INTERDEM MEMBERS – BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE Please complete this document and return to Please can you also add a picture of yourself Picture NAME: NAME: Päivi Rainò TITLE: TITLE: Mrs PROFESSIONAL GROUPING: PROFESSIONAL GROUPING: Education/Research WORK ADDRESS: WORK ADDRESS: TEL: WORK/WORK MOBILE Humak University of Applied Sciences FAX: Ilkantie 4, FIN‐00400 Helsinki EMAIL: TEL: WORK/WORK MOBILE WEBLINK: +35820 7621 298 FAX: PRESENT POSITION (e.g. Director of…… ): ‐‐ HIGHEST ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION (e.g. PhD, MD etc.): EMAIL: WEBLINK: (; PRESENT POSITION (e.g. Director of…… ): Principal Lecturer HIGHEST ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION (e.g. PhD, MD etc.): PhD PROFILE OF MEMBER: Päivi Rainò is a sign linguist and from 2012 she holds a Principal Lecturer position in Interpreting Training Programme at Humak University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland). Since the late 1980s she has published a wide range of academic articles and other publications, as well as multimedia productions on Sign Language linguistics (Assessment of Dementia, Language Attrition and Language Impairment of Deaf Sign Language users, among others); Culture of Deaf People and Finnish as Second Language of Deaf Sign Language users. AREAS OF EXPERTISE: ‐ In the area of General Linguistics: Linguistics of Sign Languages; Lexicology of Sign Languages ‐ In the area of Finnish Philology: Finnish as Second Language (esp. of Sign Language users) ‐ Assessment of language skills (first & second language) of Sign Language users ‐ Language attrition/impairment) of Sign Language users ‐ Linguistic accessibility of Deaf and Hard‐of‐Hearing Persons (speech‐to‐text reporting; subtitling services) KEY PUBLICATIONS (Maximum 5): Kimmo Granqvist & Päivi Rainò (eds.) 2013. Attrition in the minority languages in Finland [Rapautuva kieli. Kirjoituksia vähemmistökielten kulumisesta ja kadosta]. Helsinki: SKS, Finnish Literature Society. Martikainen, Liisa & Rainò, Päivi (in press). Language choices and the future needs of interpreting and rehabilitation services for deaf children and young people with cochlear implants. [Sisäkorvaistutetta käyttävien lasten ja nuorten kuntoutus‐ ja tulkkauspalvelujen toteutuminen ja tulevaisuuden tarve.] Helsinki: The Social Insurance Institution of Finland – Kela. Loukola, Eeva & Rainò, Päivi 2012. Dementia and deafness. Kuuron ja kuulovammaisen vanhuus – dementia. In: Maria‐Elisa Salonsaari & Tiina Haaksilahti & Sari Laatikainen & Päivi Rainò & Ulla Aunola. A handbook for Sign Language Instructors. [Viiton ja ohjaan. Viittomakielen ohjaajan oppikirja.] Helsinki: The Finnish National Board of Education [Opetushallitus] pp. 132–42. (Peer reviewed) Pekkala, Seija & Kangas‐Lumme, Jertta & Rainò, Päivi 2013. Ageing and the attrition of language amongst spoken and Sign Language users [Ikääntyminen ja kielen attritio puhuttua sekä viitottua kieltä käyttävillä]. In: Kimmo Granqvist & Päivi Rainò (eds.), Attrition in the minority languages in Finland [Rapautuva kieli. Kirjoituksia vähemmistökielten kulumisesta ja kadosta]. Helsinki: SKS, Finnish Literature Society, pp. 208–31. (Peer reviewed) Rainò, Päivi 2010. Cerad – a Cognitive Exercise Battery for Finnish Sign Language. A Guidebook and DVD. [Cerad – kognitiivinen tehtäväsarja suomalaiselle viittomakielelle. Ohjekirja ja DVD.] Helsinki: Service Foundation for the Deaf [Kuurojen Palvelusäätiö]. RELEVANT RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Please indicate for past 5 years only (i) Grants Awarded: Names of Investigators; Years; Title of Project; name of awarding agency (ii) PhD and other projects: Title, start or competed date. Year (2007‐)2009: Coordinator of the Osata Project, highlighting learning difficulties of Sign Language users, run by the Finnish Association of the Deaf. (; Years 2009‐2010: Sign language expert and author of several publications of the Memo Project (run The Service Foundation for the Deaf) to adapt a diagnostic test (Cerad) for Deaf people with dementia. Years 2011‐2013: Researcher of the Project The Current and Future Needs of Interpretation Services and Rehabilitation for Children with a Cochlear Implant (run by Humak & The Social Insurance Institution of Finland) CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS/ONGOING PROJECT TITLE: ‐ Identifying dementia in Deaf sign language users ‐ Linguistic accessibility and interpretation services provided for Deaf and Hard‐of‐hearing people with dementia ‐ Director of the research project Signwiki, interactive online dictionary on Finnish Sign Language (2013‐
2016), carried out by the Finnish Association of the Deaf & Humak University of Applied Sciences ( ‐ Director of EUMASLI, the European Master in Sign Language Interpreting (2013 –2015), run by University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg‐Stendal (Germany), Heriot‐Watt University (Edinburgh, Scotland) and Humak University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland) ( ‐ Researcher in the project Deaf People in Albania – A Specific Survey (2014–2015), carried out by the Finnish Association of the Deaf & Humak University of Applied Sciences