Kurssikuvaukset 2015-2016

JOHTAMISEN LAITOS ....................................................................................................... 2
LASKENTATOIMEN LAITOS .......................................................................................... 116
RAHOITUKSEN LAITOS ................................................................................................. 165
MARKKINOINNIN LAITOS ............................................................................................ 186
TIETO- JA PALVELUTALOUDEN LAITOS........................................................................ 218
TALOUSTIETEEN LAITOS .............................................................................................. 259
TUTKINTOJEN YHTEISIÄ OPINTOJA ............................................................................. 294
20C00100 Yritysprojekti / Student Business Project (6 op)
Student Business Project
Vastuuopettaja: Projektia valvovat Kauppakorkeakoulun professorit ja tukijat. Ryhmää
ohjaa Kauppakorkeakoulun tutkija tai muu henkilökunta.
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto; kurssin sijoittuminen opintoihin riippuu kyseisestä
projektista ja opiskelijan ohjelmasta. Opiskelijan on tarkastettava omasta ohjelmastaan
miten Yritysprojekti sijoittuu kyseiseen ohjelmaan.
Opetusperiodi: Projektit alkavat ympäri vuoden yleensä n. 1-2-vk Opiskelijoiden
valitsemisesta. Projektin kokonaiskesto riippuu tehtävästä projektista ja se on yleensä 24kk.
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää millaista on tehdä aitoja tutkimus-, kehitys-, tai
konsultointiprojekteja yrityksille. Projektissa opiskelijat pääsevät soveltamaan opittuja
tietojaan ja taitojaan aidossa tilanteessa. Opiskelija oppii myös työskentelemään yhdessä
eri aineiden opiskelijoiden kanssa ja hyödyntämään heidän osaamistaan. Projektissa
opitaan, miten aito tutkimusprojekti toteutetaan yrityksen kanssa. Projektin jälkeen
opiskelija pystyy tekemään tutkimussuunnitelman, toteuttamaan tutkimuksen ja
raportoimaan tulokset yritykselle. Raportointi tapahtuu sekä kirjallisesti että suullisesti
yrityksen edustajille loppukokouksessa. Raportointikieli on projektista riippuen joko suomi
tai englanti.
Sisältö: Projektin tarkka sisältö riippuu toimeksiannosta
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Opiskelijat työskentelevät 2-5 opiskelijan
ryhmissä. Raportointi tapahtuu sekä kirjallisesti että suullisesti yrityksen edustajille
loppukokouksessa. Raportointikieli on projektista riippuen joko suomi tai englanti.
Oppimateriaali: Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali riippuu toteutettavasta projektista.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssia ei voi korvata muilla projektimuotoisilla kursseilla tai opinnoilla.
Esitiedot: Projektiin hakijoilla odotetaan olevan suoritettuna vähintään 150 op. Projektiin
voidaan ottaa myös opiskelija joka voi osoittaa omaavansa vastaavat taidot
työkokemuksen tai aikaisempien opintojen perusteella
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Uusista Yritysprojekteista ilmoitellaan urawebissä. Projektiin haetaan
lähettämällä Yritysprojektikoordinaattorille a) lyhyt hakukirje, b) CV, c) opintosuoritusote.
Hakemusten perusteella opiskelijat valitaan haastatteluihin, joiden jälkeen lopullinen
projektiryhmä kootaan. Yritysprojektin laittaminen opiskelijan omaan opintosuunnitelmaan
ei siis vielä takaa projektiin pääsyä. Opintosuunnitelma on kuitenkin sikäli tärkeä, että se
antaa korkeakoululle tiedon Yritysprojekteista potentiaalisesti kiinnostuneiden
opiskelijoiden määrästä
Opetuskieli: suomi/englanti
Lisätietoja: Samaan projektiin voidaan ottaa sekä KTK-opiskelijoita (20C00100) että
KTM-opiskelijoita 20E00100. Opiskelijoiden keskinäinen työnjako riippuu projektista ja
hakijoiden taustoista.
20E00100 Student Business Project (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Projektia valvovat Kauppakorkeakoulun professorit ja tukijat. Tutkijan
tausta riippuu toimeksiannosta.
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto; kurssin sijoittuminen opintoihin riippuu kyseisestä
projektista ja opiskelijan ohjelmasta. Opiskelijan on tarkastettava omasta ohjelmastaan
miten Yritysprojekti sijoittuu kyseiseen ohjelmaan.
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Opetusperiodi: Projektit alkavat ympäri vuoden yleensä n. 1-2 vk opiskelijoiden
valitsemisesta. Projektin kokonaiskesto riippuu tehtävästä projektista ja se on yleensä 2-4
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää millaista on tehdä aitoja tutkimus-, kehitys-, tai
konsultointiprojekteja yrityksille. Projektissa opiskelijat pääsevät soveltamaan opittuja
tietojaan ja taitojaan aidossa tilanteessa. Opiskelija oppii myös työskentelemään yhdessä
eri aineiden opiskelijoiden kanssa ja hyödyntämään heidän osaamistaan. Projektissa
opitaan, miten aito tutkimusprojekti toteutetaan yrityksen kanssa. Projektin jälkeen
opiskelija pystyy tekemään tutkimussuunnitelman, toteuttamaan tutkimuksen ja
raportoimaan tulokset yritykselle.
Sisältö: Projektin tarkka sisältö riippuu toimeksiannosta. Raportointi tapahtuu sekä
kirjallisesti että suullisesti yrityksen edustajille loppukokouksessa. Raportointikieli on
projektista riippuen joko suomi tai englanti.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Projektin toteutus riippuu kulloisestakin
toimeksiannosta. Opiskelijat työskentelevät 2-5 opiskelijan ryhmissä. Ryhmää
ohjaa Kauppakorkeakoulun tutkija tai muu henkilökunta.
Oppimateriaali: Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali riippuu toteutettavasta projektista.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssia ei voi korvata muilla projektimuotoisilla kursseilla tai opinnoilla.
Esitiedot: KTK tutkinto
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Uusista yritysprojekteista ilmoitetaan Urawebissä. Projektiin haetaan
lähettämällä yritysprojektikoordinaattorille a) lyhyt hakukirje, b) CV ja c) opintosuoritusote
Hakemusten perusteella opiskelijat valitaan haastatteluihin, joiden jälkeen lopullinen
projektiryhmä kootaan. Yritysprojektin laittaminen opiskelijan omaan opintosuunnitelmaan
ei siis vielä takaa projektiin pääsyä. Opintosuunnitelma on kuitenkin sikäli tärkeä, että se
antaa Kauppakorkeakoululle tiedon yritysprojekteista potentiaalisesti kiinnostuneiden
opiskelijoiden määrästä.
Opetuskieli: suomi/englanti
Lisätietoja: Samaan projektiin voidaan ottaa sekä loppuvaiheen KTK-opiskelijoita
(20C00100) että KTM-opiskelijoita (20E00100). Opiskelijoiden keskinäinen työnjako
riippuu projektista ja hakijoiden taustoista.
20E00220 Corporate responsibility (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Rintamäki
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, elective course of Professional Skills Portfolio
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: I (Fall 2015), III (Spring 2016)
Workload: Book exam
Learning Outcomes: Provide students with basic understanding on the role of corporate
responsibility as part of contemporary business and its various functions.
Content: The basic concepts and drivers of corporate responsibility, the basic tools for
managing corporate responsibility in different functions such as accounting, financing,
marketing, technology, risk management, communications, and strategy work.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Studying the course material and final exam.
Study Material:
Literature: In Finnish: Joutsenvirta, M., Halme, M, Jalas, M., Mäkinen, J. 2011.
Vastuullinen liiketoiminta kansainvälisessä maailmassa. Gaudeamus.
Blowfield, M & Murray, A. 2011. Corporate Responsibility: A critical introduction, Oxford
University press
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
21A00110 Johtamisen perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Management
Vastuuopettaja: Nina Granqvist
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet.
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: IV (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 36h osallistuminen luennoille
24h valmistautuminen luennoille
60h harjoitustyön tekeminen
40 h tentti
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää mitkä ovat oman toiminnan, ihmisten,
organisaatioiden ja liiketoiminnan johtamisen ajankohtaiset kysymykset ja keskeiset
haasteet. Opiskelija omaksuu johtamisen peruskäsitteistön sekä harjaantuu tieteellisen
kirjallisuuden käyttämiseen. Opiskelija oppii liiketoiminnan ja organisaatioiden toiminnan
analyysoinnissa ja johtamisessa tarvittavia taitoja. Opiskelija saa alustavan kuvan
johtamisen tieteenalan kokonaisuudesta ja pystyy näin suuntaamaan tulevia opintojaan.
Sisältö: Kurssi tarjoaa käsitteellisiä ja konkreettisia työkaluja johtamisen työkentän
ymmärtämiseen ja hallintaan. Kurssin aikana pohditaan johtamisen tärkeimpien osaalueiden – strateginen johtaminen, ihmisten johtaminen, yhteiskunnallinen johtaminen ja
muutosten johtaminen – keskeisiä kysymyksiä. Tutustumme useisiin viitekehyksiin, joiden
avulla voidaan hahmottaa, miksi ja miten ihmiset ja yritykset tekevät tiettyjä valintoja
tietyissä tilanteissa. Pyrimme myös ymmärtämään, millaisiin lopputulemiin nuo valinnat
voivat johtaa eri tilanteissa. Tutkimme ja käytämme erilaisia työkaluja, jotka tukevat
analyyseja ja päätöksentekoa käytännössä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Luennot 36 h. Apulaisprofessori Nina Granqvist luennoi IV opetusperiodilla. Luennot
jäsentävät kunkin luennon teemoja, ja yhdistävät niitä ajankohtaisiin yritysesimerkkeihin.
Kurssin vierailijat valottavat esimerkein alan keskeisiä työtehtäviä ja ammatillisia
mahdollisuuksia. Kurssilla opiskellaan erilaisten harjoitustöiden avulla liiketoiminnan
suunnittelussa ja johtamisessa tarvittavia taitoja. Osallistuminen luennoille on erittäin
2. Harjoitustyö (60 % arvosanasta): Harjoitustöissä perehdytään tarkemmin joihinkin
kurssilla esiteltyihin teemoihin ja liitetään se ajankohtaiseen liike- ja työelämän
esimerkkiin. Harjoitustöiden tekemiseen on syytä varata runsaasti aikaa ja se kannattaa
aloittaa heti ohjeiden saannin jälkeen.
3. Tentti 3 h (40 % arvosanasta). Tentitään luennoilla ja kurssin verkkosivuilla jaettava
Oppimateriaali: Luennoilla jaettava materiaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21A00110/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Ei läsnäolopakkoa
21A00210 Johtamisen perusteet, kirjatentti (6 op)
Introduction to Management, Book exam
Vastuuopettaja: Hannu Hänninen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet.
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: Syksy 2015 (I) ja kevät 2016 (III) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 157h tenttiin valmistautuminen
3h tentti
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää mitä itsensä, ihmisten ja liiketoiminnan
johtaminen ovat ja mikä on niiden merkitys organisaatioissa ja liiketoiminnassa. Opiskelija
omaksuu johtamisen peruskäsitteistön ja oppii johtamisvalmiuksia, joita tarvitaan nopeasti
muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä.
Sisältö: Yritykset pyrkivät hallitsemaan liiketoimintaansa kontrolloimalla yrityksen
toimintoja, johtoa ja henkilöstöä sekä vähentämällä ulkoisia epävarmuustekijöitä. Liian
tiukka kontrolli kuitenkin tyrehdyttää luovuutta eikä epävarmuustekijöitä voi koskaan
kokonaan hallita. Yritys ei kuitenkaan voi pelkästään sopeutua ulkoisiin muutoksiin, vaan
sen täytyy aktiivisesti pyrkiä muuttamaan toimintaympäristöään. Johtamista tarvitaan
tasapainon löytämiseen näiden jännitteiden välille. Kirjallisuustentin kirjat tarjoavat
käsitteellisiä työkaluja tämän johtamisen työkentän ymmärtämiseen ja hallintaan.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti kuulustelujärjestyksen mukaan.
KTT Hannu Hänninen kuulustelee. Jokaisesta kirjasta saatava hyväksyttävä vastaus.
Kirjojen lukemista ja tenttiin valmistautumista ohjeistetaan kurssin kotisivuilla.
Oppimateriaali: Whittington, Richard: What Is Strategy - and Does It Matter?, 2001,
Juuti, Pauli : Toivon johtaminen , 2005, Pakollinen
Hamel, Gary : Johtamisen tulevaisuus , 2007, Pakollinen
Seeck, Hannele: Johtamisopit Suomessa , 2008, Pakollinen Saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21A00210/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen tenttiä.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kirjatentti on vaihtoehtoinen Johtamisen perusteet (21A00110) -kurssille.
Tutkintoon voi sisällyttää vain toisen näistä opintojaksoista. HUOM! Kirjatentti järjestetään
viimeisen kerran 2015-2016, tämän jälkeen kirjatentti poistuu tarjonnasta.
21A00310 Introduction to Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Hannu Hänninen
Status of the Course: B.Sc. degree, Fundamentals of Business Knowledge.
Level of the Course: Basic studies.
Teaching period: 2015-2016 periods II and IV Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
157h Studying the course material
3h Exam
Learning Outcomes: The main objective of the course is for students to develop their
understandings of management relating to the self, groups, organizations, and wider
society, and the resources required for management. Students are introduced to widely
accepted concepts of relevance to management and organizations, and develop and
practice their academic crafts.
Content: Companies frequently attempt to manage their businesses by controlling their
activities, that of managers and personnel, and by reducing external uncertainty. Too tight
control does, however, easily arrest creativity and one can never have full control over
contingencies. Nor, can a business solely adapt to external changes, rather it should
actively try to influence its business environment. Management and managing are
needed to balance these tensions. In examining the nature of management, the course
program is built around four core themes: Managing Change & Developing
Organizations; Purposeful & Strategic Management; Organizing People & Processes;
and Business in Society The course offers conceptual tools to understand and to put
managerial work into practice.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam 100 % of the grade
Study Material: Hamel, Gary : Future of management , 2007, Obligatory
Watson, Tony: Organising & Managing Work, 2006 Obligatory Availability
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21A00310/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: Please note that book exam will arranged for the last time 20152016.
21A00410 Yritysvastuu ja -etiikka (3 op)
Corporate Responsibility and Ethics
Vastuuopettaja: Armi Temmes
Kurssin asema: TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet.
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Opetusperiodi: V (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
• Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: luennot 24 h
• itsenäinen opiskelu, ryhmätyöt ja kirjalliset työt 56 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Antaa opiskelijoille perustiedot yritysvastuun ja yritysetiikan
peruskäsitteistä ja roolista liiketoiminnassa ja sen eri toiminnoissa.
Sisältö: Yritysvastuun ja –etiikan peruskäsitteet, sekä yritysten rooli yhteiskunnassa.
Tavallisimmat keinot yritysvastuun hallintaan liiketoiminnassa ja sen eri toiminnoissa,
kuten taloushallinto, rahoitus, markkinointi, teknologia, riskien hallinta, viestintä,
henkilöstöjohtaminen ja strategiatyö.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot, harjoitustyöt, kirjallisuus,
Oppimateriaali: Joutsenvirta, Maria ym. (toim.) Vastuullinen liiketoiminta
kansainvälisessä maailmassa 2011 (ei pakollinen) Availability
Korvaavuudet: Korvaa kurssin 51A00110 Liike-elämän etiikka. Tutkintoon voi sisällyttää
vain toisen näistä opintojaksoista.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21a00410/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi
Opetuskieli: Suomi
21A00510 Laadullinen tutkimus (6 op)
Qualitative Research
Vastuuopettaja: N.N.
Kurssin asema: TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, menetelmäopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kurssia ei opeteta lukuvuonna 2015-2016
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: kts. 21C01000 Laadullinen tutkimus
21C00100 Liiketoiminta ja strategia (6 op)
Business Policy and Strategy
Vastuuopettaja: KTT Raimo Lovio
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman yhteiset opinnot.
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen pakolliset opinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: Kurssia ei tarjota 2015-2016
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 26h osallistuminen luennoille
6h osallistuminen harjoitustöiden ideointiprosessiin ja esittämiseen
10h valmistautuminen luennoille
68h harjoitustyön tekeminen yksilöllisesti ja ryhmässä
46h tenttiin valmistautuminen
4h tentti
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin käytyään opiskelija osaa kuvata strategisen johtamisen
keskeisiä teoreettisia suuntauksia, käyttää strategisen johtamisen peruskäsitteitä, sekä
tunnistaa ja analysoida yritystoiminnan uusia mahdollisuuksia.
Sisältö: Kurssilla käsitellään strategista johtamista liiketaloustieteen eri oppiaineita
monipuolisesti yhdistävänä lähestymistapana. Kurssilla tutustutaan strategisen
johtamisen teoriasuuntauksiin ja käytännön työkaluihin. Liiketoimintaa ja strategioita
tarkastellaan luovan, yhteisöllisen ja innovatiivisen liiketoiminnan johtamisen ja
johdettavuuden näkökulmasta käyttäen esimerkkeinä ajankohtaisia liiketoiminnan
kehittämishaasteita erityisesti startup- ja pk-yrityksissä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot: Luennoilla käsitellään
kurssikirjallisuuden keskeistä sisältöä ja innovatiivisen liiketoiminnan kehittämisen
ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä. Luentojen oppisisällöistä ja kurssikirjoista järjestetään erillinen
2. Harjoitustehtävä (30% arvosanasta). Tarkemmat ohjeet harjoituksesta annetaan
ensimmäisellä luennolla. Harjoitustyö tehdään ryhmissä. Pyrkimyksenä on löytää
harjoitustyökohteeksi startup- ja pk-yrityksiä, jotka tarjoavat ryhmille ongelmia
3. Harjoitustöiden esitys ja kommentointi työpajassa (20% arvosanasta).
4. Tentti (50 % arvosanasta) kuulustelujärjestyksen mukaan. Ensimmäinen tentti heti
kurssin jälkeen. Tentin voi korvata oppimispäiväkirjalla. Kurssista järjestetään kaksi
uusintatenttiä, jolloin hyväksytty harjoitustyö on voimassa.
Ala-Mutka Jukka (2008) Strategiamalli. ISBN 978-952-14-1312-4 ;
Mintzberg, Henry et al. (1998) Strategy Safari. ISBN 0-13-695677-7
Luennoilla jaettava lisämateriaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00100/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Opiskelijan on osallistuttava ensimmäiselle luennolle varmistaakseen
paikkansa kurssilla. Enintään 80 opiskelijaa mahtuu kurssille. Kurssia ei tarjota 20152016
21C00200 Johtajuus organisaatioissa (6 op)
Leadership in Organizations
Vastuuopettaja: Olli-Pekka Kauppila
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman pakolliset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen pakolliset opinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 42h valmistautuminen luennoille
24h osallistuminen luennoille
50h Kurssitehtävien ja harjoitusten tekeminen
41h tenttiin valmistautuminen
3h tentti
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tavoitteena on lisätä osallistujien ymmärrystä johtajuuden
merkityksestä ja rooleista erityyppisissä organisaatiokonteksteissa. Lisäksi kurssilla
keskitytään syventämään opiskelijoiden tietämystä erilaisista johtamistyyleistä, johtajien
ja seuraajien välisestä sosiaalisesta vuorovaikutussuhteesta, johtajuudesta ja
seuraajuudesta ryhmissä sekä johtajuudesta osana muuta organisaatiokäyttäytymistä.
Sisältö: Johtajuuden osa-alueet, johtamistyylit, kontekstin merkitys johtajuudessa,
vuorovaikutus johtamisessa, johtajuus ja työskentely ryhmissä, johtajuus suhteessa
muuhun organisaatiokäyttäytymiseen sekä johtajuus osana organisaatioiden toimintaa ja
sosiaalista rakennetta.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Aktiivinen osallistuminen luennoille ja
luennoilla (15 % arvosanasta)
2. Kurssitehtävät, harjoitukset ja ryhmätyöskentely 50h (5 x 10h) (45 % arvosanasta)
3. Tentti (40 % arvosanasta)
Oppimateriaali: Kurssikirja: Northouse, Peter (2013). Leadership: theory and practice
(6th edition). Sage Publications ( saatavuus), artikkelit ja muu materiaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00200/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen
periodin alkua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssille otetaan ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä enintään 100 opiskelijaa siten,
että johtamisen kandidaattiohjelman opiskelijat ovat etusijalla.
21C00300 Henkilöstöjohtaminen (6 op)
Human Resource Management
Vastuuopettaja: Tiina Taipale; Sara Lindström
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, johtamisen koulutusohjelman valinnaiset
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 14 h Ennakkotehtävä
24 h Osallistuminen lähitapaamisiin
64 h Harjoitukset, tehtävät ja luennoille valmistautuminen
55 h Tenttiin valmistautuminen
3 h Tentti
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin käytyään opiskelija ymmärtää henkilöstöjohtamisen aseman
ja merkityksen yritysten ja organisaatioiden toiminnassa, tuntee henkilöstötyön keskeiset
osa-alueet ja toimijat sekä ymmärtää henkilöstöjohtamisen merkityksen ja mahdollisuudet
organisaation tuloksen kannalta. Opiskelija osaa hakea ja kontekstualisoida
henkilöstöjohtamisesta tuotettua tietoa, ja soveltaa sitä henkilöstöjohtamisen
Sisältö: Kurssilla opiskellaan yhteistoiminnallisen ryhmätutkimuksen periaatteiden
mukaisesti. Tavoitteena on yhdessä opiskelijoiden kanssa luoda kokonaiskuva
henkilöstöjohtamisesta ja sen nivoutumisesta organisaation toimintaan. Kurssin keskeiset
osa-alueet ovat henkilöstötyön organisointi yrityksissä, henkilöstöresurssien strateginen
johtaminen ja yhteys toiminnan tuloksellisuuteen sekä henkilöstökäytännöt. Kurssilla
pyritään löytämään linkki henkilöstöresursseja koskevan tutkimustiedon ja suomalaisten
organisaatioiden käytäntöjen välillä.
Opiskelijat opiskelevat kurssilla yhteistoiminnallisesti ryhmissä tutkivalla otteella, ottaen
vastuuta omasta ja muiden oppimisesta. Opiskelua tuetaan lähitapaamisissa luennoilla,
harjoituksilla, ennakkomateriaaleilla ja vierailijaluennoilla. Kurssin aikana opiskelijat
tutustuvat case-organisaatioihin, joiden henkilöstöjohtamisesta laativat harjoitustyön.
Lähitapaamisissa tuetaan harjoitustyön tekemistä ja oman oppimisen suuntaamista.
Kurssi vaatii opiskelijoilta sitoutumista ryhmätyön tekemiseen ja itsenäiseen
kurssimateriaalin opiskeluun ja tiedonhakuun luentokertojen välillä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Ennakkotehtävä (pakollinen). Suoritusja palautusohjeet sekä artikkelit, joihin tehtävä perustuu, löytyvät kurssin kotisivuilta
Nopasta: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00300/.
2. Lähitapaamiset 24 h. Lähitapaamisissa korostuu opiskelijaryhmissä tehtävän
tutkimuksen edistäminen. Sara Lindström ja Tiina Taipale ohjaavat lähitapaamisia ja
vierailuluennoitsijat tuovat näkökulmia aiheeseen. Läsnäolo ja aktiivinen osallistuminen
3. Harjoitustehtävät (50 % arvosanasta). Pakollisissa harjoitustehtävissä sovelletaan
kurssilla opittuja asioita.
4. Lopputentti (reflektiotentti 50 % arvosanasta). Lopputentissä reflektoidaan kurssilla
opittua kurssikirjallisuuteen (Viitala 2013), ja kurssilla jaettavaan/ilmoitettavaan
materiaaliin peilaten. Kurssista järjestetään varsinainen kuulustelu sekä yksi
rästikuulustelu, jossa hyväksytyt harjoitustyöt ovat voimassa.
Oppimateriaali: Ennakkotehtävän artikkelit ja luennoilla jaettava/ilmoitettava materiaali.
Viitala, Riitta (2013) Henkilöstöjohtaminen strateginen kilpailutekijä. ISBN:
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00300/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen
kurssin alkua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää ennakkotehtävän hyväksyttyä suoritusta.
Kurssille otetaan enintään 40 opiskelijaa, ja valinta suoritetaan tarvittaessa
ennakkotehtävän perusteella. Opiskelijan on osallistuttava ensimmäiselle luennolle
varmistaakseen paikkansa kurssilla.
Pakollinen paikallaolo kurssilla: vähintään 75 %.
21C00400 Projektityö ja -johtaminen (6 op)
Project Work and Management
Vastuuopettaja: Riku Oksman
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman valinnaiset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: IV (kevät 2016) HUOM! Kurssin alkutentti ja luennot järjestetään Arabian
kampuksella, Media Factoryn Auditoriossa:
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: osallistuminen alkutenttiin ja luennoille 30 h
valmistautuminen alkutenttiin 30 h
ryhmätyöskentely 60 h
henkilökohtainen loppuraportti 40 h
Osaamistavoitteet: avoitteena on, että kurssin käytyäsi ymmärrät projektitoimintaa
yhtenä työskentely- ja
organisoitumismuotona, joka on vahvasti sidoksissa sitä ympäröivään kontekstiin.
Sisältö: Kurssi perehdyttää opiskelijat ideaalisten hallintamallien sijaan projektityön ja
sen johtamisen
arkitodellisuuteen vahvasti kontekstisidonnaisina ihmistenvälisinä prosesseina, joita on
mahdotonta täysin
suunnitella tai hallita. Kurssin teoreettisena pohjana on nykyaikainen kansainvälisen
organisaatiotutkimus, jossa johtajaan tai muihin yksittäisiin henkilöihin tuijottamisen
sijasta tarkastellaan
ennen kaikkea organisoitumisen prosesseja ja niihin liittyviä sosiaalisia käytäntöjä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Alkutentti (20 % arvosanasta)
22.2.2016 klo 9 - 12. Tentitään alkutenttimateriaali, josta lisätiedot kurssin
Noppa-sivuilla. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää alkutentin hyväksyttyä suorittamista.
2. Luennot 27 h. KTT Riku Oksman ohjaa työskentelyä IV periodilla. Aktiivinen
osallistuminen luennoille on
3. Ryhmätyöskentely (40 % arvosanasta). Ohjeet annetaan luennoilla.
4. Henkilökohtainen loppuraportti (40 % arvosanasta). Ohjeet annetaan luennoilla.
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin kotisivuilla ja luennoilla ilmoitettava materiaali.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssi on vastaava opetusohjelmasta poistuneen Projektijohtaminen kirjatentin (21C00450) kanssa. Tutkintoon voi sisällyttää vain toisen näistä
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00400/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen kurssille WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen IV
periodin alkua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Luennoille osallistuminen on pakollista. Kurssille otetaan enintään 20
opiskelijaa. Valinta
tehdään alkutentin perusteella, kuitenkin siten että etusijalla ovat johtamisen
kandidaattiohjelman opiskelijat.
HUOM! Kurssin alkutentti ja luennot järjestetään Arabian kampuksella, Media Factoryn
21C00500 Liikkeenjohdon konsultointi (6 op)
Management Consulting
Vastuuopettaja: Sampo Tukiainen; Jukka Mattila
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman valinnaiset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: II (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 42h Alkutentti ja luennot
59h Ryhmätyöt valmisteluineen
24h Alkutentti valmisteluineen
35h Lopputentti valmisteluineen
Osaamistavoitteet: Liikkeenjohdon konsultointi on olennainen osa nykyaikaista
liikkeenjohtoa. Kurssi käsittelee liikkeenjohdon konsultointia alana, liiketoimintana ja
osana liikkeenjohdollista työtä. Liikkeenjohdon konsultointipalveluiden kirjo on laaja.
Tämän kurssin opetus on rajattu amerikkalaistyyliseen, globaalien konsulttitoimistojen ja
niiden suomalaisten kilpailijoiden harjoittamaan strategia-, organisaation kehittämis- ja
johtamiskonsultointiin. Kurssilla pyritään kehittämään erityisesti opiskelijoiden valmiuksia
nykypäivän liike-elämän ja liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnin ilmiöiden itsenäiseen,
analyyttiseen ja kriittiseen tarkasteluun. Kurssi edellyttää osallistujilta halukkuutta ja
mahdollisuutta panostaa aktiiviseen osallistumiseen luennoille ja ryhmätöihin. Lisäksi
oppilailta edellytetään valmiuksia ja innostuneisuutta käydä ja synnyttää pohdiskelevaa,
kriittistä keskustelua opetuksen, kirjallisuuden, vierailijoiden esitysten ja ryhmätöiden
pohjalta. Vastineeksi kurssi tarjoaa mahdollisuuden oppia elämää varten.
Sisältö: Kurssin opetustapaa, opetettavia asioita ja läpikäytäviä teemoja voi kuvata
näkökulmiksi liikkeenjohdon konsultointiin. Pääosassa kurssin opetusta eivät ole
konsultoinnin työkalut tai tekniikat. Kurssilla esitetään useita eri näkökulmia, joiden kautta
liikkeenjohdon konsultointia sekä erityisesti sen vaikutuksia ja merkitystä nykyaikaisessa
liiketoiminnassa ja organisaatioiden kehittämisessä voidaan tarkastella. Näitä näkökulmia
opetetaan kriittisten johtamistutkimusten hengessä pohjautuen kurssin opettajien ja
vierailijoiden kokemuksiin liike-elämästä ja liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnista. Kurssilla
haetaan vastauksia mm. seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Mitä liikkeenjohdon konsultointi on?
Mitä konsultit tekevät? Millaisia ovat konsultointiprojektit? Mihin liikkeenjohdon
konsultointia hyödynnetään? Mitä vaikutuksia ja merkityksiä liikkeenjohdon konsultoinnilla
ja konsultointipalvelujen hyödyntämisellä on organisaatioiden kehittämisessä?
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Alkutentti (20% kurssin arvosanasta)
ensimmäisellä luentokerralla. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää alkutentin hyväksyttyä
suoritusta. Tentitään luentomoniste sekä teos: : Greiner, L. & Poulfelt, F. (eds.) (2005)
Handbook of Management Consulting: The Contemporary Consultant - Insights from
World Experts, luvut 1 sekä 4-8 eli sivut 3-23 ja 51-149.
2. Luennot 42 h. KTM Jukka Mattila ja KTT Sampo Tukiainen alustavat teemoja ja
vetävät keskustelua ja ryhmätöitä syyslukukauden loppuperiodilla. Vierailijaluennoitsijoita.
Aktiivinen osallistuminen välttämätöntä.
3. Ryhmäharjoitustyöt (50% arvosanasta). Käsittelevät kurssin teemoja. Tarkemmat
ohjeet kurssilla.
4. Lopputentti (30% arvosanasta) kurssin viimeisellä luentokerralla. Tentitään
kurssikirjallisuus ja luennoilla jaettava materiaali. Kurssista järjestetään yksi uusintatentti.
Kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää kaikkien osien (alkutentti, harjoitustyö, lopputentti)
hyväksyttävää suoritusta.
• Oppimateriaali: Luentomoniste, jonka voi noutaa Marjatta Vuoriselta huoneesta
Ark E-328.
• Greiner, Larry et al. (Eds.) Handbook of Management Consulting: The
Contemporary Consultant - Insights from World Experts 2005 (Pakollinen)
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00500/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodilla viikkoa ennen periodin alkua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Osallistuminen kurssille edellyttää alkutentin hyväksyttyä suorittamista.
Kurssille otetaan enintään 40 opiskelijaa alkutenttitulosten mukaisessa järjestyksessä,
kuitenkin siten että johtamisen kandidaattiohjelman opiskelijat ovat etusijalla.
21C00600 Suomalaisten yritysten kehityspolut ja strategia (6 op)
Developmental Paths and Strategies of Finnish Corporations
Vastuuopettaja: Sampo Tukiainen; Samuli Skurnik
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman yhteiset opinnot.
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: III (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 16h valmistautuminen luennoille
56h harjoitustehtävien suorittaminen
25h ryhmätehtävien suorittaminen
32h tenttiin valmistautuminen
4h tentti
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tavoitteena on perehdyttää osallistujat tärkeiden
suomalaisten yritysten liiketoiminnallisiin kehityspolkuihin ja nykyisiin strategisiin
haasteisiin. Kurssilla opitaan myös soveltamaan aiemmalla Liiketoiminta ja strategia kurssilla (21C00100) opetettuja strategisen johtamisen käsitteitä ja malleja.
Sisältö: Kurssin aluksi osallistujat perehdytetään suomalaisen talousmallin murroksiin
sekä strategiatyön keskeisiin teemoihin. Sen jälkeen tutustutaan eri sektoreilla toimivien
yritysten erityispiirteisiin ja ajankohtaisiin strategisiin haasteisiin yrityskeissien avulla.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Alkutentti (30 % arvosanasta). Alkutentissä tentitään kurssimoniste. Seuraa kurssin
verkkosivuja ajantasaisen tiedon saamiseksi tentin ja kurssijärjestelyiden osalta.
2. Luennot 27 h. Samuli Skurnik, Nina Granqvist ja vierailijat luennoivat kevään
loppuperiodilla. Yritysten edustajat ja tutkijat kuvaavat kullakin kerralla yhden yrityksen
strategisen tilanteen, josta keskustellaan yhdessä opiskelijoiden kanssa. Osallistuminen
luennoille on välttämätöntä.
3. Harjoitustehtävät (70 % kurssin arvosanasta). Ohjeet tehtävistä annetaan
ensimmäisellä luennolla.
• Oppimateriaali: Alkutentissä materiaalina on kurssimoniste.
• Muuten kurssilla käytetään oppimateriaalina luennoilla jaettavaa materiaalia.
• Kirjat (Availability):
Mannio, Pekka et al. (Eds.) Our Path Abroad: Exploring Post-War Internationalization of
Finnish Corporations 2003 (Pakollinen) Pfeffer, Jeffrey. Hard facts, dangerous halftruths, and total nonsense : profiting from evidence-based management 2006
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00600/
Esitiedot: Suositellaan kurssin 21C00100 Liiketoiminta ja strategia suorittamista.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen periodin alkua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kurssi toteutetaan yhteistyössä Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun
Avoimen yliopiston kanssa. Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun tutkinto-opiskelijoille
kurssi on maksuton.
21C00700 Ympäristö- ja yhteiskuntavastuu liiketoiminnassa (6 op)
Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility
Vastuuopettaja: Mika Kuisma
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman valinnaiset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: IV (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 26h osallistuminen luennoille
20h valmistautuminen luennoille
50h harjoitustyön valmistelu
10h osallistuminen harjoitustyöpajoihin
51h tenttiin valmistautuminen
3h tentti
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa valmiuksia ymmärtää kestävään kehitykseen liittyviä
yhteiskunnallisia odotuksia sekä niihin liittyviä strategisia valintoja ja johtamiskäytäntöjä
yrityksissä. Kurssi perehdyttää yritysten tapoihin vastata näihin ulkopuolisiin odotuksiin ja
yritysten mahdollisuuksiin tehdä vähittäisiä parannuksia olemassa olevaan liiketoimintaan
tai luoda uusia liiketoimintamalleja kestävän kehityksen ja vastuullisuusjohtamisen
tavoitteet huomioon ottaen. Teemaa pohditaan Kurssi antaa valmiuksia pohtia ympäristöja sosiaalisen vastuun riskejä ja mahdollisuuksia myös yrityksen eri toimintojen
näkökulmasta ja erilaisissa yrityskonteksteissa. Vierailijat esittelevät teemaan liittyviä
ajankohtaisia käytäntöjä ja malleja yrityksissä ja tuovat siihen uusia tutkimushavaintoja.
Sisältö: Kurssi tarjoaa vastauksia mm. seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Miten voidaan saada
aikaan vastuullisempaa liiketoimintaa? Miten erilaiset ulkoiset intressiryhmät vaikuttavat
yritysten vastuullisuusjohtamiseen? Minkälaisia haasteita ympäristö- ja sosiaalisen
vastuun teemaan liittyy esimerkiksi viestinnässä, tuotesuunnittelussa tai hankinnoissa?
Missä olosuhteissa ympäristö- ja sosiaalisen vastuun asioiden huomioon ottaminen on
yrityksille kannattavaa? Miten ympäristö- ja yhteiskuntavastuun kysymykset muuttuvat ja
miten muutoksia voidaan ennakoida? Miten vastuullisuutta mitataan, raportoidaan ja
miten siitä viestitään? Luennoilla esitettyjä näkökulmia pohditaan lisää kurssin
harjoitustöissä, jotka tehdään pienryhmissä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Luennot (20% kurssin arvosanasta). KTT Mika Kuisma ja vierailevat luennoijat
ohjaavat työskentelyä keväällä IV periodilla. Luentoja, vierailijoita yrityksistä ja
tutkimusryhmistä sekä ja muutama pienempi valmistautumistehtävä eri luentokerroille.
Harjoitustöiden käsittelyä ja kommentointia väli- ja lopputyöpajoissa. Aktiivinen
osallistuminen luennoille vaikuttaa myönteisesti arvosanaan ja ensimmäisellä
luentokerralla osallistuminen on välttämätöntä.
2. Harjoitustyö (40% arvosanasta). Opiskelijan oman kiinnostuksen mukaan valitusta
aiheesta ryhmätyönä tehtävä perusteellinen selvitys.
3. Lopputentti (40% arvosanasta) viimeisellä luentokerralla. Lopputentistä järjestetään
yksi uusinta.
• Oppimateriaali: Kurssilla ilmoitettavat artikkelit ja muut julkaisut.
• Kirja: Joutsenvirta, Maria ym. (toim.) (2011) Vastuullinen liiketoiminta
kansainvälisessä maailmassa. ISBN 978-952-495-213-2 (Pakollinen) Availability
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00700/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: KTT Mika Kuisma (mika.kuisma@aalto.fi)
21C00800 Työyhteisöjen sosiaalipsykologia (6 op)
Social Psychology of Work Communities
Vastuuopettaja: Maaret Wager
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman yhteiset opinnot.
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: III (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
• Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 24h osallistuminen luennoille
• 38h valmistautuminen luennoille
• 40h pienryhmätapaamiset
• 32h pienryhmätapaamisten valmistelu
• 12h ryhmätyöraportin kirjoittaminen
• 14h esitys ja sen valmistelu
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tavoitteena on lisätä opiskelijoiden ymmärrystä ihmisten
välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta, työryhmien dynamiikasta, johtamiseen kietoutuvista arvo,
rooli- ja toimintaristiriidoista sekä ammatti-identiteettien muotoutumisesta. Tavoitteena on
antaa valmiuksia myös henkilökohtaisen ammatillisen kehityksen arviointiin ja
suuntaamiseen sekä edistyä työelämän kannalta tärkeissä vuorovaikutustaidoissa.
Sisältö: Kurssilla pohditaan työyhteisöjä ja johtamista ihmisten välisen vuorovaikutuksen
näkökulmasta. Tarkastelun kohteena on silloin ihmisen toiminnan, ajattelun ja tunteiden
sosiaalinen perusta. Keskeisiä alueita ovat yksilön ja organisaation välinen suhde,
johtamisen psykologia, ammatti-identiteettien muotoutuminen sekä ryhmät ja ryhmien
väliset suhteet.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Aktiivisuus luennoilla 24 h (40%
kurssin arvosanasta). Dosentti Maaret Wager luennoi ja ohjaa työskentelyä kolmannella
periodilla. Kurssilla käy yksi vierailija. Ensimmäisellä luentokerralla muodostetaan
pienryhmät, jotka työskentelevät yhdessä koko kurssin ajan. Pienryhmät kokoontuvat
myös luentokertojen välillä sopimiensa aikataulujen mukaisesti.
2. Pienryhmätyöskentely ja harjoitustehtävä (60% arvosanasta). Ryhmissä toteutetaan
lukupiiri sekä kirjallinen työ ja esitys valitusta teemasta muulle ryhmälle.
Oppimateriaali: Artikkelit, joita ryhmät etsivät harjoitustyötä varten.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00800/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen periodin alkua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kurssille otetaan ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä enintään 50 opiskelijaa,
kuitenkin siten että etusijalla ovat johtamisen kandidaattiohjelman opiskelijat.
Osallistuminen ensimmäisellä kerralla on välttämätöntä, koska silloin vahvistetaan
osallistuminen kurssille sekä muodostetaan pienryhmät.
21C00901 Tiimityön elävä työpaja I (6 op)
Teamwork living workshop I
Vastuuopettaja: N.N.
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman valinnaiset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: KURSSIA EI OPETETA LUKUVUONNA 2015-2016
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 10h Itsenäinen orientoituminen ennen elävän työpajan
50h Yhteiset elävä työpaja -sessiot ja spontaanisti syntyvät ison tiimin aktiviteetit
60h Työskentely pikkutiimeinä ja isona tiiminä
40h Virikemateriaalien lukeminen ja viikoittaisten omakirjojen kirjoittaminen
• Osaamistavoitteet: Tiimityön elävä työpaja tarjoaa sinulle mahdollisuuden
kehittää hyvinkin erilaisia taitoja riippuen omasta kiinnostuksestasi sekä
halustasi ja uskalluksestasi ottaa työskentelytavasta kaikki irti ja tehdä siitä
omasi. Olen rakentanut elävän työpajan konseptin niin, että 7 työpajaviikon
jälkeen sinä osaisit ainakin hieman aiempaa paremmin käyttää analyyttistä ja
inhimillistä näkökykyäsi ollaksesi ja toimiaksesi käytännöllisesti viisaasti
tiimityössä ja (organisaatio)elämäsi arjessa eli esim.kuunnella muita ja tuulla
kuulluksi, ymmärtää muita, saattaa ymmärtämään ja tulla ymmärretyksi, luoda
tilaa luottamukselle, avoimuudelle ja rehellisyydelle ja dialogille, olla auki ja
läsnä, nähdä ja aistia inhimilliseen yhdessä olemiseen ja tekemiseen liittyviä
asioita entistä hienoviritteisemmin
• etsiä, kehitellä ja käyttää valtavirrasta ja arkiajattelusta poikkeavia logiikoita
hahmottaa ja jäsentää ihmisten väliseen yhdessä olemiseen, tekemiseen ja
aikaansaamiseen liittyviä ilmiöitä.
• tunnistaa ja ymmärtää olemistamme, tekemistämme ja aikaansaamistamme
mahdollistavia ja rajoittavia käytänteitä ja hyödyntää käytänneajattelua
käytännön tiimityöskentelyssä ja organisaatioarjessasi sekä niiden
• tiedostaa, millaiseksi erilaiset käytänteet, suhteet ja kohtaamiset sinut ihmisenä
ja tiimiläisenä tekevät ja millaisiksi sinä näissä käytänteissä, suhteissa ja
kohtaamisissa tulet muut ihmisinä ja tiimiläisinä tehneeksi.
• nähdä maailman sellaisena kuin se on, mutta myös kuvitella maailman
sellaisena kuin se voisi olla - ja halutessasi toimia tehdäksesi siitä sellaisen.
• Sisältö: Kaikki, mitä yhdessä teemme, on itsessään kurssin sisältöä - tällä
kurssilla asiat siis todella elävät! Parhaimmillaan elävässä työpajassa käy niin,
että kysymys ei olekaan enää kurssista, vaan aidosta yhdessä olemisesta ja
tekemisestä ja siihen liittyvien ilmiöiden tutkimisesta livenä. Jutun punaisena
lankana toimii itsessään tieteen ja tutkimuksen tajunnanräjäyttävään voimaan
perustuva elävän työpajan konsepti ja työskentelytapa, joka mahdollistaa sen,
että varsinaiset sisällöt ovat niitä asioita ja ilmiöitä, jotka nousevat elävästä
olemisestamme ja tekemisestämme ja mukana olevien ihmisten kiinnostuksista.
Se, kuinka pitkälle ja syvälle “sisällöllisesti” pääsemme, riippuu siitä, mihin
yhdessä osaamme ja uskallamme heittäytyä. Yleisesti ottaen olemme elävässä
työpajassa seuraavien asioiden äärellä:”tiimityö” eli yhdessä oleminen,
tekeminen ja aikaansaaminen käytännössä ja siinä kehittyminen niin tiimiläisinä
ja tiiminä kuin ihmisinä ja yhdessä olevien, tekevien ja aikaansaavien ihmisten
• inhimillisen ihmisenä olemisen sekä yhdessä olemisen, tekemisen ja
aikaansaamisen ilmiöiden ja tilanteiden todeksi eläminen ja kokeminen,
havainnoiminen, hahmottaminen ja tunnistaminen sekä tutkiminen ja
inhimillisesti hyvältä tuntuvien ja tarkoituksenmukaisten yhdessä olemisen, tekemisen ja
aikaansaamisen käytänteiden kokeileminen, luominen ja kehittäminen tiimityön ja
tiiminvetämisen kontekstissa (mm. arviointi, palaute, keskusteleminen, yhdessä
ideoiminen ja luominen)
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
Elävässä työpajassa ei todellakaan tyydytä teoreettiseen tietämiseen tai valmiiden
käsitteiden ja mallien käyttämiseen (emme tule lukemaan yhtä ainutta tiimityöhön liittyvää
artikkelia!), vaan käännämme perusopiskelulogiikan päälaelleen ja lähdemme oman
inhimillisen ja analyyttisen näkö- ja havaitsemiskykymme sekä kokemustemme ja
oivallustemme sanoittamiskyvyn kehittämisestä. Ole siis valmis heittämään perinteinen
opiskelijarooli romukoppaan ja laittamaan itsesi likoon paitsi organisaatioissa toimimisen
ammattilaisena ennen kaikkea ihmisenä!
1. Orientaatiotehtävä (5%)
2. Yhteiset elävä työpaja -sessiot muiden tiimiläisten, Susannan ja vierailevien alan
ammattilaisten kanssa (50 h)
3. Työskentely pikkutiimeinä ja isona tiiminä sekä tässä työskentelyssä syntyvä “elävä
tuotos” (60 %)
4. Omakohtainen viikoittainen luonnoskirja- ja omakirja työskentely (25%)
Oppimateriaali: Kaunokirjalliset ja “filosofiset” virikemateriaalit, elokuvat, elävässä
työpajassa yhdessä synnyttämämme aito oleminen ja tekeminen (≈ tiimityö) sekä siihen
liittyvät ilmiöt, kokemukset ja havainnot, me itse ja meidän välisemme suhteet.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssi korvaa kurssin Tiiminvetäminen käytännössä 21C00900.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00901/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Opetuskieli: Suomi
21C00902 Tiimityön elävä työpaja II (6 op)
Teamwork living workshop II
Vastuuopettaja: N.N.
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman valinnaiset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: KURSSIA EI OPETETA LUKUVUONNA 2015-2016
Sisältö: Tiimityön elävä työpaja II on Tiimityön elävä työpaja I:n tiimille varattu
mahdollisuus jatkaa yhdessä olemista ja tekemistä, siihen liittyvien ilmiöiden tutkimista ja
oivalletun tekemistä eläväksi oman tiimin ja kurssin ulkopuolella. Tiimi kehittelee “kurssin”
työskentelytavat, sisällöt ja tavoitteet yhdessä Susannan kanssa työpaja I:ssä koetun ja
opitun pohjalta.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Arvostelu hyväksytty/hylätty
Korvaavuudet: Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21c00902/
Esitiedot: Kurssit 21C00200 Johtajuus organisaatioissa ja 21C00901 Tiimityön elävä
työpaja I. Katso myös Lisätiedot.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Huomaathan, että työpaja II:een voi osallistua vain sinä keväänä, jolloin on
ollut mukana työpaja I:ssä ja että kurssin toteutuminen riippuu työpaja I:n tiimiläisten
omasta innostuksesta ja yhteisestä päätöksestä. KURSSIA EI OPETETA LUKUVUONNA
21C01000 Laadullinen tutkimus (6 op)
Qualitative Research
Vastuuopettaja: Riku Oksman
Kurssin asema: TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, menetelmäopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Opetusperiodi: V (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: osallistuminen luennoille 24 h
välitehtävät 64 h
lopputehtävä 72 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Tavoitteena on, että kurssin jälkeen ymmärrät laadullisen
tutkimuksen yleisluonteen sekä tunnet ja osaat soveltaa keskeisimpiä laadullisia aineiston
hankinnan ja analysoinnin menetelmiä.
Sisältö: Kurssilla perehdytään laadullisen tutkimuksen peruspiirteisiin, sen erilaisiin
lähtökohtiin sekä yleisimpiin laadullisen aineiston hankinnan ja analysoinnin menetelmiin.
Lisäksi kurssilla
tutustutaan kansainvälistä huipputasoa edustaviin laadullisiin tutkimusraportteihin.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 24 h. KTT Riku Oksman ohjaa
työskentelyä V periodilla.
2. Välitehtävät (5 x 10 % arvosanasta). Ohjeet annetaan luennoilla.
3. Lopputehtävä (50 % arvosanasta). Ohjeet annetaan luennoilla.
Oppimateriaali: Eskola, J., & Suoranta, J. (1998). Johdatus laadulliseen tutkimukseen.
Tampere: Vastapaino.
muu erikseen jaettava materiaali Saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C00100/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen periodin alkua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Opiskelijan on osallistuttava ensimmäiselle luennolle varmistaakseen
paikkansa kurssilla.
Maksimiosallistujamäärä 40, etusijalla johtamisen, laskentatoimen, yritysjuridiikan ja
kandiopiskelijat. Kurssilla ei ole läsnäolopakkoa, mutta luennoille osallistuminen on
erittäin suotavaa. Hyvän arvosanan saamiseksi opiskelijan odotetaan osallistuvan
21C01500 Erityishanke (6 op)
Special Project
Vastuuopettaja: Olli-Pekka Kauppila
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman valinnaiset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Sisältö: Opiskelijoiden ja opettajien yhteistyönä toteutuva projekti (esim. opintomatka),
joka tukee aineen muita opintojaksoja. Projekti käynnistetään opiskelijoiden omasta
aloitteesta ja projektin toteuttaminen edellyttää suurta itsenäisyyttä opiskelijoilta.
Suorittamistavoista ja organisoinnista sovitaan kunkin hankkeen kohdalla erikseen.
Aloitteiden tekoon liittyvissä kysymyksissä voi kääntyä aineen opettajien puoleen.
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21c01500/
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Kiinnostuneita pyydetään ottamaan yhteyttä opintojakson
vastuuopettaja Olli-Pekka Kauppilaan.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kiinnostuneita pyydetään ottamaan yhteyttä opintojakson vastuuopettaja
Olli-Pekka Kauppilaan.
21C09000 Toisessa yliopistossa suoritettu johtamisen kurssi (6 cr)
Management Course Completed in Other University or in Aalto University
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
21C09900 Ulkomaisessa yliopistossa suoritettu johtamisen kurssi (6 cr)
Management Studies in Foreign Universities
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
21C09901 Aalto-yliopistossa suoritettu johtamisen kurssi (6 op)
Management Studies in Aalto University
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Aalto-yliopistossa suoritettuun johtamisen kurssiin ei voi hyväksilukea Aaltoyliopiston Kauppakorkeakoulussa suoritettuja kursseja. Vain muissa Aalto-yliopiston
korkeakouluissa tehty 6 op laajuinen johtamisen opintojakso voidaan hyväksilukea tämän
kurssin alle.
21C10000 Business and Society (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Esko Aho
Teaching period: III 2015-2016 Otaniemen kampus/Otaniemi campus
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course descrption TBA
21C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma (10 op)
Bachelor’s Thesis
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman pakolliset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen pakolliset opinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Oppimateriaali: Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Ks. 21C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari.
21C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari (2 op)
Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar
Vastuuopettaja: Sari Yli-Kauhaluoma
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman pakolliset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen pakolliset opinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: I - II (syksy 2015), III - IV (kevät 2016)
Osaamistavoitteet: Kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on syventyä itseä kiinnostavaan
ja omaan ammattialaan liittyvään aihealueeseen, oppia määrittämään mielekkäitä
tutkimustehtäviä ja toteuttaa itsenäisesti pienimuotoista tutkimustyötä.
Tutkimusongelmien asettaminen edellyttää kykyä erottaa arkikokemuksista, aiemmasta
tutkimuksesta ja muusta taustamateriaalista ilmiöitä, jotka herättävät kiinnostusta.
Tutkimustyöhön puolestaan kuuluu lähdekirjallisuuden haku ja käyttö sekä aineiston
kerääminen ja analysointi. Kaikkia näitä tehtäviä varten tutkielmassa ja sitä tukevassa
seminaarissa harjoitellaan kommunikoivaa ja argumentoivaa kirjoittamista ja rakentavaa
keskustelua muiden tutkimuksista ja näkemyksistä.
Sisältö: Kandidaatintutkielman tekemistä jäsentää ja aikatauluttaa seminaaritapaamisten
sarja. Seminaaritapaamisten tarkoitus on auttaa tutkielman laatimiseen liittyvissä
kysymyksissä ja tarjota ryhmän tukea yksittäiselle opiskelijalle. Työskentely valmentaa
opiskelijoita lähteiden käyttämiseen, aineiston keräämiseen ja analysointiin sekä
loppuraportin kirjoittamiseen.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: KTK-tutkielmaseminaariryhmät aloittavat
sekä syksyllä että keväällä. Opintojakson suorittaminen edellyttää osallistumista
yhteiseen seminaarityöskentelyyn ja hyväksyttyä kandidaatintutkielmaa. Osallistuminen
seminaarityöskentelyyn on pakollista.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21C99902/
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen I tai III periodin alkamista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Opiskelijan on osallistuttava ensimmäiselle luennolle varmistaakseen
paikkansa kurssilla.
21C99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Kurssin asema: TS2005: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen koulutusohjelman pakolliset
TS2013: KTK-tutkinto, Johtamisen erikoistumisalueen pakolliset opinnot.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Sisältö: Kandidaatintutkielman valmistuttua opiskelija suorittaa kypsyysnäytteen, jolla
osoitetaan sekä perehtyneisyyttä tutkielman aihepiiriin että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
taitoa. Kypsyysnäytteen arvioivat sekä aineen opettaja että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamisesta sovitaan
erikseen seminaariryhmän vetäjien kanssa.
Oppimateriaali: Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
21E00011 Doing Qualitative Research (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Saija Katila
Status of the Course: Degree Regulations 2005: M.Sc. degree, Common advanced
studies of the Department of Management and International Business.
Degree Regulations 2013: M.Sc. degree, Common studies in Management and
International Business programme.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I (fall 2015), IV (spring 2016)
Workload: 24h Active participation in lectures,
12h Preparing for the lectures,
60h Doing the learning exercises,
62h Writing the final paper
Learning Outcomes: The course provides students with resources and skills to plan and
conduct a qualitative study. The student will learn to make informed choices in their own
research and understand the possibilities and limits of their chosen methods.
Content: The course focuses on the process of doing research and systematic empirical
analysis; and builds understanding of various types of qualitative research approaches,
data and methods.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The coursework consists of active participation in
class (5/8), learning exercises (30% of the course work) and final paper which focuses on
issues relevant to student’s own research process (100 % course grade). Compulsory
participation in the lectures: 5/8
Study Material: Material and readings provided by the teacher. Eriksson, Päivi &
Kovalainen, Anne (2008) Qualitative methods in business research. ISBN 978-1-41290316-5 ( Availability)
Substitutes for Courses: This course can be substituted with 80E80100 Business
Research Methods.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21e00011/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course is designed to facilitate students’ master’s thesis
processes, therefore it is recommended that the participants have a preliminary thesis
topic when registering for the course. The course is open only to the students of the
department of Management. The course is not open for exchange students.
21E00012 Gender and Diversity at Work (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Janne Tienari; Saija Katila
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, elective course in common advanced studies in
Management. M.Sc. degree, elective course in common studies in Management and
International Business.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: IV (spring 2016)
Workload: 24h Participating in course sessions
50h Preparing for course sessions and individual writing assignments
50h Doing group work
34h Preparing for the reflective journal
Learning Outcomes: This course raises awareness and deepens understanding of the
significant role of gender and diversity in contemporary work organizations. It offers
multiple perspectives to analyze issues of gender and diversity at the levels of identity,
organizational practices and society. The course provides students with conceptual and
practical tools to critically examine social and organizational practices of exclusion and
inclusion. Moreover, students learn how they can act as change agents in making
exclusionary practices visible and creating inclusive workplaces.
Content: The course provides an overview of gender and diversity issues in
management, organizations and labour market and covers different theoretical
approaches to understanding gender and diversity. Various societal and organizational
images and practices are examined from the perspective of how they privilege certain
categories of people while excluding others. The course looks at these issues in different
contexts ranging from everyday experiences to gender inequalities in the global
economy. The possibilities for change are explored by considering forms of diversity
management and interventions for changing exclusionary practices. The course operates
on a moodle platform.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Teachers: Saija Katila and Janne Tienari
1. Thematic course sessions (24 h). Interactive format.
2. Group work (oral presentation and written report; 30% of course grade)
3. Writing assignments on course readings (40% of course grade)
4. Reflective journal (30% of course grade)
Study Material:
Literature: Danowitz, M.A., Hanappi-Egger, E. & Mensi-Klarbach, H. (-1) Diversity in
organizations: concepts and practices. , 2012 . ISBN 9780230361317
Study Material:
Danowitz, M.A., Hanappi-Egger, E. & Mensi-Klarbach, H. (2012) Diversity in
Organizations: Concepts and Practices. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230361317.
Other material (session handouts etc.) will be made available at the course website.
Substitutes for Courses: 21E80000 Gender, Management and Organizations. It is
possible to include only one of these courses to the Master’s degree.
Course Homepage: Moodle
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi one week before the start of the teaching
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course is restricted to 40 students (including a quota for five
Open University students). Students in the Management and IB program have priority,
others in registration order.
21E00013 Capstone: Workshop on Innovating Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: prof. Liisa Välikangas
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, Capstone in Management and International
Business M.Sc. degree, elective studies in Management
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
Workload: Lectures, Group Work, Readings, Student Presentations
Learning Outcomes: Students will master the method of innovating management.
Content: An exploration of the frontiers of management innovation.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Class participation, exam, presentations, group
Study Material:
Daniel A. Wren, The History of Management Thought, 5th ed., 2004 (tai uudempi).
Alfred Chandler, The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business,
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1993 (tai uudempi)
Marina Gorbis: The Nature of the Future, Dispatches from the Socialstructed World,
Simon & Schuster, 2013.
Readings announced in class
Course Homepage: Noppa
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Max 60 students are taken to the course. Students in Management- and Management
and International Business -programmes have priority, others in balanced combination in
the order of registration.
Not lectured 2015-2016
21E00030 Strategy Work (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Henri Schildt
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in Management and
International Business, M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in Management.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (fall 2015)
Workload: Classroom hours 36h
Class preparation & pre-assignments 48h
Group project 36h
Exam preparation 20h
Final reflection essay 20h
Total 160h (6 op)
Learning Outcomes: This course provides students with the basic understanding of the
processes and practices through which strategy is formulated and implemented in
organizations. Students will learn the basic principles for facilitating strategic changes
through leadership, communications, and organizational design. We will familiarize the
students to typical strategy processes and the variety of organizational roles involved in
strategy work in multinational corporations and smaller entrepreneurial firms.
Content: This course familiarizes the students with the practice of strategy in
multinational corporations and smaller entrepreneurial firms. The students will gain a
realistic perspective to practices and routines related to strategy through case studies,
guest lectures, and group assignments.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Session participation (10%)
2. Individual pre-assignments (20%)
3. Group assignment (20%)
4. Verbal exam in debate format (30%)
5. Final reflection essay (20%)
Study Material: Collection of articles (to be announced).
Substitutes for Courses:
21E00700 Strategy Work in Global Context
It is possible to include only one of these courses to the Master’s degree.
Course Homepage: Noppa
Prerequisites: Any basic course on strategic management course (e.g. TU-91.1011
Principles of Strategic Management or 21C00100)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi Students must attend the first lecture to ensure
their place on the course.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Maximum 52 students will be admitted. Students in Management
and Management and International Business -programmes have priority, others in the
order of registration. Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place on the
Compulsory participation in the lectures: The students are required to attend at least 9 of
the 12 sessions to be able to complete the course. All students are required to attend the
verbal exam at the end of the course (two available dates, to be announced).
21E00031 Innovation, Strategic Resilience and Renewal (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Liisa Välikangas
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in Management and International Business,
M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in Management.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: III (2015-2016)
Workload: Lectures, Group Work, Student Presentations, Readings
Learning Outcomes: The mastery of strategic renewal and resilience in organizations.
Content: An exploration of strategies for resilience and renewal in organizations.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Class participation, exam, presentations, group
Study Material:
Valikangas, L. The Resilient Organization, How Adaptive Cultures Thrive Even When
Strategy Fails, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Readings to be announced in class.
Substitutes for Courses:
Course 21E90000 Managing Innovation and Change
It is possible to include only one of these courses to the Master’s degree.
Course Homepage: Noppa
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max 40 students are taken to the course.
Students in Management- and Management and International Business -programmes
have priority, others in the order of registration.
21E00032 Innovation Processes in Transition (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Erkki Ormala
Status of the Course: Elective course in the M.Sc. in Management and International
Business programme.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015)
18h Participating in course sessions
60h reading the background material
82h writing a 5 page essay on a selected and approved topic (about 2000 words)
• Learning Outcomes: A general understanding of innovation, innovation
processes and innovation management, in different contexts, and their role in
society and in business strategy.
Understand how innovation can (and cannot) be fostered, managed or steered,
and which policies, processes and tools are needed, offering case-based
insights in what works and what not.
• Understand how innovation is related to other functional business areas such as
finance, marketing, buying, customer relations and to the over-all business
• Understand specific issues and topics in fostering and managing innovation, e.g.
technology platforms and innovation strategies, innovation in inter-organisational
networks, service innovation, user driven innovation, collaboration in innovation,
open innovation arrangements such as regarding IP management, business
model innovation, transition management approaches to societal innovations
Each session will concentrate on a specific aspect of innovation methodology, process
and/or policy
Guest speakers from industry and academia will provide presentations in sessions
Cases will form an important part of the course and may include:
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
20% of evaluation: Participating in and preparing for course sessions
80% of evaluation: Essay work
Course requires active participation in all sessions. Max. 1 absence is allowed for a good
reason, it must be approved by the teacher.
Study Material:
Preferred reading:
• C.M. Christensen and M.E. Raynor: The Innovator’s Solution, Harvard Business
School Press, 2003
• J. Fagerberg, D.C. Mowery and R.R Nelson: The Oxford Handbook of
Innovation, Oxford University Press, 2005
Background reading
• A. Osterwalder and Y. Pigneur: Business Model Generation, John Wiley & Sons,
2010 (ISBN-10: 0470876417)
• H. Chesbrough: Open Business Models, Harvard Business School Press, 2006
• H.R. Varian, C. Shapiro: Information Rules. A Guide to the Network Economy.
Harvard Busienss SChoool Press, 1999.
• C. M. Christensen: The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause
Great Firms to Fail. Harvard Business School Press 1997.
• A. Gawer and M. Cusumano, Platform Leadership: How Intel, Microsoft and
Cisco Drive Industry Innovation. Harvard Busienss School Press, 2002.
• A. Afuah: Innovation Management Strategies, Oxford University Press, 2003
• B. von Stamm: Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity, John Wiley & Sons,
G.A. Moore: Crossing the Chasm, Harper Collins Publishers, 2002
G. Hamel & C.K: Prahalad: Competing for the Future, Harvard Business School
Press, 1994
• OECD: Science, Technology and Industry Scorecard 2013
Material and readings, including cases, provided by the teacher and the external lecturers
Course Homepage: Noppa-pages
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via Weboodi one week before the teaching period starts.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max 30 students are taken to the course. Students in Management
and International Business -programme have priority, others in the order of registration.
Course requires active participation in all sessions. Max. 1 absence is allowed for a good
reason, it must be approved by the teacher.
21E00033 Strategic Change (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Eero Vaara; Janne Tienari
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in Management and
International Business
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: III (spring 2016)
Workload: Session participation: 30 h (10 sessions á 3 h, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 912 am)
Pre-readings and related essays: 48 h
Group assignment: 40 h
Reflective diary: 40 h
(=160 h)
Learning Outcomes: The course offers a theoretically grounded and practically relevant
overview of key questions in strategic change. Building upon an understanding of
strategy as something that people in organizations do, the course sessions address
traditional (e.g. continuous renewal vs. strategic transformation; industry specific
opportunities and challenges) and more novel (e.g. hypercompetition and digitalization)
questions in accomplishing strategic change.
The students will develop a substantiated view of change in the contemporary global
economy through extant theory, guest lectures by corporate professionals, real-case
examples, group work, and personal reflection. Upon completion of the course students
are able to critically scrutinize notions of strategic change and its management.
Content: 1. Strategic change: Different approaches
2. Strategy dialogue and continuous renewal
3. Strategic transformation and turnaround
4. Strategic change in “traditional” industries
5. Strategic change in “high-velocity” industries
6. Strategic change and external advice
7. Strategy, change, and culture
8. Strategic change and digitalization
9. Mindsets of strategic change
10. Poster session and course summary
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Session participation: 10% (1% per course
2. Individual essays (reaction papers): 40%
3. Group assignment: 25 %
4. Reflective diary: 25%
Study Material: Earner, Jack E. (2014) My Little Book of Strategy Availability. Hard
copies of the book will be made available for loan in the first course session.
Collection of articles (to be announced)
Substitutes for Courses: Management Consulting and Strategic Innovation (21E00800),
Managing Innovation and Change (21E90000)
Course Homepage: the course operates on a Moodle platform.
Prerequisites: For Aalto Students: Strategy Work (21E00030)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Maximum 40 students will be admitted. Students in Management
and MIB –programs have priority, others in order of registration. Students must attend the
first course session to ensure their place on the course.
Compulsory participation in the lectures: Students are required to attend at least 7
sessions out of 10 to be able to complete the course.
21E00034 Strategy Process (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Timo Vuori
Status of the Course: The course is intended and mandatory for students in the
following programs: Masters in Strategy (BIZ+SCI) and Strategy & Venturing (SCI),
Management and International Business (BIZ).
Level of the Course: Masters level
Teaching period: Fall 2015: period I
Workload: 135h divided to readings, lectures, weekly reading essays, simulation game,
and final group assignment
Learning Outcomes: Student will learn key theoretical knowledge about strategy
process (with an emphasis on strategy formulation and decision making, but covering
also implementation concerns) and to apply the knowledge in practice. The focus is on
the “how” of making strategy rather than in the content (“what”).
• Content: Forming strategies: Analogical reasoning and other means
• Learning from experience: Heuristics and causal knowledge
• Detecting change: Mental models and cognitive inertia
• Implementation challenges: Intended strategies and unintended consequences,
• Team and structural processes: Shared mental models, structure and process
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Weekly reading essays (50%) and group
assignment (50%) are graded
Study Material: Material distributed during the course Simulation game and related
Substitutes for Courses: TU-91.2047 Strategy & Organizations (5 cr)
TU-91.2024 Developing Global Leadership Talent (5 cr)
Course Homepage: Noppa
Prerequisites: Relevant BSc degree
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course is intended only for students in the following programs:
Masters in Strategy (BIZ+SCI) and Strategy & Venturing (SCI), Management and
International Business (BIZ). Lectures are mandatory. Course requires active group work
for the duration of the whole course.
21E00050 HRM and HR Work in Practice (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: KTM/VTM Minna Stenius (minna.stenius@aalto.fi)
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, johtamisen koulutusohjelman “Henkilöstöjohtamisen” –
erikoistumis-alueen valinnaiset opinnot.
M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in Management and International Business
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: Ei luennoida 2015-2016
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
32 h Alkutehtävä
24 h Osallistuminen luennoille
12 h Valmistautuminen luennoille
50 h Harjoitukset
44 h Lopputenttiin valmistautuminen
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tavoitteena on, että opiskelija ymmärtää
henkilöstöjohtamisen asemaa ja roolia yritysten ja organisaatioiden toiminnassa ja
perehtyy henkilöstötyön sisältöön ja käytäntöihin eri toimijaryhmien näkökulmasta.
Sisältö: Kurssi muodostuu luennoista, vierailuluennoista, joilla henkilöstöjohdon
edustajat esittelevät organisaatioidensa henkilöstöjohtamista ja henkilöstötyön
organisointia, opiskelijoiden laatimista henkilöstötyötä käsittelevistä harjoitustöistä sekä
alueen kirjallisuudesta. Kurssilla pyritään antamaan kuva henkilöstöjohtamisen kentästä
ja eri toimijaryhmien tekemästä henkilöstötyöstä. Tällaisia keskeisiä henkilöstötyön osaalueita ovat henkilöstöjohtajan ja johtoryhmän tekemä strateginen henkilöstötyö; HRosaston/yksikön tekemä henkilöstötyön organisointi ja henkilöstöpolitiikan ja -käytäntöjen
suunnittelu; henkilöstöammattilaisten työ (kuten henkilöstön rekrytointi, perehdyttäminen,
kehittäminen); esimiesten suorittama päivittäinen HR-työ sekä erilaiset ulkoistetut ja
henkilöstölle hajautetut henkilöstötehtävät.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Alkutehtävä teoksesta: Viitala, R. (2007): Henkilöstöjohtaminen. Strateginen
kilpailutekijä. alkutehtävä suoritetaan kotitenttinä ennen kurssin alkua. Tenttikysymykset
tulevat Noppaan kurssin kotisivulle 27.10.2013 klo 12. Kotitentin palautus sähköpostitse
(minna.stenius (at) aalto.fi) ti 29.10.13 klo 23.59 mennessä. Teos kannattaa lukea jo
etukäteen ja se on saatavilla myös Helsingin yliopiston kirjastosta.
2. Luennot 24 h. Minna Stenius ja vierailuluennoitsijat luennoivat syyslukukauden
alkuperiodilla. Aktiivinen osallistuminen välttämätöntä. Läsnäolo pakollinen 5/6
3. Harjoitustehtävät. Pakollisissa harjoitustehtävissä sovelletaan kurssilla opittuja asioita.
4. Lopputentti. Lopputenttiin kuuluvat: luennot, Collings. &Wood (2009), kurssille kuuluvat
artikkelit ja muu materiaali. Kurssista järjestetään vain yksi rästikuulustelu, jossa
hyväksytyt harjoitustyöt ovat voimassa.
Oppimateriaali: Luentojen alussa ilmoitettavat artikkelit ja muu luennoilla jaettava
Korvaavuudet: Kurssin 21C00300 Henkilöstöjohtaminen suorittaneet: Tämän kurssin
(21E00050 Henkilöstöjohtaminen ja HR-työ käytännössä) tilalla suoritetaan kurssi
26E03400 People Management in Multinational Organizations.
Kurssin kotisivu: Noppa
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen kurssille WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen
periodin alkua. Ks. ohjeet alkutehtävästä kurssikuvauksesta.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää alkutehtävän hyväksyttyä suoritusta.
Kurssille otetaan enintään 40 opiskelijaa, ja valinta suoritetaan alkutentin perusteella
etusijan ollessa Johtamisen- ja Management and International Business koulutusohjelmien pääaineopiskelijoilla. Ei luennoida 2015-2016
21E00051 Strategic Human Resource Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Minna Stenius
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in Management and
International Business
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015)
Workload: Lectures 24h
Assignment1: readings and essays 40h
Assignment2: group assignment 40h
Exam preparation 52h
Exam 4h (based on all readings)
Learning Outcomes: • Students will deepen their understanding of the strategic role of
human resources in contemporary organizations, and develop a perspective to HRM as a
primarily strategy driven activity.
• Students learn how strategic objectives and initiatives may be realized in practice and
translated into human resource policies and practices.
• Students will become familiar with some central concepts of organizational behavior
as part of their people management skills development.
Content: The course consists of lectures, assignments, discussions, lectures by visiting
HR professionals, student presentations, etc. Themes include strategic HRM, strategic
aspects of workforce planning and human resource development (incl. talent
management), work well-being, etc. These together work toward achieving the learning
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures 24h: Teacher and visiting professionals
lecture during the latter period of the fall term.
Assignments: The individual assignment consists of reflection essays written on the basis
of lectures and articles. Group assignment utilizes concepts and literature used in the
course, and connects academic approaches to practical applications; details of the
assignment will be specified later.
Exam: Exam is based on the lectures and all study materials.
Assignment1 (25%), Assignment2 (25%), Exam (50%)
Study Material: Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. (2011) Strategy and Human Resource
Management. Third edition. ISBN 9780230579354.
Collings, D. & Wood, G. (2010). Human Resource Management: A Critical Approach.
ISBN 9780415462464. Available as an e-book at the library. Books above.
1-3 articles (for the assignments), which will be announced as the course starts.
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces course 2100050 Henkilöstöjohtaminen ja HR-työ
käytännössä from fall 2013.
Course Homepage: Noppa
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: In Weboodi a week before the start of the period. Maximum
number of participants is 40. Students in the Master’s Programme of Management and
International Business, and specifically those who major in HRM, take priority over other
Language of Instruction: English
21E00600 Human Resource Development (6 cr)
Human Resource Developmen
Responsible teacher: Tiina Taipale
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, an elective course in the ‘Human Resources
Management” specialization area in the Management program, M.Sc. degree, elective in
Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: I (fall 2015), V (Spring 2016)
156h preparation for the exam,
4h the exam,
total 160 hours
Learning Outcomes: The literature gives an overview of the field of human resource
development from the perspective of key research issues and debates.
Content: The books provide an understanding of Human Resource Development from
different theoretical viewpoints. Learning and development practices in organizations are
approached from alternative directions: mainstream and critical HRD, organizational
learning and from the point of view of skills and craftsmanship. The books cover
individual, organizational and societal levels of analysis.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam according to the exam schedule
(kuulustelujärjestys). The essay questions and evaluation criteria will be provided three
weeks in advance of the examination date in the course homepage:
https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21E00600/. Passing requires mastery of all of the
literature. You may answer the essay questions either in English or in Finnish.
Study Material: Human Resource Development, Theory and Practice, 2nd edition
Edited by Jeff Gold, Rick Holden, Paul Iles, Jim Stewart and Julie Beardwell
Palgrave Macmillan; Second Edition, 2013
Critical Human Resource Development, Beyond Orthodoxy
Edited by Clare Rigg, Jim Stewart and Kiran Trehan
FT, Prentice Hall, 2007
Knowing in Organizations: A Practice-Based Approach
Edited by Davide Nicolini, Silvia Gherardi, Dvora Yanow
M.E. Sharpe, 2003
Richard Sennett: The Craftsman
New Haven (Conn.); London : Yale University Press, 2008 - Availability
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21E00600/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi one week in advance.
Language of Instruction: English.
21E01050 Management and Strategy Making, book exam (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sari Yli-Kauhaluoma
Status of the Course: (DR2005) M.Sc. degree, an elective course in the Management
program. (DR2013) M.Sc. degree, elective in Management and International Business.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: I, III, V (2015-2016)
Workload: 156h preparation for the exam
4h the exam
Learning Outcomes: The books give an overview of strategy making and renewal in the
corporate context, with an emphasis on the competence and knowledge based
Content: The books expose the reader to the dynamics of strategic change in modern
corporations, in industrial force fields and in the contexts of communities of practice. The
first book in the list sketches the nature of the paradigm change from the closed to open
innovation thinking and acting. The second book takes up the issue of disruption in a
competitive arena and elaborates ways in which companies craft strategies to accomplish
growth and innovation. The third book elaborates the framework of communities of
practice. Such a perspective is needed because all formalistic organizational designs for
managing innovations have to be complemented with self-organizing efforts and
experimental learning due to the changing situational contingencies.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam according to the exam schedule
(kuulustelujärjestys). Passing of each book required. You may answer the essay
questions either in English or in Finnish.
Study Material:
Compulsory books:
Chesbrough, Henry W. (2003) Open innovation the new imperative for creating and
profiting from technology. ISBN 1578518377
Christensen, Clayton M. et al. (2003) The Innovator’s Solution. ISBN 1-57851-852-0
Wenger, Etienne (1999) Communities of Practice. ISBN 0-521-66363-6
Course Homepage: Noppa
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi one week in advance.
Language of Instruction: English.
21E01500 Erityishanke (6 op)
Special Project
Vastuuopettaja: Risto Tainio
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, johtamisen koulutusohjelman valinnaiset
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Sisältö: Opiskelijoiden ja opettajien yhteistyönä toteutuva projekti (esim. opintomatka),
joka tukee aineen muita opintojaksoja. Projekti käynnistetään opiskelijoiden omasta
aloitteesta ja projektin toteuttaminen edellyttää suurta itsenäisyyttä opiskelijoilta.
Suorittamistavoista ja organisoinnista sovitaan kunkin hankkeen kohdalla erikseen.
Aloitteiden tekoon liittyvissä kysymyksissä voi kääntyä aineen opettajien puoleen.
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21e01500/
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Kiinnostuneita pyydetään ottamaan yhteyttä opintojakson
vastuuopettaja Risto Tainioon.
Opetuskieli: Suomi tai englanti.
Lisätietoja: Kiinnostuneita pyydetään ottamaan yhteyttä opintojakson vastuuopettaja
Risto Tainioon.
21E02000 HR-tutkimuksen erityiskysymyksiä, lukemisseminaari (6 op)
Critical Issues in HR Research, Reading seminar
Vastuuopettaja: KTT Sinikka Vanhala
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, johtamisen koulutusohjelman “kehittämis- ja HR-työ” erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset opinnot. M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in
Management and International Business
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Opetusperiodi: ei luennoida 2015-2016
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 24h Alkutentti
80h Kirjalliset artikkeliarviot
21h Osallistuminen tunneille
11h Valmistautuminen ryhmäesityksiin
24h Loppuharjoitustyö
Osaamistavoitteet: Lukemisseminaarin tavoitteena on syventää opiskelijoiden tietoja ja
ymmärrystä henkilöstöjohtamista tutkimusalueena perehdyttämällä keskeisiin
kansainvälisiin HRM-diskursseihin ja erilaisiin HRM-tutkimuksen lähestymistapoihin, joita
ovat mm. strateginen henkilöstöjohtaminen, henkilöstöjohtamisen tuloksellisuus,
henkilöstökäytännöt ja työhyvinvointi sekä kriittinen ja vertaileva HRM-tutkimus. Kurssi
pyrkii antamaan akateemisia työkaluja erityisesti tutkielmatyöskentelyyn mm.
tutkimustekstien lukemisen, kirjoittamisen, reflektoinnin ja kriittisen ajattelun kautta ja
toisaalta tarjoamaan uusinta tutkimustietoa HR-työn painopistealueista tuleville
henkilöstöammattilaisille ja muille henkilöstötyötä tekeville.
Sisältö: Kurssilla perehdytään kansainvälisiin henkilöstöjohtamisen artikkeleihin.
Kurssilla opetellaan lukemaan tieteellisiä artikkeleita kriittisesti, tiivistämään artikkelien
ydinasiat, arvioimaan niitä ja välittämään tietoa ryhmän muille jäsenille.
Loppuharjoitustyössä sovelletaan opittuja asioita.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Alkutentti (15 % kurssin arvosanasta)
ensimmäisellä kokoontumiskerralla. Teos: Roper Ian C., Prouska, Rea & Na-Ayudhya,
Uracha Chatrakul (2010): Critical Issues in Human Resource Management, luvut 1-9 ja
19-23. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttää alkutentin hyväksyttyä suorittamista.
2. Seminaarityöskentely 6 x 3 h (20 % arvosanasta).
3. Seminaarityöskentelyyn kuuluvien artikkeleiden lukeminen ja arviointi (50 %).
4. Pienryhmissä tehtävä loppuharjoitustyö (15 %), jossa sovelletaan kurssilla opittuja
asioita. KTT Sinikka Vanhala ohjaa seminaarityöskentelyä kevätlukukauden
alkuperiodilla. Kurssilaisilta edellytetään etukäteistä perehtymistä käsiteltäviin
artikkeleihin ja lyhyiden raporttien laatimista niistä, aktiivista osallistumista kurssilla ja
osallistumista pienryhmätöihin.
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin alussa ilmoitettavat artikkelit ja muu materiaali. Roper Ian C.,
Prouska, Rea & Na-Ayudhya, Uracha Chatraku (2010) Critical Issues in Human Resource
Management. ISBN 1843982420 ( Saatavuus)
Korvaavuudet: Kurssin nimi on vaihtunut. Kurssi on vastaava entisen
“Henkilöstöjohtamisen tutkimuksen ajankohtaisteemoja, lukemisseminaari” -kurssin
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21E02000/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen kurssille WebOodilla viimeistään viikkoa ennen
periodin alkua. Alkutentin järjestelyistä ilmoitetaan kurssin Noppasivuilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kurssille otetaan työskentelytavasta johtuen enintään 15 opiskelijaa; valinta
tarvittaessa alkutentin perusteella, kuitenkin siten, että johtamisen maisteriohjelman
opiskelijat ovat etusijalla. Koska yhteisiä kokoontumisia on vain kuusi, huomattava osa
työskentelystä tapahtuu opintosalin ulkopuolella.
Pakollinen paikallaolo kurssilla: vain yksi poissaolo sallitaan Kurssia ei järjestetä 20152016.
21E03050 Inside Work Cultures, Book exam (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Hannu Hänninen
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, an elective course in the ‘Human Resources and
Development Work’ specialization area in the Management program. M.Sc. degree,
elective in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: II, IV (2015-2016)
Workload: 156h preparing for the exam
4h taking the exam
Learning Outcomes: To train students in reading, understanding and using relevant
research literature in developing a critical understanding of the nature of professional
work and employment in diverse working cultures. With the help of in-depth studies on
particular work students learn to understand also other working cultures, to respect their
diversity, as well as to think through and reflect on their own identities as becoming
Content: The literature takes students on a guided journey inside the intricate world of
work cultures. It offers rich accounts of and insights into how professionals work, talk
about their work, how they experience and understand their working in diverse
organizational settings. A selection of organizational ethnographies provides students
with a research-based understanding of how work and management gets done. The
literature explores the daily life of technical experts and contractors, human rights
guardians/activists, and field service technicians, among others. The literature provides a
selection of cultural resources with which students can understand and address a range
of professional practices, working conditions, organizational policies, and conflicting
moralities in work, as well as their effect on our (working) lives.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam on the listed literature according to the exam
schedule (kuulustelujärjestys). Students read the literature and write according to the
questions and guidelines given above, as well as reflect on their own identities and
understandings of the world of work. Passing of each book is required. You may answer
either in English or in Finnish.
Study Material: Ho, Karen Zouwen: Liquidated : an ethnography of Wall Street,
Fine, Gary A.: Kitchens : the culture of restaurant work, 2008, Obligatory
Orr, Julian E. : Talking about machines : an ethnography of a modern job / Julian E. Orr. ,
1996, Obligatory Availability
Substitutes for Courses: The course is substitute for the previous 21E03050,
Organisational Culture, Book exam.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21E03050/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi one week in advance.
Language of Instruction: English/Finnish.
21E06050 Responsibility Management (book exam) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mika Kuisma
Status of the Course: Degree Regulations 2005: M.Sc. degree, elective course in the
Business Leadership -specialization area in the Management programme and in the
Creative Sustainability programme.
Degree Regulations 2013: M.Sc. degree, elective course in the Management and
International Business programme and in the Creative Sustainability programme.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: II, III, V (2015-2016)
Workload: 156h studying the course material
4h exam
Learning Outcomes: To strengthen the student’s knowledge on social and theoretical
discussion on managing corporate responsibility, and understanding of the challenges,
limitations, and business potential related to more environmentally and socially sound
organizational practices and innovative business models.
Content: The basic concepts and dimensions of corporate responsibility, the drivers and
challenges for promoting sustainability and new business models in organizations, the
tools for monitoring, assessing and reporting the environmental and social risks,
opportunities and performance of an organization.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Book exam according to exam schedule
(kuulustelujärjestys). D.Sc. Mika Kuisma examines. Passing of each book required. You
may answer either in English or in Finnish.
• Study Material: Epstein, Marc J. (2007) Making Sustainability Work: Best
Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental. ISBN
978-1-57675-486-3 (Required)
• Halme, Minna et al. (2005) Sustainable Consumer Services. ISBN 978-1844072-09-5 (Required)
• Raufflet, Emmanuel & Mills, Albert J. (eds.) (2009) The Dark Side. Critical cases
on the downside of business.. ISBN 9781906093204 (Required)
• Laszlo, Chris & Zhexembayeva, Nadya (2011) Embedded Sustainability. The
Next Big Competitive Advantage. ISBN 978-1-906093-58-7 (Required)
• Availability
Substitutes for Courses: The substitute for the course is 21E06050 Vastuullinen
liiketoiminta, kirjapaketti.
Prerequisites: As this course is targeted for advanced level students, the completion of
21C00700 Ympäristö- ja yhteiskuntavastuu liiketoiminnassa (or a similar course on
corporate responsibility for basic level students) is recommended.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi one week before the exam at latest.
Language of Instruction: English.
21E09000 Toisessa yliopistossa suoritettu johtamisen kurssi (6 op)
Management Course Completed in Other University or In Aalto University
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
21E09900 Ulkomaisessa yliopistossa suoritettu johtamisen kurssi (6 cr)
Management Studies in Foreign Universities
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hyläty
21E09901 Aalto-yliopistossa suoritettu johtamisen kurssi (6 op)
Management Studies in Aalto University
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Aalto-yliopistossa suoritettuun johtamisen kurssiin ei voi hyväksilukea Aaltoyliopiston Kauppakorkeakoulussa suoritettuja kursseja. Vain muissa Aalto-yliopiston
korkeakouluissa tehty 6 op laajuinen johtamisen opintojakso voidaan hyväksilukea tämän
kurssin alle.
21E10000 How to change the world: Innovating toward sustainability (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sara Lindeman; Tea Lempiälä
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree elective course in Creative sustainability.
M.Sc. degree, elective in Management and International Business.
Level of the Course: Advanced Studies.
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016)
Workload: 28h Participating in course sessions
90h Participating in team project: Innovating a business model or a product-service
enhancing environmental and/or social sustainability
17h Preparation of and participation in the Reading Corner. Students are expected to
read 1-2 books from the list below for the Reading Corner.
