VOL 42 No. 32 | 23 October 2014
Red Thunder Drumline perform at the GC600
SuperCar SuperFest Drivers Parade last Sunday.
Pictured: Henry Wenck Yr 8 (back row), Charlie
Newman Yr 8, Mark Wolhuter Yr 11 (2nd row),
Ned Jessop Yr 8, Matt Natoli Yr 10, Matthew
McDonald Yr 10
0 A time of transition.
Term 4 is always a time of transition
with celebrations and inductions, the
finalisation of subject choices and much
planning for the New Year. Over the
last two days I have attended the Year
11 Leadership Retreat at Runaway Bay
where I had the privilege to spend time
with the young men who will be the Senior
Class of 2015 – and what an outstanding
group of young men they are.
The quality of their thinking, their
commitment and support of one another
and their agreed values presents a
wonderful template for the new academic
year. It was also an honour to have two
Old Boys, Mr David Conry (founder of
Go The Stairs
Youngcare) and Mr Paul Higgins (Chair
of the Terrace Timor Network) be part of
the Retreat programs. Particular thanks
to Mr Damien Fall, Mr Chris Ryan,
Mr Paul Antenucci, Mrs Jo Tarlington
and our team of House Deans who so
generously facilitated and assisted in
this invaluable program.
At Assembly this week we used the
story about the ‘Hillary Step’. It is not
uncommon in the process of life to be
close to realising a goal only to find a last
minute obstacle. It happens frequently
and these obstacles often serve as a
Continued on page 2.
– Fax:
– Fax:
Staff and students alike have
embraced the challenges of ‘Go
The Stairs’ Week.
The week, an initiative of
Queensland Health, encourages
people to use stairs rather than
lifts and elevators.
“I have my broken foot in a
‘boot’,” said Year 9 Student
Paddy O’Macnamara, “but the
challenge gave me the chance
to hop up and down the stairs.
It is grouse”.
United as they step, the
men, women and boys of
Gregory Terrace are feeling
brighter, lighter and smarter
for embracing ‘Go The Stairs’
0 A time of transition. (cont’d)
These last minute trials, glitches and
frustrations that threaten to turn triumph
into failure can be called the Hillary Step. If
the Hillary Step is conquered, then success
awaits. All will have a Hillary Step to
overcome in the realisation of their dreams.
When Edmund Hillary launched his bid to
summit Mt Everest from Camp IX on 29
May 1953 at 27,900 feet he was operating
in what is known as the ‘Death Zone’. In
this zone the body is taking only 30 per
cent of the oxygen enjoyed at sea level; the
heart pounds even at rest; hallucinations
are common and pulmonary oedema is
very real.
To Hillary’s dismay when the summit was
only just a few hundred feet above him he
was confronted with a 40-foot vertical wall
of rock. It seemed impossible to climb and
a great temptation was to turn back. This
rock face is now known as the Hillary Step
and represents the last significant obstacle
in climbing Mt Everest. The rest of the story
is known – Hillary did not let the rock face
defeat him and he reached the peak of the
world’s highest mountain at 11:30am that
We all have our own mountain to climb.
It can be overcoming a health or learning
challenge; it can be trying to reach a career,
academic or relationship goal. Whatever
the mountain there is a strong likelihood
that there will be a Hillary Step, a frustrating
last minute hitch that challenges the
success of our goal. It is in these times that
a clear understanding of persistence and
courage is needed. This story is helpful as
we approach the half-way point of the term.
Let’s face it with a commitment to live in the
present with clear determination, courage
and persistence, knowing the support we
can extend to each other. This is particularly
important for our Senior students.
I am pleased to announce, as a result of
consultation together with staff and students,
the following leadership appointments for
College Captain:
• Patrick Carrigan
College Vice Captains:
• Marcel Mercier
• Hugh McMahon
• Reuben Wall
We wish these young men well as they lead
the student community in 2015 and look
forward to the contribution they will make to
the College in its 140th year.
This Saturday is the annual GPS Gymnastics
competition at The Southport School. We
wish the Gymnastics Captain, Alec Gibbons
and Vice Captain Oliver Labone, and the
team our best wishes for this competition.
Our gymnasts have trained long and hard
all year for this event.
On Saturday evening the Terrace Timor
Network will host the Timor Village
Festa when the Campbell Centre will be
transformed into an East Timor Village
with live music, food, drinks and dancing.
All funds raised directly support TTN’s
programs in East Timor. Tickets can be
booked through the College Website events
This year we will be holding the
Celebration of Excellence evening in
the Concert Hall at QPAC due to theG20
Summit and therefore the unavailability
of our usual venue, the Convention
QPAC stipulates that this must be a ticketed
event and therefore everyone intending
to attend the evening will need to book a
ticket as normal practice for performances
at QPAC. Tickets for this event will be
free. A special link for booking the tickets
will be e-mailed to the parents of prize
recipients and musicians on Monday 27
October. The link will then be sent to the
remaining Terrace parent body on Monday
3 November. Due to the seating capacity,
there will be a family limit of two (2) tickets
per family. Prize recipients will be given
their ticket at school as these young men
will be sitting in a different area.
