Document 374461

“To Know Christ and To Make Him Known”
Meetings and Events
We extend a kind welcome to all who are present. May your attendance at this
worship service be a wonderful blessing. Please take this Communicator with
you; inside you will find many opportunities available to you at Lazy Mountain
Bible Church.
Lead Pastor
Administrative Pastor
Adult Ministries Pastor,
Phone/Text: 315-3803
Music & Arts Director
Inserted in this Communicator you will find a “Friendship Card.” First time
visitors may take the completed card to the Mountainside Room and exchange
it for a complimentary espresso drink. This card can also be used to share comments, requests, prayer needs or praises. Please slip the card into the offering
bag, give it to an usher or to an attendant at the Welcome Center. Also, we invite all visitors to stop at the Welcome Center to pick up a Welcome Packet.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
9:15 a.m.: Worship Service. Nursery and Sunday School for ages 0
through Adults
11:00 a.m.: Worship Service. Nursery and Sunday School for ages 0-5
and Children’s Worship for ages 6-10
Youth Pastor
Assistant Youth Director
If you’re new to Lazy Mountain Bible Church
and would like to get to know us better, then
come join us for delicious soup and bread (you
only need to bring yourself)! TODAY following
the 11:00 a.m. service in Room #11. Good food
and fellowship for the WHOLE family!
Worldview on Wednesdays is our Wednesday night
program for children ages 4-10. Nursery is offered
for ages 0-3 and available to parents who are
volunteering for the program or in a LMBC Life
Group. W.O.W. meets on Wednesdays from 6:40 8:15 p.m. There are rotations of crafts, games,
snacks, and a gathering time of music and skits. The
lesson time will be devoted to teaching a Biblical
worldview to our children. Parents must bring the
child in to the church at drop-off and must come in
to the church to pick-up their child.
Protection Policy Class:
To help create as safe of an environment for
our children and youth as possible, we ask
each volunteer who will be working with those
under 18 years of age to fill out a Volunteer
Application and attend our volunteer Teaching
and Protection Policy Class. If you are helping
or wanting to help with the Children and Youth
ChildWatch, Nursery, Sunday
School Classrooms, Youth Group activities or
The YAK this fall; and you have not completed
this class, please plan to attend this Protection
Policy Class. The Protection Policy class will
be held on Sunday, November 2nd, 7:00 - 8:00
p.m. in Room #11. Please address all questions
to Laurie Buist (
We are grateful to have new workers in the
nursery! Now, we have a need for an adult
helper, who has already completed the
protection policy, in the 2 years old classroom!
Please contact Kristy Peter, 745-3870, Shelly
Titus or Sierra Dorman if you are interested.
Early Childhood/
Childcare Coordinator
Administrative Assistant
Worldview On Wednesdays! (W.O.W.)
MOPS Volunteer:
Director of Christian
Education and Children’s
Women’s Heart Care
Ministry Director
Souper Sunday:
Volunteer Needed
Administrative Youth
Children’s Ministry
(Ages as of 8/15/14)
Sunday’s Schedule:
Pastor David Dahms
“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and
blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons
through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.”
Ephesians 1:4-5 (ESV)
Children’s Ministry Continued
There will be Sunday School classes during the
9:15 a.m. service for children 0-10 years old.
At the 11:00 a.m. hour, there will be Sunday
School classes for children 0-5 years old and
Children’s Worship for ages 6-10.
Parents of children ages 10 and under:
Throughout the month of October the children's
ministry department has been phasing in a new
electronic child check-in system for all children
ages birth through age 10. The department
received the registrations of over 170 children
this fall. All families who have filled out a paper
registration/medical release form should now be
in LMBC's database. Please visit the child checkin area in Room #11 before each service to check
your children into their classes and print out
their name labels. This system is an upgrade
from the safety-pin tag method we currently use,
and will also list children's allergies and parents'
cell phone number on the name label in case they
must be reached quickly. This database is not
stored online or in a cloud. Thank you for your
patience as everyone learns this new technology.
For specific details, you can reach Laurie at 3546677 or
Any Wednesday W.O.W. teachers or Sunday
morning teachers who would like an overview
and demonstration of how the new electronic
child check-in/attendance works may meet for
an information session with Laurie on
Wednesday night, October 29th, from 8:30 - 9:00
p.m. or Sunday, November 2nd, 12:45 - 1:15 p.m.
Each session will be "come and go as you please"
in Room #11.
The target date for paper
attendance to end in all classes is November 9th.
Youth Ministries
Adult Ministries Continued
Junior High Youth
Women’s Ministry:
Junior High Youth meets on Wednesdays at
Swanson Elementary School (507 N Gulkana St.,
Palmer) from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
GriefShare is a special seminar and support
group for adults grieving the loss of someone
close. Each session features a biblical teaching on
grief and recovery topics.
Potters Group Level II:
(Ages 11-13 as of 8/15/14):
A Junior High Youth Lock-In is planned for
November 21st-22nd, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 a.m. at the
Senior High Youth
(Ages 14-19 as of 8/15/14):
Senior High Youth 5:55 a.m. Breakfast and
Bible Study meets on Thursdays. They will be
meeting at The YAK (105 S Valley Way, Palmer)
from 5:55-7:30 a.m.
There is a Hayride planned for the Senior High
Youth for Tuesday, October 28th, 5:00-9:00 p.m..
There will be transportation provided from the
church. Permissions slips are required.
