Practicum Office Staff
 Eileen McKee – Assistant Dean, Field Education
 Mindy Coplevitch – Practicum Coordinator
 Rahel-Leigh Peckett – Practicum Coordinator
 rahel.peckett@utoronto.ca ( Tuesday, Wednesday)
 Denise Russell – Administrative Assistant
Role of the Practicum Office Staff
(4th floor offices)
• Administer the practicum course
• Recruit new practica settings, work with established partners
• Provide professional development to Field Instructors and Educational
• Assign and work with Faculty Field Liaisons (FFL) to ensure each student
has a quality learning opportunity
• Monitor practica settings
• Communicate with students, field instructors, FFLs, and other
stakeholders for continual improvement strategies ( e.g. Practicum
Advisory Committee, Student Forum)
• Meet with students regarding individual situations
Teaching Team
• Field Instructors/Educational Coordinators (where
applicable) at the practicum setting
• Faculty Field Liaison(FFL) – your “go to person” for questions,
concerns for the duration of the practicum. Assigned on your
PAS profile
• (You will meet in a group 4x through the academic year during
lunch time at the FIFSW with your FFL. Attendance is
• Practicum Office Staff
• Faculty, Faculty Advisor, buddy, Terry Gardner Student Life,
Outreach & Equity Advisor, etc.
• The Year 1 practicum is regarded as a generic
foundation for learning social work practice. The
practicum is designed to provide you with an
introduction to the skills and competencies required
for direct social work practice with diverse client
systems. The practicum will: provide a link between
theory and practice, assist you to acquire generic
interviewing competencies, help you acquire
professional practice competencies, help you develop
the ability to critically self-reflect; and help you
develop skills to work productively with colleagues
• All settings offer direct practice learning opportunities
• DIRECT PRACTICE: Students in YEAR I are required to have
direct practice and indirect practice learning opportunities
• may be;
• Individual
• Group
• Family
• Community
• Instrumental tasks ( record keeping, case management,
resource seeking etc. on behalf of the client system)
• INDIRECT PRACTICE: may be; research, policy development,
program planning, evaluation, statistics, administration,
workshop planning and presentations, etc.
• Winter semester: January 7 – Friday May 29, 2015
• January 7– April 2, 2015 @ 3 days per week – WednesdayFriday
• Tuesday April 7 – Friday May 29, 2015 @ 4 days per week –
Tuesday-Friday, 28 hours OR
• SUMMER semester commencing April 27, 2015. 4 or 5 days
per week. Must be completed by end of August
• Schedule of Key dates and FFL meetings are posted on the
FIFSW website
Tentative assignment schedule
• January to May 2015 semester: Practicum
selection – PAS opens early November to make
selections. Interviews typically take place from
November through mid-December
• Summer semester 2015: Practicum selection –
PAS opens late January to make selections.
Interviews take place February through March
• The final match is recorded on the Practicum
Administration System (PAS)
• The summer practicum is designed in conjunction with
the required course, SWK 4605H - Social Work Practice
with Individuals and Families, scheduled on Tuesday
evenings. To meet the total required days in practicum,
students will attend practicum either 4 or 5 days per
week, negotiated with the field instructor, and finishing
no later than the end of August. The Practicum Office
sets the mid term and final evaluation dates based on
attendance at 4 or 5 days per week.