25h Preparation of the learning diary
Learning Outcomes: : In “How to change the world: Innovating toward sustainability”
course we work with global environmental and social sustainability problems and their
potential solutions. Global sustainability challenges are taken as starting points for
innovation of new forms of individual action, economic activity, business models, and
organizational forms. Through lectures, exercises, team project and practitioner talks the
students gain understanding of wicked societal problems related to sustainability: what
they are, how they can be approached, and why it is important to tackle them. More
importantly, the course aims at exploring alternative paths for creative and innovative
responses to sustainability challenges. The students learn and explore how these vast
challenges can be approached with realistic and plausible actions on a grass-root level
and what kind of different strategies can be identified. The course addresses
sustainability innovation from following main perspectives: sustainable business models,
frugal and reverse innovations, inclusive business for poverty alleviation and various
forms of entrepreneurship for sustainability ventures. We employ a variety of interactive
working methods, which encourage the students to explore and reflect upon their own
thinking patterns and develop new ideas in a collaborative manner.
Content: The lectures will focus on the following main blocks:
• Attainable approaches for addressing wicked sustainability problems
• Business models for sustainability ventures and social entrepreneurship
• Inclusive business models at the Base of the Pyramid
• Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial tactics for sustainability
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Interactive lectures 35%
Team project 30%
Applied book exam (i.e. Reading Corner) 15%
Learning diary 20%
Study Material: Literature:
Elkington, Pamela Hartigan (2008) Power of unreasonable people: how social
entrepreneurs create markets that change the world /.. ISBN 9781422104064 ;
Layard, P. R. G. (2005 or 2011) Happiness lessons from a new science. ISBN978-0-24195279-5. ;
Wilkinson, R. Pickett, K. (2009) The spirit level: Why equality if better for everyone. ISBN:
978-0-141-03236-8. ;
Jackson, T. (2009) Prosperity without growth: Economics for a finite planet. ISBN: 978-184407-894-3.;
Bornstein, D. (2007) How to change the world: Social entrepreneurs and the power of
new ideas. ISBN 978-0-19-533476-0. ;
Brown, Lester R. (2009) Plan B: Mobilizing to save civilization. ISBN 978-0-393-07103-0,
Course Homepage: Moodle
Prerequisites: State of the World and Development course (Yhd.-12.3082) or equivalent.
This course is offered at Aalto School of Engineering by Environmental Technology Dept.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi, in addition please send a motivation letter to
tea.lempiala@aalto.fi 2-4 days after registration ends. We will use these letters to make
a selection between applicants if needed (the course can accommodate up to 30
applicants). Content: Why do I want to participate and what are my main previous
experiences with sustainability issues.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: The participation in the course is limited to 30 students. The
Creative Sustainability master program has a quota for 15 students. Please send a
motivation letter to tea.lempiala@aalto.fi by 2-4 days after registration ends. We will use
these letters to make a selection between applicants if needed (the course cannot
accommodate more than 30 applicants). Content: Why do I want to participate and what
are my main previous experiences with sustainability issues.
We expect the students to be present during class sessions as active discussion between
participants is an important part of the course. In principle, we allow for 2 absences from
the sessions and should they occur, we ask you to notify us with an email. We encourage
students to be present during the first lecture and if you cannot attend, do send us an
21E11000 Corporate Responsibility in Global Economy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Galina Kallio; Timo Järvensivu
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, Creative Sustainability programme course, an
elective course in the ‘Business leadership’ specialization area in the Management
program. M.Sc. degree, elective in Management and International Business.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: III period, 2016
Workload: • Preparation for the classroom sessions including readings - 48h
• Classroom sessions - 37h
• Writing reflection papers - 33h
• Group work 1 - 12h
• Group work 2 - 30h
• Total workload – 160h (6 cr)
Learning Outcomes: The main objective of the course is to learn how in-depth dialogue
can help us to understand diverse and conflicting understandings, behavior and decisionmaking on corporate responsibility in global economy. During the course the students will
learn what is (and what is not) dialogue, and further, the students will learn to better
understand their own and others’ thinking and behavior, and act and speak in a more
dialogic way. In addition, the participants will learn self-reflexivity and facilitation of
Content: This course seeks participants who are willing to challenge their perspectives
and ways of conversing with themselves and others. We invite you to engage in a deeper
dialogue that seeks to transform the way you and others are connected to issues that are
of importance in the societies we live in. Thus, you will not just learn about corporate
responsibility in global economy, but also learn to think in constructive ways and act
towards increasing responsibility in economic organizing.
This course is a platform for dialogic learning. The course builds on the existing
understandings and experiences of the participants. These are complemented with
relevant literature on the key themes of the course. During the course you will engage in
reading, talking, listening, writing, presenting and reflecting. We will practice dialogue
through methods such as listening and voicing exercises, reflective writing, group works,
and finally through practicing open dialogue. We will together deepen our understanding
of issues such as the ‘global economy’, sustainable development, economic systems,
forms of economic organizing, responsibility, politics and discourse. Towards the end of
the course, the students will learn to take responsibility for facilitating dialogues.
Participating in this course requires being present in ten out of eleven sessions, active
engagement in and preparation for the course sessions and group works, and writing
reflection papers.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Assessment and grading is based on active
preparation for and engagement in the sessions, and demonstration of learned
knowledge and skills.
• Preparation for and participation in the class sessions, 30% of the grade.
o Participation in 10 (out of 11) class sessions is required to pass the course.
o Assessment of preparation and engagement through webropol questionnaire, twice
during the course.
o Self-evaluation and teacher-evaluation (1/2 each).
• Reflection papers, 40 % of the grade. One reflection paper covering two sessions, and
final reflection paper, 6 papers in total.
• Group works, 30% of the grade, consisting of 1/3 self-evaluation, 1/3 peer-evaluation
and 1/3 teacher-evaluation
o Group work 1 “Course name” 10 % of the grade
o Group work 2 “Facilitating a final dialogue” 20 % of the grade
Study Material: Is provided by facilitators before and during the course. Course
handouts and additional material to be provided by the facilitators.
Substitutes for Courses: The course is a substitute for 26E00900 International
Corporate Responsibility.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21E11000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: Pre-assignment: Students will be asked to provide a brief
motivation letter, and attend a personal interview before acceptance to the course.
Specific information of the pre-assignment will be found in the syllabus provided the latest
by November, 23rd 2015.
Further Information: The number of students in the course is limited to 25. CS students
are on first priority, the MIB students with specialization ‘Sustainability management’, and
final priority group is other MIB major students. Priority is given to students doing their
Master’s degree studies. In order to be accepted to the course, students must complete a
pre-assignment. Attending the first session confirms your participation.
Students must complete the pre-assignment and attend the first session to ensure their
place in the course.
21E12000 Sustainability Politics and CSR Reading - Seminar (6 cr)
Sustainability Politics and CSR - Reading Seminar
Responsible teacher: Mikko Jalas
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, an elective course in the ‘Business leadership’
specialization area in the Management program, an obligatory course in the Creative
Sustainability program. M.Sc. degree, elective in Management and International
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
Workload: 24h Participating in course sessions
40h Preparing course assignments
96h Reading course material
Learning Outcomes: The course will broaden the perspective and pose critical
questions on environmental management and corporate social responsibility. With the aid
of critical management studies, consumption sociology and environmental sociology, the
course will help students to understand how environmental and social concerns are
framed, and how the roles of actors in sustainability agenda are defined. Readings are
selected to support three particular themes: understanding the sustainability as a critical
agenda in everyday life, understanding the way that new technological systems change,
and thirdly, understanding the scope and reach of corporate responsibility. The aim is to
enhance the skills that are required in actively managing, developing, steering and
questioning organizational responses to social concerns.
• Content: Sustainability as a subject of politics and knowledge-making
• Technological transition towards sustainability
• Corporate actors and arenas, and the role of CSR
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Active participation in seminar sessions and
reaction papers (60%)
2. Summary essay on a selected theme (40%)
Literature: edited by Steve May, George Cheney, and Juliet Roper. (2007) Debate over
corporate social responsibility. ISBN 9780195178838 ; Sachs, Wolfgang (2001) Planet
dialectics explorations in environment and development. ISBN 1856497011
Study Material: Selected reading in addition to the course books. Sachs, Wolfgang :
Planet dialectics explorations in environment and development , 2001, Obligatory,
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21E12000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi one week before the II period starts.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: The participation in the course is limited to max 20 students.
The students of the Creative Sustainability program have priority. Not lectured 2015-2016
21E12002 CAPSTONE in Creative Sustainability (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Armi Temmes
Status of the Course: The course can be included as a capstone course to the following
master’s programme: Creative Sustainability. Other students need to check with their own
study programmes whether they can include the course in their degrees.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: I-II Fall 2015
Lectures 4x 2h
Tutorials 2 x 0,5h
Project work 150h
Learning Outcomes: Capstone course summarizes the skills-related learning outcomes
of the whole Creative Sustainability program, including outcomes in the area of business
knowledge, problem solving, scientific thinking, combining ethics, sustainability and
international context to business knowledge, as well as communications and team
working skills.
• The tasks include analysing, creating solutions for a real-world business challenge
related to sustainability issues and reporting the work both orally and in written form.
• During the work different views of stakeholders on the challenge are collected and
critically analyzed based on the learning during the Master’s program.
• The team work and individual learning are analyzed by the students during the work.
Content: During the course, students will work in teams towards finding creative
solutions to real-life social and environmental challenges brought by partner
organisations, which can be e.g. companies or NGO’s. The challenges will be presented
on the first lecture, after which students are allocated to groups based on their
preferences regarding the projects. The team members are expected to work intensively
together during the course and they will be regularly meeting the representatives of the
client organizations. There will also be tutorial sessions to guide the groups during the
projects. The class will come together for presenting the project plans and project
outcomes. Other than this, there will be no common lectures or meetings during the
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Project work, including learning diary and team
work analysis 100%.
Course Homepage: MyCourses
Prerequisites: One of the elective courses of Creative Sustainability program or similar
proof of knowledge on sustainability.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course is open for students from all Aalto University schools
and will have a maximum number of participants of 16-20. Attendance to the first session
and the reporting sessions is mandatory.
Students need to send a motivation letter of 1-2 pages describing their motivation to
apply (both to the course in general and to the wished projects), expectations from the
course, and their relevant study and work background. The purpose of the motivation
letters is to ensure the course will have participants with a variety of backgrounds that are
highly committed to working on the projects and learning from them.
Motivation letters will be screened and students will be informed of their acceptance.
21E16000 Sustainable Business and Consumption (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Minna Halme; Jouni Juntunen
Status of the Course: DR2005 M.Sc. degree, an elective course in the Management
DR2013 M.Sc. degree, specialization studies in Management and International Business.
DR2013 M.Sc. degree, elective course in the Creative Sustainability program.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (fall 2015)
Workload: Lectures 30h (70% lecture attendance requirement)
Pre-readings for lectures 41h
Group work 45h
Exam preparation 40h
Exam 4h
Learning Outcomes: - Understanding the concepts of sustainable development,
corporate responsibility and sustainable consumption
- Identifying sustainability challenges and introducing solutions in connection to
business and everyday consumption
- Understanding sustainability management instruments, sustainability communication
and reporting
- Developing critical thinking about consumption in terms of sustainability
- Recognizing how enterprises can develop more sustainable business models
Content: The course introduces the main sustainable development challenges of
contemporary business, and familiarizes students with opportunities and instruments with
which enterprises can implement sustainability in practice. The course begins with the
basic concepts of sustainable business and consumption, and continues to the drivers of
sustainability in business enterprises and in consumer decision-making. It explores the
ways to manage sustainability in different organizational functions, such as strategy,
product and service development, and marketing. The course opens up the concepts of
sustainable business and corporate responsibility, and current challenges in sustainable
consumption. It examines ways and instruments for promoting sustainable development
in the context of business and enterprises, discusses the contribution of business to
development of today’s life-styles, and highlights its link to building the sustainability of
everyday consumption decisions (e.g. food, housing, mobility).
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Final exam (70%), group work/presentations, and
classroom contribution (30%)
Study Material: A selection of articles. Required pre-readings for each lecture (2-3
articles per lecture).
Course Homepage: Noppa, Moodle
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses:
Registration with Weboodi ends 7 days after the start of the period.
Language of Instruction: English
21E20000 Aalto Global Impact Challenge (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Minna Halme, Course coordinator Emilia Saarelainen
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, elective course in the common core courses. Aaltocourse open to all Aalto-students.
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: New learning environment offers the opportunity for students to
test and improve their skills, learning by doing, whilst working with multi-disciplinary
projects. The type of assignments/projects in which the students are involved will depend
on current needs of Aalto Global Impact and its on-going projects. It might range from
event management, to social media activator, visual design and other skills that serve the
operations of Aalto Global Impact.
Content: The Aalto Global Impact Challenge course offers the opportunity to students to
get involved in the operations of Aalto University under its mission of community building
and positive soci(et)al impact. Students will get hands-on involvement in the project
management, design and other related operations of Aalto Global Impact.
• Assessment Methods and Criteria: Hands-on participation in Aalto Global
Impact projects
• Peer learning skills: coaching new students
• Applied learning skills with a learning diary of 3-6 pages or blog post(s) at the
end of the assignment(s)
Study Material: To be provided by coordinator during the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21e20000/etusivu
Evaluation: hyväksytty / hylätty
Registration for Courses: By email to course coordinator Emilia Saarelainen
(emilia.saarelainen@aalto.fi) anytime during the academic year 2013-2014. Not lectured
Language of Instruction: Englanti
21E71000 Strategic Foresight and Design (4 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Markku Wilenius (markku.wilenius(at)utu.fi), Peter Paul
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, an elective course in Creative Sustainability
programme. Aalto-course.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
Lectures 24 h
Group work 20 h
Preparing for the lectures 24 h
Self study 12 h
Preparing for the exam 24 h
Exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: Students are able to relate strategic foresight as an integral part of
strategic activities of organisations. Students know how to apply futures studies in
strategic processes in organisations. They are able to identify the specific role foresight
activities play in the corporation and they are capable of questioning conventional
strategic thinking. Students can help organizations to create the future. The course links
personal development and contextual thinking with how to understand the outside world
and changes in environment.
Content: Course on strategic foresight focuses on how to think about the future in the
long-term and systematic way by developing student’s skills to use various sources of
information, including one’s own insight. It also is about the question how to create the
future as a responsibility of organisations, governments and individuals.
Particular emphasis will be on how to lead strategic foresight activities in organizational
and corporate environment.
Students are also led to see the limits of business as usual –scenarios and various
methods of how anticipate change and disruptions will be taught. However, in
organizational life it is proven to be very difficult the get out of the loop of habits in
thinking, feeling and acting. Understanding how to get an organization out of such a loop
into the next level is a necessity for strategic foresight consultant and we will study and
practise this technique intensively. Students are also given cases to understand how
systematic futures thinking enables corporations to increase their competitiveness and
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Lectures, discussion, project work, exam.
Assignments 40%
Active participation to discussion 30%
Exam 30%
Study Material: WILENIUS, MARKKU & KURKI, SOFI (2012).
Surfing the Sixth Wave. Exploring the Next 40 Years
of Global Change. ISBN 978-952-249-148-0.
HINES, ANDY & BISHOP, PETER (2007). Thinking about
the future: guidelines for strategic foresight. ISBN
Other study material will be provided by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: Noppa
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Registration with Weboodi ends 7 days before the start of the
period. The maximum number of participants is 40. Students are accepted to the
course in order of registration. Not lectured 2015-2016
21E72000 Psychology and Practice of Academic Writing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: PhD Carol Kiriakos
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree, elective studies in Management.
M.Sc. degree, elective in Management and International Business.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Course has been replaced by 21E72500 Finding Joy and Productivity
in Academic Writing
Workload: Lectures 36 hours, group work 12 hours, preparing for lectures and group
work 24 hours, independent writing work 50 hours, course essay 40 hours
Learning Outcomes:
The overall objective of the course is to provide participants with a comprehensive
understanding of academic writing, and the practical and psychological aspects relevant
for writing well and being productive. In addition, the course offers an opportunity to
develop meta-skills that are useful in studies and working life more generally. These are
skills such as self-management, reflective approach to one’s own working habits, and
peer support and teamwork abilities.
Specifically, the course enables participants to
- Adopt a comprehensive understanding of the writing process, and the relevance of
different stages for their own writing
- Set realistic writing goals and meet them
- Apply useful time management tools to their academic writing and studies
- Recognize their personal strengths as a writer and build on them
- Learn different ways of making their academic texts accessible and engaging
- Overcome writing difficulties
- Give and receive constructive feedback
- Develop peer support and group work skills
In the course, academic writing is approached in a comprehensive way. The focus is not
primarily on the properties of academic texts, but on aspects related to creating a
productive writing habit and improving the quality of the writing.
The themes examined in the course include 1) an approach to writing as a process, 2)
writing as part of studies and research 3) the psychological and social aspects of writing,
4) how to improve the quality of the writing. In the context of these main themes, topics
such as writing time management, writing problems, criticism and feedback, different
kinds of writing support and features of stylish academic texts will be studied.
The idea is that participants apply and reflect on the topics through the writing of their
thesis (or similar) work. In the course sessions, practical tools are introduced that
participants can use in their own writing. Throughout the course, participants will set
personal writing goals and support each other in meeting them.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
The coursework consists of weekly lectures, group work and an essay in which the
participants, using appropriate source materials, reflect on what they have learned about
the writing process and how their own writing has developed.
In addition, participants will advance a selected piece of writing (e.g. Master’s or PhD
thesis, or a research article) in the framework of the course. Thus, the course is
particularly suitable for anyone who wishes to make their thesis work more manageable
and less solitary.
To pass the course, participants will have to 1) be present in the weekly lectures, 2)
actively partake and contribute to group work, and 3) complete and pass the course
Study Material: Diverse source materials related to academic and creative writing and
self-management. Links to required readings will be made available at the course
Course Homepage: Noppa
Evaluation: Pass/fail
Registration for Courses: WebOodi one week before period I starts
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course has been replaced by 21E72500 Finding Joy and
Productivity in Academic Writing. Only one or the other can be included in the studies.
21E72500 Finding Joy and Productivity in Academic Writing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Carol Kiriakos
Status of the Course: Doctoral studies
M.Sc. degree, elective studies in Management.
M.Sc. degree, elective in Management and International Business.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I-II (fall 2015)
Workload: Lectures 36 hours, group work 12 hours, preparing for lectures and group
work 24 hours, independent writing work 50 hours, course essay 40 hours
Learning Outcomes: This course is about you as a writer. The overall objective of the
course is to provide you with an understanding of writing as a (creative) process and a
habit. The underlying assumption is that everyone can develop as a writer through
practice and dedication. Insights from creative writing, behavioral psychology and other
relevant fields are utilized and applied in order to understand academic writing
The focus is on how to get writing done, not on properties of academic texts or the
publication process. We will develop an inclusive understanding of academic writing as a
central aspect of academic work, and the practical and psychological aspects relevant for
writing well and being productive. In addition, the course offers an opportunity to develop
meta-skills that are useful in studies and working life more generally. These are skills
such as self-management, a reflective approach to your own working habits, and peer
support and teamwork abilities.
This course enables you to
- Adopt a comprehensive understanding of the writing process, and the relevance of
different stages for your own writing
- Set realistic writing goals and meet them
- Apply useful time management tools to your academic writing, work, and studies
- Recognize your personal challenges and strengths as a writer
- Understand how to make your academic texts accessible and engaging
- Overcome writing difficulties
- Give and receive constructive feedback
- Develop peer support and group work skills
Content: In the course, academic writing is approached as practical activity. The focus is
on creating a productive writing habit and understanding how to incorporate writing
effectively as part of your academic work or studies.
The themes examined in the course include 1) an approach to writing as a process, 2)
writing as part of studies and research 3) the psychological and social aspects of writing,
4) how to improve the quality of the writing. In the context of these main themes, topics
such as writing time management, writing problems, criticism and feedback, different
kinds of writing support and features of stylish academic texts will be studied.
The course is suitable for anyone who needs to make progress with a piece of academic
writing during the Fall semester. The idea is that you apply the themes of the course to
advancing your thesis (or similar) work. In the course sessions, practical tools are
introduced that you can use in you own writing process. Throughout the course, you will
set personal writing goals and support each other in meeting them. The focus is on goals
and progress, not on texts as such: therefore, the course is suitable for anyone who
needs to write in the academia, regardless of research topic or academic status.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The coursework consists of weekly lectures, group
work and an essay in which the participants, using appropriate source materials, reflect
on what they have learned about the writing process and how their own writing has
You will advance a selected piece of writing (e.g. Master’s or PhD thesis, or a research
article) in the framework of the course. Thus, the course is particularly suitable for anyone
who wishes to make their academic writing more manageable and less solitary.
To pass the course, participants will have to 1) submit the pre-assignment, 2) be present
in the weekly lectures and complete the (small) assignments given in them, 3) actively
partake and contribute to group work, and 4) complete and pass the course essay.
Study Material:
Tohtoritakuu (Kiriakos & Svinhufvud); Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day
Diverse source materials related to academic writing, creative writing and selfmanagement.
Required readings will be made available online or otherwise during the course.
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces course 21E72000 Psychology and Practice of
Academic Writing. Only one or the other can be included in the degree.
Course Homepage: Noppa
Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: WebOodi one week before period I starts When registering,
please complete the pre-assignment (see instructions below). Send the pre-assignment
before the registration closes (i.e. one week before period I begins) to
carol.kiriakos@aalto.fi with the subject heading “21E72500 Pre-assignment”.
Pre-assignment instructions
Topic: Me as a writer
Describe yourself as a writer. Please note that the purpose is not to focus on your
research topic or your CV, but on your experiences, thoughts, questions and feelings
related to writing and yourself as a writer.
The length of your text should be 1-2 pages. The style is free, but make sure you address
the following questions:
1. Your general feeling about writing (e.g. easy/hard, pleasant/unpleasant). Specifically:
a. Is there a difference in how you feel about academic and other types of writing? If
yes, why?
b. Your experiences as a writer so far in different contexts (e.g. school, hobbies,
c. How you feel you might have evolved as a writer; what issues you still have with
2. Why you wish to take this course: your current needs regarding writing; your
expectations for the course.
Please mention also 1) what specific piece of writing you plan to work on during the
course (e.g. your Master’s or PhD thesis, or a research article) and 2) how far along you
are in your studies.
Language of Instruction: The working language is English, but written work can also be
done in Finnish
Further Information: The working language is English, but written work can also be
done in Finnish. The course is primarily for doctoral students. However, it is suitable for
anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the writing process and developing
their writing habits.
When registering, please complete the pre-assignment (see instructions below). Send the
pre-assignment before the registration closes (i.e. one week before period I begins) to
carol.kiriakos@aalto.fi with the subject heading “21E72500 Pre-assignment”. Preassignment instructions
Topic: Me as a writer
Describe yourself as a writer. Please note that the purpose is not to focus on your
research topic or your CV, but on your experiences, thoughts, questions and feelings
related to writing and yourself as a writer.
The length of your text should be 1-2 pages. The style is free, but make sure you address
the following questions:
1. Your general feeling about writing (e.g. easy/hard, pleasant/unpleasant). Specifically:
a. Is there a difference in how you feel about academic and other types of writing? If
yes, why?
b. Your experiences as a writer so far in different contexts (e.g. school, hobbies,
c. How you feel you might have evolved as a writer; what issues you still have with
2. Why you wish to take this course: your current needs regarding writing; your
expectations for the course.
Please mention also 1) what specific piece of writing you plan to work on during the
course (e.g. your Master’s or PhD thesis, or a research article) and 2) how far along you
are in your studies.
21E73000 Innovatiivinen kaupunki® -projektikurssi (6 op)
Innovative City® -project course
Vastuuopettaja: Annukka Jyrämä
Kurssin asema: Aalto-kurssi
Kurssin taso: syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: I-II (syksy 2015)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
14 x 2 h luentoja ja työpajoja (yht 28 h),
kaupunkikokeilujen suunnittelu ja toteutus (yht 132 h).
Kokonaistuntimäärä 160 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää toiminnallisuuden ja oman aktiivisuuden
merkityksen ja vaikuttavuuden sekä akateemisen tiedon hyödyntämismahdollisuudet
käytännön ilmiöiden ja ongelmien ratkaisuissa. Opiskelija osaa tunnistaa, analysoida ja
ratkaista kaupunkikontekstissa ilmeneviä keskeisiä haasteita ja käytännön ongelmia
hyödyntämällä erilaisia näkökulmia ja eri tieteenalojen antamia työkaluja (esim.
johtaminen, teknologia, taidelähtöiset menetelmät, muotoilu, verkostoajattelu ja
yhdyskuntasuunnittelu) Opiskelija osaa myös arvioida ja perustella erilaisten
viitekehysten ja työkalujen soveltuvuutta kyseisten ongelmien ratkaisuihin.
Opiskelija tunnistaa kaupunki kontekstiin liittyvät haasteet ja erityispiirteet sekä osaa
arvioida, vaikuttavatko niiden arvot ja normit sekä toiminnan eettiset kysymykset
työkalujen soveltamismahdollisuuksiin.
Opiskelija osaa etsiä ongelmaratkaisun kannalta olennaista tietoa, käsitellä ja analysoida
Opiskelija osaa tunnistaa, analysoida ja ratkaista ongelmia yhdessä pienryhmän jäsenten
kanssa keskustellen ja muiden kokemukset ja argumentit huomioon ottaen. Rakentaen
ratkaisua sekä käytännön asiantuntijoiden että akateemisen tiedon pohjalta.
Sisältö: Kurssilla käsitellään Innovatiivinen kaupunki ® -ohjelman tutkimus-, taide ja
kehittämishankkeiden pohjalta sisältöjä, joiden tarjoamien käytännön haasteiden pohjalta
opiskelijat toteuttavat ns. kaupunkikokeiluja. Hankkeet esitellään ensimmäisellä luennolla
ja opiskelijat jakautuvat ryhmiin perustuen motivaatiokirjeessä kerrottuihin
kiinnostusalueisiin ja osaamiseen. Tunnistettuaan kaupunkikontekstiin liittyvän haasteen
opiskelijat rakentavat luovia ratkaisua akateemisen sekä käytännön asiantuntijoiden
kanssa yhteistyössä, luennoilla ja työpajoissa sekä kentällä. Kurssilla käsitellään
kaupunkikontekstin tutkimuksessa ja kaupungin käytännön toiminnassa esille tulleita
todellisia haasteita, joiden pohjalta opiskelijat ryhmänä täsmentävät tehtävän
projektisuunnitelmaksi ja toteuttavat tämän projektin. Projekteja ohjaavat
kaupunkitutkimukseen perehtyneet Aalto-yliopiston tutkijat ja toteutusta tuetaan
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot, työpajat ja kaupunkikokeilu
(kaupunkikokeilu 80 %, oppimispäiväkirja 20%)
Oppimateriaali: Oppimateriaali sovitaan kunkin ryhmän kanssa erikseen.
Kurssin kotisivu: Noppa
Esitiedot: kanditaso
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi
Opetuskieli: suomi, mahdollisuus yhteen tai kahteen englanninkieliseen ryhmään
Lisätietoja: Kurssi on avoin kaikille Aalto yliopiston opiskelijoille. Enimmäisosallistujamäärä kurssille on 25 . The course is open for students from all Aalto University
campuses and will have a maximum number of participants of 25. Opiskelijat valitaan
21E99901 Tutkielma (30 op)
Master’s Thesis
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, johtamisen koulutusohjelman pakolliset syventävät
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Opetusperiodi: I-V(2015-2016)
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Opetuskieli: Suomi tai englanti.
Lisätietoja: Ks. kurssi 26E99905 Master’s thesis seminar
21E99902 KTM-tutkielmaseminaari (0 op)
Master’s Thesis Seminar
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, johtamisen koulutusohjelman pakolliset syventävät
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Opetusperiodi: Kts 26E99905 Master’s thesis seminar
Osaamistavoitteet: Tavoitteena on oppia tutkielmanteossa kaikille välttämättömiä
perustietoja ja taitoja, käynnistää tutkielmatyöskentely sekä organisoida tutkielman
henkilökohtainen ohjaus.
Tutkielmatyöskentelyä tuetaan kahdessa vaiheessa: (1) Tutkimustyön perusteet, (2)
Tutkimustyön perusteet on kaikille opintojaksoon ilmoittautuneille yhteinen, kurssimainen
jakso. Jaksolla käsitellään tutkimustyön tavoitteita, toteutustapoja ja motiiveja.
Seminaarivaiheessa opiskelijat jakaantuvat työskentelemään rinnakkaisissa ryhmissä.
Ryhmissä keskitytään kunkin oman tutkielman edistämiseen.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tutkimustyön perusteet: Lukukauden
alussa professori Raimo Lovio luennoi ja ohjaa harjoituksia 3 x 3 tuntia. Seminaari: Kukin
ryhmä organisoituu gradu-ryhmien vetäjien kanssa sovittavalla tavalla loppulukukauden
kestävään työskentelyyn. Ryhmien kokoonpanosta sovitaan Tutkimustyön perusteiden
Oppimateriaali: Hakala, Juha T. (1999) Graduopas. ISBN 951-662-769-2 ( saatavuus)
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21e99902/
Esitiedot: Kurssi 21E00011 Doing Qualitative Research (entinen 80E80100 Business
Research Methods -kurssi) suositellaan suoritettavaksi tutkielmatyöskentelyn yhteydessä.
Arvosteluasteikko: Pass / fail
Ilmoittautuminen: Kts 26E99905 Master’s thesis seminar
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Opintojaksoon kannattaa ilmoittautua silloin, kun on valmis tekemään
Maisterin tutkielman.
21E99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, johtamisen koulutusohjelman pakolliset syventävät
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Sisältö: Pro gradu -tutkielman valmistuttua opiskelija suorittaa kypsyysnäytteen, jolla
osoitetaan sekä perehtyneisyyttä tutkielman aihepiiriin että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
taitoa. Kypsyysnäytteen arvioivat sekä tutkielman ohjaaja että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
opettaja. Kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamisesta sovitaan erikseen tutkielman ohjaajan kanssa
tutkielman valmistuttua. Opiskelijan on kirjoitettava kypsyysnäyte myös
maisterintutkielmastaan, vaikka hän olisi aiemmin kirjoittanut kypsyysnäytteen
kandidaatintutkielmasta. Tarkemmat ohjeet kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamiselle löytyvät
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21e99903/
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty / hylätty.
Opetuskieli: Suomi tai ruotsi. Englanti vain, jos opiskelija on saanut koulusivistyksensä
jollakin muulla kuin suomen tai ruotsin kielellä tai ulkomailla
21E99904 Capstone: Business Development Project (Management and
International Business) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Leena Louhiala-Salminen
Status of the Course: Mandatory course in the Master’s Program of Management and
International Business
Level of the Course: Advanced Specialization Studies
Teaching period: Fall: I-II, Spring: III-IV, A 12-week course organised both in the spring
and in the autumn
Learning Outcomes: Project work in teams:132 h
Classroom contact hours: 6 h
Individual work: 20 h
Team meetings with facilitator: 2 h
Content: After completing the course, students will be able to
• identify, analyze and solve real-life business problems from a multi-disciplinary
• apply the knowledge and skills gained during their studies to real-life business tasks
and challenges
• manage complex projects and work in diverse teams
• present a case report both orally and in writing
• critically reflect on their learning process and outcomes
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course consists of an applied, real-life problembased project/case that students identify, analyze and solve in multi-disciplinary teams. It
also focuses on developing the students’ self-awareness of the key learnings during their
studies in the Master’s Program.
Assessment methods Team case report (written and oral): 80%
and criteria: Individual student portfolio: 20%
Study Material: Pre-course readings on project management and team work skills to be
indicated by the teachers in charge.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21E99904/etusivu
Evaluation: 0-5
Further Information: Compulsory attendance in all class sessions and meetings. Most
Master’s Program studies have to be completed before you can enroll on the Capstone
21H00100 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Lisää tietoa Intossa:
21H00200 Internship (6 cr)
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
Further Information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12322790
25C00100 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Myrto Chliova
Status of the Course:
BSc degree, specialisation studies in management, a compulsory course
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: II (autumn 2015) and V (Spring 2016) (the course is taught once in
each semester) Otaniemi campus
Workload: 1. Classroom hours 24 h
2. Preparation of group work assignments 70 h
3. Preparation for the exam 64 h
4. Exam 2 h
Learning Outcomes: Students will be introduced to the basic tenets of entrepreneurship,
including current approaches in entrepreneurship practice and research. They will also be
familiarised with entrepreneurial ecosystems at Aalto, in Finland, and abroad. Finally,
they will have the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial skills by working on and
presenting their own business ideas.
Content: The course will contain lectures on key concepts as well as group assignments,
including business idea pitching sessions and peer teaching sessions. It will also
incorporate presentations from guest speakers.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Group assignments (40%)
Final exam (60%)
Study Material:The required textbook is: Barringer B. R. and Ireland D. (2012)
Entrepreneurship: Successfully launching new ventures. Pearson. Availablility
This will be complemented with additional articles and readings assigned by the lecturers.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25C00100/
0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi ends 7 days before the period
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Participation in the first lecture is mandatory. The maximum
number of students admitted to the course is 150. Priority is given to (1) BSc students
studying in the specialisation of Management, (2) BSc students studying in a minor study
package in Management, (3) other Aalto BIZ students, (4) Aalto internal mobility.
25D00120 Entrepreneurship as my life and work orientation (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Teemu Kautonen
Status of the Course: Master’s program, Skills Portfolio, degree regulations 2005
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Book exam: I (Autumn 2015), IV (Spring 2016)
Learning Outcomes: The objectives of the course are to introduce students to the
meaning and different forms of entrepreneurship, the contexts where entrepreneurs
operate and to increase students’ awareness of the options entrepreneurship offers in
their personal life.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam based on the reading specified below.
Study Material: Down, S. (2010). Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
London: Sage (obligatory). Saatavuus
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25D00120
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Check registration times for exams in WebOodi.
25E09900 Studies at Another University (V) (6 op)
pass / fail
0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
25E18000 Sustainable Entrepreneurship (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ewald Kibler
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
programme; elective in the programme studies, elective in the CEMS programme
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period:
II (autumn 2015)
The course is only offered during the second teaching period.
Workload: Contact hours 24 h
Group work assignments 112 h
Individual assignment 24 h
Learning Outcomes: Students will gain a topical overview of scholarly and policy
discussions about sustainable entrepreneurship. They will learn to distinguish sustainable
entrepreneurship from commercial entrepreneurship, and to critically analyse the social
and ecological impact of current business practices. Students will also engage in
sustainable practices in- and outside the classroom, and learn to identify sustainability
problems and opportunities for the development of a sustainable new business.
Content: The course focuses on the promise of entrepreneurship to play a key role in the
transformation towards a more sustainable economy and society. The following themes
will be covered: local and global sustainability challenges and opportunities; business
case for sustainability; emergent streams: clean-tech (e.g. energy, food, water) and
bottom-of-the-pyramid (BoP) ventures; defining a sustainable value proposition; hands-on
development of sustainable enterprises; and practicing decision-making towards a
sustainability logic from the perspective of different stakeholders, such as entrepreneurs,
organisations, policy makers, consumers and collaborators.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Participation in lectures
Group work assignments
Individual assignment
Study Material: A set of articles assigned by the lecturers. More information in the
course syllabus.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25E18000/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi ends 7 days before the period
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max 60 students can be accepted to the course. Priority is given to
students in (1) MSc Entrepreneurship, (2) MSc Creative Sustainability, (3) CEMS, and (4)
other Aalto BIZ Master’s programmes.
25E31000 Entrepreneurship and Managing Innovations (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Arto Lahti
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
programme, elective programme course
Level of the Course: Advanced specialisation studies
Teaching period: III (spring 2016) The course is only offered during the third teaching
1. Workload: Contact hours 24 h
1. Group work 100 h
1. Preparing for examination 32 h
1. Examination 4 h
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to develop innovativeness of the students.
The course combines rigour theoretical understanding to practice, and can therefore be
widely used with the student emphasizing for research and entrepreneurship.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course includes lectures, group work,
assignments and literature.
Study Material:
Compulsory readings: Lahti, Arto (2012). Innovation competition in global markets and
Schumpeter’s entrepreneur. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Obligatory
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25E31000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi ends 7 days before the period
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: Max 50 students can be accepted to the course, but priority given
to students in Entrepreneurship M.Sc. programme. Additional places are offered for Aalto
internal mobility and JOO studies, respectively.
25E46000 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Competencies (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Teemu Kautonen
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
programme; elective in the CEMS programme
Level of the Course: Advanced Specialization Studies
Teaching period: I (Autumn 2015) The course is only offered during the first teaching
Workload: The course can be completed with or without participation in an actionoriented intensive module on enterprising competencies.
For those who do participate in the intensive module, the workload is:
Classroom/contact hours 31 h
Preparation of a group presentation 9 h
Reflection paper (incl. assigned readings) 60 h
Independent research project 60 h
For those who opt for the exam instead of the intensive module:
Classroom hours 4 h
Independent research project 60 h
Preparation for the exam 92 h
Exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, students will have developed an
understanding of psychological explanations of entrepreneurial behaviour. Furthermore,
they will have acquired knowledge of enterprising competencies. Those who took part in
the intensive module will also have developed insights into, and actually advanced their
own enterprising competencies.
Content: This course addresses entrepreneurship at the individual level with a focus on
entrepreneurial behaviour and an individual’s enterprising competencies. The enterprising
competencies covered in the course include: (1) Generating ideas for opportunities,
creativity, innovative behaviour; (2) Taking action, risk taking, guts, daring, assertiveness;
(3) Perseverance; (4) Resource utilisation, improvisation, making use of opportunities and
resources (including one’s network); (5) Teamwork; (6) Persuasion, engaging people,
The theoretical foundation of the course is rooted in (social) psychology. The teaching
methods combine lectures, self-study, independent research and action learning.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Essay assignment (30%), and
2a. Participation in an intensive enterprising competencies module and completion of the
related assignments (70%)
2b. Exam (70%)
Literature: Tom Szaky (-1) Revolution in a bottle: how Terracycle is redefining green
business. ISBN 978-1591842507
Study Material: A set of articles assigned by the lecturers. More information in the
course syllabus.
Substitutes for Courses: This course substitutes 25E60000 Shaping entrepreneurial
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25E46000
Evaluation: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi ends 7 days before the period
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Important! If you opt for the intensive module on enterprising
competencies, presence in all sessions is mandatory. Being absent in even one session
means that you will not get marks for the module but will need to pass the exam in order
to pass the course. The course syllabus provides further details on the intensive module
and its schedule.
Max 50 students can be accepted to the course. Priority is given to students in (1) MSc
Entrepreneurship, (2) CEMS, (3) MSc Management and International Business, and (4)
other Aalto BIZ Master’s programmes.
25E50000 Venture Ideation (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ewald Kibler
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
Level of the Course: Advanced specialisation studies
Teaching period: A one-term course in the autumn. I-II (Autumn 2015)
Workload: Contact hours 24 h (lectures and two gate presentations)
Group work assignments 120 h
Individual assignment 16 h
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn how to create a critical mass of business ideas,
identify the most promising idea and translate the idea into a convincing business model.
Based on a combination of pragmatic experiences and insights from research, students
will also develop an ability to apply practical tools and theoretical frameworks that relate
to team building, creative innovation, business modelling, and presenting a business
idea. After completing the course successfully, students will not only have a fundamental
knowledge of the venture ideation process and how to pitch a business idea, but also a
workable business opportunity that can be developed further, for instance, in the courses
provided by the Aalto Ventures Program (avp.aalto.fi).
Content: The course offers a unique opportunity for students to work in multi-disciplinary
teams and to discover through experiential learning how to create, test and pitch a
business idea. The following themes will be covered: entrepreneurial inspiration and team
building, creativity in venture ideation, business opportunity creation and evaluation,
customer development and principles following Canvas business modelling. Students will
also benefit from face-to-face inputs and feedback from practicing entrepreneurs,
investors and other business experts.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation in lectures (80% mandatory individual
attendance, 100% mandatory team attendance)
Two gate presentations (100% mandatory individual attendance)
Group work assignments
Individual assignment
Study Material: Study material and detailed instructions will be provided in the first
Substitutes for Courses: The course replaces the course 25E48000 Introduction to New
Venture Creation Process.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/25E50000
Evaluation: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi ends 7 days before the period
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Max 50 students can be accepted to the course. Priority is given to students in (1) MSc
Entrepreneurship, (2) Aalto ARTS, (3) Aalto internal mobility (Aalto Ventures Program),
and (4) other Aalto BIZ Master’s programmes.
25E53000 Researching Entrepreneurship and Innovation (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ewald Kibler
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
programme, a compulsory course
Level of the Course: Advanced specialisation studies
Teaching period: V (spring 2016) The course is only offered during the fifth teaching
Workload: 1. Contact hours 24 h
2. Reflection upon key takeaways from lectures 6 h
3. Essay assignment 130 h
Learning Outcomes: Students will develop an understanding of entrepreneurship as a
multifaceted and multidisciplinary field of research. They will also become familiar with a
range of fundamental theoretical approaches that are derived from different disciplines,
and how these are applied in entrepreneurship research. Students will also strengthen
their academic reading, writing and research skills to a level required of a Master’s thesis.
Content: Introduction to academic literature in the field of entrepreneurship: how to
search for it, read it and write about it in a critical and analytical manner. An overview of
selected theories from different disciplines (e.g. business studies, economics, psychology
and sociology) and how they are applied in entrepreneurship research.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation in lectures (80% attendance
Derivation of key takeaways from lectures
Essay assignment (further details in the course syllabus)
Study Material: Research articles on entrepreneurship. More detailed instructions will be
provided in the course syllabus.
Substitutes for Courses: This course substitutes 25E32000 Entrepreneurship as a field
of science.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25E53000/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi ends 7 days before the period
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is only available to MSc Entrepreneurship students.
25E54000 Current issues in entrepreneurship and innovation (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Teemu Kautonen
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
programme, an elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced specialisation studies
Teaching period: V (spring 2016) The course is only offered during the fifth teaching
Workload: 1. Classroom hours 24 h
2. Readings and self-study 56 h
3. Assignments 80 h
Learning Outcomes: Students will develop an advanced understanding of a current
topic in entrepreneurship.
Content: The course consists of lectures, readings and/or seminar presentations on
current and emerging topics in entrepreneurship. The course is usually taught by a
visiting lecturer. The topic can vary year by year.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Participation in lectures
Assignments (see course syllabus)
Study Material: Research articles on entrepreneurship. More detailed instructions will be
provided in the course syllabus.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25E54000/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi ends 7 days before the period
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max 30 students can be admitted to the course. Priority will be
given to MSc Entrepreneurship students.
25E99901 Master’s Thesis (30 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Teemu Kautonen
Kurssin asema: M.Sc., specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies.
Opetusperiodi: I-II and III-V
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Independent research and report writing 800 h
Osaamistavoitteet: The Master’s thesis aims at 1) developing the student’s capability to
conduct independent scholarly research in entrepreneurship, 2) providing the student with
in-depth expertise in a chosen area of specialisation, and 3) fostering the student’s skills
in managing an independently conducted, large and complex project.
Sisältö: Independent research culminating in a thesis.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Quality of the thesis.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25e99901/
Arvosteluasteikko: From 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Ilmoittautuminen: See 25E99902 Master’s thesis seminar or 25E99905 Master’s thesis
Opetuskieli: English
Lisätietoja: The thesis includes a compulsory maturity test (25E99903).
25E99902 Master’s Thesis Seminar (0 cr)
Responsible teacher: Teemu Kautonen
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
programme (Degree regulations 2005)
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: I-II and III-V
Workload: Seminars, supervisions and independent study 160 h.
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn to report and present the progress of their
research in different phases of the thesis project. They will also enhance their skills in
developing and presenting scientific arguments in a critical, logical and constructive way.
Content: Thesis seminars involving presentations of own research and commenting upon
fellow students’ thesis plans and reports. Individual meetings with the supervisor.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance in seminars and individual supervision
Study Material: Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25E99902
Evaluation: Pass or fail
Registration for Courses: The thesis process starts once per semester, in period I and
in period III. See Moodle for the next start date and instructions on how to enrol.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is only available to MSc Entrepreneurship students.
It is recommended that students complete 25E53000 Researching entrepreneurship
before enrolling to this course. Completing one of the research methods courses prior to
the thesis process is also recommended.
25E99903 Maturity Test (0 op)
Kurssin asema: Compulsory in M.Sc., specialisation studies at Entrepreneurship Master
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies
Sisältö: An essay based on the Master´s Thesis.
Oppimateriaali: Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Look for more information about Maturity test and graduation from the Intopages of the School of Business.
25E99904 Capstone: Business Development Project (Entrepreneurship) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Leena Louhiala-Salminen; Ewald Kibler
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Autumn: I-II (2015), Spring: III-IV (2016) A one-term course organised
both in the autumn and in the spring with identical contents.
Workload: Project work in teams: 132 h
Classroom contact hours: 6 h
Individual work: 20 h
Team meetings with facilitator: 2 h
Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, students will be able to
• identify, analyse and solve real-life business problems from a multi-disciplinary
• apply the knowledge and skills gained during their studies to real-life business tasks
and challenges
• manage complex projects and work in diverse teams
• present a case report both orally and in writing
• critically reflect on their learning process and outcomes
Content: The course consists of an applied, real-life problem-based project/case that
students identify, analyze and solve in multi-disciplinary teams. It also focuses on
developing the students’ self-awareness of the key learnings during their studies in the
Master’s Program.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Team case report (written and oral): 80%; Individual
student portfolio: 20%
Study Material: To be indicated by the teachers in charge.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25E99904/etusivu
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: via WebOODI and choose course code 75E99904
Further Information: Compulsory attendance in all class sessions and meetings. Most
Master’s Program studies have to be completed before you can enroll on the Capstone
25E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s
programme (Degree Regulations 2013, also available for students studying according to
Degree Regulations 2005)
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I-II and III-V
Workload: Seminars, supervisions and independent study 160 h.
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn to report and present the progress of their
research in different phases of the thesis project. They will also enhance their skills in
developing and presenting scientific arguments in a critical, logical and constructive way.
Content: Thesis seminars involving presentations of own research and commenting upon
fellow students’ thesis plans and reports. Individual meetings with the supervisor.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance in seminars and individual supervision
Written reports: preliminary research plan, intermediate research plan and preliminary
research report
Presentation of own research report
Presentation as opponent of another student’s research report
Written comments on another student’s research report
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/25e99905/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: The thesis process starts once per semester, in period I and
in period III. See Moodle for the next start date and instructions on how to enrol.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is only available to MSc Entrepreneurship students.
It is recommended that students complete 25E53000 Researching entrepreneurship
before enrolling to this course. Completing one of the research methods courses prior to
the thesis process is also recommended.
25H00200 Internship (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc, elective studies in the Entrepreneurship Master’s program;
degree regulations 2005
Evaluation: pass / fail
Further Information:
More information in Into:
26E00200 Rising China - Business and State (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Nojonen
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Elective in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016: V
Learning Outcomes: This course provides an in-depth analysis of the rapidly changing
and increasingly assertive China; how Beijing is utilizing its strategic economic weight in
the global economy and business; how the diversifying and competitive Chinese market
is offering immense challenges and opportunities for international business in China. The
course will also cover the role and patterns of Chinese companies investing abroad.
Upon completion of the course, participants will have gained profound comprehension of
the emergent Chinese economy, the main challenges of operating at the increasingly
competitive Chinese markets, the role of politics of Beijing in shaping the global and
domestic competition. In addition, the course examines the diversifying and contradicting
societal, economic and cultural developments in China, thus aiming at de-mystifying the
stereotypical idea of monolithic China.
Content: The course penetrates a broad range of issues that are directing and
conditioning current Chinese economic development and role in the world order, Chinese
business practices, heterogenic market behavior and strategic behaviour. Course themes
include critical examination of traditional culture with emphasize on societal, economic
and institutional development of the reform (post-1978) era of China. The analysis of this
macro-level background provides the institutional texture that conditions the current
market and business behavior in China. At the micro-level the course covers managerial,
networking and cross-cultural communication challenges in increasingly heterogenic
China. The course will have guest lecturers from business and academia.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Case studies and group work 50%
2. Final examination 50%
Study Material:
Huang, Yasheng (2008) Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics - Entrepreneurship and
the State.
Michael Pettis (2013) Avoiding the Fall: China’s Economic Restructuring
Richard McGregor (2012) The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers
And compiled pdf document on China News, relevant scientific articles
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e00200/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exams via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Mandatory attendance in lectures (Maximum 2 absences possible for compelling
reasons. All absences must be cleared in advance.) Participants are selected based on
their program status, according to the following priority order:
M&IB, IB and CEMS students
2. Others in WebOodi registration order
Please note that the course is offered only to MSc level students.
26E00800 Global Marketing Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Paula Kilpinen
Status of the Course:
International Business MSc programme (DR2005): compulsory
Management and International Business (DR2013): elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016; III
Learning Outcomes: This course provides an opportunity for students to apply
international business and marketing concepts to real-life situations in international
companies, with the idea that the most effective learning comes from tight integration
between business practice and theory. Upon completion of the course, students should
know how to analyze and articulate company problems, how to make a project plan and
how to implement and monitor it.
Content: Project teams of 3 students will tackle broad and comprehensive (combining for
instance marketing, legal, and financial aspects) company challenges related to e.g.
internationalization, foreign market entry, new product launch, corporate communication
and international marketing planning. The course consists of project work and supporting
seminars and will last approximately one academic semester. The course is conducted in
collaboration with International Business Communication as well as other partners and
external speakers. The challenge will be to participate in L’Oréal’s international
Brandstorm competition.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Final project report and its presentation 80%,
learning journal 20%
Study Material: Materials provided by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26E00800/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Max. 40 students (quota may be adjusted based on project
Please note that the course is offered only to MSc level students. Participants are
selected based on their program status, according to the following priority order:
1. M&IB, IB, M,
2. CEMS,
3. exchange students,
4. minor,
5. others
Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the course. 75% attendance
is required.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max. 40 students (quota may be adjusted based on project details).
Please note that the course is offered only to MSc level students. Participants are
selected based on their program status, according to the following priority order:
1. M&IB, IB, M,
2. CEMS,
3. exchange students,
4. minor,
5. others
Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the course. 75% attendance
is required.
26E00901 International Business Project Work (6 cr)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Please contact IB faculty for more information.
26E01000 International Design Business Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Mikko Koria
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Elective in International Business
IDBM Master’s Program: Compulsory, part of Business Module
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: Course is not offered in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students should have an
understanding of the core competitive elements of profitable international design
Content: The course focuses on the following areas: design and high-tech as competitive
edge, the role of new product development, marketing communication and brands,
design and technology management, global logistics and distribution channels,
production systems, internationalization process, and managing international design
business. The aim is to give students theoretical background and practical industry cases
for each area of interest. The lecturers represent the best academic or practical
knowledge of their field in Finland. The working language is English.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Active participation in lectures
Team project
Other exercises
Individual essay
Study Material: Set of readings provided by the lecturer / lecture notes by lecturers
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e01000/etusivu
Prerequisites: Strongly recommended for second year students
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course is not offered in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
The number of course participants may have to be limited. In this case, participants are
selected based on their program status, according to the following priority order:
IDBM MSc and Minor degree students
JOO/Internal Mobility/Open University quotas
Students of other Aalto MSc programs and exchange students in WebOodi
registration order
Course is not offered in 2015-2016
The course is offered only to MSc students.
26E01300 IDBM Industry Project (5-12 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Mikko Koria, IDBM Programme Director. Additionally the
teachers in charge of the three core modules make significant contributions in project
supervision and support.
Status of the Course:
IDBM Master’ Program: Compulsory, part of Business module. The IDBM Industry Project
entity consists of three components: 26E01300 IDBM Industry Project (Business), id0003
IDBM Industry Project (Design) and TU-22.1510 IDBM Industry Project (Technology).
IDBM minor program: Compulsory
The IDBM Industry/Business Project is offered only for students selected to the IDBM
Note! Students participating in the IDBM program should use 26E04800 IDBM Industry
project instead.
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: Course is not offered in 2015-2016
Workload: Two thirds of the Project will consist of student teamwork and one third of
interaction (lectures, reporting, discussions) with the supervisors, partnering business
enterprises and organisations. Each project partner sets both the content and the detailed
schedule. Extensive and detailed project plans are developed, monitored and evaluated.
From the partner’s point of view, the project team executes work comparable to
knowledge intensive business services and consulting. To succeed in the project
students must show remarkable flexibility when organizing their time during the project
year. The projects usually involve international travel.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the project students should master key
frameworks and management tools essential when developing and managing successful
global design and technology intensive business initiatives. Within the project course,
student teams practice applying the frameworks and management tools offered by the
core modules. Students develop the ability to do real-world applied business intelligence
and research in and through the project contexts. Within the joint IDBM Project, the
Business component ensures that the students can achieve a business perspective,
while the Design component develops the design thinking and the Technology
component enables the students to gain the necessary engineering and innovation
management view. Together these perspectives support the development of the desired
multidisciplinary and systemic competence.
The IDBM Project is the central practice-based learning platform for all IDBM Master’s
and minor students. The Project is assigned by an industrial/business partner and runs
through the whole academic year. In the Project, student teams solve problems related to
the development activities of partners’ global business. The project teams are
multidisciplinary, the team members represent all three IDBM fields (business, design and
The projects run parallel to the program’s business, design and technology courses within
the core modules. The content of the modules form the theoretical knowledge base that is
applied in the project. This offers the students possibility to understand and practice the
strength of combining the theory and practical business development. To support this
interaction, strong supervision is offered to the project teams by the responsible lecturers
and other experts of the core modules.
The projects and the teams are announced in the kick-off of the first IDBM year.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Value of the project to the partner (based on partner’s feedback and supervisors’
Personal contribution (peer and supervisor evaluation)
Activity (attendance)
Study Material: Literature consists of materials provided by the core
business/design/technology modules and the Introduction to IDBM module. Each
individual project sources relevant background material to be used on a case-by-case
Course Homepage: http://idbm.aalto.fi
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course is not offered in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM master
program. The course is compulsory for both IDBM Master’s and minor students.
Attendance is required. Note! Students participating in the IDBM program should use
26E04800 IDBM Industry project instead.
26E01500 International Business Networks (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Asta Salmi
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Elective in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes:
In the global economy business is increasingly carried out through different networks and
other collaborative forms. The broad goal of the course is to provide understanding of the
role of business networks and networking in the emergence of new business fields and in
the transformation of current industries in global competition. Companies utilize business
networks to develop efficient supplier nets, to create more competitive customer
offerings, to gain access to new developing/foreign markets, and to create new business
innovations. These different goals involve different types of networks, strategic nets and
value creation in global value chains.
The course offers two types of tools concerning business networks. First, basic
conceptualizations of the types of networks and the management capabilities and
organizational solutions they call for. Second, tools to tackle the international dimensions
of business networks (e.g. intercultural interaction, different national, political and cultural
contexts that may require a particular type of networking, extension of business networks
across national borders).
In brief, the state-of-the-art course provides participants with the conceptual tools to
understand and analyze the emergence and dynamics of business networks in the global
economy, the strategic behavior of firms in this environment; and the managerial
capabilities involved. The course provides the basis for designing and managing a
company network strategy, as well as carrying out scientific research in the business
networks domain.
Content: Discussions on business networks and different types of strategic nets, and on
management in (international) networks and nets. Examination of company network
strategies, global sourcing and global value chains. Discussions on the linkages between
social and business networks, as well as management of business relationships in crossborder situations and various cultural contexts The strong theoretical basis is combined
with current network management material and implications.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1.
Class contribution and attendance
Group assignments and individual reflection papers
Learning diary
Study Material: An article-based readings package to be announced.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e01500/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi. Students must attend the first lecture to ensure
their place in the course.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max 40 students. Participants are selected based on their program
status, according to the following priority order:
1. M&IB, IB and CEMS students
2. Others in WebOodi registration order
Please note that the course is offered only to MSc level students.
Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the course. Not lectured
26E02500 Doing Business in Russia (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Daria Volchek
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Elective in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016; V
Learning Outcomes: The main learning outcomes of the course are to gain an
understanding of specific strategies and key challenges for foreign firms in entering and
organizing their activities in Russia and to develop competence in applying managerial
tools relevant for operating in the Russian cultural context. On completion of this course,
the students are prepared to:
• analyze opportunities and risks of business operations in Russia as a potential target
market or a geographical location for some business operations;
• justify a choice of competitive strategies for Russian operations in different industries;
• manage cultural differences and analyze Russian business practices and suitability of
Western business practices in Russia; and
• apply problem solving skills in Russian business context.
Content: The course covers the historical background of Russian economic transition
and its consequences for business development, key aspects of knowledge
management, human resource management, leadership, marketing, and
internationalization strategy in Russia. The current stage of national entrepreneurship
system development with a specific focus on high growth technology entrepreneurship in
Russia is discussed. Throughout the course, the impact of culture on organizations,
managerial processes, and behaviors is highlighted. The experience of foreign
companies’ operations in Russia is introduced through interactive work on instructive
business cases and presentations of guest speakers.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: • Reflection papers
• Case study (group assignment)
• Case study presentations
• Final course report (individual work)
• Class attendance / initiatives
Study Material: A set of course readings provided by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e02500/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Students must attend the first
lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of course participants may have to be limited. In this
case, participants are selected based on their program status, according to the following
priority order:
1. M&IB, IB, Strategy and CEMS students
2. JOO/Internal Mobility/Open University/quotas
3. MSc students of Marketing, IBC and IB as a Minor and exchange students in
WebOodi registration order
Please note that the course is offered only to MSc level students. Students must attend
the first lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Compulsory participation in the lectures: 80 %
26E02800 Management and International Business (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Saija Katila
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Common studies in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Common studies
Teaching period: Course is not offered anymore.
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the Management and International Business
introductory course is twofold. On the one hand, it provides a horizontal overview and
foundation of the field(s) of Management & IB. On the other hand, the course helps
students to navigate through their master’s studies. This process ensures that the
learning goals of the Management and IB Master’s Program are systematically addressed
throughout the studies, links the different parts of the program together, and helps
students move forward to doing independent research.
Content: The course starts by a general introduction to the Management and
International Business Master’s Program. We then introduce key research issues and
practical challenges related to the different sub-fields of Management and International
Business, including strategy work, international business, sustainability management and
HR. After a foundational overview of the different fields, the students will work
progressively with their learning goals in smaller groups.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Class contribution and attendance (mandatory)
2. Reading and reflection assignments
3. Exercises
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26E02800/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Students must attend the first
lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
The course is for Management & IB Master’s students only. Mandatory attendance in
lectures (max. 1-2 absences possible for compelling reasons. All absences must be
cleared in advance). Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the
Compulsory participation in the lectures: 80%
Course is not offered anymore. For further informationa, please contact study
26E02900 Doing Quantitative Research (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Olli-Pekka Kauppila; Rilana Riikkinen
Status of the Course:
Management and International Business MSc program: Compulsory or elective (if course
80E80100 or 21E00011 is taken as compulsory)
International Business MSc program: Compulsory or elective (if course 80E80100 or
21E00011 is taken as compulsory)
Strategy MSc program: Compulsory or elective (if course 80E80100 or 21E00011 is
taken as compulsory)
Level of the Course: Common studies in the programme
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016)
Learning Outcomes: This course is designed to introduce students in various areas of
business to the principles and practice of quantitative research. The course covers the
fundamentals of the research process, the statistical analysis and modelling of data, and
quantitative approaches to research, all with a focus on issues specific to business
studies and emphasis on hands-on experience. Upon successful completion of this
course, you should:
• Be better able to interpret and critically assess methodological execution of empirical
management studies
• Understand the uses and limitations of common tools for analyzing quantitative data
• Develop competence in collecting, modelling, and interpreting quantitative data
• Be prepared to utilize obtained methodological skills in master’s thesis and/or doctoral
Content: The following topics will be covered during the course:
• Introduction to quantitative research process
• Research design and measures in the survey method
• Notions of variation
• Descriptive/exploratory analysis of quantitative data
• Notions of significance (confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, contingency tables/chisquare analysis, one-way ANOVA)
• Linear regression analysis and modelling (variable selection, residual analysis
(identifying heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation), multicollinearity, transformation of
• Factor and reliability analysis
• Logistic regression
• Introduction to structural equation modelling
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Class attendance and participation (mandatory)
• Key article critique assignments (individual work)
• Classroom exercise (in pairs or groups)
• Data-based research project (group or individual work)
Study Material: Both textbooks are recommended, although not compulsory, for
completing the course assignments:
• Andy Field: Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (Introducing Statistical Methods
series), 2009
• Joseph Hair et al.: Multivariate Data Analysis, 2014 (or any earlier edition) Availability
Substitutes for Courses: Quantitative research methods (26E24000). Please note that
you can take either one of the courses.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e02900/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max 24 students. Participants are selected based on their program
status, according to the following priority order:
1. M&IB, IB, Strategy and CEMS students
2. Others in WebOodi registration order
Please note that this is an intensive course. Please note that the course is offered only to
MSc level students (PhD students are welcome to join if there are spaces available).
Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the course. Compulsory
participation in the lectures: 85 %
26E03000 International Business Essay (6 cr)
Status of the Course: International Business MSc program: Elective
Learning Outcomes: International Business Essay is an optional program element which
can replace one IB elective course of 6 ECTS. Please see IB program requirements for
details. Students are primarily expected to complete their course requirements through
regular lectured courses. The essay option may be discussed if, for a valid reason, a
student is not able to complete IB course work as planned.
The IB Essay is an independent piece of academic work. The research paper should
follow general principles of academic writing, i.e. the writing should be analytical, critical
and systematic, and proper style and referencing should be used. The report cannot
consist of work already submitted for another course, nor can it contain parts of such prior
work. Similarly, the IB essay work cannot be used, as such, for other courses of MSc
thesis during later studies.
Criteria for a suitable International Business Essay theme:
• - The research paper should have issue-focus, i.e. dealing with a concrete
problem, be it a corporate, societal, economic or theoretical
• - The topic should have an international dimension, i.e. dealing with a question
that applies to more than one country setting.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The student is responsible for finding the topic and
for having the project approved by the Head of the IB Faculty prior to beginning the
project. The deadline for the report is also set at this stage, in agreement with the Head of
the IB Faculty / Coordinator. The student is also free to find a separate tutoring
professor/researcher for the project, who will provide feedback during and after the
project. The finalized research paper is submitted by the deadline, graded by the tutoring
professor or Head of the IB Faculty. Approximate length of the report (excluding
references): 30-40 pages (Times New Roman 12 pt, 1,5 line space, 2,5cm margins)
Study Material: Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26E03000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Please contact IB faculty for more information.
Language of Instruction: English
26E03100 Driving Global Businesses (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Irina Mihailova
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Elective in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: Fall 2015: II
Learning Outcomes: This course takes a strategic perspective to firm-level activities in
globalization. Upon completion of the course, students should know key theories
explaining internationalization and foreign direct investment, know how to strategize for
internationalization, and be familiar with international business operation modes and
foreign market entry strategies. Activities of both SMEs and MNCs, as well as other (e.g.
public) actors enhancing cross-border business operations are discussed.
Content: During the course, the following questions will be examined: (1) Why and how
do firms internationalize? Theories and explanatory frameworks for firm
internationalization and review of entry strategies, entry modes, and cross-border
business operations; (2) How to strategize for activities in the global arena? (3) Current
trends in cross-border operations and globalization. The course will feature numerous
guest lecturers who will share their industry and academic experience and illustrate
practical applications of the theories discussed during the course. Students are
encouraged to forge links between theory and practice through completion of the course
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation: mandatory attendance
Assessment components:
1. Lectures participation and involvement: 10%
2. Assignments:
Graded in-class assignments (completed in class): 4 x 5% = 20%
Case study (discussion in class): 10 %
Final presentation: 20%
3. Final exam: 40 %.
Study Material: Set of readings provided by the lecturers.
Substitutes for Courses: 26E00400 Internationalization of the Firm. Please note that
you can take either one of the courses.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26E03100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Students must attend the first
lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Course and exams via WebOodi. Max. 35 students. Participants are selected based on
their program status, according to the following priority order:
1. M&IB, IB and CEMS students
2. Others in WebOodi registration order
Please note that the course is offered only to M.Sc. level students.
Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the course.
26E03200 Managing in a Global Context (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Peter Zettinig
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Elective in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016: III
Learning Outcomes: This course examines the theories related to the management of
the multinational corporation. The aim of the course is to introduce key concepts and
practices of international and multinational management and develop students’ ability to
apply these to company situations. Upon completion of the course the student should
know the central models and theoretical concepts related to the strategic management of
MNCs. The student should know how various contextual factors such as headquarters
and subsidiary dynamics, industry traits and national characteristics affect MNC
Content: This course addresses the specific challenges associated with managing large
and geographically dispersed multinational corporations (MNCs) which are in mature
stages of internationalization. It focuses on the variety of international strategies and
structural forms, as well as control, communication and coordination issues. The course
will draw on various perspectives such as the resource, knowledge and network-based
views of the MNC.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Written case discussions
2. Class contribution and attendance (mandatory)
3. Group assignment
4. Final Exam
Study Material: Set of readings provided by the lecturer
Substitutes for Courses: Multinational management (26E00500). Please note that you
can take either one of the courses.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26E03200/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registrations via WebOodi. Students must
attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Course and exams via WebOodi. Participants are selected based on their program
status, according to the following priority order:
1. M&IB, IB and CEMS students
2. Others in WebOodi registration order
Please note that the course is offered only to M.Sc. level students. Students must attend
the first lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Course is limited to 40 students.
26E03300 Operating in Different Cultural and Institutional Contexts (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tiina Ritvala
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Elective in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016: V
Learning Outcomes: The course sensitizes the student to the diversity of opportunities
and challenges that organizations face when operating in different environments. It
provides the student with both theoretical and practical views in order to understand the
impact of culture and institutions at the level of an organization. Upon completion of the
course, the student should understand the nature of culture and institutions and be able
to apply the key concepts to assess how they influence the strategies and behavior of
companies. The course will also advance the student’s team-working, presentation and
creative capacities.
Content: The course addresses a range of institutional and cultural issues associated
with planning and managing operations in different countries, fields and industries. It
explores several contemporary topics such as cross-sector collaboration and corporate
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Class contribution and attendance (mandatory)
2. Group assignment
3. Student portfolio
Study Material: Set of readings provided by the lecturer
Substitutes for Courses: The course replaces many of the former courses in Area
Studies of the IB degree. These include Business and societal networks in the Baltic Sea
Region (26E02600) and Doing Business in the EU (26E23000).
Course Homepage: https://moodle.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=2643
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Students must attend the first
lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course and exams via WebOodi. Max 35 students. Participants
are selected based on their program status, according to the following priority order:
1. M&IB Master’s students & CEMS students
2. Exchange students and M&IB minor students Others in WebOodi registration order.
Please note that the course is offered only to MSc level students. Students must attend
the first lecture to ensure their place in the course.
26E03400 People Management in Multinational Organizations (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kristiina Mäkelä
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree: specialization studies in Management and International Business
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016: IV
Learning Outcomes: The course examines issues and challenges related to people
management in a multinational context. People are considered as one of the most, if not
the most, important resources for the global competitiveness of firms, and yet the
challenge of effective people management is greatest in multinational firms operating
across very different geographical, cultural and institutional environments. Upon
completion of the course, students should understand the link between firm strategy,
capabilities and human resources (HR), and the role of HR in managing a global
workforce. Further, students will learn how firms can use HRM practices such as
performance management, talent management and expatriation to manage their human
capital globally, as well as facilitate value creation through the means of social
architecture and change management.
Content: The course is divided into three broad themes: (i) the link between firm strategy,
capabilities and HR; (ii) the role of HR in managing a global workforce; and (iii) different
HRM practices, such as performance management, talent management and expatriation,
in a global organization.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1.
Cases and assignments 40%
Student portfolio 50%
Active lecture participation 10%
Study Material:
Set of readings provided by the lecturers.
Literature: Evans, P., Pucik, V. & Björkman, I. (2010): The global challenge: International
human resource management. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Substitutes for Courses: 26E00700 International Human Resource Management.
Please note that you can take either one of the courses.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e03400/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Students must attend the first
lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Registration via WebOodi. Participants are selected based on their program status,
according to the following priority order:
1. M&IB, IB and CEMS students
2. Others in WebOodi registration order
Please note that the course is offered only to M.Sc. level students.
Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the course. Participation not
compulsory, but most of the assignments will either be done in or be based on the
26E03500 Capstone: Global Business Cases (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Kristiina Mäkelä and Prof. Dan Steinbock
Status of the Course:
M.Sc. degree
Capstone in Management and International Business
Elective in International Business
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: The course seeks to illustrate the underlying drivers of global
competition, including prosperity, productivity and innovation. The framework of the
course serves as the foundation of the Business Competitiveness Index by the World
Economic Forum.
Content: The course probes the ultimate determinants of a nation’s or region’s
productivity, rooted in the strategies and operating practices of locally-based firms, the
vitality of clusters, and the quality of the business environment in which competition takes
place. The course is based on materials initially developed by Professor Michael E.
Porter (Harvard Business School). Tailored for the Finnish context and taught by Visiting
Professor Dan Steinbock, it highlights issues of economic development, sophistication of
companies, and attractiveness of business environments. Particular attention is paid to
issues of competitiveness, innovation and globalization in advanced and emerging
economies. The basic modules focus on industry competition, strategy, and location;
competing across borders; diamond model; clusters and competitiveness;
internationalization of firms; and economic strategy. The course provides a sufficient
foundation in industry competition and competitive strategy to allow students without
management training to grasp course concepts. The course is taught with the Harvard
Business School case method, together with readings and lectures. It involves a major
team project on the competitive assessment of a particular country and cluster, with basic
resources provided by the course platform.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Class Contribution: preparation for and
participation in case discussions
2. Group project: country and cluster assessment
Study Material: Set of readings provided by the lecturer
Substitutes for Courses: Special Topics in International Business (26E01200) and
Capstone (26E00600). Please note that you cannot take the course if you
have completed one of the substituting courses.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26E03500/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Mandatory attendance in lectures (maximum 2 absences possible
for compelling reasons. All absences must be cleared in advance). The course includes a
compulsory introductory session prior to the lectures. Not lectured 2015-2016
26E03600 Introduction to Management and International Business (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Anton Beletskiy
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, compulsory course in Management and
International Business minor studies.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I, III, IV (2015-2016)
Workload: 156h preparation for the exam 4h the exam
Learning Outcomes: This course provides students with general understanding of the
four sub-fields of Management and International Business: Strategy Work, International
Business, Sustainability Management, and Human Resource Management.
Content: Selected books give an overview of central theories, concepts, and their
managerial implications for sub-fields of Management and International Business,
including strategy work, international business, sustainability management and human
resource management.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam dates according to the exam schedule
(kuulustelujärjestys). To pass the exam students are expected to have read and analyzed
all of the assigned literature and its practical implications with respect to each of the four
sub-fields of Management and International Business.
Study Material:
Assigned literature includes books (for sub-fields International Business, Sustainability
Management and HR) and articles (for Strategy Work sub-field) listed in Noppa.
Mike W. Peng and Klaus E. Meyer (2011) International business. ISBN 978-1-4080-19566
Peter Boxall and John Purcell (2011) Strategy and human resource management. ISBN
Michael Blowfield & Alan Murray (2011) Corporate responsibility: a critical introduction.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e03600/etusivu
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi one week in advance.
Language of Instruction: English
26E03700 Essentials of Management and International Business (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Hertta Vuorenmaa; Carol Kiriakos
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, Common studies in the Management and
International Business
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I (fall 2015)
Workload: 29h Active participation in lectures
12h Preparing for the lectures
121h Doing the learning exercises
Learning Outcomes: This course offers an overview of both the different fields of
management and international business and the nature of academic work. The students
are introduced to the different disciplinary cultures in our field as well as the philosophical
and ethical underpinnings of different research paradigms. The course is designed to
help students to navigate through their master’s studies.
Content: The course simultaneously provides you with an overview of the different fields
of Management and IB (what they are really about) and a variety of “tools” necessary for
your academic life, for example, how to use writing as resource for your professional
development, how to be reflexive etc.
Content: The course simultaneously provides you with an overview of the different fields
of Management and IB (what they are really about) and a variety of “tools” necessary for
your academic life, for example, how to use writing as resource for your professional
development, how to be reflexive etc.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Reading and reflection assignments.
Study Material: Provided by the lecturers.
Course Homepage: https://moodle.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=1308
Evaluation: 0-5 5% per each reaction paper (5 reaction papers) altogether 25% of the
grade comes from reaction papers and 75% from the Reflection & Learning diary to be
submitted in the end of the course.
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi. This course is only available to the students in
the Management and International Business M.Sc. programme.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Attendance and active participation in as many lectures as possible
are highly recommended but not mandatory. However attendance facilitates the writing of
the reaction papers and the reflection & learning diary that then forms the majority of your
final grade. This course is only available to the students in the Management and
International Business M.Sc. programmes.
26E04000 Theories in IDBM (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Daniel Graff
Status of the Course: IDBM Master’s program: Compulsory This course is intended only
for those studying in IDBM program.
Level of the Course: Common Advanced Studies
Teaching period: Course is not offered in 2015-2016
Two intensive introductory weeks consisting of lectures, group work, in-class
exercises (60 hours)
Independent work, learning assignments (75 hours)
IDBM Event (27 hours)
Learning Outcomes: After passing the course, a student understands the
multidisciplinary and systemic nature, background and assumptions behind the theory
and practice of international design business management.
The Theories in IDBM is the initial entry point to the programme, and part of the
Introduction to IDBM module. It introduces the multidisciplinary environment, relevant
theories, and prepares the students to succeed in the IDBM masters programme.
This will involve acquiring basic capabilities in the use of a series of tools, including but
not limited to project management and teamwork. Theories and practices related to IDBM
core concepts will be introduced, including multidisciplinary and multicultural teams,
cross-functional integration and communication across disciplinary boundaries.
The module also involves intensive specialist units, delivered in the three universities,
and serves as an introduction to the other modules. The modules include ideation and
creative thinking techniques at the School of Art and Design, project management and
business planning at the School of Economics as well as rapid prototyping and
visualization at the School of Science.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Class participation
Exercises & Assignments
Reflection paper
Study Material: Course material will be provided by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e04000/etusivu
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course is not offered in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM program.
The course is compulsory for IDBM Master’s students. Attendance is required Course is
not offered in 2015-2016
26E04100 Business Modelling and Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Mikko Koria
Status of the Course: IDBM Master’ Program: Compulsory, part of Business Module
This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM program.
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: Course is not offered in 2015-2016
Lectures (42 hours)
Team assignments
Individual research and presentations on management topics
Individual essay with interim individual consultations
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will master key
frameworks and management tools essential in developing (and managing the
development) of successful global design- and technology intensive business models.
Content: Within the course, student teams practice applying the frameworks and
management tools, which then are tested in the joint IDBM Projects. The course focuses
on the following areas: global business strategies, business models and plans, managing
innovative multidisciplinary and multicultural projects, organizations and teams, design
and technology management. The working language is English.
Study Material:
Rethinking Project Management: An Organisational Perspective, Erling Anderson,
Prentice Hall 2008
Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and
Challengers, Alexander Osterwalder and Ysves Pigneur, 2009
Study material:
Set of readings provided by the lecturer / lecture notes by lecturers
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26E04100/
Prerequisites: 26E04000 Theories in IDBM 26E01000 International Design Business
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi Course is not lectured in 20152016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM program.
The course is compulsory for IDBM Master’s students. Attendance is required. Course is
not lectured in 2015-2016
26E04200 Theories in IDBM (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Mikko Koria
Status of the Course:
IDBM Master’s program: Compulsory
The course in intended only for those studying in IDBM Program.
Note! Students participating in the IDBM Master’s program should take 26E04700
Creative Teamwork instead.
Level of the Course: Common Advanced Studies
Teaching period: Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
1. Intensive introductory week consisting of lectures, group work, in-class exercises (30
2. Lectures, group work, in-class exercises (48 hours)
3. Independent work, learning assignments (57 hours)
Learning Outcomes: After passing the course, a student understands the
multidisciplinary and systemic nature, background and assumptions behind the theory
and practice of managing global design and technology intensive business.
Content: The Theories in IDBM is the initial entry point to the programme, and part of the
Introduction to IDBM module. It introduces the multidisciplinary environment, relevant
theories, and prepares the students to succeed in the IDBM masters programme. This will
involve acquiring basic capabilities in the use of a series of tools, including but not limited
to project management, research methods, study skills, and teamwork. Theories and
practices related to IDBM core concepts will be introduced, including multidisciplinary
studies, systems thinking, thinking, language usage and communication across
disciplinary boundaries, creative environments, innovative ways of organising, and basic
notions of processes and management. The module also involves intensive specialist
units, delivered in the three universities, and serves as an introduction to the other
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Midterm examination (after intensive week - knowledge of dm)
2. Class participation
3. Presentations
4. Exercises
5. Case studies
Study Material: Course material will be provided by the lecture
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi Course is not lectured in 20152016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM program.
The course is compulsory for IDBM Master’s students. Attendance is required. Note!
Students participating in the IDBM Master’s program should take 26E04700 Creative
Teamwork instead.
26E04300 Business Modelling and Management (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mikko Koria
Status of the Course:
IDBM Master’ Program: Compulsory, part of Business Module
This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM program.
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: III (Spring 2015)
Workload: 1.
Lectures and team consultations (32 hours)
Team assignments with interim consultations
Individual research and presentations on management topics
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will master key
frameworks, management thinking and tools that are essential in developing successful
global design- and technology intensive business models.
Content: Within the course, student teams analyze business environments and
ecosystems, practice applying business modeling frameworks and learn essential
management tools and concepts. The course is closely linked to the IDBM Projects. The
course has a focus on analyzing global business environments and ecosystems,
analyzing and creating business models and understanding key management ideas,
concepts and practices. The working language is English.
Study Material:
Alexander Osterwalder and Ysves Pigneur (2009) Business Model Generation: A
Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. ISBN 978-2-8399-0580-0 (
Other course material:
Set of readings provided by the lecturer / lecture notes by lecturers
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26E04100/
Prerequisites: 26E04000 Theories in IDBM 26E01000 International Design Business
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM program.
The course is compulsory for IDBM Master’s students. Attendance is required.
26E04400 International Design Business Management (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mikko Koria
Status of the Course: IDBM Master’ Program: Compulsory, part of Business Module
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: Fall term II period
1. Lectures (40 hours)
2. Team assignments
3. Individual assignments
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will have an
understanding of the core elements of global design-intensive business.
Content: The course has a focus on the following areas: The links between creativity,
innovation and design, the design of products, services and processes, design –
intensive business and technology analysis, design audits, business strategy, design
management in business, brands and marketing. The aim is to provide students with a
mix of a theoretical background and practical industry knowledge through cases. The
working language is English.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation in lectures, team projects and
exercises, individual reading summaries.
Study Material:
Design Management - managing design strategy, process and implementation, Kathryn
Best, AVA Publishing SA 2006
Design-Driven Innovation - changing the rules of competition by radically innovating what
things mean, Roberto Verganti, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation 2009
Other course material:
Set of readings provided by the lecturer / lecture notes by lecturers
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course is compulsory for IDBM Master’s students. Attendance
is required
26E04500 Special project in IDBM (6 cr)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Please contact IDBM faculty for more information.
Further Information: Please contact IDBM faculty for more information.
26E04600 Special project in IDBM (3 cr)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Please contact IDBM faculty for more information.
Further Information: Please contact IDBM faculty for more information.
26E04700 Creative Teamwork (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Daniel Graff
Status of the Course: IDBM Master’s program: Compulsory This course is intended only
for those studying in IDBM program.
Level of the Course: Common Advanced Studies
Teaching period: intesive course, during the course compulsary fulltime attendance
Workload: 1.
Three intensive introductory weeks consisting of lectures, group work,
in-class exercises (60 hours)
Independent work, learning assignments (75 hours)
Learning Outcomes: After passing the course, a student understands the theoretical
foundation and practical implications of team diversity (in particular in terms of
knowledge) on team processes and outcomes throughout an IDBM project.
Content: Creative Teamwork is the initial entry point to the programme, and part of the
Introduction to IDBM module. It introduces the multidisciplinary environment, relevant
theories, and prepares the students to succeed in the IDBM project.
This will involve acquiring basic capabilities in the use of a series of tools, including but
not limited to project management and teamwork. Theories and practices related to IDBM
core concepts will be introduced, including multidisciplinary and multicultural teams,
cross-functional integration and communication across disciplinary boundaries.
The module also involves intensive specialist units, delivered in the three universities,
and serves as an introduction to the other modules. The modules include ideation and
creative thinking techniques at the School of Art and Design, project management and
business planning at the School of Economics as well as rapid prototyping and
visualization at the School of Science.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1.
Class participation
Exercises & Assignments
Study Material: Course material will be provided by the lecturer
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM program.
The course is compulsory for IDBM Master’s students. (intesive course, during the course
compulsary fulltime attendance required).
26E04800 IDBM Industry Project (Business) (5 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mikko Koria
Status of the Course: IDBM Master’ Program: Compulsory, part of Business module.
The IDBM Industry Project entity consists of three components: 26E4800 IDBM Industry
Project (Business), id0003 IDBM Industry Project (Design) and TU-22.1510 IDBM
Industry Project (Technology).
IDBM minor program: Compulsory, 5 cr
The IDBM Industry/Business Project is offered only for students selected to the IDBM
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: I-V (2015-2016)
Workload: Two thirds of the Project will consist of student teamwork and one third of
interaction (lectures, reporting, discussions, short specialist workshops that have a focus
on project management, communication, teams, and other topical issues) with the
supervisors, partnering business enterprises and organisations. Each project partner sets
both the content and the detailed schedule. Extensive and detailed project plans are
developed, monitored and evaluated. From the partner’s point of view, the project team
executes work comparable to knowledge intensive business services and consulting. To
succeed in the project students must show remarkable flexibility when organizing their
time during the project year. The projects usually involve international travel that is
directly linked to research & development of the project context.
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the project students should master key
frameworks and management tools essential when developing and managing successful
global design and technology intensive business initiatives. Within the project course,
student teams practice applying the frameworks and management tools offered by the
core modules. Students develop the ability to do real-world applied business intelligence
and research in and through the project contexts. Within the joint IDBM Project, the
Business component ensures that the students can achieve a business perspective,
while the Design component develops the design thinking and the Technology
component enables the students to gain the necessary engineering and innovation
management view. Together these perspectives support the development of the desired
multidisciplinary and systemic competence. The projects have a focus on the front-end
development of new products, services and businesses, and the learning outcomes
involve mastering the build-up and testing of the front-end concepts.
Content: The IDBM Project is the central practice-based learning platform for all IDBM
Master’s and minor students. The Project is assigned by an industrial/business partner
and runs through the whole academic year. In the Project, student teams solve problems
related to the development activities of partners’ global business. The project teams are
multidisciplinary, the team members represent all three IDBM fields (business, design and
The projects run parallel to the program’s business, design and technology courses within
the core modules. The content of the modules form the theoretical knowledge base that is
applied in the project. This offers the students possibility to understand and practice the
strength of combining the theory and practical business development. To support this
interaction, strong supervision is offered to the project teams by the responsible lecturers
and other experts of the core modules.
The projects and the teams are announced in the kick-off of the first IDBM year.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1.
Value of the project to the partner (based on
partner’s feedback and supervisors’ evaluation)
Personal contribution (peer and supervisor evaluation)
Activity (attendance)
Study Material: Literature consists of materials provided by the core
business/design/technology modules and the Introduction to IDBM module. Each
individual project sources relevant background material to be used on a case-by-case
Substitutes for Courses: Course 26E01300 IDBM Industry Project. It is possible to
include only one of these courses to the Master’s degree.
Course Homepage: http://idbm.aalto.fi
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration is done by program organizers.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended only for those studying in IDBM master
program. The course is compulsory for both IDBM Master’s and minor students.
Attendance is required.
26E04900 IDBM Special Project (3 cr)
Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: Please contact IDBM faculty for more information
Further Information: Please contact IDBM faculty for more information
26E05100 CEMS Block Seminar (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Virpi Tuunainen, Esko Penttinen, Minna Halme
Status of the Course: CEMS MIM Exclusive course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: Provide students with a broad understanding of the challenges
related to the ways of advancing management of multi-sided platforms within
multinational firms that have subsidiaries spread across cultures and economic regions
and the means of innovating through their use.
Content: Lectured course, case studies, assignments, group work, project work
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The sum of assignment grades, including individual
grades for pre‐assignment, and the group’s grades for group project work
Study Material: set of readings provided by the lecturers
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: CEMS students are automatically registered for this course
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This is a CEMS MIM exclusive course only open for CEMS
students. Please note that as a CEMS exclusive course, 100% lecture attendance is
required from students. Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
26E05200 CEMS Skills Seminar (1-5 cr)
Responsible teacher: to be announced later
Status of the Course: CEMS MIM exclusive course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: Training seminars in practical skills relevant to an international
management environment.
Content: Training seminar, individual and group work, assignments
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Skill Seminars are not graded. The emphasis is on
Study Material: to be announced later
Evaluation: pass / fail
Registration for Courses: CEMS students register for the skills seminars Course is not
lectured in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This is a CEMS MIM exclusive course only open for CEMS students. Please note that as
a CEMS exclusive course, 100% lecture attendance is required from students.
Skills Seminars are one day training seminars in practical skills. They are essential to
kick-starting an effective professional career and fundamental to adjusting easily to an
international management environment.
Topics include:
// Personal Development
// Project management
// Intercultural skills
// Group work abilities
// International negotiation techniques
// Presentation skills
// CV building and Job Application preparation
// Business Communication
Skill Seminars are offered by the CEMS member schools, very often in close cooperation
with companies.
