Collegiate FYI The Collegiate FYI Dear Collegiate Families,

October 23, 2014
Volume 2014,
Issue 11
Volume 1, Issue 15
Dear Collegiate Families,
You wouldn’t know it from the balmy weather outside our building, but
step inside our hallways and there are plenty of tip-offs that the fall
season is officially here. Our high school students have been busy
after school preparing their sections of hallway for tomorrow’s Trick or
Treat Street event for the younger students. Middle School has been
planning and assembling supplies for their annual Haunted House,
while donations and decorations are being collected for the family
Monster Mash. The hallways are abuzz with excitement!
Academically, we are working on our school-wide writing goal, making sure to integrate and emphasize constructed writing prompts in
various subject areas. Next week, our students in grades 3-10 will be
heading to the computer labs for Galileo progress monitoring assessment. Rather than a required state test, Galileo is a tool that helps us
determine whether our curriculum pacing is too fast, too slow, or just
right. The results also help teachers and students to identify and set
goals that keep students challenged, but not overwhelmed.
Yesterday, four high school students from our school represented
Collegiate in the Student Voice program at the first Jeffco Student
Town Hall. CAC’s Katelyn B, Nick D, Sydney N, and Haleema A participated in a TED Talk themed gallery walk with students from across
the district. They also had the opportunity to submit questions which
were answered by Superintendent Dan McMinimee. Thank you to
these students and our Student Voice Adviser, Brian Fleet, for representing our school in the broader community and bringing back some
great ideas to enhance our school and make our K-12 community
Letter from Mr. Becker…..…1
CORE Value Awards…..…...2
The Foundation……….……..3
School News……….…….…...4
School News/Menu..…….….5
School News…………………..6
Halloween Safety…………….7
Elementary Art Class……….8
School Lunch Drawing……..9
Our Ultimate Frisbee team continues to impress with another two victories last week. The Wolves’ ferocious reputation caused one opponent, Jeffco Open School, to forfeit last Tuesday (well, that’s my story, anyway), and another tough opponent, Lakewood High School,
was roundly defeated on Thursday with a score of 14-7. This afternoon, our team takes on Heritage High School at home, so consider
spending a little time watching this fast-paced sport on our turf field!
I hope to see all of you tomorrow night at the Monster Mash event tomorrow night. It’s always a highlight of the year to see kids of all ages
having good wholesome fun together at this event, so I hope you will
join us!
Chris Becker
Integrity • Perseverance • Quality • Ownership
Mrs. Board nominated Lleyton McGraw for learning to independently ask for clarification on assignments he doesn't quite understand.
Mrs. Casassa nominated Owen Walter for always taking responsibility for his actions.
Mrs. Bryson nominated Leah Hallam for taking responsibility for her choices and trying to make better ones.
Mrs. Hillan nominated Tanner Bedish for always striving to make school better by
taking care of his teacher and classroom.
Mrs. Hillan nominated Anne Becker for always striving to make school better by taking care of her teacher and classroom
Mrs. Weber nominated Katalina Spencer because she takes ownership for her learning, isn't afraid to ask for help, takes responsibility for herself and the classroom plus
she assists others with encouragement and positivity.
Mr. DeVries nominated Elizabeth Przekwas for taking ownership of her work and both
the good and bad choices that she makes.
Mrs. Ballengee nominated Josie Vuolo because she always gives her best and makes
sure that her daily actions match her focus and goals.
Ms. Mohoney nominated Sami Schmidt for demonstrating good self-awareness and
admitting to a personal flaw.
MS Team nominated Ryan Henderson for taking responsibility for herself and not letting obstacles be an excuse.
Ms. Roberts nominated Jessica Spier for making the choice to work at the front desk
instead of going to study hall while the kindergarteners were on a field trip. She is a
very motivated and hard working intern!
In a very real way, ownership is the essence of leadership. When you are
'ridiculously in charge,' then you own whatever happens in a company, school,
et cetera. ~ Henry Cloud
Looking for a fun way to get involved and fulfill your
volunteer hours?