• Students are advised to be aware of the implications of
full-course load requirements for OSAP funding
• Complete an ADD/DROP form
Examples of organizations with whom
we have partnered – look at website
School boards
Community based, and acute health care facilities
Child welfare organizations
Universities and Community Colleges
Multi Service Community Agencies
Settlement, Refugee and and Newcomer Services
Centres for Domestic Assault and Rape Crisis
Housing and Homeless Services
Addiction Services and Agencies
Municipal and Constituency Offices
Residential and Community Services to Seniors
Children’s Mental Health Centres
Community based services for individuals with developmental delays
Associations and Societies
Rehabilitation and Long Term Care Facilities
Community based Palliative Care Facilities
Family Service Organizations
Practicum Administration System - PAS
• PAS is an electronic data base for field
settings, field instructors, Educational
Coordinators, FFL, and students. Only used for
practicum course
• PAS is not ROSI - which is the University’s
student record system
• PAS is used for mid term and final Field
Instructor (s)and Student evaluations
• The next slides are very important
• Types of supervision is directly related to the
instructions governing how you will use the
PAS to select your possible practicum settings
• You will select 7 possible practicum settings
for ONE Practicum interview – which is
intended to be your practicum setting
• One – to - One Supervision - O
 one field instructor is assigned to one or 2
students for the duration of the practicum
 one learning contract is submitted electronically
by the student to the: field instructor; FFL; and,
educational coordinator (where applicable)
 1 mid-term and 1 final evaluation is completed by
the field instructor
 1 mid-term and 1 final self-evaluation is
completed by the student
• Co-supervision – C+R
• two or more field instructors are assigned for the
duration of the practicum
• one learning contract is submitted electronically
by the student to the: field instructors; FFL; and
educational coordinator (where applicable)
• 1 mid-term and 1 final evaluation is completed
jointly by the field instructors
• 1 mid-term and 1 final self-evaluation is
completed by the student
• Rotational Supervision – C+R
• two or three field instructors are assigned to the
practicum in a sequential manner; typically 6 weeks at
each service
• one learning contract in the first rotation is submitted
electronically by the student to: the field instructor(s);
FFL; and educational coordinator (where applicable)
• the field instructor responsible for each rotation
completes an evaluation at the end of the rotation;
• self-evaluations are completed by the student at the
end of each rotation
• Team Supervision -T
• two field instructor(s) are assigned for the duration of the
practicum – one works in the agency, the other is a FIFSW MSW
field educator
• six to eight students are assigned to the organization- the
organization is large enough to have many different services. Most
often one or two students are in each service
• each student submits their own learning contract to the: field
instructor; field educator; FFL; and educational coordinator at the
• 1 mid-term and 1 final evaluation is completed jointly for each
student by the field instructor(s), and submitted by the M.S.W field
• 1 mid-term and 1 final self-evaluation is completed by each student
Governing Instructions Using the PAS
• An email will go to you with instructions to: log onto the PAS, view
the practicum profiles, and submit the form
• From the list of available practica you will select 7 practica for ONE
interview. The PAS will be open for approximately 4 days during
which time you may read the profiles and submit the form
• The PAS is then closed for a few days to allow the Practicum Office
to run the algorithm
• The PAS is programed to match you to one of your 7 selections.
Based on your selections a percentage of students will not be
matched in this first round. This is not unusual
• When the PAS opens: students, field instructors, FFL and
Educational Coordinators ( where applicable) view the assignments
Governing Instructions Using the PAS
• (2) Select 2 from O – one-to -one supervision
• (2) Select any 2 from C+R - co-supervision and
• (2) Select 2 from T- Team
• (1)Select any one other practica of interest to
When the Practicum Administration
System Opens For Selection
• Note O, C+R, T on the top of each practicum
• Read information on each practicum
• Read carefully the requirements
• Choose 7 practica per the governing instructions
• 2 from O
• 2 from C+R
• 2 from T
• 1 from anyone you wish
What you will see on the Practicum
• Description of centre, populations served,
services offered
• Description of what you will do - in what
activities you will be involved
• Intervention approaches, learning
• Field Instructor's teaching style, expectations
of you as a student, Field Instructor’s
specialized areas of interest
• READ THE PAS. Confirm again at the time of your interview.
• For example:
• drivers license, use of own car, evening or weekend work,
immunizations, 2 STEP TB test ( legislated in health care settings
and prudent for many other settings. Can be obtained through U of
T Health Services), Mask fitting (some health care settings provide
this on site, or St. Mike’s clinic), police and vulnerable persons
sector check, flexibility, second language, accessibility to the
building, LGBTQ specific, aboriginal specific, multiple locations,
home visits
• Not having requirements in place may delay your practicum start or
cancel the practicum
• There may be costs associated
Please be advised that the following member hospitals of the Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network (TAHSN) have
decided to introduce an Influenza Vaccination-or-Mask policy for the 2014-15 influenza season as part of comprehensive
infection control efforts to improve patient safety and promote wellness among healthcare workers:
These policies will apply to all staff and employees of these hospitals, including learners in the patient care environment.
