• . • • • • • • • : % *AUiistfv _. Katzman Spurs Safeguards For School Children NEWSPAPER GETS AWARD: In recognition of "meritorious s e r v i c e s " to the Woodhaven-Richmond Hill Volunteer Ambulance Corps, The Leader-Observer was the recipient of a certificate of appreciation from the ambulance volunteers. Serge Diaz, jr., corps president (right), makes presentation to George M. Duquette, accepting award on behalf of the Leader-Observer. gift of the Woodhaven-Richmond Hill Lions Club, and as a result of membership growth and com(Continued from Page 1) munity support, has expanded its WRHVC was fanned in April, service to seven days a week. 1965, by a handful of publicspirited volunteers who saw the need for ambulance service in the community. It will celebrate the second birthday of its service in November. The state granted the corps a charter in September, 1965. On Nov. 26 of that year, with a vehicle donated by a volunteer Flushing group, free ambulance service began here on a week-end basis. Since that time, the local corps has acquired a second ambulance- Fund-Raising Drive YOU CAN FOR HEALTH FOR FUN BOWL SAVE,?; 25% ofyour F u e l Costs Coll for details City Councilman Arthur J. Katzman this week reported safety measures taken by the City to correct traffic hazards endangering school children at two intersections in mis area. In late August he appealed tome Traffic Department for replacement of a "stop sign" at 89m Ave. and 87th St., Woodhaven after a resident complained the sign had been lying on the ground for months ana said that with the approach of the new school term, she was concerned about possible injuries to children of St. Thomas School and P.S. 60. James Mazzaferro, assistant to Traffic Commissioner Henry A. Barnes, assured Councilman Katzman the sign would be replaced, but on the Saturday before the new school term, began Mr. Katzman learned from the same resident it had not been replaced. The following Monday he spoke again with the traffic official, urging immediate action. Later that day Mazzaferro notified Mr. Katzman the missing sign had been restored at the intersection. The councilman also reported the City had taken action on a hazard of many years' standing at the intersection of Liberty Ave. RECREATION FOR MEN -WOMfrN -CHILDREN CHURCH L E A G U E S - M O N . ft TUES. COMMUNITY L E A G U E S . W E D . OPEN BOWLINGT H U R S . , F R I . , SAT. & SUN. FREE Ml 7 - 4 2 0 0 510 JAMAICA AVE., BROOKLYN BAERENKLAU CALL 277-1600 2 P.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT 740 JAMAICA AVE H YLAND PARK YMC A BURT WILKES IOW SHOWING ALDEN EST. 1864 ,:'• RICHMOND HILL; FLUSHING tn BATTLE OF I ANN-MAMS VITTOMOGASSW AND THE PUSSYCAT SHOOT LOUO, i LOUDER. I DON'T | UNDERSTAND' E Q _*V NOW SHOWING • • '•^TRIBORO L 'DCAft J O H N 92 07 JAMAICA AVENUE WOODHAVEN VI9-5410 S UKE ITS PREPARED IN ITALY • CHOOSE YOUR D I N N E R FROM OVER 150 MAIN COURSES 102nd |jf S O E Y U T H COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR QaiaVU*t4f | JS»A WITH LOV-T^tJ »*« c e n » ^W ^BBBBiWfASY N l - 0 2 ATLANTIC AVE. CORNER OF 1 1 1 * ST. RICHMOND H I L L , N Y . Accounts Now Insured Up To $15,000. olumbiaf |y]f Savings] ^ ^ ASSOCIATION PARKING AIR CONDITIONED TAKE HER OUT TO DINNER TONIGHT VI 7-4000 Untitled Document r-ANKiNcaajajsadr Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Jamaica