The link will provide options for accessing
tickets either by printing them at home or
collecting them at the Box Office on the
Please note that the QPAC staff will not
admit anyone into the theatre if they do not
have a ticket.
With best wishes.
Peter Chapman
The Terrace Family
The Terrace Family is asked to pray for the repose of the souls of:
Mr Cecil William (Bill) PINCUS (GT 1944-52)
Mr John Patrick STONE (GT 1936-37)
The Terrace Family is asked to continue to pray for the welfare of, Mr Simon Davidson (GT 1987), Mr Robert Maitland
(GT2000); Mr Barry Bobart, Director of Music and father of Ryan (GT 2011) and Linford Hulin-Bobart (11U); Mr Brian Cahill,
grandfather of Darcy (12M) and Lachlan (9M) Rhodes, Nicholas Vilgan (10R), stepfather of Mark Vilgan (GT 1977)
Remembrance Mass
Tuesday 4 November
7.55am - College Chapel
To remember those of our Terrace Family who have died.
0 College Dean, Mr Chris Mayes
Monday’s pupil free day was set aside for the school website or www.acer.edu.au/ reminder of losing the intensity before the
all schools in Queensland. Primary school scholarship. The scholarships at Terrace game was over. The remainder of students
teachers use this time to participate in are only available to Catholic boys whose start their final exams on 19 November.
professional development and reviewing families would not ordinarily be able to afford
Good luck to our Gymnastics team this
student work and teacher judgments of an educational opportunity at Terrace.
Saturday. They will be competing in the
student work within school groups.
This is usually a difficult time as
GPS Gymnastics Championships at
In the secondary schools many staff
they can be trapped between the
The Southport School. We had a special
members across the state are involved
excitement (or fear) of leaving
Spirit Assembly for the team today and
in verification processes to review the
school and trying to continue to
a red and black day tomorrow. Also
student work and results given for
give their best to their studies.
the College Jazz Night is at the Tivoli
students in every subject within Year 12
in every school across the state. At Terrace, It only seems like yesterday that we started on Friday evening. This is always a great
many of our staff members are involved the term. I noted this morning that our Year evening and wonderful opportunity for our
in these panels. Our lower middle school 12 students have only 13 more days of musicians to play at a professional venue
and Waterford staff members were also school before they start their final exams with professional performers.
involved in some professional development (Thursday 12 November). This is usually
in religious education with the staff from a difficult time as they can be trapped The Terrace Timor Network (TTN) will also
Mt Maria College. Other teaching staff between the excitement (or fear) of leaving host their annual dinner this Saturday night.
members at the College were involved in school and trying to continue to give their It is an occasion for them to raise much
the planning of units, Australian curriculum best to their studies. It would be regrettable needed funds for the facilities and services
and the reporting process at Terrace. for some if they “dropped their guards” for the villagers in Timor Leste. Tickets are
over these final days and were not as still available or donations gladly accepted
Overall, it was a very fruitful day.
prepared for their exams as they could be. to assist the group.
The ACER Scholarship (2016) Tests When competing against the other senior
applications are now open. The applications students within the state, there is little room
close on Monday 9 February 2015 and to slow down or drop the intensity. For those
the test date is on Saturday 28 February that like sporting analogies, the Bledisloe
2015. Application forms can be found on Cup tie on Saturday evening was a tragic
0 Dean of Students, Mr Damien Fall
As I write this, I sit at our 2015 Seniors’ Next week, I will write to the parents of Year Students have the opportunity to go along
leadership camp, where we have been 9 families about a unique opportunity that and support. We will arrange transport
focusing on key messages around what will be offered to Year 9 fathers and sons to for any spectators wishing to attend. Next
it means to be a leader. There has been commemorate the centenary of ANZAC day. week, the Track and Field Championships
will be held for Years 5 to 7 on
particular emphasis on our
calling to be true to the Edmund We have challenged the Year 11 students Thursday 30th October and
Rice touchstones, by leading to make the world a better place every Friday 31st for Years 8 to 12. On
day, even if it is through the most minor Thursday, all students from Years
through action in order to make
of actions.
5 to 7 will attend as spectators,
a difference in the world, at
Terrace, within the Houses and within Tutor This initiative, known as Camp Gallipoli, will while on Friday, students from Years 9 and
Groups. We have challenged the Year involve a ceremony and a swag campout 11 will be our supporters. I am writing home
11 students to make the world a better at the RNA showgrounds on the evening with details and I expect that our supporters
place every day, even if it is through the before ANZAC day 2015, leading in to a will represent the College in an appropriate
most minor of actions. Our community is dawn service. The aim is to simulate the fashion through the way they present
built around right relationships and every atmosphere of ANZAC cove. We have a themselves and behave.
interaction represents an opportunity to limited number of tickets assigned and I
grow these relationships and enhance the will be inviting fathers and sons to take Once again, I ask that parents support us
with the uniform by ensuring your son has a
unique atmosphere of care that grows from advantage of this opportunity.
hat that is in respectable condition and that
our pastoral system. Our Year 11 students
have been outstanding in the way they This Saturday, the GPS Gymnastics it is worn each morning as he leaves home.