Each of the hospitals will have further information, vaccination programs in place and programs to monitor adherence to
policies. Please note that learners choosing vaccination will require proof of vaccination.
Learners vaccinated at the hospitals listed above will be provided with a TAHSN vaccination card to carry with them as proof
of vaccination. Learners vaccinated elsewhere are asked to obtain proof of vaccination that can be exchanged for the TAHSN
vaccination card at the hospitals listed above.
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Mount Sinai Hospital
North York General Hospital
The Hospital for Sick Children
St. Joseph’s Health Centre
St. Michael’s Hospital
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Toronto East General Hospital
Women’s College Hospital
Trillium Health Partners (two-year implementation schedule)
• All students physically situated in health settings ( e.g. hospitals,
rehabilitation centres, long term care) need to comply with Ministry of
Health policies. New guidelines for proof of immunizations are in place
• In order to commence practicum, settings require student documentation
re mask fitting that has been completed in the past two years; you will
need to provide your mask # to the setting.
• Immunization : All health related facilities (hospitals, Baycrest, TRI, CAMH
& WMHC) and some community health settings require medical
documentation and sites will not permit practicum commencement until
this is completed. Settings vary and if you are unsure you can contact the
settings' Occupational Health Department (or similar) for exact info; most
settings require the following: Hep.B, TB which can take up to 2 weeks to
complete, varicella, rubella measles, rubeola, tetanus, diphtheria, and
polio. Some sites also require influenza shots & chest X Ray.
How the PAS works
• The PAS algorithm determines the matches
• Based on your selections, it is possible that you
will not be matched in this stage, with a practica
• When selecting, you will be alerted in RED when
the practicum has been selected by a high
number of your classmates
• Available practica may change. Offers are added
and withdrawn. Practicum Office will work with
students who have not been matched by the PAS
How the PAS works (con’t)
• You submit 7 selections to the PAS
• PAS will not accept less than 7 choices
• You can resubmit until the deadline date. You
can submit multiple times. The last
submission at the closing date will be firm
• You cannot make changes after the closing
If the PAS algorithm makes an
• If you are matched with one of your 7
selections, you may contact the field
instructor(s) for the prepracticum interview
• If you are not matched through the PAS, the
Practicum Office will work with you
• Everyone will be assigned to a practicum in
the semester they choose
Pre Practicum Interviews
• October 28, 2014 Interview workshop at
FIFSW. You will receive an email closer to the
• Resumes may be requested ahead of time or
you may be asked to bring to the interview
• This is not an employment interview. Field
instructors are aware that this is a YEAR I
foundation learning opportunity
• Let them know what you want to learn
Pre Practicum Interviews
• You will contact the field instructor (s) to set arrange an interview.
The interview does not guarantee a match. Both you and your field
instructor(s) must agree. The Practicum Office will meet with you if
there are concerns after the interview
• If you decline the practicum setting, the Practicum Office will work
with you to secure another interview AFTER the first round of the
PAS is completed
• FOR January practica - Interviews occur between mid November
to mid December
• FOR summer 2014 practica - Interviews occur February through
March 2015
• From time to time, settings unexpectedly withdraw. The Practicum
Office will work with you to secure another interview as soon as
• Check that your PAS profile reflects your
current contact information. Update as soon
as possible.
• Ensure you update your U of T email address.
It is the only secure method through which we
communicate. You risk not receiving
important information
• Refer to the Practicum Manual on the website,
Visit YEAR I schedules on the FIFSW website
• FIFSW is committed to providing accommodation to support
students with documented disabilities to facilitate academic
and co-curricular success. Students requesting
accommodation must be registered with Accessibility
Services. Students requesting accommodation for practicum
should present the letter of accommodation provided by
Accessibility Services to the Practicum Office, as soon as
possible prior to the practicum matching process so that the
Practicum Office can make reasonable effort to ensure that
appropriate supports are in place.
• Direct inquiries can be made to 416-978-8060
• www.utoronto.ca/atrc; atrc.vts@utoronto.ca
• SGS Add/Drop ( based on individual
circumstances and summer session)
• Student understanding – WSIB
• Student Professional Conduct Agreement in
• PAS form – FORM A is located on the PAS