Office of the Registrar Office of the Registrar Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for Student Queen Lili‘uokalani Center for Student Services, Services, Room Room 010 010 2600 Campus Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 2600 Campus Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 (808) (808) 956-8010 956-8010 Request for VA Enrollment Certification Semester: □ Fall □ Spring □ Summer I □ Summer II Year: ____________ Student Information Print Name (Last, First, M.I.): _________________________________________ Cell Phone: (_______) ______________________ UH ID# __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ E-Mail: ___________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________ Zip Code: __________ if new address Select Chapter: □ 30 (Montgomery GI Bill) □ 31 (Voc Rehab) □ 1606 (MGIB Select Reserves) □ 35 – Dependents □ 1607 (REAP) □ 33 (Post 9/11 – Veteran) □ 33 (Post 9/11 – Dependent) VA File #: __________________ Degree & Major Information Continuing UH Mänoa students only: has your major changed from last semester? Degree Objective (BA, BS, MA, PhD, etc.): ___________ Yes No Major: If you are a Pre-Major, what is your intended degree/major? 2nd Major / Minor (circle): Check All That Apply □ I am on ACTIVE DUTY □ This is my Graduating Semester □ I am receiving Federal Financial Aid □ I am receiving Tuition Assistance (GoArmyEd, ROTC, etc.), a Tuition Waiver, or Tuition-only Scholarship this semester □ I am enrolled in MSL or AS course(s) (ROTC) & have submitted a handwritten statement to the Registrar’s Office regarding these courses Course Information Campus (MAN, KCC, etc.) e.g., MAN if extension course (please review VA policies regarding certification of courses on the back of this form) Course Subject and Number Degree Requirement Credits ENG 100 FW 3 Course Substitution If this course is not listed on the program sheet, please explain (e.g., 399 for major course) Student Signature if repeating course Date I certify that the courses indicated above are required courses within the student’s degree objective and will count toward degree requirements as Program, General Education, Pre-admission or required Elective courses. I have crossed off any that do not apply. Advisor Signature College/Department Phone Date IMPORTANT POLICIES THAT MAY AFFECT YOUR CERTIFICATION (Undergraduate students only) The VA will only pay for courses that are REQUIRED for your degree. All courses used for VA certification will be evaluated according to the program sheet for your major or intended major. To view your program sheet, please visit: Mānoa Advising Center Students Majors include: General Arts & Sciences, Pre-Business, Pre-Social Work, Pre-Dental Hygiene, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Medicine and PreLaw. If you are a Mānoa Advising Center (MAC) student, only courses on the program sheet of your intended major can be approved fo r VA certification. Please select and print a program sheet from the following website: Attach the program sheet to your VA Enrollment Form(s) prior to seeing your academic advisor. Declaring a Major by your Junior Year All students using the GI Bill must declare a major by their junior year (55 earned credits*) in order to continue receiving VA benefits. Check STAR to view your total earned credits. *60 earned credits effective Fall 2015 CHEM 131 & MATH 134 University policy states: Chemistry: Credit is allowed for only one of the following courses: CHEM 100, 131, 151, 161, or 181A. Math: Credit is not allowed for MATH 134 and 140, or MATH 134 and 161. Please note that other subjects may have similar policies regarding duplication of courses. VA policy states that you can only be certified for courses that you will receive credit for. If your degree requires a Chemistry course above CHEM 100 or 131 or a Math course above MATH 134 and you would like to be certified for those courses, then you must take a placement exam before you register for CHEM 131 or MATH 134. Visit the following websites for testing dates and reservation information: Chemistry: Math: Please have the Chemistry and/or Math Department(s) complete a VA Placement Exam Results Form, available at: Submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar, QLC 010. Hawaiian or Second Language (HSL) requirement Please speak with a VA Certifying Official if you plan to switch languages or take a different track (i.e., regular and oral) in order to complete your HSL requirement. The VA may not pay for courses in another language/track if you have already earned credits toward this requirement. CERTIFICATION STEPS Follow the steps below to be certified each semester: Register for classes. Fill out the Request for VA Enrollment Certification Form. If you are a Mānoa Advising Center student (please see above for a list of majors), print and attach a program sheet for your intended major to your enrollment form prior to seeing your academic advisor. Undergraduate students: visit your College (not Department) advisor at your Student Academic Services Office to obtain approval of your courses. Graduate students: visit your Department advisor to obtain approval of your courses. Submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar located at QLC 010 or email it to Make a payment towards your tuition and fees or if you are a Post-9/11 student you may complete a Tuition and Fees Benefits Agreement Form at the Office of the Registrar prior to the payment deadline. Fill out the Add/Drop form if adding or dropping classes after your initial certification. You will receive an email to your account once your course enrollment has been certified. NOTE: Previous education and training (including military transcripts for Veterans) must be evaluated by the Admissions Office within 2 semesters or benefits may be suspended.
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