South Asian Intellectual Property Knowledge Network *

World Patent Information xxx (2014) 1e4
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South Asian Intellectual Property Knowledge Network
Aditi Chaudhary, Siddhartha Dulakakhoria, Tarakanta Jana*
Patent Informatics Division, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, 14, SV Marg, New Delhi 110067, India
a b s t r a c t
Intellectual property
The Patent Informatics Division project “Information Driven Innovation in South Asian Association of
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Countries for Knowledge Development and Capacity Building” has a
dual role of providing patent informatics services and capacity building in SAARC countries by offering
short term training programs. Under the purview of the project the website “South Asian Intellectual
Property Knowledge Network” (SAIPKN) has been started to act as a platform to provide patent
informatics services, and to promote capacity building by offering e-learning opportunities on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The informatics services offered through the website are prior art search
services and patent landscape analysis. Through the e-learning module of the website users can access
study materials on IPR.
© 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction
2. Background
South Asian Intellectual Property Knowledge Network (SAIPKN)
is an intellectual property e-learning platform developed specifically for scientists, inventors, policymakers and students from
SAARC countries. The e-learning platform has been developed by
the Patent Informatics Division (PID) of the CSIR-National Institute
of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR),
New Delhi, under the purview of a project sponsored by SAARC
Documentation Centre (SDC).
World Wide Web (www) as the name suggests has developed
its roots in every sphere of life. We have moved on from days of
blackboard to virtual classroom, from book reading to e-learning.
World Wide Web not only provides us with seamless knowledge
but it also connects individuals from many nations irrespective of
boundaries. SAIPKN has been developed by using this attribute of
the web. It is a web based knowledge network portal. The portal has
been developed to provide a common platform for knowledge
sharing and impart knowledge services on patents and other kinds
of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) among the SAARC member
nations. It is a platform where scientists, researchers, technologists
of SAARC nations can get virtual training and refined course material in the field of IPR.
NISCAIR has been serving scholarly information to S & T community of the nation since 1952 [1]. Presently, NISCAIR has accesses
to more than 5000 journals that include all PCT minimum journals
and patent databases like Derwent Innovation Index, Thomson
Innovation Index and Questel Orbit. With its rich, old and new
collections, core competence, NISCAIR established National Prior
Art Search Services Facility (NPASF) in 2009, specifically to facilitate
Indian innovators. Through NPASF, NISCAIR provided prior art
search and short term training to inventors, R & D professionals and
science planners in India. PID was established on the foundations
set by the NPASF. Since its establishment PID evolved to offer highend knowledge intensive services (like development of value added
patent databases and patent landscape reports) and training to
inventors, researchers and science planners in potential areas of
patent interest (prior art search and patent informatics).
To create and extend its existing services to SAARC countries,
PID started the project “Information Driven Innovation in SAARC
Countries for Knowledge Development and Capacity Building” with
financial support from SAARC Documentation Centre, New Delhi.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Jana).
3. Overview of SAIPKN
The portal is user friendly and proper navigation is provided
throughout the portal keeping in mind the ease of user. SAIPKN is
developed using MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic
0172-2190/© 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Chaudhary A, et al., South Asian Intellectual Property Knowledge Network, World Patent Information (2014),
A. Chaudhary et al. / World Patent Information xxx (2014) 1e4
Fig. 1. SAIPKN structure.
Learning Environment) and the theme being used is Essential
which is a three column Responsive theme based on Bootstrap
designed to provide a more professional and clean website focused
look and feel. It provides an image slider and marketing spots on
the homepage to guide users where they need to. The theme also
makes strong use of Font Awesome to provide icons throughout the
design. The front end is designed using HTML, CSS, Jquery, AJAX,
JavaScript, Font Awesome, Google Font and Bootstrap base. The
Business logic is built using PHP and the database used is MySql
maintained using phpMyAdmin (Fig. 1).
4. SAIPKN e-learning platform
The e-learning platform has been designed to provide easy access to intellectual property (IP) courses (Fig. 2). The platform will
also provide communication facilities through feedback, discussion
forum, blog and email. The content of the IP e-learning platform can
be divided into 3 modules.