Championships will be held at Southport.
have engaged during the camp.
St Joseph's College Gregory Terrace
requests that you
for the
GT 1 4 0
Gala Ball
to be held on
Sa t u rday 23rd May 201 5
Royal International Convention Centre
Brisbane Show Grounds
The GT 140 Gala Ball is t he celebrat ion of 140 years of the college' s involvement in t he educat ion of boys
in the t radition of Edmund Ric e. This anniv ersary celebrat ion is a major social and hist orical event for the
Terrace communit y as it is held only once ev ery five years. T he GT 140 ball is a black tie event t o be held
at t he Royal National Convent ion Centre Brisbane S howgrounds on May 23rd 2015. T he Terrace Ladies
G roup and the ball committee would lik e t o invit e members of t he ext ended Terrace communit y to support
this wonderf ul social event t hrough both their at t endanc e on t he night and also where possible t hrough
donations of prizes and sponsors hip. The f ollowing sponsorship opport unit ies are available.
Donation of priz es or d i rect sp o n sorsh i p o f $10000
Acknowledgement as the major s ponsor and in t he f ollowing: in publicit y leading up to the ball, the
Terracian magazine, the event inv it at ion and event book let , t he audiovisual display on t he evening.
Donation of p ri zes o r sp o n so rsh i p from $5000
Acknowledgement in the following: in publicit y leading up t o the ball, the Terracian magazine, inf ormat ion
accompany ing the event inv itation, the event booklet , t he audiov is ual display on t he evening.
Donation of priz es o r d i rect sp o n so rsh i p fro m $2000
A cknowledgement in the following: in public ity leading up to the ball, t he Terracian magazine, the event
booklet, the audiov isual dis play on t he evening.
Donation Of P ri zes F ro m $1000
A cknowledgement in t he following: public ity leading up t o t he ball, the event booklet and t he audiov isual
display on t he evening.
All other donations : ac knowledgement in the event book let and t he audiovisual display on t he evening.
F or further information regarding sponsors hip please cont act
Susi e Parker on 0411474446 o r at sp ar0742@b i g p o n d . n et.au
0 Dean of Studies, Mrs Julie Quinn
a Senior student visited my office, not
only to enquire about his own academic
achievements, but also to enquire how
he could assist a fellow Senior student to
achieve his final goals. He subsequently
proceeded to find his friend in the yard and
to return with him to my office to collaborate
An education at Terrace and beyond is underperformance leading into exams is on strategies to allow his friend to be able
indeed a journey. The journey requires anxiety and stress. In the years in my role to achieve his best. How blessed we are
enhancing and acquiring new skills and I have found the greatest cause of stress at Terrace to have such fine young men
and role models within our own
Teaching at Terrace is a great privilege
where two days are never the same and
extrapolating this learning to
the gifts and strengths of our young
Finally, there was great excitement
contribute to a better world. Each
men continue to amaze and humble you.
last Friday when the names of the
student will master this process
in his own time and with his own methods. for students is lack of preparation. With academic prize-winners were published. It
The crucial part of this learning process is this term being comparatively shorter than was most heartening to witness the smiles
that each student takes time to reflect on other terms, constructing and following a on so many faces as boys read their names
the aspects that enhance and detract from study plan will be essential to lead into a on the lists. This year we celebrate over
320 academic awards - a great testimony
calm and productive assessment time.
his learning.
to staff, students and families. My special
Some years ago an exiting Year 12 student Teaching at Terrace is a great privilege congratulations go to Declan Sela, the
gifted his reflection book to me. It was his where two days are never the same and College Dux for 2014 and to Robert
personal record from Year 8 to Year 12. the gifts and strengths of our young men Fanning, the Proxime Accessit for 2014.
He noted all the techniques and strategies continue to amaze and humble you. One
that had produced his best outcomes and such experience occurred last week when
Over the past two weeks we have shared
the academic outcomes from Term 3 at
our individual year level assemblies. It was
most pleasing to announce the students
who had made significant improvements in
their results from Term 2 to Term 3.
the actions that had distracted him from
producing his best. By his final year of
schooling, he had fine tuned techniques
that regularly produced the best outcomes
for him.
Terrace boys at the Book Swap raising funds
for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation.
Reidy House students donated a preloved
book and $5 towards the Book Swap.