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
26E05300 CEMS English Business Communication Skills Seminar (1 cr)
Responsible teacher: Michael Baker
Status of the Course: CEMS MIM exclusive course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: Analyse audiences and define objectives to create targeted
business messages, write coherent and convincing, reader-friendly business documents
plan, lead and participate effectively in business meetings, craft clear, focused and
engaging business presentations, assess your own and others’ business
Content: learning sessions, case work sessions, group work session
Assessment Methods and Criteria: learning sessions, case work sessions, group work
Study Material: learning sessions, case work sessions, group work session
Evaluation: pass / fail
Registration for Courses: CEMS students are automatically registered for this course
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This is a CEMS MIM exclusive course only open for CEMS students. Please note that as
a CEMS exclusive course, 100% lecture attendance is required from students.
In the course of your CEMS MIM Term 1 students will participate in the CEMS exclusive
Business Communication Skill Seminar (BCSS). During this two-day seminar, students
learn how to use a variety of techniques to effectively communicate in an Englishspeaking business environment. In the interactive sessions, every one of the max. 20
participants will have the chance to express him/herself both orally and in writing, and
receive feedback from the seminar leader not only during, but also after the conclusion of
the seminar. Students will be asked to prepare for the seminar by checking out prereading material available on cems.org, covering “technical” guidelines for preparing
presentation slides, rules of conduct in meetings, general tips for writing memos and
emails etc.
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
26E05400 CEMS Business Project (3-15 cr)
Responsible teacher: Rita Järventie-Thesleff
Status of the Course: CEMS MIM exclusive course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: Gives students a fresh insight into a business problem and
improves capacities in analytical and problem solving skills. The project also provides an
opportunity to apply academic knowledge and research methods to practical managerial
Content: Real company case assignments
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The project work, final report and presentation, will
be evaluated by the academic and company tutors and peer evaluation.
Study Material: Set of readings provided by the lecturer and corporate partner
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: CEMS students are automatically registered for this course
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This is a CEMS MIM exclusive course only open for CEMS students. Please note that as
a CEMS exclusive course, 100% lecture attendance is required from students.
Each student must do a Business Project during Term 2. It accounts for 15 ECTS credits.
Business projects reinforce the partnership between universities and companies in jointly
shaping students’ learning process in international management. Business projects take
a consultancy-like approach and are consciously designed to provide students with a
real-life learning experience: international student teams solve a real business problem
as a one-term part-time activity. Student teams work independently and are co-tutored by
academic and corporate representatives. Student teams consist of 2-5 students. The
Business Project will amount to about half of Term 2’s workload. At Aalto CEMS the
companies involved are usually Kone or Nokia.
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
26E05500 CEMS Core Course: Strategy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Rita Järventie-Thesleff
Status of the Course: CEMS exclusive
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the students have gained a good
company- and management-level understanding of global strategic management. The
students will acquire an in-depth understanding of the processes, planning techniques
and tools for strategic analysis, strategy formulation and implementation in a global
setting. The students will also receive firsthand narratives of contemporary management
practice from visiting speakers. The course will also advance students’ skills in strategic
leadership and strengthen their reflective critical thinking in strategizing issues.
Content: This course is set up to explore and make sense of the practice of strategic
management in a global context. It focuses on the management challenges associated
with developing strategies and managing operations of companies whose activities go
beyond national boundaries. The course will cover various strategic approaches and
necessary capabilities to identify and capitalize on new opportunities, and to inspire and
engage organizational members and other stakeholders to participate.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
The course is taught using a combination of lectures, individual assignments, case
analysis, class discussions and outside guest speakers. It will follow a highly interactive
learning oriented approach with multiple real firm and industry cases including visitors
from industry, consultancy firms, and academia.
Case work presentation (40 %)
Learning diary (30 %)
In-Class participation (20 %)
Visitor discussant (10 %)
Study Material: For each session there will be readings and pre-assignments (either
individual or group). The list of readings will be made available via the course webpage. A
group assignment consisting of a final report and presentation will conclude the course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: CEMS students 2013-2014 are automatically registered.
Registering through WebOodi should not be possible, as the course is CEMS exclusive
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
26E05600 CEMS Core Course: Global Management Practice (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: TBC
Status of the Course: CEMS exclusive
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes:
The course will help prepare the student for the future challenges of an international
business career. On completion of the course, the student:
1. Has an in-depth understanding of the nature of culture, the theories and frameworks
that help in highlighting similarities and differences across cultures, and comparative
business practices and behaviours.
2. Is able to apply such frameworks and concepts to a range of different cultural and
organisational settings.
3. Is able to analyse and synthesise different frameworks and concepts and critically
evaluate their usefulness in addressing the problems of
managing people from different cultures.
Content: This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issues
involved in cross-cultural management. It will focus on the impact of culture at the level of
the individual, the team and the organisation; it will demonstrate how cross-cultural
factors influence behaviours in the workplace, and will develop some of the skills needed
to manage effectively in cross-cultural situations. The course addresses global
management issues such as diversity, decision-making practices, communication
principles, management of change and inspiring and motivating people across diverse
• Assessment Methods and Criteria: A variety of teaching methods designed to
stimulate class participation and interaction with course content will be
used. The course will combine theoretical and experiential learning through the
use of lectures, case studies, simulations, group projects, video excerpts and
class discussions. The final grade in the course will be comprised of:Group
Participation & Performance 20%
• Final Case Group Presentation & Report 40%
• Individual assingment 40%
Study Material: Course reading is based on book chapters, articles, and cases.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: CEMS students 2013-2014 are automatically registered.
Registering through WebOodi should not be possible, as the course is CEMS exclusive.
Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course is not lectured in 2015-2016
26E09900 Studies at Another University (V) (6 cr)
Study Material: Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: Please contact the IB faculty for more information
26E09901 Area Studies at Another University (V) (6 op)
Oppimateriaali: Arvosteluasteikko: pass/fail
Ilmoittautuminen: Contact IB faculty for more information
26E99901 Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Responsible teacher: Management & International Business MSc program: Compulsory
Management MSc program: Compulsory International Business MSc program:
Compulsory Strategy MSc program: Compulsory IDBM MSc program: Compulsory
Status of the Course: Management & International Business MSc program: Compulsory
Management MSc program: Compulsory
International Business MSc program: Compulsory
Strategy MSc program: Compulsory
IDBM MSc program: Compulsory
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: I-V (2015-2016)
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is for the student to write his/her Master’s
Thesis. You are expected to be able to formulate relevant research questions, and/or
identify problems; position the research problem within the discipline; demonstrate critical
thinking in reviewing literature; select and use appropriate research methods to get
answers to the questions formulated or approach the problems identified; provide
rigorous analysis and presentation of findings; discuss findings thoroughly and critically;
and write up a thesis that meets academic writing standards.
Content: The Master’s Thesis aims to teach students solve problems independently by
going through the different stages of a research process.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Master’s Thesis
Study Material: Set of material provided by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e99901
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e99901/registration
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: • Thesis work will start by the student taking the compulsory
26E99905 Master’s Thesis seminar (6 ECTS)
• We recommend that the compulsory methodology course (21E00011 Doing
Qualitative Research or 26E02900 Doing Quantitative Research) is taken around the
same time as the Master’s Thesis Seminar and Master’s Thesis.
• After the Master’s Thesis is handed in, the student will need to pass
26E99903/21E99903 Maturity Test (0 ECTS)
26E99902 Master’s Thesis Seminar (0 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Kristiina Mäkelä
Status of the Course: Management and International Business MSc program:
Compulsory International Business MSc program: Compulsory
Strategy MSc program: Compulsory
IDBM MSc program: Compulsory
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: 2015-2016: Please see course 26E99905 Master’s thesis seminar
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the MSc thesis seminars is to provide and receive
written and oral feedback on drafts of the MSc thesis during one academic year (fall and
spring semesters). The seminar sessions provide a supportive forum to discuss research
issues relevant to the particular stage of research with fellow students and the supervisor
and make informed decisions how to develop the study further. The seminars assist in
structuring thesis work and stimulating progress. The regular meetings pace the writing
and reading process and provide concrete deadlines and peer group pressure. Upon
completion of the seminars, the student will be able to critically evaluate academic
Content: The MSc seminars cover theoretical, methodological and empirical challenges
faced by the students during the entire research process. Active participation and
attendance is mandatory in order to complete the seminar.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active participation in the seminar sessions and
completing assignments
Study Material: Set of material provided by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e99901/video_introduction
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
Registration for Courses: 2015-2016: Please see course 26E99905 Master’s thesis
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: 2015-2016: Please see course 26E99905 Master’s thesis seminar
26E99903 Maturity Test (0 op)
Kurssin asema: Management & International Business MSc program: Compulsory
Management MSc program: Compulsory
International Business MSc program: Compulsory
Strategy MSc program: Compulsory
IDBM MSc program: Compulsory
Kurssin taso: Advanced specialization studies
Osaamistavoitteet: After finalizing the Master’s Thesis the student is required to
complete a maturity test in order to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the thesis topic in
his/her mother tongue (Finnish and Swedish only), or in English (if mother tongue other
than Finnish or Swedish)
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin kotisivu:
https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e99901/maturity_proficiency_test or
Arvosteluasteikko: Pass/fail
Ilmoittautuminen: Please contact the programme coordinator after visiting the Noppa
page for instructions.
26E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Alexei Koveshnikov
Status of the Course: Management and International Business MSc program:
Management MSc program: Compulsory
International Business MSc program: Compulsory
Strategy MSc program: Compulsory
IDBM MSc program: Compulsory
Creative Sustainability: Compulsory
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: I, IV (2015-2016)
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the MSc thesis seminars is to provide the students with
the knowledge and skills necessary for writing a high-quality Master’s Thesis. The
seminars assist the student in structuring his/her thesis work, and provide a supportive
forum to discuss issues relevant to different stages of research.
Content: The Thesis Seminar consists of three compulsory introductory sessions, oneon-one meetings with an assigned personal supervisor, and progress seminars in which
students present their work and give feedback to others. Attendance is mandatory.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Assignments, presentation of own work, feedback
to others’ work, active participation in the seminars and the research process.
Study Material: Set of materials provided by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/26e99905/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Compulsory registration via weboodi Please write following to
the text box “Further information” when registering in Weboodi:
1. Which Master’s Program you are in: M&IB, Management (2005), IB (2005), IDBM,
Strategy, Creative sustainability
a. M&IB students: please also indicate which specialization area(s) you are taking:
Strategy work, International Business, Sustainability Management, or Human Resources
b. If you follow the 2005 degree regulations, please also indicate whether you would
like to be credited 0 ECTS (2005 regulations) or 6 ECTS (2013 regulations) for the thesis
2. Thesis topic or the tentative thematic area of research
3. Intended thesis schedule
4. Other relevant information (e.g. if you have started already, if you already have a
supervisor, or if you have a commission from a company)
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Please write following to the text box “Further information” when
registering in Weboodi:
1. Which Master’s Program you are in: M&IB, Management (2005), IB (2005), IDBM,
Strategy, Creative sustainability
a. M&IB students: please also indicate which specialization area(s) you are taking:
Strategy work, International Business, Sustainability Management, or Human Resources
b. If you follow the 2005 degree regulations, please also indicate whether you would
like to be credited 0 ECTS (2005 regulations) or 6 ECTS (2013 regulations) for the thesis
2. Thesis topic or the tentative thematic area of research
3. Intended thesis schedule
4. Other relevant information (e.g. if you have started already, if you already have a
supervisor, or if you have a commission from a company)
26H00200 Internship (6 cr)
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
Further Information: More information in Into:
42E00100 CEMS Core Course: Strategy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Rita Järventie-Thesleff
Status of the Course: CEMS exclusive
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: 26.10.-12.12.2015 (T2)
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the students have gained a good
company- and management-level understanding of global strategic management. The
students will acquire an in-depth understanding of the processes, planning techniques
and tools for strategic analysis, strategy formulation and implementation in a global
setting. The students will also receive firsthand narratives of contemporary management
practice from visiting speakers. The course will also advance students’ skills in strategic
leadership and strengthen their reflective critical thinking in strategizing issues.
Content: This course is set up to explore and make sense of the practice of strategic
management in a global context. It focuses on the management challenges associated
with developing strategies and managing operations of companies whose activities go
beyond national boundaries. The course will cover various strategic approaches and
necessary capabilities to identify and capitalize on new opportunities, and to inspire and
engage organizational members and other stakeholders to participate. This course is set
up to explore and make sense of the practice of strategic management in a global
context. It focuses on the management challenges associated with developing strategies
and managing operations of companies whose activities go beyond national boundaries.
The course will cover various strategic approaches and necessary capabilities to identify
and capitalize on new opportunities, and to inspire and engage organizational members
and other stakeholders to participate.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course is taught using a combination of
lectures, individual assignments, case analysis, class discussions and outside guest
speakers. It will follow a highly interactive learning oriented approach with multiple real
firm and industry cases including visitors from industry, consultancy firms, and academia.
Case work presentation (40 %)
Learning diary (30 %)
In-Class participation and exercises (20 %)
Pre-course assignment (10 %)
Study Material: For each session there will be readings and pre-assignments (either
individual or group). The list of readings will be made available via the course webpage. A
group assignment consisting of a final report and presentation will conclude the course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: CEMS students are automatically registered. Registering
through WebOodi should not be possible, as the course is CEMS exclusive
Language of Instruction: English
42E00300 CEMS Core Course: Global Management Practice (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kristiina Mäkelä
Status of the Course: CEMS exclusive
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016 / IV period
Learning Outcomes: The course will help prepare the student for future challenges of an
international business career. On completion of the course, the student will:
 understand global-local tensions that influence work in multinational
organizations, and their implications to management
 understand how multinational firms can facilitate value creation through the means
of social architecture and internal knowledge sharing
 understand the challenges facing multinational firms in managing people across
borders and cultures
Content: The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issues
involved in global and international management by combining theory, reflection and
practice. A variety of teaching methods designed to stimulate class participation and
interaction with course content will be used.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
In-class cases (20%)
Group term paper (20%)
Student portfolio (50%)
Active participation (10%)
Study Material:
Set of cases/readings provided by the lecturer.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: CEMS students 2014-2015 are automatically registered.
Registering through WebOodi should not be possible, as the course is CEMS exclusive.
Language of Instruction: English
42E00400 CEMS Block Seminar (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ilona Mikkonen
Status of the Course: CEMS MIM Exclusive course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I (Fall 2015) Timing: 31.8.-4.9.2015
Learning Outcomes: The Block seminar is a week-long intensive seminar on current
topics. The learning outcomes for the two parallel topics in 2015 are as follows:
1. ‘Multi-sided platforms’: Provide students with a broad understanding of the
challenges related to the ways of advancing management of multi-sided platforms within
multinational firms that have subsidiaries spread across cultures and economic regions
and the means of innovating through their use.
2. ‘Challenges to Brand Management in the Contemporary Markets’: This block seminar
will introduce students to principles of brand management and the related managerial
practices in contemporary marketplace. Students will have a chance to experience the
challenges and opportunities of creating strong, coherent brands.
Content: Lectured course, case studies, assignments, group work, project work
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The sum of assignment grades, including individual
grades for pre‐assignment, and the group’s grades for group project work
Study Material: set of readings provided by the lecturers
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration through the central online CEMS registration
system in May
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This is a CEMS MIM exclusive course only open for CEMS
students. Please note that as a CEMS exclusive course, 100% lecture attendance is
required from students.
42E00500 CEMS Business Communication Skills Seminar (1 cr)
Responsible teacher: Michael Baker
Status of the Course: CEMS MIM exclusive course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I (Fall 2015)
Learning Outcomes: Analyse audiences and define objectives to create targeted
business messages, write coherent and convincing, reader-friendly business documents
plan, lead and participate effectively in business meetings, craft clear, focused and
engaging business presentations, assess your own and others’ business
Content: learning sessions, case work sessions, group work session
Assessment Methods and Criteria: learning sessions, case work sessions, group work
Study Material: learning sessions, case work sessions, group work session
Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: CEMS students are automatically registered for this course
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This is a CEMS MIM exclusive course only open for CEMS
students. Please note that as a CEMS exclusive course, 100% lecture attendance is
required from students.
42E00600 CEMS Business Project (3-15 cr)
Responsible teacher: Rita Järventie-Thesleff
Status of the Course: CEMS MIM exclusive course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016
Learning Outcomes: Gives students a fresh insight into a business problem and
improves capacities in analytical and problem solving skills. The project also provides an
opportunity to apply academic knowledge and research methods to practical managerial
Content: Real company case assignments
Content: Real company case assignments
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The project work, final report and presentation, will
be evaluated by the academic and company tutors and peer evaluation.
Study Material: Set of readings provided by the lecturer and corporate partner
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: CEMS students are automatically registered for this course
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This is a CEMS MIM exclusive course only open for CEMS
students. Please note that as a CEMS exclusive course, 100% lecture attendance is
required from students. Each student must do a Business Project during Term 2. It
accounts for 15 ECTS credits.
42E00700 CEMS Responsible Global Leadership Seminar (1 cr)
Responsible teacher: Rita Järventie-Thesleff
Status of the Course: CEMS exclusive
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016
Content: The two-day seminar ‘Responsible Global Leadership’ will bring together
Students, Professors and Corporate Partners to discuss responsible leadership and
ethical thinking in the connection of global management challenges. During the seminar
we will also introduce the Aalto CEMS Corporate partners and commence the work on
CEMS business projects.
The goal of the seminar is to emphasize the importance of responsible leadership at
various levels and connections: societal, business and human. Responsible leadership is
conceived as a state of being that translates into acts and builds on individual managers’
sensibility, personality and self-awareness. During the seminar we will discuss and
debate ways to reconcile the pressures of competition with the necessity of being socially
responsible. The seminar will be built on a combination of lectures, guest speakers and
Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: CEMS students are automatically registered. Registering
through WebOodi should not be possible, as the course is CEMS exclusive
Language of Instruction: English
51A00110 Liike-elämän etiikka (3 op)
Introduction to Business Ethics
Vastuuopettaja: N.N.
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet.
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kurssia ei enää opeteta. Tilalle tulee uusi kurssi 21A00410 Yritysvastuu
ja -etiikka.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
80 tuntia (3 opintopistettä):
Luennot: 21 tuntia (7 x 3 tuntia)
Luku- ja kirjoitustehtävät: 59 tuntia (30 + 29)
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi tarjoaa työkaluja, joiden avulla voidaan ottaa haltuun
liiketoiminnan moraalinen ulottuvuus. Tavoitteena on oppia soveltamaan normatiivisia
etiikan teorioita liiketoiminnan käytäntöön. Kurssilla perehdytään yrityksen
yhteiskuntavastuuta koskevaan keskusteluun ja osallistujia rohkaistaan oman
näkemyksen kehittämiseen ja sen puolesta argumentoimiseen.
Sisältö: Kurssin keskeisiä teemoja ovat yrityksen ja yksilön moraalinen vastuu
toiminnasta ja sen ennakoitavissa olevista seurauksista, ihmisoikeudet ja
monikulttuurisuus kansainvälisessä liiketoiminnassa. Kurssilla pohditaan, miten
taloudelliset arvot ja instituutiot kytkeytyvät moraalisiin arvoihin (esimerkiksi tehokkuus ja
yleinen hyvinvointi; sopimukset ja moraaliset velvollisuudet; kaupankäynti ja reilu peli;
omistusoikeus ja vapaus; ansaitseminen ja oikeudenmukaisuus). Kurssi on johdatus
yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuuta koskevaan filosofiseen ja empiiriseen tutkimukseen.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: (a) Luennot: 21 tuntia
(b) Luku- ja kirjoitustehtävät:
i. Essee #1 (1/2 arvosanasta)
ii. Essee #2 (1/2 arvosanasta) Kumpikin essee arvostellaan asteikolla 0-5 ja kurssin
kokonaisarvosana on osasuoritusten arvosanojen keskiarvo. Koko kurssin arvosanan
edellytys on, että jokainen osa on suoritettu vähintään 1 pisteen arvosanalla
(välttävä). Essee #1 käsittelee kurssilla luettavia artikkeleita (Friedman 1970 ja Kolstad
2007) ja se tulee palauttaa kurssin aikana ennen loppuesseetä. Loppuessee käsittelee
luentoja, luentomateriaalia ja kurssin artikkeleita. Esseiden pituus on 4-5 liuskaa.
Loppuesseen aiheet jaetaan viimeisellä luentokerralla. Yksityiskohtaisemmat
ohjeet esseiden kirjoittamista varten jaetaan luennoilla. Esseet toimitetaan kurssin
opettajalle printattuna, ei sähköpostin liitetiedostona. Myöhästyneitä osasuorituksia
otetaan vastaan kurssin seuraavien luentojen (lukuvuonna 2013-2014) alkuun asti mutta
jokaisesta myöhästyneestä osasuorituksesta vähennetään 1 piste kurssin
kokonaisarvosanasta. Osasuoritukset ovat voimassa kurssin seuraavien luentojen
(lukuvuonna 2013-2014) alkuun asti.
Friedman, Milton.1970. The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New
York Times Magazine, September 13.
Kolstad, Ivar. 2007. Why firms should not always maximize profits. Journal of Business
Ethics 76, 137-145.
Muut kurssin artikkelit ilmoitetaan luennoilla.
Artikkelit, luentojen kalvot ja muu kurssilla jaettava materiaali on saatavilla kurssin
51A00210 Introduction to Business Ethics (3 cr)
51A00211 Business Ethics Book Exam (3 cr)
21A00410 Yritysvastuu ja -etiikka (3 op)
Tutkintoon voi sisällyttää vain yhden näistä opintojaksoista.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51A00110/
Esitiedot: -
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssia ei enää opeteta. Tilalle tulee uusi kurssi 21A00410 Yritysvastuu ja etiikka.
51A00210 Introduction to Business Ethics (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Status of the Course: Obligatory course in the Fundamentals of Business Knowledge in
the Bachelor’s degree.
Level of the Course: Basic studies
Teaching period: Course is not offered anymore. Substitute for this course is 51A00211
Business Ethics Book Exam.
80 hours:
Lectures: 18 hours (6 x 3 hours)
Assignments: 62 hours (32 + 30)
Learning Outcomes: The course provides students with tools that enable them to
identify and analyze morally relevant aspects of international business. To this end, the
course offers an introduction to moral philosophy and its applications in business cases.
Students are encouraged to develop and argue for their own stand with respect to the
social responsibility of corporations.
Content: The course includes lectures and case studies on the notion of moral
responsibility, both individual and collective, as well as utilitarianism and deontological
ethics. The central themes of the course are the interconnectedness of economic and
moral values, the moral justification of corporate governance, and tensions between
universal human rights and multiculturalism in international business. The course
provides an introduction to the on-going debate on the question of whether we can make
a business case for the social responsibility of corporations.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
(a) Lectures
(b) Assignments:
i. Mid-term essay (1/2 of the final grade)
ii. Final essay (1/2 of the final grade)
Each essay is graded on the scale 0-5 and the final grade is the average of the two
grades. In order to pass the course, you need to have at least 1 point for each of the two
essays. The mid-term essay requires that students are familiar with the course reading
materials (Friedman 1970 and Kolstad 2007) and it will be turned in before the final
essay. The topic for the final essay will be distributed on the last day of classes and the
final essay will cover the lectures, the readings materials, and other materials distributed
in the class. The essays are approximately 4-5 pages long. More detailed instructions will
be given in the class. The essays will have to be printed on the paper - please, do not
send files by e-mail.
Late essays will be accepted till the beginning of the next course in the academic year
2013-2014 but the fine for missing the deadline is 1 point off the final grade (for each late
essay). The partial grades for the essays will be valid till the beginning of the next course
in the academic year 2013-2014.
Study Material:
Friedman, Milton.1970. The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New
York Times Magazine, September 13.
Kolstad, Ivar. 2007. Why firms should not always maximize profits. Journal of Business
Ethics 76, 137-145.
Other materials for the course will be distributed in the class. The articles, the pppresentations, and other materials for the course will be available also at the course
Course is not offered anymore. Substitute for this course is 51A00211 Business Ethics
Book Exam.
Substitutes for Courses:
51A00110 Liike-elämän etiikka
51A00211 Business Ethics Book Exam
It is possible to include only one of these courses to the Bachelor’s degree.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51A00210/
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course is not offered anymore. Substitute for this course is
51A00211 Business Ethics Book Exam.
51A00211 Introduction to Business Ethics Book Exam (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Santiago Martinez
Status of the Course: Obligatory course in the Fundamentals of Business Knowledge in
the Bachelor’s degree.
Level of the Course: Basic studies
Teaching period: II (fall 2015), IV (spring 2016)
80 hours:
Preparing for the exam: 76 hours
The exam: 4 hours
Learning Outcomes: The course provides students with tools that enable them to
identify and analyze morally relevant aspects of international business. To this end, the
course offers an introduction to moral philosophy and its applications in business cases.
Students are encouraged to develop and argue for their own stand with respect to the
social responsibility of corporations.
Content: The course offers an introduction to utilitarianism and deontological ethics, and
their applications in business cases. The central themes of the course are the
interconnectedness of economic and moral values, the moral justification of corporate
governance, and tensions between universal human rights and multiculturalism in
international business. The course provides an introduction to the on-going debate on the
question of whether we can make a business case for the social responsibility of
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Book exam (100%)
Study Material:
Friedman, Milton.1970. The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New
York Times Magazine, September 13.
Kolstad, Ivar. 2007. Why firms should not always maximize profits. Journal of Business
Ethics 76, 137-145.
In addition to these articles, read the required sections in one of the following books:
1. Ferrell et al. 2008: Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 7th edition,
chapters 1-7.
2. Crane & Matten 2004: Business Ethics: A European Perspective, chapters 1-5.
Substitutes for Courses:
51A00110 Liike-elämän etiikka
51A00210 Introduction to Business Ethics
It is possible to include only one of these courses to the Bachelor’s degree.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51A00211/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Friedman’s (1970) article is openly accessible in the internet and
Kolstad’s (2007) article can be downloaded from Töölö Campus Library’s electronic
journal collection.
51C00100 Argumentaation ja kriittisen ajattelun taidot (6 op)
Argumentation and Critical Thinking Skills
Vastuuopettaja: Simo Kyllönen (simo.kyllonen@helsinki.fi) ja Samuli Salmi
Kurssin asema: Aalto-kurssi, valinnainen kaikille Aalto-yliopiston kanditason
opiskelijoille. Johtamisen KTK-ohjelman tai erikoistumisalueen valinnaiset kurssit.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kurssia ei luennoida 2015-2016
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 6 x 3 = 18 t, harjoitusryhmät 6 x 3 = 18 t,
luennoille ja harjoituksiin valmistautuminen 6 x 16 = 96 t, lopputenttiin valmistautuminen
25 t ja lopputentti 3 t. Yhteensä 160 t.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen hallitset kriittisen ajattelun ja argumentaation
perustaidot ja –menetelmät ja osaat soveltaa niitä suullisessa ja kirjallisessa
kommunikaatiossa. Hallitset nämä taidot sujuvasti opiskelun ja työelämän
yksinkertaisemmissa tilanteissa ja kykenet kehittämään taitojasi monimutkaisempiin
tilanteisiin. Ymmärrät mielipiteen ja tieteellisen tutkimuksen erot ja tutkimustiedon
merkityksen työelämässä. Tunnet tieteellisen tutkimuksen perusmetodeja. Ymmärrät
tutkimustiedon fragmentoitumiseen liittyviä ongelmia ja osaat ottaa ne käsittelyyn
kommunikoidessasi eri tieteenalojen asiantuntijoiden kanssa.
Sisältö: Kurssi tarjoaa sinulle tämän päivän työelämän edellyttämiä valmiuksia
kommunikoida rakentavasti eri alojen asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Kurssilla harjoitellaan
tieteiden välisen kommunikaation, kriittisen ajattelun ja argumentaation taitoja aidosti
monitieteisessä ympäristössä. Vaihtuvat vierailevat luennoitsijat tarjoavat mahdollisuuden
soveltaa kriittisen ajattelun ja argumentaation taitoja eri tutkimusalojen sekä käytännön
päätöstilanteiden ongelmiin. Harjoituksissa pääset soveltamaan taitojasi monipuolisissa
esimerkkitilanteissa ja eri alojen opiskelijoiden kanssa, joiden lähestymistapa sekä arvot
ja ammatilliset päämäärät poikkeavat omistasi. Kurssin jälkeen osaat arvioida kriittisesti
informaatiotulvaa ympärilläsi ja osallistua rakentavasti yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Koko ryhmän luennot 6 x 3 = 18 t, joiden
aikana käydään läpi teoreettiset menetelmät vierailevien luennoitsijoiden johdolla ja
harjoitellaan niitä pienryhmissä. 4 harjoitusryhmää, kukin 6 x 3 h = 21 t ja kussakin noin
20 opiskelijaa. 2 harjoitusryhmää työskentelee internetissä. Kunkin viikon luennot ja
harjoitukset muodostavat kokonaisuuden jossa luennon teorioita sovelletaan keskustellen
käytännön tapauksissa. Loppukuulusteluun osallistumisen edellytyksenä on aktiivinen
osallistuminen luentojen ja harjoitusten keskusteluihin (max. 2 poissaoloa jotka korvataan
viikon teemaa koskevalla kirjallisella työllä). Arvosana määräytyy lopputentin perusteella.
Oppimateriaali: Vastuuopettaja Simo Kyllönen ja Kaisa Heinlahti tuottavat kurssin
aikana yhteistyössä kunkin viikon vierailevan luennoitsijan kanssa.
Kurssin kotisivu: Noppa
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssia ei luennoida 2015-2016
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Kurssille otetaan 100 Aalto korkeakoulujen opiskelijaa ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä.
Ilmoittaudu samalla harjoitusryhmään.
Opettajien yhteystiedot: Simo Kyllönen (simo.kyllonen@helsinki.fi) ja Samuli Salmi
Kurssia ei luennoida 2015-2016
51D00120 Argumentaatio tutkimuksessa (3 op)
Argumentation in Research
Vastuuopettaja: Jukka Mäkinen
Kurssin asema: Maisterin tutkinnon yhteiset opinnot.
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2015), IV (kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: itsenäinen opiskelu 76h ja tentti 4h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tavoitteena on oppia lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan tieteellistä
tekstiä tutustumalla tutkimukselle tyypillisiin argumentaation, väittelyn ja retoriikan
keinoihin. Kurssi tukee myös pro gradu -työn tekemistä.
Sisältö: Kurssi johdattelee argumentaation, väittelyn ja retorisen analyysin kautta
tieteelliseen tutkimuksen tekemiseen, tutkimusraportin kirjoittamiseen sekä
tutkimustiedon soveltamiseen päätöksenteon tukena. Kurssilla perehdytään siihen,
kuinka tutkimuksessa argumentoidaan tutkimustulosten ja valitun tutkimusaiheen sekä
menetelmän puolesta. Kurssi toimii johdatuksena tieteenfilosofiaan ja eri
tutkimusmetodologioiden perusteisiin.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
Kirjallisuuskuulustelu (100%), jossa pääpaino on tieteellisen tekstin argumentaation
analysoinnilla ja erityisesti tieteellisen tutkimuksen johdannon argumenttirakenteen
tuntemisella. Tentitään seuraavat teokset harjoitustehtävineen:
KAKKURI-KNUUTTILA, M-L & HEINLAHTI, K: Mitä on tutkimus? Gaudeamus 2006
(ISBN 9789516629325)
KAKKURI-KNUUTTILA, M-L (toim.): Argumentti ja kritiikki, Gaudeamus 1998 (ISBN 951662-738-2), luvut 11 ja 12.
Oppimateriaali: KAKKURI-KNUUTTILA, M-L & HEINLAHTI, K: Mitä on tutkimus?
Gaudeamus 2006 (ISBN 9789516629325). KAKKURI-KNUUTTILA, M-L (toim.):
Argumentti ja kritiikki, Gaudeamus 1998 (ISBN 951-662-738-2), luvut 11 ja 12.
Korvaavuudet: 51D00220 Argumentation in Research
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51d00120/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodilla. Tentteihin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla
kuulustelujärjestyksen mukaan.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
51D00200 Johdatus tieteelliseen lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen (6 op)
Introduction to Reading and Writing Scientific Texts
Vastuuopettaja: Jukka Mäkinen
Kurssin asema: Tämä itseopiskeluna suoritettava opintojakso kuuluu maisteriopintojen
täydentäviin opintoihin ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon tmv. suorittaneille. Muille
ylimääräinen opintojakso.
Kurssin taso: Maisterin tutkinnon täydentävät opinnot.
Opetusperiodi: Sopimuksen mukaan
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
Itsenäinen työskentely (160 tuntia):
essee #1 (80 tuntia)
essee #2 (80 tuntia)
Osaamistavoitteet: Opintojakson tavoitteena on perehtyä teoriassa ja käytännössä
tieteellisen tekstin ominaispiirteisiin sekä antaa välineitä tekstien lukemiseen ja
Sisältö: Paneudutaan tieteelliseen ajatteluun ja tieteenfilosofian perusteisiin, sekä
tieteellisen tekstin tuottamisen teoriaan ja käytäntöihin.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Kurssi suoritetaan kirjoittamalla kaksi 8-10
sivun esseetä Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen -teoksen ohjeiden mukaisella tavalla itse
valituista aiheista. Yhden esseen aiheena on mainittu teos ja toisen aiheena
tieteenfilosofinen teema. Aiheiden luettelo ja sopiva kirjallisuus on kurssin kotisivulla.
Oppimateriaali: Itse valittu kirjallisuus annetusta listasta (ks. kurssin kotisivut).
Kirjallisuus: Kinnunen, M. & Löytty, O. (2002) Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen. ISBN 951-768-
110-0 ( Availability)
Korvaavuudet: 51D00300 Introduction to Reading and Writing Scientific Texts
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51D00200/
Esitiedot: Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Jukka Mäkinen (jukka.makinen (at) aalto.fi)
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Esseiden palautus: jukka.makinen (at) aalto.fi
51D00220 Argumentation in Research (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Mäkinen
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, elective course of Professional Skills Portfolio
(Common Core Studies)
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: I (fall 2015), IV (spring 2016)
Workload: Book exam (80 h): - preparing for the exam 76 h
- the exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: Student knows the basics of argumentation analysis, principles of
elementary logic, understands the difference between the content and the structure of an
argument and the difference between explanatory and inferential connections. Student
knows rudimentary philosophy of science and can use these principles in her master’s
Content: The course approaches research knowledge from the perspective of argument,
debate and rhetoric, since research knowledge consists of knowledge claims supported
by well-founded arguments, debated against competing positions, and formulated with
the help of appropriate rhetorical tools. The course helps read and write scientific
research reports, and identity arguments both pro and con choices concerning the
contribution of the study, the chosen topic and methods. The course offers an
introduction to philosophy of science and various research methods.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Book exam (100%): Chalmers, A. F. What is this
thing called science? An assessment of the nature and status of science and its
methods Fisher, Alec The logic of real arguments
Study Material:
Chalmers, A. F. (1987) What is this thing called science? An assessment of the nature
and status of science and its methods ISBN 0-335-10107-0
Fisher, Alec (2004) The logic of real arguments
Substitutes for Courses: 51D00120 Argumentaatio tutkimuksessa
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51D00220
Prerequisites: No specific requirements. The course is recommended for students
beginning or in the process of writing their master’s thesis.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. Check WebOodi for registration times.
Language of Instruction: English
51D00300 Introduction to Reading and Writing Scientific Texts (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Mäkinen
Status of the Course: The course is compulsory in the Master’s programs for students
with no university degree.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: Self-study course
160 h:
essay #1: 80 h
essay #2: 80 h
Learning Outcomes: The goal is to become acquainted with the particular features of
scientific texts in theory and practice, and to enhance one’s skills in reading and writing
scientific texts.
Content: The basics of scientific thinking and philosophy of science, and the theory and
practice of reading and writing scientific texts.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Write two essays of 8-10 pages in accordance
with the advice given in the course book and further information to be found at the course
homepage. One essay is on the course book and the other on a problem in philosophy of
science. Literature for the second essay can be found at the course homepage.
Study Material: Locke, Lawrence F. et al. (2004) Reading and understanding research.
ISBN 0-7619-2768-9 ( Availability)
Substitutes for Courses: 51D00200 Johdatus tieteelliseen lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51D00300/
Prerequisites: Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration and handing in the essays: Jukka Mäkinen
(jukka.makinen (at) aalto.fi)
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: For more information, contact Jukka Mäkinen (jukka.makinen (at)
51E00100 Business Ethics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Häyry
Status of the Course: This is a elective course in several master’s degree programs:
International Business, Management, Creative Sustainability and Management and
International Business.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: IV (spring 2016)
160 hours:
Lectures and seminar discussions 12 x 3h = 36 h
Reaction papers 60 h
Group presentations 61 h
Final exam 3h
Learning Outcomes: The course offers insights into the ethical backgrounds and
requirements of business activity, and outlines principles for the professional use of
ethical skills in business.
Content: The course covers themes such as: the role of business in society,
environmental values in business, leadership ethics, ethical foundations for diversity
management, and gender equality policies in corporations.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Seminar discussions and reaction papers based on a set of readings provided by the
lecturers (25% of grade)
2. Students’ group presentations (25% of grade)
3. Final exam (50% of grade)
Class attendance is required (a minimum of 10 times out of 12 meetings)
Study Material: Readings are provided by the lecturers. Course book (recommended):
Bowie, N. (2002) Blackwell guide to business ethics. ISBN 0-631-22123-9 ( Availability)
Substitutes for Courses: 51E00200 Business Ethics Self-study It is possible to include
only one of these courses to the Master’s degree.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51e00100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses:
Students must attend the first lecture to ensure their place in the course.
Enrollment max 30 students. Priority given to the students in Management and
International Business-programme, Management-programme or in Creative
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Enrollment max 30 students. Priority given to the students in
Management and International Business-programme, Management-programme or in
Creative Sustainability-programme.
51E00500 Academic Skills (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Hertta Vuorenmaa
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, Common studies in the Management and
International Business.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Course is not offered anymore. For further informationa, please
contact study coordinator.
27h Active participation in lectures
12h Preparing for the lectures
121h Doing the learning exercises
Learning Outcomes: This course is designed to facilitate your personal development
and learning as professional in the field of management and international business. The
course provides you with an understanding of the nature of academic work: it gives you
an understanding of the disciplinary cultures in our field as well as the philosophical and
ethical underpinnings of different research paradigms. The course also focuses in
improving your writing skills in order for you to learn to use writing as resource for your
professional development.
Content: This course is designed to facilitate your personal development and learning as
professional in the field of management and international business.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The coursework consists of active participation in
class and learning exercises.
Study Material: Provided by the lecturers.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/51e00500/etusivu
Evaluation: pass/fail
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi. Attendance and active participation in 5/9
lectures. This course is only available to the students in the Management and
International Business M.Sc. programmes.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Attendance and active participation in 5/9 lectures. This course is only available to the
students in the Management and International Business M.Sc. programmes.
Course is not offered anymore. For further informationa, please contact study
80E80100 Business Research Methods (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Assistant Professor Tiina Ritvala
Status of the Course: DR 2005: M.Sc. degree, substitute for course 21E00011 Doing
Qualitative Research for students in M.Sc. Programmes in Management, International
Business and Entrepreneurship.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
20h Active participation in lectures (mandatory)
60h Mandatory pre-course assignment
20h Learning assignments
60h Term paper
Learning Outcomes: Case research: This intensive course is intended for MSc students
who are conducting a case study research in their MSc theses. Working on students’ own
case study designs forms the backbone of the course. The course introduces the
diversity of ways of conducting case study research and aims to improve the students’
research practice. After taking this course, students will be able to enhance their own
case study design and they are better equipped to conduct interviews, evaluate case
studies and justify their methodological choices.
Content: Case research (spring 2014, V teaching period) (in English)
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Class attendance and participation (mandatory).
2. Learning exercises, including mandatory pre-course assignment (50%).
3. Term paper (50%).
Study Material: Assigned readings by the teacher. Eriksson, Päivi & Kovalainen,
Anne Qualitative methods in business research
Piekkari, Rebecca and Welch, Catherine Rethinking the case study in international
business and management research: Towards greater pluralism
Substitutes for Courses: This course can be substituted with 21E00011 Doing
Qualitative Research.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/80E80100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi one week before the period starts at latest.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Acceptance to the course requires satisfactory completion of the pre-course assignment
(preliminary research plan for a case study) two weeks before the first lecture. Please
refer to course Noppa page for instructions.
Max. 20 students. Students of the Department of Management and Interna-tional
Business have priority; others in the order of registration.
Teaching dates and times are going to be announced in the end of January 2014 at the
Not lectured 2015-2016
20A00113 Taitosalkku; Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen (1 op)
Professional Skills Portfolio; Scientific Writing
Vastuuopettaja: Marketta Majapuro
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Osaamistavoitteet: Tavoitteena on antaa perustiedot tieteellisestä raportoimisesta
osana tutkimuksen tekoa. Keskeisinä läpäisevinä teemoina opiskelussa ovat
perusteleminen ja kriittinen ajattelu. Kurssilla harjoitellaan tieteellistä raportointia sekä
suullista opponointia.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/20A00113
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Kurssin toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet, oppimateriaali,
ilmoittautuminen ja opetuksen ajankohta: Ks. Talouselämän viestinnän perusteet
20A00213 Professional Skills Portfolio; Scientific Writing (1 cr)
Responsible teacher: Anne Kankaanranta
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, Fundamentals of Business Knowledge, 1 cr
Compulsory course of the Professional Skills Portfolio study module (6 cr)
Learning Outcomes: The purpose of the course is to deepen the student’s
understanding of the elements of scientific writing and give practice in improving the
scientific writing skills
Content: The course consists of exercises concerning the style and cohesion in
academic writing, article reading and essay. Course material is given on the internet
page. The study format is self-study and communication with the teacher via e-mail.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/20A00213
Evaluation: pass / fail
Further Information: Please contact teacher in charge Anne Kankaanranta
61A00200 Business Communication Skills (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Michael Baker
Status of the Course: Mandatory common core studies, BSc degree, degree regulations
Level of the Course: Core course, BSc degree
Teaching period: I, II (Autumn 2015) One-period course. 2nd year students studying
according to the 2013 degree regulations will be placed in groups, either in period I or
period II and will be notified of their teaching schedules by email.
Workload: Participation in lectures and seminars, 18 hours; preparation for lectures,
case studies and assignments, 63 hours.
Learning Outcomes: The course provides a clear insight into what constitutes effective
oral and written business communication in a fast-paced global business environment. By
the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. analyse audiences and define objectives to create targeted messages
2. write coherent and convincing, reader-friendly business documents
3. craft clear, focused and engaging business presentations
4. critically assess their own and others’ business communications
Content: The course is highly interactive and task-oriented. Case analyses, simulations,
written assignments and individual and team presentations will allow students to practise
the theories and key concepts introduced during the course. Peer and lecturer feedback
will give students a clear picture of their present communication skills, and an indication
of how they can enhance their performance.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Teachers: Mark Badham, Michael Baker, Kirsti
Iivonen, Anne Kankaanranta, Ella Lillqvist
1. Assignments (70%): written request (analysis and request); persuasive presentation
(outline and reflection paper); team presentation and critical appraisal
2. Mid-course test (20%): In-class test organized by lecturer
3. Class contribution (10%): preparedness for class, participation in class discussions and
Study Material:
Munter, Mary (2006) Guide to Managerial Communication. , 7-10th ed. ISBN 0-13146704-2
Teaching materials prepared by the lecturer.
Substitutes for Courses: 61A00100 Business Communication (6 cr)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/61A00200/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: 2nd year students studying according to the 2013 degree
regulations will be placed in groups and will be notified of their teaching schedules by
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Mandatory class attendance. This course must be completed
before taking any of the EBC electives.The course replaces the course 61A00100
Business Communication (6 cr).
61C00600 Readings in Business and Intercultural Communication (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Marketta Majapuro
Status of the Course:
B.Sc. language and communication studies. Only for BSc students studying according to
the 2005 degree regulations.
Level of the Course: EBC elective.
Teaching period: Exam only: I (Autumn 2015), IV (Spring 2016)
Workload: Self-study and exam 100%. No teaching.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course students will:
- comprehend the interrelationship of culture, communication, and identity
- have developed an understanding of the most pertinent communication issues in
international business
- identify different strategies for dealing with intercultural challenges
- have become familiar with theoretical concepts as well as research methods from the
various disciplines of intercultural business studies.
The selected articles offer different frameworks for understanding the role of culture and
language in intercultural business communication. The articles deal with the key concepts
of cultural identity work and intercultural intelligence, relationship building and knowledge
sharing across cultures in virtual teams, key communication competences of intercultural
qualified multinational team leaders, and English as Business Lingua Franca (BELF).
Most of the articles focus on discourse practices in intercultural business communication
but some of them address specific contexts such as mergers and acquisitions, website
design, business negotiations, and crisis communication.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: - Self-study - Exam 100%
Study Material: Indicated on the course homepage
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/61C00600/
CEFR Level: Starting level: B2
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
61C01100 Communication Skills for Business (self-study) (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Leena Louhiala-Salminen
Status of the Course: MSc skills option (’Maisterin taitosalkku’), advanced language
course (DR 2005)
Level of the Course: MSc skills option (’Maisterin taitosalkku’)
Teaching period: Exam only: II (Autumn 2015), IV (Spring 2016)
Workload: Self-study and exam 100%. No teaching.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course students will have a deeper knowledge of
key strategies and skills in the field of business communication.
Content: Course readings cover essential aspects of business communication:
persuasive techniques; presentation skills; cross-cultural communication; and negotiating
strategies. Required reading is listed on the course homepage.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Self-study - Exam 100%
Study Material: As indicated on the course home page.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/61C01100/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) -5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Check registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: You should only register for one of these two exams.
61C230 Thesis Writing Workshop (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Anne Kankaanranta
Status of the Course: MSc degree, DR2005, MSc skills option (‘Maisterin taitosalkku’);
MSc degree elective studies, DR 2013, Electives
Level of the Course: MSc degree, DR2005, MSc skills option (‘Maisterin taitosalkku’);
MSc degree elective studies, DR 2013, Electives
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016) The course is only offered during the third teaching
Classroom hours 12 h
Assignments (1-5) 68 h
Learning Outcomes: Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of AngloAmerican academic writing conventions in general and the genre requirements of a
Master’s thesis in particular. Students are expected to be able to produce unambiguous
and explicit academic discourse, which readily conveys meaning. More specifically,
students are expected to be able to produce coherent discourse with appropriately
structured chapters, sections, paragraphs, and sentences; use metatext and headings
effectively; acknowledge sources following the Anglo-American conventions; use
academic writing style; and draft Introduction and Conclusion sections observing the
relevant genre rules.
Content: The course focuses on academic discourse that forms a coherent whole with
consistent and explicit internal linkages, has a logical flow of argumentation with neat
headings and clearly structured paragraphs and sections.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Mandatory attendance
Assignments (1-5)
1. Learning log 30%
2. Introduction chapter of thesis 15%
3. Evaluation of fellow student’s Introduction 20%
4. Thesis extract 15%
5. Evaluation of fellow student’s extract 20%
Study Material: Handed out by the instructor.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/61C230/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Only students writing their MSc thesis in English at the time of the
course are eligible to take it. Mandatory attendance.Max. 30 students
71A00100 Talouselämän viestinnän perusteet (3 op)
Basic Course in Business Communication
Vastuuopettaja: Marketta Majapuro
Kurssin asema: Pakollinen kieli- ja viestintäopintojen sekä kaikille yhteisten opintojen
kurssi (tutkintosääntö 2005); suoritetaan pääsääntöisesti 2. opiskeluvuotena
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
II (syksy 2015); III, V (kevät 2016) Kurssi järjestetään erillisenä ja
samansisältöisenä. Opiskelija valitsee yhden periodin, jolloin hän kurssin suorittaa.
Periodi II: Marketta Majapuro
Periodi III: Pekka Pälli
Periodi V: Marja-Liisa Kuronen
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Osallistuminen aktivoiviin luentoihin 36 h
- Harjoitusten valmistelu 72 h (sisältää Taitosalkku-opiskelun, 1 op, 27 t):
- Puheviestinnän tehtävät
- Kirjallisen yritysviestinnän tehtävät
- Tieteellisen raportoimisen tehtävät
Luentojen ja valmistautumisen tuntimäärien jakautuminen saattaa vaihdella
opetusryhmittäin opetusmenetelmien mukaan.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija
-ymmärtää viestinnän merkityksen sekä yrityksen toiminnassa että yksilön
osaamisalueena ja asiantuntijuuden olennaisena osana
-tiedostaa oman viestintäkäyttäytymisen piirteet niin yksin kuin ryhmässä ja tiimeissä
-hahmottaa yritysviestinnän ja tiedeyhteisön toimintatilanteet, käytännöt ja tekstilajit
-osaa analysoida viestien tulkintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä, viestien multimodaalista
rakentumista sekä vakuuttavan ja suostuttelevan argumentoinnin eroja
-osoittaa hallitsevansa onnistuneen tiimiesityksen perusperiaatteet
-osaa analysoida ja tuottaa yritysviestinnän tilanteet ja kriteerit huomioon ottavia tekstejä
-osaa arvioida ja tuottaa tieteellisten kriteerien mukaista tekstiä
Sisältö: Puheviestinnän harjoituksissa analysoidaan vuorovaikutustilanteita, esitysten eri
muotoja, määritellään esityksen keskeisiä kriteerejä sekä perehdytään sanallisiin ja
sanattomiin vaikutuskeinoihin. Kirjallisen yritysviestinnän opinnoissa analysoidaan
tilanteenmukaista yritysviestintää ja harjoitellaan yritystekstien kirjoittamista (tiedottavat ja
suostuttelevat tekstit). Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen opinnoissa annetaan perustiedot
tieteellisestä raportoinnista osana tutkimuksentekoa sekä harjoitellaan tieteellisen tekstin
kirjoittamista ja suullista opponointia.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot ja harjoitukset
2. Puheviestinnän tehtävät (30 % kurssin arvosanasta)
3. Kirjallisen yritysviestinnän tehtävät (30 % kurssin arvosanasta)
4. Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen tehtävät (40 % kurssin arvosanasta)
Kurssi suoritetaan kokonaan kurssinaikaisin tehtävin; niistä ja aikataulusta sovitaan
kurssilla.Osatehtävät ovat voimassa kurssin opetusperiodia seuraavien kahden periodin
Oheislukemistona KORTETJÄRVI-NURMI, S.,KURONEN, M.-L., OLLIKAINEN, M. (2008)
Yrityksen viestintä. , Painos vuosi 2008 tai 2011 . ISBN 978-951-37-5243-9
Kurssin Tietoaines. Löydät materiaalin linkistä http://viestinnantietoaines.aalto.fi;
luentoihin liittyvä mahdollinen täydentävä opetusmateriaali
Talouselämän viestinnän perusteiden kurssiin sisältyy puheviestinnän, kirjallisen
yritysviestinnän ja tieteellisen kirjoittamisen opiskelua. Kurssin voi saada korvatuksi, jos
on suorittanut vastaavan sisältöisen ja vähintään samanlaajuisen kurssin toisessa saman
alan yliopistossa tai ammattikorkeakoulussa.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71A00100/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 (hylätty) - 5 (erinomainen)
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Ks. lisätiedot.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin ryhmäkoko on 30. Kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää säännöllistä ja
aktiivista osallistumista opetukseen sekä kaikkien harjoitusten tekemistä. Kurssin
ensimmäisen luentoviikon luennoilta ei voi olla poissa.
71A00200 Yritysviestinnän perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Corporate Communication
Vastuuopettaja: Marketta Majapuro
Kurssin asema: Kaikille ensimmäisen vuosikurssin opiskelijoille pakollinen kurssi,
tutkintosääntö 2013.
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2016) Kurssi järjestetään vain ensimmäisen periodin aikana.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Kontaktitunnit (luennot ja harjoitukset) 24 h
Harjoitusten valmistelu 136 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija
- ymmärtää viestinnän merkityksen yrityksen liiketoiminnassa
- tiedostaa dialogisuuden ja osallistumisen merkityksen yrityksen ja sidosryhmien välillä
- tuntee viestinnän keskeiset periaatteet ja prosessit osana
sidosryhmäsuhteita, yritysidentiteetin rakentamista ja maineenhallintaa
- hahmottaa digitaalisen viestinnän ja median strategisen roolin yritysviestinnässä
- osaa etsiä, lukea ja hyödyntää tieteellisiä artikkeleita
- kykenee argumentoivaan suulliseen ja kirjalliseen esittämiseen
- osaa toimia rakentavasti tiimityössä
Sisältö: Yrityksen legitimiteetin sosiaalinen muodostuminen ja sidosryhmien merkitys;
viestintä yritysidentiteetin rakentamisessa, media- ja sijoittajasuhteissa sekä
työyhteisössä; yrityksen toiminta-ympäristön luotaus, vastuullisuus ja maineenhallinta;
oman asiantuntijuuden kehittäminen ja ilmaiseminen argumentoivan viestinnän keinoin
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Opettajat: Yliopistonlehtori, FT Marketta
Majapuro; vanhempi yliopistonlehtori kauppat. tri Marja-Liisa Kuronen; vanhempi
yliopistonlehtori, FT Pekka Pälli; vanhempi yliopistonlehtori, FT Anne Kankaanranta;
tohtorikoulutettava Visa Penttilä; postdoc-tutkija Heidi Hirsto; tohtorikoulutettava Mia
1.Temaattiset esseet (yksilötehtävä) 60 %
2.Suullinen esitys (tiimityö) 20 %
3.Harjoitusryhmätyöskentely 20 %
Oppimateriaali: Luennot ja niillä osoitettu kirjallisuus.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71A00200/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 (hylätty) -5 (erinomainen)
Ilmoittautuminen: Pakollisille yhteisille luento-osuuksille ei ole WebOodiilmoittautumista. Opiskelijat sijoitetaan etukäteen harjoitusryhmiin. Ryhmäjako nähtävillä
Inton sivustolla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää säännöllistä ja aktiivista osallistumista.
Lisäksi temaattiset esseet, suullinen esitys ja harjoitusryhmätyöskentely on suoritettava
hyväksytysti. Kurssin ensimmäisen opetusviikon luennoilta ja harjoituksista ei voi olla
71C00400 Työyhteisöviestintä (6 op)
Workplace Communication
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, TS2013, Viestinnän aineopinnot, valinnainen kurssi; KTKtutkinto, TS2005, Talouselämän viestinnän sivuopinnot, valinnainen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: V (kevät 2016) Kurssi järjestetään vain viidennen periodin aikana.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
Aktivoivat luennot 24 h
Luentoihin valmistautuminen 34 h
Ryhmä/projektityö 64 h
Oppimispäiväkirja 40 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin käytyään opiskelija ymmärtää työn, yhteisön ja viestinnän
yhteenkietoutuneisuuden ja viestinnän vaikutuksen työyhteisön toimintaan. Tiedollisena
tavoitteena on myös, että opiskelija ymmärtää johtamisen ja viestinnän yhteyden ja
tuntee ne työyhteisöjen johtamisen periaatteet, jotka perustuvat sosiaalisen
vuorovaikutuksen taitoihin. Kurssin jälkeen opiskelija osaa analysoida vuorovaikutusta
ryhmässä, on parantanut omia ryhmäviestintätaitojaan ja oppinut käytännön
projektitutkimuksellisen työskentelyn kautta analysoimaan viestintää toimivan työyhteisön
Sisältö: Kurssilla käsitellään työtä, ihmisiä ja työyhteisöjä muuttuvassa ympäristössä.
Viestintää ja sen merkityksiä tarkastellaan osana työn tekemisen prosesseja. Lisäksi
paneudutaan viestinnällisiin keinoihin ja välineisiin, joita työyhteisön toiminta vaatii.
Osana kurssia opiskelijat perehtyvät tarkemmin jonkin työyhteisön sisäiseen viestintään.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tutkimuskirjallisuuden pohjalta kirjoitetut
reflektiot (50 %)
Ryhmä/projektityön raportti ja suullinen esitys (50 %)
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin teemoihin liittyvät erikseen ilmoitettavat tutkimusartikkelit.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71C00400/
Esitiedot: Talouselämän viestinnän perusteet 71A00100 tai Yritysviestinnän perusteet
71A00200 taikka vastaavat tiedot
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 (hylätty) -5 (erinomainen)
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Ilmoittautuessaan kurssille WebOodin kautta opiskelija voi merkitä huomautuksiin, mihin
hän aikoo sijoittaa kurssin kauppatieteiden kandidaatin tutkinnossaan.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Osallistujamäärä 30. Opiskelijan on vahvistettava osallistumisensa
ensimmäisellä luennolla, jolle osallistuminen on pakollista.
71C01000 Management Communication (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Michael Baker
Status of the Course: DR2013, B.Sc. Intermediate studies in Communication; Language
and communication studies; DR2005, EBC Elective.
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: III; IV (Spring 2016). One-period course offered with identical contents.
The student selects one period for completing the course.
Workload: Lectures, 18 hours; preparation for lectures, seminars and consultation
sessions, 54 hours; preparing assignments, 90 hours.
Learning Outcomes: Management Communication is intended to help students think
strategically about internal managerial communications. By the end of the course,
students will be able to:
1. understand the criticality of defining and choosing an appropriate leadership
communication style for the given management context
2. employ relevant theoretical frameworks to analyse, plan and implement effective
managerial communications
3. construct sound, compelling and convincing arguments targeted at internal
Content: The course will provide a set of managerial communication best practices
derived from both research and experience, and give students ample opportunity to
implement these guidelines. Comprehensive feedback on messages targeted at internal
stakeholders will allow the student to enhance his/her performance as a managerial
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Assignments (90%): mandatory pre-work;
management communication messages targeted at internal stakeholders; communication
project (analysis of an authentic communication situation).
2. Class contribution (10%): preparedness for class, participation in class discussions
and group activities.
Study Material: Communication research literature; teaching materials prepared by the
Substitutes for Courses: 61C00100 Managerial Communication (old degree
requirements 2005)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71C01000/
CEFR Level: Starting level: B2
Prerequisites: 61A00100 Business Communication or equivalent course
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: NB: If you have completed 61C00100 Managerial Communication
(old degree requirements 2005) you are not able to take 71C01000 Management
Communication. Prerequisite: 61A00200 Business Communication Skills (3 cr) or
61A00100 Business Communication (6 cr) must have been completed before taking this
course. Mandatory attendance. Mandatory pre-work. Max 30 students/group.
71C02000 Writing in Discourse Communities (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Eija Ventola
Status of the Course: DR2013, B.Sc. Intermediate studies in Communication; Language
and communication studies; DR2005, EBC Elective.
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: Spring 2016: periods III (1 group), IV (2 groups). One-period course.
Workload: 1. Lectures: 30 contact hrs
2. Independent work: 134 hours of 162 total work load (preparation for lectures, writing
and revision of texts, preparation for in-class exercises)
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students are able to
1. critically examine the functions of different genres within various discourse
communities and cultures, with special reference to academic and business discourse
2. analyze the significant discourse and language patterns found in the texts used by the
introduced discourse communities within their fields.
3. critically evaluate the differences between texts of different academic and business
discourse communities
4. apply the learnt discourse and language patterns by developing their own writing for
their own purposes
Content: The course has three major thematic foci. The first consists of introducing and
understanding such notions as Culture, Genre, Discourse Community, Discourse, Text.
The second focus is on the goal-oriented structures of genres in academic and business
discourse communities, various content-organizing argumentative patterns (e.g. problem
- solution, comparison – contrast, exemplification, etc.), appropriate ways of addressing
audiences, and effective textualization by using efficient paragraphing, metatext,
cohesion and coherence. The third focus moves the attention from global aspects to the
local grammatical patterns of texts in written English and contrasting these to patterns in
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Attendance: 20%
2. After the 1st thematic session: a written task which involves development of
summarizing skills (for an academic context, e.g. a reaction paper or for a business
context e.g. executive summary (done in groups): 20%
3. After the 2nd thematic session: writing a research outline for an academic study, case
study, thesis, paper, etc. and writing an introduction for it (individual work): 20%
4. After the 3rd thematic session: i) writing a text (academic/business) typical for the field
of the student, paying particular attention to the genre perspectives and
lexicogrammatical patterns of English in the text (done in groups): 20%
ii) a written short report on the learning process of writing during the course (individual
work): 20%
Study Material: All course materials will be distributed in class or in My Courses.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71C02000/
CEFR Level: Starting level: B2
Prerequisites: 61A00200 Business Communication Skills or 61A00100 Business
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: As prerequisite one the courses 61A00200 Business
Communication Skills (3 cr) or 61A00100 Business Communication (6 cr) must have
been completed before taking this course. Mandatory attendance. Max 30
71C03000 Digitaalinen viestintä ja media (6 op)
Digital Communication and Media
Vastuuopettaja: Ella Lillqvist
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, TS2013 Viestinnän aineopinnot, valinnainen kurssi;
TS2005, Talouselämän viestinnän sivuopinnot, valinnainen kurssi.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: IV (kevät 2016). Kurssi järjestetään vain neljännen periodin aikana.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Kontaktiopetus 24 h
Valmistautuminen luennoille 12 h
Tehtävät 126 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija
- hahmottaa median murroksen sekä digitaalisen viestinnän ja median trendit, erityisesti
vuorovaikutteisen ja yhteisöllisen viestinnän merkityksen
- ymmärtää digitaalisen viestinnän ja median tekijöinä, jotka muokkaavat yhteiskuntaa,
liiketoimintaa ja niiden valtasuhteita
- ymmärtää sosiaalisen median sekä muun digitaalisen viestinnän strategisen roolin
yritys- ja organisaatioviestinnässä ja tiedostaa viestinnän uusimpien käytäntöjen
mahdollisuudet ja riskit eettisistä, sosiaalisista ja taloudellisista näkökulmista sekä eri
intressiryhmien kannalta
- tuntee digitaalisen viestinnän ja median keskeisiä teorioita ja käsitteitä sekä pystyy
analysoimaan kriittisesti, tuoretta tutkimusta hyödyntäen mm. sidosryhmäsuhteita,
rekrytointiviestintää sekä kriisien ja maineen hallintaa näissä medioissa
- osaa työskennellä virtuaalitiimissä sekä muuten soveltaa digitaalisia alustoja ja medioita
kuten wikejä, blogeja, podcasteja tai videoita ennakkoluulottomasti ja tilanteeseen
sopivalla tavalla.
Sisältö: Kurssilla perehdytään digitaalisen median vallankumouksen seurauksiin monista
näkökulmista tavoitteena hahmottaa kokonaiskuva ja laajoja trendejä. Erityisesti
keskitytään sosiaalisen median merkitykseen strategiselle yritys- ja
organisaatioviestinnälle. Kurssilla tutustutaan alan ajankohtaisiin ilmiöihin ja tärkeisiin
teorioihin – keskeisiä teemoja ovat mm. vuorovaikutteiset sidosryhmäsuhteet, kriisien ja
organisaation maineen hallinta digitaalisilla areenoilla sekä sosiaalisen median käyttö
rekrytoinnissa. Kurssilla pyritään yhteisölliseen tiedontuottamiseen digitaalista mediaa
luovasti hyödyntäen.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot ja ennakkolukemisto
2. Digitaalista mediaa hyödyntävät yksilö- ja ryhmätehtävät
3. Kurssin lopputyö.
Kaikki tehtävät on suoritettava hyväksytysti.
Oppimateriaali: Kurssilla jaettava materiaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71C03000/
Esitiedot: Yritysviestinnän perusteet tai vastaavat opinnot.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 (hylätty) - 5 (erinomainen)
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi. Osallistuminen vahvistettava olemalla läsnä kurssin
ensimmäisellä luennolla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi ja englanti
Lisätietoja: Kurssille otetaan enintään 40 opiskelijaa. Etusija on viestinnän
erikoistumisalueen opiskelijoilla, toiseksi sivuaineen suorittajilla. Ilmoittautuessaan
kurssille WebOodin kautta opiskelija voi merkitä huomautuksiin, mihin hän aikoo sijoittaa
kurssin kauppatieteiden kandidaatin tutkinnossaan.
71C04002 Viestinnän ajankohtaisia teemoja: Brändien viestintä ja johtaminen (6 cr)
Current topics in media and communication: Brand communication and management
Responsible teacher: Nando Malmelin
Status of the Course: KTK-tutkinto, TS2013, Viestinnän aineopinnot, valinnainen kurssi;
KTK-tutkinto, TS2005, Talouselämän viestinnän sivuopinnot, valinnainen kurssi
Level of the Course: Aineopinnot
Teaching period: III (kevät 2016) Kurssi järjestetään vain kolmannen periodin aikana.
Workload: - Osallistuminen aktivoiviin luentoihin 24 h
- Valmistautuminen luennoille 36 h
- Projektityön presentaatio ja sen valmistelu 40 h
- Projektityön kirjallinen osuus ja sen laadinta 62 h
Learning Outcomes: Kurssin painopiste on käytännöllisissä brändien viestintään,
rakentamiseen ja johtamiseen liittyvissä kysymyksissä. Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija
- ymmärtää brändiviestinnän sekä brändien rakentamisen ja johtamisen teorioita ja
- tutustuu bränditutkimuksen perinteisiin sekä uusimpiin bränditutkimuksiin
- perehtyy brändien rakentamisen ja johtamisen perusteisiin, välineisiin ja käytäntöihin
- oppii analysoimaan ja ymmärtää organisaatioiden brändityöhön liittyviä ilmiöitä ja
- osaa työskennellä tavoitteellisesti tiimissä sekä esittää tiimin analyysin tulokset
kirjallisesti ja suullisesti.
Content: Opiskelijat perehtyvät kurssilla brändien viestinnän, rakentamisen ja johtamisen
teorioihin ja käytäntöihin. Kurssilla tarkastellaan brändejä laajasti osana työyhteisöjä ja
yhteiskuntaa, erityisesti viestinnän ja organisaatioiden näkökulmista. Kurssin painopiste
on käytännöllisissä brändien rakentamiseen, viestimiseen ja johtamiseen liittyvissä
kysymyksissä. Aiheisiin perehdytään luentojen, ryhmätöiden sekä projektitöiden avulla.
Tarkasteltavana on myös ajankohtaisia case-esimerkkejä.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Aktiivisuus ja osallistuminen luennoilla (30 %
2. Projektityön presentaatio (30 % arvosanasta)
3. Projektityön kirjallinen osuus (40 % arvosanasta)
Study Material: Artikkeleita sopimuksen mukaan; ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71C04002/
Prerequisites: Talouselämän viestinnän perusteet 71A00100 tai Yritysviestinnän
perusteet 71A00200 tai vastaavat tiedot
Evaluation: 0 (hylätty) - 5 (erinomainen)
Registration for Courses: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika
Language of Instruction: Suomi
Further Information: Kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista
lähiopetuspäiviin. Läsnäolo on pakollinen ensimmäisenä ja viimeisenä kurssipäivänä.
Koko kurssilta on mahdollista olla poissa puolen kurssipäivän verran. Projektityöskentelyn
vuoksi ryhmäkoko on 40.
71C06000 Virtual Team Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Minna Logemann
Status of the Course: DR2013, B.Sc. Intermediate studies in Communication;elective
course; DR2005, elective course in Talouselämän viestintä minor.
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies, BSc degree
Teaching period:
I (Autumn 2015) The course is only offered during the first teaching period.
Workload: Classroom hours, 18 h
Class preparation, 10 h
Virtual team project: 132 h consisting of
- structuring of the project 12 h
- collecting the data of the case company 20 h
- analyzing the data 35 h
- virtual team meetings 10 h
- preparing the written report of results 35 h
- preparing the results of the project work presentation, presenting in classroom 20 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, the students will be able to
– understand the differences of leading and working in physically proximate teams vs.
geographically dispersed teams that may take many different forms
– identify critical success factors and challenges of virtual teams
– show detailed understanding of the best practices in managing virtual teams and
– structure, implement and accomplish a virtual project in an international context
– apply skills and capabilities for collaborating in networked teams that work across time,
space and organizational boundaries using the new collaboration platforms into the virtual
team work
Content: Introduction into team work and particularly virtual team work; knowledge
sharing and team communication; managing yourself; engaging culturally diverse
employees; managing conflicts in team work; online tools and digital work. The course
consists of two parts. First, it provides an overview of the virtual working environment and
collaboration practices. Second it involves a team project in which students collaborate
virtually with students from another international university, and thus allows students to
apply their learnings in a project that simulates real-world virtual work. The virtual team
project uses English language with the international students in virtual meetings.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures
2. Classroom and virtual space contribution 50%
3. Virtual team project written report and results presentation 50%
Study Material: Articles and course materials accessible at the course website.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71C06000/
Prerequisites: Yritysviestinnän perusteet 71A00200 or Talouselämän viestinnän
perusteet 71A00100
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration time in
WebOodi. Participation must be confirmed at the beginning of the first session. When
registering for the course students - other than Viestintä (communication) major
students - are kindly requested to notify where they are placing the course in their BSc
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course content has a multidisciplinary dimension while it links
to topics such as leadership, management communication, international business, and
digital communication.
71C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma (10 op)
Bachelor’s Thesis
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, Viestinnän koulutusohjelman pakolliset
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 (hylätty) -5 (erinomainen)
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen seminaariin WebOodin kautta. Ks. 71C99902 KTKtutkielmaseminaari
Opetuskieli: Suomi /englanti
Lisätietoja: Ks. 71C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari
71C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari (2 op)
Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, Viestinnän koulutusohjelman pakolliset
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: III - IV (kevät 2016)
Osaamistavoitteet: Kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on kehittää opiskelijan valmiuksia
tieteellisen tutkimuksen tekemiseen eli tutkimustehtävän määrittämiseen,
tutkimuskirjallisuuden etsimiseen ja käyttöön, tutkimusaineiston hankkimiseen ja
työstämiseen sekä tutkimusraportin kirjoittamiseen joko suomeksi tai englanniksi. Kukin
osallistuja syventyy itseään kiinnostavaan organisaatioviestinnän osa-alueeseen, oppii
määrittämään mielekkään tutkimustehtävän ja osaa toteuttaa itsenäisesti pienimuotoisen
tutkimuksen. Tavoitteena on myös luoda pohjaa ja valmiuksia maisteritutkinnon
tutkielman tekemiseen.
Sisältö: Tutkimusvalmiuksien hankkiminen, kandidaatintutkielman laatiminen, tutkielman
esittäminen ryhmälle ja opponointi. Laadittavassa n. 20 sivun mittaisessa tutkielmassa
harjoitellaan argumentoivaa kirjoittamista, ja seminaari-istunnoissa harjaannutetaan
rakentavaan keskusteluun muiden tutkimuksista ja näkemyksistä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Johdatusluennot ja seminaari-istunnot
2. Kandidaatintutkielman laatiminen (230h)
3. Opponointi (10h)
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71C99902/
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodissa viimeistään viikkoa ennen seminaarien alkamista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi/englanti
Lisätietoja: Hyväksytty suoritus edellyttää osallistumista 80% ryhmän
kokoontumiskerroista. Ryhmän järjestäytymistilaisuudessa on pakollinen läsnäolo.
71C99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, Viestinnän koulutusohjelman pakolliset
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Sisältö: Kandidaatintutkielman valmistuttua opiskelija suorittaa kypsyysnäytteen, jolla
osoitetaan sekä perehtyneisyyttä tutkielman aihepiiriin että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamisesta tulee sopia erikseen
seminaariryhmän vetäjien kanssa sen jälkeen, kun kandidaatintutkielma on hyväksytty.
71C99904 Capstone: Strategic Communication and Stakeholder Relations (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kirsi Eräranta
Status of the Course: DR2013, BSc program, mandatory course in the Major in
Level of the Course: Intermediate specialization studies
Teaching period: IV-V (Spring 2016)
Workload: Class meetings 8h, Independent and team-based learning assignments 116h,
Final course project 36h
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
(1) comprehensive knowledge of the contemporary theories and practice of corporate and
organizational communication;
(2) understanding of the strategic role of communication in successfully developing,
establishing, and managing stakeholder relationships and the legitimacy of the
(3) ability to create a comprehensive and well-justified stakeholder communications plan
in a project-based organizational context
Content: The course focuses on the strategic role of communication in the practices and
processes through which organizations are managed in the market. It familiarizes
students with contemporary theories of corporate and organizational communication, and
provides them with a comprehensive understanding of how stakeholder relationships and
the legitimacy of the organization can be developed and established in organizational
practice. Building on students’ existing knowledge, the course offers both conceptual
tools and practical techniques for stakeholder communication and for successfully
engaging and managing the key stakeholders of the organization.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Individual and team-based learning assignments,
including oral presentations in class (50%)
2. Final course project (50%)
Study Material: Package of readings.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71C99904/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration by email to the teacher (kirsi.eraranta@aalto.fi)
Language of Instruction:
Further Information:
The course is only offered to BSc students who major in organizational communication.
71E00200 Communication in Strategy Work (6 cr)
Status of the Course: Elective advanced studies -course in the MSc-program in
Corporate Communication; elective in the CEMS Program
Level of the Course: Advanced Studies
Teaching period: II (Autumn 2015) A one-period course.
Lectures 28h
Independent learning assignments 96h
Course project 36h
Learning Outcomes: Student is able to design and carry out a small-scale strategy
process. Knows how to interpret, communicate and negotiate strategy content and
strategy objectives; and how to manage strategy work as a communicative process.
Improved skills to carry out Master’s Thesis.
Communication in strategy development and strategy implementation;
Communicating, interpreting, and negotiating strategy content and objectives;
Communication in strategy dialogue and collaborative strategy work;
Facilitating strategy dialogue (lateral processes of strategy-related communication,
negotiation, and sense-making)
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Attendance and contribution in class (15 %) 2.
Individual learning assignments (60 %) 3. Team-based course project (25 %)
Study Material: A package of readings.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71E00200
Evaluation: 0 (fail) -5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration through WebOodi, 7 days before at latest the
course starts. Maximum number of participants 35; priority given to students enrolled in
the MSc-program in Corporate Communication, places reserved for CEMS students. All
other students are requested to notify when registering for the course where they are
placing the course in their master’s degree. Check registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max. 35; Corporate Communication Master’s students will be given
priority;places reserved for CEMS students. Students must confirm their registration by
participating in the first class session.
71E00400 Viestinnän johtaminen (6 op)
Managing strategic corporate communication
Kurssin asema: TS2013, Corporate Communication -maisteriohjelman pakollinen kurssi,
vaihtoehtoinen kurssin Managing Corporate Communication 75E00100 kanssa; TS2005,
Talouselämän viestinnän maisteriohjelman valinnainen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: III (kevät 2016). Kurssi järjestetään vain kolmannen periodin aikana.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Osallistuminen aktivoiviin luentoihin 28 h
- Valmistautuminen luennoille 32 h (artikkeleiden ja kurssikirjan opiskelu sekä tehtävät)
- Ohjattu itsenäinen tiimityöskentely 40 h
- Viestinnän asiantuntijan vierasblogin laadinta (aineistoina luennot ja kirjallisuus) 20 h
- Lopputentti 3 h
- Valmistautuminen tenttiin 37 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija
- ymmärtää viestinnän strategisen roolin liiketoiminnassa ja viestintäfunktion roolin
suhteessa muihin funktioihin
- ymmärtää globaalin toimintaympäristön asettamat vaatimukset viestinnälle
- ymmärtää, miten viestintää toteutetaan tilanteittain ja miten toteuttamista arvioidaan ja
tuloksia mitataan
- osaa suunnitella ja toteuttaa liiketoimintaa tukevaa viestintää yrityksen strategiasta
käsin sisäisen konsultin toimenkuvan näkökulmasta
- osaa hakea ongelmanratkaisuun tarvittavaa teoreettista tietoa lähteistä (tutkimukset ja
muu kirjallisuus)
- osaa toimia tiimissä ja tuottaa tiimityönä asiantuntijaluennon
- osaa kirjoittaa viestinnän asiantuntijana vierasblogin.
Sisältö: Kurssilla viestintää tarkastellaan viestinnän funktiosta ja johtajan professiosta
käsin sekä osana liiketoimintaosaamista ja yrityksen strategista johtamista. Viestinnän eri
osa-alueita analysoidaan johdantoluennoissa, luentokeskusteluissa, opiskelijoiden
pitämissä asiantuntijaluennoissa ja vierailuluenno(i)ssa.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Valmistautuminen luennoille ja
aktiivinen osallistuminen (20 %)
2. Asiantuntijaluento tiimityönä (30 % arvosanasta)
3. Vierasblogi yksilötyönä (15 %)
4. Lopputentti (35 %)
Pakollinen kirjallisuus: Cornelissen, Joep (2014) Corporate communication: A guide to
theory and practice. ISBN: 9781446274958 (paperback)
Oheislukemisto: Juholin, Elisa (2010) Arvioi ja paranna. Viestinnän mittaamisen
opas. ISBN 978-952-5123-99-9.
Oheislukemisto: Argenti, Paul A. (2013) Corporate Communication. Sixth edition.
International edition. ISBN 978-007-132615-5. MHID 007-132615-4.
Artikkeleita luentojen aiheisiin liittyvästi
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71E00400/ tunnus ja salasana
annetaan luennolla
Esitiedot: Talouselämän viestinnän perusteet 71A00100 tai Yritysviestinnän perusteet
71A00200 taikka vastaavat tiedot
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 (hylätty) - 5 (erinomainen)
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Ryhmäkoko 30; etusija on Johtamisen laitoksen Corporate Communication –
ohjelman maisteriopiskelijoilla ja sivuaineopiskelijoilla; osallistuminen on vahvistettava
ensimmäisen luennon alussa; ensimmäisen viikon luennoilta ei voi olla poissa. Kurssin
suorittaminen edellyttää sitoutumista opiskelemiseen ja ajan varaamista luentoviikkojen
aikana tehtävien harjoitustöiden tekoon. Kurssille ilmoittauduttaessa WebOodissa muita
opiskelijoita kuin Corporate Communication –ohjelman maisteriopiskelijoiden pyydetään
merkitsemään huomautuksiin, mihin opiskelija sijoittaa kurssin kauppatieteiden maisterin
71E99901 Tutkielma (30 op)
Master’s Thesis
Vastuuopettaja: Johanna Moisander
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, Talouselämän viestinnän maisteriohjelman pakolliset
syventävät opinnot
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Oppimateriaali: Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Ks. 71E99902 KTM-tutkielmaseminaari
71E99902 KTM-tutkielmaseminaari (0 op)
Master’s Thesis Seminar
Kurssin asema: Pakollinen maisteriohjelmassa Talouselämän viestintä
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: I-V
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää, minkälainen on talouselämän viestinnän pro
gradu -tutkimus akateemisena opinnäytteenä sekä osaa tehdä pro gradu -työlleen
tutkimussuunnitelman ja toteuttaa sen seminaarityöskentelyn aikana.
Sisältö: Tieteellinen ajattelu ja argumentointi; tieteellinen tutkimusprosessi; tieteellinen
kirjoittaminen ja tutkimustulosten raportointi.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Tutkimussuunnitelman laatiminen ja
esittäminen ensimmäisen periodin aikana
2. Aktiivinen osallistuminen henkilökohtaisin ohjaustapaamisiin, ( Johanna Moisander, IIV)
3. Säännöllinen väliraportointi
4. Henkilökohtainen ohjaus ja palaute
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E99905
Esitiedot: Esitietovaatimuksena kurssi 71E00100 Viestinnän ja mediatutkimuksen
suuntauksia tai 71E00300 Merkitys ja tulkinta
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Organisaatioviestinnän yksikön ohjeiden mukaisesti sähköpostiilmoittautuminen
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Opiskelijan tulee saattaa pro gradu -tutkielmansa päätökseen
seminaarityöskentelyn aikana. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää, että opiskelijalla on melko
täsmentynyt tutkimusaihe graduohjaukseen tullessaan ja että hän on sitoutunut
kokopäiväiseen tutkimustyöhön alusta alkaen. Pro gradu -tutkielmaa ohjaa prof. Johanna
71E99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, Talouselämän viestinnän maisteriohjelman pakolliset
syventävät opinnot
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Sisältö: Pro gradu -tutkielman valmistuttua opiskelija suorittaa kypsyysnäytteen, jolla
osoitetaan sekä perehtyneisyyttä tutkielman aihepiiriin että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
taitoa. Kypsyysnäytteen arvioivat sekä tutkielman ohjaaja että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
opettaja. Kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamisesta sovitaan erikseen tutkielman
ohjaajan kanssa tutkielman valmistuttua. Opiskelijan on kirjoitettava kypsyysnäyte myös
maisterintutkielmastaan, vaikka hän olisi aiemmin kirjoittanut kypsyysnäytteen
Oppimateriaali: Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Sovitaan tutkielman ohjaajan kanssa.
Opetuskieli: Suomi tai ruotsi
71H00200 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Kurssin asema: TS2005, Talouselämän viestinnän maisteriohjelman valinnaiset
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty / hylätty
Lisätietoja: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12322790
75E00100 Managing Corporate Communication (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Leena Louhiala-Salminen; Anne Kankaanranta
Status of the Course:
DR2013, Mandatory course in the Corporate Communication Master’s Program
(alternative in Finnish: Viestinnän johtaminen), elective in the CEMS Program; DR2005,
Mandatory course in the IBC Master’s Program, elective in the Business Communication
(Finnish) MSc Program
Level of the Course: Advanced Studies
Teaching period: I (autumn 2015). The course is only offered during the first teaching
Classroom hours, 28 h
Course work before and after class 26 h
Assignments 70 h
Preparation for the exam 33 h
Exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: - to understand the strategic role of corporate communication in
the operations of a multinational company/organization
- to demonstrate knowledge of various aspects of corporate communication such as
stakeholder management, corporate identity, image and reputation, media relations and
issues & crisis management
- to demonstrate knowledge and skills in planning, implementation and evaluation of
corporate communication
Content: The course introduces the corporate communications function and focuses on
the basic concepts, terminology, and models of corporate communication in multinational
companies and organizations. It gives insight into the way corporate strategy is
implemented through communication, and examines communication issues, structures,
policies, and processes in companies, with a specific focus on corporate identity and
stakeholder dialogue in the global environment.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Contribution to class 10%
Assignments 60%
Exam 30%
Study Material:
Compulsory textbook: Cornelissen, Joep (2014) Corporate communication: A guide to
theory and practice. ISBN: 9781446274958 (paperback)
Selection of cases, articles, other materials to be indicated or provided by the lecturers.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E00100/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) -5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max. 30 students (Corporate Communication Master’s students will
be given priority), open for CEMS students; mandatory attendance on the first week’s
75E00700 Finnish for International Students (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Leena Louhiala-Salminen
Kurssin asema: International Business Communication Master’s Program, degree
regulations 2005
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - two 3 cr Business Finnish language courses offered by
Aalto University Language Centre, School of Business - reflective essay, 40 h
Osaamistavoitteet: The purpose of this course is to offer international IBC Program
students knowledge of and proficiency in the Finnish language and Finnish culture. The
course is offered as one option in the Advanced Business Language and Communication
Studies of the IBC Master’s Program, and it is aimed at students who do not have Finnish
as their native language and have no basic foreign language skills in any of the other
languages that can be chosen for Advanced Business Language and Communication
Sisältö: The course consists of two 3 cr Business Finnish language courses offered by
Aalto University Language Centre, School of Business a reflective essay on a topic
related to Finnish culture.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: - two 3 cr courses Finnish for Foreigners,
80 % - reflective essay, 20 %
Oppimateriaali: Provided by the lecturers.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Registration for Finnish language courses viqa WebOodi. After
completing the two courses, contact Leena Louhiala-Salminen to agree on the essay
Opetuskieli: Finnish and English
75E11000 Corporate Communication Research (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Johanna Moisander
Status of the Course: Mandatory course in the Master’s Program of Corporate
Level of the Course: Advanced Specialization Studies
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2015), one-period course.
Workload: Lectures 24h
Independent learning assignments 136 h
Learning Outcomes: On completion of the course, students are expected to
(1) an ability to critically read and evaluate academic studies on corporate and
(2) an ability to identify relevant topics and research problems to be investigated in
corporate and organizational communication research;
(3) a sufficient understanding of the methodologies used to conduct a Master’s Thesis
project in corporate and organizational communication
Content: This course is a kick-off course for the Master’s Thesis project. It offers a
framework for conducting independent research into corporate and organizational
communication and introduces the main theoretical and methodological approaches used
in the field. The assignments build up towards a Research Plan for the student’s
Master’s Thesis.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1 Mandatory classes
2 Individual and team assignments
Contribution to class 10 %
Assignments 90%
Study Material: Package of readings assigned by the instructor.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E11000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration times from
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course is only offered to Corporate Communication Master’s
75E12000 Corporate Communication Practices (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Michael Baker
Status of the Course: DR2013, Mandatory course in the Master’s Program of Corporate
Level of the Course: Advanced Specialization Studies
Teaching period: II (Autumn 2015). The course is only offered during the second
teaching period.
Workload: 1.Pre-work, 3 hrs
2. Participation in lectures and seminars, 20 hours
3. Preparation of stakeholder-targeted messages, 18 hours
4. Consultation sessions with the lecturer, 2 hours
5. Project work 38 hours
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will understand the critical role
that the practices of strategic communication play, and, based on lecturer and peer
feedback, they will have a clearer understanding of their present communication
competence. They will be able to
- employ relevant theoretical frameworks to analyse a corporate communication
situation and propose a solution to the case based on this analysis
- design and deliver relevant stakeholder-targeted messages
- write coherent and convincing, reader-friendly documents, including an executive
- craft and deliver clearly-targeted, professional business presentations
- critically assess their own and others’ corporate communications
Content: The course will provide a set of communication frameworks and practical
decision-making tools, derived from both research and experience, which students can
employ to produce a series of critical stakeholder-targeted messages. Students will also
work with an assigned group to analyse an authentic organisational communication
situation (problem /crisis/challenge) and, acting as internal or external consultants,
provide recommendations on how to best meet the communication challenge. This
communication project requires two deliverables: a 15-minute consultant’s presentation
and an extended executive summary. Comprehensive feedback from the lecturer and
peers throughout the course will enable students to hone their own individual spoken and
written communication skills.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Mandatory pre-work (10%)
2. Stakeholder communications (40%)
3. Project work (40%): recommendation presentation and extended executive summary
4. Class contribution (10%): preparedness for class, contribution to class activities
Study Material: Communication research literature; teaching materials prepared by the
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E12000
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 excellent
Registration for Courses: WebOodi; check registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is intended only for Corporate Communication
Master’s students. Maximum of 30 students. Mandatory attendance required.