Click a link:
Monster Mash
Elementary Yearbook
Thank you!
Box Top deadline has been extended to Monday and we are only 1/3 of the way to our
goal! Click here for a list of products and bring them on in!
Monthly Meetings
Monthly on the 3rd Tuesday
6:30 pm
President - Niccole Board
Co-Vice Presidents Elizabeth Miller
& Mary Minger
C-470 and Kipling
Secretary - Terry Usry
Tuesday, October 28th
Treasurer - Lisa Ferency
5-8 pm
Directors - Melanie
Linnebur, Barbora Meese
We need someone to take
the lead in the School
We need you ~ come
join us!
Please email
for more information.
Don’t forget to tell the cashier that you are from
Collegiate and to sign the roster so that your
classroom gets credit!
Chick-fil-A is giving a tray of chicken nuggets to
the classroom with the highest participation!!!!
Don’t forget that we have gently used uniforms
available for only $3 each piece between 7:30-4:00
daily. Ask about them at the elementary front desk.
Raffle Update:
The Foundation voted on Tuesday to terminate the Raffle due to low ticket sales. Our
Foundation is working closely with the Secretary of State’s Office and as soon as approval is granted, refunds will be processed for all raffle tickets that were sold. Please
contact Terry Usry ( with any questions or concerns.
We want to thank AutoNation Chrysler Jeep
Broadway for their continued support of our school!
5445 South Broadway Littleton, CO 80121 (303) 578-6103 Website link.
Collegiate Academy
Ultimate Frisbee Team
Our team is outstanding!
They are 4 and 1 plus took 2nd place in the Ultimate
Nightmare Tournament Last Weekend!
Come out to watch our last game of the season if you can!
10/30 @Littleton HS
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Five years ago my son’s elementary school had a Veteran’s Day program and we
invited my stepfather. He nervously agreed to come and in a moment you will
understand why. He was drafted into the Marines the very day he returned from
his honeymoon and left home within days. He lost nearly every friend from his
hometown including his best friend in just one year of the war. He was spit on
and jeered as he walked through the airport the day he returned from service and
Mr. Johnson has some amazing ideas his life would never be the same. The school served about 25 Vets of all ages
that he would love to bring to fruition breakfast, sang to them, played taps on the bugle, and allowed each of them to
this Veteran’s Day but we need Veter- share their years of service, rank at discharge, plus a brief statement followed by
ans! Please click here to nominate
rousing cheers. Many of the men and women were in tears. My stepfather still
the Veterans in your circle including talks about that day because it was the first time he had been honored publicly
relatives, friends, and community
for his service in Vietnam and it was forty years later! ~ Pamela
members. If you do not have all of the
information requested please ask the Veteran! They will most
likely be very honored that you asked. The goal is to serve the
Veterans breakfast, recognize their service in an assembly, and
invite them to visit classrooms to share their experiences and
wisdom in age appropriate formats. These men and women
have lived out each of our CORE values during their times of service and can provide real life examples of integrity, perseverance, quality, and ownership to our students. If you would like
to help out with this event, please contact Mr. Johnson.
School News
CAC Library
The library is up and running and the
children are so excited to be checking
out books! Wendy is looking for some
additional volunteers to help elementary classes check out books, check in
and re-shelve books, create displays
and coordinate upcoming book fairs.
Please see the sign-up at
Our next volunteer trainings will be
held on Monday, 10/20 from 8-8:30am
and Thursday, 10/30 from 2:15-2:45pm.
Please contact Wendy at
more information.
A huge thank you to our hearing and vision clinic volunteers!
You ladies are amazing and made
this year’s testing go so smoothly
and quickly! Julie DeCicco,
Nerissa Magnuson, Rece Joslin,
Jennifer Siekman, Krystal CookMatson.
The clinic still needs an accurate
ear thermometer such as Braun
with covers and individually
packaged saltine crackers.