0 Middle School, Ms Susan Hinton & Mr Michael Stewart
It has been a busy week across all the World. Parents need to register their son to see that more boys are recipients of
Middle School years. Next week is also for one of the theme parks by Friday 7 academic awards and that a large number
of students have also significantly improved
very hectic with Year 5 undertaking a music November.
since Term 2. Strategies to employ
excursion on Wednesday, Year 7
have their retreat at Tennyson on Strategies to employ in the classroom in the classroom and at home were
and at home were discussed and we
discussed and we look forward to
Wednesday whilst on Thursday
look forward to seeing more boys
seeing more boys achieve their
the Years 5-7 GPS Track and
achieve their potential this term.
potential this term.
Field Carnival will take place with
boys attending as spectators from 11am Parents will shortly receive an invitation to
til 3pm. We wish our Track and Field Team our end of year masses in Years 5-7. We It is already week four next week and half
all the best in the GPS Championship. look forward to giving thanks for a safe and way through the term, so it is approaching
Their coaches have worked hard with the happy year at school, and closing the year that time when your son needs to ensure that
he has everything ready for assignments
students and look forward to personal best with as many parents as possible.
and the run up to exams in the coming
performances on the day.
This week the Year 8 and 9 students weeks. Being well organised is especially
Last week information was placed on the attended year level assemblies where important for the Year 9 boys on camp over
Parent Lounge regarding the annual Years updates were given to both cohorts about the coming weeks.
5-7 trip to Dreamworld and White Water their academic progress. It’s pleasing
0 Exceptional Learners, Ms Karin Coleshill
Australian Future
We have some exciting news from our
FPS trip to St Leonard’s in Melbourne on
the weekend. We placed first in the Global
Issues Problem Solving in the Senior
Division by the Year 11 team of Harry
Rogers, Jack Ryan, Justin Wong and
Kieran Cook, they brought the trophy back
home to us, which is a fantastic effort.
Our Year 12 team of Callum Bryson,
Alistair Falconer, William Olsen and
Harrison Pie placed 4th, a wonderful result
in a very competitive field. Terrace also
placed first (Year 12 team) and second
(the same Year 11 team) in the Action Plan
Presentation in the Senior Division.
Drama Honours and Shakefest
The weekend was successful for our
Drama student’s with Lachlan Rhodes
Year 9 winning the set design. He now has
the honour of creating a set to be used in
the Shake and Stir production of Romeo
and Juliet next year. Dougie Hackett also
had success by placing in the top five for
his monologue. He has also been invited
to perform in the Shakespeare production
in 2015. The talent demonstrated by these
young men deserves recognition and
EREA FPS Day of Excellence
This week Terrace hosted seven schools for
an EREA Day of Excellence. Carolyn Waters
presented a beginners FPS workshop for
students in Years 7-8 and their teachers
based on Land Transportation. We had
schools from All Hallows’, Churchie, Mt St
Michael’s, St James, St Laurie’s, and Mt
Alvernia as well as a group of our Year 8
boys. The day ran well with the support of
our fabulous Year 10 leaders who shared
their knowledge in a supportive manner.
Drama students: Jack Kimmins (standing),
Connor Ryan and Joe Pincus playing their
comedic scene from The Winter’s Tale.
0 Dean of Identity, Mr Chris Ryan
Synod on the Family
still flowing from Vatican II and while it isn’t
always comfortable or easy, speaking for
myself, I like to try to understand what is
happening in the wider Catholic family that
I call my Church.
Tinsey, the Executive Director of EREA,
EREA Principals and ERA for Change
student and staff leaders in Sydney and
Melbourne, and prepared for Brisbane’s
day on Friday, I was inspired by the words
of Sam O’Neill who is the College Captain
at our brother school Nudgee this year:
representatives throughout the globe have
been meeting to discuss the doctrine and
dogma of the Catholic Church around
matters associated with family, marriage Detention for Detention
and relationships. We live in extraordinary
times and I have been most interested in ERA for Change and the Detention for “The issue of asylum seekers is so complex,
reading articles from both conservative Detention certainly attracted attention so diverse. It has dominated headlines for
and progressive perspectives around through the media last week, particularly the better part of a decade, with almost all
issues related to themes such as divorce in the southern states. I guess the point of of us destined to form our own opinion on
and annulments and same gender advocacy is to ask questions in constructive the matter. In many respects, it has become
relationships amongst many others. For ways to keep the issues on the agenda a political football that has for so long put
popular opinion before what is
me, the discourse has been
Of course, in a democracy such as that we
very informative, intellectually
enjoy in Australia, young people have a right truly right. So this Friday, no
challenging and spiritually
and responsibility to make their own minds matter which side of the fence
you sit on I urge you to attend
engaging. The transparency
up about a gamut of contentious issues.
because through the act of
of Pope Francis has been
remarkable. Of course, there is a broad of community discussion. The matter of standing in solidarity we are not proclaiming
spectrum of opinion and thought around so asylum is most definitely complex and what we believe to be the best political
many complex issues within our Church. political. Not everyone agrees with the work agenda. We are not part of a debate about
I am sure I am not alone in finding myself of ERA for Change and there is a spectrum what is the best solution for such an issue.