75E13000 Corporate Communication in Global Contexts (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Anne Kankaanranta
Status of the Course: DR2013, Mandatory course in the Corporate Communication
Master’s Program
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016) The course is only offered during the fifth teaching
Workload: Classroom hours 16 h
Assignments & exam 64 h
Learning Outcomes: Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the effects of
the global operating environment with its multilingual and multicultural challenges on
corporate communication practice. They are familiar with (1) the major theories of and
recent research into intercultural communication and their relevance for business and
corporate communication practice in the global context, and (2) the concept of BELF
(English as Business Lingua Franca) as a shared resource among internationally
operating business professionals.
Students are able to (1) analyze corporate situations combining cultural, managerial, and
communicative perspectives, (2) address cultural diversity both on the corporate and
individual level in communication, (3) demonstrate culturally intelligent attitude and
Content: The course focuses on the effects of the global operating environment on
corporate communication practice in general and multilingual and multicultural challenges
in particular. It introduces some major theories and recent research that explain specific
aspects of intercultural communication and pays special attention to the use of English as
a shared resource among internationally operating business professionals. Some key
differences reported in communication of different ‘cultures’ is discussed, such as the
extent of directness, explicitness, and politeness.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Contribution in class, 15%
2. Assignments (55%)
3. Exam (30%)
Study Material: Selection of cases, articles, and other materials indicated or provided by
the lecturer.
Substitutes for Courses: The course replaces the IBC course 75E00600 Intercultural
Business Communication.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E1300/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) -5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max. 30 students (Corporate Communication Master’s students will
be given priority); mandatory attendance on the first week’s lessons. Other students than
Corporate Communication master’s students are requested to notify when registering for
the course where they are placing the course in their master’s degree.
75E14000 Sijoittajasuhteet (6 op)
Investor Relations
Kurssin asema:
KTM-tutkinto, TS2013, Corporate Communication –maisteriohjelman valinnainen kurssi;
TS2005, Talouselämän viestinnän ja International Business Communication maisteriohjelmien valinnainen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: IV (kevät 2016); reflektoiva essee (lopputyö) viimeistellään
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 1. Aktivoivat luennot 28 h + osallistuminen vierailuun
luentojen ulkopuolella tai Pörssi-iltaan 3 h
2. Valmistautuminen luennoille 20 h
3. Välitentti 3 h
4. Valmistautuminen välitenttiin 26 h
5. Ryhmässä ja yksilötyönä tehtävät teksti- ja analysointiharjoitukset 30 h
6. Reflektoiva essee lopputyönä 50 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija
- ymmärtää sijoittajaviestintää yritysten kansainvälisen toimintaympäristön sekä
kansallisen ja kansainvälisen lainsäädännön muutosten pohjalta
- ymmärtää osake- ja rahoitusmarkkinoiden viestintää markkinoilla toimivien
näkökulmasta: omistajat, sijoittajat, analyytikot, henkilöstö, media sekä muut
- ymmärtää sijoittajasuhteiden hoitamista omana strategisen viestinnän erityisalueenaan
ja ylimmän johdon vastuualueena sekä viestinnän ammattilaisen professiona
- osaa arvioida pörssiyritysten toimintaan liittyviä eettisiä kysymyksiä ja liiketoiminnan
- on tietoinen viestinnän vaikutusmahdollisuuksista sijoittajasuhteissa ja yhtiön
- osaa analysoida sijoittajaviestintää sekä toteuttaa sitä (kirjallinen ja puheviestintä)
- osaa kirjoittaa kurssin aiheista monitieteiseen tutkimukseen ja luentoihin perustuvan
tieteellisen reflektoivan esseen
- osaa työskennellä vastuullisesti ja tavoitteellisesti tiimin jäsenenä.
Sisältö: Opiskelussa seurataan pörssiyhtiön vuoden käännekohtiin liittyvää viestintää
sekä sijoittajasuhteiden hoitamisen työkaluja: tapahtumia, tapaamisia ja tekstejä.
Kurssilla perehdytään yrityksen arvonmuodostukseen ns. tiedon markkinoilla ja
sijoittajasuhdetoimintaan sidosryhmäsuhteiden näkökulmasta. Aihetta taustoitetaan
erityisteemoin: yritysten strateginen johtaminen, yrityksen taloushallinnon keskeinen rooli
sijoittajasuhteissa, lainsäädäntö ja muu ohjeistus, yritysten muutostilanteet ja eettisyys,
sijoittajasuhteiden tekstilajit sekä median ja sosiaalisen median rooli tiedonjulkistuksessa
ja suhteissa. Opiskelijat tutustuvat pörssiyhtiöiden sijoittajasuhteisiin kurssikirjallisuuden,
tutkimusartikkeleiden, aktivoivien luentojen, vierailuluentojen sekä ohjattujen itsenäisten
töiden avulla. Töissä hyödynnetään alan monitieteisiä tutkimuksia ja muuta
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot, osallistuminen Pörssi-iltaan
ja/tai yritysvierailuun
2. Valmistautuminen luennoille ja aktiivinen osallistuminen (20 %)
3. Välitentti toisella luentoviikolla (30 % arvosanasta; ks. Kirjallisuus)
4. Yksilö- ja tiimityötehtävät (20 %)
5. Ohjatusti, itsenäisesti laadittava reflektoiva essee (lopputyö) (30 %)
Pakollinen kirjallisuus: Virtanen, Marjatta (2010) Sijoittajasuhteet johdon vastuuna
tentitään välitentissä kurssin alussa (toisella luentoviikolla). ISBN 978-951-0-36398-0
Artikkeleita luentoihin liittyvästi
Kurssi korvaa englanninkielisen vastaavan kurssin Investor Relations 75E15000.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71E014000 Kurssilla on käytössä
kurssin Moodle-sivusto.
Esitiedot: Talouselämän viestinnän perusteet 71A00100 tai Yritysviestinnän perusteet
71A00200 taikka vastaavat tiedot sekä perustiedot laskentatoimesta ja rahoituksesta
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssikoko rajoitetaan 30:een. Etusija on Johtamisen laitoksen Corporate
Communication –maisteriohjelman opiskelijoilla ja sivuaineopiskelijoilla. Osallistuminen
kurssiin tulee vahvistaa ensimmäisen luennon alussa. Ensimmäiseltä luentoviikolta ei voi
olla poissa. Kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää sitoutumista opiskelemiseen ja ajan
varaamista luentoviikkojen aikana tehtävien harjoitustöiden tekoon sekä vierailuun
luentoaikojen ulkopuolella. Kurssille ilmoittauduttaessa WebOodissa muita opiskelijoita
kuin Corporate Communication –ohjelman maisteriopiskelijoiden pyydetään
merkitsemään huomautuksiin, mihin opiskelija sijoittaa kurssin kauppatieteiden maisterin
75E15000 Investor Relations (6 cr)
Status of the Course: DR2013, Elective in M’s Program of Corporate Communication;
The course substitutes the course Sijoittajasuhteet 75E14000
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: No lectures in 2015 - 16. Courses in Finnish and in English rotate.
Workload: 1. Lectures 28 h
2. Orientation to Investor Relations: Reaction paper 35 h
3. Preparation for the lectures 25 h
4. Assignments; team work 30 h
5. Reflective essay 42 h
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge; Students understand
- investor relations from the global perspective, and simultaneously, as a function based
on local and international laws and regulations
- communication in the financial markets from the point of view of all participants:
shareholders, investors, analysts, employees, media and other stakeholders
- investor relations as a trans-disciplinary research area (accounting, finance, strategic
leadership and management, communication and marketing)
- investor relations as a specialized, strategic area of corporate communication and
corporate finance, and as the responsibility of CEO, CFO and IRO
- investor relations as a special area of communications competence and profession
Skills; Student is able to
- assess the possibilities of the IR function and executives to influence the value of a
public listed company
- analyze investor relations and communicate in the IR context
- assess issues related to ethics and accountability in the global context
- work as a target-oriented and responsible member of a team
- write an IR related academic reaction paper based on research in various disciplines,
and reflective essay based all course materials and discussions.
The course focuses on the
- value creation of public listed companies at the financial markets, and the role of IR
function in the process
- operations of the IR function during the fiscal year
- communication at the quarterly turning points during the fiscal year
- communication tools needed to manage stakeholder relations, e.g. financial press
releases and reports.
All topics will be discussed in class, based on a variety of research articles in such areas
as strategic leadership, shareholder value creation, regulation, strategic and other
changes in companies, IR genres, as well as corporate governance and corporate social
responsibility. The course introduces IR as a multidimensional profession at the interface
of the pressure of regulation of disclosures on the one hand, and managing impressions
and reputation on the other hand. The practices involved in the IR profession will be
illustrated by cases, team work and visiting lecturers.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Reaction paper on a selection of articles as an
orientation to the course in the second week of lectures (20%) POISTIN TÄSTÄ jatkon
2. Class contribution (15%): preparedness for class, contribution to class activities
3. Individual and team-based assignments (25%)
4. Individual reflection essay based on the articles read, and all lectures and discussion
in class (40%)
Study Material: Package of readings, including the articles of the orientation essay
Substitutes for Courses: The course substitutes the course Sijoittajasuhteet 75E14000
Course Homepage: Moodle pages of the course will be the main channel of
communication. https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E15000
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of accounting and finance required; for students of
Corporate Communication Managing Corporate Communication or Viestinnän johtaminen
recommended before this course
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi; check registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max. 30; Corporate Communication Master’s students and
students of minor in Corporate Communication will be given priority; mandatory
attendance on the first week’s lessons. Students are required full commitment to do all
course work, including team assignments and possible visits outside class. Other
students than Corporate Communication master’s students are requested to notify when
registering for the course where they are placing the course in their master’s degree.
75E16000 Issues Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Anne Kankaanranta
Status of the Course: Elective course in the Master’s Program of Corporate
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: Offered next in 2016-2017
Workload: Lectures 28h
Assignments 132 h
Learning Outcomes: Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the scope
and principles of issues management and the closely related crisis management and
communication. They are able to identify and analyze issues emerging in today’s society,
such as those related to legitimacy and corporate social responsibility, and respond
through appropriate communication strategies. In addition, they are expected to
demonstrate knowledge of the various dimensions of organizational crises, crisis
management and crisis communication.
Content: The course focuses on the pro-active and process-oriented management of
issues and crises. A special emphasis will be given to comparing and contrasting crisis
communication theories such as Image Restoration Theory, Situational Crisis
Communication Theory, and the Rhetorical Arena.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Teachers: Senior University Lecturer Anne
Kankaanranta, PhD. Other instructors: Doctoral candidate Kirsti Iivonen, MSc (Econ), MA
1. Contribution in class 15%, 2. Assignments 85%
Study Material: Selection of cases, articles, and other materials indicated or provided by
the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E16000
Evaluation: 0 (fail) -5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Max. 30 students; Corporate Communication Master’s students will be given priority;
mandatory attendance on the first week’s lessons.
Other students than Corporate Communication master’s students are requested to notify
when registering for the course where they are placing the course in their master’s
75E17000 Media Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Nando Malmelin
Status of the Course: Elective course in the Master’s Program of Corporate
Level of the Course: Advanced Specialization Studies
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016), a one-period course, (classroom meetings on 15.1.,
22.1., 29.1. and 19.2. at 12-18)
Workload: professor Nando Malmelin (Aalto University School of Business); university
lecturer Mikko Villi (University of Helsinki) - lectures 24 h
- preparation for lectures 24 h
- course project assignments 114 h
Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, students are expected to be able to:
- recognize media management both as a scholarly and professional field
- understand the key concepts, models and theories of media management
- analyse the strategies of media companies, especially in the multi-platform digital
- apply the knowledge and skills gained about the current trends and practices of media
work and media management.
Content: The course gives the students an understanding of media management, both
as a scholarly and professional field. The course discusses the key concepts and
theories, as well as current practices of the media industry, especially in the digital media
The key themes include:
- Theories and practices of media management
- Managing media work and content production
- Creativity and innovations in the media industry
- Strategy practices and multi-platform media
- Media convergence and social media
- Active audiences, interaction and co-creation
The course consists of interactive lectures by professors from both Aalto University and
the University of Helsinki, guest lectures by leading professionals from the media and
communication industry, as well as reading materials and problem-based discussions
and a concluding workshop. The students will “learn by doing” when they work in teambased projects that are concerned with particular real-life cases of the media industry.
The case projects will be evaluated and discussed also by media company
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Class activity 30%, project presentation 30%,
project essay 40%.
Study Material: Selection of academic journal articles provided by the teachers.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E17000
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course is organized together with the University of Helsinki.
Max. 20 students from Aalto University. Corporate Communication Master’s students will
be given priority. All other BIZ students are requested to notify when registering for the
course where they are placing the course in their master’s degree. Mandatory class
attendance due to the intensive course form and project assignments.
75E18000 Organizational Communication and Leadership (6 cr)
Status of the Course: Elective course in the Master’s Program of Corporate
Level of the Course: Advanced Specialization Studies
Teaching period: Not lectured in academic year 2015-16.
Workload: Lectures 28h
Independent learning assignments 96h
Course project 36h
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students are familiar with the key ideas of
discursive leadership theories and their applications to organizational communication.
They have knowledge of the ways of analyzing interaction and institutional encounters as
organizational and leadership practices. Through participatory and performative
assignments and exercises, students have gained socio-psychologically relevant
knowledge of group behavior and their own performance as team members and
individual subjects. In addition, students have enhanced skills in participating competently
in organizational encounters.
Content: Socio-constructionist theories of organizational communication and leadership;
leadership in and as practice; relational leadership and emotions; manager-employee
communication; embodiment and interaction; performativity; the constitutive role of text
and conversation in organizations; leading teams, productive dialogue; facilitating team
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Attendance and contribution in class (15 %) 2.
Written analysis (individual) (60 %) 3. Performative presentation (in small groups) (25 %)
Study Material: A package of readings.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E18000
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Students must confirm their registration by participating in the first
class session.
75E19000 Media Rhetoric (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Marketta Majapuro; Eija Ventola
Status of the Course: Elective course in the Master’s Program of Corporate
Level of the Course: Advanced Specialization Studies
Teaching period: Not offered in 2015-16
Workload: 6 credit course; total of 162 hours requisite work load
Contact teaching: 28 contact hrs, (overview of the course, lectures on course themes; inclass exercises, team work analyses, presentations and discussions)
Independent work: 134 hours of 162 total work load (preparation for lectures, preparation
for in-class exercise, team work analyses)
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students are able to recognize how
companies and other organizations organize and express content rhetorically effectively,
whether concerning the companies themselves or their products or services in multimodal
messages and documents in various media. Students will be able to apply theoretical
frameworks and tools for analyzing various kinds of messages from rhetorical and
multimodal perspectives. Students will also master the skills to function as critical,
research-based evaluators of various rhetorical and multimodal documents and practices
in society.
Content: The course consists of lectures, course readings, team work and assignments
which focus on learning how to build context-specific rhetorical messages using multiple
multimodal resources. The course foci are: (1) understanding rhetoric as a multimodal
concept and understanding rhetorical and multimodal dimensions of persuasion and
multimodally realized rhetorical strategies, (2) developing analytical frameworks, and (3)
analyzing rhetorical messages and their multimodal forms in corporate communication in
different media and (4) examining how communication operates at the intersection of
corporate identity and image building, corporate external relations, and digital media
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Class attendance, 28 hrs and contribution in
class (incl. preparation for class) 20 %
2. Assignments 80 %: (a) a team project and a written report 50 %, (b) oral presentation
and discussion 20 %, (c) functioning as a critic to a group project 10 %.
Study Material: Course material handed out by the lecturers and is accessible at the
course website.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E19000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Participation must be confirmed at the beginning of the first
75E20000 Corporate Communication Special Topics (Introduction to Visual and
Multimodal Communication) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Eija Ventola
Status of the Course: Elective in the Corporate Communication Master’s Program.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I (Autumn 2015 The course is only offered during the first teaching
period;an intensive course.
Workload: Classroom hours, 28 h
Course work and preparation for class, Assignments: 162 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will have learnt some relevant
theoretical background and acquired basic knowledge of how visual and other multimodal
communication is construed in images, on screen, etc. (i.e. using various media) and how
visual and other multimodal communication relates to meaning expressed with language
in business related communication. Students will be able to analyse and critically
comment on the design of various documents that use visual and other multimodal
resources. They will be able to suggest improvements on the quality of communication by
analyzing the visual and multimodal interaction with the linguistic messages.
Content: The course consists of input lectures, reading materials and discussing them in
literature seminars, group work as well as individual work and a written group report, and
presentations of the group work. The course focuses on theories that cover 1) the
representational meanings of visuals (what is shown and how), 2) the interpersonal
meanings of visuals (how viewers taken into account), and 3) the modal combinations of
visuals with other modes (written, oral, haptics, gesture, space, etc.) and media
(computer screen, paper, video, etc.). The theoretical views are put into practice by
analyzing how messages are construed in relevant in business communication contexts.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Class attendance, 28hrs and contribution in
class (incl. preparation for class) 20 %
2. Assignments 80 %: (a) a group project and a written report 50 %, (b) oral presentation
and discussion 20 %, (c) functioning as a critic to a group project 10 %.
Study Material: Course material handed out by the lecturer; further information can be
accessed from the course website.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E20000
Evaluation: 0 (fail) - 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Registration via WebOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Participation must be confirmed at the beginning of the first
session. Priority given to students enrolled in the MSc-program in Corporate
Communication. All other students are requested to notify when registering for the course
where they are placing the course in their master’s degree.
75E99901 Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Responsible teacher: Leena Louhiala-Salminen; Eija Ventola
Status of the Course:
M.Sc., specialisation studies in the Corporate Communication Master programme.
Level of the Course: Advanced specialisation studies
Teaching period: I-II and III-V
Workload: Independent research and report writing 800 h
Learning Outcomes: The Master’s thesis aims at 1) developing the student’s capability
to conduct independent scholarly research in corporate communication, 2) providing the
student with in-depth expertise in a chosen area of specialisation, and 3) fostering the
student’s skills in managing an independently conducted, large and complex project.
Content: Independent research culminating in a thesis.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Quality of the thesis.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E99901
Evaluation: From 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: See 75E99902 Master’s thesis seminar or 75E99905
Master’s thesis seminar
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The thesis includes a compulsory maturity test (75E99903).
75E99902 Master’s Thesis Seminar (0 cr)
Responsible teacher: Leena Louhiala-Salminen
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the International Business
Communication Master’s program
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I-V (2015-16) The course lasts for the whole academic year.
Workload: Seminars, individual supervision sessions and independent study 160 h.
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn to report and present the progress of their
research in the different phases of the Thesis project. They will also enhance their skills
in developing and presenting scientific arguments in a critical, logical and constructive
Content: Thesis seminars involving presentations of the student’s own research and
commenting on fellow students’ Thesis Plans and Reports. Individual meetings with the
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance in seminars and individual supervision
meetings and presentation of the Thesis project in progress (Research Plan, Thesis
report draft); discussion of fellow students’ work.
Study Material: Provided by the instructor
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: Pass or fail
Registration for Courses: Contact Leena Louhiala-Salminen
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is only available to IBC Master’s students.
75E99903 Proficiency Test (0 op)
Kurssin asema: International Business Communication MSc program; Corporate
Communication MSc program: Compulsory
Kurssin taso: Advanced spezialization studies
Sisältö: An essay based on the Master´s Thesis.
Arvosteluasteikko: pass/fail
75E99904 Capstone: Business Development Project (Corporate Communication) (6
Responsible teacher: Leena Louhiala-Salminen
Status of the Course: Mandatory course in the Master’s Program of Corporate
Level of the Course: Advanced specialisation studies
Teaching period: I-II (autumn 2015), III-IV (spring 2016) A 12-week course organised
both in the spring and in the autumn
Workload: Project work in teams:132 h
Classroom contact hours: 6 h
Individual work: 20 h
Team meetings with facilitator: 2 h
Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, students will be able to
• identify, analyse and solve real-life business problems from a multi-disciplinary
• apply the knowledge and skills gained during their studies to real-life business tasks
and challenges
• manage complex projects and work in diverse teams
• present a case report both orally and in writing
• critically reflect on their learning process and outcomes
Content: The course consists of an applied, real-life problem-based project/case that
students identify, analyze and solve in multi-disciplinary teams. It also focuses on
developing the students’ self-awareness of the key learnings during their studies in the
Master’s Program.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Team case report (written and oral): 80%
Individual student portfolio: 20%
Study Material: To be indicated by the teachers in charge.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/21E99905/etusivu
Evaluation: 0 (fail) -5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: via Weboodi
Further Information: Compulsory attendance in all class sessions and meetings. Most
Master’s Program studies have to be completed before you can enroll on the Capstone
75E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Leena Louhiala-Salminen; Eija Ventola; Johanna Moisander; Kirsi
Status of the Course: MSc, specialisation studies in the Corporate Communication
Master’s program
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period:
Group 1: I–II with three compulsory introductory sessions in autumn 2015 continuing with
individual supervision meetings in spring 2016
Group 2: III & V with three compulsory introductory sessions in spring 2016 continuing
with individual supervision meetings in autumn 2016
Group 3: I-IV (autumn 2015 & spring 2016) with five compulsory introductory sessions in
autumn and five compulsory introductory sessions in spring 2016 with individual
supervision meetings
Workload: Seminars, individual supervision sessions and independent study 160 h.
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the MSc thesis seminars is to provide the students with
the knowledge and skills necessary for writing a high-quality Master’s Thesis. The
seminars assist the student in structuring his/her thesis work, and provide a supportive
forum to discuss issues relevant to different stages of research.
Content: The Thesis Seminar consists of compulsory introductory sessions, one-on-one
meetings with an assigned personal supervisor, and progress seminars in which students
present their work and give feedback to others. Attendance is mandatory.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Attendance in seminars and individual supervision
Written reports: preliminary research plan, written and oral learning assignments,
intermediate research plan and preliminary research report
Presentation of the Thesis project in progress (Research Plan, Thesis report draft)
Written and oral commentary on fellow students’ reports
Study Material: provided by the instructor
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/75E99905/
Evaluation: 0 (fail) to 5 (excellent)
Registration for Courses: Compulsory registration via weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This course is only available to MSc Corporate Communication students.
Students are required to have completed 75E11000 Corporate Communication Research
before enrolling on this course.
Group 1: supervisor Johanna Moisander
Group 2: supervisor Kirsi Eräranta
Group 3: supervisors Leena Louhiala-Salminen and Eija Ventola
75H00200 Internship (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc, elective studies in the International Business
Communication Master’s program; degree regulations 2005
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
Further Information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12322790
22A00110 Laskentatoimen perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Accounting
Vastuuopettaja: Jari Melgin; Katja Kolehmainen
Kurssin asema: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet (TS 2005 & TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Perusteet
Opetusperiodi: II (syksy 2015)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: -Osallistuminen luennoille ja harjoituksiin 48 h
-Valmistautuminen luennoille ja harjoituksiin 36 h
-Ryhmätöiden tekeminen 32 h
-Tenttiin valmistautuminen 41 h
-Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Ymmärtää, mikä on laskentatoimen rooli yrityksissä ja
yhteiskunnassa. Tietää tilinpäätöksen rakenne ja hyväksikäyttömahdollisuudet.
Ymmärtää laskentatoimen järjestelmien keskeinen rooli sekä päätöksentekoa tukevana
tiedon tuottajana että yrityksen ja yksilöiden toimintaa ohjaavana tekijänä. Kurssin jälkeen
opiskelija osaa lukea tilinpäätöstä ja laskea sen keskeiset tunnusluvut. Hän ymmärtää
taloudellisen ohjauksen merkityksen osana liiketoimintaa. Hän osaa lisäksi arvioida
tuotteiden, palveluiden ja investointien taloudellista kannattavuutta ja tehdä tämän tiedon
pohjalta keskeisiä liiketoiminnan johtamiseen liittyviä päätöksiä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot ja harjoitukset 48 h, Katja
Kolehmainen ja Jari Melgin
2. Tentti (60 %), luentokurssin aikaiset tehtävät ja ryhmätyöt (40 %).
Tentti perustuu luentoihin ja luennoilla jaettavaan/erikseen ilmoitettavaan materiaaliin ja
ohessa mainittuun kirjallisuuteen.
Oppimateriaali: Ikäheimo, Seppo, Malmi, Teemu ja Walden, Risto (2012) Yrityksen
Kurssikirjallisuus (yllä) sekä opetuksen yhteydessä tai kurssin kotisivuilla osoitettu
materiaali Saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22A00110/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi-ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Suositellaan, että 30A01000 Taulukkolaskenta ja analytiikka on suoritettu
ennen kurssille osallistumista tai suoritetaan kurssin aikana.
22A00210 Introduction to Accounting (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jari Melgin; Katja Kolehmainen
Status of the Course: Basic course, Fundamentals of Business Knowledge (DR 2005).
Level of the Course: Basic course
Teaching period: Book exam
Workload: - Exam preparation, 157 h - Exam, 3 h
Learning Outcomes: To understand the role of accounting in companies and in society
in general. To know the structure and potential uses of financial statements. To
understand the role of accounting systems in decision-making and control. After the
course a student can read financial statements and interpret key financial figures,
evaluate the financial value of products and capital investments, and understand the role
of financial control in organizations in general.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Exam (100 %). Exam is based on the course
book specified below.
Literature: Peter Atrill & Eddie McLaney (2008) Accounting and Finance for NonSpecialists. ISBN 9780273716945
Study Material:
Peter Atrill & Eddie McLaney (2008) Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22A00210/
Prerequisites: Recommended to have completed the excel section of
Taitosalkku/Professional Skills Portfolio. This course is intended only for students
studying in English according to the 2005 Degree Regulations.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: This is a book exam intended only for students studying in English
according to the 2005 Degree Regulations.
22C00100 Kirjanpito (6 op)
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Vastuuopettaja: Tapani Kykkänen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon koulutusohjelman yhteiset opinnot
(TS2005), laskentatoimen erikoistumisopinnot (TS2013).
Kurssin taso: Kandidaatin tutkinnon aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Luennot, 24 h
- Harjoitukset, 24 h
- Valmistautuminen luennoille, 12 h
- Valmistautuminen harjoituksiin, 48 h
- Valmistautuminen kuulusteluun, 49 h
- Tentti, 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelija ymmärtää kirjanpitoinformaation
tuottamisen ja sen hyväksikäytön perusteet. Opiskelija osaa perusteet kirjanpidon
pitämisestä ja tilinpäätöksen laatimisesta sekä osaa tulkita tilinpäätöstä.
Sisältö: Kirjanpidon teoria, kirjanpidon ja tilinpäätöksen perusteet, tilinpäätöksen sisältö
ja verotus sekä tilinpäätöksen tulkinta.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Tapani
2. Harjoitukset 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Tapani Kykkänen.
3. Tentti (80 %) ja kurssin aikaiset suoritukset (20%). Hyväksyttävän kurssisuorituksen
vaatimuksena on, että seuraavat ehdot täyttyvät: (a) tentti vähintään 40 p (50 % * 80 p) ja
(b) tentti + harjoituspaketti vähintään 50 p (50 % * 100 p). Tentti perustuu kurssikirjoihin,
luentoihin, harjoituksiin sekä erikseen aettavaan/ilmoitettavaan materiaaliin.
Leppiniemi J. & Kykkänen T (2013) Kirjanpito, tilinpäätös ja tilinpäätöksen tulkinta, 8.
uudistettu painos. ISBN ISBN 978-952-63-1624-6
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22C00100/
Esitiedot: Laskentatoimen perusteet.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi-ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
22C00150 Introduction to Financial Accounting, book exam (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tapani Kykkänen
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s program, common studies in Accounting, Finance and
Business law DR2005.
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Workload: - Exam preparation, 157 h.
- Exam, 3 h.
Learning Outcomes: Student understands the key aspects of financial accounting,
annual reporting and interpretation of financial statements. Knows the basics of
bookkeeping and how to prepare, present and analyse the financial statements.
Content: The topics include conceptual framework of financial accounting, financial
reporting and analysis of the financial statement.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Book exam (100 %).
Study Material:
KHT-Media (2004) Introduction to financial statements in Finland. ISBN 952-5392-30-9.
David Alexander, Christopher Nobes (2010) Financial Accounting: An International
Introduction, 4th Edition. ISBN ISBN 9780273721642. Pakollinen
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22c00150/etusivu
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: : Via WebOodi. See the registration period in WebOodi. This
course is only for students who are studying in English according to the degree
regulations 2005 in Bachelor’s program in Accounting, Finance and Business law and are
not able to take the Finnish course Kirjanpito (22C00100). Exam should be agreed with
the responsible teacher. Exam cannot be taken any more after 31.7.2016.
Language of Instruction: English.
22C00200 Johdon laskentatoimi I (6 op)
Management Accounting I
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Koivistoinen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon koulutusohjelman laskentatoimen
erikoistumisopinnot (TS2005) tai laskentatoimen erikoistumisopinnot (TS2013).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: II (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
-Osallistuminen luennoille, 24 h
-Valmistautuminen luennoille, 40 h
-Osallistuminen harjoituksiin, 24 h
-Valmistautuminen harjoituksiin, 50 h
-Tenttiin valmistautuminen, 19 h
-Tentti, 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla perehdytään johdon laskentatoimen osa-alueista erityisesti
kustannuslaskentaan ja yrityksen talouden ohjaukseen. Kurssin suorittanut opiskelija
tietää mitä käsitteitä, laskentaperiaatteita ja laskentamenetelmiä näillä osa-alueilla
käytetään. Opiskelija hallitsee laskentakohteiden kustannusten ja kannattavuuden
määrittämisen sekä tuotekustannuslaskentajärjestelmien perusrakenteen ja ymmärtää
miten yrityksen taloutta ohjataan. Opiskelija osaa soveltaa tietämystään raportoinnin
kehittämiseen sekä tarvittavien analyysien, laskelmien ja raporttien laatimiseen.
Sisältö: Kustannuslajilaskenta, lisäyslaskenta, jakolaskenta, hybridilaskenta, rinnakkaisja sivutuotteet, palveluosastojen kustannukset, tuloslaskentamenetelmät, budjetointi,
standardikustannuslaskenta, toimintolaskenta.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1.Luennot 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Kari
2.Harjoitukset 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Kari Koivistoinen ja yliopistonlehtori Kari Toiviainen
3.Tentti (50 %) ja kurssin aikaiset suoritukset (50 %).
Hyväksyttävän kurssisuorituksen vaatimuksena on, että seuraavat ehdot täyttyvät: (a)
tentti vähintään 25 p (50 % * 50 p) ja (b) tentti + kurssin aikaiset suoritukset vähintään 50
p (50 % * 100 p). Tentti perustuu kurssikirjaan, luentoihin, harjoituksiin sekä erikseen
jaettavaan/ilmoitettavaan materiaaliin.
Rajan – Datar – Horngren (2015) Cost Accounting, Global Edition.
Kurssikirjojen saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22C00200/
Esitiedot: Laskentatoimen perusteet.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
22C00300 Johdon laskentatoimi II (6 op)
Management Accounting II
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Koivistoinen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon koulutusohjelman laskentatoimen
erikoistumisopinnot (TS2005) tai laskentatoimen erikoistumisopinnot (TS2013).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: IV (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: -Osallistuminen luennoille, 24 h
-Valmistautuminen luennoille, 40 h
-Osallistuminen harjoituksiin, 24 h
-Valmistautuminen harjoituksiin, 50 h
-Tenttiin valmistautuminen, 19 h
-Tentti, 3 h
Kurssilla perehdytään johdon laskentatoimen osa-alueista erityisesti yritysjohdon
päätöksentekoon, tulosyksikkölaskentaan ja strategiseen johdon laskentatoimeen.
Kurssin suorittanut opiskelija tietää mitä käsitteitä, laskentaperiaatteita ja
laskentamenetelmiä näillä osa-alueilla käytetään. Opiskelija ymmärtää millaista
informaatiota erilaisissa päätöstilanteissa tarvitaan ja hallitsee
investointilaskentamenetelmien käytön. Opiskelija ymmärtää miten tulosyksiköiden
taloutta ohjataan ja hallitsee suoritusmittarien ja siirtohintojen määrittämisen vaihtoehdot.
Opiskelija tietää miten strateginen johdon laskentatoimi pyrkii turvaamaan yrityksen
kilpailukyvyn säilymisen ja strategian toteutumisen. Opiskelija osaa soveltaa tietämystään
raportoinnin kehittämiseen ja sekä tarvittavien analyysien, laskelmien ja raporttien
Sisältö: Katetuottoanalyysi, lyhyen tähtäyksen vaihtoehtolaskelmat, hinnoittelulaskelmat,
riski ja epävarmuus päätöksenteossa, investointilaskelmat, kvantitatiiviset menetelmät
johdon laskentatoimessa, tulosyksikkölaskenta, johdon ohjausjärjestelmät, strateginen
johdon laskentatoimi.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1.Luennot 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Kari
2.Harjoitukset 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Kari Koivistoinen.
3.Tentti (50 %) ja kurssin aikaiset suoritukset (50 %).
Hyväksyttävän kurssisuorituksen vaatimuksena on, että seuraavat ehdot täyttyvät: (a)
tentti vähintään 25 p (50 % * 50 p) ja (b) tentti + kurssin aikaiset suoritukset vähintään 50
p (50 % * 100 p). Tentti perustuu kurssikirjaan, luentoihin, harjoituksiin sekä erikseen
jaettavaan/ilmoitettavaan materiaaliin.
Rajan – Datar – Horngren (2015) Cost Accounting, Global Edition, 15/E ISBN 978-1-29201822-5.
Kurssikirjojen saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu:
Esitiedot: Laskentatoimen perusteet.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
22C00400 Tuloslaskenta (6 op)
Financial Accounting
Vastuuopettaja: Tapani Kykkänen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon koulutusohjelman laskentatoimen
erikoistumisopinnot (TS2005), laskentatoimen erikoistumisopinnot (TS2013)
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: III (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Luennot, 24 h
- Harjoitukset, 24 h
- Valmistautuminen luennoille, 24 h
- Valmistautuminen harjoituksiin, 48 h
- Valmistautuminen kuulusteluun, 37 h
- Tentti, 3 h
Kurssin kolme painopistettä ovat yksittäisen yrityksen kirjanpidon ja tilinpäätöksen
ongelmat, konsernitilinpäätös ja verotuksen tuloslaskenta.
Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija tuntee tilinpäätöksen ja konsernitilinpäätöksen
laatimiseen liittyvän lainsäädännön ja kansainväliset säännöt ja niiden suhteet
verolainsäädäntöön. Opiskelija on perehtynyt yrityksen ja konsernin tilinpäätöksen ja
muun yritysinformaation tuottamiseen ja suunnitteluun erityisesti talousjohdon
Sisältö: Kirjanpitoa ja tilinpäätöstä koskeva lainsäädäntö, tilinpäätöksen ja
konsernitilinpäätöksen laatiminen, arvopaperimarkkinalain tiedotusvelvollisuutta koskevat
vaatimukset, kansainvälinen tilinpäätöskäytäntö sekä tilinpäätös- ja verosuunnittelu.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Luennot 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Tapani Kykkänen.
2. Harjoitukset 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Kari Toiviainen.
3. Tentti (70 %) ja kurssin aikaiset suoritukset (30%). Hyväksyttävän kurssisuorituksen
vaatimuksena on, että seuraavat ehdot täyttyvät: (a) tentti vähintään 35 p (50 % * 70 p)
ja (b) tentti + harjoituspaketit vähintään 50 p (50 % * 100 p). Tentti perustuu
kurssikirjoihin, luentoihin, harjoituksiin sekä erikseen jaettavaan/ilmoitettavaan
Melville, Alan (2013) International financial reporting, a practical guide.
Leppiniemi, J. (2014) Tilinpäättäjän käsikirja. ISBN 978-952-63-2536-1
Kurssikirjojen saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22C00400
Esitiedot: Kirjanpito, Johdon laskentatoimi I.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
22C00500 Tilintarkastus (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Lasse Niemi
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon koulutusohjelman laskentatoimen
erikoistumisopintojen valinnainen kurssi (TS2005) tai laskentatoimen erikoistumisopinnot
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - osallistuminen luennoille 28 h
- valmistautuminen luennoille 28 h
- tenttiin valmistautuminen 101 h
- tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla on tietotavoitteita, asennetavoitteita ja taitotavoitteita.
Tietotavoitteet liittyvät tilintarkastuksen käsitteiden ja periaatteiden ymmärrykseen: sen
suunnitteluun, toteutukseen, tekniikoihin ja menetelmiin, tilintarkastajan raportointiin sekä
tilintarkastusstandardeihin, asennetavoitteet tilintarkastuksen eettisiä periaatteita
koskevan ajattelun kehittymiseen, ja taitotavoitteet tilintarkastusmenetelmien ja -tekniikan
soveltamiseen. Kurssin suorittanut opiskelija tietää, mistä lähtökohdista ja millaisia
oletuksia käyttäen tilintarkastus suoritetaan sekä millaisia tavoitteita standardit ja muu
sääntely tilintarkastukselle asettaa. Kurssin suorittanut opiskelija tietää myös, miten
tekniikoita ja menetelmiä sovelletaan. Kurssin suorittaneella opiskelijalla on taito suorittaa
yksinkertaisia tarkastustyövaiheita tilintarkastajan valvonnassa.
Sisältö: Tilintarkastuksen teoreettiset perusteet ja keskeiset käsitteet, tilintarkastuksen
suunnittelu ja toteutus: tilintarkastustyön vaiheet, tilintarkastusmenetelmät ja -tekniikka,
tilintarkastajan raportointi, tilintarkastusstandardit.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 28 h, prof. Lasse Niemi.
Luennoilla käydään läpi harjoituksia ja case-esimerkkejä.
2. Tentti (100 %) kurssikirjallisuudesta, luennoista ja luennoilla jaettavasta / erikseen
ilmoitettavasta materiaalista.
3. Kotitehtävät
Eilifsen, A., Messier, W. F. Glover, S. M. & Prawitt, D. F (2014) Auditing & Assurance
services. Third international edition.
- Kansainvälisen tilintarkastajaliiton IFAC:n (International Federation of Accountants) ISAstandardit (sähköinen versio ladattavissa liiton verkkosivuilta maksutta).
- Luennoilla jaettu tai osoitettu materiaali.
Linkki kurssikirjallisuuteen
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22C00500/
Esitiedot: Kirjanpito. Tuloslaskennan kurssia suositellaan.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Huom. Opiskelijat valmistautuvat luennoille etukäteen ensimmäisellä
luentokerralla esitetyn ohjelman mukaisesti.
22C00600 Sisäinen tarkastus ja ATK-avusteinen tarkastus (6 op)
Internal Auditing and Computer Assisted Audit Tools
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Toiviainen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon koulutusohjelman laskentatoimen
erikoistumisopintojen valinnainen kurssi (TS 2005) tai laskentatoimen erikoistumisopinnot
(TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: IV (kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Osallistumien luennoille, 24 h
- Valmistautuminen luennoille, 24 h
- Osallistuminen harjoituksiin, 24 h
- Valmistautuminen harjoituksiin, 55 h
- Valmistautuminen tenttiin, 30 h
- Tentti, 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija tuntee sisäisen valvonnan aseman
yhteisössä, sisäisen tarkastuksen, tietojärjestelmätarkastuksen ja tilintarkastuksen roolit
yhteisön omaksuman hallinnointimallin (Corporate Governance) mukaisessa tilanteessa.
Opiskelija tietää tarkastusta ohjaavat standardit ja ohjeet, hallitsee arviointiprosessin
kulun ja tuntee sisäisen tarkastuksen toteuttamisvaihtoehdot. Opiskelija tietää
kansainvälisten sisäisen valvonnan mallien perusperiaatteet. Opiskelija osaa tunnistaa
atk-avusteisten tarkastusvälineiden käyttömahdollisuudet ja käyttää tietojen hakuun ja
analysointiin tarkoitettua ohjelmaa tarkastustavoitteiden mukaisten analyysien
Sisältö: Yhteisöjen hallinnointimalli (Corporate Governance) sisäistä valvontaa ja sisäistä
tarkastusta koskevalta osaltaan. Kansainvälinen sisäisen valvonnan malli (COSO ja
COSO-ERM) ja kansainvälisten ammattistandardien mukainen sisäisen tarkastuksen
tehtäväkenttä ja arviointiprosessi. Tietojärjestelmätarkastustoiminto: yleiset periaatteet
sekä COBIT-malli ja sen käyttö tarkastuksen apuvälineenä. Tarkastustyötä tukevien
ohjelmistojen käyttökohteet, käyttö ja asema erityyppisissä tarkastusorganisaatioissa.
Harjoitustöiden ratkaiseminen mm. tietojen hakuun ja analysointiin tarkoitetulla ACLohjelmistolla.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Kari
Toiviainen ja sisäisen tarkastuksen asiantuntijat luennoivat.
2. Harjoitukset 24 h, yliopistonlehtori Kari Toiviainen ohjaa harjoituksia.
3. Tentti (50%), joka perustuu luentoihin ja luennoilla jaettavaan/erikseen ilmoitettavaan
aineistoon ja oheiseen kirjallisuuteen.
4. Pakolliset harjoitukset ja muut kurssinaikaiset suoritukset (50%).
Kurssin kokonaispistemäärä on 100. Hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen edellytetään vähintään
25 pisteen suoritus tentissä ja vähintään 25 pisteen suoritus pakollisissa harjoituksissa ja
muissa suorituksissa.
ACL Services, 1998 (1998) ACL for Windows v 6 Workbook. ISBN 0-9681454-6-9
HOLOPAINEN, A. et al. (2013) Sisäinen tarkastus. ISBN 978-951-885-362-9
Hall, James A. (2011) Information Technology Auditing. ISBN 978-0-538-46930-2 tai
1. Sisäisen tarkastuksen ammattistandardit ja eettiset säännöt, 2013, (
2. Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework, Committee of Sponsoring
Organization of the Treadway Commission, 2004 (luennoitsijan ilmoittamin osin).
3. Luennolla jaettava/erikseen ilmoitettava aineisto
Linkki kurssikirjallisuuteen
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22C00600/
Esitiedot: Laskentatoimen perusteet, Kirjanpito, Tuloslaskenta, Tilintarkastus.
Suositellaan kurssin suorittamista vasta laskentatoimen pääaineen muiden opintojen
jälkeen tai maisteriopintojen ohella.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kurssille otetaan 40 opiskelijaa. Ohjelman opiskelijat ja KHT-tutkintoon
valmistautuvat etusijalla. Muista ilmoittautua myös yhteen harjoitusryhmään. Kurssille
hyväksyttyjen on vahvistettava osallistumisensa kurssille ensimmäisellä luentokerralla,
muutoin paikka menee seuraavana jonossa olevalle. Luennoille ja harjoituksiin
osallistumisesta ja poissaolojen korvaamisesta on tarkemmat ohjeet kurssin
opetussuunnitelmassa (syllabus).
22C00900 Kassavirta-analyysit (6 op)
Cash Flow Analyses
Vastuuopettaja: Juha Kinnunen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon koulutusohjelman laskentatoimen
erikoistumisopintojen valinnainen kurssi (TS 2005).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Luennot ja harjoitukset, 28 h
- Harjoitusten valmistelu pienryhmissä, 20 h
- Omatoiminen opiskelu, 108 h
- Tentti, 4 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Perehdyttää tilinpäätösinformaatioon perustuvien kassavirtaanalyysien hyväksikäyttöön yrityksen tulorahoituksen riittävyyden ja maksuvalmiuden
arvioimiseksi yrityksen ulkopuolisen tarkastelijan näkökulmasta sekä tutustuttaa
likviditeettisuunnittelun ja kassanhallinnan keskeisiin menetelmiin ja malleihin yrityksen
talousjohdon näkökulmasta.
Sisältö: Rahavirta-analyysien tarkoitus ja rahavirtatyypit, rahavirtalaskelmat
tilinpäätöksen osana, kassavirtalaskelmien laatiminen tuloslaskelma- ja tasetiedoista,
kassavirtaperusteiset tunnusluvut ja niiden hyväksikäyttö, kassavirtaperusteinen
tilinpäätösinformaatio sijoittajan näkökulmasta, kassavirtainformaation vahvuudet ja
heikkoudet tilinpäätösanalyysin kannalta, sekä likviditeettisuunnittelun lähtökohdat ja
kassanhallinnan keskeiset mallit yrityksen taloushallinnon osana.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
- Luennot ja harjoitukset 28 h, prof. Juha Kinnunen.
- Tentti (60 %), joka perustuu kurssikirjallisuuteen ja muuhun oppimateriaaliin, sekä
pienryhmäharjoitukset (40 %).
Hyväksyttävän kurssisuorituksen vaatimuksena on, että seuraavat ehdot täyttyvät: (a)
tentti vähintään 24 p ja (b) tentti + pienryhmäharjoitukset vähintään 40 p.
Oppimateriaali: Luento- ja harjoitusmateriaali sekä kurssilla ilmoitettava kirjallisuus ja
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22C00900/
Esitiedot: Laskentatoimen perusteet, Kirjanpito, Tuloslaskenta (suositeltava).
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
22C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma (10 op)
Bachelor’s Thesis
Vastuuopettaja: Tapani Kykkänen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon koulutusohjelman laskentatoimen
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot.
Opetusperiodi: I - II, IV - V (syksy 2015, kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Seminaaritilaisuudet, 24 h
- Valmistautuminen seminaaritilaisuuksiin, 60 h
- Kandidaatintutkielman laatiminen, 233 h
- Kypsyyskoe, 3 h
Tavoitteena on, että opiskelija tuntee oman tutkimusalansa keskeiset teoriat,
tutkimusongelmat ja -menetelmät ja hänellä on valmiudet laskentatoimen tieteellisen
tutkimuksen tekemiseen ja kriittiseen arviointiin. Opiskelija osaa myös soveltaa
saamaansa teoreettista tietämystä ja analyyttisia valmiuksia sekä ongelman
ratkaisukykyä erilaisissa päätöksentekotilanteissa.
Kandidaatintutkielmaseminaarin päätteeksi opiskelija suorittaa kandidaatin
kypsyysnäytteen, jossa opiskelija osoittaa osaavansa tuottaa asiatekstiä äidinkielellä ja
hallitsevansa kandidaatintutkielman keskeiset osa-alueet.
Sisältö: Seminaarityöskentely, kandidaatintutkielman laatiminen, kypsyysnäyte.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Kandidaatintutkielman laatiminen ja
suullinen esitys (70 % kurssin arvosanasta).
2. Opponointi ja sihteerinä toimiminen (15 % kurssin arvosanasta).
3. Aktiivinen osallistuminen ryhmän työskentelyyn (15 % kurssin arvosanasta).
4. Kypsyysnäyte (hyväksytty/hylätty). Seminaari toteutetaan useassa ryhmässä johdon
laskentatoimen ja rahoittajien laskentatoimen alueilla.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22C99901/
Esitiedot: Osallistumisen edellytyksenä on seuraavien opintojaksojen suorittaminen:
Laskentatoimen perusteet, Kirjanpito ja Johdon laskentatoimi I. Edellisten lisäksi
suositellaan seuraavista suoritettavaksi se opintojakso, johon tutkielman aihe liittyy:
Johdon laskentatoimi II tai Tuloslaskenta.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kevätlukukauden ryhmiin ilmoittaudutaan 15.1. mennessä ja
syyslukukauden ryhmiin 15.8. mennessä. Ilmoittautuminen tapahtuu sähköisesti kurssin
Kypsyysnäytteen suorittaminen sovitaan suoraan ohjaajan kanssa eikä siihen tarvitse
ilmoittautua WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
22C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari (2 op)
Thesis Seminar
Sisältö: Ks. 22C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
22C99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Sisältö: Ks. 22C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma.
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty
22C99904 Capstone-kurssi: Talousjohdon tehtäväkenttä ja osaamisalueet (6 op)
Capstone-course: Accounting
Vastuuopettaja: Jari Melgin
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, laskentatoimen erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2013). Kurssi on
erikoistumisopintojen pakollinen kurssi tutkintosäännön 2013 mukaan opiskeleville.
Kurssi on vaativa, joten on suositeltava ottaa se vasta kolmantena opintovuotena.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: II (syksy 2015), III (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: -Kontaktitunnit ja viikkotehtävien purku, 36 h
-Viikkotehtävien valmistelu, 48 h
-Henkilökohtainen loppuraportti 76 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Aiempien kurssien kokemusten perusteella on suositeltavaa että
valtaosa laskentatoimen kandidaattiopinnoista on suoritettu kurssille tultaessa, koska
muuten sen sisältö voi osoittautua liian haastavaksi. Tiedollisena tavoitteena on kasata
yhteen laskentatoimen pääaineopiskelijoiden kandidaattiopinnot soveltavan caseopetuksen kautta, niin että osallistuja ymmärtää myös rahoitukseen, yritysjuridiikkan ja
tietojärjestelmien liittymäpinnat laskentatoimeen. Taidollisena tavoitteena on, että
opiskelija osaa soveltaa saamaansa teoreettista tietämystä ja analyyttisia valmiuksia
yritysten laskentatoimeen liittyvien kokonaisvaltaisten käytännön ongelmien
Sisältö: Kurssi rakennetaan yrityskaupan muodostaman kehystarinan varaan, ja se
sisältää seuraavat osuudet:
1. Ennakkovalmistelut: yritys- ja toimiala-analyysi,
2. Yrityskaupan arviointi: arvonmääritys, rahoitus ja sijoittajasuhteet,
3. Oikeudelliset näkökulmat: due diligence, kauppasopimus ja kilpailuviranomaiset,
4. Strukturointi: yritysrakenteet ja verosuunnittelu,
5. Integraatio: konserniraportointi ja tietojärjestelmät,
6. Laskentatoimi muutoksen välineenä: johtorymätyöskentely, saneeraus ja myynnin
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
Koko kurssi on hyvin käytännönläheinen, ja kaikki harjoitustyöt perustuvat ajankohtaisiin
yritystapauksiin. Kurssin totetus mudostuu kahdesta viikottaisesta 3 tunnin sessiosta,
joilla vuorottelevat aiheisiin liittyvät alustukset, harjoitustyöt ja niiden purku. Osassa
luentoja paikalla on myös erityisalueen käytännön asiantuntija.
Kurssin materiaali koostuu luentojen lisäksi viikkotöiden taustamateriaalista. Tällaisia
ovat mm. vuosikertomukset, kaupalliset sopimukset, sijoitusanalyysit ja erilaiset ohjeet ja
säädökset. Lopputyössä hyödynnetään suoraan viikkoharjoituksissa ja luennoilla saatuja
Harjoitustyöt tehdään osallistujien määrästä riippuen joko yksilötöinä tai
pienryhmissä. Lopputyö on yksilötyö.
Koska kurssista ei järjestetä tenttiä, tuntiaktiivisuus ja viikkotehtävät muodostavat puolet
kurssin arvioinnista. Toinen puoli perustuu henkilökohtaisen laajan lopputyön arviontiin.
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin aikana jaettava materiaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: Ensimmäisellä luennolla annettaan kurssin Moodle-sivujen
Esitiedot: Suositeltavaa on tulla kurssille aikaisintaan opintojen kolmantena vuonna.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5.
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Tarkista ilmoittautumisajat weboodista.
Opetuskieli: suomi.
22E00100 Financial Statement Analysis (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Juha-Pekka Kallunki; Henry Jarva
Kurssin asema: M.Sc.-degree, compulsory course for accounting, finance and corporate
law majors students (DR 2005). Compulsory course for Accounting major students (DR
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies.
Opetusperiodi: I (Fall 2015) & IV (Spring 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Participation in lectures and in-class exercises, 24 h
- Preparation for lectures and in-class exercises, 24 h
- Preparation for exam, 90 h
- Exam, 4 h
Osaamistavoitteet: After completing the course, students have knowledge and skills
needed in analyzing financial statements in various decision-making situations. In
particular, students can analyze financial statements in order to evaluate (i) various
aspects of the profitability of the firm, (ii) cash flows vs. accrual earnings, (iii) credit risk of
the firm, and (iii) the value of the firm. Students are moreover familiar with how valuation
models are used when preparing IFRS financial statements.
1. Financial statement analysis in decision-making
2. Accrual vs. cash flow accounting, earnings quality
3. Analytical income statement and balance sheet
4. Analysis of the profitability of the firm, decomposing profitability measures
5. Effect of financial leverage to the profitability
6. Technical properties of financial ratios
7. Firm valuation
8. IFRS and firm valuation
9. Credit risk analysis
10. Contemporary research evidence on using financial statement analysis in decision
making, especially in equity investments.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
- Lectures
- Exercises (40 %)
- Exam (60 %)
- Participation in-class discussions and quizzes (10 %).
A student has to pass both the final exam and the total grade.
Oppimateriaali: Petersen, T & Plenborg, C. 2011. ’Financial Statement Analysis:
Valuation - Credit Analysis - Executive Compensation’, Prentice Hall. Other study material
and articles as instructed by the instructor during the course. Supplementary (but not
required) reading for Finnish students: Kallunki, J-P, 2014, ’Tilinpäätösanalyysi’,
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E00100/
Esitiedot: Courses Kirjanpito and Corporate Finance, Tuloslaskenta are recommended.
The course is a MSc course.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Compulsory registration via WebOodi. See the registration time in
Opetuskieli: English
Lisätietoja: This course replaces 22E00100 Tilinpäätösanalyysit.
22E00200 Theories of Financial Statements (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Juha Kinnunen
Kurssin asema: M.Sc.-degree, advanced elective course in accounting (DR 2005 & DR
Kurssin taso: Advanced.
Opetusperiodi: III (Spring 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
Lectures and exercise classes, 24 h
Preparation of exercises, 40 h
Self-study, 93 h
Exam, 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: The objective of the course is to deepen student’s knowledge of the
theories and ways of thought behind financial statement information. The course also
aims to develop student’s know-how of practical applications, as well as to enhance
his/her capability of writing a master’s thesis on a related topic. Topics covered include,
among others, market-based and positive accounting theories, and their importance for
the interpretation and applications of financial statement information. Empirical studies on
related topics are also addressed.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Lectures and exercises, 24 h, Prof.
Juha Kinnunen.
2. Exam based on course literature (60 points).
3. Exercises in small groups (40 points).
4. Passing the course requires that both of the following two conditions are met: (a) exam
30 points at the minimum; and (b) exam + exercises 50 points at the minimum.
Scott, William R. (2009) Financial accounting theory.
Assigned articles, exercises and handout materials.
Link to course material
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E00200/
Esitiedot: At least three introductory or intermediate level courses in financial accounting
such as Kirjanpito (22C00100), Tuloslaskenta (22C00400) and Tilinpäätösanalyysit
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: Finnish and English.
The maximum number of students enrolled in the course is 40. The students are
accepted in order of registration, with priority given to students on the accounting M.Sc.
A notification of the acceptance/rejection to attend the course will be sent by email before
the course start to all students registered to the course. Please note: personal attendance
to the opening lecture is mandatory to all accepted students, with no exceptions. Failure
to do so is automatically interpreted as a resignation from the course and the space
thereby being vacated will be allocated to students waiting in the queue. Please note also
that this course will be organized for the last time in its current form in spring 2016.
This course replaces 22E00200 Tilinpäätöksen teoriat.
22E00300 Konsernilaskenta (6 op)
Consolidated Financial Statements
Vastuuopettaja: KHT Maija Ant-Wuorinen
Kurssin asema: Laskentatoimen KTM-koulutusohjelman tuloslaskennan
erikoistumisalueen kurssi (TS 2005 & TS 2013) .
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Opetusperiodi: V (kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Osallistuminen luennoille ja harjoituksiin 30 h
- Valmistautuminen luennoille ja harjoituksiin 54 h
- Harjoitusten tekeminen 32 h
- Tenttiin valmistautuminen 40 h
- Tentti 4 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Ymmärtää konsernitilinpäätöksen laadintavelvollisuus ja periaatteet
sekä sisältö ja tavoitteet. Antaa perusvalmiudet konsernitilinpäätöksen laatimiseen 1)
julkisesti listatussa kansainvälisessä ympäristössä toimivassa osakeyhtiössä ja 2)
yksityisessä suomalaisessa osakeyhtiössä. Perehdyttää opiskelijat konsernitilinpäätöksen
erityiskysymyksiin (esim. muuntoerot, omistusyhteys-, osakkuus-, ja yhteisyritysten
yhdistely, vähemmistöosuuksien käsittely ja konsernirakenteen muutokset). Antaa
perusymmärrys tietyistä konsernitilinpäätöstä koskevista IFRS-standardeista (IFRS 3,
IFRS 5, IFRS 8, IAS 36).
Sisältö: Konsernin käsite, konsernitilinpäätöstä koskevat säädökset,
konsernitilinpäätöksen laajuus ja tavoitteet, konsernin sisäisen omistuksen eliminointi,
sisäisten katteiden eliminointi, vähemmistön erottaminen, osakkuus- ja yhteisyritysten
yhdistely, konsernirakenteen muutokset, kurssi- ja muuntoerot, tietyt IFRS-standardit.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: - Luennot 22 h, KHT Maija Ant-Wuorinen,
Juha Saukonniemi ja KHT Toni Halonen.
- Harjoitukset, 8 h, Maija Ant-Wuorinen, Juha Saukonniemi ja Toni Halonen. - Tentti (100
%), joka perustuu luentoihin, harjoituksiin ja ohessa mainittuun kirjallisuuteen sekä
erikseen jaettuun/ilmoitettavaan materiaaliin.
Kirjallisuus: ENGLUND, T., PREPULA, E., RIISTAMA, V. & TUOKKO, Y. (2005)
Konsernitilinpäätös kirjanpitolain mukaan. ISBN 951-0-30133-7 ; KHT-Media Oy (2011)
IFRS-standardit 2011. ISBN 978-952-218-092-6
ENGLUND, T., PREPULA, E., RIISTAMA, V. & TUOKKO, Y. (2005) Konsernitilinpäätös
kirjanpitolain mukaan.
KHT-Media Oy (2013) IFRS-standardit 2013.
Säännökset ja ohjeet: Kirjanpitolaki ja -asetus, Osakeyhtiölaki 8 luku,
Kirjanpitolautakunnan yleisohje konsernitilinpäätöksen laatimisesta 7.11.2006,
Kirjanpitolautakunnan yleisohje laskennallisista veroveloista ja -saamisista 12.9.2006.
Linkki kurssikirjallisuuteen
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E00300/
Esitiedot: Tuloslaskenta. Kandidaatin tutkinto.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
Lisätietoja: Kurssille otetaan 80 opiskelijaa. Etusija on laskentatoimen maisteriohjelman
22E00400 International Accounting (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Hannu Ojala
Status of the Course: M.Sc.-degree, advanced course in Accounting (DR 2005 & DR
2013). CEMS course.
Level of the Course: Advanced.
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015) & V (Spring 2016).
Learning Outcomes: The students will learn to know the most important international
financial reporting standards and the challenges that enterprises and auditors are facing
in applying them.
Content: To work as company controller and be able to contribute to the preparation of
financial statements according to international accounting standards. To work as an
auditor and being able to audit IFRS financial statements. To work as a financial analyst
and being able to analyze IFRS-prepared financial statements.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, cases, and class discussions. Written
examination (100%) that is based on the lectures and course literature.
Study Material: Troberg, Pontus (2013) IFRS Now - In the Light of US GAAP and
Finnish Practice
Link to study materials
Course Homepage: In Noppa.
Prerequisites: At least three financial accounting courses. The course is an advanced
level MSc course.
Evaluation: 0-5.
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
The course will be lectured at Hanken in the II period. A maximum of 40 Aalto Econ MSc
students will be accepted to the course in order of registration. Only students of Aalto
Econ MSc programs can be accepted to the course. Priority will be given to students of
the Accounting MSc program and CEMS students.
The course will be lectured at Aalto in the V period. Maximum on 60 Msc. students will be
accepted to the course.
Please note! Attendance to the first lecture is mandatory.
22E00500 Corporate Governance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Seppo Ikäheimo
Status of the Course: M.Sc.-degree, advanced course in accounting (DR 2005 & DR
2013). CEMS course.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016)
- Classroom hours, 32 h
- Class preparation, 76 h
- Group work, 20 h
- Exam preparation, 28 h
- Exam, 4 h
Learning Outcomes: You will be able to use the concepts of corporate governance in
every day thinking, understand the role of good governance in the corporate success,
understand the relationship between the company management, board of directors and
shareholders and the reasons for the variety in corporate governance practices both
within one country and between countries and the recent trend of convergence in
corporate governance practices, understand the importance of various institutions of
corporate governance and the logic how they work and evaluate the quality of corporate
governance practices.
The course underlines the major problems of corporate governance with agency and
principle problems and stewardship approaches and how institutions of corporate
governance are solutions for these problems. The course aligns the theoretical thinking
with empirical and practical solutions within the field of corporate governance. The course
offers the diversity of solutions and helps to understand the country and company specific
practices of corporate governance.
The major topics cover the big picture of corporate governance and the main institutions
of corporate governance including board of directors, investor relations, auditing and
internal control, executive compensation, shareholder activism and external corporate
governance. After the course you will understand the importance of these institutions and
the logic how they work.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Diaries, lectures 32 h (Prof. Seppo Ikäheimo),
and group work (60 %). 2. Exam (40 %).
Study Material: Material distributed by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E00500/
Prerequisites: Bacherlor’s degree. The course is an advanced MSc level course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: All students are accepted to the course. This course replaces the
previous courses “Yrityksen omistajat ja ylin johto” (32D300) and Corporate Governance
(32E12000). Students who have completed these courses, cannot participate in this one.
22E10000 Strategic Management Accounting (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Juhani Vaivio
Kurssin asema: M.Sc. degree, advanced course in Management Accounting (DR 2005
& DR 2013). This course is also included in the CEMS Master’s in International
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies.
Opetusperiodi: II (Fall 2015)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Classroom hours, 24 h
- Class preparation, 61 h
- Exam preparation, 76 h
- Exam, 4 h
Osaamistavoitteet: The objective of the course is to deepen the understanding of how
management accounting - as a management technology that constructs organizational
reality – becomes connected with the following topic areas:
- The crafting of strategy and its communication
- Organizational learning and the generation of strategic initiatives
- Critical strategic decision processes
- The problems of strategic control
- Key issues in strategic change
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Interactive lectures 24 h, prof. Juhani
2. Exam (60%), based on indicated readings.
3. Active class participation and discussion, as well as presentations and essay-reports in
groups (total 40%).
Oppimateriaali: Reading material and cases announced in class.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E10000/
Esitiedot: Johdon laskentatoimi II, Tuloslaskenta, Financial Statement Analysis. The
course is a MSc course.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: English.
Lisätietoja: A maximum of 40 MSc students will be accepted to the course. Priority will
be given to 25 students of the MSc program in Accounting and to 15 MSc Accounting
students of Hanken. This course replaces the course Strateginen johdon laskentatoimi
(22E10000). Please note that attendance to the first lecture is mandatory.
22E12000 Capital Budgeting (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Katja Kolehmainen; Jari Huikku
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, advanced course in accounting DR2005 &
DR2013. CEMS course.
Level of the Course: Advanced.
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016)
- Classroom hours, 24 h
- Class preparation, 11 h
- Exercises 95 h
- Exam preparation, 26 h
- Exam, 4 h
Learning Outcomes: The main objective of this course is to provide students with the
capability to participate in capital investment decision-making processes. After this course
students will understand the opportunities and limitations of various capital investment
methods and how they could be used in modern organizations.
Content: The major topics of capital budgeting cover the general features of capital
budgeting, cost of capital, costs and benefits of investments, flexibilities and uncertainties
in capital budgeting, strategic investments, capital budgeting in modern production
environment and in an international context, special features of R&D/IT-investments, and
post-completion auditing.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Lectures given by Assistant Professor Jari Huikku and Assistant Professor Katja
2. Exercises (40 %)
3. Exam (60 %)
Literature: Baker, H.K. and English P. (eds.) (2011) Capital budgeting valuation;
Financial analysis for today s investment projects. ISBN 9780470569504
Study Material:
Baker, H.K. and English P. (eds.) (2011) Capital budgeting valuation; Financial analysis
for today s investment projects. ISBN 9780470569504.
Material distributed by the lecturers.
Link to study materials:
Substitutes for Courses: This course replaces the course 22E12000 Investointien
suunnittelu ja valvonta.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E12000/
Prerequisites: Johdon laskentatoimi II. The course is an advanced level MSc course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: Max. 60 students can be accepted to the course - in order of
registration, but priority is given to students in the Accounting M.Sc. program and CEMS
22E13000 Accounting as Social and Institutional Practice (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Juhani Vaivio; Terhi Chakhovich
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, advanced course in Accounting DR 2005 & DR
2013. CEMS course.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015)
Classroom contact hours: 18 h
Class preparation: 80 h.
Exam preparation: 58 h.
Exam: 4h.
Learning Outcomes: The course offers perspectives for evaluating accounting
practices: We build a framework for assessing accounting’s potential, as well as its
limitations and problems, in the increasing “quantification” of organizational life.
Content: The objective of the course is to shed light on how contemporary accounting
practices, and accounting’s remarkable ability to translate qualities into quantities, are
linked with wider societal and institutional considerations. In order to fully understand
accounting’s origins, its power and its workings in the rationalistic organizations of our
time, we have to look beyond an organization’s or a business firm’s boundaries – into the
much broader context of improvement agendas, social discourses and institutional
arrangements where accounting is embedded.
1 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Interactive lectures and participation in
classroom discussions & assignments 50%.
2 Exam, based on indicated readings material 50%.
A passed exam is necessary for obtaining a final grade from the course.
Study Material: Indicated reading material.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22e13000/
22E00100 Financial Statement Analysis
22E25000 Accounting for Management Control
22E10000 Strategic Management Accounting
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 40 students will be accepted to the course. Priority
will be given to students who have been accepted to the Master’s Program in Accounting
and to CEMS students.
22E20700 Research Methods in Accounting (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Henry Jarva; Yaping Mao
Kurssin asema: M.Sc.-degree, compulsory advanced course in Accounting (DR 2005 &
DR 2013).
Kurssin taso: Advanced.
Opetusperiodi: I (Fall 2015), III (Spring 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Participation in lectures and in-class exercises, 18 h
- Preparation for lectures and in-class exercises, 18 h
- Individual homework exercises, 48 h
- Preparation of individual research plan, 76 h
Osaamistavoitteet: The purpose of the course is to provide the student with capabilities
to independently prepare her/his master’s thesis by using academic research methods in
accounting. The student will learn to identify a research problem, analyze and solve it,
draw inferences from the analysis, and communicate all the stages of the research
project and the results.
Sisältö: During the course the student will familiarize her-/himself with the research
process and the use of research methods:
1. Quantitative research methods in financial accounting.
2. Qualitative research methods in management accounting, including case studies and
survey research.
3. STATA statistical analysis software.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Evaluation: Pass/fail. The student should
receive passing grade from participation in each individual lecture and in-class exercise
session, each homework exercise and the research plan. Additional information and
course material will be made available at the course website.
Kirjallisuus: Boris Blumberg, Donald R. Cooper & Pamela S. Schindler (2008) Business
Research Methods. ISBN 978– 0-07– 711745¬– 0
Oppimateriaali: Boris Blumberg, Donald R. Cooper & Pamela S. Schindler (2008)
Business Research Methods. Link to course material
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E20700/
Esitiedot: Registration for Master’s Thesis Seminar (22E99901). The course is an
advanced level course for MSc students.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Compulsory registration via WebOodi. See the registration time in
Opetuskieli: English/Finnish
Lisätietoja: This course replaces 22E20700 Tutkimusmenetelmät laskentatoimessa.
22E21000 Auditing - Theory and Practice (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Lasse Niemi
Kurssin asema: M.Sc.-degree, advanced course in auditing (DR 2005 & DR 2013).
Kurssin taso: Advanced.
Opetusperiodi: IV (Spring 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Classroom hours, 24 h
- Class preparation, readings, 16 h
- Case exercises, 48 h
- Research article presentation, 36 h
- Term paper, 36 h
Osaamistavoitteet: The objective of the course is to present and discuss fundamental
questions and major themes in auditing research and practice through academic
research studies and real case-exercises.
Sisältö: The themes include preconditions for an audit and the audit environment,
objectives of and demand for auditing, audit reporting, fundamental concepts, such as
risk, auditing and corporate governance. The issues are discussed from regulatory and
economic theory perspectives.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Lectures (24 h ). Fundamental
questions and major themes in auditing research and practice. Prof. Lasse Niemi.
2. Team work: participants work as a team as follows:
- Student presentations: each group will present one research article and prepare a 6page description of the articles. (30 %) - Real cases: four case exercises (40 %).
- Term paper: a 10 page paper on a current topical issue in audit practise and/or
regulation. Deadline for term paper submission is two weeks after the last lecture. (30 %)
Kirjallisuus: KNAPP, M (2012) Auditing Cases, International Edition 9e. ISBN
KNAPP, M (2012) Auditing Cases, International Edition 9e. ISBN 9781133187905
International Standards on Auditing, IFAC (International Federation of Accountants)
Reading material announced in class.
Link to course materials
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E21000/
Esitiedot: Exam passed: 22C00500 Tilintarkastus (Auditing).
Exam passed: 22C00400 Tuloslaskenta (Financial Accounting), or at least two Financial
Accounting courses. The course is an advanced level MSc course. Exchange students
should show a copy of transcript of records of their previous studies to the Study
coordinator of the Department as a proof of completing at least three financial accounting
courses and one course in introductory auditing.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: English.
Max. 40 students can be accepted to the course - in order of registration, but priority
given to students of the accounting MSc program, then finance program and business
law program. In addition, 20 students from Hanken will be accepted to the course.
Attendance at the first lecture is mandatory.
22E25000 Accounting for Management Control (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Teemu Malmi
Kurssin asema: MSc degree, advanced course in accounting (DR 2005 & DR 2013).
Kurssin taso: Advanced.
Opetusperiodi: I (Fall 2015)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Classroom hours, 24
- Class preparation, 46 h
- Case assignments, 40 h
- Exam preparation, 46 h
- Exam, 4 h
Osaamistavoitteet: The objective of the course is to deepen the understanding of
accounting based controls as part of the organizations management systems. The role of
accounting in both strategic and operational control is discussed. The aim is to develop
student’s competences in applying such controls to assist in various managerial
challenges. Course allows insights into the current research in this field as well as helps
those who plan to do masters thesis in this topic area.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Lectures, cases and group assignments
(50%) 24 h, prof. Teemu Malmi.
2. Exam (50%).
Kirjallisuus: Simons, Robert (2005) Levers of Organization Design. ISBN 1-59139-283-7
Reading material as indicated in Syllabus.
Required text book is Management Control Systems, Merchant & Van der Stede, 3rd ed,
Prentice Hall.
Book by R. Simons, Levers of Organisational Design, HBSP, 2005 is suggested as a
supplementary reading.
Link to course material
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E25000/
Esitiedot: Johdon laskentatoimi II, Tuloslaskenta. The course is an advanced level MSc
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: English
Lisätietoja: A maximum of 50 MSc students will be accepted to the course. This course
replaces 22E25000 Toiminnan ja talouden ohjaus.
22E26000 Cost Accounting and Financial Planning (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Teemu Malmi; Mikko Sandelin
Status of the Course: MSc in Accounting, elective course (DR 2005 & DR 2013).
Level of the Course: Advanced.
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016)
-Lectures 18 h
-Exercises/group work 25 h
-Independent study 117 h
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to develop skills in designing cost
accounting and profitability management systems. The first part of the course focuses on
various cost accounting systems design alternatives. The course will discuss the use and
applicability of various overhead allocation methods in different business set-ups. The
second part of the course takes a close look on financial planning and forecasting. The
course will explore the use of budgets and forecasts as part of the management systems
and discuss management reporting in contemporary organizations.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures, participation activity and case reports
(60% of the marking) 2. Final exam (40% of the marking)
Study Material:
Cooper, R. & Kaplan, R.S. 1999 . The Design of Cost Management Systems.
Axson, D., 2009. Best Practices in Planning and Performance Management: Radically
Rethinking Management for a Volatile World
Morlidge, S and Player, S. (2009) Future Ready: How to master business forecasting.
London: John Wiley & Sons
Barret, R., 2007. Planning and budgeting for the agile enterprise: a driver-based
budgeting toolkit. London: CIMA publishing (suggested additional reading)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22e26000/esite
Prerequisites: The course is an advanced level MSc course. Johdon laskentatoimi II,
Evaluation: 0-5.
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi. See the registration time in Weboodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
22E28000 Accounting Information Systems (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Hanna Silvola
Status of the Course: MSc (Biz), Accounting Program, elective course (DR 2005 & DR
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016)
- Participation in lectures, 24 h
- Preparation for lectures, 24 h
- Case exercise and presentation (group work), 52 h
- Preparation for the exam, 60 h
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to develop skills to analyze
information systems from an accounting research viewpoint, and to be capable of
participating in the selection and development of accounting information systems. The
student will also learn to identify, analyze, solve and communicate major challenges
related to integrated information system development and business intelligence
Content: The course provides information on accounting informations systems, ERP
systems and business intelligence that are relevant in strategic financial management.
The course covers impacts of accounting information systems on management
accounting, on the role of management accountants and on performance. The course
covers various software demonstrations. The student will get an understanding of
academic literature and research gaps of the topic.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The student presentation will be 25%, the written
report 25% and exam 50% of the final mark.
Study Material:
Granlund, M. (2011). Extending AIS research to management accounting and control
issues: A research note. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems.
Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 3–19.
Grabski - Leech - Sangster: Management Accounting in Enterprise Resource Planning
Systems, CIMA, Oxford, 2009 (ScienceDirect).
Turban, Efraim, Sharda R., and Delen, D.: Decision support and business intelligence
systems 9th ed., 2011.
Additional information (selection of academic articles given by visiting professors) and
course material will be made available at the course website.
Course Homepage: In Noppa
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s Degree. The course is an advanced level course for MSc
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
22E29000 Corporate Sustainability Reporting (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mikael Niskala
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, advanced course in accounting (DR 2013 & DR
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016)
Classroom hours, 28 h
Class preparation, 12 h
Exercises 95 h
Exam preparation, 26 h
Exam, 4 h
Learning Outcomes: The main objective of this course is to introduce theoretical and
principles-based approaches to corporate sustainability reporting in practice. Lectures will
be combined with practical exercises during which students will be asked to accomplish
tasks related to practical problems of corporate sustainability reporting. After completing
the course, a student knows the content of international corporate sustainability reporting
guidelines, generally accepted reporting and accounting principles applied in corporate
sustainability disclosure and requirements for corporate sustainability-related disclosures
in the financial statements. The student is also able to evaluate corporate sustainability
information from the user’s perspective.
Content: Introduction of the concept and content of corporate sustainability reporting,
relevant international instruments of corporate sustainability, the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI) and the Integrated Reporting frameworks, mandatory disclosure
requirements for environmental and social information in the financial statements,
accounting and reporting principles for corporate sustainability performance indicators,
sustainability data quality principles, data management and external assurance and use
of corporate sustainability reports.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Lectures given by Lic. Sc. Mikael Niskala
2. Exercises (40 %) based on instructions given during the lectures
3. Exam (60 %)
Study Material:
UNERMAN, J; BEBBINGTON, J. & O’DWYER, B. Sustainability Accounting and
Accountability, Routledge, 2013
NISKALA, M., PAJUNEN, T & TARNA, K.: Yritysvastuu – raportointi- ja
laskentaperiaatteet. KHT Media Oy, 2013
GLOBAL REPORTING INITIATIVE (GRI): Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (4.0), 2013
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22e29000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
22E99901 Master’s Thesis (30 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Henry Jarva
Kurssin asema: Mandatory advanced course.
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies.
Opetusperiodi: I - II, III - V (Fall 2015, Spring 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Classroom hours, 28 h
- Class preparation, 68 h
- Thesis writing, 700 h
- Maturity exam, 4 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Writing a master’s thesis in accounting has two primary learning
objectives: first, to develop student’s capability to conduct independent scientific research
in accounting, and second, to provide the student with in-depth expertise in his/her
chosen topic area. These objectives are accomplished through several steps: (1) finding
an important topic area and defining an interesting research question pertaining to it, (2)
searching and summarizing relevant prior literature on the topic area in a structured
manner, (3) acquiring empirical quantitative or qualitative data, (4) analyzing the data with
appropriate scientific methods, (5) reporting empirical findings in an informative manner,
and (6) finally discussing the results and their implications for future research.
Sisältö: Active participation in the Master’s Thesis Seminar (22E99902) during two
semesters, writing and submitting the completed thesis, and a written examination in
Maturity Test. Teachers: Seppo Ikäheimo, Juha Kinnunen, Katja Kolehmainen, Teemu
Malmi, Lasse Niemi, Hannu Ojala, Hanna Silvola, Juhani Vaivio.
Kurssin kotisivu: Please see the home page of the Master’s Thesis Seminar
Esitiedot: Bachelor’s degree. In addition, the student is expected to take the course
Research Methods in Accounting (22E20700) in the same semester as his/her Master’s
Thesis Seminar starts.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Please see Master’s Thesis Seminar (22E99902) below.
Opetuskieli: English.
22E99902 Master’s Thesis Seminar (0 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Seppo Ikäheimo; Hanna Silvola; Katja Kolehmainen; Lasse Niemi;
Teemu Malmi; Henry Jarva; Juha Kinnunen; Juhani Vaivio; Hannu Ojala
Kurssin asema: Mandatory advanced course (DR 2005).
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies.
Opetusperiodi: I - II, III - V (Fall 2015, Spring 2016)
Osaamistavoitteet: Master’s Thesis seminar aims to help the student in writing his/her
Master’s Thesis by providing constructive comments and feedback from the instructor
and other students participating the seminar.
Sisältö: Master’s Thesis Seminar takes two (usually consecutive) semesters. In the first
semester (stage I), the student is expected to present his//her research plan for the
Master’s Thesis. After this stage, the degree of completion of the thesis is approximately
25 %. In the second semester (stage II), the student is expected to present the first draft
of the thesis, including empirical findings and results. After this stage, the degree of
completion of the thesis is approximately 75 %, and the student is expected to submit the
final version of the thesis by the end of the following semester at the latest. Teachers:
Please see 22E99901 Master’s Thesis above.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22E99902/
Esitiedot: Please see 22E99901 Master’s Thesis.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: To register for a seminar group, please fill out a form available at the
website https://noppa.aalto.fi/kurssi/22E99902 and return it personally to one of the
teachers. Registration deadline is May 31 for seminar groups starting in the fall term, and
November 30 for the groups starting in the spring term. This is the 0 cr DR 2005 Thesis
Seminar, if you are studying accorging to DR 2013 and wish to complete 6 cr Seminar,
please indicate this on the registration form.
Opetuskieli: English.
22E99903 Maturity Test (0 op)
Kurssin asema: Mandatory advanced course.
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies.
Sisältö: An essay based on the Master’s Thesis.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: To the Study Coordinator of the department.
22E99904 Capstone: Accounting (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: DSc student Jari Melgin
Status of the Course: M.Sc.-degree, advanced course in accounting (DR 2013). In
2015-16 course is voluntary for DR 2005 students, but compulsory for DR 2013
students. It is recommended to take this demanding course on the 5 th academic year as
it applies in a comprehensive manner analytical skills and accounting knowledge
acquired during the studies.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I-II (Fall 2015), IV-V (Spring 2016). Students planning to graduate
prior to period IV are asked to contact lecturers to discuss possible alternative ways of
completing the course.
- Classroom hours and presentation of interim report(s), 40 h
- Group work, 60 h
- Preparation and presentation of final report, 60 h
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to combine student’s analytical skills and
knowledge of management and financial accounting with her understanding of
economics, strategic management, finance and information systems. Students should
be able to critically assess planning, reporting and strategic management of their case
company. Final report to be presented to the company management must also include
conclusions and recommendations. Course requires advanced communication and
presentation skills.
The course will be completed as an assignment to a case company. The assignment will
consist of the following parts:
1. Analysis of industry drivers and competitors in relation to the case company
2. A critical analysis of the planning and reporting process of the company
3. Conclusions, including long term financial targets and future ideas for strategic
Masters’ level capstone course in 2014-15 is a pilot course, and the contents may be
further specified during the course.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
The course will be completed as a 4-5 person group assignment to a case
company. During the course each team will present interim report(s) on parts 1 and
2. The culprit of the course is a final report to be presented to the management of the
case company.
After introduction the students will first prepare and submit part 1 analysis, after which
they will do field work with the case companies. Interim report(s) will be presented during
period III and final report in period IV.
Course assessment will be based on reports and presentations. Individual contribution
will be considered in the assessment.
Study Material: Material distributed by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: In Moodle, password to be advised during the first lecture
Prerequisites: It is preferable to take the course on the fifth year. Bachelors’ degree
must be completed prior to the course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The best team work will be given a special award.
22E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 cr)
Status of the Course: Mandatory advanced course (DR 2013).
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I-II, III-V (2015-2016)
Learning Outcomes: Master’s Thesis seminar aims to help the student in writing his/her
Master’s Thesis by providing constructive comments and feedback from the instructor
and other students participating the seminar
Content: Master’s Thesis Seminar takes two (usually consecutive) semesters. In the first
semester (stage I), the student is expected to present his//her research plan for the
Master’s Thesis. After this stage, the degree of completion of the thesis is approximately
25 %. In the second semester (stage II), the student is expected to present the first draft
of the thesis, including empirical findings and results. After this stage, the degree of
completion of the thesis is approximately 75 %, and the student is expected to submit the
final version of the thesis by the end of the following semester at the latest
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: To register for a seminar group, please fill out a form
available at the website https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/22e99902/materiaali and
return it personally to one of the teachers. Registration deadline is May 31 for seminar
groups starting in the fall term, and November 30 for the groups starting in the spring
term. Please indicate clearly on the form that you are participating in the 22E99905 6 cr
22H00100 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Laskentatoimen laitoksen opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema: Laskentatoimen aineopinnot TS 2005.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus:
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Mikäli opiskelet TS 2013 mukaan, työharjoittelu sijoitetaan valinnaisiin
opintoihin. Valinnaisiin opintoihin (tutkintosääntö 2013) sisällytettävän harjoittelun osalta
hakemuksen käsittelee opinto- ja opiskelijapalveluiden hyväksilukuasiat.
22H00200 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Laskentatoimen laitoksen opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema: Laskentatoimen syventävät opinnto TS 2005.
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus:
Kurssin kotisivu: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12322790
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Mikäli opiskelet TS 2013 mukaan, työharjoittelu sijoitetaan valinnaisiin
opintoihin. Valinnaisiin opintoihin (tutkintosääntö 2013) sisällytettävän harjoittelun osalta
hakemuksen käsittelee opinto- ja opiskelijapalveluiden hyväksilukuasiat.
32A00120 Yritysjuridiikan perusteet (3 op)
Introduction to Business Law
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Hoppu
Kurssin asema: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet (TS 2005). Tämä kurssi korvaa Liikeelämän etiikka- kurssin (51A00110) kanssa aikaisemman kurssin 32A00110
Yritysjuridiikan perusteet ja liike-elämän etiikka.
Kurssin taso: Perusteet
Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
1. Tentti (100%) 3 h.
2. Itseopiskelu 77 h.
Yhteensä 80 h.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla annetaan perustiedot yritysjuridiikan merkityksestä
yritykselle sekä juridisen osaamisen hyödyntämisestä liiketoiminnassa. Kurssi antaa
valmiudet liiketaloudellisten toimenpiteiden saattamiseen juridisesti pitävään muotoon.
Sisältö: Kurssilla perehdytään oikeusnormeihin osana yrityksen toimintaympäristöä,
selvitetään lainsäädännön merkitystä yrityksen toiminnan järjestämisessä sekä
tutustutaan keskeisimpään liike-elämää sääntelevään normistoon.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Tentti (100%). Kuulustelujärjestyksen
mukaiseen kuulusteluun tulee ilmoittautua erikseen weboodilla.
Kirjallisuus: Hoppu, Esko - Hoppu, Kari (2007) Kauppa- ja varllisuusoikeuden
pääpiirteet. ISBN 978-951-0-32779-1
Oppimateriaali: Hoppu, Esko - Hoppu, Kari (2007 tai uudempi) Kauppa- ja
varallisuusoikeuden pääpiirteet. , Sivut 19-78, 119-144, 159-224, 253-351 ja 391-416.
Korvaavuudet: Tämä kurssi korvaa Liike-elämän etiikka- kurssin (51A00110) kanssa
aikaisemman kurssin 32A00110 Yritysjuridiikan perusteet ja liike-elämän etiikka.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32A00120
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Luennoille ja kuulustelujärjestyksen mukaisiin kuulusteluihin
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tenteissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja. Vain vanhassa tutkinnossa (TS 2005)
opiskeleville. Tutkintosääntö 2013:n mukaan opiskelevat suorittavat kurssin 32A00130
Yritysjuridiikan perusteet 6 op.
32A00130 Yritysjuridiikan perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Business Law
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Hoppu
Kurssin asema: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet (TS 2013)
Kurssin taso: Perusteet
Opetusperiodi: III (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
1. Luennot 22 h.
2. Tentti (100%) 3 h.
3. Itseopiskelu 135 h.
Yhteensä 160 h.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla annetaan perustiedot yritysjuridiikan merkityksestä
yritykselle sekä juridisen osaamisen hyödyntämisestä liiketoiminnassa. Kurssi antaa
valmiudet liiketaloudellisten toimenpiteiden saattamiseen juridisesti pitävään muotoon.
Sisältö: Kurssilla perehdytään oikeusnormeihin osana yrityksen toimintaympäristöä,
selvitetään lainsäädännön merkitystä yrityksen toiminnan järjestämisessä sekä
tutustutaan keskeisimpään liike-elämää sääntelevään normistoon.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 22 h.
