What are the key features of the Concept Proposal? • Widening of Warringah Road from west of Fitzpatrick Avenue to east of Allambie Road to include: – Subsurface eastbound and westbound travel lanes in a slot (underpass), through the middle of the Warringah Road corridor, generally from west of Forest Way through to east of Wakehurst Parkway for more than one kilometre – Surface eastbound and westbound lanes running parallel to the slot as part of the Warringah Road corridor to provide access to side roads and the Northern Beaches Hospital – Upgrades to intersections with Forest Way, Hilmer Street and Wakehurst Parkway at surface level. • Widening, intersection upgrades, new signalised intersections and changes to access along sections of Forest Way, Naree Road, Frenchs Forest Road and Allambie Road • Widening Wakehurst Parkway from north of the intersection with Frenchs Forest Road to south of Aquatic Drive • Provision of a new connection at Aquatic Drive and Wakehurst Parkway • Substantial utility relocations, including water, sewer, telecommunication, electricity and gas services • Ancillary works for construction including, but not limited to, construction compounds and stockpile sites. A detailed assessment of the Stage 2 Network Enhancement Work will be the subject of a separate EIS which will be displayed for community comment by mid 2015. EIS display locations Printed copies of the EIS are available to view at the following locations during the exhibition period: • Nature Conservation Council Level 2, 5 Wilson Street, Newtown • Warringah Council 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why • Dee Why Library 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why • Belrose Library Glenrose Place, Belrose • Forestville Library 6 Darley Street, Forestville • Warringah Mall Library Shop 650, 2nd Floor, Warringah Mall, 145 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale • Department of Planning and Environment Information Centre 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney • Roads and Maritime Services (Head Office) Level 9, 101 Miller Street North Sydney Have your say We welcome your feedback on the EIS and invite you to make a formal submission to DP&E. To make a submission, use the online form on the DP&E website at www.majorprojects. planning.nsw.gov.au/page/on-exhibition and search for Northern Beaches Hospital Road Connectivity and Network Enhancement Project. Your submission must reach DP&E by 21 November 2014. Before making your submission, please read the Privacy Statement at www.planning.nsw.gov.au/privacy. DP&E will publish your submission on its website in accordance with the privacy statement. Or via mail: Director Infrastructure Assessments (Application Number SSI 14_6434) Planning Services Department of Planning and Environment GPO Box 39 Sydney NSW 2001 DP&E requests that your submission includes: What are the next steps? Following exhibition of the EIS, Roads and Maritime will consider all submissions received and provide responses to issues raised in a submissions report. The submissions report will be submitted to DP&E and will inform consideration of approval by the NSW Minister for Planning. If approved by the Minister for Planning, the project would be constructed and would operate in accordance with the mitigation measures in the EIS, the submissions report and the conditions of approval. Communication with the community would be ongoing throughout construction. In response to community feedback, we are investigating options to inform the design and environmental assessment process for the Stage 2 Network Enhancement Work of the proposed road upgrades along Warringah Road. We are committed to finding the best solution to ensure the road network can support the increased growth and broader traffic needs of the area and the new Northern Beaches Hospital. An EIS for the Stage 2 Network Enhancement Work will be prepared and placed on public exhibition by mid 2015. A copy of the EIS on CD can be made available on request by contacting us on 1300 367 459 or nbhroadwork@rms.nsw.gov.au or by downloading from DP&E website. • your name and address, at the top of the letter only. If you want DP&E to delete your personal information before publication, please make this clear at the top of your letter Community information sessions • the name of the application and the application number (SSI 14_6434) For more information or queries about the project, please contact our team: • a statement on whether you support or object to the proposal Phone: 1300 367 459 Email: nbhroadwork@rms.nsw.gov.au Web: rms.nsw.gov.au/projects/sydney north/northern-beaches-hospital We encourage you to find out more about the proposal and meet our team at one of our two community information sessions. A formal presentation will not be given, so please feel free to drop in at any time during these sessions: • Saturday 8 November, 1pm to 5pm Forestville Memorial Hall Corner of Starkey Street and Warringah Road, Forestville • Tuesday 11 November, 5pm to 8pm Galstaun Function Centre 5 Grattan Crescent, Frenchs Forest • the reasons why you support or object to the proposal • a declaration of any reportable political donations made in the previous two years. To find out what is reportable, and for a disclosure form, go to planning.nsw.gov.au/donations Written submissions must be received by DP&E by 21 November 2014. Community Update OCTOBER 2014 Northern Beaches Hospital Road Connectivity and Network Enhancement Project Background Planning approval process The NSW Government is planning to invest $400 million on road upgrades around the new Northern Beaches Hospital with work planned to be completed in time for the hospital opening. These upgrades will provide customers with a better travel experience by car or bus, increase the capacity of the road network and improve access through the precinct. The project is being assessed in stages: Roads and Maritime Services is delivering the road upgrades in two stages. Stage 1 will provide essential access for the Northern Beaches Hospital and Stage 2 will help to increase capacity of the road network and reduce congestion. Further information Please note, any submissions