asking questions, grappling with the issues of opinion within our own Church and the We are simply humans, standing hand in
and trying to make well informed decisions wider Christian discourse which is important hand with other humans. With our brothers
about how I engage with and form my own and right. Of course, in a democracy such and sisters who also walk this planet.
children as a lay practicing Catholic. If you as we enjoy in Australia, young people have Showing them that they are not alone in
haven’t been following the media around the a right and responsibility to make their own their path to safety, that they are so much
Synod of the Family, I sincerely encourage minds up about a gamut of contentious more than just an issue, so much more than
a problem. We are not the cause, nor are
you to explore the articles that are available issues.
we the solution. But we are the change that
on mainstream social media, Facebook and
Twitter and various media websites as there On Thursday last week, as I listened to we wish to see in the world.”
is a continuing movement of dialogue that is the various radio interviews with Dr Wayne
Terrace @ the Tivoli
Friday 24 October 6.30 pm
Big Band; TJO; NJC Jazz Band
Featuring the Brisbane Big Band with our own TJO
Register @ College Events
Adults $65 Students $35 inc. 2 course meal
Enquiries to Nat Scalia
Terrace @ the Tivoli
Friday 24 October 6.30 pm
0 Director of Culture, Mr Neil Wharton
This Friday night our annual Jazz Night
will be back at The Tivoli. For those of you
who have been to this venue before, I am
sure you will agree that our performers will
have the perfect environment to impress
us with their skills. My thanks to Mrs
Natalie Scalia and the TPA team who are
facilitating this event. I am happy to report
this event is sold out. As is the case each
year, this is an opportunity for our Jazz
ensembles to perform in a professional
venue. Our boys have been working hard
and appreciate any support they can get
to showcase their skills. As part of being
an Edmund Rice inclusive community, we
also invite our friends from Nudgee Junior
College so their Jazz Ensemble can gain
another performance opportunity. Another
highlight of the evening is the professional
act that plays each year. The inclusion of
the professional act is twofold – firstly it
provides our audience with a professional
jazz experience but also members of our
premier jazz ensemble have the opportunity
to perform with these professional players.
This gives our students the opportunity to
challenge their skill levels and push them to
new heights.
Thank you to the parents who attended
the Gallipoli Information Evening last night.
If you were unable to attend and have
questions, please do not hesitate to contact
me via gallipoli@terrace.qld.edu.au.
The Debating Support committee held their
AGM last week. On behalf of the College,
our Debating staff and students, I would like
to thank Mr Chris Tyquin who is stepping
down as the President after four years.
Our Debating programme has changed
dramatically over the past few years with
the support and commitment from Chris.
Congratulations to the new President for
2015 Mrs Annette Sela. I look forward to
working closely with you all next year.
2015 Debating Team Trials
Dates for the 2015 debating selection trials
Year 10 (current Yr 9 students) Week
3 (Tuesday – Thursday, October 21st–
Year 11 and 12 teams, including Senior
A (all current Yr 10 and 11 students)
Week 4 (Monday - Friday, October
If you intend on coming to trials you must
register with Ms Cashin by the Friday before
your trials begin. If you have any questions
or concerns please see Ms Cashin before
the trials begin. Trials will be conducted on
the main campus, level 5 from 3.15pm.
The trials will include:
1 x short prep debate
1 x prepared debate
1 x general knowledge quiz
1 x case prep or individual interview
Our Drumline continues to receive
accolades and invitations. Last weekend,
our drummers drummed at the Gold Coast
600. As you can see from the photographs,
it was a very colourful day.
Red Thunder Drumline perform at the GC600 SuperCar
SuperFest Drivers Parade last Sunday.
Front Row: Charlie Newman Yr 8, Ned Jessop Yr 8, Matt
Natoli Yr 10, Matthew McDonald Yr 8. 2nd Row: Pat Sharkey
Yr 9, Charles Carter Yr 11, Mark Wolhuter Yr 11 (hidden)
0 Music, Mrs Genevieve Claffey
Last week the Chamber Music Concert was
an exciting evening showing off our very
talented young men. The staff and myself
were very proud of their achievements.
Thank you to the parents and TPA members
who worked on the night providing
sandwiches and drinks.
boys to be in the Choir and Orchestra
as soon as possible. With less seating
available it is imperative we know the
students performing so we can make tickets
available for parents. The event is ticketed
and there is limited seating. Please RSVP
as soon as possible.
The big ticket item in the Music Diary this
week is of course the Terrace Jazz Night.
We are fortunate to be able to hold the event
at the Tivoli. We have a full house and it will
be a great evening. The Terrace Big Band,
Terrace Jazz Orchestra, Nudgee Junior
Jazz Ensemble and the guest performers;
The Brisbane Big Band will be entertaining
us for the evening. Thank you to all staff
and TPA members for the behind scenes
work that goes into this wonderful evening.