4.1. Administration module
This module is designed to facilitate the maintenance of the
platform and also to offer registration facilities for the users. SAIPKN
will be entirely managed by the Admin. Admin will be responsible
for uploading of courses, quizzes, audios and videos related to the
modules and managing databases, blogs and forums. Registered
users can access the features like courses, discussions forums, blogs,
quizzes, feedback. Self enrollment to the course is available.
The homepage of SAIPKN can be accessed via
saipkn (Fig. 3). New users can register at SAIPKN through the login
interface, which provides in detail all the requirements for new
registration. It is an e-mail based self registration process so the
user must have a working e-mail id. After successful login, user can
view his/her homepage which give the personal details of the user
like profile picture, name, e-mail id, messages, courses enrolled etc.
Through this page the user can edit his/her profile details, password
etc. This page can be customized by users as per their requirements.
Fig. 2. How SAIPKN works.
Please cite this article in press as: Chaudhary A, et al., South Asian Intellectual Property Knowledge Network, World Patent Information (2014),
A. Chaudhary et al. / World Patent Information xxx (2014) 1e4
Fig. 3. SAIPKN homepage.
4.2. Course module
This module is designed to facilitate easy access to IP course
content. Under the purview of the project PID will provide basic
and advanced level courses [2]. The basic level course is designed to
provide fundamental knowledge about IP. It is an introductory
course for audience who has no prior knowledge about IP and can
be downloaded or viewed after users register to SAIPKN. The basic
course module is subdivided into different chapters, each representing the different components of Intellectual property rights.
Each chapter includes a brief introduction, background, full
description of the topic, case studies and videos, and at the end of
each chapter there will be an evaluation test. For easy access an
index of the chapters in the course module is also present. The user
will be able to access contents only after he/she enrolls to a
particular course.
The advanced level course is designed for audiences that have a
basic knowledge of IP. This course will be provided through onsite
training programs. Certificates will be granted after successful
completion of the course. It is a voluntary certification scheme that
would be endorsed by CSIR-NISCAIR. The candidate's competencies
would be evaluated through examinations which will be tailored to
test their IPR knowledge.
4.3. Activities module
To fulfill the mandate of the SDC sponsored project, PID will
provide prior art, patent informatics and patent drafting services to
individuals from SAARC countries for a nominal fee. Through this
module users can access information on the various services provided by PID.
4.4. Communication module
The communication module is developed to facilitate an interactive learning experience. This module allows the user to develop
his/her own blog to presents his/her own opinions on various topics
related to the subject matter of the website. For inter-user
communication Discussion Forum is available. The feedbacks
interface in available for users to present their reviews, questions or
problems to the admin.
5. Conclusion
Technology and innovation have become some of the most
important parameters for deciding a country's economy across the
world. But every year SAARC nations are moving down the ranking
in almost every global technology and innovation index (Table 1).
Even the innovative activity among the SAARC country is not uniform [3]. One of the bottlenecks for the poor ranking and innovative
activity among the SAARC nations is the absence of a technology
information support system. Through this project PID plans to
develop such a technology information support system by
providing prior art, technology landscape and short term training
programs on IP. SAIPKN has been developed to act as the platform
for the technology information support system. PID is working to
Table 1
Ranking of SAARC nations in Global Innovation Index (GII).
GII 2011
GII 2012
GII 2013
Sri Lanka
Please cite this article in press as: Chaudhary A, et al., South Asian Intellectual Property Knowledge Network, World Patent Information (2014),
A. Chaudhary et al. / World Patent Information xxx (2014) 1e4
spread the information about its services through extensive and
active communication.
[2] SAIPKN Courses. Available from:
[3] Jana T, Dulakakhoria S, Wadia N, Bindal D, Tripathi A. Patenting trends among
the SAARC nations: comparing the local and international patenting intensity.
Curr Sci 2014;106(9):1190e5.
[1] NISCAIR. Available from:
Please cite this article in press as: Chaudhary A, et al., South Asian Intellectual Property Knowledge Network, World Patent Information (2014),