received by Roads and Maritime will be forwarded to DP&E. All submissions will be posted on DP&E’s website. If requested, your name can be removed to protect your privacy but you must state this in your submission. © Roads and Maritime Services Privacy: Roads and Maritime Services (“RMS”) is subject to the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (“PPIP Act”) which requires that we comply with the Information Privacy Principles set out in the PPIP Act. All information in correspondence is collected for the sole purpose of assisting in the assessment of this proposal. The information received, including names and addresses of respondents, may be published in subsequent documents unless a clear indication is given in the correspondence that all or part of that information is not to be published. Otherwise RMS will only disclose your personal information, without your consent, if authorised by the law. Your personal information will be held by RMS at 27 Argyle Street, Parramatta NSW 2150. You have the right to access and correct the information if you believe that it is incorrect. RMS 14.455 • Stage 1 – Includes the Northern Beaches Hospital Connectivity Work which aims to enhance the existing road network to support the opening of the Northern Beaches Hospital. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback in March and August this year. We have been able to make a number of improvements to our proposal based on your suggestions. This includes changes to the intersection of Frenchs Forest Road East and Nandi Avenue allowing left and right turns. • Stage 2 – Includes the Northern Beaches Hospital Network Enhancement Work which is directed towards broader network capacity enhancements, particularly along Warringah Road. Each of the stages and the Concept Proposal, which provides an overview of the whole project, are being assessed in accordance with Part 5.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Concept Proposal and Stage 1 now on display We have prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Concept Proposal and the Stage 1 Connectivity Work. This EIS outlines the key features of the proposal and the potential environmental, social and economic impacts during construction and operation. Importantly, it also outlines measures to minimise and manage potential impacts. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DP&E) has placed the EIS on public exhibition from 22 October 2014 to 21 November 2014. You can view and make a submission to DP&E on the EIS via the Department of Planning and Environment website at www.majorprojects. planning.nsw.gov.au Skyline The exhibition process provides a vital opportunity for you to have your say. Park Business Iris Street Iris Street Iris Street rst 5 6d 6e 13 Frenchs Forest Road East ace Gr Bantry Bay Road ue en Av Holland Crescent 10 Allambie Road Russell Avenue 8 Skyline Business Park Allambie Grove Business Park Dareen Street Jones Street Patanga Road Inverness Avenue Harmston Avenue Hurdis Avenue Romford Road 4 Frenchs Forest Road West 9 2 Nandi Avenue 7 Private Road 6b 15 Frenchs Forest Road West Skyline Place 1 6c Dareen Street Warringah Road Courtley Road Naree Road Gladys Avenue Bluegum Crescent Bluegum Crescent Sylvia Place e Cobb Street d ra Pa 3 Rabbett Street am 6a ay rkw Pa h re Wa y Wa st re Fo Wareham Parade Adams Street u keh Wa Adams Street Dundila Road Northern Beaches Hospital road upgrades – Stage 1 Connectivity Work 12 11 14 Warringah Road 0 50 100 METRES Allambie Road Wakehurst Parkway Bantry Bay Road Hilmer Street Grace Avenue Karingal Crescent Rodborough Road Key Upgrade area Bus facility / bus lane New hospital site Retaining wall Median Footway AAM Aerial photography under licence to Roads and Maritime Services by AAM 2014 Aquatic Drive What are the key features of the Stage 1 Connectivity Work? 1 2 3 4 Widening and intersection upgrades along sections of Forest Way between Warringah Road and south of Adams Street, including providing a right turn bay for traffic turning from Forest Way into Naree Road. Upgrading the existing bus bay fronting the Forestway Shopping Centre on Forest Way to allow two buses to stop within the bay. Widening Naree Road/Frenchs Forest Road West from two to four lanes. Widening Frenchs Forest Road East from Wakehurst Parkway to Allambie Road from two to four lanes. 5 6 Improvements to the intersection of Frenchs Forest Road East and Nandi Avenue, allowing left and right turns. New traffic lights with signalised pedestrian crossings at the intersections of: 7 8 a. Forest Way and Naree Road b. Naree Road, Rabbett Street and Frenchs Forest Road West c. Frenchs Forest Road West and the new access to the hospital opposite Gladys Avenue d. Frenchs Forest Road East and Romford Road e. Frenchs Forest Road East, Patanga Road and Allambie Road. 9 Widening and upgrading the intersection of Frenchs Forest Road with Wakehurst Parkway. Widening Wakehurst Parkway from about 330 metres north of the intersection with Frenchs Forest Road to the intersection with Warringah Road. New bus priority measures along approaches and departures to the Frenchs Forest Road intersection with Wakehurst Parkway. 10 11 12 Widening Allambie Road to the north of the intersection with Warringah Road to include additional turning lanes into Frenchs Forest Road East from Allambie Road. Widening and upgrading the intersection of Warringah Road and Allambie Road to include an additional right turn lane into Allambie Road from Warringah Road. Widening Warringah Road from approximately 700 metres east of the intersection with Allambie Road and Courtley Street. 13 14 New traffic lights, to be triggered by buses only, to enable buses to cross the eastbound lanes of Warringah Road to enter Frenchs Forest Road East from the median lane on Warringah Road in the westbound direction. A left-in and left-out access on Warringah Road opposite Hilmer Street to provide an additional access point to the hospital. 15 Retain keep clear at Bantry Bay Lane. This map refers to the Stage 1 Connectivity Work only and does not include details of the Stage 2 Network Enhancement Work. Maps are indicative images only.
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