2. Tentti (100%).
Oppimateriaali: Hoppu, Esko - Hoppu, Kari (2007 tai uudempi) Kauppa- ja
varallisuusoikeuden pääpiirteet. Saatavuus
Korvaavuudet: Tämä kurssi korvaa aikaisemman kurssin 32A00120 Yritysjuridiikan
perusteet 3 op. Tutkintosääntö 2005:n mukaisesti opiskelevat suorittavat vanhan kurssin
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32A00130
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodilla sekä luennoille että tenttiin. Vanhan kurssin 32A00120
Yritysjuridiikan perusteet suorittajat ilmoittautuvat ko. kurssin tenttiin.
Lisätietoja: Tenteissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32A00220 Introduction to Business Law (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Rudanko
Status of the Course: BSc (BIZ), Fundamentals of Business Knowledge. This book
exam is intended only for students studying in English according to the 2005 Degree
Regulations. Otaniemi campus
Level of the Course: Core courses
Teaching period: Book exam
Workload: - Exam preparation, 76 h - Exam, 4 h
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to give an introductory overview of legal
matters for the needs of business.
Content: The course’s focus is on those parts of law that are relevant in business
contexts. These are for example legislation concerning company forms, contracts and
Assessment Methods and Criteria: -Self Study -Final Exam (100%).
Study Material: Toiviainen, Heikki (2008) Introduction to Finnish Business
Law. Pöyhönen, Juha (toim.) (2002) Introduction to Finnish law. The pages to be studied
for the exam: Toiviainen (2008): 116 - 152 266-299 338-383 447-454 469-484 542-581
Pöyhönen (2002): 193 - 210 (not section 4.9 Co-operation Within the Enterprise) 183 185 (Read first pages 193-210) Availability
Substitutes for Courses: 32A00120 Yritysjuridiikan perusteet
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32A00220
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Law books are not allowed in the exam. The course is a substitute
for the course 32A00120 Yritysjuridiikan perusteet.
32C060 Verotuksen perusteet (6 op)
Tax Law I
Vastuuopettaja: Vero-oikeuden professori.
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, taloushallinnon kandidaattiohjelman yhteiset opinnot (TS
2005 & TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I (Syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
1. Luennot 24 h
2. Valmistautuminen luennoille 36 h
3. Valmistautuminen tenttiin 97 h
4. Tentti 3 h
Yhteensä 160h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelijalle on muodostunut jokaiselle KTM:lle
tarpeelliset perustiedot Suomen verojärjestelmästä. Tämä perustietotaso luo pohjan
myöhemmille vero-oikeuden opinnoille.
Sisältö: Kurssilla tutustutaan tuloverotusta säänteleviin yleisiin verotusperiaatteisiin ja –
käsitteisiin. Lisäksi keskitytään voimassa olevan verolainsäädännön pääpiirteisiin.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 24 h, professori Heikki
Niskakangas. 2. Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta ja luennoista. Luennot ovat
olennainen osa tenttiä.
Kirjallisuus: Niskakangas Heikki (2009) Johdatus Suomen verojärjestelmään. ISBN
9789510352489 ; Kukkonen, Matti - Walden, Risto (2009) Elinkeinoverolaki käytännössä.
ISBN 9789510346914
Niskakangas Heikki (2014) Johdatus Suomen verojärjestelmään.
Uusi 2014 painos julkaistaan syksyllä 2014, vanhaa 2009 painosta ei voi käyttää.
Kukkonen, Matti - Walden, Risto (2009) Elinkeinoverolaki käytännössä. , Sivut 1-219 .
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32C060/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Luennoille ja tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32C11000 Sopimus- ja markkinointijuridiikka (6 op)
Contract and Marketing Law
Vastuuopettaja: Matti Rudanko
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005). Otaniemen
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kirjatentti vanhassa tutkinnossa (TS 2005) opiskeleville.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Itseopiskelu 157 h - Tentti 3h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla syvennetään liikkeenjohdolta vaadittavaa tietämystä
juridiikan hyödyntämisestä yritystoiminnassa. Kurssin käytyään opiskelijalla on valmiudet
tehdä itsenäisesti monimutkaisiakin juridisia sopimuksia, vastata juridiselta osin yrityksen
markkinointitoimenpiteistä sekä käyttää vakuuksia saatavien turvaamiseen.
Sisältö: Kurssilla keskitytään sopimuksen tekemiseen ja sen tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin
hankkia kilpailuetua muihin alalla toimiviin yrityksiin nähden sekä markkinoinnin
sääntelyyn. Lisäksi kurssilla käydään läpi erilaisia vakuuksia kuten takaus ja panttaus,
sekä niiden merkitys liike-elämässä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti 100% kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Kirjallisuus: Hoppu, Esko - Hoppu, Kari (2007) Kauppa- ja varallisuusoikeuden
pääpiirteet. ISBN 9516700950 ; Hemmo, Mika (2001) Pankkioikeus. ISBN 952-14-0342-X
; Hemmo, Mika (2006) Sopimusoikeuden oppikirja. ISBN 952-14-0648-8 ; Hemmo, Mika Hoppu, Kari (2006) Sopimusoikeus. ISBN 978-951-0-28671-5
Hoppu, Esko - Hoppu, Kari (2007) Kauppa- ja varallisuusoikeuden pääpiirteet. Sivut 79 118, 145 - 158 ja 225 - 242.
Hemmo, Mika (2001) Pankkioikeus. , 1-168 ja 313-433.
Hemmo, Mika (2006) Sopimusoikeuden oppikirja.
Hemmo, Mika - Hoppu, Kari (2006) Sopimusoikeus. , luvut 13-16.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32C11000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Luennoille ja tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kirjatentti vanhassa tutkinnossa (TS 2005) opiskeleville. Kurssin käynyt ei voi
suorittaa kurssia 32C25000 Sopimusjuridiikka joka on sisällöltään vastaava. Tentissä ei
saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32C12000 Taloushallinnon juridiikka (6 op)
Legal Aspects of Business Contracts
Vastuuopettaja: Matti Rudanko
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005). Otaniemen
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kirjatentti vanhassa tutkinnossa (TS 2005) opiskeleville.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Itseopiskelu 157 h
- Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Opintojakso antaa valmiudet taloushallinnon perussopimusten
laatimiseen, sopimustoiminnan suunnittelun juridisten apuvälineiden hallintaan sekä
osallistumiseen sopimusneuvotteluihin ja sopi-musoikeudelliseen ongelmanratkaisuun.
Niin ikään opetellaan tunnistamaan erityisasiantuntemusta vaativia kysymyksiä.
Tiedollisia tavoitteita ovat ymmärrys sopimusoikeuden sääntöjen vaikutuksesta
taloushallinnon sopimustoimintaan sekä tieto sopimusoikeudellisen sääntelyn
rakenteesta ja pääsisällöstä.
Sisältö: Käsiteltäviä asioita ovat sopimusten tekeminen ja sisältö, sopimustyypit kuten
kiinteistönkauppa, liikehuoneiston vuokra ym., sopimusvastuun pääkohdat,
sopimuksenteon sudenkuopat (pätemättömyys ym.) sekä sopimussuhteen päättäminen.
Syventävästi tarkastellaan vakuuksia (pantti, takaus), erityisesti osapuolen insolvenssin
kannalta, osakassopimusten sisältöä ja käyttöä, kansainvälisten sopimusten
erityiskysymyksiä (lainvalinta, riidanratkaisu) ja sopimusehtojen oikeudellis-taloudellista
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Tentti (100 %) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Kirjallisuus: Sisula-Tulokas, Leena (1998) Ulkomaankauppaoikeus. ISBN 9521401273 ;
Pohjonen, Soile (toim.) (2002) Ennakoiva sopiminen liiketoimien suunnittelu,
toteuttaminen ja riskien hallinta. ISBN 9516700659 ; Hemmo, Mika (2005)
Sopimusoikeus III. ISBN 952-14-0690-9
Sisula-Tulokas, Leena (1998) Ulkomaankauppaoikeus.
Pohjonen, Soile (toim.) (2002) Ennakoiva sopiminen liiketoimien suunnittelu,
toteuttaminen ja riskien hallinta. , luvut I-II ja IV-IX.
Hemmo, Mika (2005) Sopimusoikeus III.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32C12000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32C13000 Sähköisen kaupan juridiikka (6 op)
Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce
Vastuuopettaja: Yritysjuridiikan tohtorikoulutettava.
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kirjatentti vanhassa tutkinnossa (TS 2005) opiskeleville. Otaniemen
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 1. Itseopiskelu 157 h 2. Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi perehdyttää opiskelijat sähköisen liiketoimintaympäristön
oikeudelliseen sääntelyyn. Opintojakson jälkeen opiskelijat hahmottavat lainsäädännön
keskeiset tavoitteet ja sisällön sekä osaavat soveltaa lainsäädäntöä käytännön liikeelämässä.
Sisältö: Käsiteltäviä asioita ovat mm. sähköisen kaupan direktiivi,
kuluttajansuojalainsäädäntö ja riitojenratkaisumenettelyt, sähköiset sopimukset,
salausmenetelmät ja sähköinen allekirjoitus, tietosuojakysymykset sekä
immateriaalioikeudet tietoverkoissa.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Katso kuulusteluvaatimukset kurssin kotisivulta.
Oppimateriaali: 1. Helopuro - Perttula - Ristola: Sähköisen viestinnän tietosuoja (2004)
2. Laine (toim.): Verkkokauppaoikeus (2001) (ei sivuja 131-194 ja 247-386) Saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32C13000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32C14000 Immateriaalioikeudet yrityksen strategiassa (6 op)
Strategic Aspects of Industrial Property Rights
Vastuuopettaja: Timo-Jaakko Uotila
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kirjatentti
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Itseopiskelu 157 h - Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelijoilla on kokonaiskäsitys
immateriaalioikeusjärjestelmästä. Tämän lisäksi opiskelijoiden tulee ymmärtää
patenttioikeuden oikeudellis-taloudellinen määrittely (patenttisuojan tekninen ja
taloudellinen ulottuvuus) ja patenttiin kuuluvat strategiset hyödyntämistavat, jotka liittyvät
pitkälti patenttiin perustuvan kielto-oikeuden rationaaliseen käyttämiseen ja kieltooikeuden käytön rajoituksiin. Patentin strategisista hyödyntämistavoista voidaan mainita
esimerkkinä vaikutus tuotannonalan teknologian ja kilpailijoiden ohjaamisessa.
Sisältö: Kurssilla annetaan opiskelijoille perustiedot immateriaalioikeusjärjestelmästä.
Kurssilla perehdytään erityisesti patenttioikeuteen ja sen oikeudellis-taloudelliseen
määrittelyyn. Kurssilla selvitetään myös patenttien yhteys yrityksen strategiaan ja
patenttien monipuoliset käyttömuodot yrityksen toiminnassa.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti 100% kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Kirjallisuus: Haarmann, Pirkko-Liisa (2006) Immateriaalioikeus. ISBN 952-14-1071-X ;
Rahnasto Ilkka (2003) Intellectual property rights, external effects, and anti-trust law.
ISBN 9780199254286 ; Uotila. Timo-Jaakko (2009) Patentti strategisena kilpailun
välineenä Oikeudellis-liiketaloudellinen tutkimus patentista ja sen toimivuudesta yrityksen
Haarmann, Pirkko-Liisa (2006) Immateriaalioikeus.
Rahnasto Ilkka (2003) Intellectual property rights, external effects, and anti-trust law.
Uotila. Timo-Jaakko (2009) Patentti strategisena kilpailun välineenä Oikeudellisliiketaloudellinen tutkimus patentista ja sen toimivuudesta yrityksen strategiassa.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32C14000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodin kautta
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja. Kurssi muuttuu kirjapaketiksi lukuvuodeksi
2015-2016 jonka jälkeen se poistuu opetustarjonnasta.
32C220 Yritysverotus (6 op)
Company Taxation
Vastuuopettaja: Vero-oikeuden professori.
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kirjatentti
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Itseopiskelu 157 h
- Tentti 3 h
Yhteensä 160 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Tentin jälkeen opiskelijan tulisi tuntea Suomen yritysverotusta
koskeva lainsäädäntö. Tentin suorittaneen tulisi myös pystyä soveltamaan
elinkeinoverolakia käytännössä sekä tuntea konserniverotuksen keskeisimmät osaalueet.
Sisältö: Näkökulma on käytännönläheinen, ja opetus keskittyy yritysverotuksen
keskeisiin ja ajankohtaisiin kysymyksiin. Painopistealueita ovat elinkeinoverolain
soveltamiskäytäntö sekä konserniverotus. Lisäksi käsitellään verotusmenettelyä ja
verovelvollisen oikeusturvaa muutoksenhakutilanteissa.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Kirjallisuus: Juusela, Janne (2004) Osinkojen ja osakeluovutusten verotus. ISBN
9521408766 ; Myrsky, Matti - Linnakangas, Esko (2007) Verotusmenettely ja
muutoksenhaku. ISBN 978-952-14-1180-9 ; Myrsky, Matti - Linnakangas, Esko (2010)
Elinkeinotulon verotus. ISBN 978-952-14-1402-2 ; Nyrhinen Ritva (2008)
Arvonlisäverotus käytännössä. ISBN 9789510340301
Juusela, Janne (2004) Osinkojen ja osakeluovutusten verotus. varallisuusverotusta
koskevat esimerkit eivät kuulu tenttivaatimuksiin.
Myrsky, Matti - Linnakangas, Esko (2007) Verotusmenettely ja muutoksenhaku.
Myrsky, Matti - Linnakangas, Esko (2010) Elinkeinotulon verotus.
Nyrhinen Ritva (2008) Arvonlisäverotus käytännössä. ISBN 9789510340301
Korvaavuudet: Tentti vastaa E-tason Elinkeinoverotuksen kurssia, molempia ei voi
sisällyttää tutkintoon.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Luennoille ja tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
32C23000 International Taxation (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Docent, Doctor of Laws, LL.M. Kristiina Äimä
Status of the Course: Bachelor program, specialisation studies (DR 2005).
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: Book exam
1. Self-study 157 h
2. Exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: The course gives readiness to cope with cross-border tax
Content: The course deals with taxation in a situation, where the state of source of
income and the state of residence of the income are two different states. Similarly, the
course covers taxation in situations where capital is situated in one state and the owner
of the capital in another. It covers the tax treatment of individuals and corporations under
Finnish domestic tax law, tax treaties and EU tax law.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Final written exam (100%) on the course literature.
Literature: Helminen, Marjaana (2009) Kansainvälinen tuloverotus. ISBN
9789513755263 ; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Committee
on Fiscal Affairs (2010) Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital: Condensed
Version 2010. ISBN 9789264089488 ; Helminen, Marjaana (2013) Finnish International
Study Material:
Helminen, Marjaana (2009) Kansainvälinen tuloverotus. Book by Helminen can be read
either in Finnish or in English.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Committee on Fiscal Affairs
(2010) Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital: Condensed Version 2010.
Helminen, Marjaana (2013) Finnish International Taxation. Book by Helminen can be
read either in Finnish or in English.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32c23000/etusivu
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Students may answer in Finnish or English in the exam. Law books
and the OECD Model Convention may not be used in the examination. This course is a
book exam for students studying according to the 2005 Degree Regulations.
32C25000 Sopimusjuridiikka (6 op)
Contract law
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Hoppu
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto (TS 2013)
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: II (Syksy 2015)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
-Luennot 24 h
-Itseopiskelu 133 h
-Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla opitaan sopimusten merkitys yritystoiminnassa sekä
sopimusten tekemiseen ja sisältöön liittyvät juridiset näkökohdat. Lisäksi kurssilla
opistaan, miten toimitaan sopimussuhteeseen liittyvissä suoritudshäiriötilanteissa.
Kurssin käytyään opiskelijalla on kyky itsenäisesti tehdä sopimuksia sekä reagoida
oikealla tavalla vastapuolen sopimusrikkomuksiin oman asemansa turvaten.
Sisältö: Kurssilla käydään läpi sopimushallinnan merkitys yrityksen liiketoiminnan
kannalta. Kurssilla käydään läpi sopimusprosessi sekä selvitetään, millaisia
sopimusehtoja sopimukseen tulisi kirjata. Lisäksi käydään läpi erilaiset sopimussuhteen
suoritushäiriötilanteet, kuten vihe-, viivästys- ja maksukyvyttömyystilanteet sekä
selostetaan, kuinka näiissä tilanteissa tulee toimia.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 24 tuntia, luentokuulustelu
viimeisellä luennolla. Luentokuulustelupisteillä voi korvata luennoilla ilmoitettavan osan
tenttikirjasta. 2. Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Hemmo, Mika - Hoppu, Kari (2006) Sopimusoikeus. Jatkuvatäydenteinen. Talentum
Kyseinen toes on luettavissa sähköisesti Aalto-tunnuksilla seuraavasta linkistä:
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32c25000/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Tenttiin ilmoittautuminen WebOodilla. Luennoille ilmoittautuminen
ensimmäisellä luentokerralla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjaa. Kurssi vastaa TS 2005 -tutkinnon kurssia
32C11000 Sopimus- ja markkinointijuridiikka, joten molempia ei voi suorittaa.
32C260 Rahoitusjuridiikka (6 op)
The Law of Finance
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Hoppu
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kirjatentti vanhassa tutkinnossa (TS 2005) opiskeleville.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Itseopiskelu 157 h - Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelijoilla on valmiudet toimia rahoitusmarkkinoilla
juridisesti oikealla tavalla, markkinoida sijoitustuotteita, laatia sopimusehtoja sekä
tunnistaa erilaiset vahingonkorvausvastuun aiheuttavat seikat.
Sisältö: Kurssilla annetaan opiskelijoille perustiedot rahoitusmarkkinoita sääntelevästä
juridiikasta sekä sijoitustuotteiden markkinointiin, sopimusehtoihin sekä vastuisiin
liittyvistä normeista. Kurssilla käsitellään juridisten sääntöjen merkitystä sekä markkinoilla
toimivan yrityksen että yksittäisen sijoittajan kannalta.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: -Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Kirjallisuus: Karjalainen, Jarkko (2008) Arvopaperimarkkinalaki. ISBN 978-952-14-13155 ; Hoppu, Kari (2004) Sijoitustuotteiden markkinoinnin sääntely. ISBN 951-670-109-4 ;
Hoppu, Kari (2008) Sijoituspalvelusopimukset. ISBN 9789510347362
Karjalainen, Jarkko (2008) Arvopaperimarkkinalaki.
Hoppu, Kari (2004) Sijoitustuotteiden markkinoinnin sääntely. Ainoastaan 5 luku luetaan
(s. 187 -299) .
Hoppu, Kari (2008) Sijoituspalvelusopimukset.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32C260
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Luennoille ja tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32C26000 Yhtiöjuridiikka (6 op)
Corporate law
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Hoppu
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto (TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: III (Kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
-Luennot 24 tuntia
-Itseopiskelu 133 tuntia
-Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa perustiedot eri yritysmuodoista, niiden rahoituksesta,
organisaatiosta ja toiminnasta sekä osakkaiden ja johtotehtävissä toimivien vastuusta.
Sisältö: Kurssi sisältää yksityisiin ja julkisiin osakeyhtiöihin ja avoimiin ja
kommandiittiyhtiöihin liittyvän keskeisen lainsäädännön.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 24 tuntia, luentokuulustelu
viimeisellä luennolla. Luentokuulustelupisteillä voi korvata Osakeyhtiö I -teoksen tentissä
(Mähönen - Villa) 2. Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Oppimateriaali: Mähönen, Jukka - Villa, Seppo: Osakeyhtiö I, 2006. Pakollinen.
Immonen, Raimo & Nuolimaa, Risto: Osakeyhtiöoikeuden perusteet. Myös vanhempi
painos käy, 2012, Pakollinen
Wilhelmsson, Thomas & Jääskinen, Niilo: Avoimet yhtiöt ja kommandiittiyhtiöt. Myös
vanhempi painos käy, 2001. Saatavuus
Korvaavuudet: Kurssi korvaa kurssin 32E11000 Yhtiöoikeus. Kurssia ei voi suorittaa
mikäli on suorittanut aiemmin kurssin 32E11000 Yhtiöoikeus.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32c26000/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Tenttiin ilmoittautuminen WebOodilla. Luennoille ilmoittautuminen
ensimmäisellä luentokerralla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32C31000 Työsuhdejuridiikka (6 op)
Employment law
Vastuuopettaja: Vieraileva luennoitsija Katriina Vierula
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2013 & TS 2005).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: IV (Kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
Luennot 24 h.
Itseopiskelu 133 h.
Tentti 3 h.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa tarpeelliset perustiedot sekä työlainsäädännön
keskeisimmistä kysymyksistä että työehtosopimuksista ja työmarkkinajärjestelmästä.
Sisältö: Kurssi antaa kaikille ja erityisesti esimiestehtäviin ja henkilöstöhallinnon alalle
aikoville tarpeelliset tiedot työoikeuden keskeisestä lainsäädännöstä ja
työehtosopimusjärjestelmästä. Kurssilla tuodaan esille paljon työelämän käytännön
esimerkkejä ja oikeustapauksia.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Paanetoja, Jaana: Työoikeus tutuksi.3. uudistettu painos.2014. Edita Publishing.
Äimälä Markus, Kärkkäinen Mika : Yhteistoimintalaki. 3. uudistettu painos. 2015.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32C31000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodilla
Opetuskieli: Suomi
32C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma (10 op)
Bachelor’s Thesis
Vastuuopettaja: Petri Kuoppamäki
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005 & TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I - II ja III - IV (Seminaari järjestetään syksyisin ja keväisin 2015-2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Seminaarikokoontumiset
- Tutkielman kirjoittaminen
- Esitelmän pitäminen
- Opponenttina toimiminen
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa perustaidot juridisen tutkimuksen tekemiseen.
Sisältö: Seminaarissa käsitellään juridisen tekstin tuottamista ja tutkielman rakentumista.
Kurssilla tutustutaan myös juridisen lähdemateriaalin käyttöön sekä oikeudelliseen
tiedonhakuun. Opiskelijalla on kurssin käytyään ja tutkielman tehtyään valmiudet aloittaa
pro gradu- tutkielma ja siihen liittyvä seminaari.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Osallistuminen (80 %) seminaareihin.
Seminaari on yhteinen yksityis- ja vero-oikeuden alueelta tutkielmaa tekeville.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen seminaariin Petri Kuoppamäelle
(petri.kuoppamaki@aalto.fi) sähköpostilla ennen ensimmäistä kokoontumiskertaa.
Seminaariin ei voi ilmoittautua jälkikäteen.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kandidaatinseminaari pidetään syksyllä ja keväällä. Opiskelijat valitsevat
itselleen sopivan ajankohdan. Seminaariaiheet sovitaan ensimmäisten kokoontumisten
aikana. Ohjaaja antaa tarvittaessa sopivan aiheen opiskelijalle. Tarkoituksena on, että
seminaarityön aiheesta/aihealueesta voidaan jatkaa pro gradu -tutkielmaan
32C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari (2 op)
Thesis Seminar
Vastuuopettaja: Petri Kuoppamäki
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005 & TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I - II ja III - IV (Seminaari järjestetään syksyisin ja keväisin 2015-2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Seminaarikokoontumiset
- Tutkielman kirjoittaminen
- Esitelmän pitäminen
- Opponenttina toimiminen
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa perustaidot juridisen tutkimuksen tekemisestä.
Sisältö: Seminaarissa käsitellään juridisen tekstin tuottamista ja tutkielman rakentumista.
Kurssilla tutustutaan myös juridisen lähdemateriaalin käyttöön sekä oikeudelliseen
tiedonhakuun. Opiskelijalla on kurssin käytyään ja tutkielman tehtyään valmiudet aloittaa
pro gradu- tutkielma ja siihen liittyvä seminaari.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Osallistuminen (80 %) seminaareihin.
Seminaari on yhteinen yksityis- ja vero-oikeuden alueelta tutkielmaa tekeville.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32C99902
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen seminaariin Petri Kuoppamäelle
(petri.kuoppamaki@aalto.fi) sähköpostilla ennen ensimmäistä kokoontumiskertaa.
Seminaariin ei voi ilmoittautua jälkikäteen.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kandidaatinseminaari pidetään syksyllä ja keväällä. Opiskelijat valitsevat
itselleen sopivan ajankohdan. Seminaariaiheet sovitaan ensimmäisten kokoontumisten
aikana. Ohjaaja antaa tarvittaessa sopivan aiheen opiskelijalle. Tarkoituksena on, että
seminaarityön aiheesta/aihealueesta voidaan jatkaa pro gradu -tutkielmaan
32C99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Sisältö: Kandidaattiseminaarin päätteeksi opiskelija suorittaa kandidaatin
kypsyyskokeen, jossa testataan asiatekstin tuottaminen äidinkielellä ja kandidaatin
tutkielman keskeisten osa-alueiden hallinta.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Kuulustelupäivämäärä sovitaan erikseen Petri Kuoppamäen kanssa.
Opiskelija valitsee kuulustelujärjestyksestä tenttipäivän ja ilmoittaa päivän ja kellonajan
sähköpostitse opettajalle.
32C99904 Capstone-kurssi: Yritysjuridiikka (6 op)
Capstone-course: Business Law
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Hoppu
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, laskentatoimen erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I-II ja III-IV periodit Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: -Seminaaritapaamiset 24 h -Raportin laatiminen 136 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Tavoitteena on, että opiskelija osaa soveltaa saamaansa teoreettista
tietämystä ja analyyttisia valmiuksia yritysjuridiikkaan liittyvien kokonaisvaltaisten
käytännön ongelmien ratkaisemisessa.
Sisältö: Opiskelijat tutustuvat käytännön oikeustapauksiin ja laativat niistä raportin.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Osallistuminen (80 %) seminaareihin ja
raportin tekeminen.
Kurssin kotisivu: Kts. Noppa.
Esitiedot: Yritysjuridiikan perusteet. Lisäksi suositellaan, että mahdollisimman moni
yritysjuridiikan aineopintojakso on suoritettuna, koska kurssin tarkoituksena on oppia
soveltamaan aineopintojen kursseilla opetettuja asioita.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Sähköpostitse professori Kari Hopulle (kari.hoppu@aalto.fi)
viimeistään viikko ennen kurssin alkua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
32E11000 Yhtiöoikeus (6 op)
Company Law
Vastuuopettaja: Kari Hoppu
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, laskentatoimen ja rahoituksen laitoksen yhteiset opinnot
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kirjatentti vanhassa tutkinnossa (TS 2005) opiskeleville.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Itseopiskelu 157 h
- Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa perustiedot eri yritysmuodoista, niiden rahoituksesta,
organisaatiosta ja toiminnasta sekä osakkaiden ja johtotehtävissä toimivien vastuusta.
Sisältö: Kurssi sisältää yksityisiin ja julkisiin osakeyhtiöihin ja avoimiin ja
kommandiittiyhtiöihin liittyvän keskeisen lainsäädännön.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Kirjallisuus: Mähönen, Jukka - Villa, Seppo (2006) Osakeyhtiö I. ISBN 9516700829 ;
Immonen, Raimo & Nuolimaa, Risto (2012) Osakeyhtiöoikeuden perusteet. ISBN
9521417706 ; Wilhelmsson, Thomas & Jääskinen, Niilo (2001) Avoimet yhtiöt ja
kommandiittiyhtiöt. ISBN 9521403306
Mähönen, Jukka - Villa, Seppo (2006) Osakeyhtiö I.
Immonen, Raimo & Nuolimaa, Risto (2012) Osakeyhtiöoikeuden perusteet. Myös
vanhempi painos käy.
Wilhelmsson, Thomas & Jääskinen, Niilo (2001) Avoimet yhtiöt ja
kommandiittiyhtiöt. Myös vanhempi painos käy.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssilla voi korvata uuden tutkinnon (TS 2013) mukaisen kurssin
32C26000 Yhtiöjuridiikka. Kirjaus tehdään tällöin uudella kurssikoodilla.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E11000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32E11100 Legal Aspects of Finance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Rudanko
Status of the Course: Master program, advanced studies (DR 2005 & DR 2013).
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I (Fall 2015).
1. Lectures 18 h and seminar (group work or essay)
- 6 h (not compulsory)
- Self study 133 h
- Final exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to get acquainted with the regulative
framework for securities markets and to gain an understanding of the cooperation
between legal and business economic factors affecting various forms of corporate
finance. Among the practical objectives of the course there are various skills of market
related corporate finance, such as an ability to evaluate the influence of legal rules for the
choice of optimum forms of corporate finance and skills to produce and interpret
information provided in legal rules for securities markets.
Content: The contents of the course include legal rules of listing, disclosure duties of
issuers of securities, legal duties related to public bids, mergers and acquisitions,
regulation of insiders and market abuse and the customer relationships of investment
service firms. Also law and economics, sociological and information science aspects of
information in securities markets and investor relations are discussed.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Lectures 18 h and seminar (group work or essay)
6 h (not compulsory), Professor Matti Rudanko.
2. Final exam (100%) on the course literature.
Study Material: Rudiger Veil (Editor), Rebecca Ahmling (Translator) (2013) European
Capital Markets Law. Hart Publishing Ltd. Availability
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E11100
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for the lectures and for the final exam via
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Law books are not allowed in the exam.
32E13000 Työoikeus (6 op)
Labour Law
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005).
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kurssi on poistunut opetustarjonnasta ja sen voi korvata toisella Etasoisella kurssilla.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa tarpeelliset perustiedot sekä työlainsäädännön
keskeisimmistä kysymyksistä että työehtosopimuksista ja työmarkkinajärjestelmästä.
Sisältö: Kurssi antaa kaikille ja erityisesti yritysjohdon ja henkilöstöhallinnon tehtäviin
aikoville tarpeelliset tiedot työoikeuden keskeisestä lainsäädännöstä ja
työehtosopimusjärjestelmästä. Kurssilla tuodaan esille paljon työelämän käytännön
esimerkkejä ja oikeustapauksia.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Kirjallisuus: Tiitinen, Kari-Pekka (2008) Työsopimusoikeus. ISBN 9789521412592 ;
Äimälä, Markus (2007) Yhteistoimintalaki. ISBN 9789510326190
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32e13000/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssi on poistunut tarjonnasta.
32E14000 Yhtiöoikeuden jatkokurssi (6 op)
Advanced Company Law
Vastuuopettaja: Professori Matti Rudanko
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005).
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: Kurssi on poistunut tarjonnasta ja sen voi korvata yritysjuridiikan toisella
E-tasoisella kurssilla.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa valmiuden ymmärtää osakeyhtiön roolia ja
mahdollisuuksia yritystoiminnan välineenä, erityisesti rahoituksen (corporate finance)
näkökulmasta. Tämän vuoksi kurssimateriaalissa kiinnitetään huomiota osakeyhtiöön
myös rahoitusmarkkinoiden toimijana ja corporate governance -standardeihin, jotka
määrittävät yhtiön ja sen eri sidosryhmien asemaa suhteessa toisiinsa sekä talouselämän
ja yhteiskunnan rakenteisiin.
Sisältö: Kurssi käsittelee osakeyhtiöoikeuden johtavia periaatteita, yhtiömuodon
perusteita ja sen käyttöä yritystoiminnan välineenä, yhtiön asemaa suhteessa
sidosryhmiin, talouselämään ja yhteiskuntaan ja siihen kohdistuvia liiketaloudellisia ja
juridisia näkökulmia sekä yhtiön organisaatiota, vastuukysymyksiä ja muita corporate
governance -kysymyksiä. Myös yhtiöiden kansainvälisen sääntelyn mallit ovat kurssin
keskeistä sisältöä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta
Kirjallisuus: Mähönen, Jukka- Villa, Seppo (2006) Osakeyhtiö II. ISBN 9789516701144 ;
Mähönen, Jukka - Villa, Seppo (2006) Osakeyhtiö III, Corporate governance. ISBN 951670-115-9 ; Gower, L. C. B. (2008) Gower and Davies: The Principles of Modern
Company Law. ISBN 9780421949003
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E14000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Tenttii ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssi on poistunut tarjonnasta eikä sitä enää järjestetä.
32E15100 Kilpailuoikeus I (6 op)
Competition law I
Vastuuopettaja: Petri Kuoppamäki
Kurssin asema: KTM -tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: III (Kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
Luennot 20 h
Itseopiskelu 137 h
Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelijalla on kokonaiskäsitys kilpailuoikeudesta.
Lisäksi opiskelija ymmärtää keskeiset oikeudellis-taloudelliset käsitteet ja
kilpailuoikeudellisen sääntelyn merkityksen yritystoiminnassa.
Sisältö: Kurssilla käsitellään kilpailua rajoittavia sopimuksia, määräävän aseman
väärinkäyttöä ja yrityskauppavalvontaa koskevat ydinasiat. Lisäksi käydään läpi
kilpailuoikeudellinen täytäntöönpanojärjestelmä ja perehdytään valtiontukia ja julkisia
hankintoja koskeviin ydinkysymyksiin.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot 20 h. Luentoihin ja kurssikirjaan
perustuva tentti (100 %) 3 h .
Oppimateriaali: Kuoppamäki Petri, Uusi kilpailuoikeus (2012). Saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32e15100/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
32E21010 Rahoitusoikeus (6 op)
Law of Finance
Vastuuopettaja: Professor of Practice Sakari Wuolijoki
Kurssin asema: KTM -tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: IV (kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 24 h
Tentti 3 h
Itseopiskelu 133 h
Yhteensä 160 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla opitaan perusteet kaikesta pankkitoiminnan juridiikasta,
sekä vakavaraisuussääntelystä että asiakkaansuojasääntelystä. Kurssi antaa
pankkitoiminnan oikeudellisista asioista perustietämyksen, jota tarvitaan
työskenneltäessä pankissa asiantuntija- tai johtotehtävissä.
Sisältö: Kurssilla käydään läpi luottolaitossääntelyä (esim. pankkien
vakavaraisuusvaatimuksia) sekä palvelutyyppikohtaisesti eri pankkipalvelujen juridiikkaa.
Kurssilla käsiteltäviä pankkipalveluita ovat mm. luotonanto, tilipalvelut, maksuliikenne ja
eri sijoituspalvelut (esim. omaisuudenhoito, arvopaperinvälitystoimeksiannot). Asiat
käsitellään sekä pankin että yritys- tai yksityisasiakkaan näkökulmista.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 24 tuntia. Luentojen
hyväksyttävällä suorittamisella voi korvata luennoilla ilmoitettavan osan
tenttikirjallisuudesta. Luennot voi suorittaa luentokuulustelulla tai erikseen sovittavalla
oikeustapausanalyysillä, jonka opiskelija pitää luennoilla luentojen seuraamisen lisäksi.
Luentokuulustelu on viimeisellä luentokerralla. 2. Tentti.
Wuolijoki, Sakari – Hemmo, Mika: Pankkioikeus. Talentum 2013. Ei kuitenkaan s. 277 –
563 (takaus ja panttaus).
Hoppu, Kari: Sijoituspalvelusopimukset 2009.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32e21010/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Tenttiin ja luennolle ilmoittautuminen WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32E22000 European Tax Law (6 cr)
Status of the Course: Masters program, advanced studies (DR 2005).
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: This course has been replaced with the course 32E29000 European
and International Tax Law and will not be lectured in 2015-2016.
- Lectures 24 h
- Preparing for lectures 24 h
- Preparing for exam 75 h
- Preparing for lecture exam 24 h
- Lecture exam 2 h
- Exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course students will have basic knowledge of European
Tax Law. The course focuses on direct taxation. Indirect taxation will be touched upon
briefly. Students will become familiar with landmark tax case law of the European Court of
Justice. In addition, the students will learn how to find information about European Tax
Law from the internet.
Content: During the course current case law and legislative development will be
discussed. Current tax issues will be studied from an international angle. EU tax
directives and tax implications of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
shall also be discussed. Landmark tax cases of the European Court of Justice shall be
examined. Efforts to harmonize the European tax systems by legislative means shall as
well be studied.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 28 h, Doctor of Laws Kristiina Äimä.
Lectures are followed by a written lecture exam. The credit points received in the exam
may be used to substitute Terra - Wattel’s book on European Tax Law and Lang et al:
Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation. The credit points received in the
exam correspond to 50 % of the final mark.
2. Additional 5 credit points to final grade can be received by a voluntary EU tax case
presentation during the course. The length of presentation is 10 minutes if delivered by
one student, and 15 minutes if delivered by a group of 2-3 students.
3. Final written exam (100 %) of the (remaining) course literature.
Literature: Lang, M. - Pistone, P. - Schuch, J. - Staringer, C. (2010) Introduction to
European Tax Law on Direct Taxation. ISBN 978-3-7073-1764-0 ; Terra, Ben J. M.
(2008) European tax law. ISBN 978-9041127402 ; Brokelind et al. (2007) Towards a
Homogenous EC Direct Tax Law. An assessment of the Member States responses to the
ECJ’s. ; European Union (2010) Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of
the European Union.
Substitutes for Courses: 32E29000 European and International Tax Law
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32e22000/etusivu
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for the lectures and the exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and cases of
the European Court of Justice may be used in the exam and lecture exam. The TFEU
Treaty and the ECJ’s cases can be underlined and Articles of the Treaty and paragraphs
of the cases can be referred to. Other notes are not allowed. Students may answer in
English or Finnish in both exams.
32E2220 Elinkeinoverotus (6 op)
Business taxation
Vastuuopettaja: Vero-oikeuden professori
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005 & TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: III (Kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Luennot 40 h
- Valmistautuminen luennoille 40 h
- Valmistautuminen tenttiin 73 h
- Luentokuulustelu 2*2 h
- Tentti 3 h
Yhteensä 160 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelijan tulisi tuntea Suomen yritysverotusta
koskeva lainsäädäntö. Kurssin suorittaneen tulisi myös pystyä soveltamaan
elinkeinoverolakia käytännössä sekä tuntea konserniverotuksen keskeisimmät osaalueet.
Sisältö: Näkökulma on käytännönläheinen, ja opetus keskittyy yritysverotuksen
keskeisiin ja ajankohtaisiin kysymyksiin. Painopistealueita ovat elinkeinoverolain
soveltamiskäytäntö sekä konserniverotus. Lisäksi käsitellään verotusmenettelyä ja
verovelvollisen oikeusturvaa muutoksenhakutilanteissa.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Luennot 28 h yritysverotuksen erityiskysymyksistä. Luentokuulustelu järjestetään
viimeisellä luentokerralla, ja se vastaa 20 % tenttiarvosanasta. Luentokuulustelupisteillä
voi korvata Juuselan kirjan ja sitä koskevan tenttikysymyksen.
2. Luennot 16 h arvonlisäverotuksesta. Luentokuulustelupisteillä voi korvata Nyrhisen
teoksen, joka vastaa 20 % kokonaisarvosanasta.
3. Tentti (100%) kurssikirjallisuudesta.
Juusela, Janne (2004) Osinkojen ja osakeluovutusten verotus. , varallisuusverotusta
koskevat esimerkit eivät kuulu tenttivaatimuksiin.
Myrsky, Matti - Linnakangas, Esko (2007) Verotusmenettely ja muutoksenhaku.
Myrsky, Matti - Linnakangas, Esko (2010) Elinkeinotulon verotus.
Nyrhinen Ritva (2008) Arvonlisäverotus käytännössä.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssia ei voi suorittaa mikäli aikaisempiin opintoihin kuuluu kurssi
32C220 Yritysverotus.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodilla luennoille ja tenttiin.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Huom! Kurssikuvaukseen voi tulla muutoksia uuden vero-oikeuden
professorin valinnan myötä.
32E25100 Kansainväliset sopimukset (6 op)
International Contracts
Vastuuopettaja: Matti Rudanko
Kurssin asema: KTM -tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: II (Syksy 2015)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
-Luennot ja tapausharjoitukset 24 h
- Itseopiskelu 133 h
- Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tarkoitus on antaa yleiskuva kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan
sopimusten oikeudellisista puitteista ja ympäristöstä.. Kurssi antaa yleiskäsityksen
kansainvälisen kaupan sääntelystä ja niden vaikutuksesta liiketoimintaan. Kurssilla saa
valmiuden sopimusten solmimiseen kansainvälisessä ympäristössä sekä kauppa- ja
kuljetussopimusten yhteensovittamiseen. Niin ikään opitaan kansainvälisten sopimusten
rahoituksen päämuodot ja liiketoiminnan kannalta kilpailukykyisimpien
sopimusjärjestelyjen valinta.
Sisältö: Kurssilla keskitytään sopimusten solmimiseen kansainvälisessä ympäristössä,
kansainvälisten sopimusten vastuukysymyksiin, kauppa- ja kuljetussopimusten
vuorovaikutukseen sekä kansainvälisten operaatioiden rahoituksen päämuotoihin.
Kurssilla käsitellän myös kansainvälisten kauppajärjestöjen toimintaa kaupan
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Luennot ja harjoitukset 24 h, Prof. Matti Rudanko.
2. Kurssikirjallisuuteen perustuva tentti (30 pistettä).
3. Ryhmätyöharjoitukset (10 points).
4. Kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää molempien seuraaven minimipistevaatimusten
(a) tenttipisteet: min. 12 pistettä ja
(b) ryhmätyöharjoitus: min. 4 pistettä.
Oppimateriaali: Kurssin kotisivulla oleva materiaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E25100
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tentissä ei saa käyttää lakikirjoja.
32E28100 Markkinoiden juridinen toimintaympäristö (6 op)
Aspects of Entrepreneurship (Including IPR)
Vastuuopettaja: Matti Rudanko
Kurssin asema: KTM -tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2013)
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: III (Kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
-Luennot ja tapausharjoitukset 24 h
- Itseopiskelu 133 h
- Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi antaa yleiskuvan liiketoiminnan juridisesta
toimintaympäristöstä markkinoilla. Kurssilla opitaan markkinoilletuloon liittyviä seikkoja,
mm. juridisten organisaatiovaihtoehtojen rakennetta ja ominaisuuksia. Kurssilla saadaa
myös valmiuksia markkinastrategioiden valintaan ja oikeudellisten välineiden käytöön
liiketoiminnallisen lisäarvon luomiseksi.
Sisältö: Kurssilla keskitytään liiketoiminnan kannalta tärkeimmille oikeuenaloille kuten
yhtiömuotoihin, sopimuksiin, kaupan ja kilpailun sääntelyyn, rahoitusmarkkinoihin,
työoikeuteen sekä immateriaalioikeuteen (IPR).
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Luennot ja harjoitukset 24 h, Prof. Matti Rudanko.
2. Kurssikirjallisuuteen perustuva tentti (30 pistettä).
3. Ryhmätyöharjoitukset (10 points).
4. Kurssin suorittaminen edellyttää molempien seuraaven minimipistevaatimusten
(a) tenttipisteet: min. 12 pistettä ja
(b) ryhmätyöharjoitus: min. 4 pistettä.
Toiviainen, Heikki (2008) Introduction to Finnish Business Law. Pp. 266 – 446.
2. Moens, Gabriël, Trone, John (2010) Commercial Law of the European Union. Pp.. 149
– 228, 259 – 293 and 397 – 422.
3. Bagley, Constance E., Dauchy Craig E. (2012) The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business
Law (4th ed., Cengage Learning). Information of chapters that must be read will be given
on the lectures. Handouts and other material on the course homepage.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E28100
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodin kautta.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
32E29000 European and International Tax Law (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: New tax law Professor
Status of the Course: Masters program, advanced studies
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015).
Lectures 30 h
Preparing for lectures 20h
Preparing for exam 87h
Preparing for lecture exam 28h
Exam 3h
Learning Outcomes: After the course students will have basic knowledge of
International and European Tax Law. The course gives readiness to cope with crossborder tax problems. The course focuses on direct taxation. Indirect taxation will be
touched upon briefly. Students will become familiar with landmark tax case law of the
European Court of Justice. In addition, the students will learn how to find information
about International and European Tax Law from the internet.
Content: The course deals with taxation in a situation, where the state of source of
income and the state of residence of the income are two different states. Similarly, the
course covers taxation in situations where capital is situated in one state and the owner
of the capital in another. It covers the tax treatment of individuals and corporations under
Finnish domestic tax law, tax treaties and EU tax law. During the course current case law
and legislative development will be discussed. Current tax issues will be studied from an
international angle. EU tax directives and tax implications of the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union will also be discussed. Landmark tax cases of the
European Court of Justice will be examined.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Lectures 30 h, Docent, Doctor of Laws, LL.M. Kristiina Äimä. Lectures are followed by
a written lecture exam 3h. Lectures will be followed by a written lecture exam. The credit
points received in the exam may be used to substitute the book Helminen Marjaana:
Finnish International Taxation 2013. The credit points received in the exam correspond to
50 % of the final mark.
2. Additional 5 credit points (12,5% of the final grade) will be received by delivering a tax
case presentation. The case must concern international and/or European tax law.
Preferably the tax case should be decided by European Court of Justice, European Court
of Human, Supreme Administrative Court of Finland or Central Tax Board. Also supreme
tax courts of other states qualify.
Students may book a date with the teacher in class or contact her by email/phone. Tax
case presentations and discussions in class enable the students learning how to apply
international and European Tax law in practice.
Students may present one of the cases included in the course materials. They may also
agree on choosing another case with the teacher. The length of the presentation is 10-15
minutes if held by one student and 15-20 minutes if held by a group of 2-3 students.
3. Final book exam 3h.
Study Material:
Helminen, Marjaana (2013) Finnish International Taxation.
Lang, M. - Pistone, P. - Schuch, J. - Staringer, C. (2012) Introduction to European Tax
Law on Direct Taxation.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Committee on Fiscal Affairs
(2010) Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital: Condensed Version 2010.
Recommended (not compulsory) further readings on the course website
Substitutes for Courses: This course replaces the courses 32E22000 European Tax
Law and 32C23000 International Taxation. If a student has completed either of these
courses, he/she cannot register for this course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E29000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information:
The lecture exam is an open book exam meaning that books and other materials on
International and European tax law and a dictionary may be used. The open book lecture
exam measures whether the learning outcomes of the course are met. It will be graded in
line with how well the students apply the course materials to the questions.
There will be four 4 questions with limited space to answer (A4 on both sides; half of
page for each question). The questions are based on the power-point slides. The
questions are only in English. Students may answer in English, Finnish or Swedish. The
lecture exam is evaluated on scale 0-20 credit points (50% of the course).
The Treaty on the Functioning on the European Union and cases of the European Court
of Justice may be used in the real exam. The TFEU Treaty and the ECJ’s cases can be
underlined and Articles of the Treaty and paragraphs of the cases can be referred to.
Other notes are not allowed. In addition, the use of a dictionary is allowed. Students may
answer in English, Finnish or Swedish.
32E30000 Tax Planning of International Enterprises (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tax law professor (to be announced).
Status of the Course: M.Sc. –degree, advanced course in business law (DR 2013).
Level of the Course: Advanced.
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015)
Classroom hours 16 h
Class preparation 76 h
Exam preparation 28 h
Exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: The students learn how to use the concepts of International
corporate taxation and the role of taxation in the decision making process of the
international enterprises. You will also learn the logic behind taxing international
transactions and methods of transfer pricing.
Content: The course focuses on major problems of international corporate taxation. The
course offers various tax planning techniques applied by international enterprises.
Taxation problems are dealt from an international angle taking into account EU law and
income tax treaties.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam (100%)
Study Material: In Noppa.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E30000
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree. The course is an advanced MSc level course
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi.
32E31100 Kilpailuoikeus, uusi talous ja IPR-oikeudet (6 op)
Competition law, new economy and IPR rights
Vastuuopettaja: Petri Kuoppamäki
Kurssin asema: KTM -tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: IV (Kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
Luennot 20 h
Ryhmätyö 5 h
Itseopiskelu 132 h
Kirjallinen tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin jälkeen opiskelija ymmärtää kilpailuoikeuden,
immateriaalioikeuksien ja uuden talouden rajapintaan liittyvät ajankohtaiset kysymykset,
soveltamistilanteet ja haasteet ja myös ymmärtää, miten kilpailuoikeutta voidaan
aktiivisesti hyödyntää näissä tilanteissa. Kyseessä on jatkokurssi opintokokonaisuudelle
Kilpailuoikeus I.
Sisältö: Kurssilla käydään läpi kilpailuoikeuden ja immateriaalioikeuden rajapintaan
liittyviä kysymyksiä sekä niin kutsutun uuden talouden kilpailuoikeustapauksia, jotka
liittyvät korkean teknologian aloihin ja digitaaliseen murrokseen. Lisäksi perehdytään
kilpailuoikeuden yksityisoikeudelliseen soveltamiseen (private enforcement).
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot 20 h, tunnilla purettava ryhmätyö.
Kurssin päätteeksi järjestetään luentoihin ja kurssikirjaan perustuva kirjallinen tentti.
Oppimateriaali: Kts. kurssin Noppa-sivut.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32e31100/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
32E32000 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law I (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Marcus Norrgård (Hanken)
Status of the Course: Master’s degree, Advanced studies in Business Law (DR 2005 &
DR 2013).
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I (Fall 2015) See more specific schedule in Hanken’s web pages.
Please note that the course starts already on 31st of August.
Workload: Lectures, exercises, self-study, term paper.
Learning Outcomes: After having successfully completed the course the course the
students will be able to:
- master general knowledge of fundamental concepts of intellectual property law
- analyze and apply principles of IP law in a global setting
Content: The aim of the course is to give a thorough understanding of the key concepts
principles of substantive intellectual property law (especially copyright, trademark, patent,
and design law). Topics include the requirements for protection & scope of protection of
IP rights in the European Union.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written examination (80 % of the grade), which is
based on the literature (including lectures), term paper (20 % of the grade)
Study Material: MacQueen, H., Waelde, C. & Laurie, G. (2010). Contemporary
Intellectual Property. Law and Policy. Oxford University Press. Lecture notes, slides,
articles and cases as pointed out by the instructor. All articles, slides as well as cases are
required for the exam.
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi using code 32E32000. See the registration time
in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: The students are also expected to learn the contents of lecture
notes. The lecture notes will be made available during the course on the website. The
course will be lectured at Hanken. A maximum of 40 Aalto Econ MSc students will be
accepted to the course in order of registration.
32E33000 Taxes and Corporate Finance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Matti Kukkonen (Hanken)
Status of the Course: Master’s degree, advanced studies (DR 2005 & DR 2013)
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III-IV (Spring 2016) See more specific teaching schedule in Hanken’s
web pages.
Workload: 214 hours divided into
Scheduled (contact) hours:
Non-scheduled work:
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course students will be able to:
- describe the general individual and corporate tax issues relating to corporate finance
- apply basic tools and practices in the context of customary debt or payout policy
planning of the Finnish enterprises
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written examination (70 % of the grade), which is
based on the course material (including lectures), and term paper (a case study, 30 % of
the grade).
Study Material: Lecture notes and an extensive package of readings will be distributed.
Additional readings:
Kukkonen, M: Capital Gains Taxation and Realization Behaviour. HSE A-168, 2000.
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: Introductory course in tax law is recommended.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: Please see the Hanken study guide and website for more
information. Hanken course code is 3786. Please note that registering for the course will
be via Aalto WebOodi using code 32E33000. The course will be lectured at Hanken. A
maximum of 40 Aalto Econ MSc students will be accepted to the course in order of
registration. Only students of Aalto Econ MSc programs can be accepted to the course.
Priority will be given to students of the Business Law MSc program.
32E36000 Monetizing IPR in Creative Industries (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Petri Kuoppamäki
Status of the Course: Master’s degree, Advanced studies in Business Law.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III-IV (Spring 2016)
Workload: Project work in teams 94 h
Classroom hours 30 h
Individual work 30 h Team meetings with facilitator 6 h
Total 160 h (6 op)
Learning Outcomes: The course will enhance the understanding of future business
leaders and buyers of design on the strategic importance of intellectual property rights.
On the other hand the course will give to the future experts of creative industries insights
on IPR they will in their creative work.
After completing the course, students will be able to
• identify, analyze and solve IPR related problems from a multi-disciplinary viewpoint
• apply the knowledge and skills gained during their studies to real-life tasks and
• manage complex projects and work in diverse teams
• present a case report both orally and in writing
• critically reflect on their learning process and outcomes
Content: The course deals with intellectual property rights in creative industries. Creative
industries rely upon complex systems of intellectual property rights, from copyright,
patent, design rights, to trademark laws that can be used either alone or in various
combinations in order to protect innovative designs and implementations. The course will
deal with IPR issues in creative industries in a problem-oriented and practical manner
from the perspective of monetization of these intangible assets.
The monetization angle creates the “backbone” of the course in terms of business
economics and enables a common language between the business and art students.
In the lecturers a two speaker model will be utilized. One lecturer will cover the topic from
a practical, substantive and business development angle and the other primarily from the
perspective of IPR creation, protection and monetization. This informal and discursive
setting aims at making it easier for the student to bring her own questions and
experiences to the discussion.
The course consists of an applied, real-life problem-based projects and IPR related cases
that students identify, analyze and solve in multi-disciplinary teams.
In the course, there are ten 3 hour seminar lectures. The lectures will take place at the
beginning of the period III. After the lectures each working team (4-5 students from
different disciplines) identifies a real-life IPR related problem they select. After getting the
project idea approved by the course leaders, the team works independently to provide a
solution for the identified problem. The case and the solution are then presented in the
closing seminar towards the end of the period IV by each team. Between the seminars,
each student team meets with their facilitator (at least) twice, to report on their progress
and to receive feedback.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
The course consists of mandatory attendance and three main assignments, the first of
which is divided into three parts as follows:
1. Written team case report 50%
a. Progress report 1
b. Progress report 2
c. Final report
2. Oral team case presentation 30%
3. Individual student portfolio 20%
All assignments must be completed to pass the course. Late assignments are not
All the assignments are assessed on a 0-5 scale based on the following rubrics that are
all available in the course workspace in Moodle:
• The written team case report is assessed based on the Business writing and Capstone
• The oral team case report is assessed based on the Business presentations rubric
• The individual student portfolio is assessed based on the Capstone rubric
Study Material:
With their team, students are expected to identify and use readings from several different
sources such
as textbooks, articles, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. Including but not limited
Walter Isaacson: Steve Jobs. Simon & Schuster 2011
John Palfrey: Intellectual Property Strategy. MIT Press Essential Knowledge 2011
Prerequisites: Degree students studying in the Master’s Programs in the School of
Business and School of Arts are eligible for the course. A maximum number of 50
students will be admitted to the course (with a 50 % allocation of seats to each
School). Also exchange students can be admitted to the course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: • Attendance in all sessions is mandatory
• Students will be divided into the working teams by the teachers in charge
• Course workspace in Moodle: https://moodle.aalto.fi/course/view. course enrolment key
given to registered students
• Evaluation rubrics available in Moodle
32E99901 Tutkielma (30 op)
Master’s Thesis
Vastuuopettaja: Matti Rudanko
Kurssin asema: Pakollinen syventävä kurssi (TS 2005 & TS 2013).
Kurssin taso: Syventävä
Opetusperiodi: I - IV (Syksy 2015, kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Luennot, 28 h
- Luennoilla valmistautuminen, 68 h
- Tutkielman kirjoitus, 700 h
- Kypsyysnäyte, 4 h
Tutkielman kirjoittamisella on yritysjuridiikassa kolme pääasiallista oppimistavoitetta:
Kehittää opiskelijan kykyä itsenäiseen tieteellisen työskentelyyn, tarjota opiskelijalle
syvällistä osaamista hänen valitsemallaan aihealueellaan ja opettaa opiskelijalle miten
lakitekstejä laaditaan.
Nämä taidot opiskelija oppii seminaarin eri vaiheiden kautta:
1) Aiheen etsiminen ja rajaaminen, tutkimuskysymysten määrittely.
2) Tutkimuskirjallisuuden etsiminen ja rajaaminen järjestelmällisesti
3) Kvantitatiivisen tai kvalitatiivisen tutkimusaineiston hankkiminen
4) Tutkimusaineiston analysointi sopivalla menetelmällä
5) Empiiristen tulosten raportointi informatiivisesti
6) Jatkotutkimusaiheiden rajaaminen ja tulosten tarkastelu
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Aktiivinen osallistuminen
tutkielmaseminaariin kahden lukukauden aikana, tutkielman kirjoittaminen ja valmiin
tutkielman palauttaminen. Kypsyysnäytteeseen osallistuminen.
Kurssin kotisivu: Kts. seminaarin Noppasivut
Esitiedot: Kandidaatin tutkinnon tulee olla suoritettu.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kts. tutkielmaseminaari (32E99902)
Opetuskieli: Suomi
32E99902 KTM-tutkielmaseminaari (0 cr)
Master’s Thesis Seminar
Responsible teacher: Matti Rudanko
Status of the Course: KTM -tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot (TS 2005).
Level of the Course: Syventävät opinnot
Teaching period: I - IV (syksy 2015, kevät 2016)
- Seminaarikokoontumiset 28 h
- Esitysten valmistelu 68 h
- Gradututkielman kirjoittaminen 700 h
- Kypsyysnäyte (maturiteetti) 4 h
Learning Outcomes: Yritysjuridiikan KTM-tutkielmaseminaarin tarkoituksena on saada
valmiudet itsenäiseen tieteelliseen tutkimukseen ja kirjoittamiseen sekä erilaisten
juridisten asiakirjojen (muistioiden, raporttien, sopimusten ym.) laatimiseen. Seminaarissa
pyritään keskustelun sekä vetäjän ja osanottajien kommenttien avulla antamaan
näkökulmia ja apua gradun kirjoittamiseen.
Content: Aktiivinen osallistuminen seminaariin kahden (yleensä peräkkäisen)
lukukauden ajan, gradututkielman kirjoittaminen sekä kirjallinen kypsyyskoe.
Ensimmäisen lukukauden aikana osanottajat esittävät seminaarissa
tutkimussuunnitelmansa. Toisella lukukaudella esitellään valmis tai lähes valmis
gradututkielma tai jokin valmiiksi kirjoitettu jakso siitä. Esitys sisältää myös tutkimuksen
teoreettisten ja empiiristen tulosten esittelyä. Tässä vaiheessa työn valmistumisaste on
yleensä noin 75 %, ja lopullinen versio jätetään tarkastettavaksi seuraavan lukukauden
loppuun mennessä. Lisäohjeita seminaarin organisoinnista, seminaarityöskentelystä ja
gradun jättämisestä tarkastukseen on seminaarin kotisivulla
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E99902
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree.
Evaluation: Hyväksytty/Hylätty
Registration for Courses: Seminaariin ilmoittaudutaan ensimmäisellä
kokoontumiskerralla lukukauden alussa. Vero-oikeuden seminaariin ilmoittaudutaan
syyslukukauden alussa, jolloin seminaari alkaa. Yksityisoikeuden seminaari alkaa syys- ja
kevätlukukauden alussa, ja ilmoittautua voi jompanakumpana ajankohtana.
Language of Instruction: Suomi
Further Information: Opiskelija voi suorittaa seminaarin joko TS 2005:n mukaisesti 0
op:n arvoisena tai TS 2013 mukaan 6 op:n suorituksena joka arvostellaan 0-5 asteikolla.
Opiskelija ilmoittaa seminaarin alussa kummalla tavalla suorittaa seminaarin.
32E99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Vastuuopettaja: Professori Matti Rudanko, Professori Heikki Niskakangas.
Kurssin asema: KTM -tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot.
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Sisältö: Tutkielmaseminaarin päätteeksi suoritetaan kypsyysnäyte, jossa testataan
asiatekstin tuottaminen äidinkielellä ja tutkielman keskeisten osa-alueiden hallinta.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Kuulustelupäivämäärä sovitaan erikseen
laskentatoimen laitoksen opintokoordinaattorin kanssa. Opiskelija valitsee
kuulustelujärjestyksestä tenttipäivän ja ilmoittaa päivän ja kellonajan sähköpostitse
opintokoordinaattorille. Kypsyysnäytteen voi suorittaa vasta, kun gradu on aineen
puolesta hyväksytty.
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/Hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Laskentatoimen laitoksen opintokoordinaattorille sähköpostitse.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
32E99904 Capstone: Business Development Project (Business Law) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Rudanko
Status of the Course: Mandatory course in the Master’s Program of Business Law (DR
Level of the Course: Advanced.
Teaching period: I-II (Fall 2015), III-IV (Spring 2016) A 12-week course organised both
in the Spring and in the Fall.
Project work in teams:132 h
Classroom contact hours: 6 h
Individual work: 20 h
Team meetings with facilitator: 2 h
Learning Outcomes: After completing the course, students will be able to
• identify, analyse and solve real-life business problems from a multi-disciplinary
• apply the knowledge and skills gained during their studies to real-life business tasks and
• manage complex projects and work in diverse teams
• present a case report both orally and in writing
• critically reflect on their learning process and outcomes
Content: The course consists of an applied, real-life problem-based project/case that
students identify, analyze and solve in multi-disciplinary teams. It also focuses on
developing the students’ self-awareness of the key learnings during their studies in the
Master’s Program.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Team case report (written and oral): 80% Individual
student portfolio: 20%
Study Material: To be indicated by the teachers in charge.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/32E99904
Prerequisites: Most Master’s Program studies have to be completed before you can
enroll on the Capstone course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: Compulsory attendance in all class sessions and meetings. Most
Master’s Program studies have to be completed before you can enroll on the Capstone
32E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Matti Rudanko
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, yritysjuridiikan erikoistumisopinnot, pakollinen kurssi (TS
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: I - IV (syksy 2015, kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
- Seminaarikokoontumiset 28 h
- Esitysten valmistelu 68 h
- Gradututkielman kirjoittaminen 700 h
- Kypsyysnäyte (maturiteetti) 4 h
Yritysjuridiikan KTM-tutkielmaseminaarin tarkoituksena on saada valmiudet itsenäiseen
tieteelliseen tutkimukseen ja kirjoittamiseen sekä erilaisten juridisten asiakirjojen
(muistioiden, raporttien, sopimusten ym.) laatimiseen.
Seminaarissa pyritään keskustelun sekä vetäjän ja osanottajien kommenttien avulla
antamaan näkökulmia ja apua gradun kirjoittamiseen.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Aktiivinen osallistuminen seminaariin
kahden (yleensä peräkkäisen) lukukauden ajan, gradututkielman kirjoittaminen sekä
kirjallinen kypsyyskoe. Ensimmäisen lukukauden aikana osanottajat esittävät
seminaarissa tutkimussuunnitelmansa. Toisella lukukaudella esitellään valmis tai lähes
valmis gradututkielma tai jokin valmiiksi kirjoitettu jakso siitä. Esitys sisältää myös
tutkimuksen teoreettisten ja empiiristen tulosten esittelyä. Tässä vaiheessa työn
valmistumisaste on yleensä noin 75 %, ja lopullinen versio jätetään tarkastettavaksi
seuraavan lukukauden loppuun mennessä. Lisäohjeita seminaarin organisoinnista,
seminaarityöskentelystä ja gradun jättämisestä tarkastukseen on seminaarin kotisivulla
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Seminaariin ilmoittaudutaan ensimmäisellä kokoontumiskerralla
lukukauden alussa. Vero-oikeuden seminaariin ilmoittaudutaan syyslukukauden alussa,
jolloin seminaari alkaa. Yksityisoikeuden seminaari alkaa syys- ja kevätlukukauden
alussa, ja ilmoittautua voi jompanakumpana ajankohtana.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Opiskelija voi suorittaa seminaarin joko TS 2005:n mukaisesti 0 op:n
arvoisena tai TS 2013 mukaan 6 op:n suorituksena joka arvostellaan 0-5 asteikolla.
Opiskelija ilmoittaa seminaarin alussa kummalla tavalla suorittaa seminaarin.
32H00100 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Laskentatoimen laitoksen opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema: Yritysjuridiikan aineopinnot TS 2005.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus Intossa:
Kurssin kotisivu: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12322790
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Mikäli opiskelet TS 2013 mukaan, työharjoittelu sijoitetaan valinnaisiin
opintoihin. Valinnaisiin opintoihin (tutkintosääntö 2013) sisällytettävän harjoittelun osalta
hakemuksen käsittelee opinto- ja opiskelijapalveluiden hyväksilukuasiat.
32H00200 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Laskentatoimen laitoksen opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema: Yritysjuridiikan syventävät opinnot TS 2005.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus:
Kurssin kotisivu: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12322790
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty
28A00110 Rahoituksen perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Finance
Vastuuopettaja: Peter Nyberg
Kurssin asema: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Opetusperiodi: V (kevät 2016)
Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Osallistuminen luennoille, 24 h
Osallistuminen harjoituksiin, 24 h
Valmistautuminen luennoille, 32 h
Valmistautuminen harjoituksiin, 48 h
Tenttiin valmistautuminen, 28 h
Tentti, 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Antaa perustiedot yrityksen rahoituksen analysoinnista,
suunnittelusta ja rahoitusmarkkinoiden toiminnasta sekä yritysjohdon että ulkopuolisen
tarkastelijan näkökulmasta.
Sisältö: Rahoitusmarkkinoiden tehtävät ja rakenne, rahoituksen lähteet, arvopapereiden
hinnoittelu, investointilaskelmat, tuotto ja riski, markkinoiden tehokkuus ja sijoittaminen,
rahoituspäätökset, riskienhallinta ja johdannaiset.
• Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot 24 h, apulaisprofessori
Peter Nyberg
• Harjoitukset 24 h, KTM Mikael Paaso
• Palautettavat harjoitukset (25%)
• Tentti (75%), perustuu luentoihin ja luennoilla jaettavaan/erikseen ilmoitettavaan
materiaaliin ja ohessa mainittuun kirjallisuuteen.
Oppimateriaali: Samuli Knüpfer, Vesa Puttonen (2014) Moderni rahoitus. ISBN 978-95214-2312-3 Kurssikirjojen saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28a00110/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodissa. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Ilmoittautumista koskevat kysymykset laitoksen opintokoordinaattorille.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
28A00210 Introduction to Finance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Associate Professor Sami Torstila
Status of the Course: Fundamentals of Business Knowledge DR2005
Level of the Course: Basic studies
It can be replaced with 28C00100 Corporate Finance.
Learning Outcomes: The aim is to give students a good understanding of the most
fundamental tools and concepts in finance.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Not lectured anymore
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28a00210/
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
28C00100 Corporate Finance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Bunyamin Önal
Status of the Course: DR 2013 Bachelor’s programme, mandatory course of the
Finance specialization area
DR 2005 Bachelor’s programme in Accounting, Finance and Business Law, common
mandatory course of the programme
Finance minor mandatory course
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: I (fall 2015)
Otaniemi campus
Workload: Classroom hours, 24 h
Class preparation, 24 h
Excercise hours, 8 h
Exercise preparation, 50 h
Demos, 8 h
Demo preparation, 12 h
Exam preparation, 30 h
Exam, 3 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, the students will be able to show detailed
understanding of the decisions facing the financial management of a business enterprise,
such as payout policy, capital structure decisions, working capital management, and
Content: Corporate financing; dividend policy; capital structure; debt financing; financial
planning; credit and cash management; mergers, acquisitions and corporate control. The
assignments require fluency in the use of a spreadsheet program.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures, Assistant Professor Bünyamin Önal
2. Exercises (40%), Assistant Professor Bünyamin Önal
3. Final exam (60%) based on the lectures, exercises, the textbook and other readings
handed out in class.
Study Material:
Brealy, Myers & Allen (2014, 11 th edition) Principles of Corporate Finance. Earlier
editions can also be used.
Other readings handed out in class
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28C00100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses:
Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi. Please register for the lecture and
for one of the exercise groups. A maximum of 120 students will be accepted to each
exercise group (a total of 240 students).
Course exam requires a separate registration via WebOodi.
For any registration related matter, please contact the department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
28C00200 Econometrics for Finance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matthijs Lof
Status of the Course: B.Sc., mandatory course of the Finance specialization area
DR2013 Finance master level minor, mandatory course
DR2005 Finance minor elective course
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: I (Fall 2015)
Otaniemi campus
Workload: Classroom hours, 30 h
Class preparation, 42 h
Preparing exercise sets, 50 h
Exam preparation, 37 h
Exam, 3 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will be familiar with basic
econometric methods; be able to implement these methods using the R language (
http://www.r-project.org/); know how to interpret statistical results correctly and draw
appropriate conclusions.
Content: The course provides an introduction to the standard linear regression model,
which is the core of econometrics. Topics include estimation by ordinary least squares
(OLS), interpreting regression results, hypothesis testing, and misspecification issues. In
addition to the standard regression model, we will look at event-study methodology,
instrumental variables and panel data. This is an applied course, meaning that all topics
will be illustrated by empirical examples related to investments and corporate finance
using real data.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises (50%) and exam (50%)
Study Material: Readings, exercises, slides, and other materials will be provided by the
Substitutes for Courses: 30C00200 Econometrics
31C01200 Taloustieteen empiiriset menetelmät
Prerequisites: Introduction to Statistics
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
28C00300 Investment Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Peter Nyberg
Status of the Course: DR 2013 Bachelor’s programme, mandatory course of the
Finance specialization area
DR 2005 Bachelor’s programme in Accounting, Finance and Business Law, common
mandatory course of the programme
Finance minor mandatory course
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: III (spring 2016)
Otaniemi campus
Workload: Classroom hours 24 h
Exercise hours 24 h
Class preparation 22 h
Exercise preparation 50 h
Exam preparation 36 h
Exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course the students will be able to understand
key theories and observations in the area of financial markets.
Content: Portfolio theory, asset pricing models, market efficiency, valuation of stocks and
bonds, derivative instruments, portfolio management and investor behavior.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 24 h, Assistant Professor Peter Nyberg
2. Exercises 24 h (25%), M.Sc. Petra Vokatá
3. Investment game (25%)
4. Exam (50%), based on all course material
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28c00300/etusivu
Prerequisites: Introduction to Finance and Applied Quantitative Methods
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for course and exams via Weboodi.
Further instructions on the course web page, instructions are also given on the first
excercise session. For any registration related matter, please contact the department
study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
28C00400 Derivatives and Risk Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Suominen
Status of the Course: DR 2013 Master’s programme in Finance, mandatory course
DR 2005 B.Sc., mandatory course of the finance specialization area
DR 2005 Finance minor mandatory course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies DR 2013 (Intermediate studies DR 2005)
Teaching period: V (spring 2016)
Töölö campus
Workload: Classroom hours 24 h
Exercise hours 12 h
Class preparation 34 h
Exercise preparation 50 h
Exam preparation 36 h
Exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to show detailed
understanding of the derivatives markets and the instruments. The course reflects both
theory and practice and it covers diverse areas such as equity, index, foreign currency,
commodity and fixed income derivatives.
Content: Main topics are arbitrage, binomial models, Black & Scholes model, extensions
to Black & Scholes model, interest rate derivatives, and exotic options.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures, 24 h
2. Exercises and cases (30%), 12 h
3. Written examination (70%). The examination will be based on the lectures, handouts
and the course literature.
Study Material:
John C. Hull: Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, latest edition
Brealey, Myers and Allen, Principles of Corporate Finance, latest edition
Other material distributed by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28c00400/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: If you have any questions regarding the course because of the
degree regulations changes (DR 2013 vs 2005), please contact the study coordinator of
the Finance department and/or see the instructions on how to change from old to new
degree regulations.
28C00500 Capstone: Valuation (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Elias Rantapuska
Status of the Course: DR 2013 B.Sc. programme, mandatory course of the Finance
specialization area
DR 2005 B.Sc. programme, elective course of the Finance specialization area
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: IV (spring 2016)
Otaniemi campus
Workload: Lectures 24 h
Exercises 10 h
Class preparation 12 h
Exercise preparation 46 h
Valuation group project 32 h
Valuation group project presentation 1 h
Exam preparation 32 h
Exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: After completing this course a student should understand how
corporate strategy and operations are linked to corporate valuation, how to select the
right valuation model for the task at hand, how to standardize financial statements,
forecast financial statements in a spreadsheet program using the standardized financial
statements, and perform actual valuation. Furthermore, the student should be able to
fluently interpret, discuss, present, and understand the limitations of valuation results for
strategic decision making.
Content: Basic concepts of valuation, corporate strategy and operations as a source of
value, interpreting and standardizing financial statements, forecasting financial
statements, valuation models, empirical issues and special cases in valuation. Case
exercises apply all of this knowledge to real-life valuation cases.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Individual final exam 30%
Valuation group project 30%
Valuation group project presentation 10%
Case assignments 30%
Study Material:
Palepu Krishna G., Paul M. Healy and Erik Peek (2013) Business Analysis and Valuation
- IFRS edition, 3rd ed. (Textbook, required reading)
Pinto Jerald E., Elaine Henry, Thomas R. Robinson and John D. Stowe (2010) Equity
Asset Valuation, 2nd ed. (Professional reference handbook, recommended reading)
The following book is used in exercises:
Rees Michael (2008) Financial Modelling in Practice. (Handbook for modelling in Excel,
recommended reading).
This book provides useful supplementary material especially for those who want to
upgrade Excel modelling skills.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28c00500/etusivu
Prerequisites: Introduction to Accounting, Introduction to Finance, Corporate Finance,
Financial Markets and Institutions, Investment Management, and intermediate
spreadsheet skills. Students may find it helpful to make this the last or almost last course
of their B.Sc. degree. Aalto University or exchange students with less than three courses
completed in finance are strongly discouraged from enrolling, although can do so at their
own risk.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for course and exams via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Students of Aalto Finance B.Sc. Programme and exchange
students with Finance specialization at their home university will be admitted to the
course. All admitted students must have completed the above mentioned pre-requisites
to be able to fluently complete the course. Maximum of 75 students will be accepted to
the course. Late registration may not be possible so make sure to register in time.
28C00800 Financial Markets and Institutions (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Vesa Puttonen
Status of the Course: B.Sc., mandatory course of the Finance specialization area
DR 2013 Finance minor mandatory course
DR 2005 Finance minor elective course
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: II (fall 2015)
Otaniemi campus
Workload: Lectures, 24 h
Class preparation, 32 h
Case and term paper preparation, 30 h
Exam preparation, 70 h
Exam, 3 h
Learning Outcomes: To provide a comprehensive view of financial markets and
institutions as well as the developments during the recent financial crisis. By the end of
the course, students will be familiar with the concepts of commercial banking, investment
banking, central banking and shadow banking systems; pension funds; insurance
companies and regulatory institutions. Students will understand the roots of the recent
crisis and critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the policy and
regulatory reactions to the crisis.
Content: The course discusses commercial banking, investment banking, central
banking, funds, insurance companies, and regulation.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures
2. Final exam (50%), based on the books, lectures, and material distributed in lectures
3. Case (30%)
4. Term paper (20%)
Study Material:
Mishkin, F.S. and S.G. Eakins (2012): Financial Markets and Institutions, Pearson, 7th
Other material distributed by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28C00800
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses:
Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi.
1) Register on time via WebOodi.
2) Come to the first lecture to confirm your registration by signing the participation list.
It is the students’ responsibility to make sure that you are registered online, and to sign
the participation list in person during the first lecture. Failing to do either of these steps
means that you cannot take part in the course. This procedure is to ensure that students
who are on the waiting list for the course can take part in it if other registered students
decide not to take the course.
Only 3 exceptions will be applied:
1) If you have an internship/job, you need to bring a document from your work place and
show it to the lecturer on Thursday, 5 November 2015, at 13-14.
2) If you are sick during the first lecture, you need to bring a doctor’s report and show it to
the lecturer on Thursday, 5 November 2015, at 13-14.
3) If due to technical reasons you could not register for the course, please inform the
department study coordinator immediately and not after the registration closes. It is your
responsibility to check whether your name is registered online.
The lists will be updated on Thursday, 5 November 2015 and no changes will be made
For any registration related matter, please contact the department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: If you have any questions regarding the course because of the
degree regulations change (DR 2013 vs 2005), please contact the department study
coordinator and/or see the instructions on how to change from old to new degree
28C99901 Bachelor’s Thesis (10 cr)
Responsible teacher: Fall semester: Matthijs Lof, Bünyamin Önal Spring semester: Eero
Kasanen, Elias Rantapuska
Status of the Course: B.Sc. Finance specialization, mandatory
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: I-II (fall 2015), III-V (spring 2016)
Otaniemi campus
Workload: Research idea development, research proposal writing, data collection, data
analysis, and thesis writing, 267 h
Learning Outcomes: The main objective of the course is to engage the student in
individual research work in finance. This includes getting familiar with research methods,
getting to know the sources for research information, analyzing the research data, and
expressing the research results fluently and credibly. The course also prepares the
students for the Master’s Thesis.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Submitting a bachelor’s thesis. Note that the
Bachelor Thesis (28C99901) and Bachelor Thesis Seminar (28C99902) are graded
separately. The thesis is supposed to be completed within one semester. Delays will lead
to a reduction of the seminar grade. See the course homepage for details. The submitted
bachelor’s theses will be presented to the group in seminar sessions held towards the
end of term in early December and early May.
Study Material: Kaustia, M., Knüpfer, S. & Rantapuska, E. (2008): Preparing a research
report in finance studies. Available at MyCourses page.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28c99901/esite
Prerequisites: You need to have completed 2 finance courses (preferably in the area of
your intended thesis topic) and econometrics to complete bachelor’s thesis in finance. It
is recommended that bachelor’s thesis and seminar are completed towards the end of the
B.Sc. degree.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: In order to register you have to sign up via the eAge page
and attend the seminar kick-off session, where you will be divided into seminar groups.
The deadline for registration is end of December for spring group and end of July for fall
group. For more information please visit the MyCourses page.
Language of Instruction: English
28C99902 Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar (2 cr)
Responsible teacher: Fall semester: Matthjis Lof, Bünyamin Önal Spring semester: Eero
Kasanen, Elias Rantapuska
Status of the Course: B.Sc. Finance specialization, mandatory
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: I-II (fall 2015), III-V (spring 2016)
Otaniemi campus
Workload: Kick-off session, 2 h
Presentation of research proposal, 2 h
Mandatory meetings with instructor, 1 h
Voluntary meetings with instructor and preparation for these meetings, 36 h
Seminar sessions, 12 h
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the seminar is to support student in preparing a
bachelor’s thesis. The seminar also prepares student for professional way of working to
complete a large, open-ended project independently.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Outside seminar sessions: taking professional
responsibility of own thesis work and completing thesis according to schedule agreed
with the instructor; written reports including pre-assignment, research plan, and
preliminary research report; opponent report During seminar sessions: presentation of
own research report; presentation as opponent of another student’s research report;
comments on another student’s research reports
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28c99901/esite
https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28c99901/esite Bachelor’s Thesis.
Prerequisites: You need to have completed 2 finance courses (preferably in the area of
your intended thesis topic) and econometrics to complete bachelor’s thesis in finance. It
is recommended that bachelor’s thesis and seminar are completed towards the end of the
B.Sc. degree.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: In order to register you have to sign up via the eAge page
and attend the seminar kick-off session, where you will be divided into seminar groups.
The deadline for registration is end of December for spring group and end of July for fall
group. For more information please visit the MyCourses page.
Language of Instruction: English
28C99903 Maturity Test (0 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Fall semester: Matthijs Lof, Bünyamin Önal Spring semester: Eero
Kasanen, Elias Rantapuska
Kurssin asema: B.Sc. Finance specialization, mandatory
Kurssin taso: Intermediate studies
Opetusperiodi: I-II (fall 2015), III-V (spring 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: written test 3 h
Sisältö: Maturity test is a written test the student writes after completing the Bachelor’s
and Master’s thesis work. Maturity test demonstrates the student’s familiarity with the
subject of the thesis and the skills in Finnish or Swedish language. If the student has not
studied the secondary level education in Finnish or Swedish, it is possible to apply for an
exemption in order to take the test in English.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28c99901/esite
Arvosteluasteikko: pass/fail
Maturity test dates are announced on the Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar homepage and
general examination schedule with the course code 28C99903.
Please register for one of the two scheduled maturity exams through WebOodi during the
semester when you are completing your B.Sc. thesis.
If you are exempted from taking the in Finnish or Swedish, please write to the additional
information field while registering “maturity test in English”.
Opetuskieli: Finnish/English
28E00100 Behavioral Finance and Decision Making (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Kaustia
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I (fall 2015)
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to distinguish between standard and
behavioral finance aspects in households’ and firms’ financial decisions; identify the main
judgment heuristics and biases; suggest comprehensive solutions to business situations
involving financial products and services; propose relevant connections between financial
phenomena and underlying behavioral traits.
Content: Behavioral aspects of investment decisions, financial markets, and product
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Graded assignments and final exam
Study Material:
Bazerman, M. H. (2006) Judgment in managerial decision making. ISBN 0-471-68430-9
Articles and cases announced by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28e00100/etusivu
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Corporate Finance, Investment Management (or
comparable courses). The course is an advanced level course for MSc students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 60 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E00300 Advanced Investment Theory (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Suominen
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: V (spring 2016)
Workload: Lectures 24 h
Class preparation 48 h
Exercise preparation 50 h
Exam preparation 36 h
Exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course the students will be able show detailed
understanding of asset pricing models and the theory of financial markets under perfect
and under imperfect information.
Content: Financial markets under perfect information: risk aversion and portfolio choice.
Dynamic hedging and pricing of redundant assets. Financial markets under imperfect
information: supply and demand for risky assets under imperfect information. Liquidity
provision in financial markets. The course looks at the modern theory of financial markets
and the empirical evidence related to the phenomena discussed.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 24 h
2. Exercises
3. Final exam (100%), or alternatively an extensive individual project
Study Material: Material provided by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28e00300/
Prerequisites: Investment Management
The course is an advanced level course for M.Sc. students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 60 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E00400 Marketing Financial Services (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Vesa Puttonen
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I (fall 2015)
Workload: Classroom hours, 28 h
Class preparation, 16 h
Preparing cases, 60 h
Preparation of classroom case presentation, 12 h
Exam preparation, 40 h
Exam, 3 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course students know how to manage the
marketing of financial services.
Content: Marketing of financial services is regarded as a challenge in today’s rapidly
changing financial markets. The course penetrates into the relationship between the
financial service providers and customers, using the viewpoint of finance theory, on one
hand, and the viewpoint of marketing, on the other. On this course you will acquire the
knowledge to understand how financial services products work, together with the
marketing acumen necessary to compete successfully in this highly competitive (yet low
interest) sector.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Cases and exercises (50%) 2. Final exam (50%),
based on the book and material distributed in lectures
Study Material:
Estelami, Hooman (2007) Marketing financial services
Additional material will be announced on the first lecture.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28e00400/etusivu
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 60 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E00600 Venture Capital (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Professor of Practice Peter Kelly
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: V (spring 2016)
Learning Outcomes: To introduce students to the main concepts of venture capital
activities, analysing venture investments, valuation of companies and the exit process.
Content: The operating principles of a venture capital fund, the process of choosing
target companies, valuation and capital structure, various methods of selling the target
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and cases 24 h. Active attendance and
participation in the classes is required.
2. Six case assignments and a final assignment (100%)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E00600/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi. See the registration time in WebOodi. For any
registration related matter, please contact the department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 80 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E00900 Fixed Income (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Antti Suhonen
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: IV (spring 2016)
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to give students the key tools
for analyzing, valuing and risk managing fixed income securities and
derivatives, understanding the practical applications of such concepts, and being able
to study current issues in the fixed income markets. The course will be useful to students
interested in careers in banking, financial services, investment management, corporate
financial management, or in the academia.
Content: Topics discussed include the global fixed income market structure, valuation of
key instruments traded in both government bond and credit markets including derivatives
such as options, futures, swaps and structured products, interest rate risk management
and modelling as well as the impact of macroeconomic events on fixed income markets.
The course will cover theoretical models and concepts as well as practical applications
and analysis.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Final exam (50%)
Assignments and cases (50%)
Study Material: Tuckman, Serrat (2012) Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today’s
Markets, 3rd edition. Availability
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E00900/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 60 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E09900 Finance Studies at Another University (V) (6-12 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Markku Kaustia
Kurssin asema: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Lisätietoja: Finance studies at another university or another Aalto School must be
agreed in advance with the programme director Markku Kaustia. The suggested course
must meet the goals and requirements of the Finance M.Sc. programme. The course
content should not overlap with any other courses belonging to the degree at Aalto
university. If you are interested in doctoral studies and would like to include PhD level
course(s) under this course code, please contact Mikko Leppämäki.
28E29000 Advanced Corporate Finance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Matti Keloharju
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: not lectured 2015-2016
Workload: Classroom hours, 24 h
Class preparation, 40 h
Exercise hours, 6 h
Drill hours, 4 h
Exercise and drill preparation, 24 h
Case discussions, 24 h
Case discussion preparation, 16 h
Exam preparation, 40 h
Exam, 4 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, students will be equipped with theory
and practice to structure, solve and communicate recommendations to challenges faced
by corporate financial managers. Students will be able to understand the roles and
motivations of various stakeholders and critically evaluate their stance on key corporate
Content: Equity offerings; bankruptcy costs and debt holder - equity holder conflicts;
capital structure and corporate strategy; incentive problems and corporate governance;
executive compensation; the information conveyed by financial decisions; and share
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures, prof. Matti Keloharju
2. Exercises and cases (50%), MBA Deniz Ökat
3. Final exam (50%) based on the lectures, exercises, the package of readings and other
readings handed out in class
Study Material: The package of readings will be distributed only to students registered to
the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E29000/
Prerequisites: Corporate Finance (28C00100). The course is an advanced level course
for MSc students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 60 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E33000 Capstone: Mergers and Acquisitions (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sami Torstila
Status of the Course: DR 2013 M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, mandatory
DR 2005 M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective course
CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (fall 2015)
Workload: Classroom hours, 24 h
Class preparation, 24 h
Case preparation, 68 h
Exam preparation, 40 h
Exam, 4 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course students will be able to work with mergers
and acquisitions in a way that utilizes both academic research findings and corporate
best practice.
Content: The course includes up-to-date information on both academic research and
corporate practice relating to mergers and acquisitions. The focus is on financial aspects,
but strategic, legal, and other considerations are covered in specific lectures. The course
will be useful to students interested in investment banking or management consulting
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures
2. Cases and exercises (50%)
3. Final exam (50%), based on the book and material distributed in lectures
Study Material:
DePamphilis, Donald M. (2013) Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities,
7th edition
Other material distributed in lectures
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E33000/
Prerequisites: Corporate Finance or comparable skills
The course is an advanced level course for M.Sc. students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 60 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E34100 Project Work (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Vesa Puttonen
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Workload: Independent work 160 h
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to apply theory to a practical problem in Finance.