Examples from Amazon:
Financial Aid Workshop
Monday, Dec. 8, 2014
6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria
Admissions Counselors from Grand
Canyon University will be presenting to
families of students in grades 9-12.
This will be a generic financial aid
workshop applicable to ALL HS students, not just students interested in
Please start collecting a folder of
electronic photos of our students
engaged in learning, field trips,
and play for our yearbook! Keep
on eye on the FYI for details
about how we will be collecting
them in the future. We are still
building our yearbook team if you
think you might be interested,
contact Mr. Johnson or click here
to sign up.
Lunch Menu
Italicized items are only available to
secondary students
Entree Salad / Hot Dog & Chili / Macho Nachos / French Fries
Black Jack Pizza
Ham & Cheese Sandwich / Chicken Sandwich / Cheese Ravioli / Pintos & Cheese
Chicken Tamales
Entree Salad w/ Roll / Galaxy Pizza /
Chicken Fajitas / Oriental Veggies
Black Jack Pizza / Sweet n Sour Chicken
Turkey & Cheese Sandwich / Chicken or
Cheese Quesadilla / Hamburger / Cheeseburger / Steamed Veggies
Pasta Bar
Entree Salad w/Roll / Big Daddy’s Pizza /
Orange Chicken w/Fried Rice / Honey
Glazed Carrots
Black Jack Pizza / Deli Sandwich
Daily (Secondary Only)
Pretzel, Cheese, Sunflower Seeds
We Need a DJ!!
Elementary Student Council is in
need of someone with a great
playlist to disc jockey the Elementary Fall Dance on November 7th.
Contact Mrs. Ballengee or Mr.
Extra! Extra!
Read all About it!
Mrs. Ferraro is looking
for donations of old newspaper
and she needs lots!
“We didn't realize we were making memories,
we just knew we were having fun! “~ unknown
Books for Breakfast!
Tomorrow Morning
7-7:30 am in the Café
Parents and children please join us as Mrs. Weber reads
The Night Before Halloween!
Parents must stay with their children until 7:30. Our school wellness committee will provide a breakfast snack and the first 25 families will receive
a copy of the book compliments of Kids Adventures! ~ Thank you!
Super Science Saturday ~ Free Family Event!
November 8th 10am - 4pm
NCAR Mesa Lab 1850 Table Mesa
For more information visit:
Tomorrow Night 6-9 PM
Entrance Tickets are $4 at the Door (Parents are free!)
or $3 Pre-Event @ the Elementary Front Desk
Middle School Haunted House $1 or 2 tickets
Wear Your Costumes!!! DJ Music and Spooktacular Fun
Free Trick or Treat Street Sponsored by High School Student Council
Hot dog Dinners Available for Purchase
50 Free Fall Activities In Denver
Enjoy the best that Denver has to offer this fall without stretching your budget. The Mile High City is
packed with free festivals, attractions and activities that will keep you busy all season long. 719-358-9771 -
Drawing Classes
for Kids
Classes Held
3:05 - 4:05 p.m.
10/29/14 - 01/07/15
for an 8 Week Session
Inspire your child’s love of art with Young Rem-
Payment Options
brandts. Our bountiful selection of drawings intro-
duces our students to a fascinating world of color, pat-
*Payment plans available.
tern, and design. Our Native American lesson will introduce students to figure drawing and history. A vibrant
elephant graphic will teach stylized imagery and design.
Classes fill up fast! Enroll now!
For more information about Young Rembrandts, please visit: Questions? Contact Carolyn at 719-358-9771
YOUNG REMBRANDTS provides all classroom supplies and a trained instructor. Classes
are held immediately after school. Parents are responsible for transportation at class end.
Eat to Win ~ Month of
Every time you eat a school lunch during the month
of October you will be entered into a drawing to win
Elementary - ball, kite, or jump rope at our school
PLUS three bikes drawn from all district entries
MS/HS - movie tickets and iTune card at our school
PLUS an iPod Shuffle drawn from all district entries
Elementary $2.75
Secondary $3.25
Milk $.50
Click the link above to add
money to your child’s account.