Ave. at Woodhaven Blvd. Woodhaven •— «*.. FOREST H I L L S ; Continental Ave. at Austin Street Forest Hills ~~. AMITYVILLEt 203 Broadway at Union Amityville —— ......... ROCKAWAY B E A C H : 86-02 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Rockaway Beach — V I 7-7041 BO 3-7500 MY 1-0355 NE 4-4600 YEAR'' IMA OalSfm Main Office and Forest Hills MON. 9 to 3 ond 5 to 8 P.M. TUES. to FRI. 9 to 3 P.M. AND LOAN RES. CALL VI 6-9740 FREE PARKING AMI-RICAN KXPRESS DINERS Queens County's AND Oldest Hostelry i i 7Most . 1 1 HILLSIDE AVE. With the Modern Kitchens FULLY AIR CONDITIONED RICHMOND H I L L . N.Y. A wide variety of luncheon and dinners daily— Special Sunday and Holiday Dinnars - Famous far its Finast Imported & Domestic Wines, Boer & Ales. Caterers to Weddings & All Functions P R I V A T E C O N F I D E N C E ROOM American Express, Diners C'ub and House Charge Accounts FOOD SERVED UNTIL 2 A.M. FRI. * SAT. UNTIL 3 A.M. "OUR HOURS: Rockaway Beach and Amifyville M0N. to THURS. 9 to 3 P.M. FRI, 9 to 3 and 5 to 8 P.M. MAIN O F F I C E : WHATEVER THE CELEBRATION 0PIN II.IS Paid Quarterly THE HOUSE OF FINE DIAMONDS 1 •and- VALENCIA and Loan Association fiSrou/n'd tfewelers j J A M A I C A & M Y R T L E A V E S . at 118th ST. R.chmond Hill Res VI 9 1400 Pope V/ 6 9 3 4 9 RESTAURANT AND BAR Columbia Savings HUNDREDS O F STYLES T O CHOOSE FROM. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Let us help make it Brighter PftCVlCW Of 0 U * NEXT SHOWCASE ATTRACTION VALENCIA It TRIBORO FRIDAY NIGHT SEPT. 22nd ) Don't mitt a bargain. Turn new re the Cfose/fieefs. I N A NEW MODERN SETTING and"your Call Today assurance he would notify Mr. Katzman of the department s decision before school opened. The councilman reported Mazzaferro held to his word, anc Save notice before school openec lat a 'too parking anytime" regulation has been introduced or bom sides of Liberty Ave. between me offset legs of die intersection. Councilman Katzman and Mrs. DeLeo expressed me hope diis will end die problem but if further control is required, its need will, be brought to die attention of die Traffic Department. DIAMONDS OPEN FRI. UNTIL 9PM OIL BURNER EFFICIENCY TEST . . . and 80th St., Ozone Park, a danger spot for children attending P.S. 64-Q at 101st Ave. and 83rd St. Last May. at the request of Mrs. Anna May DeLeo, president of the Mothers' Club. Councilman Katzman arranged a conference with Mr. Mazzaferro to review the problem. In mid-May, a delegation of Mrs. DeLeo, the school principal, other officers of the mothers* group and Councilman Katzman met with the traffic official, who was informed by the community leaders of the dangers to children using die intersection four times daily on school days. A field study was promised by Mazzaferro at the conclusion of the conference. He also gave REMOUNT YOUR I T A L I A N FOOD c Thursday, September 21, 1963 THE LEADER-OBSERVER Pog« Twelve A FEW OF OUR EXCLUSIVE FEATURES £*>, • 1 2 Operators • 12 Private Booths £ • 1 0 Manicure Tables ** • 9 Shampoo Basins Comfortably Air conditioned ^ Our Water is Scientifically % T and Mechanically Softened "MOST MODERN BEAUTY SALON IN QUEENS »» CCHIAVELLI'S ** Beauty Salon LONG HAVE WE WAVED-SINCE 1921 8025 JAMAICA AVE. WOODHAVEN Oeen Men. to Set. Men., Twes., T h e n . A F t l . te 9 PM Call VI 7-5700-5701
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