Projects can be sponsored by a company and it is recommended that the project will be
discussed in advance with Prof. Vesa Puttonen.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: An extensive, high quality report on the project. The
subject and requirements must be approved in advance.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E34100/
Evaluation: 0-5
28E34200 International Financial Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Elias Rantapuska
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: IV (spring 2016)
Workload: Lectures, 24 h
Exercises, 4 h
Case and pitch presentations, 6 h
Class preparation, 24 h
Preparation for online quizzes, 30 h
Preparing cases, 32 h
Preparing transaction pitch, 16 h
Preparing classroom case presentation, 6 h
Exam preparation, 36 h
Exam, 2 h
Learning Outcomes: To familiarize students with key concepts in international financial
management. After completing this course, students should be equipped with theory and
practice to structure, solve and communicate recommendations to challenges faced by
multinational corporations.
Content: The course will focus on the main challenges faced today by multinational
corporations. The course consists of four parts:
International financial environment
International corporate risk management
International capital sourcing and capital budjeting
Project finance
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures, exercise sessions and case
presentations, 34 h
Final exam (30%)
Two online quizzes (20%)
In-class quizzes (10%)
Two cases (20%)
Transaction pitch (10%)
Presentation of a case or transaction pitch (10 %)
Extra credit (up to additional 5%) awarded for class participation.
Study Material:
Eiteman, David K., Stonehill, Arthur I. & Moffett, Michael H. (2009) Multinational Business
Finance. ISBN 013612156X, selected chapters. Editions other than 2009 can also be
Additional reading, case and exercise material provided by the responsible teacher and
guest lecturers.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E34200/
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics / Taloustieteen perusteet
Introduction to Finance / Rahoituksen perusteet
Corporate Finance
Derivatives and Risk Management
The course is an advanced level course for MSc students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 50 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E34500 Banking and Financial Intermediation (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Karolin Kirschenmann
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: spring 2016
Workload: Classroom hours, 24 h
Class preparation, 23 h
Case, exercise and paper presentation preparation, 60 h
Exam preparation, 50 h
Exam, 3 h
• Learning Outcomes: After taking the course, the student is able toexplain and
relate to each other the fundamental concepts on bank existence, loan
contracting, market structure, deposits and risk management,
• apply and relate the main concepts to actual bank behavior, bank market
structure and current developments in worldwide banking markets,
• compute numerical models in order to understand the underlying theories,
• collect, arrange and summarize information from different sources,
• discuss and assess empirical research papers related to the course topics in
order to gain an overview of the empirical banking literature and to prepare for
the Master thesis.
Content: This is an advanced course on banking and, in a broader sense, financial
intermediation. Banks play an important role in all economies over the world by bringing
depositors and borrowers together, reducing information asymmetries and allocating
capital efficiently. They are also part of everyone’s daily life by providing a smoothly
functioning payment system. But why do banks behave the way they do and why do
banking markets look the way they do? The course will provide students with various
facets (that go far beyond what is covered in the Bachelor-level course Financial Markets
and Institutions) to answer these questions. The course starts from the two main
fundamental approaches to banking: information asymmetry and industrial organization.
The asymmetric information approach views banks as information providers, while the
industrial organization approach regards banks as service providers. Both of these
approaches help explain the observed structure of banking markets (competition, location
of bank branches, market power) and behavior of banks (loan contract terms, screening,
monitoring). An important means of bank funding are deposits and the course will discuss
the key features of deposit contracts and how they are related to the occurrence of bank
runs and deposit insurance. The course will also discuss more specialized topics that
have received attention recently such as securitization and microfinance. A major
concern in banks is risk management and the course will cover in detail various tools how
to manage interest rate, credit and liquidity risk. Aspects of the recent financial crisis will
be discussed along the course.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures: Assistant Professor
Karolin Kirschenmann
2. Final exam (50%) based on the required readings, lectures, and material distributed in
3. 20% Case
4. 15% Two exercise sets
5. 15% Paper presentation
6. Up to additional 5% for active class participation
Study Material: Material distributed by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E34500/
Prerequisites: The course is an advanced level course for MSc students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 50 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E34600 Portfolio Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Kaustia
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (fall 2015)
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to identify the key issues in the debate
regarding the Efficient Markets Hypothesis; construct a comprehensive investment policy
statement; suggest solutions to business situations involving asset management; perform
critical analysis of an investment strategy.
Content: Portfolio management under efficient and inefficient markets
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Graded assignments and final exam
Study Material: Articles and cases announced by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E34600
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Corporate Finance, Investment Management (or
comparable courses). The course is an advanced level course for MSc students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 60 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E34700 Advanced Econometrics for Finance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matthijs Lof
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: III (spring 2016)
Workload: Classroom hours, 24 h
Class preparation, 48 h
Preparing exercise sets, 50 h
Exam preparation, 37 h
Exam, 3 h
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will be familiar with various
econometric methods for analyzing financial data; be able to implement these methods
using the R language ( http://www.r-project.org/); know how to interpret statistical results
correctly and draw appropriate conclusions.
Content: The course starts with a review of the linear regression model and related
concepts, including heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, endogeneity, and instrumental
variables. The remainder of the course will cover concepts for time-series analysis (e.g.
ARMA and VAR models, stationarity, cointegration) and tools for modeling market
volatility (e.g. ARCH/GARCH, realized volatility). All topics will be illustrated by financial
applications, including return predictability, empirical testing of the CAPM and other asset
pricing models, and Value-at-Risk.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises (50%) and exam (50%)
Study Material: Course material will be provided by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E34700
Prerequisites: Econometrics for Finance (28C00200), Econometrics (30C00200), or
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam registration via WebOodi. See the
registration time in WebOodi. For any registration related matter, please contact the
department study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 60 students can be accepted to the course.
- Students at Aalto Finance M.Sc. programme (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.) will be
guaranteed a seat on Finance M.Sc. courses. Finance M.Sc. students re-taking the
course (grade already registered in WebOodi) will not be prioritized and can participate
only if there are places remaining.
- CEMS students are similarly guaranteed a seat for Finance M.Sc. courses, which have
been designated as CEMS courses.
Remaining seats are prioritized as follows, in the order of registration in WebOodi within
one category:
1. Finance M.Sc. exchange students from other universities
2. Aalto Finance B.Sc. students with a finished B.Sc. thesis (registered in transcript of
3. All other M.Sc. students
Please follow carefully the registration deadlines of the courses and exams! Missing
registration deadline automatically foregoes a guaranteed seat for Finance M.Sc. courses
and puts prospective student at the bottom of the prioritization list.
Students may be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list
circulated during the first lecture.
28E99901 Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Responsible teacher: Professors Markku Kaustia, Peter Nyberg, Vesa Puttonen, Matti
Suominen and Sami Torstila
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, mandatory
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I-V (fall 2015 and spring 2016)
Workload: Classroom hours, 28 h
Class preparation, 68 h
Thesis writing, 700 h
Maturity exam, 4 h
Learning Outcomes: The thesis must demonstrate readiness for scientific thinking,
command of research methods, conversance with the topic of the thesis, and ability for
scientific communication.
Content: Active participation in the seminar, submission of a master’s thesis and an
examination in Maturity Test
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E99901/
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s Degree and four advanced level Finance courses If B.Sc. is
achieved according to degree regulations 1995 or is other than Finance, minimum of 6
ECTS cr in quantitative methods (econometrics or statistics) beyond the Common Core
Studies is required.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Students will be automatically placed to a thesis seminar
group. If you have questions concerning registration, please contact the department study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Instructors will inform the members of their thesis group regarding
the schedule of the seminar.
28E99902 Master’s Thesis Seminar (0 cr)
Responsible teacher: Professors Markku Kaustia, Peter Nyberg, Vesa Puttonen, Matti
Suominen and Sami Torstila
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, mandatory
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I-V (fall 2015 and spring 2016)
Learning Outcomes: The seminar is designed to help the students prepare their thesis.
The seminar sessions can be helpful due to many reasons. First, the seminar is a natural
place to seek comments and constructive criticism from the instructor and other seminar
participants. Second, the fact that each student has to make two presentations organizes
the work by setting concrete goals and timetables. Third, the act of presenting the
research often prompts the student to think along lines that would not occur to him or her
Content: See 28E99901 Master’s Thesis.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28E99901
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s Degree and four advanced level Finance courses If B.Sc. is
achieved according to degree regulations 1995 or is other than Finance, minimum of 6
ECTS cr in quantitative methods (econometrics or statistics) beyond the Common Core
Studies is required.
Evaluation: Pass/Fail
Registration for Courses: Students will be automatically placed to a thesis seminar
group. If you have any questions concerning registration, please contact the department
study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: You can alternatively choose to complete the thesis seminar as 6
cr, grading 0-5 (see 28E99905). In this case the thesis seminar instructor must be
informed about it at the beginning of the seminar.
28E99903 Maturity Test (0 op)
Kurssin asema: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, mandatory
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies
Opetusperiodi: I, II, III, IV, V
Sisältö: The maturity test is a written essay the student writes after completing the
Master’s thesis work. The maturity test demonstrates the student’s familiarity with the
subject of the thesis work and the skills in Finnish or Swedish language. If the student
has not studied the secondary level education in Finnish or Swedish, it is possible to
apply for an exemption in order to make the test in English.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28e99901/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: Pass/Fail
Ilmoittautuminen: Arrange the date for the maturity test with the department study
coordinator when you hand in your thesis (the test must be done before the thesis will be
approved). Maturity test can be done on general examination dates, which are listed in
28E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Kaustia, Peter Nyberg, Vesa Puttonen, Matti Suominen
and Sami Torstila
Status of the Course: M.Sc., Master’s Programme in Finance, mandatory
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I-V (fall 2015 and spring 2016)
Learning Outcomes: Student is capable of scientific and logical argumentation (written
and oral communication) in a credible and constructive way when defending his/her own
thesis at its various phases and commenting on other students’ plans, reports and
Content: The seminar is designed to help the students prepare their thesis. The seminar
sessions can be helpful due to many reasons. First, the seminar is a natural place to seek
comments and constructive criticism from the instructor and other seminar participants.
Second, the fact that each student has to make two presentations organizes the work by
setting concrete goals and timetables. Third, the act of presenting the research often
prompts the student to think along lines that would not occur to him or her otherwise.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/28e99901/etusivu
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s Degree and four advanced level Finance courses
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Students will be automatically placed to a thesis seminar
group. If you have any questions concerning registration, please contact the department
study coordinator.
Language of Instruction: English
28H00100 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Rahoituksen laitoksen opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema:
TS 2005 Rahoituksen erikoistumisalue, valinnainen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Lue harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus Intosta
kohdasta Työharjoittelu
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Mikäli opiskelet TS2013 mukaisesti, harjoittelu sisällytetään tutkintoon
kurssikoodilla 20H00100.
Tällöin raportit palautetaan opintotoimistoon Aino Salmiselle.
28H00200 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Rahoituksen laitoksen opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema: TS 2005 Rahoituksen maisteriohjelma, valinnainen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Lue harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus Intosta kohdasta
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Mikäli opiskelet TS2013 mukaisesti, harjoittelu sisällytetään tutkintoon
kurssikoodilla 20H00200.
Tällöin raportit palautetaan opintotoimistoon Aino Salmiselle.
23A00110 Markkinoinnin perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Marketing Management
Vastuuopettaja: Ilona Mikkonen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet
Kurssin taso: Perusteet
Opetusperiodi: I-II (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 6 opintopistettä on 160 tuntia:
1. Kontaktiopetus (luennot ja pakolliset harjoitukset) (32 h)
2. Ryhmätyöt (30 h)
3. Kurssimateriaaliin liittyvien tehtävien suorittaminen -- online (12 h)
4. Omatoiminen kurssimateriaaliin tutustuminen ja kuulusteluun valmistautuminen (83 h)
5. Kuulustelu (3 h)
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssi tarjoaa yleiskuvan markkinoinnista. Kurssin suoritettuaan
opiskelija ymmärtää markkinasuuntautuneen liiketoiminnan ja
johtamisen perusperiaatteet ja käsitteet. Hän osaa soveltaa markkinoinnin käsitteitä ja
malleja liiketoiminnan analysointiin ja liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen.
Sisältö: Oppimisteemoihin kuuluvat markkinoinnin periaatteet ja toimenpiteet keskeisillä
osa-alueilla, kuten kuluttajien ja asiakkaiden tutkiminen ja ymmärtäminen; houkuttelevien
tuotteiden ja palveluiden kehittäminen; hinnoittelumallien suunnitteleminen; myynti- ja
jakelukanavien luominen ja kehittäminen; sekä markkinointiviestintä ja myynti.
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Ryhmätyöt ja online-tehtävät (70
2 Lopputentti (30 %)
Oppimateriaali: Kurssikirja: Kotler, Keller, Bradly, Goodman, Hansen
(2012) Marketing Management, 2/E. ISBN 9780273743613 ( Saatavuus). Videoidut
online-luennot ja muu opettajan osoittama materiaali.
Korvaavuudet: Korvaa kurssin 23A010 sekä 23A00210 Introduction to Marketing
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23A00110
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodin kautta
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Harjoitustöistä on saatava hyväksytty arvosana ennen tenttiin osallistumista.
Harjoitusryhmissä pakollinen läsnäolo.
23A00210 Introduction to Marketing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ilona Mikkonen
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s program, basics of business studies.
Level of the Course: Basic studies
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015) Otaniemi campus
6 credits, 160 hours:
1. Studying the course material 157h
2. Exam 3h
Learning Outcomes: The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview
of marketing management. After completion of the course, the student understands the
key principles and concepts of market-oriented business development and business
administration. He/she can apply the concepts and models of marketing in analyzing
various kinds of businesses, as well as in practical business development.
Content: The learning themes include the principles and activities in the core areas of
marketing, such as understanding and researching consumers and markets; developing
attractive products and services; planning pricing models; creating and developing sales
and distribution channels; and conducting marketing communications and promotion.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Bookl exam (100% of course grade)
Study Material: Coursebook: Kotler, Keller, Bradly, Goodman, Hansen (2009) Marketing
Management. ISBN 978-0-273-71856-7, obligatory, ( Availability)
Substitutes for Courses: 23A00110 Markkinoinnin perusteet
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23A00210
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration with WedOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Opintojakso on tarkoitettu vain suomea osaamattomille
opiskelijoille, joille on myönnetty vapautus tutkinnon suomen kielen vaatimuksista.
23C510 Integrated Marketing Communications (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Hedon Blakaj
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, an elective course of specialization studies in
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016) Otaniemi campus
6 credits, 160 hours:
1. Lectures (24h)
2. Case exercises (70h)
3. Independent learning (63h)
4. Exam (3h)
Learning Outcomes: The student understands the strategic nature of marketing
communications and learns to identify different functions of marketing communications,
communications’ effects on consumers, and understands the marketing communications
planning process. The student is able to plan marketing communications and knows his
ethical responsibility as a practitioner of marketing communications.
Content: Integrated marketing communications as a part marketing and a company’s
business processes, different stages of marketing communications planning,
communications effects models, limitations and strengths of different communications
methods and channels, measuring marketing communications, outsourcing marketing
communications, marketing communications ethics.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Exam (40% of grade)
2. Case exercises (60% of grade)
Study Material: Literature provided by teachers during the course.
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Students are expected to be present at 80% of lectures,
participation below this will affect grade. The number of students admitted to the course is
restricted. Priority is given to (1) Aalto BSc students studying in Program/Specialization of
Marketing, (2) Aalto BIZ students studying a minor study package in Marketing, and (3)
other students studying a minor study package in Marketing.
23C550 Services Marketing (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Mikko Laukkanen
Kurssin asema: BSc degree, specialization studies in marketing
Kurssin taso: Intermediate
Opetusperiodi: III (Spring 2016) Otaniemi campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 6cr, 160 h
Lectures: 28 h (14*2)
Pair/group work: 54 h (3*18)
Preparingfor lectures: 28 h (14*2)
Preparing for exam: 47 h
Exam: 3h
Osaamistavoitteet: After completing the course the student understands the main
aspects of services marketing in both B2B and B2C contexts and is familiar with
consumer behavior, perceptions of quality, value drivers and customer satisfaction, as
they relate to services. The student also understands the repertoire of competitive actions
service firms have available to them and can apply the most common tools for developing
services and assessing their quality.
Sisältö: The materials and assignments covered during the course open new
perspectives into services and their marketing. The course takes as its starting point the
notion that services are not limited to traditional service industries, but should rather be
understood as being an integral part of the value creation activities of various industries.
Thematically the course can be split into three parts: 1) development and marketing of
consumer services; 2) co-creation and marketing of complex business services; 3) the
spread of service logic in business and the servitization of business.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Exercises: 50%, Final exam: 50%
Oppimateriaali: Zeithaml, V. & Bitner, M. & Gremler, D. (2008) Services Marketing:
Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm – First European Edition. ISBN 0-07124496-4, not obligatory ( Avalibility ) Articles assigned by teachers
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C550
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Registration via WebOodi. Please see WebOodi for registration dates.
Opetuskieli: English
Lisätietoja: Completing the course requires participation in the lectures. The number of
students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority is given to (1) Aalto BSc students
studying in Program/Specialization of Marketing, (2) Aalto students studying a minor
study package in Aalto Service, and (3) Aalto BIZ students studying a minor study
package in Marketing and (4) other students studying a minor study package in
23C570 Business-to-Business Marketing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Juho-Petteri Huhtala; Antti Sihvonen
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s Program, a course of specialization studies in
Level of the Course: Specialization course
Teaching period: I (Fall 2015) Otaniemi campus
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:
1. Lectures (24 h)
2. Individual and group exercise (76 h)
3. Independent learning and preparation for the exam (57 h)
4. Exam (3h)
Learning Outcomes: The course provides students insight into the unique features of
understanding, creating and delivering value in business-to-business markets. Students
are able to use frameworks and conceptual tools when analyzing business market
opportunities and organizational buying behavior as well as formulating business
marketing strategy. Students can apply all this knowledge to analyze and solve practical
management problems in business-to-business environment.
Content: Description of the special characteristics of business-to-business marketing and
organizational buying behavior. Analyses of competitive realities and opportunities related
to the global marketplace; establishment and management of business relationships &
networks; and the formulation of business marketing strategy (e.g. managing market
offerings, supply chains, marketing communications, sales management, pricing
decisions). Besides the course book, pre-readings (assigned articles), and real-life cases
will be discussed during the lectures. Theoretical frameworks, models and conceptual
tools are applied in individual and/or group exercises where students reflect real-life
business-to-business cases and design for example business marketing strategies.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Compulsory individual and/or group exercises
Examination (50%): Literature (course book), lectures, assigned articles and other
material by the lecturer
Literature: Hutt, Michael D. & Speh, Thomas W (2013) Business Marketing
Management: B2B (2013, 11 ed.). ISBN 978-1-133-18957-2
Study Material: Hutt, Michael D. & Speh, Thomas W (2013) Business Marketing
Management: B2B (2013, 11 ed.) ISBN 978-1-133-18957-2, alternatively ISBN (2010, 10
ed.) obligatory ( Availibility ) Other material assigned by the teachers
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C570
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to (1) Aalto BSc students studying in Program/Specialization of Marketing, (2)
Aalto BIZ students studying a minor study package in Marketing, and (3) other students
studying a minor study package in Marketing.
23C580 Kuluttajan käyttäytyminen (6 op)
Consumer Behaviour
Vastuuopettaja: Ilona Mikkonen
Kurssin asema: TS 2005: KTK-tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman pakolliset
erikoistumisopinnot. (Vaihtoehtona 23C581) TS 2013: KTK-tutkinto,
markkinoinnin erikoistumisalueen pakolliset opinnot. (Vaihtoehtona 23C581)
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: II (Syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Työmäärä 160h:
1. Lähiopetus (24h)
2. Pakolliset harjoitustehtävät ja itseopiskelu (133h)
3. Tentti (3h)
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää kuluttajan käyttäytymiseen vaikuttavien
yksilötekijöiden sekä sosiaalisten ja kulttuuristen tekijöiden merkityksen. Opiskelija tuntee
kuluttajan ostopäätösprosessin eri vaiheet ja prosessiin vaikuttavat tekijät. Opiskelija
osaa soveltaa tietämystään markkinoinnin suunnitteluun ja ymmärtää markkinoinnin
Sisältö: Kuluttaja yksilönä ja yhteisön ja yhteiskunnan jäsenenä. Kuluttajan
käyttäytyminen tieteenalana. Kuluttajan käyttäytymisen merkitys liiketoiminnalle.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Pakolliset harjoitustehtävät (80 %
Lopputentti (20 % arvosanasta)
Oppimateriaali: Kurssikirja: Solomon, M. R., Bamossy G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M.K.
(2013) Consumer Behaviour. A European Perspective. 5th ed. ISBN 978-0273772729,
pakollinen, ( Saatavuus)
Luennoilla jaettava materiaali
Korvaavuudet: 23C581 Consumer behavior
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C580
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodin kautta. Katso ilmoittautumisaika
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin osallistujamäärä on rajoitettu. Opiskelijat hyväksytään kurssille
tarvittaessa seuraavassa priorisointi-järjestyksessä: (1) Markkinoinnin
kandidaattikoulutusohjelman/erikoistumisalueen opiskelijat, (2) Aalto-yliopiston
kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijat, jotka suorittavat markkinoinnin sivuopintokokonaisuutta
ja (3) muut opiskelijat, jotka suorittavat markkinoinnin sivuopintokokonaisuutta. Kurssin
voi myös suorittaa verkkokurssina: 23C581 Consumer Behavior.
23C581 Consumer Behavior (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Alexei Gloukhovtsev
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, a compulsory course of specialization studies
in Marketing. (Alternatively to 23C580.)
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016) Otaniemi campus
6 credits, 160 hours
1. Lecture (2h)
2. Independent learning (155h)
3. Exam (3h)
Learning Outcomes: 23C581 is a web-based learning course on Consumer Behavior.
Upon completion of the course students should have a general understanding of the
psychological, social, and cultural processes involved when consumers, individuals or
groups, select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences.
Content: Basic theories, ideas, concepts, and methods of consumer research and
consumer marketing. Marketing ethics.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Obligatory opening lecture (the date will be
announced in the course web page).
Obligatory learning assignments, done both individually and in groups in the web-based
learning environment of the course (70 %)
Final exam (30 %).
Study Material:
Coursebook. Solomon, M. R., Bamossy G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M.K. (2009)
Consumer Behaviour. A European Perspective. 4th ed. or newer. ISBN 9780273717263,
obligatory, ( Availability)
Financial Times Press.
Articles assigned by the lecturer.
Substitutes for Courses: 23C580 Kuluttajan käyttäytyminen
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C581
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
WebOodi. Enrollment cannot be done by phone, fax or e-mail, nor by directly contacting
the instructor.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course replaces 23C580 Kuluttajan käyttäytyminen. The
number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority is given to (1) Aalto BSc
students studying in Program/Specialization of Marketing, (2) Aalto BIZ students studying
a minor study package in Marketing, and (3) other students studying a minor study
package in Marketing.
23C60000 Market Research (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Iiro Vaniala
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s Program, a compulsory course for students in
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: I-II, IV-V (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
6 credits, 160 hours:
1. Pre-exam (2 h)
2. Lectures (28 h)
3. Group work (130 h)
Learning Outcomes: Having studied this course, students understand the role of market
research in planning marketing and making business decisions. The students develop
practical skills to plan, conduct and evaluate market research aimed at business
development and problem solving. The topics include the stages of market research,
analytical structuring of business problems, sampling methods, questionnaire
construction, data analysis and hypothesis testing. The students are required to conduct
a research project involving data collection and analysis.
Content: Introduction to market research; analytical structuring of business problems;
planning and execution of market research in a group of 4-5 students; providing
recommendations for a case company.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Mandatory pre-exam (20 % of the course grade;
pre-exam literature)
2. Active lecture attendance
3. Group work (80 % of the course grade; preparation and presentation of research plan
and final market research report, commenting another student group as opponents)
Study Material: McGivern, Yvonne (2009) The Practice of Market Research: An
Introduction. 3rd edition. Prentice Hall.. , chapters 1-9 . ISBN 0273717073; obligatory for
the pre-exam, ( Availability). Pre-exam is based on chapters 1-9 (pp. 1-355) from the
McGivern’s book; while most text books in market/marketing research can be used in
preparing for the pre-exam, evaluation is based on the contents of McGivern (2009).
Lecture slides.
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces courses 23C600 Markkina-analyysi ja
markkinatutkimus, and 23C60000 Markkinointitutkimus.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C60000
Prerequisites: 23A00210 Introduction to Marketing / 23A00110 Markkinoinnin perusteet
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Majority of lectures and other contact sessions are held during the
first period, while the second period consists mostly of independent group work. Preexam, which is arranged at the first lecture, must be passed (40 % of maximum points is
required). The number of students admitted to the course is restricted, and pre-exam can
be used in screening out additional students. Priority is given to (1) Aalto BSc students
studying in Program/Specialization of Marketing, (2) Aalto BIZ students studying a minor
study package in Marketing, and (3) other students studying a minor study package in
23C61050 Vähittäiskaupan kilpailustrategiat ja kilpailukeinot (6 op)
Retailing strategies and competitive resources
Vastuuopettaja: Lauri Mitronen
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman/erikoistumisalueen
valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 6 op, 160 tuntia
1.Luennot (22h)
2.Pakollinen harjoitus ja itseopiskelu (136h)
3.Tentti (2h)
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija tuntee kaupan toimintaympäristöön vaikuttavat tekijät ja
ymmärtää vähittäiskaupan vaihtoehtoiset kilpailustrategiat ja kilpailustrategioiden
suunnittelun ja toimeenpanon lähtökohdat ja logiikan. Opiskelija ymmärtää myös
vähittäiskaupan lyhyen ja pitkän aikavälin menestystekijät ja kilpailukeinot. Opiskelija
perehtyy vähittäiskaupan eri liiketoimintamuotoihin ja vaihtoehtoisiin ohjausjärjestelmiin
sekä kaupan arvoverkoston johtamiseen ja monikanavaiseen liiketoimintaan. Lisäksi
opiskelija kykenee soveltamaan oppimaansa analysoidessaan vähittäiskaupan toimialaa,
alan yrityksiä ja niiden kilpailustrategioita, kilpailuetuja ja kilpailukeinoja.
Sisältö: Kaupan toimintaympäristö ja siihen vaikuttavat tekijät. Vähittäiskaupan
kilpailustrategiat, kilpailuedut ja kilpailukeinot. Vähittäiskaupan kilpailustrategian
suunnittelu ja toimeenpano. Vähittäiskaupan liiketoimintamuodot ja ohjausjärjestelmät.
Kaupan arvoverkoston johtaminen. Kauppiasyrittäjyys, franchising ja ketjuliiketoiminta.
Monikanavaisuus ja verkkokauppa.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1.Luennot ja harjoitukset
2.Pakollinen harjoitus (40%)
3.Tentti (60%)
Retailing Management, 2014, Michael Levy, Barton Weitz, Dhruv Grewal,
tai 8th ed., 2012
Kurssikirja on pakollinen tenttiin valmistautumisessa.
Artikkeleita luennoitsijan ohjeiden mukaisesti, luennoilla jaettava materiaali
Korvaavuudet: Korvaa kurssin 23C6100 Kaupan liiketoimintamallit ja markkinointi ja
25C420 Kaupan markkinointi
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23c61050/etusivu
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodin kautta. Katso ilmoittautumisaika
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin osallistujamäärä on rajoitettu. Opiskelijat hyväksytään kurssille
tarvittaessa seuraavassa priorisointi-järjestyksessä: (1) Markkinoinnin
kandidaattikoulutusohjelman opiskelijat, (2) Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun
opiskelijat, jotka suorittavat markkinoinnin sivuopintokokonaisuutta ja (3) muut opiskelijat,
jotka suorittavat markkinoinnin sivuopintokokonaisuutta.
23C630 Capstone: Product and Brand Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pekka Mattila
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, Capstone-course, a compulsory course for
students in Marketing.
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016) Otaniemi campus
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:
Lectures (36 h)
Group work (70 h)
Individual work (51 h)
Exam (3 h)
Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this capstone course, students will have
proven abilities to apply brand and product management concepts in real-life situations
both for analysis and decision-making. They will learn to utilize numerous tools and
frameworks in striving to create, communicate, and deliver customer value in various
business contexts. Students will acquire a holistic skillset for combining the efforts of both
internal and external stakeholders in order to design and implement winning offering and
brand strategies. Adopting these skills requires an analytical and result-oriented mindset
as well as creative ability to anticipate and identify market forces and take advantage of
The course comprises lectures and case workshops as well as independent work. A
series of group assignments profile this course. The assignments showcase some key
aspects of the work of a seasoned product, marketing and a brand manager. The themes
of the four group assignments are e.g. :
1. Managing offering development or optimization based on market analysis and
customer insight
2. Managing marketing communications and distribution on the portfolio and product line
3. Managing pricing architecture
4. Managing a brand architecture
5. Reinvigorating an ailing brand
6. Introducing a fighter brand
By leveraging rich managerial perspectives, the course provides students with a
kaleidoscope view on the following sub-themes: developing new offerings, managing
offering portfolios, managing pricing and promoting offerings, managing sales and
distribution channels, developing go-to market strategies, building winning brands,
developing brand architectures, assessing brands as well as repositioning and revitalizing
them. Throughout the course, students will present their group assignments, defend their
analysis and recommendations and receive feedback from peers, faculty and some of the
leading marketing practitioners.
1 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Group assignments during the course (70
% of the course grade)
2 Individual final examination (30 % of the course grade)
Study Material: Collection of journal articles and case readings as
assigned by the instructor. No textbook
Substitutes for Courses: The course replaces the earlier course 23C630
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C630
Prerequisites: 23A00110/ 23A00210 Markkinoinnin perusteet / Introduction to Marketing,
23C580 Kuluttajan käyttäytyminen (or 23C581 Consumer behaviour), 23C60000 Market
research. (One/some of these courses can be taken at the same time as Product and
Brand Management.)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is open only for Aalto students studying in BSc
Program of Marketing. Unlike in previous years (when the course was meant as the first
course of the program), the course is now meant to be taken towards the end of program
23C70000 Markkinointitutkimuksen yritysprojekti (6 cr)
Company Project in Marketing Research
Responsible teacher: Ashish Kumar
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s Program, a course of specialization studies in
Level of the Course: Specialization course
Teaching period: I-V (2015-2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:
1. Individual work (130 hours)
2. Group work and meetings (30 hours)
Learning Outcomes: The student learns to apply marketing research methods and
marketing concepts and frameworks in a real life context. The course provides the
student with skills in immersing oneself in an important industry- or company-specific
marketing topic.
Content: The course comprises individual and group work as a member of a research
team led by a professor. Familiarizing oneself with previous research, writing a literature
review, collecting and analyzing data and drawing both academic and managerial
conclusions are some of the key tasks.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The project report and its presentation (100%)
Study Material: Academic articles and textbooks as agreed with the instructor. The
readings contribute to the literature review and the framework of the research.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C70000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration with WedOodi ends 7 days after the start of the
Note that the registration requires written pre-agreement on the project with the teacher in
charge. Please also note that Company Project in Marketing Research can only be
undertaken within a research project coordinated by the Department of Marketing or its
professors. Projects initiated by students or third-party companies cannot be registered.
Language of Instruction: English or Finnish
23C70003 Markkinointitutkimuksen yritysprojekti (3 cr)
Company Project in Marketing Research
Responsible teacher: Ashish Kumar
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s Program, a course of specialization studies in
Level of the Course: Specialization course
Teaching period: I-V (2015-2016)
Workload: 3 credits, 80 hours:
1. Individual work (60 hours)
2. Group work and meetings (20 hours)
Learning Outcomes: The student learns to apply marketing research methods and
marketing concepts and frameworks in a real life context. The course provides the
student with skills in immersing oneself in an important industry- or company-specific
marketing topic.
Content: The course comprises individual and group work as a member of a research
team led by a professor. Familiarizing oneself with previous research, writing a literature
review, collecting and analyzing data and drawing both academic and managerial
conclusions are some of the key tasks.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The project report and its presentation (100%)
Study Material: Academic articles and textbooks as agreed with the instructor. The
readings contribute to the literature review and the framework of the research.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C70000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration with WedOodi ends 7 days after the start of the
Note that the registration requires written pre-agreement on the project with the teacher in
charge. Please also note that Company Project in Marketing Research can only be
undertaken within a research project coordinated by the Department of Marketing or its
professors. Projects initiated by students or third-party companies cannot be registered.
Language of Instruction: English or Finnish
23C72000 Customer Relationship Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Carlos Diaz Ruiz
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, an elective course of specialization studies in
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016) Otaniemi campus
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:
1. Lectures (24h)
2. Case exercise (70h)
3. Independent Work and Exam Preparation (63 h)
4. Exam (3h)
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to introduce students to the broad
concept of relationship marketing and how it contrasts to other forms and practices of
marketing, in theory and in practice. The course emphasizes the main concepts and
underpinnings of relationship marketing, and customer relationships. The course provides
new insights to the relationship management in industrial and consumer markets. The
course will approach the circumstances in which relationship marketing can be efficient
and according to the managerial context and objectives.
Content: The course will cover introduction to Relationship Marketing and Customer
Relationship Management, as well as its conceptual foundations. The theoretical part of
the course will focus on the foundations of relationship marketing, including the concepts
of relationship and transactions. The applied section of the course will deal with the
circumstances under which relationship marketing and customer relationship
management can be positive. The themes of the course include: Relationships marketing
versus transactions, relationships ad and networks, Customer Relationship Management
as an IT implementation, and customer loyalty in practice.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Reflection Notes (30%)
Group work (30%)
Examination (40%)
Study Material: Coursebook: Kumar, V., Werner J. Reinartz (2006) Customer
Relationship Management: A Database Approach. Compulsory ( Availability)
Collection of articles assigned by the lecturer (business/academic)
Lecture Slides
Case Studies
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces course 23C72000 Asiakassuhteiden johtaminen.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C72000
Prerequisites: 23A00210 Introduction to Marketing.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Replaces course 23C72000 Asiakassuhteiden johtaminen. The
number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority is given to (1) Aalto BSc
students studying in Program/Specialization of Marketing, (2) Aalto BIZ students studying
a minor study package in Marketing, and (3) other students studying a minor study
package in Marketing.
23C77051 Myynnin verkkokurssi (6 op)
Online course in sales
Vastuuopettaja: NN
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman/erikoistumisalueen
valinnaiset erikoistumisopinnot ja valinnainen kurssi myynnin ja myynnin johtamisen
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus (avausluento)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 6 opintopistettä, 160 tuntia:
Luennot (2h)
Verkko-oppiminen (90h)
Itsenäinen opiskelu (56h)
Tenttiin valmistautuminen ja tentti (12h)
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin pääasiallinen tavoite on antaa opiskelijalle perustavaa
laatua oleva ymmärrys ja taidot ammattimaisesta myynnistä sekä akateemisesta että
ammatillisesta näkökulmasta. Lähtökohtana on myynnin ja myyntityön kiinnostuksen ja
arvostuksen rakentaminen sen keskeisyyden, hyötyjen ja haasteiden ymmärtämisen
kautta. Opintojaksolla opiskelija oppii perusasiat myyntiprosesseista,
myyntipsykologiasta, vuorovaikutustaktiikoista, asiakkaan profiloinnista, myyjä- ja
asiakastyypeistä, persoonallisuuden vaikutuksesta myyntityöhön, e-myynnistä ja myynnin
monista työkaluista. Painopiste on tasaisesti kuluttajille suuntautuvassa ja yritysten
välisessä myyntityössä.
Sisältö: Sisällöt tarjoavat yleiskatsauksen myynnin perustietoon ja myyntitaitoon.
Opiskelijat eivät tarvitse aiempaa perehtyneisyyttä aiheeseen. Kurssilla käydään läpi
akateemisen tutkimuksen lisäksi läpi suuri joukko yritysesimerkkejä.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Kurssi on itsenäisesti toteutettava
verkkokurssi, jossa opiskelija voi kiinnostua monimuotoisesti myynnin sisällöistä. Sisältö
on paloiteltu lyhyihin 3-20min kokonaisuuksiin ja tarjolla on mm. videoluentoja,
nauhoitettuja webinar-kuunnelmia, ydinasiat helposti omaksuttavassa muodossa
tiivistäviä luentomonisteita ja pelimäisiä oppimisharjoitteita. Edetäkseen verkkokurssilla,
opiskelijan on klikattava läpi kaikki verkkokurssin materiaalit. Oppimisen varmistaminen
tapahtuu moduulikohtaisin tarkastuskysymyksin, joita treenaamalla voi valmistautua myös
lopputenttiin, joka toteutetaan sähköisesti jos mahdollista. Arvostelu perustuu kokonaan
monivalintaan perustuvaan lopputenttiin.
Oppimateriaali: Myynti ja myyntipsykologia -verkkokurssi (pakollinen materiaali).
Korvaavuudet: 23C77050 Myynnin peruskurssi; 23C77000 Sales, Selling and
Saleswork; TU-C8250 Myynti ja markkinointi
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23c77051/etusivu
Esitiedot: Ei esitietovaatimuksia
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodin kautta. Katso ilmoittautumisaika
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin osallistujamäärä on rajoitettu. Opiskelijat hyväksytään kurssille
tarvittaessa seuraavassa priorisointi-järjestyksessä: (1) Markkinoinnin
kandidaattikoulutusohjelman opiskelijat, (2) Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun
opiskelijat, jotka suorittavat markkinoinnin sivuopintokokonaisuutta, (3) Aalto-yliopiston
opiskelijat, jotka suorittavat myynnin ja myynnin johtamisen sivuopintokokonaisuutta ja (4)
muut opiskelijat, jotka suorittavat markkinoinnin sivuopintokokonaisuutta.
23C79000 New Product Development (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kristina Wittkowski
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, specialization studies in Marketing.
Level of the Course: Specialization studies
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015) Otaniemi campus
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours: 1. Contact teaching/lectures: 20h
2. Individual/pair work: 70h
3. Group work: 67h
4. Exam: 3h
Learning Outcomes: The purpose of this course is to provide students with a
basic understanding of the core concepts and analytic frameworks concerning
the management of new product development from market(ing) perspective.
Upon completion of the course, students are expected toexhibit understanding of
the most important product development -related concepts and analytical
have knowledge of the key managerial practices related to managing a
company’s new product development in a market-oriented way - and ability to
apply those practices
be familiar with basic new product development challenges in complex
environments and global product and service markets
Content: Through lectures, course readings, and assignments, the course aims to cover
the most important areas of market-oriented management of new product development.
The core topics include the concepts, analytical frameworks, and managerial practices
needed in different stages of new product development process -- including opportunity
identification, concept generation, concept/project evaluation, detailed development and
design, and market launch.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures (20 h)
Individual/pair assignments (25 %)
Group assignment (35 %)
Examination (40 %)
Study Material: Coursebook: Crawford, M. & Di Benedetto, A. (2011). New Products
Management, 10th edition. , or 9th Edition, or newer. ISBN 0071289232, obligatory, (
Availability) And a collection of articles assigned by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C79000
Prerequisites: Attending the course requires the prior completion of Introduction to
marketing (23A00110 or 23A00210).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to (1) Aalto BSc students studying in Program/Specialization of Marketing, (2)
Aalto BIZ students studying a minor study package in Marketing, and (3) other students
studying a minor study package in Marketing.
23C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma (10 op)
Bachelor’s Thesis
Vastuuopettaja: Sonja Lätti (FI), Maria Del Rio Olivares (EN): I-II NN: III-IV Sami Kajalo:
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman pakolliset
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
I-II, III-IV, IV-V (2015-2016)
Otaniemen kampus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C99901
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen kandiseminaariin WebOodin kautta. Ks. 23C99902
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Ks. 23C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari
23C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari (2 op)
Thesis Seminar
Vastuuopettaja: Sonja Lätti (FI), Maria Del Rio Olivares (EN): I-II NN: III-IV Sami Kajalo
(FI): IV-V
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman pakolliset
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I-II, III-IV, IV-V (2015-2016) Otaniemen kampus
Osaamistavoitteet: Kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena on kehittää opiskelijan valmiuksia
tieteellisen tutkimuksen tekemiseen eli tutkimustehtävän määrittämiseen, relevantin
tutkimusaineiston hankkimiseen ja työstämiseen sekä tutkimusraportin kirjoittamiseen.
Kukin osallistuja syventyy itseään kiinnostavaan markkinoinnin osa-alueeseen, oppii
määrittämään mielekkään tutkimustehtävän ja toteuttaa itsenäisesti pienimuotoisen
teoreettisen tutkimuksen. Tavoitteena on myös luoda pohjaa ja valmiuksia
maisteritutkinnon pro gradu -tutkielman tekemiseen.
Sisältö: Tutkimusvalmiuksien hankkiminen, kandidaatintutkielman laatiminen, tutkielman
esittäminen ryhmälle ja opponointi. Tutkielmassa harjoitellaan argumentoivaa
kirjoittamista ja seminaarissa rakentavaa keskustelua muiden tutkimuksista ja
näkemyksistä. Lisäksi opiskelijan on kirjoitettava tutkielmansa aihepiiristä kypsyysnäyte,
joka osoittaa perehtyneisyyttä aihepiiriin ja suomen tai ruotsin kielen taitoa.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Johdatus tutkielmatyöskentelyyn luennot
2. Seminaari-istunnot (23C99902). Hyväksytty suoritus edellyttää osallistumista 80%
ryhmän kokoontumiskerroista. Ryhmän järjestäytymistilaisuudessa ja ohjaustilaisuuksissa
on pakollinen läsnäolo.
3. Kandidaatintutkielman laatiminen
4. Opponointi
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23C99901
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodin kautta.
Opetuskieli: Suomi tai englanti
Lisätietoja: Jos opiskelija ilmoittautuu ja aloittaa seminaarin, mutta jättää sen kesken tai
ei palauta hyväksyttyä tutkielmaa, hän voi osallistua uudelleen seminaariin aikaisintaan
vuoden päästä.
23C99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman pakolliset
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Sisältö: Kandidaatin tutkielman valmistuttua opiskelija suorittaa kypsyysnäytteen, jolla
osoitetaan sekä perehtyneisyyttä tutkielman aihepiiriin että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
taitoa. Kypsyysnäytteen arvioivat sekä aineen opettaja että äidinkielen opettaja.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamisesta tulee sopia erikseen
seminaariryhmän vetäjien kanssa sen jälkeen, kun kandidaatintutkielma on hyväksytty.
23E10000 Service Business Strategy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tomas Falk
Status of the Course: Master’s Program of Marketing
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:Lectures: 24 h (2 x 2 h/week, 12 lectures in
total): introduction to the various topics and discussion of current research in
service management
In-class group presentations of seminal articles on service management
Independent work 132 h: preparation for lectures, group presentations and
case study work, preparing and revising for examinations
Take Home Exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: By attending the course, students will acquire a conceptual toolbox
enabling them to better understand and analyze recent developments in service business
strategy. In particular, students will be able to apply the seven Ps of the service
marketing-mix, to assess and manage service quality, to design effective service recovery
measures, to manage customer co-creation, and to implement the service-profit chain
after having attended the course. These topics are approached from both a theoretical
and practical lens in terms of presenting theoretical underpinnings of specific service
phenomena (e.g., the service recovery paradox) in a first step and then discussing
resulting practical implications in a second step. Hence, students will also learn to
transfer their theoretical knowledge to practical application. Overall, the course aims at
providing students with a solid foundation for designing and managing service businesses
as well as conducting scientific research in this domain.
Content: Foundations of services management are approached based on information
economics. For assessing and managing service quality, prominent approaches as the
Gap-model, SERVQUAL and more recent, integrative approaches will be covered.
Moreover, special attention will be paid to service quality issues on the Internet. Given the
failure-proneness of service encounters, strategies for designing effective service
recovery are discussed next. In particular, recovery episodes for co-created services on
the Internet play an important role in this part of the lecture. Finally, customer co-creation
will be covered. During the lectures, pre-readings will be discussed and illustrated with
real-life research on service business issues. Theoretical models and conceptual tools
will be applied in group exercises where the students analyze cases and design service
business strategies.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Class participation (10%)
2. Take home exam (30%)
3. Group presentations (40%)
4. Group work on case study (20%)
Study Material: Coursebook: Wilson et al. (2012): Services Marketing: Integrating
Customer Focus Across the Firm, 2nd ed., not
obligatory Course script, coursebook case studies and a collection of articles provided by
the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E10000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing.
23E21050 Marketing, strategy and firm performance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Luoma
Status of the Course: Marketing Master’s Program, Strategic Marketing core-course
CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:Lectures (compulsory) (28 h)
Reading articles (58 h)
Individual assignments (42 h)
Group assignment (32 h)
Learning Outcomes: The student understands the strategic role of marketing and
marketing-related business processes in the context of a firm’s business model. The
student is familiar with conceptual tools for driving strategic marketing excellence,
developing a successful marketing strategies and assessing company performance.
Content: Competitive behavior and industry evolution, business model and
organizational evolution, competitive actions and dynamics, managing marketing
strategies, dynamic capabilities, innovation management and strategic offering
management, CRM and distribution strategies, marketing performance assessment
(MPA) and metrics.
1 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Individual assignments (60 %)
2 Group assignment (40 %)
Lectures are highly interactive. The sessions combine in-depth theoretical
discussions with concrete business cases, which help the students learn how to put stateof-the-art theories into practical use. The students are required to make preparations for
each session and are assumed to actively participate in the classroom discussions. In
addition, the students will be assigned both individual and group assignments.
Study Material: A collection of articles assigned by the lecturers.
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces courses 23E21090 Markkinastrategia ja
kilpailuosaaminen, 23E21000 Strategic Marketing and Company Performance, 23E23000
Marketing Strategy and Competitive Advantage and 23D590 Markkinastrategia ja
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E21050
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to (1) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing, (2) CEMS-studens,
(3) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Strategy, (4) Aalto students studying a
MSc Minor in Strategic Marketing. Priority is also given to students who haven’t
completed the course (or registered for the course) before.
23E21090 Markkinastrategia ja kilpailuosaaminen (6 op)
Marketing, strategy and firm performance
Vastuuopettaja: Lauri Mitronen
Kurssin asema: Markkinoinnin maisteriohjelma, strategisen markkinoinnin ydinkurssi
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: V (Kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Kurssin laajuus: 6 opintopistettä, 160 tuntia: - luennot
(pakolliset) (28 t)
- Luettavat artikkelit (58 h)
- Yksilötehtävät (42 h)
- Ryhmätehtävät (32 h)
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää markkinoinnin strategisen roolin ja
markkinointiin liittyvät liiketoimintaprosessit osana yrityksen liiketoimintamallia. Opiskelija
hallitsee strategiseen markkinointiin liittyvät käsitteet ja terminologian sekä
menestyksellisen markkinointistrategian kehittämisen ja arvioinnin osa-alueet.
Sisältö: Yritysten kilpailukäyttäytyminen ja toimialan kehityspiirteet, liiketoimintamalli
sekä organisaatioiden ja niiden liiketoiminnan kehityspiirteet, kilpailukeinot ja kilpailun
dynamiikka, markkinointistrategioiden johtaminen, yrityksen dynaamiset kyvykkyydet,
innovaatioiden johtaminen ja strateginen tarjoamien johtaminen, kantaasiakasmarkkinointi (CRM) ja strategiset jakelutieratkaisut, markkinoinnin suorituskyvyn
arviointi (MPA), mittaristot ja mittaaminen.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
Yksilötehtävät (60%), ryhmätehtävät (40%)
Jokaista oppituntia varten kukin opiskelijaryhmä valmistelee esityksen kurssin aineistossa
olevista artikkeleista ja keskustelevat esityksistään muiden ryhmien kanssa. Yhteisen
keskustelun tarkoituksena on, että opiskelijaryhmät arvioivat kriittisesti esitettyjä käsitteitä,
niiden sisältöjä ja esitettyjä johtopäätöksiä.
Opiskelijoiden tulee lisäksi laatia yksilösuorituksena ytimekäs oppimispäiväkirja, jossa
opiskelija tiivistää keskeiset opit ja johtopäätökset.
Oppimateriaali: Opettajan osoittamat artikkelit
Korvaavuudet: Kurssi on korvaava kurssien 23E21050 Marketing, Strategy and Firm
Performance, 23E21000 Strategic Marketing and Company Performance ja 23E23000
Marketing Strategy and Competitive Advantage kanssa.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E21090
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodin kautta. Tarkista ilmoittatumisaika
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin osallistujamäärä on rajoitettu. Etusija kurssille osallistumiselle on (1)
Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijoilla, jotka opiskelevat Markkinoinnin maisteriohjelmassa, (2)
Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijoilla, jotka opiskelevat markkinointia sivuaineopiskelijoina (a MSc
minor study package in Marketing) ja (3) muilla opiskelijoilla.
23E25000 Kaupan liiketoimintamallit ja markkinointi (6 op)
Retail Business Models and Marketing
Vastuuopettaja: Arto Lindblom
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman core-kurssi.
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: II ja IV (2015-16)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 6 op, 160 tuntia:
1. Luennot (20 h)
2. Pakolliset harjoitukset ja itseopiskelu (138 h)
3. Tentti viimeisellä luentokerralla (2h)
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää kaupan toimialan kansantaloudellisen
merkityksen ja tietää kansainvälistyvän kaupan kehityspiirteet sekä tuntee kaupan alan
yritysten keskeiset johtamisvaatimukset ja osaamistarpeet, liiketoimintamallit ja konseptit, asiakaslähtöisen arvontuotannon ja kuluttajien asiointikäyttäytymisen
pääpiirteet globalisoituvassa toimintaympäristössä. Opiskelija osaa suunnitella kaupan
liiketoimintamallin ja -konseptin pohjalta markkinointistrategian ja valita sen mukaiset
Sisältö: Kaupan toiminta- ja kilpailuympäristön muutokset. Kaupan alan yrityksen
johtamisen keskeiset piirteet (strategiset valinnat, asiakasarvon tuottaminen ja
liiketoimintakonseptien kehittäminen). Kaupan strateginen markkinointi: liiketoimintamallit,
konseptit, teknologia ja arvontuotanto. Kaupan alan yrityksen kilpailukeinot ja kilpailuetu
kansainvälistyvillä markkinoilla. Kaupan arvoketjun johtamisen perusperiaatteet.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot
2. Pakollinen harjoitus (40 %)
3. Tentti (60%) viimeisellä luentokerralla.
Levy, M. & Weitz, B. A. (2011) Retailing management. 8th international edition. ISBN 007-249720-3.
Evans, J. R. & B. Berman (2013). Retail Management: A Strategic Approach, Twelfth
Edition; Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kurssikirjat ovat
pakollisia tenttiin valmistautumisessa. ( Saatavuus)
Artikkelikokoelma luennoitsijan ohjeiden mukaisesti.
Korvaavuudet: Korvaa aiemman kurssin 25C420 Kaupan markkinointi.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E25000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodin kautta. Katso ilmoittautumisaika
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin osallistujamäärä on rajoitettu. Opiskelijat hyväksytään kurssille
tarvittaessa seuraavassa priorisointi-järjestyksessä: (1) Markkinoinnin
maisterikoulutusohjelman opiskelijat, (2) Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijat, jotka
suorittavat sivuopintokokonaisuuden Minor in Strategic Marketing. Ensisijaisessa
asemassa ovat myös opiskelijat, jotka eivät ole suorittaneet kurssin (tai olivat
ilmoittautuneet kurssille) aikaisemmin.
23E28000 Consumer Culture (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: John Schouten; Sammy Toyoki
Status of the Course: Marketing Master’s Program, core-course CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I, III (2015-2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours
1. Lectures (24 h)
2. Independent learning (64 h)
3. Learning diary (50 h)
4. Final report (22 h)
Learning Outcomes: In completing this course, the student will learn about the key
concepts, theories, and frameworks of consumer culture theory and interpretive
consumer behavior. The student will learn how apply these concepts, theories, and
frameworks in critically examining and analyzing consumers, consumerism and consumer
society. Students will also apply taught knowledge in conducting actual consumer /
market research.
Content: The course describes key theories from the fields of consumer research,
sociology, social psychology, social theory, cultural studies, material culture and cultural
1 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active attendance in lectures
2 Compulsory course assignments (100%)
Study Material: Coursebooks: Solomon, M. R. (2003) Conquering
consumerspace marketing strategies for a branded world. ISBN 0-8144-0741-2; Holt,
Douglas B. (2004) How brands become icons the principles of cultural branding. ISBN 157851-774-5. Coursebooks are not obligatory A collection of articles assigned by the
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces the course 23E28000 Advanced consumer behavior
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E28000
Prerequisites: 23C581 Consumer Behavior or equivalent
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to (1) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing, (2) CEMS-students,
(3) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Strategy, (4) Aalto students studying a
MSc Minor in Consumer Research. Priority is also given to students who haven’t
completed the course (or registered for the course) before.
23E47000 Digital Marketing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ashish Kumar
Status of the Course: Master’s Program of Marketing, an elective course CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I, IV (2015-2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:
1. Lectures (24 h)
2. Group exercises (96 h)
3. Independent Work and Exam Preparation (38 h)
4. Exam (2 h)
Learning Outcomes:
Digital revolution has shaped and reshaped the current marketing environment. People
subscribing to on-line and Internet services are not only soaring but they also happen to
be well-informed consumers. Thus, firms can cater to the individual needs of these
potential consumers in real time using personalized services and content using following
Use of Interactive Media/Digital Marketing Communications
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Offering Multichannel Strategies
Online or Internet Marketing Channel
Online Collaborative Projects
Use of Search Engine and Display Ads
This unique approach of marketing facilitated by digital revolution is termed as Digital
Marketing. The key features of digital marketing are the ability to identify and target each
consumer separately, two-way interaction with them, capability to customize the services
for each consumers, and influencing consumer purchase behavior online. However, the
true benefits of digital marketing cannot be realized unless firms integrate digital
marketing strategies into their existing businesses and marketing programs. This course
will help students in developing, implementing and analyzing digital marketing strategies
for products and services using electronic media.
Content: Students will learn how to develop, implement, and analyze digital marketing
strategies using electronic media. The course will introduce the basic theoretical concepts
and some hands-on exercises to operationalize various aspects of digital marketing.
Specifically we will focus on understanding digital marketing communications (e.g.,
emails, blogs, social-media etc.) and multichannel strategies (e.g., online channel, mobile
marketing etc.) to leverage the maximum benefits of digital marketing.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Compulsory Exercises (50%)
Examinations (50%)
Study Material:
Coursebook: Urban, Glen L (2004) Digital marketing strategy: text and cases. ISBN 0-13183177-1, not obligatory, ( Availability)
The course is based on a collection of articles indicated by the lecturer, from the following
Academic Sources
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Interactive Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Harvard Business Review
Business Sources
Wall Street Journal
Business Week
Course Homepage: http://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E47000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to (1) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing, (2) CEMS-students,
(3) Aalto students studying a MSc minor study package in Marketing, and (4) other
23E48000 Consumer Psychology (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mikael Andehn
Status of the Course: Marketing Master’s Program, elective course. CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:20 hours lectures
140 hours compulsory assignments and independent learning
Learning Outcomes: In completing this course, the student will learn about the key
concepts, theories, and models in the field of psychological and behavioral consumer
Content: The course content comprises of knowledge from three key domains: (a)
consumer affect and cognition (b) consumer behavior, and (c) consumer environment.
Accordingly, this course describes the thoughts and feelings people experience and the
actions they perform in consumption processes. It also explains the various things in the
environment that influence these thoughts, feelings and actions.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Compulsory attendance
Compulsory individual and course assignments
Study Material: A collection of articles assigned by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E48000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Attendance at lectures compulsory. If the student fails to meet this
requirement (at least 80% of lectures attended), the course instructor has the right to
assign additional assignments, deduct points from the student’s final grade or remove the
student from the course. The number of students admitted to the course is restricted.
Priority is given to (1) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing, (2) CEMSstudents, (3) Aalto students studying a MSc minor study package in Fashion Marketing,
(4) Aalto students studying a MSc minor study package in Marketing and (5) other
23E49000 Business Marketing Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Partanen
Status of the Course: Master’s Program of Marketing
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours: 1. Lectures; 8/11 attendance required: 16 h
2. Independent readings + reflection papers: 20 h
3. Case: 5 h
4. Final project: 119 h
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will (1) have an in-depth
understanding on the core areas of business marketing; (2) be able to apply the
knowledge by identifying, analyzing and solving a real-life business problem, and improve
his/her (3) team-working skills, (4) negotiation skills, and (5) project management skills.
Content: The course covers the core areas of business marketing i.e., organizational
buying behavior, managing customer relationships, service business, and strategic
networks and partnerships. In addition, the course will cover some basic elements of
business negotiations. These areas are elaborated with lectures and in-class discussions,
readings, reflection papers, and a case study (done in teams).
Thereafter, students (in teams of 3) select one of the core areas and solve a real-life
business problem in that area. More specifically, the teams identify and get access to a
real-life case firm and negotiate and agree on a problem-solving project (e.g., objectives,
scope) with the firm. The end-result of the project is ca. ten-page project report, which
utilizes and/or extends theoretical models and frameworks of business marketing for
analyzing and solving the problem.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Independent readings and reflection papers: 40
Case: 10 %
Final project: 40 %
Peer-evaluated project contribution: 10 %
Study Material: TBA
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E49000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of participants is limited to 40. Priority is given to (1)
Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing, (2) Aalto students studying a MSc
Minor in Strategic Marketing and a Minor in Sales and Sales Management.
23E52050 Managing Innovative Sales (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Petri Parvinen
Status of the Course: Master’s Program of Marketing, an elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:Lectures (22 h)
Assignments (60 h)
Preparing for exam (74 h)
Exam (4 h)
Learning Outcomes: The principal objective of this course is to give students a general
but thorough understanding of the area of innovation selling and sales management for
both professional and academic purposes. This includes developing an interest in the
area of sales, understanding the dynamics and challenges in organizing sales work and
the ability to analytically evaluate and solve sales-related issues. The focus is on
innovative and transformative selling, selling under modern new business models, selling
in corporate venturing and startup selling. You will learn to apply your knowledge to a
number of industries, but the emphasis is on business-to-business contexts. One of the
primary goals is to raise the appreciation of the topic and area of sales among students,
and create a positive outlook on doing sales for a living.
Content: This course is designed as a general overview to the area of innovative sales
management. Ideally designed for students with some exposure to the area and topic of
sales, this course gives you the necessary skills and knowledge to start executing sales
management actions in various types of organizations, including startup companies. With
topics ranging from grass root level management of sales staff to the role of sales
thinking in corporate strategy, this course is ideal for candidates aiming any position that
needs to deal with the sales function. This implies that the course discusses not only
sales issues, but the relationship of sales with R&D, marketing, corporate management,
IT and even public affairs. This ideology is supported by running the course as a joint
course between Aalto BIZ and Aalto Schools of Technology, mixing students with
different ideas and backgrounds together. An intensive training on personal selling
techniques is offered as a part of the course for a limited number of students.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: This course is primarily a lecture course, presented
in module form, supplemented with informal out-of-class discussion and guest speakers.
Grading is based on the final exam and case assignments and lecture attendance.
1. Assignments (50 %)
2. Exam (50 %)
Study Material: A collection of articles assigned by the lecturer, workshop materials
Substitutes for Courses: This course replaces 23E52000 Sales Management, TU91.2040 and TU-91.2031
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23e52050/etusivu
Prerequisites: Students aiming at professional business work as their primary
employment should attend the course. It is recommended that the students have been
exposed to the area of business, marketing and sales in some form before attending the
course. Basic marketing and sales courses taught at School of Economics and School of
Science should preferably be taken before this course. Also students that have worked in
sales positions and have an interest in sales management, regardless of the courses they
have attended, are warmly welcomed to this course. Students who plan no primary work
in sales or business and have not been exposed to the area, should consider taking an
introductory course to marketing or sales instead.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to 1. Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing
2. Degree students of The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
3. Aalto students studying a MSc minor study package in Selling and Sales Management
4. students that are participating in the Aalto Ventures Program Minor.
5. Other students
23E53050 Merkkituotteet strategisessa markkinoinnissa (6 op)
Brands in Strategic Marketing
Vastuuopettaja: Eiren Tuusjärvi
Kurssin asema: Markkinoinnin maisteriohjelma
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Opetusperiodi: V (kevät 2016)
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 6 op, 160t: Luennot (28h)
Luennoille valmistautuminen (62 h)
Ennakkotehtävä (6 h)
Paritehtävät ja ryhmätyö (60 h)
Tentti (4h)
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tavoitteena on auttaa opiskelijoita kehittämään
syvällinen ymmärrys ja analyyttisiä kehikkoja brändien strategisesta roolista
liiketoiminnassa ja brändien johtamisesta. Kurssin päätteeksi opiskelijoiden
odotetaan:omaavan selkeän käsityksen brändiin liittyvistä avainkäsitteistä,
strategioista ja analyyttisistä työkaluista
tilanteen mukaan soveltavan tietoa, jolla on mahdollista synnyttää aito
vuorovaikutus kuluttajan kanssa, vahvistaa kuluttajan brändisuhdetta sekä
vaikuttaa kuluttajan käyttäytymiseen
tunnistavan brändäykseen liittyvät erityiset haasteet monimutkaisissa
omaavan “henkilökohtaisen näkemyksen” bränditeorioista ja malleista kuten
myös kyvyn kriittisesti arvioida niiden sovellettavuutta ja hyötyä liikkeenjohdon
Kurssin aiheita:
(1) Brändijohtamisen paradigmat ja brändipääoma, brändien merkitykset yritykselle ja
asiakkaalle (brändi kulttuurisena resurssina ja identiteetin rakentajana, brändi suhteena ja
(2) Brändijohtamisen strategiset työkalut ja niiden soveltaminen: Brändi-identiteetti ja
identiteetin hyödyntäminen brändijohtamisessa ja positionnissa. Brändiarkkitehtuuri ja
portfoliostrategiat, brändilaajennukset ja brändiyhteistyö.
(3) Brändiviestintä, viestintä erityisesti digitaalisessa mediassa. Brändiin liittyvien
assosiaatioiden ja sekundaaristen brändiassosiaatioiden valinta.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot
Harjoitukset (50 %)
- ennakkotehtävä
- pareittain tehtävät harjoitukset
- ryhmätyö
Kuulustelu (50 %) Läsnäolo luennoilla on välttämätön (maks. kolme poissaoloa).
Oppimateriaali: Holt, Douglas B. : How brands become icons the principles of cultural
branding , 2004. Pakollinen.
Keller, Kevin Lane : Strategic brand management building, measuring and managing
brand equity, 2003. Pakollinen. ( Saatavuus) Luennoitsijan osoittamat artikkelit ja kirjojen
kappaleita (erityisesti Aaker ja Joachmistaler (2000) Brändien johtaminen ja Kapferer
(2004) New strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long
Korvaavuudet: Korvaa aiemman kurssin 23E53000 Brands in Strategic Marketing
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E53050
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen Webodin kautta. Katso ilmoittautumisaika
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin osallistujamäärä on rajoitettu. Opiskelijat hyväksytään kurssille
tarvittaessa seuraavassa priorisointi-järjestyksessä: (1) Markkinoinnin
maisterikoulutusohjelman opiskelijat, (2) Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijat, jotka suorittavat
sivuopintokokonaisuuden Strategic Marketing, (3) Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijat, jotka
suorittavat sivuopintokokonaisuuden Consumer Research ja (4) muut opiskelijat.
23E57000 Fashion Marketing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Antti Vassinen; Pekka Mattila
Status of the Course: Aalto course, Marketing Master’s program, elective course
(compulsory course in Master’s degree program in Fashion and Clothing Design).
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:Lectures and intensive workshops and/or
study tours 70 h
Independent and group work 80 h
Reflection essay 10 h
Learning Outcomes: Students will gain broad, comprehensive knowledge of the
strategic and operational issues pertinent to the fashion industry, practical understanding
of the roles of different actors and institutions in fashion business, and experience of
developing, communicating, and managing a commercial fashion concept and brand.
Content: The course integrates and utilizes a broad range of theoretical concepts,
frameworks and topics on a practical level. Key areas include strategic marketing and
branding, concept and offering development management, supply chain management,
retail and distribution management as well as business case development.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: During the course, students are divided into
multidisciplinary teams to work on various business cases and challenges. The outcomes
are presented for sparring, comments and critique from the other teams, course staff and
visiting fashion industry experts. Grading:
Group work and presentations (60%)
Individual essays (x2) (40%)
NB! Successful completion of the course is contingent upon participation in all lectures.
Study Material: A collection of articles as assigned by the lecturers
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E57000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: See Further Information (below).
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course participation is limited to 80 students. The course will be
developed in close collaboration with leading international schools and faculty of the field.
For more information on the course, please visit www.aaltofashionmarketing.com/. NB!
An intense two-day workshop will be part of the course outside normal lecture hours.
23E58050 Consumer Behavior, Retail Experience and Fashion (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Antti Vassinen; Pekka Mattila
Status of the Course: Aalto course, Marketing Master’s program, elective
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II (Fall 2015)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:Lectures and workshops 46 h
Independent group work 80 h
Individual learning diary 14 h
Individual final assignment 20 h
Learning Outcomes: The course is aimed to broaden students’ understanding of the
conceptual foundations of fashion as a phenomenon as well as consumer behavior and
retail experience in this domain. The course will emphasize sociological concepts and
frameworks when trying to understand fashion and consumerism. After the course,
students will understand fashion and retail experience from a social sciences perspective,
master relevant techniques of field research. These insights will also help them to
develop marketing and retail strategies in this domain.
Content: The course will be carried out as a series of lectures and workshops. During
these contact sessions the students will familiarize themselves with the key concepts,
frameworks and case studies of fashion and retail experience as well as consumer
behavior within these domains. Furthermore, the students will learn useful skills, such as
running projects in cross-disciplinary groups and conducting field research.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Students will work in groups to carry out a series of
conceptual assignments as well as market research assignments. Individual
assignments, such as he learning diary, will help the students to reflect their take-aways
and guarantee a holistic learning experience. Throughout the course the students will
receive support and feedback from the faculty as well as seasoned industry
professionals. Grading:
Groupwork and presentations (60%)
Learning diary (20%)
Individual final assignment (20%)
Study Material: A collection of articles assigned by the lecturers
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E58050
Prerequisites: 23A00210 Introduction to Marketing or equivalent
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Completion of this course is recommended prior to participating in
the 23E57000 Fashion Marketing course offered in period V. More information about the
course is available at www.aaltofashionmarketing.com. NB! An intense two-day workshop
will be part of the course outside normal lecture hours.
23E59000 Sustainable Marketing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Diane Martin
Status of the Course: Marketing Master’s Program, core-course CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours
1. Lectures (28 h)
2. Independent learning (60 h)
3. Group work (68)
4. Final Exam (4 h)
Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course you will understand the basic principles of
sustainability and the business case for sustainability as a source of competitive
advantage. You will also have to use a robust, science-based strategic framework for
making any organization, marketing process or decision more economically,
environmentally and socially sustainable.
Content: This course explores the concept and applications of sustainable marketing and
its two key imperatives: 1) conducting marketing in a manner that is ecologically, socially
and economically sustainable, and 2) helping to bring about a global culture of
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures & Presentations (28 h)
Individual / group exercises (70 %)
Exam (30 %) The core assignment for this course is a group project Case Study
Consultation Project. For your project you will use the Natural Step Framework and other
principles of sustainable marketing to create a consultation case study for a business that
exemplifies competitive advantage through constant progress toward sustainability.
Your group will also be responsible for presenting core ideas from two chapters. Using
your case study organization as the context, you’ll present a deep needs assessment and
develop corrective activities for company managers.
Preparation is essential. This class will achieve its greatest potential only to the point that
we benefit from the experiences and the intellectual and creative power of every class
member. Learning and performance depend on adequate, thoughtful preparation and
active, courteous class participation. Please read each day’s assignment prior to class
and come prepared to discuss the material. You are responsible for all material in both
the text and lecture.
A final examination includes all chapters from the textbook. You are expected to master
the course concepts and answer each question on the test. All questions will be graded. If
you fail to answer a question, that question will have zero value toward you exam point
total. 100% grade for the final exam means you answer every question on the test
Study Material: Coursebook: Martin, Diane. (2012) Sustainable marketing / Diane
Martin, John Schouten. ISBN 0-13-611707-4,
obligatory, ( Availability) A collection of articles assigned by the lecturer
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E59000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to (1) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing, (2) CEMS-students,
(3) Aalto BIZ students studying a MSc minor study package in Marketing, and (4) other
23E70503 Projekti (3 cr)
Status of the Course: Marketing MSc program: Elective
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: I-V (2015-2016)
Learning Outcomes: The student learns to apply marketing research methods and
marketing concepts and frameworks in a real life context.
Content: The subjects of the running projects are announced at the course homepage.
The subject of the project can be related to any of the advanced specialization area at the
department of Marketing.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: To be defined in accordance to the nature of the
Study Material: Each individual project sources relevant background material to be used
on a case-by-case basis.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E70503
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Please contact study coordinator of Marketing Department for
more information
Language of Instruction: English or Finnish
23E70506 Projekti (6 cr)
Status of the Course: Marketing MSc program: Elective
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: I-V (2015-2016)
Learning Outcomes: The student learns to apply marketing research methods and
marketing concepts and frameworks in a real life context.
Content: The subjects of the running projects are announced at the course homepage.
The subject of the project can be related to any of the advanced specialization area at the
department of Marketing.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: To be defined in accordance to the nature of the
Study Material: Each individual project sources relevant background material to be used
on a case-by-case basis.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E70506
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Please contact study coordinator of Marketing Department for
more information
Language of Instruction: English or Finnish
23E80101 Qualitative Business Research Methods (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ilona Mikkonen
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, compulsory course for all students in Marketing
Master’s Program
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I, III (2015-2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:
- Compulsory lectures (24 hours)
- Independent learning and course assignments (136 hours)
Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will gain an
understanding of major qualitative research methods and methodology and will be able to
carry out empirical qualitative research.
Content: The course introduces students to qualitative methods in business research.
The course introduces the student to the following topics:
- Epistemological and ontological underpinnings of qualitative research
- Collection and analysis of appropriate qualitative empirical data
- Evaluation criteria for qualitative research
- Construction of a ‘research plan’
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Compulsory course assignments 80%. Optional
assignments 20% Active participation in class discussion can earn students extra credits.
Absenteeism from lectures reduces points and lowers the final grade.
Study Material: Coursebook: Eriksson, Päivi & Kovalainen, Anne (2008) Qualitative
methods in business research. ISBN 978-1-4129-0316-5, obligatory, ( Availability)
Additional readings assigned by the lecturer.
Substitutes for Courses: The course substitutes the course 80E80100 Business
Research Methods (6 cr), 23E22000 Markkinoinnin tutkimusmenetelmät (6 cr) and
23E88001 Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing (3 cr)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E80101
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Attendance at lectures compulsory. If the student fails to meet this
requirement (at least 80% of lectures attended), points will be deducted from the
student’s final grade. He or she can also be removed from the course for repeated
absenteeism. The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority is
given to Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing.
23E80102 Quantitative Business Research Methods (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sami Kajalo
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, compulsory course for all students in Marketing
Master’s Program
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II, IV (2015-2016)
1 Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours:Lectures (20h)
2 Individual work (50h)
3 Independent learning (86h)
4 Exam (4h)
· Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able
to carry out quantitative empirical research. More specifically, they will be able
to:Define research problems and research designs
Understand the role of theory and concepts in empirical research
Choose appropriate samples and empirical material for particular research
Analyze empirical material
Report empirical research
Define appropriate evaluative criteria for empirical research
Content: The course introduces student to quantitative methods in business
research, e.g.:IBM SPSS software, transfer of quantitative data, basic
computations and output generation
Cross tabulations and testing of statistical significance with Chi-square test
T-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Factor analysis
Cluster analysis
Regression analysis
Structural equation models
Construction of a research plan (for students doing quantitative research for
their Master’s Thesis)
5 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures.
6 Obligatory learning exercises (50%).
7 Exam (50%)
Study Material: Coursebook: Malhotra, N. K., Birks, D. F. and Wills, P.
(2012) Marketing research: An Applied Approach, 4. Edition, Harlow: Financial Times
Prentice Hall. , Chapters 1-5 and 10-28 . ISBN 0273725858, obligatory, ( Availability)
Course slides and articles provided by the lecturer
Substitutes for Courses: The course substitutes the course 80E80100 Business
Research Methods (6 cr), 23E22000 Markkinoinnin tutkimusmenetelmät (6 cr),
23E88002, Quantitative Research Methods in Marketing (3 cr) and 23E88003, Advanced
Quantitative Research Methods in Marketing (3 cr)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E80102
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing.
23E87000 Performing in work life (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kai Bäckström
Status of the Course: Marketing Master’s Program
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II and ? (2015-2016)
Workload: 3 credits, 80 hours:
1. Workshops (12 h)
2. Independent learning (32 h)
3. Learning diary (12 h)
4. Final assignment (43 h)
Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will have a better
understanding of their strenghts as peformers, and how to further enhance their skills.
The overarching goal is for the student to find confidence and enjoyment in business
presentations or when pitching ideas.
While the buzz seems to be about the digital, human interaction and making
presentations is as important as ever. At the same time, very few people feel at ease
speaking in public. Most of this awkwardness is caused by lack of experience and
irrational fear of the unknown. But fear not, this is were practise comes in.
During the workshops of this course, the students will be studying and developing their
performance skills in a safe environment, with the help of exercises more commonly used
by actors. Attendance is compulsory to all four (4) workshops, no exceptions. No prior
acting/performing experience is needed.
The workshops are highly “learning by doing” consisting of basic acting excercises and
discussions. The written assignments consist of written reports on articles and selfreflective essays. Finally, the student combines her findings in a final paper.
The teacher, Kai Bäckström, graduated from Svenska Handelshögsskolan in 2007
(M.Sc., Economics) and from the Theatre Academy in 2012 (M. Arts, Acting). Upon
graduation he has acted in 10 theatre shows and 6 tv-series across country.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Active attendance in lectures. Attendance
compulsory. Compulsory course assignments (100%).
Study Material: No coursebook. A collection of articles assigned by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E80101
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
Registration for Courses: Registration via WedOodi. Check registration time in
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The number of students admitted to the course is restricted. Priority
is given to (1) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Marketing, (2) CEMS-students,
(3) Aalto students studying in MSc Program of Strategy, (4) Aalto students studying a
MSc Minor in Consumer Research. Priority is also given to students who haven’t
completed the course (or registered for the course) before.
23E99901 Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc Marketing program: Compulsory
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Learning Outcomes: The aim is to learn all the stages of a research process: research
gap, research problem, research objectives and limitations; theoretical framework;
methodology; empirical analysis; summaries, conclusions and implications.
Content: Students will independently read literatures, formulate research questions,
collect and analyse empirical data, and write up the thesis manuscript.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Master’s Thesis
Study Material: Set of material provided by the lecturer.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E99901
Prerequisites: Strongly recommended for second year students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration deadlines during the previous term.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The thesis includes compulsory seminar (23E99902 Seminar, 0
ECTS or 23E99905 Seminar, 6 ECTS) and the 23E99903 Proficiency in Mother Tongue
(0 ECTS) examination.
23E99902 Master’s Thesis Seminar (0 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc Marketing program: Compulsory
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: I-II, III-IV (2015-2016)
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the MSc thesis seminars is to provide and receive
written and oral feedback on drafts of the MSc thesis. The seminar sessions provide a
supportive forum to discuss research issues relevant to the particular stage of research
with fellow students and the supervisor and make informed decisions how to develop the
study further. The seminars assist in structuring thesis work and stimulating progress.
The regular meetings pace the writing and reading process and provide concrete
deadlines and peer group pressure. Upon completion of the seminars, the student will be
able to critically evaluate academic research.
Content: Thesis seminar groups start twice a year (period I and III) and last two
consecutive periods (e.g. if the thesis course is commenced upon in period I, it will last to
the end of period II). Students can participate in this seminar only if they have an
accepted research plan completed. Graduate thesis seminars are divided into three kinds
depending on methodological orientation and broad field of interest: ‘Consumer research
using qualitative methods’, ‘Marketing using qualitative methods’ and ‘Marketing and
consumer research using quantitative methods’ (these seminars start in period I and III).
It is beneficial for students to be reflexive about their coming research methods
orientation and graduate thesis topic area as early as possible. Due to the intensified
seminar structure, attendance is compulsory in seminars. It is of utmost importance that
students engage in the seminar with full intention to follow its aims and carry out its
required workload. Students are expected to have either completed their thesis during
this seminar period, or, taken it to a point where they can finish writing it up on their own.
No seminars will be held after this seminar period. Each MSc student presents twice a
draft version of his/her thesis during the chosen academic semester and acts four times
as an opponent by commenting on a fellow student’s thesis draft. In the seminars, issues
associated with e.g. how to conduct a critical and analytical literature review, how to avoid
plagiarism and follow high ethical standards throughout the research process are
discussed. Students practice providing and receiving constructive criticism on their own
work and that of others. The MSc seminars cover theoretical, methodological and
empirical challenges faced by the students during the entire research process. Active
participation and attendance is mandatory in order to complete the seminar.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Presentations of draft versions of the thesis 2.
Active participation in the seminar sessions, including presenting one’s own work and
acting as an opponent
Study Material: Set of material provided by the lecturer
Prerequisite studies: undergraduate thesis (23C99901) and seminar (23C99902).
It is also required that before enrolling into the graduate seminar, the student has
completed at least that research method course that supports his/her graduate thesis
work. If the graduate thesis requires both qualitative and quantitative methods, it is
strongly recommended that both methods courses are completed before enrolling into the
Two preliminary research plan workshops will be organized before the seminar starts:
The first workshop will take place before enrolment (beginning of March or
October; the specific date will be announced in due course in the Graduate
Seminar course description in Oodi); during this workshop, seminar supervisors
will advise in choosing a research topic and starting to write up the research
The second workshop will take place after enrolment (the specific date will be
announced in due course in the Graduate Seminar course description in Oodi);
here, supervisors will comment on research plan drafts and advise how to
develop the plan further and starting the research process before the actual
seminar starts.
Please note: If you are not present during the preliminary research plan workshops (due
to student exchange or some other valid reason), please contact your chosen seminar
group’s supervisor and arrange this preliminary tutoring by email.
Without an accepted research plan, the student may not enroll in the graduate seminar.
Strongly recommended for second year MSc students.
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
Registration for Courses: To commence the seminar in September, you must sign up
by the end of the previous March, and to commence the seminar in January, you sign up
by the end of the previous October. Please see the seminar enrollment instructions at the
Department’s webpage in INTO.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The student can enroll into the thesis seminar only once.
23E99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman pakolliset syventävät
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Sisältö: Pro gradu-tutkielman valmistuttua opiskelija suorittaa kypsyysnäytteen, jolla
osoitetaan sekä perehtyneisyyttä tutkielman aihepiiriin että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
taitoa. Kypsyysnäytteen arvioivat sekä aineen opettaja että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
opettaja. Opiskelijan on kirjoitettava kypsyysnäyte myös maisteritutkielmassa, vaikka hän
olisi aiemmin kirjoittanut kypsyysnäytteen kandidaatintutkielmassa. Suomen tai ruotsin
kielen tarkistusta ei tarvitse kuitenkaan tehdä uudestaan, jos se on tehty jo Aaltoyliopiston kandidaatintutkielmassa.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamisesta tulee sopia erikseen tutkielman
ohjaajan sekä opintokoordinaattorin kanssa tutkielman valmistuttua.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Lisätietoja Pro gradu-tutkielmasta ja valmistumisesta maisteriksi
Markkinoinnin laitoksella löytyy INTOsta
23E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: John Schouten, Lasse Mitronen, Jukka Luoma, Henrikki
Tikkanen (I-II) Sammy Toyoki, Lasse Mitronen, Arto Lindblom, Tomas Falk, Sami Kajalo
Status of the Course: MSc Marketing program: Compulsory
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: I-II, III-IV (2015-2016)
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the MSc thesis seminars is to provide and receive
written and oral feedback on drafts of the MSc thesis. The seminar sessions provide a
supportive forum to discuss research issues relevant to the particular stage of research
with fellow students and the supervisor and make informed decisions how to develop the
study further. The seminars assist in structuring thesis work and stimulating progress.
The regular meetings pace the writing and reading process and provide concrete
deadlines and peer group pressure. Upon completion of the seminars, the student will be
able to critically evaluate academic research.
Content: Thesis seminar groups start twice a year (period I and III) and last two
consecutive periods (e.g. if the thesis course is commenced upon in period I, it will last to
the end of period II). Students can participate in this seminar only if they have an
accepted research plan completed. Graduate thesis seminars are divided into three kinds
depending on methodological orientation and broad field of interest: ‘Consumer research
using qualitative methods’, ‘Marketing using qualitative methods’ and ‘Marketing and
consumer research using quantitative methods’(these seminars start in period I and III). It
is beneficial for students to be reflexive about their coming research methods orientation
and graduate thesis topic area as early as possible. Due to the intensified seminar
structure, attendance is compulsory in seminars. It is of utmost importance that students
engage in the seminar with full intention to follow its aims and carry out its required
workload. Students are expected to have either completed their thesis during this
seminar period, or, taken it to a point where they can finish writing it up on their own. No
seminars will be held after this seminar period. Each MSc student presents twice a draft
version of his/her thesis during the chosen academic semester and acts four times as an
opponent by commenting on a fellow student’s thesis draft. In the seminars, issues
associated with e.g. how to conduct a critical and analytical literature review, how to avoid
plagiarism and follow high ethical standards throughout the research process are
discussed. Students practice providing and receiving constructive criticism on their own
work and that of others. The MSc seminars cover theoretical, methodological and
empirical challenges faced by the students during the entire research process. Active
participation and attendance is mandatory in order to complete the seminar.
1 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Written reports of draft versions of own
2 Presentations of draft versions of own thesis
3 Acting as an opponent for others, orally and in writing
4 Active participation in the seminar sessions
Study Material: Set of material provided by the lecturer
Prerequisite studies: undergraduate thesis (23C99901) and seminar (23C99902).
It is also required that before enrolling into the graduate seminar, the student has
completed at least that research method course that supports his/her graduate thesis
work. If the graduate thesis requires both qualitative and quantitative methods, it is
strongly recommended that both methods courses are completed before enrolling into the
Two preliminary research plan workshops will be organized before the seminar starts:
The first workshop will take place before enrolment (beginning of March or
October; the specific date will be announced in due course in the Graduate
Seminar course description in Oodi); during this workshop, seminar supervisors
will advise in choosing a research topic and starting to write up the research
The second workshop will take place after enrolment (the specific date will be
announced in due course in the Graduate Seminar course description in Oodi);
here, supervisors will comment on research plan drafts and advise how to
develop the plan further and starting the research process before the actual
seminar starts.
Please note: If you are not present during the preliminary research plan workshops (due
to student exchange or some other valid reason), please contact your chosen seminar
group’s supervisor and arrange this preliminary tutoring by email.
Without an accepted research plan, the student may not enroll in the graduate seminar.
Strongly recommended for second year MSc students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: To commence the seminar in September, you must sign up
by the end of the previous March, and to commence the seminar in January, you sign up
by the end of the previous October. Please see the seminar enrollment instructions at the
Department’s webpage in INTO.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The student can enroll into the thesis seminar only once.
23E99906 Capstone course: Marketing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Partanen; Lauri Mitronen
Status of the Course: M.Sc. degree, compulsory course for all students in Marketing
Master’s Program
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies
Teaching period: I and V (2015-2016)
Workload: 6 credits, 160 hours Individual assignment (i.e., one case prereading, reflection paper): 4 h
Weekly meetings (compulsory) (7x4h): 28h
Project/team work (e.g. case firm access, problem solving task for the case
firm, preparing for team presentations, writing up the academic case): 128 hours
Learning Outcomes: After the course the student will (1) have a concise and updated
overview on the core knowledge of marketing; (2) be able to apply the knowledge by
identifying, analyzing and solving a real-life business problem, and improve his/her (3)
team-working skills, (4) presentation skills, (5) negotiation skills, and (6) project
management skills. In addition, the student will develop self-awareness of what he/she
has learned and skills and competencies he/she possesses facilitating his/her entering to
the work life and by doing so, also provides feedback for the program. In brief, the course
creates “closure”, ensuring that learning goals of the Aalto MSc degree/program(s) have
been fulfilled.
Content: The students (in teams of 3) select a core topic in the area marketing, and
update and share their knowledge on the topic with their peers. Thereafter, the teams
identify and get access to real-life case firms and negotiate and agree on a problemsolving project (e.g., objectives, scope) with the firms. The end-results of the project are
(1) presentation for the firm representatives on how the problem is/could be solved, and
(2) a case study report resembling a Harvard Business School style case study, which a)
has a clear theme within the domain of marketing, b) uses academic and/or theoretical
reasoning to explain and justify analysis, c) a problem solving structure with a preproblem setup and a post-problem solution, d) a description of concrete activities in
solving the case and e) implications for generalizing the finding for learning purposes.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 40%: Project outcome and the final presentation
40%: Case study report; equal weight on analytical thinking, learning setup and practical
10%: Individual two-page reflection paper on the project
10%: Project contribution
Study Material: One Harvard Business Case distributed by the teachers; selection of
ABS4 and ABS3-ranked journal articles on the selected topics
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/23E99906
Prerequisites: Strongly recommended for second year MSc students. Available only to
M.Sc. Marketing major students.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course is mandatory and only available to M.Sc. Marketing
major students. Acceptance to the course is granted by registration through WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course is mandatory and only available to M.Sc. Marketing major
23H00100 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Laitoksesi opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema: KTK‐tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman valinnaiset opinnot. (TS
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Lue harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus Intosta
kohdasta Työharjoittelu
Kurssin kotisivu: INTO - Työharjoittelu
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Opetuskieli: Suomi/English
Lisätietoja: Mikäli opiskelet TS2013 mukaisesti, harjoittelu sisällytetään tutkintoon
kurssikoodilla 20H00100. Tällöin raportit palautetaan opintotoimistoon Aino Salmiselle.