The annual Music Camp (held at Brookfield)
invitations are now also open for your
response. Please reply as soon as possible
so camp details can be finalised. This is
always a positive kick-start to our year
and a good way for students to get back
into practicing as well as having some fun
The preparations for Celebration of
Excellence continue and we encourage
parents to accept the invitations for their
We ask that you keep both Mr Barry Bobart
and Mr Brad Esbensen in your prayers.
Barry continues to strive forward in his
quest to recover. Brad has delayed his trip
abroad as his father passed away early last
Coming Events:
5 November - TJO auditions. Sign up
forms are now on the Music Notice
6 November -The Middle School
3 – 7 November - The Celebration of
Excellence rehearsals commencing
(More details to appear on the web
January 2015 - Music Camp invitations
now ready for acceptance on the
Parent Lounge.
Music Camp January 2015 enrolment
now open. Please respond via the
Parent Lounge.
Performing Arts
Thank you to all who have registered for our Jazz Night. The below listed details are important re parking & arrival.
Coming up - On Sunday The Judge movie screening at the Blue Room Cinebar Rosalie. Please contact Nat asap
on nataliescalia@gmail.com.
AGM of the TPA Please join us on Monday 17 November from 6.30 pm in the Callan Staff Room. Most of our
committee positions are filled so please just come along and join in the planning for our 2015 year of Performing
Arts. If you are interested in coming, please contact our Secretary Mrs Helen Hanson.
Thank you - I do wish to extend a big thank you to my committee of hard workers and helpers. What a busy year
we have had! It has been great fun.
Parking & directions for the Tivoli Theatre (52 Costin Street Bowen Hills.)
Jazz Night – Friday 24 October 2014.
Please note that if you are driving, Costin Street is ONE WAY. The Tivoli is on the left hand side approaching Gregory
Terrace and opposite the RNA Showgrounds. There is on street parking available along Costin Street and in the
streets surrounding The Tivoli. This parking is metered weekdays until 7pm only.
There is no entry before 6pm. If you have a boy performing then please arrive by 6.15 pm.
Parents are welcome to enjoy a drink at the bar and then head to their tables by 6.45pm for a 6.55pm welcome by
our Compere.
There will be a raffle – 5 huge gourmet hampers with JB Hifi vouchers; Coles Myer vouchers; wine; chocolates;
goodies; movie tickets etc. and all valued at over $200 each. Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10.
We look forward to seeing you all on Friday night for a fabulous night of Jazz.
Natalie Scalia & The Terrace Performing Arts Association
0 Information Technology, Ms Elice Probst
It’s only week three but already the
accelerator of the learning bus is pushed
to the limit. Assessment deadlines are fast
approaching, the revision hats are on and
heads are down. So let’s talk about how
to assist your son in setting up some good
practices when it comes to using his device
for learning and revision.
Here are some top tips for students to assist
in using their devices to enhance learning
1. Set up a study routine using the inbuilt
calendar and reminder system. Add the due
dates for each assessment item and assign
revision afternoons for each subject so that
you know how much time you have to work
on each set task. Remember we have a
great calendar setup in Student Café as
Record your homework that is set for
each class. Using sticky notes can be great
for this if you intend to work on it within the
next few days, or add an entry to your study
Check the different communication
platforms used by the College regularly.
Moodle, Student Café, Morning Notices and
school emails are all used to communicate
important information to students.
Use your network to seek assistance.
Get a group of friends and form a study
group. The only difference is, you no longer
need to meet up at the library to have a study
session. Why not use Skype, Link or even
social media to have these discussions?
Back up, back up, back up! Make
sure you are saving your work somewhere
other than your device just in case it fails.
Remember there are OneDrive, Google
Docs and Drop Box options.
6. Check your printer works BEFORE the
assignment is due. Don’t leave this until the
day you have three assignments due in.
Organise your study notes. OneNote
can be very effective in managing your study
notes and keeping important information
together for each subject. OneNote is now
available for Apple devices so there is
nothing stopping you!
When these strategies are coupled with the
traditional study methods instilled in Terrace
students, the perfect mix can be achieved
and Term 4 should be less daunting and
more achievable.
social events
Terrace jazz night, - The Tivoli, fortitude valley, 24 October 2014
Terrow Welcome Night - Saturday, October 25 2014
Year 8 Parents EVENING - Iceworks, Paddington, Saturday, October 25
Gymnastics End of Season Dinner - Tennyson Rowing shed, Saturday, November 01 2014
Year 10 Waterford Parents Evening - Merythr Bowls Club, Saturday, November 01 2014
Year Twelve Mothers’ Lunch - Tattersalls club, Friday, November 07 2014
2014 Valedictory Dinner - Royal International Convention Centre, Friday, Nov 21 2014
Year 5 Break-up Bowling Party - AMF bowling, kedron, Friday, November 28 2014
Further information AND REGISTRATION FOR social events VISIT
0 Sport, Mr Damian Wright
This Saturday the College will travel to
TSS for the GPS Championships. The
day’s competition will be divided into three
divisions based on technical ability using
the Gymnastics Queensland guidelines.