There will be no Senior High Youth meetings at
the church on Tuesday, November 4th.
leaders will be picking a location for their
groups to meet for that evening.
A Senior High Youth Lock-In is planned for
November 14th-15th, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 a.m. at the
Adult Ministries
Adult Sunday School:
Adult Sunday School meets at 9:15 a.m. in
Room #11. Pastor James Embree will be
teaching a class on Defending Our Faith in the
Financial Peace University:
Dave Ramsey’s program is a biblically based
curriculum that teaches people how to handle
money God’s ways. We all need a plan for our
money. Dave's class will show you how to get rid
of debt, manage your money, spend and save
wisely, and much more. $100 materials fee. This
group meets on Wednesdays at the church in
Outbuilding #3 from 6:45-8:15 p.m. To register
contact Jami Peters at
A special GriefShare session called Surviving the
Holidays will meet on Tuesday, November 11th at
7:00 p.m. in outbuilding #3. This meeting would
be a good one to invite neighbors and friends to,
and attend with them so you can have an idea
how to encourage and understand what the
Holidays might be like for them.
The GriefShare support group will begin on
Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m. GriefShare
meetings will be held in Outbuilding #3. You are
welcome to attend any week/weeks you can.
Attendance at previous weeks is NOT a
requirement. Fliers are available at the Welcome
Potters Group Level II is for women who have
completed Level I and desire to continue their
healing journey. A new group will begin on
November 10th. Contact Debbie Kenny (907-2322465) or Linda Moyer ( or 7452611) to register for a spot.
Moms with Young Kids meets on Thursdays. Join
them any time between 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at
the church. Questions? Contact Carmen DeVilbiss,
Men’s Ministry:
The Men’s Prayer Meeting is held at the church
on Mondays at 7:00 a.m. You are invited!
The Men’s Fellowship meets on Thursdays at
6:00 a.m. at the Noisy Goose Café. Please join us!
Beast Feast:
The Beast Feast is November 7th. Men, this is our
night to celebrate the hunting/fishing manliness
of life in Alaska. Bring your fish or game (or
bacon, we like bacon too) or your side dish to
share, and enjoy a fun evening here at
LMBC. We'll have a beard contest, door prizes,
animal id contest, and a great Alaskan speaker,
Kenny Hughes. Invite your friends!
Spotlight on Short-Term
Tonight, Sunday, October 26th:
Blaine and Becky Anders visit
Guatemala each spring to do
God’s work; come hear about
their experience. Please arrive
at 7:00 p.m. and bring a snack to share. Children welcome.
Christmas in October:
MOPS will meet on Tuesday, October 28th at 10:00
a.m. For more information call Sierra Dorman, 3545408.
The LMBC Missions Committee is collecting monetary
gifts for our 28 supported missionaries. Help us encourage them with a Christmas gift. Find envelopes
labeled “Christmas in October” in the lobby. Place
your monetary gift in the envelope, then place the
envelope in the offering.
Women’s Sunday School Class:
Missions Madness:
There is a Sunday School Class for women which
focuses on prayer and scripture memorization. It is
held at 9:15 a.m. In the church office. Questions?
Speak to Ella Embree or Julie Miller.
Missing Link (College Age, 18-25’s):
The Missing Link Life Group will meet tonight at
6:30 p.m. at the home of Ben and Sommer
Nielson. They will meet for dinner and then
discuss “The Purpose Driven Life.” For more
information call Sommer at 907-748-4163.
Missions New
Adult Ministries Continued
Music & Arts
Children’s Choir:
Calling all singers ages 6-10! Children's Choir will
meet on Wednesdays, 6:00-6:30 p.m. Question?
Speak to Laurie Buist ( or Ken
Teen Choir:
Individuals 13 to 19 years old of any singing ability
are welcome to sing in the teen choir. Practice is
held on Sundays, 4:00-5:30 p.m., at the church.
Practice will be in the sanctuary during adult choir
Adult Choir:
Adult Choir will rehearse on Sunday afternoons at
4:00 p.m. at the church. They are preparing for a
Christmas program.
Mailing Address: 16005 E Shawn Dr., Palmer, AK 99645
Office: 745-2611 Fax: 745-1952
The next meeting of “Missions Madness” Life Group is
Wednesday, October 29th at 6:45 p.m. in Room #10.
It’s Shoebox Time!:
Samaritan’s Purse is once again collecting shoe box
gifts for Operation Christmas Child. The deadline to
bring in your box is November 16th. Contact Susan
Franznick with questions (745-3577).
Heart Reach Banquet Update:
Thanks to all who attended the HeartReach Banquet.
The preliminary total exceeded our goal of $150,000.
Praise the Lord!! There are DVDs available for a suggested donation of $5.00 at the Welcome Center.
Josh McDowell was the speaker.
Music in This Week’s Service*
Hosanna (Praise is Rising)
Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing)
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
You Never Let Go
When The Stars Burn Down (Blessing & Honor)
*Subject to change
Office Email:
LMBC Prayer Chain:
Elders: Pastor David Dahms, Pastor Dave Kenny, Al Strawn, Doug Prins(C), Gary Feaster, Glenn Moyer, Russ Arnold
Deacons: Kurt Amberger, Greg Beach, Phil Cobb, Leo Kuch(C), Ron Sullivan, Jalan VanNice
Men’s Ministry Leader: Doug Prins, 841-0112