23H00200 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Laitoksesi opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema: KTM‐tutkinto, markkinoinnin koulutusohjelman valinnaiset opinnot. (TS
Kurssin taso: Syventävät tai aine-opinnot
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Lue harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus Intosta
kohdasta Työharjoittelu
Kurssin kotisivu: INTO - Työharjoittelu
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Opetuskieli: Suomi/English
Lisätietoja: Mikäli opiskelet TS2013 mukaisesti, harjoittelu sisällytetään tutkintoon
kurssikoodilla 20H00200. Tällöin raportit palautetaan opintotoimistoon Aino Salmiselle.
27C01000 Business Decisions 1 (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Juuso Liesiö
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s programme, Business Technology, common
programme studies (DR2005 & DR2013). Bachelor’s programme, Finance
(Taloushallinto), elective (DR2005).
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies.
Teaching period: III Spring (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
Workload: lectures 24h (2x2h), demonstrations 12h (6x2h), individual work 126 h
Learning Outcomes: The course introduces basic analytical models in Management
Science. After the course the student can (i) recognize the types of real-life business
decision problems where use of the models brings added value, (ii) interpret results of
these models to derive defensible decision recommendations, and (iii) build and solve
these models using spreadsheets to support business decision making.
Content: Optimization: Linear programming, network models, mixed-integer linear
programming, multiple objective optimization. Decision Analysis: Decision making under
uncertainty, decision rules, decision trees, Bayes’ Theorem, value of information.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Home and case assignments (60%), final exam
Study Material:
Lecture slides, assignments and textbook:
An Introduction to Management Science by Anderson et al. (2010, ISBN Code: 9781111532222)
or An Introduction to Management Science by Anderson et al. (2014, ISBN Code: 978-1111-82361-0)
• Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/27C01000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
27E01000 Decision Making and Choice Behavior (6 cr)
Responsible teacher:
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
common advanced course.
KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, laitoksen yhteiset opinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: Course removed from course selection (not lectured in 2015-2016).
This course can be replaced with 30E02000 Business Decisions 2.
• Workload: Lectures and exam 46 h
• Homework 114 h
Learning Outcomes: To familiarize the students with the central topics of decision
Content: Rational decision making under uncertainty, quantification of uncertainty, utility
theory, multi-criteria decision making, Bayesian decision theory, behavioral decision
theory, preference estimation, non-cooperative game theory, fair division and cooperative
games, economic applications.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: - Lectures 42h, Professor Markku Kallio.
- Homework assignments (20%).
- Final exam (80%).
The final exam and the homework assignments will be based on the lectures, material
handed out in class and the course literature.
Literature: Baird, Bruce F. (1989) Managerial decisions under uncertainty: an
introduction to the analysis of decision making. ISBN 0-471-85891-9
Study Material: Material handed out in class.
Substitutes for Courses: This course can be replaced with the course 30E02000
Business Decisions 2.
• Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/27E01000/
Prerequisites: Elementary calculus and probability theory.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
27E02000 Models in Marketing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Merja Halme
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
elective course of advanced specialization studies
KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: III Spring (2015-2016)
- teaching hours for the class 36 h
- case supervising for group 3 h
- case assignments independent work 70 h
- preparing for classes and exam 48 h
- exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: To familiarize the students with advanced marketing research
methods and with the consumer data gathered by marketing research companies.
Content: A working course in advanced methods in marketing that includes also
theoretical background studies. The students apply primarily positioning, conjoint and
segmentation methods in marketing decision making cases.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
- Lectures 36h, Professor Merja Halme.
- Project supervising 14h
- Compulsory homework assignments (50%). To pass the course, one should get at least
half of the maximum assignment points.
- Final exam (50%). To pass the course, one will have to pass the exam independent of
the assignment points.
- The student has to take part in 50 % of the classes.
Literature: Lilien, Gary L. & Rangaswamy, Arvind (2003) Marketing engineering:
computer-assisted marketing analysis and planning. ISBN 0130355496
Study Material: Lilien, Gary L. & Rangaswamy, Arvind (2003) Marketing engineering:
computer-assisted marketing analysis and planning. ISBN 0130355496.
Availability + Lecture notes.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/27E02000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi, maximum number of students 55.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: In case the number of participants registered exceeds the upper
bound 55, the students with priority are ISM students that confirm their participation by
being present in the first class.
27E20100 Database Marketing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Merja Halme
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme
and in Marketing, elective course of advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto,
Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät erikoistumisopinnot
Level of the Course: Advanced studies.
Teaching period: I Autumn (2015-2016)
Workload: - teaching hours for the class 36 h
- case supervising for group 3 h
- case assignments independent work 70 h
- preparing for classes and exam 48
- exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: The student is able to utilize the customer oriented business
potential as well customer databases and wen analytics. He/she knows approaches to
support decision making with customer data analyses and can identify the correct tools to
aid in different situations. The student will him/herself be able to do some analyses of the
data and use the results.
Content: Database development in the marketing process, the essential tools for
analysis, (e.g. segmentation, database scoring, lifetime value of customer). SAS
Enterprise Guide and Enterprise Miner is used as a tool in the assignments.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: - Lectures 42h, Merja Halme.
- Project supervising 14h
- Compulsory homework assignments (50%). To pass the course, one should get at least
half of the maximum assignment points.
- Final exam (50%). To pass the course, one will have to pass the exam independent of
the assignment points.
Literature: Drozdenko, Ronald G. and Drake, Perry D. (2002) Optimal Database
Marketing - Strategy, Development and Data Mining. ISBN 0761923578
Study Material: Drozdenko, Ronald G. and Drake, Perry D. (2002) Optimal Database
Marketing - Strategy, Development and Data Mining. ISBN 0761923578. Availability
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/27E20100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi, maximum number of students 55.
Language of Instruction: English.
Further Information: In case the number of participants registered exceeds the upper
bound 55, the students with priority are ISM students that confirm their participation by
being present in the first class.
30A00110 Matematiikkaa ja tilastotiedettä liikkeenjohtajille (6 op)
Mathematics and Statistics for Managers
Kurssin asema: Pakollinen kurssi tutkinnossa (TS 2005). Tutkintosäännön 2005 mukaan
opiskelevat voivat korvata 30A00110 Matematiikkaa ja tilastotiedettä liikkeenjohtajille –
kurssin 30A03000 Talousmatematiikan perusteet –kurssilla.
Kurssin taso: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet (TS 2005)
Opetusperiodi: Kurssi on poistunut tarjonnasta. Tutkintosäännön 2005 mukaan
opiskelevat voivat korvata 30A00110 Matematiikkaa ja tilastotiedettä liikkeenjohtajille –
kurssin 30A03000 Talousmatematiikan perusteet –kurssilla.
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija kykenee hyödyntämään yksinkertaisia matematiikan ja
tilastotieteen työkaluja taloustieteellisten ongelmien mallintamisessa ja ratkaisussa. Näitä
työkaluja tarvitaan myös kauppa- ja taloustieteellisen kirjallisuuden lukemiseen.
Tavoitteena on antaa kaikille opiskelijoille riittävä matematiikan lähtötaso myöhempiin
Sisältö: Matematiikan osuus: funktioiden peruskäsitteet, vektorit, matriisit, lineaariset
yhtälöryhmät ja lineaarinen optimointi.
Tilastotieteen osuus: havaintoaineistot, graafiset esitykset, tunnusluvut,
regressioanalyysin perusteet ja satunnaisluvut.
Kirjallisuus: Knut Sydsæter and Peter Hammond (2008) Essential mathematics for
economic analysis 3rd edition. ; Pace, L. (2010) Statistical Analysis Using Excel 2007.
• Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30A00110/
Esitiedot: Lukion matematiikka
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kursseista 30A00110 Matematiikkaa ja tilastotiedettä liikkeenjohtajille ja
30A00210 Mathematics and Statistics for Managers voidaan kandidaatin tutkintoon (TS
2005) sisällyttää vain toinen.
30A00210 Mathematics and Statistics for Managers (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: N.N.
Status of the Course: Compulsory course (DR2005)
Level of the Course: Fundamentals of Business Knowledge (DR2005)
Teaching period: 100% book exam Otaniemi campus
Learning Outcomes: Learn to understand and use basic mathematical and statistical
tools in solving and modeling problems in economics and business. Provide skills for
reading literature in economics and management science.
Content: Mathematics: basic concepts of functions, vectors, matrices, systems of linear
equations, linear programming. Statistics: population and sample, graphical data
analysis, descriptive statistics, introduction to regression analysis, random numbers.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 100% Book exam
Study Material: Compulsory literature:
- Lecture materials available under the title “Lectures” on the course homepage
- Knut Sydsæter and Peter Hammond (2012): Essential mathematics for economic
analysis, 4th edition. Chapters 1, 2, 4, 10, 15, 16, and 17. Availability
Optional/complementary literature:
- Pace, L. (2010) Statistical Analysis Using Excel 2007.
- Simon, C.P. and Blume, L.: Mathematics for Economists
• Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30A00210/
Prerequisites: High school mathematics
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Only one of the courses 30A00110 Matematiikkaa ja tilastotiedettä
liikkeenjohtajille and 30A00210 Mathematics and statistics for managers can be included
in the Bachelor’s degree (DR 2005). No student places are provided for exchange
30A00310 Kvantitatiivinen analyysi taloustieteissä (6 op)
Quantitative Business Analysis
Kurssin asema: Pakollinen kurssi tutkinnossa (TS 2005). Tutkintosäännön 2005 mukaan
opiskelevat voivat korvata 30A00310 Kvantitatiivinen analyysi taloustieteissä –kurssin
30A02000 Tilastotieteen perusteet –kurssilla.
Kurssin taso: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet (TS 2005)
Opetusperiodi: Kurssi on poistunut tarjonnasta. Tutkintosäännön 2005 mukaan
opiskelevat voivat korvata 30A00310 Kvantitatiivinen analyysi taloustieteissä –kurssin
30A02000 Tilastotieteen perusteet –kurssilla.
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija kehittää taitojaan ratkaista matemaattisia ja
tilastotieteellisiä ongelmia sekä saa teoreettisia perusteita myöhemmille opinnoille ja
kauppa- ja taloustieteellisen kirjallisuuden lukemiseen. Kurssi on jatkoa kurssille
30A00110 Matematiikkaa ja tilastotiedettä liikkeenjohtajille.
Sisältö: Matematiikan osuus: derivaatta ja osittaisderivaatta, integraalilaskentaa,
rajoittamattoman ja rajoitetun optimoinnin perusteet. Tilastotieteen osuus:
todennäköisyyslaskennan perusteet, satunnaismuuttuja, sen jakauma ja teoreettiset
tunnusluvut, päätöspuu, estimoinnin ja testauksen perusteet.
Kirjallisuus: Knut Sydsæter and Peter Hammond (2008) Essential mathematics for
economic analysis 3rd edition. ; Pace, L. (2010) Statistical Analysis Using Excel 2007.
• Oppimateriaali: Luennoilla esitettävä materiaali. Täydentäviä/vaihtoehtoisia
oppikirjoja:Simon, C.P. & Blume, L: Mathematics for Economists
• Lehtonen, T.: Talousmatematiikan perusteet (luentomoniste)
• Lehtonen & Malberg: Tilastotieteen alkeita
• Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30A00310/
Esitiedot: 30A00110 Matematiikkaa ja tilastotiedettä liikkeenjohtajille.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kandidaatin tutkintoon (TS2005) voidaan sisällyttää vain yksi seuraavista
kursseista: 30A00310 Kvantitatiivinen analyysi taloustieteissä (6 op) tai 30A00410
Quantitative Business Analysis (6 op) tai 30A02000 Tilastotieteen perusteet (6 op).
30A00410 Quantitative Business Analysis (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pekka Malo
Status of the Course: Compulsory course (TS2005)
Level of the Course: Fundamentals of Business Knowledge (TS2005)
Teaching period: 100% book exam (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
Learning Outcomes: To improve mathematical and statistical skills for problem solving,
and to create theoretical foundations for further studies and understanding economic
reference texts. This course is a continuum for Mathematics and Statistics for Managers
Content: Mathematics: derivative and partial derivative, integral calculus, foundations of
unconstrained optimization and constrained optimization. Statistics: inference based on
probability, conditional probability and Bayes formula. Random variable and its
distribution, expectation, variance and standard deviation, decision trees, descriptive
statistics, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 100% book exam
Literature: Knut Sydsæter and Peter Hammond (2008) Essential mathematics for
economic analysis 3rd edition. ; Pace, L. (2010) Statistical Analysis Using Excel 2007.
Study Material: Complementary/alternative readings: Simon, C.P. & Blume, L.:
Mathematics for Economists, W.W. Norton & Co, 1994.
• Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30A00410/
Prerequisites: 30A00210 Mathematics and statistics for managers
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Only one of the courses 30A00310 Kvantitatiivinen analyysi
taloustieteissä and 30A00410 Quantitative business analysis can be included in the
Bachelor’s degree (DR 2005). No student places are provided for exchange students.
30A01000 Taulukkolaskenta ja analytiikka (5 op)
Introduction to Business Analytics
Vastuuopettaja: Panu Erästö
Kurssin asema: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet (TS2013)
Kurssin taso: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet (TS2013)
Opetusperiodi: I-II Syksy (2015-2016) Otaniemi kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot ja monimuoto-opetus 36 h
Itseopiskelu ja itsenäiset harjoitukset 60h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin käytyään opiskelija
1. Osaa sujuvasti käyttää taulukkolaskentaa erilaisten kauppatieteellisten ja
menetelmällisten ongelmien ratkaisuun sekä niiden tulosten raportointiin
2. On tutustunut kauppatieteellisiin käytännön business analytiikan ongelmiin ja osaa
pohtia niiden ratkaisuja sekä teoriassa että käytännössä
3. Kykenee hyödyntämään yksinkertaisia matematiikan ja tilastotieteen työkaluja
taloustieteellisten ongelmien mallintamisessa ja ratkaisussa.
4. Osaa hankkia kauppatieteellisiä aineistoja, muokata niitä käytännön analyysejä
varten sekä arvioida niiden luotettavuutta
5. Osaa hakea tietoa tietoteknisiin ongelmiin
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Tentti, kotitehtävät, muu työskentely
Oppimateriaali: Luentomateriaali sekä muu erikseen ilmoitettava lisämateriaali
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30A01000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
30A02000 Tilastotieteen perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Statistics
Vastuuopettaja: Juha Heikkilä
Kurssin asema: Pakollinen kurssi tutkinnossa, menetelmäopinnot (TS2013)
Kurssin taso: Perusopintoja (TS2013)
Opetusperiodi: I-II sekä V (2015-2016) Otaniemi kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 48 h ja harjoitukset 24 h. Omaa työskentelyä n.
90 h.
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija kehittää taitojaan satunnaisilmiöiden mallintamisessa ja
käsittelyssä sekä saa teoreettisia perusteita myöhemmille opinnoille ja kauppa- ja
taloustieteellisen kirjallisuuden lukemiseen.
Sisältö: Todennäköisyyslaskennan perusteita, todennäköisyysjakaumista, empiiristen ja
todennäköisyysjakaumien yhteyksistä, otantajakaumista, estimoinnin ja testauksen
Oppimateriaali: Luennoilla ja harjoituksissa esitettävä materiaali. Lisäksi Pace, L. (2010)
Statistical Analysis Using Excel 2007. ; Lehtonen, T. & Malberg, J-O. (2010)
Tilastotieteen alkeita. Saatavuus
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30A02000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
30A03000 Talousmatematiikan perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Business Mathematics
Vastuuopettaja: Juha Heikkilä
Kurssin asema: Menetelmäopinnot (TS2013)
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Opetusperiodi: III-IV Kevät (2015-2016) Otaniemi kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 45 h luentoja ja 18 h harjoituksia. Omaa työskentelyä n.
70 h.
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija kehittää taitojaan matematiikan soveltamisessa
taloustieteellisiin ongelmiin ja saa teoreettisia perusteita myöhemmille opinnoille ja
kauppa- ja taloustieteellisen kirjallisuuden lukemiseen..
Sisältö: Vektori- ja matriisilaskentaa, derivaatta ja osittaisderivaatta, rajoittamattoman ja
rajoitetun optimoinnin perusteet, integraalilaskentaa.
Oppimateriaali: Harjoituksissa esitettävä materiaali + Knut Sydsæter and Peter
Hammond (2012) Essential mathematics for economic analysis 4th edition. ISBN
9780273760689 (ei pakollinen) Availability
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30A03000
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
30C00100 Statistical Analysis (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Panu Erästö
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s programme, Business Technology, common
programme studies (DR2005) / elective (DR2013).
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: Not lectured in 2015-2016 (book exams avalibale). 30C00100 is
replaced by 30C00600 Tilastotieteen jatkokurssi, which is lectured in Finnish 2015-2016.
Otaniemi campus
Workload: 100% book exam
Learning Outcomes: The course will provide students with additional knowledge in
statistical theory and techniques.
Content: Probability, conditional probability, decision trees, probability distributions,
estimation, hypothesis testing. Introduction to regression analysis, analysis of variance.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 100% book exam
Literature: Levine, David M. (2006) Business statistics a first course. ISBN 0131971018
Study Material: Levine, David M. (2006) Business statistics a first course. ISBN
0131971018 Availability
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: Compulsory courses in quantitative methods
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Only one of the courses 30C00100 Statistical Analysis and
30C00600 Tilastotieteen jatkokurssi can be included in the Bachelor’s degree.
30C00200 Econometrics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Antti Saastamoinen
Status of the Course: B.Sc. Business Technology programme, specialization studies,
B.Sc. Economics programme, B.Sc. Finance programme (Taloushallinto)
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: I Autumn (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
• Workload: Lectures 36 h
• Exercises sessions 18 h
• Independent work 108 h
Total 162 h
Learning Outcomes: The main objective of the course is to obtain a basic understanding
of the econometric method. The aim is to motivate the students to examine causal
relationships between economic phenomena by using a linear regression model. The
course focuses on least squares estimation of the model and related statistical
inferences. The assumptions of least squares estimation will be critically investigated. We
examine the violations of these assumptions and the possible ways to alleviate the
assumptions. The emphasis of the course is in the empirical application of the least
squares method and its extensions. The economic interpretation of the estimated
parameters of regression model and their statistical significance is given a special focus.
Students are also introduced to the use of econometric software Stata. The basic
estimation and post-estimation tools of Stata are covered in the course. After the course,
students should have the skills to conduct basic empirical econometric analysis.
Content: Linear regression model and its assumptions, least squares estimation,
statistical significance tests of parameters and linear restrictions, endogeneity and
instrumental variables, heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. Introduction to maximum
likelihood estimation of discrete choice models and limited dependent variables.
Introduction to time series and panel data models. All topics are examined by means of
economic examples with real empirical data.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Grading is based on home assignments (30% of
the grade) and the final exam (70% of the grade). A minimum final grade of 50% is
required to pass the course.
Additional assignments may be given during the course.
Literature: Dougherty, Christopher (2007) Introduction to econometrics. ISBN
9780199280964 ; Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (2009) Introductory econometrics: A modern
Study Material:
Recommended book:
Wooldridge, J.M. (2009) Introductory econometrics: A modern approach. (or any newer
The following book is also sufficient:
Dougherty, Christopher (2007) Introduction to econometrics. (or any newer edition)
Other study material: Lecture notes and additional material given during the course.
• Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30C00200/
Prerequisites: At least 30A02000 Tilastotieteen perusteet or an equivalent introductory
statistics course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
30C00300 Mathematical Methods for Economists (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Professor Timo Kuosmanen
Status of the Course: BSc, BT programme, specialization studies BSc, Economics
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: IV - V Spring (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
Workload: • Lectures 36 h
• Exercises 24 h
• Independent work 102 h
Total 162 h
Learning Outcomes: Developing sufficiently deep understanding of mathematics to be
able to read advanced texts in economics and apply mathematical analysis to both
theoretical and applied economic problems.
Content: The course focuses on techniques of mathematical analysis necessary for
reading economic theory with understanding, particularly the microeconomic theory. The
topics covered during the course include an introduction to Euclidean spaces and set
theory, introduction to mathematical theorems and proofs, univariate and multivariate
functions, properties of functions, differential calculus, unconstrained and constrained
optimization, linear programming, and systems of equations.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 36 h lectures + 24 h exercises
The course can be completed by doing exercises (20% of the final grade) and passing by
two midterm exams (80% of the final grade) or by passing the final exam.
Literature: Simon, Carl P. and Blume, Lawrence (1994) Mathematics for Economists.
ISBN 0393957330 ; Sydsaeter K., Hammond P., Seierstad A., Strom A. (2008) Further
mathematics for economic analysis, 2nd edition. ; Sydsäter, K. & Hammond, P (2008)
Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 3rd edition.
Study Material: Literature: Simon, Carl P. and Blume, Lawrence (1994) Mathematics for
Economists. ISBN 0393957330. Availability Study Material: Lecture notes
• Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30C00300/
Prerequisites: 30A03000 Talousmatematiikan perusteet or an equivalent introductory
mathematics course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
30C00400 Tools for Business Decisions 2 (6 cr)
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s programme in Business Technology, common
programme studies.
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: Course removed from course selection (not lectured in 2015-2016).
• Workload: Lectures 42 h
• Independent work 120 h
Learning Outcomes: To familiarize the students with useful analytical tools applied to
practical business decisions.
Content: Decision making under uncertainty, utility theory, multiple criteria decision
making, waiting line models, simulation, with cases. Modeling with spreadsheets and
• Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures and demonstrations 42h
• Exercises/cases and final exam
Literature: Anderson, D.R., Sweeney, D.J., and Williams, T.A. (2010) An Introduction to
Management Science. ISBN 978-1439043271
Study Material: PP-slides, handouts, cases/exercises, textbook
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
30C00600 Tilastotieteen jatkokurssi (6 op)
Continuation course in statistics
Vastuuopettaja: Panu Erästö
Kurssin asema: Menetelmäopinnot (TS2013)
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: III-IV (kevät 2016)
Sisältö: Todennäköisyysjakaumista, ehdollinen päättely, otantasuureista, estimointi,
hypoteesien testaus. eräitä parametrisiä ja ei-parametrisiä testejä, johdanto
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Weboodissa
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kursseista 30C00600 Tilastotieteen jatkokurssi ja 30C00100 Statistical
Analysis voidaan kandidaatin tutkintoon (TS2013) sisällyttää vain toinen.
30C00700 Noin fifty-sixty? Kurssi epävarmuuden käsitteistä, käsittelystä ja
käsittämättömyydestä (3 op)
About fifty-sixty? Course on the concept, comprehension and incomprehensibility of
Vastuuopettaja: Panu Erästö
Kurssin asema: Aalto-kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aine
Opetusperiodi: Kurssia ei luennoida 2015-2016.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 10h, työpajat 18h itsenäinen työskentely,
viikkotehtävät ja kokoomatyö 54h.
Perusversio 3op, laajennus esseellä 6op:n suoritukseksi.
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää epävarmuuteen liittyviä ongelmia, niin
arkielämän kuin tieteen ja talouden kannalta. Erityisesti opiskelija oppii tunnistamaan
epävarmuuden huomioon ottamiseen liittyvää lukutaidottomuutta, löytämään selityksiä
näille mm. psykologian, kognitiotieteen ja muiden ihmistieteiden piiristä. Näiden lisäksi
oppii analysoimaan ja löytämään geneerisiä keinoja ratkaista eräitä ongelmallisia
tilanteita, joissa epävarmuuden huomiointi on hankalaa.
Sisältö: Ehdolliset todennäköisyydet arkielämässä ja tieteessä sekä näihin liittyviä
ongelmia. Riskin käsite ja sen sovellukset, riskien suuruusluokat ja ongelmat niiden
arvioinnissa, absoluuttinen ja suhteellinen riski.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Aktiivinen osallistuminen luennoille ja
kokoaviin työpajoihin. Viikoittain palautettavat ja arvioitavat viikkoesseet/materiaali
työpajoihin. Kurssin lopussa kirjallinen kokoomatyö. Perusversio 3op, laajennus laajalla
lisäesseellä 6op:n suoritukseksi (sovitaan opettajan kanssa erikseen).
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30C00700
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille on erillinen haku. Lisätietoa kurssin Noppa-sivuilta.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin keskustelevan ja prosessinomaisen luonteen vuoksi kurssille on
kaksi hakukierrosta, joiden perusteella kurssille otetaan 50 opiskelijaa. Tarkemmat ohjeet
kurssin Noppa-sivuilla.
30C02000 Negotiation Analytics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: N.N.
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s programme in Business Technology, specialization
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies.
Teaching period: V Spring (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
Workload: - lectures 20 h
- literature reading, homework assignments 114 h
- pre-exam 3 h
- exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: After this course, the student has developed his/her awareness of
negotiations and of himself/herself as a negotiator. He/she has some tools and concepts
for analyzing and preparing for negotiations. He/she knows how to keep learning from
his/her own negotiation experience.
Theories of negotiation, preparing for and strategies of negotiation:
- single and multiple issues negotiation
- single and multiple party negotiations
- negotiation styles
- mediators
Assessment Methods and Criteria: - Pre-exam based on a material package available
in the course web-site one month earlier
- Lectures (Lahdelma, Bragge, Koskenkanto); please note that there is an obligatory
attendance for the most of the lectures
- Exam 40%
- Homework assignments 60% (Bragge, Lahdelma, Koskenkanto)
- The exam and the homework assignments will be based on the lectures, material
handed out in class, and the course literature.
Substitutes for Courses: 27C02000 Negotiation Processes
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30C02000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Max. 50 students are taken to the course based on the pre-exam,
for which a material package will be available in the course web-site one month earlier.
Students in the Bachelor’s programs in Business Technology and Finance have priority.
30E00300 Productivity and Efficiency Analysis (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Abolfazl Keshvari
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
common advanced course.
KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, laitoksen yhteiset opinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: V Spring (2015-2016)
Workload: - lectures 42 h
- exercises 12 h
- project/term paper 24 h
- preparing for classes 52 h
- preparing for exam 26 h
- exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: The purpose of the course is (a) to provide students with the basic
concepts of the analysis of efficiency and productivity and (b) to familiarize students to
apply the quantitative methods for analyzing and improving the efficiency of
Content: Topics covered in the course will include basic concepts related to the
measurement of efficiency and productivity (criteria, objectives, dominance, efficiency,
productivity, etc.), traditional productivity analysis.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: - Lectures 42 h, Abolfazl Keshvari
- Exercises 12 h, N.N.
- Grade consists of assignments and final exam
Literature: Tim Coelli, D. D. Prasada Rao, George E. Battese. (1998) An introduction to
efficiency and productivity analysis. ISBN 0792380606
Study Material: Tim Coelli, D. D. Prasada Rao, George E. Battese. (1998) An
introduction to efficiency and productivity analysis. ISBN 0792380606 Saatavuus
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
30E00400 Simulation (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tomi Seppälä
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
elective course of advanced specialization studies.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I - II Autumn (2015-2016)
Workload: • Lectures and seminar work 40 h
• Exercise sessions 12 h
• Homework preparation 30 h
• Project 40 h
• Independent work and exam 40 h
Learning Outcomes: To acquaint the student with modeling using simulation techniques
which can be used to support management decision making, especially in finance,
operations management, and logistics;
to develop expertise in using simulation models with computers and related software,
especially Excel;
to give experience in analyzing results and making decisions through assigned homework
exercises and case analyses.
Content: Introduction to simulation models, simulation in Excel, random numbers,
methods to simulate random events, managerial applications of risk analysis, Random
walk models, Wiener process, valuation of stocks and options, system simulation,
forecasting, advanced simulation techniques.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and seminar work 40 h, Tomi Seppälä
2. Exercises 12 h
3. The grade consists of final exam (50%), exercises (20%) and project work (30%).
Study Material: 1. Evans, J.R. & Olson, D.L. (2002) Introduction to simulation and risk
analysis (selected parts) ; Saatavuus
2. Ross, Sheldon M. (2006) Simulation (selected parts).; 3. Vose, D. (2000) Risk analysis:
a quantitative guide (additional readings) Saatavuus
• Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30E00400/
Prerequisites: Undergraduate mathematics, statistics and probability, as well as Excel
skills. More specifically, basic knowledge in matrix algebra, differential and integral
calculus, statistical analysis and probability distributions are essential.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Lectures and exercises in period I, project work and project
presentations in period II.
30E00500 Quantitative Empirical Research (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pekka Malo
Status of the Course: Doctoral Program, Common core courses Master’s degree
programme in Information and Service Management elective, Minor studies in
Quantitative Methods
Level of the Course: Doctoral/Advanced
Teaching period: III Spring (2015-2016)
Workload: • Lectures 18 h (1 session / week)
• Demonstrations and tutorials 24 h (1-2 sessions / week)
• Independent work 120 h
Learning Outcomes: Quantitative Empirical Research is an introductory course to
multivariate statistical analysis. The objective of the course is to enable the students to
use quantitative data analysis techniques in business and economic research. The
course will provide the students with a set of tools useful in empirical research.
Content: Basic concepts, screening data, missing value analysis, and visualizing
multivariate observations are discussed. Furthermore, the course will define and
introduce an extensive set of statistical multivariate methods and explain when their use
is appropriate and how they are related to each other.
The methods covered during the course range from commonly applied dimension
reduction tools (e.g., principal components, factor analysis) and dependence techniques
(e.g. regression analysis, ANOVA, MANOVA) to basics of categorical data-analysis. As
advanced topics, the course provides an introduction to data mining techniques (e.g.
clustering and classification) and structural equations modeling (SEM). The course
content may vary on annual basis.
Methodological aspects and interpretation of analysis are also explained. After
completing the course, the students have an understanding of how and where the
methods can be applied to solve a variety of research/business problems. The students
will also be able to evaluate the results critically and summarize key findings in a concise
manner while focusing on the actionable information.
SPSS Statistics, SPSS Amos and Excel programs will be used in exercises and
demonstrations during the course.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Grading is based on a final exam (30% of the
grade), course project (20% of the grade), exercises and pre-assignments (30% of the
grade), and tutorials (20% of the grade).
Literature: Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B. Anderson, R. (2010) Multivariate Data Analysis.
ISBN 0138132631 ; Tabachnick, B. and Fidell, S. (2007) Using Multivariate Statistics.
Study Material: Literature:
Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B. Anderson, R. (2010) Multivariate Data Analysis. (or newer)
Tabachnick, B. and Fidell, S. (2007) Using Multivariate Statistics. Availability
Study Material: Other material announced by the lecturers.
• Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30E00500/
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in mathematics and statistics is assumed. In particular,
knowledge of linear algebra, statistical inference and regression analysis is required.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
30E00800 Time Series Analysis (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tomi Seppälä
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme;
advanced specialization studies.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: IV-V Spring (2015-2016)
Workload: • Lectures and seminar work 40 h
• Exercise sessions 12 h
• Homework preparation 30 h
• Project 40 h
• Independent work and exam 40 h
Learning Outcomes: To understand how to analyze time series data and make
forecasts in economics and business.
Content: Topics in linear models and time series analysis: special estimation methods of
regression models, ARMA and ARIMA models, stationarity, integrated series,
cointegration, ARCH and GARCH models, forecasting.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and seminar work 40 h, Tomi Seppälä
2. Exercises 12 h
3. The grade consists of final exam (50%), exercises (20%) and project work (30%).
Literature: Brooks, Chris (2008) Introductory econometrics for finance, 2nd edition. ISBN
Study Material: 1. Brooks, Chris (2008) Introductory econometrics for finance, 2nd
edition (selected parts) Availability
2. Enders, Walter (2010).: Applied Econometric Time Series, 3rd Edition. (selected parts)
3. Verbeek, Marno (2004).: A Guide to Modern Econometrics. 2nd Edition (additional
Substitutes for Courses: 31E01300 Applied Time Series Econometrics
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30e00800
Prerequisites: Undergraduate mathematics and statistics and introductory course in
econometrics or regression analysis. More specifically, knowledge of statistical testing
and linear regression models are essential.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Lectures and exercises in period IV, project work and project
presentations in period V.
30E01000 Noin fifty-sixty? Kurssi epävarmuuden käsitteistä, käsittelystä ja
käsittämättömyydestä (3 op)
About fifty-sixty? Course on the concept, comprehension and incomprehensibility of
Vastuuopettaja: Panu Erästö
Kurssin asema: Aalto-kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot. Kurssin voi suorittaa ainoastaan C-tasoisena. Ks. lisätietoja
kurssin Noppa-sivuilta.
Opetusperiodi: Ei luennoida 2015-2016
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 10h, työpajat 18h itsenäinen työskentely,
viikkotehtävät ja kokoomatyö 54h.
Perusversio 3op, laajennus esseellä 6op:n suoritukseksi.
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää epävarmuuteen liittyviä ongelmia, niin
arkielämän kuin tieteen ja talouden kannalta. Erityisesti opiskelija oppii tunnistamaan
epävarmuuden huomioon ottamiseen liittyvää lukutaidottomuutta, löytämään selityksiä
näille mm. psykologian, kognitiotieteen ja muiden ihmistieteiden piiristä. Näiden lisäksi
oppii analysoimaan ja löytämään geneerisiä keinoja ratkaista eräitä ongelmallisia
tilanteita, joissa epävarmuuden huomiointi on hankalaa.
Sisältö: Ehdolliset todennäköisyydet arkielämässä ja tieteessä sekä näihin liittyviä
ongelmia. Riskin käsite ja sen sovellukset, riskien suuruusluokat ja ongelmat niiden
arvioinnissa, absoluuttinen ja suhteellinen riski.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Aktiivinen osallistuminen luennoille ja
kokoaviin työpajoihin. Viikoittain palautettavat ja arvioitavat viikkoesseet/materiaali
työpajoihin. Kurssin lopussa kirjallinen kokoomatyö. Perusversio 3op, laajennus laajalla
lisäesseellä 6op:n suoritukseksi (sovitaan opettajan kanssa erikseen).
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30C00700
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
30E02000 Business Decisions 2 (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Juuso Liesiö
Status of the Course: Masters Program in Information and Service Management;
common advanced course (DR2005 & DR2013).
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: II Autumn (2015-2016)
Workload: Lectures/contact 36h (2x3h), individual work 126 h
Learning Outcomes: The course introduces advanced analytical models in Management
Science. After the course the student can (i) recognize the types of real-life business
problems where use of the models brings added value, (ii) interpret results of these
models to derive defensible decision recommendations, and (iii) build and solve these
models using spreadsheets to support business decision making.
Content: Probability: independence, conditional distributions, Monte Carlo simulation.
Decision analysis: decision trees, von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theory, risk attitudes,
stochastic dominance, risk measures, multi-attribute utility and value. Optimization: Nonlinear programming, stochastic optimization models.
Content: Probability Theory: Independence, Conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem,
Probability distributions;
Simulation: Monte Carlo process, Simulation using Excel, Statistical analysis of results;
Decision Analysis: Decision trees, Decision making under uncertainty;
Utility Theory: von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theory, Attitudes towards risk;
Multi-Criteria: Decision making, Optimization;
Dynamic Programming: Formulation, Solution, Examples.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Home and case assignments (60%), final exam
Study Material: Lecture slides, assignments, textbook: An Introduction to Management
Science by Anderson et al. (2010, ISBN Code: 978-1111532222) or An Introduction to
Management Science by Anderson et al. (2014, ISBN Code: 978-1-111-82361-0)
Substitutes for Courses: 27E01000 Decision Making and Choice Behavior
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30E02000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Only one of the courses 27E01000 Decision Making and Choice
Behavior and 30E02000 Business Decisions 2 can be included in the Master’s degree.
30E03000 Data Science for Business (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Johanna Bragge; Pekka Malo
Status of the Course: Master’s degree program in Information and Service Management
(DR2013); Business application course in the Aalto level module on Analytics and Data
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: IV Spring (2015-2016)
• Workload: Contact sessions:
• o Lectures 18h (1-2 x 3h / week)
• o Exercise demos and workshops 36h (2 x 3h / week)
• Independent/group work:
• o Course project 40h
• o Computer exercises 40h
• o Other independent work 26h (incl. preparing for classes and demos)
Learning Outcomes: Students will recognize how different data science methods can
support business decision-making. Students also identify the role of data as a business
asset and are able to approach business problems data-analytically.
Content: The objective of the course is to provide an introduction to practical data
science from the perspective of business analysts. The course takes a problem-based
approach for teaching data-analytic thinking and fundamental concepts/tools that are
needed for data-driven decision making in business. The course has a large number of
practical assignments and some of them benefit from programming experience (or at
least willingness to learn programming). As such, the course is not a replacement for
algorithm-centered courses that give deeper insights to the data mining techniques.
Topics include basics of predictive modeling, shopping-basket analysis, market
segmentation, classification, evaluation of models, expected value framework, problem of
over-fitting and its avoidance. Application examples range from targeted online
advertising to churn modeling and profiling of customer segments. As optional topics, we
consider utilization of unstructured data sources (e.g., text) in business analytics. As
tools, we use SPSS Statistics, SPSS Modeler, and IBM BigInsights.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: • Computer exam: 30%
• Course project: 50%
• Class activity (lectures, tutorials, exercises): 20%
Study Material: • Provost, F. and Fawcett, T. (2013) “Data Science for Business: What
you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking.” O’Reilly Media, 1st
Edition. ISBN: 978-1-449-36132-7 Availability
• Other material provided by lecturers. As complementary material, we suggest the
following texts:
• James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T., and Tibshirani, R. (2013): “An Introduction to
Statistical Learning: with Applications in R.” Springer Texts in Statistics. Available at
• Miller, T. (2013): “Modeling Techniques in Predictive Analytics: Business Problems and
Solutions with R.” FT Press, 1st Edition.
• Rajaraman, A. and Ullman, J. (2011): “Mining of Massive Datasets.” Cambridge
University Press.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30E03000/
Prerequisites: Prior knowledge in programming is required, at least Programming I
(37C00400) or equivalent knowledge. Working knowledge of statistics and linear algebra
is also required. Programming II (37V00450) and Data Resources Management
(37E01600) are highly recommended as prior courses.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 50 students will be admitted to the course. Students
are prioritized to the course in the following order:
1. Aalto ISM MSc students whose specialization area is Business Analytics
2. Aalto ISM MSc students (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.)
3. Aalto Analytics and Data Science minor students
4. Other Aalto MSc students
Students will be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list that
will be circulated during the first lecture.
30E09000 Current Topics in Quantitative Methods (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Timo Kuosmanen
Status of the Course: This course is directed to PhD students but advanced Master’s
students are welcome to the course as well.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Summer course, June 2016
Workload: • Lectures 30 h
• Exercises 10 h
• Independent work 122 h
Total 162 h
Learning Outcomes: Developing thorough understanding of the modern methodology of
frontier estimation and efficiency analysis, and ability to apply the state-of-the-art
estimation techniques to empirical data.
Content: This year the focus of the Current Topics course is in the advanced methods of
frontier estimation. Conventional data envelopment analysis (DEA) and stochastic
frontier analysis (SFA) techniques will be discussed during the course, but the main focus
of the course will be on nonparametric least squares and kernel smoothing techniques,
and the unified framework known as stochastic nonparametric envelopment of data
(StoNED). Topics of the course also include the estimation of contextual variables that
affect efficiency, nonparametric kernel deconvolution of the inefficiency distribution, and
modeling of heteroscedasticity.
The course instructors are
- Timo Kuosmanen, Professor, Aalto University School of Business, Finland.
- Andrew Johnson, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University, USA.
- Christopher Parmeter, Assistant Professor, University of Miami School of Business,
Note: students of this course have an opportunity to attend the 14th European Workshop
on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), to be held right after the course in
Helsinki on 15-18 June 2015. For further information, see http://ewepa.org.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: term paper that reports an application of techniques
taught on the course to some real data.
Study Material: Before the course starts, all students are strongly encouraged to read
with understanding the textbook:
Coelli, T.J., D.S. Prasada Rao, C.J. O’Donnell, and G.E. Battese (2005): An introduction
to efficiency and productivity analysis, 2nd Edition, Springer, 331 p. Availability
In particular, the following chapters discuss themes that will be covered in more detail
during the course: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.4, 8.1-8.3, 9., 10.6-10.7, 11, 12.
A list of further reading (articles, book chapters) is available in section “Additional
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/30E09000
Prerequisites: 30E00300 Productivity and Efficiency Analysis
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: More detailed course schedule will be announced later
35A00210 Operations Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Katri Kauppi
Status of the Course: Fundamentals of Business Knowledge
Level of the Course: Core courses
Teaching period: IV Spring (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
Workload: 100% book exam
Learning Outcomes: The course is designed to provide an overview of one of the most
challenging areas in business - operations management. Operations management
focuses on the systematic planning, design, and operation of the processes which deliver
goods and services. The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the
decisions made in the management of operations and help to understand and analyze
operational issues in practice. The course also helps to master the basic quantitative
techniques of operations management which can be used to support the management
function in such environments.
Content: The subject spans almost all of the value-added and supporting activities of an
organization including forecasting, product and process design, capacity and location
decisions, quality management, inventory management, aggregate planning, materials
requirement planning and operational scheduling.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 100% book exam
Literature: KRAJEWSKI, RITZMAN & MALHOTRA (2007) Operations Management (8th
ed.). ISBN 0-13-169739-0
Study Material: KRAJEWSKI, RITZMAN & MALHOTRA (2007) Operations Management
(10th ed.). ISBN 978-0-273-76683-4.
Availability Course textbook, slides and exercise material from last lecture time in 2013
spring available in Noppa!
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is only for students enrolled into the BSc programme in
2012 or earlier who have yet not completed this course as part of their degree
requirements and are unable to complete the Finnish language equivalent. No student
places are provided for exchange students.
35A00310 Tuotantotalouden perusteet (6 op)
Introduction to Operations Management
Vastuuopettaja: Katri Kauppi
Kurssin asema: Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet
Kurssin taso: Perusteet
Opetusperiodi: IV Kevät (2015-2016) Otaniemi kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
Luennot 40h
Harjoitustunnit 24h
Harjoituspaketit 48h
Tenttiin valmistautuminen 48h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla tutustutaan teollisuus- ja palveluyritysten toimintojen
ohjaukseen, sekä tuotannon, markkinoinnin, materiaalihallinnon ja yritysjohdon yhteistyön
merkitykseen yrityksen tuloksen kannalta.
Sisältö: Kurssin aihepiirejä ovat ennustaminen, erilaiset tuotantotyypit ja niiden
ominaisuudet, kapasiteetin hallinta, sijainti- ja tilapäätökset, laadun hallinta, varastointi,
tuotannon- ja materiaalinohjausjärjestelmät ja toimitusketjun hallinnan perusteet.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Luennot ja harjoitustunnit 64h (+vapaaehtoiset harjoitustunnit).
2. Pakolliset harjoituspaketit.
3. Tentti. Tentti perustuu luento- ja harjoitusmateriaaliin sekä kurssikirjallisuuteen.
Oppimateriaali: Kurssikirja KRAJEWSKI, RITZMAN & MALHOTRA (2012) Operations
Management (10th ed.). ISBN 978-0-273-76683-4, portaalin sisältö, luento- ja
laskuharjoitusmateriaali. Saatavuus
Korvaavuudet: Korvaa kurssin Tuotantotalous (35A00110)
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35A00310
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Via WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
35C00100 Distribution and Logistics Services (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Tinnilä
Status of the Course: Part of the Bachelor’s programme in Business Technology;
common programme studies.
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: II Autumn (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
Lectures 28h
Case assignments 50h
Individual studying 26h
Exam preparations 56h
Learning Outcomes: The course takes a managerial approach to distribution systems
and logistics services used in international operations. The objective is to learn to think
strategically about the distribution of goods and services as a part of corporate
Content: Modal choices and routing problems of transportation as well as the markets for
and organization of logistics activities are discussed. Various distribution solutions and
services are discussed and evaluated such as intermodalism, overnight deliveries, timebased distribution and green logistics. Other topics include value-adding logistics
services, transportation telematics and information systems, and international trade
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and exercises 28 h
2. Obligatory cases and assignments
3. Exam
Literature: Rushton, Alan (2006) Handbook of logistics and distribution management.
ISBN 0-7494-4669-2
Study Material:
For the book by Rushton Alan both the hardback edition (2014) or ebook edition (2014)
are acceptable:
Rushton, Alan (2014) Handbook of logistics and distribution management.
+ Lecture material and course reading package.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35C00100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
35C00200 Purchasing and Supply Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Katri Kauppi
Status of the Course: Part of the Bachelor’s programme in Business Technology;
specialization studies.
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Teaching period: III Spring (2015-2016)
Lectures 36h
Cases and other assignments 60h
Individual studying 24h
Exam preparations 40h
Learning Outcomes: In globalizing business environment supply management has
become a fundamental tool for managers in the quest of competitive advantage. This
course examines the goals, tools, procedures, and trade-offs of purchasing and supply
Content: Topics include sourcing strategy, purchasing operations and structures,
supplier management, and special issues in purchasing such as service sourcing,
sustainability and risk management. After the course students are able to select, develop,
and execute appropriate sourcing strategies and processes.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and classwork 36 h., 2. Obligatory
cases and assignments (65%). 3. Exam (35%).
Literature: Johnson, F., Leenders, M., Flynn, A. (2011) Purchasing And Supply
Management (14th edition). ISBN 9780073377896
Study Material: Literature: Articles assigned for each topic.
Study Material: Lecture material and course reading package, podcasts.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35C00200/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
35C00400 Management of Technology (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ari Vepsäläinen
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s program in Business Technology; specialization
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: I Autumn (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
Lectures 28h
Assignments 46h
Individual studying 30h
Exam preparations 56h
Learning Outcomes: The primary goal of this course is to develop the participants’
understanding of the management problems and the nature of the forces driving
competitive inter-action between technology-based firms.
Content: This course concerns the formulation of business strategy and the management
of business enterprises in rapidly evolving, technology-intensive industries. Topics
covered include: technology life cycles; dynamics of innovation, network economics;
technology diffusion; managing R&D; commercializing new technologies; technology as a
competitive advantage; intellectual property rights.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 28 h., 2. Mandatory assignments and
cases (50%), 3. Exam (50%)
Study Material: Joe Tidd & John Bessant (2009) Managing Innovation: Integrating
Technological, Market and Organizational Change, 4th Edition. Availability:
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/38C00100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Thorough knowledge in Tuotantotalous (35A00110),
Tuotantotalouden perusteet (35A00310), Operations Management (35A00210), or
corresponding skills acquired elsewhere highly recommended.
35E00100 Service Operations and Strategy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ari Vepsäläinen
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme;
common advanced studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma;
laitoksen yhteiset opinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II Autumn (2015-2016)
Lectures 24h
Case assignments 40h
Individual studying 40h
Exam preparations 56h
Learning Outcomes: The objectives of the course include the development of a
systems-based understanding of service systems, and the understanding of process
analysis and productivity as they apply to both for-profit and non-profit organizations and
to virtually any functional area or industry. The student learns how to match the needs of
customer with appropriate service process and delivery channel.
Content: This course opens up the operations and business structures of the emerging
service economy via quantitative and qualitative models. It provides students with the
tools, techniques and strategies necessary to improve operations performance in the
service industries. The topics addressed will cut across the entire service sector although
specific industries will be used to illustrate the important concepts. The topics covered
include: role of customers in service processes, design of sustainable service models,
service delivery channels and service classifications, matching demand and supply in
services, service process improvement and quality management, service supply chains.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 28 h. 2. Cases and assignments (30%).
3. Exam (70%).
Literature: Metters, King-Metters, Pullman & Walton (2006) Successful service
operations management. ISBN 0324224370
Study Material:
Metters, King-Metters, Pullman & Walton (2006) Successful service operations
management. ISBN 0324224370. Availability:
e=1&searchArg=35E00100&sk=en_FI + Lecture material and course reading package.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E00100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Thorough knowledge in Tuotantotalous (35A00110),
Tuotantotalouden perusteet (35A00310) Operations Management (35A00210), or
corresponding skills acquired elsewhere highly recommended. Recommended to be
taken during the second year of M.Sc.(Econ) studies - strong emphasis on applying skills
learned during the degree.
35E00300 Product and Inventory Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Kuula
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme;
advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden
maisteriohjelma; syventävät erikoistumisopinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: III Spring (2015-2016)
Lectures 28h
Exercise sessions 8h
Quantitative assignments 80h
Case assignment 10h
Theory exam preparations 34h
Learning Outcomes: The course provides an integrated methodology for strategy based
inventory and product management in supply chains.
Content: Students learn to analytically solve problems and make decision considering
forecasting, inventory planning and service levels, profitability, product range, supply
chain dynamics, facility location, distribution, and routing.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and exercises 32 h., 2. Obligatory
cases and assignments (60%) 3. Exam (40%).
Literature: Silver, Edward A. (1998) Inventory management and production planning and
scheduling. ISBN 0-471-11947-4
Study Material: Silver, Edward A. (1998) Inventory management and production
planning and scheduling. ISBN 0-471-11947-4.
e=1&searchArg=35E00300&sk=en_FI + Lecture material and course reading package.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E00300
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Thorough knowledge in Tuotantotalous (35A00110), Tuotantotalouden perusteet
(35A00310), Operations Management (35A00210), or corresponding skills acquired
elsewhere highly recommended.
Mathematical skills recommended: Basic calculus, polynomial functions and their
derivation, regressions.
Statistics skills recommended: Statistical distributions and central limit theorem.
Good MS Excel skills.
Recommended also for Logistics PhD-students.
35E00400 Coordination of Supply Chains (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Anu Bask
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme;
advanced specialization studies. CEMS course. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja
palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma; syventävät erikoistumisopinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: I Autumn (2015-2016)
Lectures 28h
Assignments 56h
Individual studying 36h
Exam preparations 40h
Learning Outcomes: The course aims at understanding the concepts of supply chain
management (SCM) and supply chain coordination. The objective is to build skills in
analyzing the behaviour of large and complex supply chain systems using both
quantitative and qualitative models. Each student is expected to form a personal view of
the theory of SCM, and critically assess the methods and models developed for
coordinating demand and supply networks. Journal articles are used heavily in support of
the learning objective.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: - Lectures 28 h
- Group and individual assignments, class contribution
- Exam
Study Material: Lecture material and course reading package.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E00400/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Thorough knowledge in Tuotantotalous (35A00110),
Tuotantotalouden perusteet (35A00310), Operations Management (35A00210), or
corresponding skills acquired elsewhere highly recommended.
35E00500 Quality Leadership (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Kuula
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme;
advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden
maisteriohjelma; syventävät erikoistumisopinnot
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: IV Spring (2015-2016)
Lectures 28h
Assignments 76h
Exam preparations 56h
Learning Outcomes: The course aims to develop the students’ understanding of the
concept of quality and its significance as a competitive and cost factor.
Content: The course focuses on process improvement and examines classic ideas in
quality management as well as recent ideas about restructuring processes to reach
world-class quality.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and exercises 28 h, 2. Obligatory cases
and assignments (50%) 3. Exam (50%).
Literature: Evans, James R. (2002) Management and control of quality. ISBN 0-32406680-5
Study Material: Evans, James R. (2002) Management and control of quality. ISBN 0324-06680-5.
e=1&searchArg=35E00500&sk=en_FI + Lecture material and course reading package.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E00500/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Thorough knowledge in Tuotantotalous (35A00110),
Tuotantotalouden perusteet (35A00310), Operations Management (35A00210), or
corresponding skills acquired elsewhere highly recommended.
35E00600 Operations Control (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: N.N.
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme;
advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden
maisteriohjelma; syventävät erikoistumisopinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
Workload: This course is usually lectured by a visiting lecturer. The split of the workload
may vary.
Learning Outcomes: The course provides a methodological treatment of the conceptual
frameworks and analytical models in the area of operations.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: This course is usually lectured by a visiting lecturer.
The topic can vary.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E00600/
Prerequisites: Thorough knowledge in Tuotantotalous (35A00110), Operations
Management (35A00210), or corresponding skills acquired elsewhere highly
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Thorough knowledge in Tuotantotalous (35A00110), Operations
Management (35A00210), or corresponding skills acquired elsewhere highly
35E00700 Packaging and Warehousing Technologies (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Tinnilä
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme;
advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden
maisteriohjelma; syventävät erikoistumisopinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: This course is a book exam with obligatory assignments. Exams are
held on several occasions during the year.
Workload: Cases and assignments 60h Exam preparation 100h
Learning Outcomes: The goal of this course is to provide the student a comprehensive
and state-of-art view on the handling and packaging technologies applicable to various
materials and products. The second area of interest is the technological and
organizational solutions related to modern and effective warehouse management.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Obligatory cases and assignments (50%) have to
be completed before the exam. 2. Book exam (50%).
Study Material:
Study Material: Instructions, 3-5 assignments and/or cases, selected articles (available in
a binder at the mailboxes of the faculty of logistics, Chydenia 5 th floor).
1. RICHARDS, Gwynne (2011) Warehouse Management. ISBN 9780749460747
2. ROBERTSON, Gordon L. (2012) Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, Third
Edition. ISBN 9781439862414
One of the following books:
3a. JÄRVI-KÄÄRIÄINEN & OLLILA (2007) Toimiva pakkaus. ISBN 9518988412
3b. GUSTAFSSON, JÖNSON, SMITH & SPARKS (2006) Retailing logistics and fresh
food packaging managing change in the supply chain. ISBN 0-7494-4645-5
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E00700
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Thorough knowledge in Tuotantotalous (35A00110),
Tuotantotalouden perusteet (35A00310), Operations Management (35A00210), or
corresponding skills acquired elsewhere highly recommended.
35E00800 Intellectual Property Rights (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Max Oker-Blom
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
elective course of advanced specialization studies; KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja
palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät erikoistumisopinnot; M.Sc.(Econ), Business
Law programme, advanced studies (DR2005 & DR2013).
Level of the Course: Advanced specialization studies.
Teaching period: I Autumn (2015-2016)
Workload: Lectures 24h
Assignments 30h
Individual studying 70h
Exam preparations 36h
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to equip the student with the necessary tools to
evaluate the strategic importance of intellectual property and the various means to protect
it, such as patents, copyrights and secrecy, as well as ways to generate revenue from
intellectual property, such as licensing.
Content: The value of corporations and entire economies depend on intangible assets
and their protection by intellectual property rights (IPR).This course covers IPR´s, i.e.
trademarks, patents, trade sectrets and copyright, from both a legal and a law and
economics perspective. In addition the areas of IPR´s and competition as well as
enforcement are analyzed.
The course starts by comparing the traditional legal approach with an economic one, it
offers a law and economics model of argumentation, where after it scrutinizes the
economics of property and ends by the students presenting their term papers focusing on
IPR´s from a law and economics point of view. Although the students can frely choose
their topic each paper has to start by describing the legal issue within the area of IPR to
be discussed and then continue by viewing the issue at hand from a law and economics
point of view. In order to enrich the discussion and increase the understanding critical
views are encouraged.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 24 h,
2. Obligatory assignments (20%)
3. Exam (80%).
Literature: William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner (2003) The Economic Structure of
Intellectual Property Law. ISBN 0-674-01204-6 ; Scotchmer, Suzanne (2004) Innovation
and incentives. ISBN 0-262-19515-1
Study Material: Lecture material and course reading package.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/38E00100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The primary course book is Landes & Posner (2003): The
Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law
35E00900 Readings in Organization of R&D (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Kuula
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management program;
advanced specialization studies.
KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma; syventävät
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: Not lectured in 2015-2016.
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
35E08000 Service Business Models (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Markku Tinnilä; Matti Rossi
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management program,
common core course. CEMS course.
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: III Spring (2015-2016)
Learning Outcomes: The objective of this course is to give the students an in-depth
understanding of managing a software or service product development and launch, as
well as, the management and business models connected to services and products.
Content: The course discusses the lifecycle of a software venture, including product
idea, founding a company, and acquiring risk financing. Furthermore, the focus is on
recognizing, analyzing and choosing the alternative business models for the product or
service, with a special emphasis on digital goods and bundles consisting of software and
connected services.
Different types of business models are analysed for their competitive advantage, as well
as, earning and pricing models with pertinent distribution channels. Cases and examples
are used to illustrate the opportunities in creating novel business models in services.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Evaluation:
1. Case and assignments 50%
2. Exam (based on course book, articles and lectures) 50% Assessment is based on
the final exam (50%) and mandatory assignments (50%). The case is done as group
work and includes a presentation of the results.
Study Material: - Lecture slides and other material on the web
- Book: Afuah, Allan; “Business models: A strategic management approach”, McGrawHill, 2004, ISBN 0-07-288364-2
- Selected articles (to be found on the course website) 1. Henry W. Chesbrough (2007)
Why Companies Should Have Open Business Models, Sloan Management Review, Vol.
48 No 2, 22-28, Winter 2007. Link
2. Charles B. Stabell and Öystein D. Fjeldstad (1998) Configuring value for competitive
advantage: on chains, shops and networks, Strategic
3. Ostenwalder, Y. Pigneur, and C.L. Tucci (2005), Clarifying Business Models: Origins,
Present, and Future of the Concept, Communications of AIS, Volume 15, Article 40
4. Williams, K., S., Chatterjee, M., Rossi, “Design of Emerging Digital Services: A
Taxonomy,” European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 17, no 5, pp. 505-517, 2008.
5. Spohrer, J. and Kwan, S.K., (2009). “Service Science, Management, Engineering,
and Design (SSMED): An Emerging Discipline - Outline & References”. International
Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E08000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
35E99901 Tutkielma (30 op)
Master’s Thesis
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E99901
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Lisätietoja: Master’s thesis can be written and presented in English.
35E99902 KTM-tutkielmaseminaari (0 op)
Master’s Thesis Seminar
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, laitoksen
pakolliset opinnot.
Kurssin taso: Advanced studies
Opetusperiodi: I-II Autumn, III-V Spring
Osaamistavoitteet: Seminar work prepares a student to independently gather and
evaluate scientific material from the Logistics & Service Management and Information &
Service Management field. Students choose a significant management problem as their
thesis topic, and define specific research objectives and find the appropriate methods to
solve the problem.
Sisältö: In the seminar, students get guidance in their research for Master’s Thesis.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Active participation in the seminar
(attend min. 18 presentations of the others) 2. Two presentations of own thesis (one in
the beginning, one in the end)
Oppimateriaali: Materials distributed through seminar website.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57E99905
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: via Weboodi
Opetuskieli: Finnish and English
Lisätietoja: Please see further details from the seminar website above.
37C00100 Management Information Systems (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Johanna Bragge
Status of the Course: B.Sc. (Econ), Business Technology programme.
Level of the Course: Core programme course
Teaching period: I Autumn (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
- lectures 24
- preparing for lectures 36
- doing assignments 64
- preparing for exam 32
- exam 4
Learning Outcomes: Information technology and data have changed how businesses
operate and succeed in today’s global economy. Organizations can now use IT and data
to transform themselves and achieve a tremendous competitive advantage. On the other
hand, those organizations that are not mastering these assets might not exist in the near
future. This course highlights how new technologies and data are changing the current
business environment and what effect it has on today’s students. The course addresses
the major principles of Management Information Systems (MIS) in order to prepare
managers to understand the role of information technology and data in the digital
economy. This course aims to give students what they need to succeed in the current
digital economy.
Content: 1. Introduction to information systems (IS) and their impact on organizations
and the society
2. Organizational strategy, competitive advantage, strategic IS, business-IT alignment
3. Data and knowledge management, big data
4. Telecommunications and networking
5. Business intelligence and analytics
6. Ethics and privacy
7. Information security
8. Social computing in business, crowdsourcing
9. E-business and e-commerce
10. Wireless, mobile computing and mobile commerce
11. IS within the organization / Enterprise applications
12. Extending the organization to customers / Customer Relationship Management
13. Extending the organization along the supply chain / Supply Chain Management
14. Acquiring IS and applications
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Lectures 24 h
2. Assignments integrated to the lectures (40%)
3. Exam (60%)
Study Material:
Rainer, Kelly R., Jr., Prince, Brad and Watson, Hugh (2013), Management Information
Systems : Moving Business Forward, 2nd edition, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-44359-0
(Student companion site: http://bcs.wiley.com/he-
Turban, Efraim. Volonino, Linda (2012), Information technology management :
international student version / Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino, ISBN 9781118092255
(Student companion site: http://bcs.wiley.com/hebcs/Books?action=index&itemId=1118092252&bcsId=6840)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37C00100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
37C00200 Information Systems Development (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. Riitta Hekkala ; Antti Salovaara
Status of the Course: B.Sc. (Econ), Business Technology programme.
Level of the Course: Specialization course.
Teaching period: IV Spring (2015-2016)
lectures 22
exercise lectures 12
assignments 80
preparing for exam 34
exam 4
Learning Outcomes: This course introduces the information system development
process to the students. The process emphasizes effective communication and
integration with users and user systems. It encourages interpersonal skill development
with clients, users, team members, and others associated with development, operation,
and maintenance of the system. Databases and their fundamental concepts are
connected to the system development process. Modern systems development and
design techniques, use of modeling tools, adherence to methodological life cycle and
project management standards are applied. The course consists of lectures and group
exercises, during which a system is build using the aforementioned tools and techniques.
Content: Information systems development life-cycle; Identifying and selecting systems
development projects; Determining systems requirements; Process and logic modelling;
Data modelling; Developer issues; Object oriented analysis; From analysis to design;
Relational model; Refining the relational model; Data manipulation and retrieval; Physical
design; Usability design
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Lectures 22 h
2. Exercise lectures 12 h
3. 6 assignments (hyväksytty/hylätty)
4. Exam (100%)
Literature: Avison, D. and Fitzgerald, G. (2006) Information systems development.
Methodologies, techniques & tools.. ISBN 0-07-711417-5
Study Material: Literature:
Avison, D. and Fitzgerald, G. (2006) Information systems development. Methodologies,
techniques & tools.. ISBN 0-07-711417-5. Availability
Hoffer, J.A., Joey, F.G., Valacich, J.S. Modern Systems Analysis and Design. 4. Edition,
2005; or 5. Edition, 2008, Pearson Prentice-Hall.
Study Material: Material distributed in the class and other material provided by the
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37C00200/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
37C00300 Enterprise Applications (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ph.D. (econ.) Hilkka Merisalo-Rantanen
Status of the Course: B.Sc. (Econ), Business Technology programme.
Level of the Course: Specialization course.
Teaching period: Not lectured. This course can be replaced with 57C99904 Capstone:
Enterprise Applications which is lectured in II period (Autumn) and IV period (Spring).
Learning Outcomes: After the course you have reached a basic understanding of
enterprise information systems, particularly ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems
and their core modules. You will learn how those systems are acquired, developed,
maintained and operated. Also you will acknowledge the importance of business process
development and understand the idea of process integration.
Content: The course covers the foundations to understanding ERP, managerial issues
such as reengineering and ERP systems, planning and Implementation of ERP, and
managing ERP projects, as well as an overview of the most important ERP modules.
Literature: Sumner, Mary (2005) Enterprise resource planning. ISBN 0131403435
Substitutes for Courses: 57C99904 Capstone: Enterprise Applications
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37C00300/
Prerequisites: It is recommended for the students to take 37C00100 Management
Information Systems prior to this course.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
37C00400 Programming I (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Yulia Tammisto
Status of the Course: B.Sc. (Econ), Business Technology programme.
Level of the Course: Specialization course.
Teaching period: II Autumn (2015-2016)
Workload: opening lectures 2 h, individual work 120 h, Preparation to exam 36 h, final
exam 2 h
Learning Outcomes: Students learn to understand the software development process.
They are familiar with the core set of algorithms and data structures. They are able to
program medium sized applications with graphics and master the core Java language.
Content: Control structures; Objects and primitive types; Using data types; Designing
data types; Testing; Maintaining collections; Recursion; Data structures; Sorting and
Assessment Methods and Criteria: opening lecture, self paced MOOC and final exam
Literature: Sedgewick, Robert (2008) Introduction to programming in Java an
interdisciplinary approach. ISBN 978-0-321-49805-2
Study Material: Literature: Sedgewick, Robert (2008) Introduction to programming in
Java an interdisciplinary approach. ISBN 978-0-321-49805-2. Availability Study Material:
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37C00400/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
37C00450 Programming II (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Yulia Tammisto
Status of the Course: B.Sc. (Econ), Business Technology programme.
Level of the Course: Specialization course.
Teaching period: V Spring (2015-2016)
Workload: Opening lectures 2 h,
individual work 120 h,
preparation to exam 34 h,
final exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: Students will become familiar with further aspects of the world of
object-oriented programming through the utilization of comprehensive course materials
and completion of programming exercises.
Content: The course covers HashMap data structures, Interfaces, Exceptions, Reading
from and writing to files, Inheritance, Graphical user interface (GUI), Regular expressions,
and Iterators.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Opening lecture, self paced MOOC and final exam.
Study Material: http://mooc.fi/courses/2013/programming-part-2/
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37C00450/
Prerequisites: 37C00400 Introduction to Programming, or equivalent programming
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via Weboodi
Language of Instruction: English
37D60020 Projektinhallinnan peruskurssi (3 op)
Introduction to Project Management
Kurssin asema: Maisteriopinnot, osa Maisterin taitosalkkua (TS2005)
Opetusperiodi: Ei luennoida 2015-2016, mutta vaihtoehtoinen englanninkielinen
37D65020 Introduction to Project Management on mahdollista suorittaa osana 37E01500
Project Management and Consultin -kurssia, joka luennoidaan II periodissa.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tavoitteena on antaa kokonaisvaltainen kuva
projektityöskentelystä ja projektien hallinnasta.
Sisältö: Projektinhallinnan peruskäsitteet; Projektien valinta ja aloitus; Projektin
aikataulusuunnittelu ja ositus; Riskienhallinta; Projektit ja organisaatiotyypit; Projektien
Kirjallisuus: Kathy Schwalbe (2010) Revised An Introduction to Project Management,
Third Edition. With Brief Guides to Microsoft Project 2010 and @task.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37D60020/
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodi ilmoittautuminen. Katso ilmoittautumisaika WebOodista.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Tämä kurssi on vaihtoehtoinen kurssin Introduction to Project Management
(37D65020) kanssa. Vain toisen kursseista voidaan sisällyttää tutkintoon.
37D65020 Introduction to Project Management (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof Matti Rossi
Status of the Course: Master’s programme, part of the Skills’ Portfolio (DR2005)
Level of the Course: Intermediate level
Teaching period: For completing M.S.c degree (DR 2005) common core studies course
37D65020 Introduction to Project Management, you can complete only the project
management half of the course 37E01500 Project Management and Consulting Practice
which is lectured in the II period.
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to give a comprehensive view of project
work and the management of projects.
Content: Basic concepts of project work, project initiation and selection, project planning,
scheduling and structuring, project risk management, project organization, quality
management, team roles in project work.
Literature: Kathy Schwalbe (2010) Revised An Introduction to Project Management,
Third Edition. With Brief Guides to Microsoft Project 2010 and @task.
Study Material: Schwalbe, K. (2010) Revised An Introduction to Project Management,
Third Edition. With Brief Guides to Microsoft Project 2010 and @task. Availability
Substitutes for Courses: The course is the English equivalent to the Projektinhallinnan
peruskurssi (37D60020)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37D65020/
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This course is optional with Projektinhallinnan peruskurssi(37D60020). Only one of them
can be included in the degree. The topics covered in both courses are the same.
For completing M.S.c degree (DR 2005) common core studies course 37D65020
Introduction to Project Management, you can complete only the project management half
of the course 37E01500 Project Management and Consulting Practice.
If you have completed either 37D65020 Introduction to Project Management or 37D60020
Projektinhallinnan peruskurssi, it is possible to complete the consulting part only to
complete the whole course (when transferring from DR 2005 to DR 2013).
37E00100 Information Economy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Virpi Tuunainen
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
common advanced course.
KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, laitoksen yhteiset opinnot.
CEMS course.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: IV Spring (2015-2016)
Workload: 14*2 hours lecture = 24 hours
8 article reviews (reading material and writing 1-pagers) = 40 hours
2 cases (reading material, writing case reports, presenting cases) = 40 hours
essay = 10 hours
preparing to the exam = 46 hours
Learning Outcomes: The objective of this course is to give the students an in-depth
understanding of different issues related to digital economy. The main focus is on digital
goods and services and platform mediated networks that enable or support the
production and delivery of these. This integrating advanced level course is accomplished
through readings and discussion, and independent studying is of great importance.
Content: Digital Economy; Value and pricing of information; Platform mediated networks;
Mobile service platforms; Social networks, Disruptive innovations, Open data services
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and discussion 28 h (20%) with 50%
mandatory lecture attendance. 2. Written assignments: 8 article reviews and 2 case
assignments (50%) 3. Final exam (30%)
Study Material: Reading list is published in the course web site.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37E00100/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Recommended prerequisites: 37C00100 Management Information
Systems. The number of participants will be limited . Students are prioritized to the course
in the following order:
1. Aalto ISM MSc students (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.)
2. Aalto Service minor students
3. Other Aalto MSc students
4. Aalto BT BSc students
5. All other students
37E00200 Strategic Information Technology Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Timo Saarinen
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
an elective course of advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja
palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät erikoistumisopinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not lectured in 2015-2016.
Workload: Preparation and writing of essay(s) 82h
Preparation to exam 76h
Exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the key concepts, structures, processes, and cooperative mechanisms
relevant for corporate governance of IT and for the effective alignment of business and
IT, at both strategic and operative levels.
2. Become familiar with the profession of IT management in key IT decisions and
processes such as organizing the IT function, managing IT Services, IT sourcing and
outsourcing, enterprise and IT architecture management, IT portfolio management, IT risk
management, the business value of IT, and IT performance management.
3. Learn how IT enabled innovations and emerging technologies are managed as a part
of enterprise strategic management.
4. Recognize and learn the key issues and methods in the IT governance and IT
management research.
Content: The themes of the lectures are: Contemporary strategy concepts and strategy
analysis applied to; Corporate and IT governance; Alignment of business and IT;
Organization principles of the IT function; IT service management; IT decision making; IT
risk management; IT performance management; Evaluation of business value of IT; The
role of the CIO in an enterprise; IT portfolio management; Management of firm-wide IT
infrastructure; IT architecture management; Outsourcing of IT services; Management of
IT-enabled innovations and emerging technologies.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
– Article reviews max 18/100 points (max 3 points per review)
For each three Group Work session there is one article per group to be reviewed. You
have to prepare, in groups of two, 2-3 power point slides and return them to
Timo.Saarinen@aalto.fi and Wael.Soliman@aalto.fi before the Group Work session
starts. The articles are assigned to groups during the introductory lecture. During the
Group Work sessions the articles are discussed and elaborated.
For each three visiting lectures there is also an article to be reviewed and returned in a
similar way as for Group Work sessions. Every group of two students will review the
same article to be prepared for the class.
– Case assignments max 12/100 points (max 3 points per assignment)
For the last lecture you have to prepare and be ready to present four case assignments
based on Media PLC case. The presentations are assigned to the groups during the
introductory lecture.
– Course essay 20 %
You can take one of the topics of the lectures, or any other topic related to the course
objectives and prepare an essay of it, again in groups of two. If choosing a topic not
related to the lectures, you have to get it first accepted by the teachers.
– Final exam 50 %
Covers all material for the course: reviewed articles, slides, additional material and
additional reading package
Study Material: Materials to be handed out through the webpages.
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English.
37E00300 ICT Enabled Business Process Development (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Esko Penttinen
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
an elective course of advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja
palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät erikoistumisopinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I Autumn (2015-2016)
Workload: 14*2 hours lecture = 28 hours
2 cases (reading material, writing case reports, presenting cases) = 48 hours
Exercises (reading material, writing reports, participating to exercises) = 48 hours
preparing to the exam = 36 hours
Learning Outcomes: The main objectives of the course are to understand the
possibilities of IT to support and enhance the business processes of enterprises and
other organizations, and to acquire basic skills needed in IT enabled business process
development projects.
Content: Strategy and process centric development approaches to business process
development; Development frameworks applied to core business process development;
The enabling role of ICT for business process improvement and renewal; E-Business
from process improvement perspective; The management of IT enabled business
process improvement projects.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Lectures 28 h (Esko Penttinen) 2. Exercises 14 h (Aleksandre Asatiani)
Exam: value 40% of total.
Exercises: value 30% of total.
Cases: value 30% of total.
Exam, cases & exercises are mandatory to pass the course.
Study Material: Topic related articles, will be informed later.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37E00300/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
37E01000 Current Topics in Information Systems Science (V) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Esko Penttinen
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
an elective course of advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja
palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät erikoistumisopinnot. CEMS course.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: V Spring (2015-2016)
Workload: 24 h lectures
12h exercises
69 h assignments
55h readings and self-study
Learning Outcomes: The student will learn about an advanced current topic in
information systems practice.
Content: This intensive course consists of lectures, articles and/or seminar presentations
on current and emerging topics in information systems science. The course is usually
lectured by a visiting lecturer.
The topic can vary semester by semester.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37E01000/
Prerequisites: Recommended prerequisites: 37C00100 Management Information
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: More information available at course website.
37E01400 Essential Literature in Information Systems Science (Book Exam) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Johanna Bragge
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
an elective course of advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja
palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät erikoistumisopinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I, II, III, IV, V (2015-2016)
Workload: Preparing and reading for an exam: 156 h Exam: 4 h
Learning Outcomes: To achieve a better understanding on the some of the key areas in
Information Systems Science.
Content: The book exam provides a package of essential literature on a defined
Information Systems Science area, which is Digital transformation in the academic year
2015 - 2016.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Book exam and self-studies
Study Material: Brynjolfsson Erik and McAfee Andrew (2014), The second machine age.
Work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies, W. W. Norton &
Company. ISBN: 978-0-393-23935-5
Westerman George, Bonnet Didier and McAfee Andrew (2014), Leading Digital. Turning
Technology into Business Transformation, Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN 978-162527-247-8
Morabito Vincenzo (2014), e-book, Trends and Challenges in Digital Business Innovation,
Springer. Availability
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37E01400
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
37E01500 Project Management and Consulting Practice (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Merja Mattila
Status of the Course:
M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme; an elective course of
advanced specialization studies (DR2013). CEMS course.
KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma; laitoksen yhteiset opinnot.
Master’s Programme in Service Design and Engineering (Aalto Sci/CS).
Level of the Course: Advanced studies
Teaching period: II Autumn (2015-2016)
Workload: Lectures = 22 hours
Class preparation = 22 hours
Exercises = 116 hours
Total = 160 hours (6 credits)
Learning Outcomes: The students will have both theoretical and practical knowledge of
consulting and project management.
Content: Roughly 50 % of the lectures deals with issues in project management and 50
% about consulting. The project management part deals with advanced issues of project
work. The students are expected to actively participate in classes and assignments
during the course. All the assignments will be done in the groups of 6 persons (no
exceptions). MS Project 2013 will be used during the course.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course evaluation contains of several
assignments, such as a project status report, a final project report, and a consulting
assignment report. (no exam)
Study Material: Materials on the course home pages in MyCourses.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/35E01500/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi (max 60 students)
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
A maximum of 60 students will be admitted to the course. Students are prioritized to the
course in the following order:
1. Aalto ISM MSc students (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.)
2. Aalto Service Design and Engineering MSc students (Aalto Sci/CS)
2. Aalto CEMS students
4. Other Aalto MSc students
Students will be required to confirm their registration by signing the participation list that
will be circulated during the first lecture.
-For completing M.S.c degree (DR 2005) common core studies course 37D65020
Introduction to Project Management, you can complete only the project management half
of the course. If you want to complete the course 37D65020 Introduction to Project
Management please write it to the text box “Further information” when registering in
If you have completed either 37D65020 Introduction to Project Management or 37D60020
Projektinhallinnan peruskurssi, it is possible to complete the consulting part only to
complete the whole course (when transferring from DR 2005 to DR 2013).
37E01600 Data Resources Management (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Liu Yong
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
an elective course of advanced specialization studies (TS2013)
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: II Spring (2015-2016)
Workload: 12*2 hours lecture = 24 hours
preparation for lectures = 20 hours
assignment and exercises = 116 hours
Learning Outcomes: The student taking this course learns about data management in
organizations. Databases are at the heart of enterprises and their applications. Their use
extends beyond this to many other environments and domains where large amounts of
data must be manipulated. Data management and data quality are necessary
prerequisites for being able to use business analytics.
Content: The course deals with key concepts of modern data management. These are
for example conceptual data models, data resource management and data quality.
Relational databases and data manipulation.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The course evaluation contains of a data
management assignment evaluation and a final exam.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37E01600
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: A maximum of 50 students will be admitted to the course. Students
are prioritized to the course in the following order:
1. Aalto ISM MSc students (i.e. who have graduated as B.Sc.)
2. Aalto Analytics and Data Science minor students
3. Other Aalto MSc students
4. Aalto BT BSc students
5. All other students
37E09904 Service Development Project (1-3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Rossi
Status of the Course: Optional master’s
Level of the Course: Master’s studies
Teaching period: N/A
Workload: varies from 27 to 81 hours
Learning Outcomes: The student is able to perform service development projects for
clients in small groups or as individual assignments.
Content: A service development project jointly defined by the responsible teacher, the
student and a possible client organization.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The evaluation of the project report.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37E09904/
Evaluation: Pass / Fail
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
37E44000 Critical Issues in Information Systems Research (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Timo Saarinen, Tomi Dahlberg
Status of the Course: Doctoral program, disciplinary studies M.Sc.(Econ), Information
and Service Management programme, an elective course of advanced specialization
studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät
Level of the Course: Advanced/Doctoral
Teaching period: V Spring (2015-2016)
Workload: 25 h lectures
15 h seminar presentations
75 h assignment
45 h self study
Learning Outcomes: The course deepens participants’ knowledge of key issues and
paradigms in the IS field and explores the state-of-the-art of IS research findings in
relation to the respective topic(s) of the course.
Content: This is an advanced course in information systems research issues aimed to
both IS doctoral students and M.Sc. students. The course consists of lectures, articles
and/or seminar presentations on chosen topics of information systems. The topic (e.g.
information systems development, software business, and electronic commerce) varies
semester by semester.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
This course is run as an intensive seminar in two 4-day-periods, where there are
introductory lectures and a large project/assignment on a given topic. The students do a
final presentation of their project. There is a possible final exam.
The course is graded 50% based on the assignment and 50% on the final exam, if one is
Study Material: Articles distributed on the web and lectures
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/37E44000
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
57C99901 Bachelor’s Thesis (10 cr)
Responsible teacher: Autumn: Antti Saastamoinen (Business Analytics), Anu Bask
(logistics) Spring: Markku Tinnilä (logistics)
Status of the Course: B.Sc. (Econ.), Business Technology programme.
Level of the Course: Compulsory programme course.
Teaching period: I-II, III-V (2015-2016)
Independent scientific work: 267 h
- searching and reading literature
- formulating a research question
- (doing empirical analyses, gathering research data)
- writing the thesis
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to learn and practice independent scientific
thinking by setting up research questions and studying a specific topic. Students learn to
get to know references, to find literature, and to apply it for resolving a research question.
The thesis will be a structured, scientific report.
Content: The Bachelor’s Thesis is carried out together with Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Grading: 85% of the grade is based on the thesis
and 15% is based on participation in the thesis seminar.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57C99901
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Register to 57C99902 Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar via
Language of Instruction: English.
57C99902 Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar (2 cr)
Responsible teacher: Autumn: Antti Saastamoinen (Business Analytics), Anu Bask
(logistics) Spring: Markku Tinnilä (logistics)
Status of the Course: B.Sc. (Econ.), Business Technology programme.
Level of the Course: Compulsory programme course
Teaching period: I-II, III-V (2015-2016)
- introductory lectures 8
- seminar sessions 14
- preparing for lectures 6
- preparing for seminar sessions 12
- doing assignments (research plan, research profiling assignment) 13
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to learn and practice independent scientific work.
Content: In the seminar, students get guidance in their research for Bachelor’s Thesis.
During the Thesis seminar, students will prepare a research plan, conduct a research
profiling assignment, report the progress of their Thesis, present and defend their
research results, act twice as an opponent, and participate actively in seminar
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
1. Introductory lectures and seminar sessions 28 h
Requirements for passing the seminar: completing the research profiling assignment,
presenting own thesis at the seminar, acting twice as an opponent, attending to 70% of
the seminar sessions
(Grading: Pass/Fail)
Study Material: Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57C99902/
Evaluation: Pass/Fail
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
57C99903 Maturity Test (0 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Thesis supervisor
Kurssin asema: B.Sc. (Econ.), Business Technology programme.
Kurssin taso: Compulsory programme course.
Opetusperiodi: I-II, III-V (2015-2016)
Osaamistavoitteet: After finalizing the Bachelor’s Thesis, students carry out a
proficiency test in mother tongue. The objective is to show that a student can write an
essay in her or his mother tongue and that s/he masters the basic concepts in her or his
thesis. In general, the test is written in Finnish, but non-Finnish speakers are granted an
exemption to write the test in English.
Sisältö: The Maturity Test is taken at the end of the Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar
(57C99902) and Bachelor’s Thesis (57C99901). The test can be taken in connection with
any official exam, and the date is agreed upon with the supervisor once the thesis is
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Exam 4 h
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57C99902/
Arvosteluasteikko: Pass/Fail
Ilmoittautuminen: Register first to 57C99902 Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar via Weboodi.
Agree the date for the Proficiency Test with the supervising teacher (after the thesis is
57C99904 Capstone: Enterprise Applications (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Hilkka Merisalo-Rantanen
Status of the Course: B.Sc. (Econ). Mandatory capstone course for DR 2013 BSc
students in Business Technology specialization studies. Elective course for DR 2005 BSc
students in Business Technology programme. Elective or voluntary course for other
Level of the Course: Specialization course
Teaching period: II Autumn and IV Spring (2015-2016) Otaniemi campus
Workload: - lectures 18
- preparing for lectures 28
- doing assignments 20
- exercises 67
- preparing for exam 26
- exam 3
Learning Outcomes: After completing the course students understand how enterprise
information systems, particularly ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems support
and enable a company’s business functions, operations, and their interdependence in
theory and in practice. Students have reached a basic understanding of ERP systems
and their core modules. They have learned how those systems are acquired, developed,
maintained and operated. Furthermore, students acknowledge the importance of
business process development and understand the idea of integration at business
process and ERP system levels. Finally, students have increased their skills in team work
and applying analytical thinking for problem solving.
Content: The course covers the foundations to understanding ERP, managerial issues
such as business process reengineering and ERP systems, planning and implementation
of ERP, managing ERP projects, as well as an overview of the most important ERP
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 18 h
2. Exercises 18 h
3. Exam (50%)
4. Assignments (10%)
5. Exercises (40%) A minimum of 50% from the exam AND a minimum of 50% from the
exercises is required to pass the course.
Study Material: Bradford, M. (2010). Modern ERP: Select, Implement & Use Today’s
Advanced Business Systems. 2nd ed.
Substitutes for Courses: 37C00300 Enterprise Applications
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57C99904/
Prerequisites: It is recommended to take 37C00100 Management Information Systems
prior to this course. It is also recommended to take this capstone course on the third
study year of the Bachelor’s studies.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Only one the courses 37C00300 Enterprise Applications or
57C99904 Capstone: Enterprise Applications can be included in the BSc degree.
57E00500 Capstone: Business Intelligence (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jani Merikivi
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
capstone course. CEMS course.
KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, laitoksen yhteiset opinnot.
Level of the Course: Specialization course (DR 2005), Compulsory studies (DR 2013)
Teaching period: I Autumn (2015-2016)
Workload: Lectures 28 hours
Preparing for lectures 56 hours
Case studies 4.5 hours
Preparing for case studies 14 hours
Preparing for exercises 10 hours
Computer labs 4.5 hours
Preparing for computer labs 9 hours
Preparing for exam 30 hours
Exam 4 hours
Learning Outcomes: After the course the students understand the importance of data
modeling and the tools that can be used to analyzing real data for strategic decisionmaking. The students will have both analytical and modeling skills that enable them to
work with the data and to turn it into intelligent reporting for particular decisional contexts.
Content: The course seeks shed light on the key building blocks of BI, such as data
management, querying, analytic tools, quantitative modeling, and reporting. The course
provides both a hands-on practical and a theoretical approach to learning about data
driven decision-making and analytical problem solving.
• Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam 50%
• Exercises 50%
Literature: Turban, Efraim, Sharda R., and Delen, D. (2011) Decision support and
business intelligence systems 9th ed.. ISBN 0132453231
Study Material: Literature: Turban, Efraim, Sharda R., and Delen, D. (2011) Decision
support and business intelligence systems 9th ed.. ISBN 0132453231. Availability
Study Material: Other research papers and material provided by lecturers.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57E00500/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
57E09100 Student Project (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Rossi
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
an elective course of advanced specialization studies. KTM-tutkinto, Logistiikan ja
palvelutalouden maisteriohjelma, syventävät erikoistumisopinnot.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Workload: 160 hours of project work.
Learning Outcomes: The objective of this course is to give the students a
comprehensive understanding of actual development, consulting and/or research project
work in the field of logistics, information system science and/or management technology.
After the project the student is equipped to form a realistic project plan, to carry out the
project research and to report the progress and outcomes to the customer
Content: The content depends on the customer and the assigned project. The project is
steered by the customer company/organization and guided by the named professors and
researchers from the School of Business.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Customer will assess the success of the project.
Study Material: Literature and readings depend on the project in question.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57e09100/etusivu
Evaluation: passed/failed
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: More details in Noppa (especially the section “Additional reading”).
The project must always be preapproved by the Director of the Degree Programme.