Gregory Terrace will be represented in all
three divisions.
The Competition starts with the “march
on” of division 3 at 8.50am – this division
concludes at 10.40am.
Division 2 “march on” is at 11.05am and
concludes at 1.15pm
Division 1 “march on” is at 2.25pm
concluding at 4.30pm with the presentation
to all boys at 4.45pm.
Boys will compete across a number of
apparatus including, pommel horse, rings,
parallel bars, floor, high bar and vault.
I would highly encourage you to attend the
competition as the boy’s athleticism and
skill level are to be admired.
The Year 8A’s had a challenging weekend
competing with a Year 9 age-group.
Dom Hunter, Captain of the Year 8s,
demonstrated natural ability both in attack
and defence. Lewis Parker-Wilkin showed
a lot of promise as an up-and-coming setter
and Oscar Dixon was a stand-out in serve
reception. The team finished 9th overall in
We would also like to wish all our
athletes good luck who are competing at
the Queensland Track and Field State
Championships this weekend.
Track and Field.
Well done to all the boys who attended
last Friday’s Track and Field meet at UQ,
0 Volleyball, Mr David Mandall
The Year 8, 9 and 10 Volleyball teams
competed in the Junior Schools Cup
Volleyball competition over the weekend.
This competition is the precursor for the
National Schools Cup which takes place in
Melbourne later this year.
where performance levels were once
again improved. This Friday the team will
compete at QSAC with a bus leaving the
College at 3.20pm. Age Championship
points are up for grabs again this Friday
night. Good luck to all the boys.
the U14 Division 1 competition.
The Year 9A’s had an outstanding first two
days, winning three out of their four pool
games. However, they failed to capitalise
in their medal matches on Sunday, finishing
4th in same division as the Year 8’s. Leaven
Mathew was dominant in his attack at the
net. Henry Hanson and Nick Lawrence
both proved to be reliable setters, while
Xavier Clarke demonstrated the skills of a
true libero (backcourt specialist).
The Year 10As competed in the U15
honours division against the top teams in
Queensland. The boys played a number
of hard fought matches, including an
exciting five set battle against the Craigslea
Volleyball Academy. Pat Kerin and Declan
Harvey (setters) orchestrated the Terrace
attack with precision allowing Magnus
Murray-Douglass, Campbell Windsor
and Alejandro Hogan-Griffin to shine
at the net. Pat Conway was playing his
‘dig-it at all costs’ style of Volleyball in the
backcourt until a wrist injury, sustained
during one of his many dives, prevented
further participation. The team finished the
weekend and 2014 season ranked 9th in
the state out of the 30+ schools in their age
competition team: Clockwise from Top
left – Emil Cooper, Richard Lindsay,
Dom Hunter, Carter Mauro, Oscar
Dixon, Matt Eadie, Connor Mauro,
Lewis Parker-Wilkin and Josh Buckley.
0 GPS Golf, Mr Dwayne Hoy
GPS Golf Day 2014 - GT Champions!!
Gregory Terrace hosted the GPS golf day
this year, at the beautiful yet challenging
course at Carbrook Golf Club. The Terrace
team consisted of Declan Cawley (2),
Jack Kemp (4), James Avis (3), Jack Mc
Clelland (6) and Tom Sims (6). (handicaps
in brackets). Out of the nine GPS schools,
seven competed for the title this year.
the leading individual gross trophy, with a
great round of 73.
The boys competed strongly and are now
the proud winners of the 2014 GPS Golf
Championship. They won the overall team
gross trophy with a score of 311 shots by 2
shots over TSS. Jack Kemp also took out
Winning the title is a huge achievement
as some of the leading young golfers in
the state competed. The boys conducted
themselves admirably proving themselves
true ‘Terrace Gentlemen.’
0 Captains Corner, Vice Captain - Ted Porter
It’s not often that you can truly call
your school a community, a home or a
brotherhood. However, over my time at
this great college I have understood what it
means to be a part of the band of brothers
extending 139 years back into the history
books. A place where all members, past
and present feel welcome, a place where
no one is left behind; a special place that is
called Terrace. After 139 years of triumph,
celebration and existence how can the year
2014 be remembered?
At the commencement of my privileged
role as Vice Captain of the school I did
not know what the position would entail or
how much it would impact my life. I have
been humbled and proud to represent my
brothers throughout the year. And as I write
my final article for the Terrace News I stand
on the precipice of my time at Terrace and
look towards my bright future, which Terrace
has gifted me. The connections that have
been formed with my Terrace brothers are
ones that will never be broken. Our days at
this school may be numbered, however our
connection with one another will continue
for years on end.
What has made this year special for you?
