required to undergo an enhanced DBS check. Sheredes is committed to the professional development of all staff, including appropriate induction and training. For further details please complete an application form—a copy can be downloaded from our website. Please email your completed application form to: (or telephone 01992 410 800 during school hours) Closing date for applications: Wednesday, 05 November 2014 Interviews: Friday, 07 November 2014 7
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