Whether you are a student achieving your
best report, a teacher seeing a student
reach their potential, a parent watching
Our success cannot be
your son grow into a Terrace Gentlemen,
measured by the triumphs of
an old boy who was ever so proud to our sporting teams alone it’s
witness the unveiling of the new Tennyson
the unseen subtle workings
grandstand or just a member of the of true mateship that are the
community who heard Kevin Rice lead the
most profound treasures.
GT army in a spine tingling Boom-ChickaBoom rendition, this question warrants I recently had the privilege of meeting two
old boys from the class of ’54 who were
returning for their 60 year reunion. It is
What I am trying to say is that 2014 has amazing to see that after 60 years these two
been an extraordinarily special year for gentlemen were just as good mates as they
all members of the community. However, were back in the day. They even let me in
it hasn’t been made so through one sole on a little secret, “The key to our friendship
major event, it has been many small was this place, it was Terrace, the grounds
accomplishments put together which has on top of the hill”. They alluded to the
truly defined 2014. The class of 2014 has famous quote “Carpe Diem” (Seize the day)
fought hard and brought three premierships because you never know what’s around
(Volleyball, Cross Country and Golf) home the corner. This Latin phrase is frequently
to Terrace, which will forever be engraved quoted but the reason for that is its truth
in our history. Our success cannot be across years and across generations.
measured by the triumphs of our sporting
teams alone it’s the unseen subtle workings A great year doesn’t just happen. There
of true mateship that are the most profound are two words in the English dictionary that
express the significance of this time of year.
At this time of year when the beach holiday
is on the horizon and you can almost see
the finish line the two words ‘Thank you’
have never been more suitable. Gentlemen
of Terrace, there are many people who
have guided, sculpted and helped you
throughout this year and I urge each and
every one of you to utter those two words.
A sincere ‘Thank You’ is worth its weight
in gold. No gift could replace the power of
this one phrase to whom you deem most
So at this time, I would like to pass on my
personal words of thanks. This year has
been challenging to say the least and many
obstacles have arisen which I would never
have been able to overcome by myself.
I would like to thank my Mum and Dad,
my four brothers, my cohort, my Terrace
brothers, my buddy Toby Kennedy, my
teachers, my tutor Mr Peter Chapman
and finally my three fellow captains Nick
Fidler, Henry Reinhardt and Joe Connolly
for making the year what it was and for their
continued and unyielding support though
thick and thin.
Finally, I wish Mr Chapman and Mr Mayes
all the best for whatever 2015 has to offer
them. I am sure their professionalism and
character will serve them well in their new
leadership roles next year. They will be
sorely missed here at Terrace.
Thank you to my Terrace family, the
memories and lessons I’ve learnt cannot be
recreated nor will they be forgotten, it’s a
Terrace Gentlemen thing- once a Terracian
always a Terracian. Till next time.
• Umbrellas $35.00 • USB Sticks 4GB $10.00 • Water Bottles $ 5.50
• Track & Field Singlets $40.00
• TRACK & FIELD Shorts $45.00
7.30AM - 3.15PM
(07) 3214 5258
Fittings for Red Blazers at Waterford will take place on Wednesday 28th & Thursday 30th
October from 7.30 - 8.30am.
BOOKLIST REMINDER!!! - Please remember to order your stationery on-line ASAP through
Direct Stationery Supplies. Instructions are available through the Parent Portal.
We are quickly counting down the weeks with some significant functions for the TLG to organise.
We will require many volunteers for these functions so your help is greatly appreciated. Please
email if you are available. Please note that the STAFF LUNCH is now on Tuesday 2 December
URGENT!!! We are calling for volunteers to help in the Terrace Shop in November to fit uniforms
for the many new students starting at Terrace in 2015. If you can help, please click on the following links or email terraceshop@terrace.qld.edu.au
Sign up for week ending Nov 3 https://www.volunteersignup.org/WX8CT
Sign up for week ending Nov 10 https://www.volunteersignup.org/4EMRF
Sign up for week ending Nov 17 https://www.volunteersignup.org/FBCYY
Sign up for week ending Nov 24 https://www.volunteersignup.org/J7RWY
Date Claimers
Friday 7th November – TLG End of Year Mass 9.30am
(Taxis will be arranged to transport ladies to the Year 12 Mothers’ Lunch at Tattersalls)
Saturday 8th November – Farewell to Peter Chapman, Tennyson 3-6PM (food & servers
Monday 17th November, 9am – Helpers for Gift Wrapping for Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
Tuesday 2nd December – Staff Lunch (Helpers/Food required from 10am)
Chris Watt :
Year 8 students work together at the
EREA FPS Day in College Hall
VOL 42 No. 30 | 18 September 20
Dear members of the Terrace Family,
We would like to invite you to farewell our
College Principal
Mr Peter Chapman
Saturday 8 November 2014
This is an opportunity for the community to
thank Mr Chapman for more than a decade
of service to the College.
Entertainment and refreshments will be provided.
No RSVP required.