57E99901 Master’s Thesis (30 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Rossi
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
compulsory course.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to practice independent scientific thinking by
setting up research questions and studying a specific research topic. The thesis will be a
structured, scientific report.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57E99901
Evaluation: 0-5
Further Information: The Master’s Thesis needs to be carried out together with the
Master’s Thesis Seminar (57E99905). General information about the Master’s Thesis and
Thesis Seminar can be found here.
57E99903 Maturity Test (0 op)
Kurssin asema: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
compulsory course.
Kurssin taso: Advanced
Osaamistavoitteet: After finalizing the Master’s Thesis, students carry out a proficiency
test in Mother Tongue. The objective is to show a student can write an essay in her or his
mother tongue and that she or he knows the basic concepts in her or his Thesis. Agree
the date with the supervising teacher (after the thesis is written).
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
57E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Rossi (coordinates)
Status of the Course: M.Sc.(Econ), Information and Service Management programme,
compulsory course (DR2013).
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Autumn I - II, spring III - V (2015-2016)
• Workload: Compulsory requirements (6 ECTS):Attendance of Introductory
• Methods lectures: Qualitative and Quantitative
• Two presentations given by you (Research plan and Thesis presentation)
• Opposition of one Research Plan AND one Thesis Presentation
• Active participation in at least 15 student presentations (e.g. if there are 3 thesis
presentations in one seminar = 3 participation points
Please note that you can enroll and start attending the Master’s Thesis Seminar already
3-6 months before you start to write your Master’s Thesis in order to gain the required
The Introductory and Methods lectures are given twice a year: once at the beginning of
the Fall term and once at the beginning of the Spring term.
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to practice independent scientific thinking by
setting up research questions and studying a specific research topic. The thesis will be a
structured, scientific report.
Content: A thesis seminar is designed to help the students to prepare their thesis work.
The seminar consists of meetings, completing thesis, presenting the research topic to the
seminar group and acting as an opponent for a fellow student’s thesis. In the seminar,
students get guidance in their research for Master’s Thesis. There are lecturers on
methods and theories of study in IS, MS and OR.
• Assessment Methods and Criteria: Research plan (40%)
• Essay on methods of the thesis (40%)
• Seminar activity, including thesis opposition (10%)
• Final presentation (10%)
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/57E99905
0-5 (DR2013)
Pass/Fail (DR2005)
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi (course code: 57E99905)
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: For students following the 2013 degree regulations, the seminar is
6 ECTS and evaluated with the scale 0-5. If you follow the 2005 degree regulations,
please indicate whether you would like to be credited 0 ECTS (2005 regulations) or 6
ECTS (2013 regulations) for the thesis seminar.
57H00100 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Laitoksesi opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema: Bachelor’s programme, Business Technology (TS2005)
Kurssin taso: Intermediate studies.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
Lue harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus Intosta kohdasta Työharjoittelu
Kurssin kotisivu:
Into - Työharjoittelu
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty / hylätty
Mikäli opiskelet TS2013 mukaisesti, harjoittelu sisällytetään tutkintoon kurssikoodilla
Tällöin raportit palautetaan opintotoimistoon Aino Salmiselle.
57H00200 Työharjoittelu (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Laitoksesi opintokoordinaattori
Kurssin asema:
Master’s programme, Information and Service Management (DR2005).
Kurssin taso:
Intermediate/advanced level.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Lue harjoitteluun liittyvä ohjeistus Intosta kohdasta
Kurssin kotisivu: Into - Työharjoittelu
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Mikäli opiskelet TS2013 mukaisesti, harjoittelu sisällytetään tutkintoon
kurssikoodilla 20H00200.
Tällöin raportit palautetaan opintotoimistoon Aino Salmiselle.
90L56503 Behavioral Decision Making (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Outi Somervuori and Jyrki Wallenius
Status of the Course: Doctoral studies
Level of the Course: This course is directed to PhD students but Master’s students are
welcome to the course as well. However, PhD students are given priority in case the
course is full.
Teaching period: Not lectured 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: Behavioral decision research investigates how people make
judgments, decisions, and choices, and how decision processes may be improved. The
field of behavioral decision research is interdisciplinary, using concepts from psychology,
economics, management science, and other disciplines. The importance of the field was
highlighted by the awarding of the Economics Nobel Prize to Daniel Kahneman in 2002.
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of behavioral decision
Content: Topics covered in the course will include judgment under uncertainty (including
heuristics and biases), risk behavior, how emotional processes influence decisionmaking, and how to deal with multiple, conflicting objectives and values. The anomalies in
classical decision theories are indicated. Tversky-Kahneman Prospect Theory is
discussed. The focus will be on the individual decision-maker, although we will also
briefly discuss issues related to group and organizational decision making. We also relate
the behavioral decision theories to the domain of financial decision making and consumer
decision making, making the course appropriate for students of finance and marketing.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: There will be an exam, essays, in-class
presentations, and mandatory readings.
Study Material: Many articles and book chapters will be made available to students
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/90L56503/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Through WebOodi a week prior to the beginning of the period
at the latest.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Maximum number of participants: 30 students
31A00110 Taloustieteen perusteet (6 op)
Principles of Economics
Vastuuopettaja: Matti Pohjola
Kurssin asema: KTK, Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet
Kurssin taso: Perusteet
Opetusperiodi: III (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 42h ja luentoihin valmistautuminen
Harjoitukset 10h ja harjoituksiin valmistautuminen 27h
Tentti 3h ja tenttiin valmistautuminen 40h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suorittaneet (a) osaavat ja ymmärtävät sekä mikro- että
makrotaloustieteen peruskäsitteet ja -teoriat, (b) pystyvät selittämään, miten talouden
toimijat tekevät päätöksiä, ja osaavat ratkaista tällaisia päätösongelmia sekä (c) tietävät,
miten talousjärjestelmät toimivat ja miten talouspolitiikka vaikuttaa Suomen
kansantaloudessa ja euroalueella.
Sisältö: Kurssilla perehdytään nykyaikaisen taloustieteen tapaan kuvata ja
jäsentää taloudellisia ilmiöitä:kuluttajan valintateoria
kysyntä, tarjonta ja markkinatasapaino
markkinat, hyvinvointi ja talouspolitiikan tarve
yritysten ja markkinoiden toiminta
elintaso, tuottavuus ja hyvinvointi
talouskasvun teoria ja empiria
työttömyys ja inflaatio
avotalouden makroteoria
suhdannevaihtelut sekä raha- ja finanssipolitiikka
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot 42h
2 Harjoitukset 10h (10% arvostelusta)
3 Tentti (90% arvostelusta), joka perustuu luentoihin ja luennoilla jaettavaan
materiaaliin sekä mainittuun kirjallisuuteen.
Kirjallisuus: Mankiw N.G. and Taylor M.P. (2011) Economics (2011 or
previous edition). ISBN 184480870X
Luennoilla jaettava materiaali.
Mankiw N.G. ja Taylor M.P., Economics (2014 tai vanhempi).
Korvaavuudet: Vaihtoehtoinen kurssin Principles of Economics 31A00210 kanssa.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31A00110/
Esitiedot: Valintakoekirjaa - Pohjola, Taloustieteen oppikirja - vastaavat perustiedot
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 - 5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla. Tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssin voi korvata suorittamalla suoraan sekä Mikrotaloustieteen 31C00100
että Makrotaloustieteen 31C00200 kurssit. Tällöin opiskelijaa pyydetään ottamaan
yhteyttä taloustieteen laitoksen opintokoordinaattoriin suorituksen kirjaamiseksi.
31A00210 Principles of Economics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: BSc (Econ), Fundamentals of Business Knowledge
Level of the Course: Core course
Teaching period: Course not lectured any longer. The course can be completed as a
book exam in September 2016.
Workload: Exam 3h and preparing for exam 157h
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the basic
tools and concepts of economics and their applications in economic analysis. Students
will be able to interpret key economic indicators and gain an understanding of the
functioning of a market economy and the role of economic policy.
Content: Analysis of economic phenomena:
- principles of economics, how economists think
- supply and demand
- economics of the public sector
- functioning of firms and markets
- productivity and welfare
- economic growth and structural policy
- unemployment and inflation
- open economy macroeconomics
- economic fluctuations, monetary and fiscal policy
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Book exam, 100 % of the marking.
Literature: Mankiw N.G. and Taylor M.P. (2011) Economics (2011 or previous edition).
ISBN 184480870X
Study Material: Mankiw N.G. and Taylor M.P. (2014) Economics (2014 or previous
editions), mandatory. Availability
Substitutes for Courses: Alternative to the course Taloustieteen perusteet (31A00110).
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31A00210/
Prerequisites: Entrance exam economics text book, or equivalent skills.
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Registration for book exam via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Starting 2013-2014 this course is only available in English as a
book exam and only for a limited time. The Open University may offer the course also in
31C00100 Mikrotaloustiede (6 op)
Intermediate Microeconomics
Vastuuopettaja: Marko Terviö
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma/erikoistumisalue, pakollinen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I - II (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Osallistuminen luentoihin ja tentteihin 48h
Osallistuminen harjoituksiin 18h
Itsenäinen työskentely 94h
Osaamistavoitteet: Tavoitteena on oppia modernin mikrotaloustieteen tapa jäsentää
taloudellisia ilmiöitä, sekä saada vinkkejä ja virikkeitä taloudellisiin
Sisältö: Mikrotaloustiede tutkii taloutta kuluttajien, yritysten, ja yksittäisten toimialojen
kannalta. Kurssilla painotetaan yrityksen ja liikkeenjohdon ongelmiin liittyviä sovellutuksia,
kuten hinnoittelua ja strategista päätöksentekoa.
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot 48h
2 Harjoitukset 18h
3 Kurssin arvosana määräytyy kokeiden (80%) ja harjoitusten (20%)
yhteispistemäärän perusteella. Kurssin läpäisemiseksi on harjoituksista
saatava vähintään 50 % pisteistä.
Luennoilla jaettava materiaali.
Austan Goolsbee, Steven Levitt, Chad Syverson Microeconomics (1st edition) 2013,
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C00100/
Esitiedot: Taloustieteen perusteet (31A00110)
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 - 5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla. Osakokeisiin ei ilmoittauduta
erikseen. Tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Mikrotaloustiede (31C00100) on mahdollista suorittaa kirjatenttinä keväällä 2016.
Materiaalina on tällöin kaikki luvut oppikirjasta. Oppikirja sisältää harjoitustehtäviä, joiden
hallitseminen antaa hyvät valmiudet kirjatenttiin. Kirjatentti on englanninkielinen, ja
arvosanasta 100 % tulee koesuorituksesta.
Taloustieteen perusteiden (31A00110) kurssin voi korvata suorittamalla suoraan sekä
Mikrotaloustieteen (31C00100) että Makrotaloustieteen (31C00200) kurssit.
31C00200 Makrotaloustiede (6 op)
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Vastuuopettaja: Pekka Ilmakunnas
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma/erikoistumisalue, pakollinen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: III - IV (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 25h ja luentoihin valmistautuminen
Harjoitukset 10h ja harjoituksiin valmistautuminen 20h
Ryhmätyö 50h
Tentti 3h ja tenttiin valmistautuminen 27h
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää makroteorian perusmallit ja osaa käyttää näitä
“perustyökaluja” talouskehityksen analysointiin. Ryhmätyössä kukin ryhmä perehtyy
jotakin taloutta koskevien tietojen hakemiseen ja tulkintaan kurssilla käsiteltävien mallien
avulla. Kurssilla opetettavat asiat antavat pohjan muiden taloustieteen kurssien
opiskeluun ja makrotaloustieteen syventäviin opintoihin.
Sisältö: Makrotalouden tasapainoa tarkastellaan lyhyellä aikavälillä (IS-TR-malli),
keskipitkällä aikavälillä (kokonaistarjonta-kokonaiskysyntä-analyysi AS-AD) ja pitkällä
aikavälillä (kasvuteoria). Malleja laajennetaan avotalouteen ja valuuttaunionin (EMU)
toimintaan. Lisäksi tarkastellaan työmarkkinoiden toimintaa ja talouspolitiikan
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot
2 Harjoitukset (20% arvostelusta)
3 Ryhmätyö (40% arvostelusta)
4 Lopputentti (40% arvostelusta)
Oppimateriaali: Burda, M., Wyploz, C. (2013) Macroeconomics. A
European Text (6th ed.) ISBN 978-0-19-960864-5
De Grauwe, P. (2014): Economics of Monetary Union (10th ed.) ISBN978-0-19-968444-1
Saatavuus Muu luennoilla jaettava materiaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C00200/
Esitiedot: Taloustieteen perusteet (31A00110)
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla. Loppukokeeseen periodin
aikana ei ilmoittauduta erikseen. Tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Taloustieteen perusteiden (31A00110) kurssin voi korvata suorittamalla
suoraan sekä Mikrotaloustieteen (31C00100) että Makrotaloustieteen kurssit.
31C00300 Suomen talous ja talouspolitiikka (6 op)
The Finnish Economy and Economic Policy
Vastuuopettaja: Matti Pohjola
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma/erikoistumisalue, pakollinen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: II (syksy 2015) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 42h ja luentoihin valmistautuminen
Tentti 3h ja tenttiin valmistautuminen 60h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suorittaneet (a) tuntevat Suomen kansantalouden rakenteen
ja talouspolitiikan instituutiot, (b) tietävät, mitä talouspolitiikka on ja miten se vaikuttaa,
sekä (c) pystyvät soveltamaan taloustiedettä Suomen ja euroalueen ajankohtaisten
talousongelmien erittelyyn.
Sisältö: Kurssilla perehdytään kansantaloutemme rakenteeseen ja sen
keskeisiin talouspoliittisiin kysymyksiin sekä Suomen asemaan
maailmantaloudessa. Käsiteltäviä teemoja ovat mm.talouskasvu,
suhdannevaihtelut ja talouden ennustaminen
raha- ja finanssipolitiikka
rahoitusmarkkinakriisi ja euroalueen velkakriisi
teknologia, rakennemuutos ja kilpailukyky
talouskasvu, hyvinvointi ja kestävä kehitys
Suomi hyvinvointiyhteiskuntana
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot 42h
2 Tentti (100% arvostelusta), joka perustuu luentoihin ja luennoilla jaettavaan
Luennoilla ilmoitettu materiaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C00300/
Esitiedot: Taloustieteen perusteet (31A00110)
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 - 5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ja tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
31C00400 Introduction to International Economics and Finance (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Professor Fidelis Landy, University of Helsinki
Status of the Course: BSc (Econ), Economics program/spedialization area, elective
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: I (Autumn 2015) Otaniemi Campus
Workload: Lecture attendance 24h
Preparing for lectures and exam 133h
Exam 3h
Learning Outcomes: 1. Understanding of international competitiveness in the modern
2. Understanding of the fundamentals of competitiveness through the classical theories of
international trade
3. Understanding of the basic determinants of international capital flows and multinational
4. Familiarity with international trade policy
Content: In this course we study the international goods and services markets in their
interaction with decisions made both by firms acting in those markets and by consumers.
The major aim is to understand the birth and expansion of multinational activities.
Another basic purpose is to understand the concept of international competitiveness, its
origins and measurement. In this context also issues related to exchange rates are
discussed. This includes the treatment of basic parities, purchasing power parity and
interest rate parity. Trade policies are also discussed extensively.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures and exercises 24h
2. Exam (100% of the marking)
Study Material:
Appleyard & Field International Economics. 4th Edition. Recommended.
Material presented during the lecture would mainly be covered by this book.
Krugman, P. R. & Obstfeld, M., International Economics: Theory and Policy, 6th Edition,
2003, Addison Wesley. Additional literature.
Krugman (1993): What Do Undergrads Need to Know About Trade? The American
Economic Review 83(2): 23–26 (available from JSTOR)
Other material assigned during the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C00400/
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics (31A00110)
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
31C00510 History of Economic Thought (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pekka Sutela
Status of the Course: BSc (Econ), Economics Program/Specialization Area, elective
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016) Otaniemi Campus
Lectures 24 h
Self study and preparing for exam 133 h
Final exam 3h (100 % of the grading)
Learning Outcomes: The course provides an overview on economics as an evolving
subject, responding to the main economic issues of the time and building on previous
Content: The course examines the development of economics to where it is today, but
also looks at economic thought in different cultures important in a globalizing world. The
topics include the birth of the discipline in Western Europe, its development through
Classical Political Economy to the birth and the early stages of neoclassical micro- and
macroeconomics to some recent controversies best understood in a historical context. It
also looks briefly at economic thought in selected non-Western cultures. The course
highlights economics both as an accumulating body of knowledge and as a response to
the economic and policy issues of the day.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures 24 h Final exam (100 % of the grading)
Literature: Sandmo, Agnar (-1) Economics evolving: A history of economic thought.
ISBN 978-0-691-14842-7
Study Material:
Sandmo, Agnar Economics evolving: A history of economic thought, recommended.
Substitutes for Courses: If the student completes 31C00510 for the BSc degree, the
course at advanced level 31E00510 cannot be included in the MSc degree studies.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C00510
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics 31A00110 or 31A00210
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course covers the same topics at intermediate and advanced
level and only either one of them can be included in the student’s degree. The number of
participants is limited and priority will be given to 1) students majoring in Economics who
include the course in their program studies, 2) students who have Economics as their
31C00700 Economics of Development (6 cr)
Status of the Course: BSc (Econ), Economics program/specialization area, elective
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: Not lectured in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: This course acquaints students with the basics of development
economics by examining some of the main overarching issues empirically and applying
basic economic methods and analysis to some specific problems of developing countries.
Content: This course covers selected issues on development and growth. Why some
countries rich and some poor? How can we apply economics to the problems of the
developing countries? Potential topics included are: Economic and human development;
Institutions and corruption; Foreign aid; Inequality; Poverty and Nutrition; Rural and Urban
issues; Land; Labour; Credit
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: Intermediate Micro- and Macroeconomics (31C00100 and 31C00200)
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
31C00800 Personnel Economics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: DSc (Econ) Antti Kauhanen
Status of the Course: BSc (Econ), Economics program/specialzation area, elective
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016) Otaniemi Campus
Workload: Participation in lectures 24h
Participation in exercise sessions 6h
Preparing for the exercise sessions 27h
Writing the essay 50h
Preparing for the exam 50h
Exam 3h
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to familiarize student with economic
analysis of central topics in human resource management. The student will learn to use
tools and concepts of economics to analyze organizational design as a whole.
Content: The course introduces economic approach to human resource management.
Topics of the course include: recruitment, personnel development, organizational and job
design, and performance related pay. The topics are studied with simple models.
Applications and examples are also discussed.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 24h
2. Exercises 6h (20% of the final marking)
3. Written assignment (30% of the final marking)
4. Final exam (50% of the final marking)
Study Material:
Lazear Edward P. and Gibbs Michael Personnel Economics in Practice (2014), 3rd
ed., mandatory
Other readings assigned during the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C00800/
Prerequisites: Intermediate Microeconomics (31C00100).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
31C00900 Raha- ja pankkiteoria (6 op)
Money and Banking
Vastuuopettaja: Karlo Kauko
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma/erikoistumisalue, valinnainen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: V (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 34h
Harjoitukset 8h
Valmistautuminen luennoille ja tenttiin 90h
Valmistautuminen harjoituksiin 25h
Tentti 3h
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija hallitsee pankkitoiminnan mikro- ja
makroteorian perusteet, kykenee lukemaan aihepiirin kirjallisuutta ja kykenee laatimaan
opinnäytetyön aiheesta.
Sisältö: Rahan merkitys taloudessa
Pankkien merkitys taloudessa
Rahapolitiikan perusteet
Rahan kysyntä
Epäsymmetrisen informaation ongelma lainamarkkinoilla ja keinot ongelman
Pankkitoiminnan riskit ja niiden hallinta
Pankkitoiminnan sääntely
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot 34h
2 Harjoitukset 8h (15% arvostelusta)
3 Tentti (85% arvostelusta)
Kirjallisuus: Peter Howells and Keith Bain (2008) Economics of money,
banking and finance: a European text. ISBN 9780273710394 ; Mishkin Frederic S. (2007)
Economics of money, banking, and financial markets. ISBN 0321287266 ; Xavier Freixas
and Jean-Charles Rochet (-1) Microeconomics of banking. ISBN 9780262062701
Peter Howells and Keith Bain Economics of money, banking and finance: a European
text (2008), pakollinen
Mishkin Frederic S. Economics of money, banking, and financial markets (2012),
Xavier Freixas and Jean-Charles Rochet Microeconomics of banking, pakollinen
Luennoilla jaettava muu materiaali.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C00900/
Esitiedot: Mikrotaloustiede (31C00100) ja Makrotaloustiede (31C00200).
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ja tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
31C01000 Topics in Economic Theory and Policy (V) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Sixten Korkman
Status of the Course: BSc (Econ), Economics program/specialization area, elective
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: I - II (Autumn 2015) Otaniemi Campus
Lectures 24h
Independent study 133h
Exam 3h
Learning Outcomes: The objective of the course is to acquaint students with topical
themes in economics. The content of the course varies from year to year. The objective
of this particular course is to familiarize the student with the concept of economic
doctrines and the role they play as guides for economic policies as well as with some of
the controversies associated with them.
Content: Economic doctrines are shaped by theory but also by institutional
circumstances, ideology, political aspirations and policy experiences. Doctrines are
subject to controversy, notably in times of crisis, and occasionally revised in the light of
experience. The course will not only relate doctrines to theoretical considerations but will
notably examine certain historical episodes which illuminate how doctrines have evolved
as a consequence of being confronted with crises and perceived policy failures.
The historical episodes will include, inter alia, the great depression of the 1930s and the
recent global financial crisis and the related euro area debt crisis. The perspective is
mainly macroeconomic. Particular attention will be given to crisis experiences and policy
thinking in Finland, including the depression in the 1990s as well as the current prolonged
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam 100 %
Study Material: Material assigned during the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C01000/
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics. Prerequisites may vary according to topic.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Topic varies from year to year. If a student has already taken the
course and wishes to take it again (different topic), s/he should contact the study
coordinator at the Department of Economics.
31C01100 Taloustieteen matemaattiset menetelmät (6 op)
Mathematics for Economists
Vastuuopettaja: Mikko Mustonen
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma/erikoistumisalue, pakollinen kurssi TS2005
mukaan opiskeleville, valinnainen kurssi TS2013 mukaan opiskeleville
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: III - IV (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: - Luennot 40 h
- Harjoitukset 20 h
- Tentit 3 h
- Itsenäinen työskentely 97 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Tutustuttaa opiskelijat taloustieteessä käytettäviin matemaattisiin
menetelmiin ja niiden sovelluksiin erityisesti mikroteoreettisissa malleissa.
Sisältö: Kurssilla käsitellään mm. seuraavia asioita:
- Lineaarialgebra
- Useamman muuttujan funktiot
- Rajoitettu ja rajoittamaton optimointi
- Kuluttajan ja yrityksen teoria
- Komparatiivinen statiikka
- Dynaamisten mallien alkeet
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: 1. Luennot 40h
2. Harjoitukset 20h (20 % arvostelusta)
3. Kaksi osakoetta (yhteensä 80 % arvostelusta) tai lopputentti (80 % arvostelusta)
Kirjallisuus: Simon, Carl P. and Blume, Lawrence (1994) Mathematics for Economists.
ISBN 0393957330
Simon, Carl P. and Blume, Lawrence Mathematics for Economists (1994), pakollinen
Muu luennoilla jaettu materiaali.
Korvaavuudet: Vaihtoehtoinen kurssin 30C00300 Mathematical Methods for Economists
kanssa. TS2013:n mukaan opiskelevat voivat sisällyttää kurssin joko taloustieteen
erikoistumisalueen menetelmäopintoihin tai erikoistumisalueen valinnaisiin opintoihin.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C01100
Esitiedot: Taloustieteen perusteet (31A00110), liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteiden
pakolliset menetelmäkurssit
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ja tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssi on tarkoitettu etupäässä taloustieteen ohjelmassa opiskeleville.
Kurssin osallistujamäärä on rajoitettu 70:een ja etusija kurssille osallistumiseen on
taloustieteen ohjelman/erikoistumisalueen opiskelijoilla. Taloustieteen matemaattisten
menetelmien kurssi tulee olla suoritettuna, jos opiskelija aikoo jatkaa taloustieteen
31C01200 Taloustieteen empiiriset menetelmät (6 op)
Empirical Methods for Economists
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma TS2005, pakollinen kurssi
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: Ei opetusta lukuvuonna 2015-2016
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssin tavoitteena on, että opiskelijat tutustuvat taloustieteen
empiirisen analyysin perusteisiin ja osaavat soveltaa tavallisimpia menetelmiä aineistojen
analysoinnissa. Kurssilla tutustutaan Stata-ohjelmistoon (ei tarvitse osata ennen kurssille
Sisältö: Kurssilla käsitellään mm. seuraavia asioita:todennäköisyyslaskennan
ja tilastollisen päättelyn kertaus
regressioanalyysin perusteet (lineaariset ja loglineaariset mallit)
hypoteesien testaus
regressioanalyysin tulosten luotettavuuden arviointi
paneeliaineistojen analyysi
kaksiarvoinen selitettävä muuttuja: logit- ja probit-mallit
aikasarja-analyysin perusteet
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson Introduction to econometrics (2007), pakollinen
James H Stock and Mark Watson Introduction to Econometrics: International Edition
Saatavuus Muu luennoilla jaettu materiaali.
Korvaavuudet: Vaihtoehtoinen kurssien 30C00200 Econometrics ja 30C00500
Ekonometria kanssa TS2005 mukaan opiskeleville.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C01200
Esitiedot: Taloustieteen perusteet (31A00110), liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteiden
pakolliset menetelmäkurssit
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssi korvautuu lukuvuodesta 2014-2015 alkaen TS2013 mukaisella
Capstone-kurssilla 31C99904, jolle vain taloustieteen ohjelman/erikoistumisalueen
opiskelijat voivat osallistua.
31C01300 Energy and Environmental Economics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Liski
Status of the Course: BSc (Econ), Economics program/specialization area, elective
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016) Otaniemi Campus
The course has 4 learning elements: lectures, exercises, group work, and case study.
Lectures (24 h)
• Conceptual background
• Main empirical cases
Group work format (40 h)
• Well framed problem with real-life connection (themes will be given)
• Readings and own source search
• 3-5 questions to be analyzed
• Presenting and debating the outcome in the class
• Group size 2-4 persons
Problem sets (14 h)
• Learning methods and applying to cases
• Introduced and discussed in groups during the class
• 3 x 1 compulsory home exercises, returned next week
Case study (66 h)
• Analyze a case in the energy and environment field
• Write a 5-10-page report
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to develop understanding of the basic problems in
environmental, resource and energy economics. Tools developed for analyzing market
failures and instruments for solving them. Familiarize the student with the main
challenges in the energy sector, including those related to the environment.
Content: Common pool resource use in theory and practice; description and analysis of
resource and energy commodity markets; pollution control in theory and practice, with
particular emphasis on climate change, energy and environmental policy. Main empirical
cases include: investments in nuclear power; emissions trading; pricing and investments
in the electricity sector.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: • Exercises: 3 home exercises passed
• Group work: 3 topics passed
• Case study: scoring 0-5, 50 % of the grading
• Exam: scoring 0-5, 50 % of the grading
Literature: Lesser, Jonathan A. (1997) Environmental economics and policy / Jonathan
A. Lesser, Daniel E. Dodds, Richard O. Zerbe, Jr.. ISBN 0673982106
Study Material: Environmental economics and policy / Jonathan A. Lesser, Daniel E.
Dodds, Richard O. Zerbe, Jr. (1997), mandatory
Availability Other readings assigned during the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C01300/
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics (31A00110 or 31A00210).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
31C014100 Russian Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Doing Business (6
Responsible teacher: Svetlana Ledyaeva
Status of the Course: BSc (Econ.) Economics program/specialization area, elective
Level of the Course: Intermediate
Teaching period: V (Spring 2016) Otaniemi Campus
Workload: Lectures 25 h
Home assignments 24 h
Term paper 50 h
Class presentation and discussion on term paper 58 h
Exam 3 h
Learning Outcomes: The aim of the course is to augment the students` understanding
and knowledge of the Russian economy: Past, Present and Future
Content: The course provides an introduction to the Russian economy. We will begin
with the insight into economic history of Russia from Tsar Period (starting from Peter the
Great) and proceed to the years of transition from Soviet to market economy. We then
progress to the discussion of current issues of the economic development of Russia.
These issues include economic geography of Russia, Russian financial system, sectorial
analysis of the Russian economy, international economic relations of Russia with the rest
of the World and some others. Special attention will be given to the current situation in
Russia, i.e. Russian economy under sanctions. This will include such issues as the
economic and political causes of Russia-Ukraine crisis, Western sanctions on Russia and
countersanctions of Russia, the consequences of sanctions for Russia and global
Assessment Methods and Criteria: One individual home assignment, 10 %
of the grading
One group homework, 10% of the grading
Presentation on the group homework and discussion, 10 % of the grading
Term paper, 30 % of the grading
Final exam, 40 % of the grading
Study Material:
Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy, Edited by Michael Alexeev and Shlomo
Weber, 2013. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199759927.do
Articles, book chapters, etc. as specified by the instructor.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/31C014100
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics (31A00110); Intermediate Macro- and
Microeconomics (31C00200 and 31C00100).
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
31C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma (10 op)
Bachelor’s Thesis
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma/erikoistumisalue, pakollinen
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: 1 - II (syksy 2015) ja III - IV (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Seminaarityöskentely 28h
Tutkielmatyöskentely 240h
Osaamistavoitteet: Valmiuksien hankkiminen taloustieteelliseen tutkimustyöhön.
Opiskelija laatii itsenäisesti n. 20 sivun pituisen seminaaritutkielman.
Sisältö: - Tutkimusaiheen valinta
- Tutkimussuunnitelman laadinta
- Tiedonhaun opiskelu
- Perehtyminen tieteelliseen kirjoittamiseen
- Seminaaritutkielman kirjoittaminen
- Seminaaritutkielman suullinen esittäminen
- Jonkin toisen opiskelijan seminaaritutkielman opponointi
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Seminaari koostuu tutkimussuunnitelman
laadinnasta, kirjallisen seminaaritutkielman tekemisestä, tutkielman suullisesta
esityksestä sekä opponoinnista. Seminaarityöskentelyä 28h (läsnäolo pakollinen).
Seminaarin arvostelu tapahtuu seminaarityön ja opponoinnin perusteella.
Oppimateriaali: Seminaarin kotisivuilta kopioitavissa oleva opas.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C99901/
Esitiedot: Mikrotaloustiede 31C00100 ja Makrotaloustiede 31C00200.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautumisohjeet seminaarin kotisivuilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: The working language of the seminar is Finnish. International students will
be provided guidance by the supevisor and the coordinator of the bachelor’s thesis
seminar, and are welcome to actively ask for it.
31C99902 KTK-tutkielmaseminaari (2 op)
Thesis Seminar
Vastuuopettaja: Juuso Välimäki; Matti Liski; Mikko Mustonen
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma/erikoistumisalue, pakollinen
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I - II (syksy 2015) ja III - IV (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Seminaarikokoontumiset 24h
Sisältö: Ks. kohta 31C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31C99902
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen ensimmäisellä kokoontumiskerralla, lisätietoja
opintokoordinaattorilta. Ilmoittaudu myös WebOodissa jotta saat itsellesi seminaarin
Lisätietoja: Seminaarin voi suorittaa joko syys- tai kevätlukukaudella.
31C99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Vastuuopettaja: Juuso Välimäki; Matti Liski; Mikko Mustonen
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma/erikoistumisalue, pakollinen
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Sisältö: Kandidaatintutkielman valmistuttua opiskelija suorittaa kypsyysnäytteen, jolla
osoitetaan sekä perehtyneisyyttä tutkielman aihepiiriin että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
taitoa. Kypsyysnäytteen arvioivat sekä aineen opettaja että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
opettaja. Lisätietoja ks. kohta 31C99901 Kandidaatintutkielma
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamisesta tulee
sopia erikseen seminaariryhmän vetäjien kanssa sen jälkeen, kun kandidaatintutkielma
on hyväksytty.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
31C99904 Capstone: Ekonometria ja data-analyysi (6 op)
Capstone: Econometrics and Data Analysis
Vastuuopettaja: Professori Otto Toivanen
Kurssin asema: KTK, taloustieteen ohjelma (TS2005) ja taloustieteen erikoistumisalue
(TS2013) pakollinen kurssi.
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Opetusperiodi: III - IV (kevät 2016) Otaniemen kampus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Luennot 40 h
Harjoitukset 12 h ja harjoituksiin valmistautuminen 25 h
Harjoitustyö 80 h
Tentti 3 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelijat tutustuvat taloustieteen empiiristen menetelmien
perusteisiin ja niiden soveltamiseen aineistojen analysoinnissa. Kurssilla tutustutaan
Stata-ohjelmistoon (ei tarvitse osata ennen kurssille tuloa).
Sisältö: Kurssilla käsitellään mm. seuraavia asioita:todennäköisyyslaskennan
ja tilastollisen päättelyn kertaus
regressioanalyysin perusteet (lineaariset ja loglineaariset mallit)
hypoteesien testaus
regressioanalyysin tulosten luotettavuuden arviointi
paneeliaineistojen analyysi
kaksiarvoinen selitettävä muuttuja: logit- ja probit-mallit
aikasarja-analyysin alkeet
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Luennot 40 h
Harjoitukset 12 h (20 % arvostelusta)
Harjoitustyö 80 h (35 % arvostelusta)
Kaksi osakoetta (yhteensä 45 % arvostelusta) tai yksi lopputentti (45 %
James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson (2007) Introduction to econometrics, pakollinen
James H Stock and Mark Watson (2011) Introduction to Econometrics: International
Edition, pakollinen
Muu luennoilla jaettu materiaali.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssi korvaa aiemmin opetetun taloustieteen empiiriset menetelmät
kurssin (31C01200). TS2013 mukaan opiskelevat suorittavat aina kurssin 31C99904
Capstone: ekonometria ja data-analyysi. TS2005 mukaan opiskelevat voivat korvata
kurssin 30C00200 Econometrics ja 30C00500 Ekonometria kurssilla.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/31C99904/
Esitiedot: TS2013: Taloustieteen perusteet (31A00110) ja tilastotieteen perusteet
(30A02000) tulee olla suoritettuna ennen kurssin alkua. TS2005: Taloustieteen perusteet
(31A00110), Matematiikkaa ja tilastotiedettä liikkeenjohtajille (30A00110) ja
Kvantitatiivinen analyysi taloustieteessä (30A00310) tulee olla suoritettuna ennen kurssin
Arvosteluasteikko: 0 - 5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kurssille ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla. Osakokeisiin ei ilmoittauduta
erikseen. Tenttiin ilmoittaudutaan WebOodilla.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssille voivat osallistua ainoastaan taloustieteen
ohjelman/erikoistumisalueen opiskelijat, joilla kurssin esitietovaatimuksissa mainitut
opinnot on suoritettu.
31E00500 International Trade (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc(Econ), Economics program, elective course CEMS course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
Workload: Lectures 24 h + Exercises 6 h
Preparing for lectures and exam 98 h
Essay 30h
Exam 4h
Learning Outcomes: The course introduces the students to international trade theory
and applied (empirical) trade economics at the level required from applied economist. It
provides essential basic knowledge of international economics for Ph.D. level courses.
Content: Both traditional theories and new theories based on monopolistic and
oligopolistic competition of trade and trade policy are presented and applied rigorously. In
addition modern theories of heterogeneous firms, multinational enterprises and foreign
direct investments are introduced. The empirical parts of the course present tests of
theories on international trade, trade liberalization and international capital movements,
and analyses of their economic consequences.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Lectures and exercises, total 30h
• Exercises (15% of the final marking)
• Essay (35% of the final marking)
• Final exam (50% of the final marking)
The essay is compulsory to pass the course.
Literature: Robert C. Feenstra (2004) Advanced International Trade: Theory and
Study Material: Charles van Marrewijk (2012) International Economics: Theory,
Application, and Policy, second edition, 2012, Oxford University press, required.
Availability Other readings assigned during the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31E00500/
Prerequisites: Two of the advanced Microeconomics courses (31E11000, 31E11100,
31E12000, 31E12100 and 31E13000)
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Course Staff and Contact Information: Saara Tamminen (
saara.tamminen@vatt.fi), Yao Pan ( yao.pan@aalto.fi) and Katariina Nilsson-Hakkala (
31E00510 History of Economic Thought (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Dr Pekka Sutela
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics Program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016) Otaniemi Campus
Lectures 24 h
Self study and preparing for exam 133 h
Final exam 3h (100 % of the grading)
Learning Outcomes: The course provides an overview on economics as an evolving
subject, responding to the main economic issues of the time and building on previous
Content: The course examines the development of economics to where it is today, but
also looks at economic thought in different cultures important in a globalizing world. The
topics include the birth of the discipline in Western Europe, its development through
Classical Political Economy to the birth and the early stages of neoclassical micro- and
macroeconomics to some recent controversies best understood in a historical context. It
also looks briefly at economic thought in selected non-Western cultures. The course
highlights economics both as an accumulating body of knowledge and as a response to
the economic and policy issues of the day.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures 24 h Final exam (100 % of the grading)
Literature: Sandmo, Agnar (-1) Economics evolving: A history of economic thought.
ISBN 978-0-691-14842-7
Study Material: Sandmo, Agnar Economics evolving: A history of economic thought,
Substitutes for Courses: If 31C00510 already has been completed for the BSc degree,
this course cannot be included in the MSc degree studies.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31E00510/
Prerequisites: Principles of Economics 31A00110 or 31A00210
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration for course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: The course covers the same topics at intermediate and advanced
level and only either one of them can be included in the student’s degree. The number of
participants is limited and priority will be given to 1) students majoring in Economics who
include the course in their program studies, 2) students who have Economics as their
31E00600 Open Economy Macroeconomics (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Jouko Vilmunen
Kurssin asema: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Kurssin taso: Advanced
Opetusperiodi: IV (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Lectures 24h
Exercises 8h
Preparing for the lectures and exam 100h
Preparing for the exercises 24h
Exam 4h
Osaamistavoitteet: The objective of the course is to familiarize students with topics in
international finance and macroeconomics as well as to theories trying to account for the
basic stylized facts in the field.
Sisältö: The topics covered in this course include balance of payment, prices in the open
economy, financial markets in the open economy, open economy macroeconomics, and,
to lesser extent, intertemporal trade and current account balance, general equilibrium
models of open economy, and credibility and (financial) crises.
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Lectures 24h
2 Exercises 8h (20% of the final marking)
3 Exam (80% of the final marking)
Oppimateriaali: Laurence Copeland Exchange rates and international
finance (2008), compulsory
Availability Other readings during the course.
Kurssin kotisivu:
Esitiedot: Intermediate Microeconomics (31C00100)
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Course and exam via WebOodi.
Opetuskieli: English
31E00700 Labor Economics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Manuel Bagues Fernandez
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
Workload: Lectures 24h
Exercises 12h
Preparing for lectures and exam 96h
Preparing for exercises 24h
Exam 4h
Learning Outcomes: The students understand main theories of labor markets and can
use them to analyze new situations. Furthermore, they understand and can implement
the main empirical approaches used for testing and quantifying theoretical models.
Content: The course provides an introduction to the microeconomics of the labor
markets. Particular emphasis is given to the interaction of theoretical and empirical
modeling. The topics include labor supply, labor demand, wage formation, welfare
programs, immigration, minimum wages, human capital, worker turnover and
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises: 30% of the final marking
Exam: 70% of the final marking
To pass the course, each of these parts must be passed with at least a grade 1.
Study Material: Borjas, George J. Labor Economics (6th ed) (2013)
Availability Other readings assigned during the course.
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: Two of the advanced Microeconomics courses (31E11000, 31E11100,
31E12000, 31E12100 and 31E13000) and Empirical Methods for Economists (31C01200,
31C99904, 30C00200 or 30C00500).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
31E00900 Applied Microeconometrics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: PhD Kristiina Huttunen
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course in DR2005,
mandatory course in DR2013 (alternatively to 31E01300 Applied Time Series
Econometrics, 31E19800 Financial Econometrics, 31E31000 Econometrics I: Basics or
30E00800 Time Series Analysis if completed before academic year 2015-2016)
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered
Learning Outcomes: The students learn to use an econometric program, and
understand what kind of methods and data to use in specific applications and how to
interpret the results. They also learn how to write a report on an empirical project. The
course is especially suitable for students who want to use econometric methods in their
master’s thesis.
Content: The course is based on applications of econometrics to specific research
problems. At the same time the use of an econometric program in the analysis of data
and estimation is illustrated. Basic econometrics is reviewed in the applications and some
new methods are introduced. The emphasis is on microeconometrics with applications
taken for example from labor economics.
Literature: Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke (2009) Mostly harmless
econometrics: An empiricist’s companion. ISBN 978-0-691-12034-8 ; Jeffrey M.
Wooldridge (2009) Introductory econometrics: A modern approach.
Study Material:
Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke Mostly harmless econometrics: An
empiricist’s companion (2009), compulsory
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Introductory econometrics: A modern approach (2009),
Other material assigned during the course.
Substitutes for Courses: This course is starting 2014-2015 replaced by 31E00910
Applied Microeconometrics I.
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: Empirical Methods for Economists (31C01200) or Econometrics
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
31E00910 Applied Microeconometrics I (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Kristiina Huttunen
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course in DR2005,
mandatory course in DR2013.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: II (Autumn 2015) Töölö Campus
Workload: •Lectures 24h
•Independent study 74h
•Exercises 12h
•Essay 50h
Learning Outcomes: The students learn most common empirical methods that are used
in applied research. Students also learn how to interpret the results and how to be critical
towards estimation strategies. The course is especially suitable for students who want to
use econometric methods in their master’s thesis.
Content: The course is based on applications of econometrics to specific research
problems. At the same time the use of an econometric program in the analysis of data
and estimation is illustrated. Basic econometrics is reviewed in the applications and some
new methods are introduced. The emphasis is on microeconometrics with applications
taken for example from labor economics.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: 1. Lectures 24h
2. Exercises (1/3 of the final marking)
3. Essay (2/3 of the final marking)
Study Material:
Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke Mostly harmless econometrics: An
empiricist’s companion (2009), compulsory
Jeffrey M. Wooldridge Introductory econometrics: A modern approach (2009),
Other material assigned during the course.
Substitutes for Courses: This course replaces 31E00900 Applied Microeconometrics
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/31E00910
Prerequisites: Empirical Methods for Economists (31C01200) or Econometrics
(30C00200) or Capstone course Econometrics and Data Analysis (31C99904)
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: in WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Maximum number of participants 30. Aalto University School
of Business Master’s level students studying in the Economics program have priority. If
the student already previously has completed 31E01300 Applied Time Series
Econometrics, 31E19800 Financial Econometrics, 31E31000 Econometrics I: Basics or
30E00800 Time Series Analysis, these courses can compensate the compulsory
advanced econometrics course in DR2013.
31E00920 Applied Microeconometrics II (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Manuel Bagues Fernandez
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ) program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
Workload: • Lectures and presentations 24h
• Exercises 12h
• Preparing for lectures and presentations 96h
• Preparing for exercises 28h
Learning Outcomes: This course is a follow-up to Applied Econometrics I. At the end of
the course students will be able to choose the adequate empirical tools in order to
address real-life questions that might be relevant for public policy or in a business
context. The course is especially suitable for students who want to address an empirical
question in their master’s thesis.
Content: In Applied Econometrics I students learn the basic microeconometric tools and
they get familiar with the econometric software. Applied Econometrics II has a more
practical flavor. The students will build up on their knowledge of econometrics and
economic theory in order to tackle a number of relevant empirical questions. The course
will be a combination of (i) main lectures on some relevant topics that were not covered in
Applied Microeconometrics I, (ii) presentation and discussion by students of research
papers and (iii) problem sets. Please note that given nature of the course, class
attendance is strongly recommended.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exercises: 50% of the final marking
Class Participation: 10% of the final marking
Presentation: 40% of the final marking
Study Material:
Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke , “Mastering ‘Metrics: The Path from Cause
to Effect” (2014), compulsory
Other material will be assigned during the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/31E00920/
Prerequisites: 31E00910 Applied Microeconometrics I
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Course via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Maximum number of participants 30. Aalto University School of
Business Master’s level students studying in the Economics program have priority.
31E01000 Topics in Economic Theory and Methods I (V) (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered in 2015-2016
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Prerequisites: Intermediate Micro- and Macroeconomics courses (31C00100 and
31E00200) and Mathematical Methods for Economists (31C01100/30C00300).
Prerequisites may vary according to topic.
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Topic varies from year to year. If a student has already taken the
course and wishes to take it again (different topic), they should contact the study
coordinator at the Department of Economics.
31E01200 Behavioral and Experimental Economics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Spring 2016
Content: This course is lectured at Hanken School of Economics. Detailed description of
the course can be found in the Hanken study guide.
Course Homepage:
CEFR Level: https://cie.hkkk.fi/31E01200/
Prerequisites: All studies for BSc program completed.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Only students studying in the Master’s program in
Economics: Course registration via WebOodi.
Additional information on registration for this course is available from the Department of
Economics study coordinator.
WebOodi registration for the course will close one week before the beginning of the
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This course is a HECER course lectured at Hanken School of Economics for students
studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto University School of
Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of Helsinki. Helsinki Center
of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three universities.
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics have access to this course.
31E01300 Applied Time Series Econometrics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: The course aims at lowering the hurdle in starting to do empirical
research e.g. in the master’s thesis. The students will acquire the ability to: use an
econometric program (Stata), estimate common time series models and interpret the
results, run various statistical tests related to model diagnostics, distinguish between
stationary and non-stationary time series, choose between various approaches to
Content: Time series econometrics and its common applications, with primary focus on
macroeconomic and financial applications. The course will cover ARMA, VAR, and
GARCH models, non-stationary time series and cointegration, and forecasting.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Study Material:
Becketti, S. Introduction to Time Series Using Stata (2013), recommended
Enders, W. Applied Econometric Time Series (3rd ed.) (2010), recommended
Mills, T.C. and Markellos R.N. The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series (3rd
ed.) (2008), recommended
Lectures, exercises, and other material assigned during the course.
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: Taloustieteen empiiriset menetelmät 31C01200, or Econometrics
30C00200, or equivalent skills.
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
31E01400 Macroeconomics of Labor Markets (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Tuomas Pekkarinen
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered 2015-2016
Workload: Lectures 24h
Exercises 12h
Preparing for lectures and exam 96h
Preparing for exercises 24h
Exam 4h
Learning Outcomes: The students understand the concept and measurement of
structural unemployment, how it is explained in macroeconomics, and how it relates to
other parts of macroeconomics.
Content: The course covers main macroeconomic theories of equilibrium unemployment.
These include labor union models, search and matching models, and efficiency wage
models. Also empirical analysis of the estimation of structural unemployment and factors
affecting it will be discussed.
1 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures 24h
2 Exercises 12h (20% of the final marking)
3 Exam (80% of the final marking)
Study Material:
Tito Boeri and Jan van Ours The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets (2008),
Pierre Cahuc and André Zylberberg Labor economics (2004), compulsory
Reading list provided by the lecturer.
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: Intermediate Macro- and Microeconomics (31C00200 and 31C00100),
Mathematics for Economists (31C01100), and Empirical Methods for Economists
(31C01200, 31C99904, or 30C00200).
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Recommended as a supplementary macroeconomic theory course.
31E01800 Resource and Environmental Economics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Course not offered in 2015-2016
Learning Outcomes: The objective is to cover the main principles in environmental and
resource economics using modern modeling tools. This prepares students for
independent quantitative research in the area.
Content: This is an advanced course on the modern theory of environmental and
resource economics. It covers the mechanism design approach to the traditional
environmental externality problems, and the principles of non-renewable and renewable
resource use over time. The course has methodological objectives, and introduces the
main principles of dynamic decision-making relevant for environmental and resource
problems. Illustrations cover examples in climate change and environmental regulation.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Study Material: A reading package will be made available during the lectures.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31E01800/
Prerequisites: Taloustieteen matemaattiset menetelmät (31C01100), Mathematical
Methods for Economists (30C00300) or corresponding skills.
Evaluation: 0-5
Language of Instruction: English
31E01900 Banking and Finance (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Spring 2016
Content: This course is lectured at Hanken School of Economics. Detailed description of
the course can be found in the Hanken study guide.
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: All studies for BSc program completed.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Only students studying in the Master’s program in
Economics: Course registration via WebOodi.
Additional information on registration for this course is available from the Department of
Economics study coordinator.
WebOodi registration for the course will close one week before the beginning of the
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at Hanken School of
Economics for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics have access to this course.
31E02000 Competition Policy (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Spring 2016
Content: This course is lectured at Hanken School of Economics. Detailed description of
the course can be found in the Hanken study guide.
Prerequisites: All studies for BSc program completed.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Only students studying in the Master’s program in
Economics: Course registration via WebOodi.
Additional information on registration for this course is available from the Department of
Economics study coordinator.
WebOodi registration for the course will close one week before the beginning of the
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at Hanken School of
Economics for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics have access to this course.
31E02200 Financial Economics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered in 2015-2016
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E02300 Bayesian Econometrics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Ass. Prof. Jani Luoto, University of Helsinki
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I (Autumn 2015)
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E02400 Money and Monetary Policy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Docent Jouko Vilmunen, University of Helsinki
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016)
Content: This course is lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed description of the
course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E02500 Globalization and Growth (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Tapio Palokangas, University of Helsinki
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: IV - V (Spring 2016)
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E02600 Search and Labour Economics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered in 2015-2016
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E02700 Political Economy (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered 2015-2016
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E02800 Nonlinear Time Series Econometrics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered in 2015-2016
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E11100 Microeconomics: Pricing (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Juuso Välimäki
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course (DR2013),
elective as one of the compulsory Microeconomic Theory courses (DR2005)
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I (Autumn 2015) Töölö Campus
The course has 4 learning elements: lectures, assignments, essay and final examination.
Lectures and background readings (48h)
• Conceptual background
• Applications and cases introduced
Assignments (40 h)
• Problems with a real-case connection (themes will be given)
• 3 themes to be analyzed
Essay: (48h)
• An essay on a topic selected from the material covered in the course.
• Readings and own research into the material.
Learning Outcomes: This course provides an introduction into the theory and practice of
pricing. Theoretical concepts from information economics and game theory are applied in
a variety of applications with relevance to real world managerial problems.
Content: Amongst the topics covered in the course are: Price discrimination,
failure of law of one price, bundling and versioning, revenue management,
auctions and market design. The course requirements include two assignments and
a final examination.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Exam: scoring 0-5
Essay: scoring 0-5
Assignments: must pass at least two
Exam 60% Essay + Assignments 40%
Study Material: There is no required textbook for the course. A list of reading
assignments is distributed at the beginning of the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/31E11100/
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s level courses including 31C01100 Mathematical Methods for
Economics (or equivalent methodological studies) completed.
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
Students following the DR2005 must take at least two of the three Microeconomics
courses (31E11100, 31E12100, 31E13000); previously completed 31E11000 and
31E12000 can also be accepted towards the minimum requirement, but are no longer
lectured. This combination of two Microeconomics courses replaces i) 31E10000 or ii)
31E00100 and 31E00200.
31E12100 Microeconomics: Policy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Liski
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, compulsory course in
DR2013, elective as one of the compulsory Microeconomic Theory courses in DR2013.
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: II (Autumn 2015) Töölö Campus
The course has 4 learning elements: lectures, exercises, group work, and case study.
Lectures (24 h)
• Conceptual background
• Applications and cases introduced
Group work (40 h)
• Well-framed problems with a real-case connection (themes will be given)
• Readings and own search
• 3-5 questions to be analyzed
• Presenting and debating the outcome in the class
• Group size 2-4 persons
Problem sets (14 h)
• Learning methods and applying to cases
• Introduced and discussed in groups during the class
• 3 x 1 compulsory home exercises
Case study (66 h)
• Analyze a case with a topic covered during the course
• Write a 5-10-page report
Learning Outcomes: This class has the objective of developing microeconomic theory
for policymaking and market design. The material is applied to policy cases including
regulations in telecommunication, competition law, insurance markets, environmental
problems, patents and intellectual property, and market designs for the energy
sector. The students learn the basic conceptual motivations for policy designs, become
familiar with the main policy questions in the sectors considered, and acquire analytical
and reporting skills.
Content: Deviations from the competitive outcomes due to externalities, private
information, imperfect competition, and missing markets. Policy solutions introduced
conceptually and through real cases. Expert lectures on issues in specific sectors.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: • Exercises: 3 home exercises passed
• Group work: 3 topics passed
• Case study: scoring 0-5, 50 % of the grading
• Exam: scoring 0-5, 50 % of the grading
Study Material: To be assigned. Other readings assigned during the course.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/31E12100/
Prerequisites: 31C01100 Taloustieteen matemaattiset menetelmät, 31C01200
Taloustieteen empiiriset menetelmät or 30C00300 Mathematical Methods for Economists,
30C00200 or 30c00500 Econometrics
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam in WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Students following the DR2005 must take at least two of the three
Microeconomics courses (31E11100, 31E12100, 31E13000); previously completed
31E11000 and 31E12000 can also be accepted towards the minimum requirement, but
are no longer lectured. This combination of two Microeconomics courses replaces i)
31E10000 or ii) 31E00100 and 31E00200. Starting 2015-2016 this course is compulsory
for students following the DR2013. If the student already previously has completed
31E11100 or 31E13000), they will qualify as the compulsory Microeconomic Theory
31E13000 Industrial Organization (Micro III) (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Mikko Mustonen
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, DR2013 elective course,
DR2005 elective as one of the compulsory Microeconomic Theory courses
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
Lectures and exam 28h
Strategy Game and Exercises 40h
Preparing for lectures and exam 92h
Learning Outcomes: This course provides students with an understanding of the central
issues in industrial organisation such as the determinants of market structure and the
theory of market conduct. The strategy game facilitates hands-on experience on
oligopolistic competition.
Content: The course covers monopoly behaviour, oligopolistic markets, firm entry and
exit, product differentiation and R&D.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Lectures 24h (Home problem assignments 10% of grading)
Strategy Game or Essay (20% of grading)
Exam (70% of grading)
Study Material:
Pepall Lynne, D. Richards and G. Norman Contemporary Industrial Organization:A
Quantitative Approach (2011), mandatory
Availability Other material assigned during the course.
Substitutes for Courses: Replaces the course Industrial Organization (31E01100).
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31E13000/
Prerequisites: Intermediate Microeconomics (31C00100) and Mathematics for
Economists (31C01100).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi.
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Students following the DR2005 must take at least two of the three
Microeconomics courses (31E11100, 31E12100, 31E13000); previously completed
31E11000 and 31E12000 can also be accepted towards the minimum requirement, but
are no longer lectured. This combination of two Microeconomics courses replaces i)
31E10000 or ii) 31E00100 and 31E00200. The Competitive Strategy Game (by Severin
Borenstein, csg.haas.berkeley.edu) is voluntary and can be replaced by a term paper.
The number of participants is restricted and Aalto Economics MSc students have priority.
The game groups are formed at the start of the course.
31E15000 Development Economics I (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Jukka Pirttilä (WIDER) and guest lecturers
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I (Autumn 2015) Töölö Campus
Workload: Lectures 24h
Independent study 136h
Learning Outcomes: This course will introduce the key concepts in development and
development economics.
Content: After introductory material, this course will cover modern theories of economic
growth, their relevance for low-income countries, and dual-economy models. A major part
of the course will deal with various aspects of poverty and inequality, including
measurement issues, recent trends, and the impacts of inequality on growth. The course
will end with discussion of market mechanisms at the rural sector, with a special
emphasis on labour arrangements and finance, including recent work on microfinance.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures 24h
The course evaluation is based on lectures, and/or essay, and/or exam
Study Material: Specific book chapters and articles are announced to course participants
when the course is active. Course books to be assigned.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31E15000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
31E16000 Development Economics II (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Yao Pan
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: IV (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
Workload: Lectures 24h
Presentation, essay/term paper and independent study 132h
Exam 4h
Learning Outcomes: This course is oriented towards some of the key policy issues in
developing countries.
Content: The course is a continuation for the course “Development Economics I:
Fundamentals” and focuses on empirical analysis in development economics. We will
study household and individual behavior under different types of market failures and learn
how to evaluate the impact of development policy interventions. The overall goal of this
course is to help develop your ability to read and critique research in development
economics. We will cover development topics related to agriculture development,
microfinance, nutrition and health, conflict and ethnicity, climate change and environment.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
A final exam based on the lectures + readings (50 % of the grade)
A group assignment (2-4 people) consisting of:
- a presentation of 20 min (10 % of the grade) in the last week of the course
- a term paper, which can be either an econometric exercise or an essay based on
literature (40 % of the grade)
Study Material: Specific book chapters and articles are announced to course participants
when the course is active. Course books to be assigned.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31E16000/
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
31E17000 African Economic Development (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: The course is taught by Professor Augustin Fosu, visiting
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics Program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Spring 2016 (to be confirmed)
Workload: Lectures, seminars, individual guidance 28 h
Preparing for lectures, seminars and presentations 40 h
Class project paper 60 h
Independent study 28 h
Exam 4 h
Learning Outcomes: This course is designed to introduce the student further to
development issues – conceptual, methodological and policy - of African economies.
Content: Emphasis will be placed on such topics as: trends in growth, human
development, and poverty; explaining these trends (external aid, debt, inequality, political
instability, trade, etc.), with special attention accorded to institutions.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Grading will be on the basis of class presentations,
a final examination, and a class project in the form of a paper.
25 % lecture and seminar participation
50 % class project paper
25 % exam
Study Material: Readings to be agreed during course
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31e17000/etusivu
Prerequisites: Previous courses in development economics recommended
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Via WebOodi and preferably also by email to study
coordinator at Department of Economics
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Intensive course
31E19100 Advanced Public Economics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Course not offered in 2015-2016
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E19200 Macroeconometrics (6 cr)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: Not offered 2015-2016
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki for students
studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto University School of
Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of Helsinki. Helsinki Center
of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three universities.
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E21000 Macroeconomics I: Growth and Cycles (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Professor, PhD Tapio Palokangas (University of Helsinki)
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), elective course as one of the compulsory
Macroeconomics courses (alternatively to 31E22000 Macroeconomics II: Short Term
Fluctuations) in DR2005
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016)
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Literature: Peter Birch Sørensen and Hans Jørgen Whitta-Jacobsen (2010) Introducing
Advanced Macroeconomics:Growth and Business Cycles (2nd ed).
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Prerequisites: Intermediate Macro- and Microeconomics (31C00200 and 31C00100)
and Mathematics for Economists (31C01100).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
universities. Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an
advanced minor in Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement.
Students of other programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E22000 Macroeconomics II: Short Term Fluctuations (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Antti Ripatti, University of Helsinki
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course as one of the
compulsory Macroeconomics courses (alternatively to 31E21000 Macroeconomics I:
Growth and Cycles) in DR2005
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: IV - V (Spring 2016)
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Literature: Peter Birch Sørensen and Hans Jørgen Whitta-Jacobsen (2010) Introducing
Advanced Macroeconomics:Growth and Business Cycles (2nd ed).
Course Homepage:
Prerequisites: Intermediate Macro- and Microeconomics (31C00200 and 31C00100)
and Mathematical Methods for Economists (31C01100).
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
universities. Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an
advanced minor in Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement.
Students of other programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E23000 Macroeconomics: Policy (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pertti Haaparanta
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, compulsory course (DR2013),
elective as one of the compulsory Macroeconomic Theory courses (DR2005)
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III - IV (Spring 2016)
The course has 4 learning elements: lectures, exercises, group work, and case study.
Lectures (24 h)
• Conceptual background
• Applications and cases introduced
Group work (40 h)
• Well-framed problems with a real-case connection (themes will be given)
• Readings and own search • 3-5 questions to be analyzed • Presenting and debating the
outcome in the class
• Group size 2-4 persons
Problem sets (14 h)
• Learning methods and supporting the cases
• Introduced and discussed in groups during the class
• 3 x 1 compulsory home exercises
Case study (66 h)
• Analyze a case with a topic covered during the course
• Write a 5-10-page report
Learning Outcomes: This class has the objective of developing macroeconomic theory
for policymaking. The material is applied to policy cases including foundations of
quantitative easing, the role of financial markets in the recent crisis, understanding the
problems in the Euro area and long-term growth issues. The students learn the basic
conceptual motivations for policy analysis, and become familiar with the main current
policy issues, and acquire analytical and reporting skills.
Content: New-Keynesian model for policy-making, the role of financial and labour
markets in the macroeconomic fluctuations, the Zero-Lower-Bound problem, modern
theory of fiscal and monetary policy, long-term growth and development.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: • Exercises: 3 home exercises passed
• Group work: 3 topics passed
• Exit exam (end-of-lecture problem), after 3 randomly chosen lectures, scoring 0-5, 10 %
of grading
• Case study: scoring 0-5, 40 % of the grading
• Exam: scoring 0-5, 50 % of the grading
Study Material:
Main text: Carlin-Soskice: Macroeconomics: Institutions, Instability, and the Financial
Other readings to be assigned both before and after the course.
CEFR Level: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31e23000/etusivu
Prerequisites: Intermediate courses in mathematical methods for economics and in
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: For course and exam via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
31E31000 Econometrics I: Basics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Henri Nyberg, University of Helsinki
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: II (Autumn 2015)
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage:
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of
Helsinki for students studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto
University School of Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of
Helsinki. Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three
universities. Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an
advanced minor in Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement.
Students of other programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E32000 Econometrics II: Time Series and Panel Data Models (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Prof. Markku Lanne, University of Helsinki
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016)
Content: This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki. Detailed
description of the course can be found in the University of Helsinki study guide.
Course Homepage: http://www.helsinki.fi/economics/studying/index.html
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course registration via WebOodi. Additional information on
registration for this course is available from the Department of Economics study
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information:
This course is a HECER course lectured at the University of Helsinki for students
studying in the Master’s program in Economics at the Aalto University School of
Economics, Hanken School of Economics, and the University of Helsinki. Helsinki Center
of Economic Research (HECER) is a joint initiative of the three universities.
Only students studying in Master´s program in Economics or doing an advanced minor in
Economics have access to this course within the HECER agreement. Students of other
programs must apply for JOO flexible study right.
31E40100 History of Economic Growth and Crisis (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Matti Sarvimäki
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: II (Autumn 2015) Töölö Campus
1 Workload: Lectures: 26 h
2 Independent study: 130 h
3 Exam: 4 h
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be familiar
with (a) the basic facts about long-term economic growth, (b) the main theories for why
some places grew rich while others did not, and (c) examples of empirical work
attempting to test these theories. In addition, the course will provide historical perspective
for understanding the causes and consequences of financial crisis.
Content: This course documents and explains the history of economic growth. Topics
discussed include technological and financial innovation, political and economic
institutions, industrialization, international trade, social mobility and inequality. We discuss
how cross-country differences in economic development have been explained by
differences in geography, genes, culture, institutions and luck, and review work assessing
the empirical relevance of these explanations. We also cover research on the history of
financial crisis.
1 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Lectures
2 Essay (50% of the final marking)
3 Final exam (50% of the final marking)
Study Material: Readings assigned in the course
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/31E40100/
Prerequisites: 31C01200 Taloustieteen empiiriset menetelmät or 30C00200
Econometrics or 30C00500 Ekonometria, or Capstone course 31C99904 Econometrics
and Data Analysis
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
31E40200 Economics of Science and Innovation (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Natalia Zinovyeva
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, elective course
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: III (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
1 Workload: Lectures: 26 h
Independent study: 130 h
Exam: 4 h
Learning Outcomes: In the course Economics of Science and Innovation
students will acquire understanding of the nature of the process of discovery and
invention. They will learn about the existent institutions that shape this process as well as
about the conceptual approaches and evidence that underlie the development of science
and innovation policies.
Content: Advances in science and technology are the main drivers of economic growth.
The course highlights how, in the absence of appropriate institutions, the unusual
characteristics of ideas can result in social inefficiency of knowledge production. The
topics covered by the course include the analysis of the nature of ideas and innovation,
incentives in public and private research, the role of human capital, the optimal design of
patent policies, the diffusion and welfare impact of ideas and technology. The course
includes a mixture of both theoretical and empirical research.
1 Assessment Methods and Criteria: Assignments (four in total, must pass at
least two)
2 Final exam
Final grade: Exam 60% + Assignments 40%
Study Material:
The course is mainly based on recent publications in academic journals. The main
references are included in the syllabus. I also use two textbooks for the course; both are
recommended, not compulsory.
1) Stephan, Paula. (2012), How Economics Shapes Science, Harvard University Press.
ISBN 978-0-674-04971-0, recommended
2) Pepall, L., D. Richards, G. Norman (2008), Industrial Organization: Contemporary
Theory and Empirical Applications, Blackwell Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4051-7632-3,
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/31E40200/
Prerequisites: Compulsory courses of the BSc degree completed.
Evaluation: 0 - 5
Registration for Courses: Course and exam via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: Courses 31E00910 Applied Microeconometrics I and 31E13000
Industrial Organization (Micro III) provide a good background for completing this course.
31E99901 Tutkielma (30 op)
Master’s Thesis
Vastuuopettaja: Marko Terviö; Pertti Haaparanta; Mikko Mustonen
Kurssin asema: KTM, taloustieteen ohjelma, pakollinen
Kurssin taso: Syventävä
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Tutkielmatyöskentely 750h
Osaamistavoitteet: Antaa valmiudet itsenäiseen tieteellisen tiedon hankkimiseen, sen
soveltamiseen taloustieteellisessä tutkimustyössä ja tieteellisen tekstin kirjoittamiseen.
Sisältö: Tutkimusaiheen valinta
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Suoritus koostuu aiheen läpikäymisestä
ohjaajan kanssa ja tutkielman laatimisesta. Arvostelu tapahtuu tutkielman perusteella.
Oppimateriaali: Seminaarin kotisivuilta kopioitavissa oleva opas.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31E99901/
Esitiedot: Tutkinnon pakolliset Microeconomics ja Macroeconomics -kurssit suoritettuna.
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautumisohjeet seminaarin kotisivuilla.
Opetuskieli: English
31E99902 KTM-tutkielmaseminaari (0 cr)
Master’s Thesis Seminar
Responsible teacher: Marko Terviö; Pertti Haaparanta
Status of the Course: KTM,taloustieteen ohjelma, pakollinen (TS2005)
Level of the Course: Syventävä
Teaching period: I - II (Autumn 2015) and III - IV (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
Content: Tutkimussuunnitelman laadinta ja esittäminen
Tutkielman laatiminen sekä väli- ja loppuraportin esittäminen
Väliraportin opponointi
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31E99902/
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
Registration for Courses: Ilmoittautuminen sähköpostitse Mikko Mustoselle. Ohjeet
seminaarin kotisivulla. Ilmoittaudu seminaariin myös WebOodissa, jotta saat itsellesi
seminaarin tiedotteet.
Language of Instruction: English
31E99903 Kypsyysnäyte (0 op)
Maturity Test
Kurssin asema: KTM, taloustieteen ohjelma, pakollinen
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot
Sisältö: Pro gradu -tutkielman valmistuttua opiskelija suorittaa kypsyysnäytteen, jolla
osoitetaan sekä perehtyneisyyttä tutkielman aihepiiriin että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
taitoa. Kypsyysnäytteen arvioivat sekä aineen opettaja että suomen tai ruotsin kielen
opettaja. Opiskelijan on kirjoitettava kypsyysnäyte myös maisterintutkielmastaan, vaikka
hän olisi aiemmin kirjoittanut kypsyysnäytteen kandidaatintutkielmasta. Suomen tai
ruotsin kielen tarkistusta ei tarvitse kuitenkaan tehdä uudestaan, jos se on tehty jo
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Kypsyysnäytteen kirjoittamisesta tulee
sopia erikseen seminaariryhmän vetäjien kanssa sen jälkeen, kun tutkielma on
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
31E99904 Capstone: Economics (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Pekka Ilmakunnas
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ) degree, Economics program, compulsory course in
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I - V (Adademic year 2015-2016) Töölö Campus
Content: The economics capstone consists of 1) a master’s level economics course that
the student can freely choose, 2) a policy-oriented essay on a topic related to the course,
and 3) a capstone seminar, where the students discuss their essays. The seminar will
meet on one or two days and it will be offered both in the fall and in the spring. A grade
will be given for the capstone as a whole, not for the chosen course (part 1) separately.
The course will be conducted and graded according to its individual methods and criteria,
but the grade will not be registered until all the capstone elements have been evaluated.
To complete the capstone course, the student must 1) select a course to serve for
capstone, 2) attend a kick-off session where the deadline for essays and seminar dates
are decided and 3) enter in their personal study plan in the comment field of the capstone
course 31E99904 the code and title of the course selected, and have the study plan
Assessment Methods and Criteria: The grade is based on the grade of the course
completed for capstone and the seminar essay and participation.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/31e99904/etusivu
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: By email to Pekka Ilmakunnas. Instructions on the course
home page.
Language of Instruction: English
31E99905 Master’s Thesis Seminar (6 cr)
Responsible teacher: Marko Terviö
Status of the Course: MSc (Econ), Economics program, compulsory (DR2013)
Level of the Course: Advanced
Teaching period: I - II (Autumn 2015) and III - IV (Spring 2016) Töölö Campus
Workload: Seminar sessions during two lecture periods, 24h, presenting topic, midterm
presentation and active participation in discussions, acting as opponent
Content: • Presenting research plan
• Presenting midterm report
• Acting as opponent for a midterm report
• Commenting on fellow students’ works
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Participation in seminar sessions, presenting one’s
own work, commenting on fellow student’s work orally and in written.
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: Registration to Mikko Mustonen by email according to
instructions given on the course home page. Please also register via WebOodi to ensure
that you get all the news feeds of the seminar.
Language of Instruction: English
20A00112 Taitosalkku; Perustyövälineohjelmat (2 op)
Professional Skills Portfolio; Basic Software for Personal Computing
Vastuuopettaja: KTM Bertta Sokura
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet, Taitosalkkuopintokokonaisuus, kaikille pakollinen opintojakso (TS2005).
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot (TS2005)
Opetusperiodi: III (2015)
Osaamistavoitteet: Perustyövälineohjelmat -opintojakson tavoitteena on antaa
valmiudet monipuoliseen työskentelyyn tietokoneen yleisimpiä työvälineohjelmia
hyväksikäyttäen. Opiskelu Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulussa edellyttää jo
peruskursseilla monipuolista tietoteknisten perusvälineiden hallintaa.
Sisältö: Tekstinkäsittely, taulukkolaskenta ja esitysgrafiikka sekä ohjelmien yhteiskäyttö.
1 Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Vaihtoiset suoritustavat:Opetus
ja näyttökokeet
2 Pelkkien näyttökokeiden suorittaminen hyväksytysti
3 Opintojakson hyväksilukeminen aikaisemmilla vastaavilla opinnoilla
Kurssilla tarvittavat ohjekirjat ja tehtävät löytyvät Nopasta.
Valinnainen suositeltava kirjallisuus:
a) Microsoft Office 2010 Plain & Simple/Katherine Murray on käytettävissä e-kirjana
Aalto-yliopiston verkossa. Kirjaa pääsee lukemaan Alli-tietokannan kautta osoitteessa
b) Muu MS Office 2010 tai MS Office 2013 -materiaali.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssi voidaan hyväksilukea mikäli opiskelija on jo muualla suorittanut
vastaavat opinnot.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/20A00112
Arvosteluasteikko: Hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla
Opetuskieli: suomi
20A00113 Taitosalkku; Tieteellinen kirjoittaminen (1 op)
Professional Skills Portfolio; Scientific Writing
Vastuuopettaja: Marketta Majapuro
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot (TS 2005)
Osaamistavoitteet: Tavoitteena on antaa perustiedot tieteellisestä raportoimisesta
osana tutkimuksen tekoa. Keskeisinä läpäisevinä teemoina opiskelussa ovat
perusteleminen ja kriittinen ajattelu. Kurssilla harjoitellaan tieteellistä raportointia sekä
suullista opponointia.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/71A00100
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Lisätietoa kurssin suorittamisesta antavat kurssin Talouselämän viestinnän
perusteet 71A00100 opettajat.
20A00212 Professional Skills Portfolio; Computing Skills (2 cr)
Responsible teacher: MSc Bertta Sokura
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, Fundamentals of Business Knowledge.
Compulsory course of the Professional Skills Portfolio study module (6 cr) (DR2005).
Level of the Course: Basic Studies (DR2005)
Teaching period: No contact lessons.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Tieke’s CDL-examination, A-level. It consists of
seven exams. More information see Tieke’s webpage http://www.tieke.fi/display/eSkills/Alevel and Noppa https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/20a00212/etusivu
Study Material:
Recommended Study Material:
a) Microsoft Office 2010 Plain & Simple (e-book)/Katherine Murray is available on the net
of the Aalto University https://alli.linneanet.fi/vwebv/searchBasic?sk=fi_FI.
b) other Office 2007/ 2010 related material
Substitutes for Courses: The whole course (20A00212) can be passed by earlier similar
Evaluation: Pass/Fail
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
20A00213 Professional Skills Portfolio; Scientific Writing (1 cr)
Responsible teacher: Anne Kankaanranta
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, Fundamentals of Business Knowledge, 1 cr
Compulsory course of the Professional Skills Portfolio study module (6 cr)
Learning Outcomes: The purpose of the course is to deepen the student’s
understanding of the elements of scientific writing and give practice in improving the
scientific writing skills
Content: The course consists of exercises concerning the style and cohesion in
academic writing, article reading and essay. Course material is given on the internet
page. The study format is self-study and communication with the teacher via e-mail.
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/20A00213
Evaluation: pass / fail
Further Information: Please contact teacher in charge Anne Kankaanranta
20A00310 Opintojen suunnittelu ja ohjaus (3 op)
Guidance for Planning of Studies
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet, Taitosalkkuopintokokonaisuus, TS 2005 mukaan opiskeleville kaikille pakollinen opintojakso.
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot (TS 2005)
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Kurssia ei luennoida enää. Puuttuvat
osat on mahdollista suorittaa kurssin 20A00510 Opinnot haltuun -kurssin osasuorituksilla.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Opetuskieli: Suomi
20A00410 Guidance for Planning of Studies (3 cr)
Status of the Course: Bachelor’s degree, Fundamentals of Business Knowledge, 3 cr
Compulsory course of the Professional Skills Portfolio study module, 6 cr (DR 2005).
Level of the Course: Basic Studies
Teaching period: First three study semesters.
Study Material:
Course Homepage: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/20A00410
Evaluation: hyväksytty/hylätty
Language of Instruction: English
Further Information: If you have not taken this course yet, please contact your study
20A00510 Opinnot haltuun (0 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Marja Elonheimo ja Taru Valovirta
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto, Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I, III, IV ja V
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain:
2 op, 54 tuntia opiskelija työtä:
- perehdytysviikko, muut ohjaustilaisuudet, ensimmäisen vuoden opintojen suunnittelu,
n. 34 h
- erikoistumisalueen valinta, sisältäen itsenäisen valmistautumisen ja palautettavan
tehtävän, n. 10 h
- HOPS-työskentely ja opettajatutorointiin osallistuminen, n. 10 h
Osaamistavoitteet: Tavoitteena on, että opiskelija tutustuu Aalto-yliopiston
kauppakorkeakouluun, sen tarjoamiin opiskelumahdollisuuksiin sekä yliopisto-opiskeluun
ja -yhteisöön. Opiskelija saa tietoa opiskelusta Aalto-yliopistossa. Opintojakson aikana
opiskelija tutustuu tärkeimpiin opiskelijoille palveluja tarjoaviin yksiköihin,
ylioppilaskunnan toimintaan sekä muihin opiskelijoihin. Opiskelija oppii suunnittelemaan
opintojaan sekä arvioimaan ja kehittämään henkilökohtaisia oppimis- ja opiskelutaitojaan
sekä saa tukea opiskeluvalintojen tekemiseen omien uratoiveiden ja -suunnitelmien
Sisältö: Perehdytysviikko, oppimis- ja opiskelutaidot, opiskelija- sekä
opettajatutortoiminta, henkilökohtaisten opintosuunnitelmien (hops) laatiminen,
tiedonhakukoulutus, KTK-ohjelman erikoistumisalueen ja sivuopintojen valinta, opintojen
ohjaus, uraohjaus.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
1. Perehdytysviikko
2. Muut ohjaustilaisuudet lukuvuoden aikana
3. Opintojen suunnittelu ja siihen liittyvät tehtävät:
Opinnot haltuun 1 (20A00511), 1 op (ensimmäisen lukuvuoden aikana):
ensimmäisen vuoden opintojen ja ajankäytön suunnittelu, KTK-ohjelman
erikoistumisalueen valinta sekä niitä tukeva tehtävä
Opinnot haltuun 2 (20A00512), 1 op (toisena syksynä): opettajatutorin
tapaaminen ja hopsin laadinta
Oppimateriaali: Opiskelijoiden Intossa olevat opiskelu- ja ohjausmateriaalit
kuten Kandikompassi 2015 sekä tutkintovaatimukset.
Kurssin kotisivuilla oleva materiaali
Perehdytysviikon aikana ja ohjaustilaisuuksissa jaettava sekä kurssin aikana
erikseen ilmoitettava materiaali.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssia tai sen osia ei voi korvata muualla suoritetuilla opinnoilla.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/20A00510/
Arvosteluasteikko: Kurssi arvostellaan hyväksytty/hylätty. Osasuorituksilla on omat
koodit ja niistä on kaikista saatava hyväksytty suoritus.
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittautuminen WebOodilla 14.9.2015 mennessä koodilla
Opetuskieli: Suomi.
20A00601 Yritystapaus 1 (1 op)
Real Case 1
Vastuuopettaja: KTT Christa Uusi-Rauva
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Lisätietoja: Kurssi on pakollinen kaikille tutkintosäännön TS2013 mukaan opiskeleville
KTK-opiskelijoille, jotka aloittivat opintonsa syksyllä 2013. Jos kurssi jäi suorittamatta,
opiskelija voi ottaa yhteyttä KTT Christa Uusi-Rauvaan.
20A00602 Yritystapaus 2 (1 op)
Real Case 2
Vastuuopettaja: KTT Christa Uusi-Rauva
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Lisätietoja: Kurssi on pakollinen kaikille tutkintosäännön TS2013 mukaan opiskeleville
KTK-opiskelijoille, jotka aloittivat opintonsa syksyllä 2013. Jos kurssi jäi suorittamatta,
opiskelija voi ottaa yhteyttä KTT Christa Uusi-Rauvaan.
20A00603 Yritystapaus (2 op)
Real Case
Vastuuopettaja: KTT Christa Uusi-Rauva
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto
Kurssin taso: Perusopinnot
Opetusperiodi: I (syksy 2015) Osa I järjestetään orientaatioviikon ja sitä seuraavan
viikon aikana. V (kevät 2016) Osa II järjestetään viidennellä periodilla.
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Lähiopetus: 27 tuntia; pakollinen läsnäolo Casetyöskentely / harjoitustyöt ryhmissä: 27 tuntia
Kurssin osan I suoritettuaan opiskelija ymmärtää liiketaloustieteen eri osa-alueiden
erityispiirteitä sekä osaa hahmottaa niihin liittyviä kysymyksiä yrityksen toiminnassa.
Kurssin osan II suoritettuaan opiskelija osaa hyödyntää eri liiketaloustieteen osa-alueiden
perusteita käytännön yritystoimintaan liittyvässä ongelmanratkaisutilanteessa.
Kurssin suoritettuaan opiskelija hallitsee myös tiimityön, kirjallisen raportoinnin ja
esiintymisen perustaidot.
Sisältö: Kurssin osa I tutustuttaa opiskelijat eri liiketoiminta-alueisiin case-yrityksen
esittelyn ja liiketaloustieteen oppiaine-esittelyjen avulla.
Kurssin osassa II integroidaan liiketoiminnan erikoistumisalueiden peruskurssien tietoja ja
taitoja, sekä sovelletaan niitä case-yritykseen liittyvässä ongelmanratkaisutehtävässä.
Kurssin molemmat osat sisältävät case-yritykseen liittyviä luentoja ja ryhmissä tehtävän
harjoitustyön, jonka tulokset esitellään kirjallisesti (osa I) ja suullisesti (osa II).
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet:
Harjoitustyöt 100%.
Kurssin kokonaissuoritus arvostellaan asteikolla 0-5 siten, että ensimmäinen osa
arvostellaan asteikolla hyväksytty/hylätty ja toinen asteikolla 0-5. Tästä toisen osan
arvosanasta muodostuu kurssin kokonaisarvosana.
Kurssin osan I hyväksytty suorittaminen on ennakkovaatimus osan II suorittamiselle.
Kurssin kotisivu: https://noppa.aalto.fi/noppa/kurssi/20A00603
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: Kaikki ensimmäisen vuoden KTK-opiskelijat ilmoitetaan
automaattisesti kurssille.
Opetuskieli: Suomi
Lisätietoja: Kurssi on pakollinen kaikille tutkintosäännön TS2013 mukaan opiskeleville
KTK-opiskelijoille. Tutkintosäännöstä TS2005 siirtyvät opiskelijat eivät voi suorittaa
Kurssin osan I suorittaminen on ennakkovaatimus osan II suorittamiselle.
20C00100 Yritysprojekti / Student Business Project (6 op)
Student Business Project
Vastuuopettaja: Projektia valvovat Kauppakorkeakoulun professorit ja tukijat. Ryhmää
ohjaa Kauppakorkeakoulun tutkija tai muu henkilökunta.
Kurssin asema: KTK-tutkinto; kurssin sijoittuminen opintoihin riippuu kyseisestä
projektista ja opiskelijan ohjelmasta/erikoistumisalueesta. Opiskelijan on tarkastettava
opinto-oppaasta/laitokselta, miten Yritysprojekti sijoittuu kyseiseen
Opetusperiodi: Projektit alkavat ympäri vuoden yleensä n. 1-2-vk Opiskelijoiden
valitsemisesta. Projektin kokonaiskesto riippuu tehtävästä projektista ja se on yleensä 24kk.
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää millaista on tehdä aitoja tutkimus-, kehitys-, tai
konsultointiprojekteja yrityksille. Projektissa opiskelijat pääsevät soveltamaan opittuja
tietojaan ja taitojaan aidossa tilanteessa. Opiskelija oppii myös työskentelemään yhdessä
eri aineiden opiskelijoiden kanssa ja hyödyntämään heidän osaamistaan. Projektissa
opitaan, miten aito tutkimusprojekti toteutetaan yrityksen kanssa. Projektin jälkeen
opiskelija pystyy tekemään tutkimussuunnitelman, toteuttamaan tutkimuksen ja
raportoimaan tulokset yritykselle. Raportointi tapahtuu sekä kirjallisesti että suullisesti
yrityksen edustajille loppukokouksessa. Raportointikieli on projektista riippuen joko suomi
tai englanti.
Sisältö: Projektin tarkka sisältö riippuu toimeksiannosta.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Opiskelijat työskentelevät 2-5 opiskelijan
ryhmissä. Raportointi tapahtuu sekä kirjallisesti että suullisesti yrityksen edustajille
loppukokouksessa. Raportointikieli on projektista riippuen joko suomi tai englanti.
Oppimateriaali: Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali riippuu toteutettavasta projektista.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssia ei voi korvata muilla projektimuotoisilla kursseilla tai opinnoilla.
Esitiedot: Projektiin hakijoilla odotetaan olevan suoritettuna vähintään 150 op. Projektiin
voidaan ottaa myös opiskelija joka voi osoittaa omaavansa vastaavat taidot
työkokemuksen tai aikaisempien opintojen perusteella
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Uusista yritysprojekteista ilmoitellaan Urawebissä. Projektiin haetaan
lähettämällä yritysprojektikoordinaattorille a) lyhyt hakukirje, b) CV, c) opintosuoritusote.
Hakemusten perusteella opiskelijat valitaan haastatteluihin, joiden jälkeen lopullinen
projektiryhmä kootaan. Yritysprojektin laittaminen opiskelijan omaan opintosuunnitelmaan
ei siis vielä takaa projektiin pääsyä. Opintosuunnitelma on kuitenkin sikäli tärkeä, että se
antaa korkeakoululle tiedon Yritysprojekteista potentiaalisesti kiinnostuneiden
opiskelijoiden määrästä.
Opetuskieli: suomi/englanti
Lisätietoja: Samaan projektiin voidaan ottaa sekä KTK-opiskelijoita (20C00100) että
KTM-opiskelijoita (20E00100). Opiskelijoiden keskinäinen työnjako riippuu projektista ja
hakijoiden taustoista.
20D00120 Johtamistaitojen sosiaalipsykologiaa (3 op)
Social Psychology of Leadership Contexts and Skills
Vastuuopettaja: Marja Ahokas, Minna Stenius ja Nelli Hankonen
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto, Maisterin taitosalkku, kaikille pakollinen opintojakso.
Kurssin taso: Ainopintoja
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: Kotitentti: 80 tuntia.
Osaamistavoitteet: Kurssilla on tieto-, asenne- ja taitotavoitteita. Tietotavoitteet
liittyvät sosiaalipsykologisten käsitteiden ymmärtämiseen, ihmisen käyttäytymisen
(yksilö, ryhmä, ryhmien väliset suhteet) periaatteiden ymmärtämiseen. Asennetavoitteet
liittyvät johtamistaidollisen näkemyksen ja -etiikan kehittymiseen: opiskelija motivoituu
edistämään myönteistä vuorovaikutusta ja työhyvinvointia niin työtoverina kuin johtajana.
Taitotavoitteet liittyvät omien johtamis- ja ihmissuhdetaitojen arvioimiseen, jonka pohjalta
opiskelija voi jatkossa harjoitella taitoja ja kehittää niitä edelleen. Kurssin jälkeen
opiskelijalla on valmiuksia 1) ymmärtää organisaatioiden, ryhmien ja yksilöiden toimintaa
sosiaalipsykologisesta näkökulmasta ja 2) kehittää työelämässä ja johtamisessa
tarvittavia ihmissuhdetaitoja ja itsetuntemusta.
Sisältö: Organisaatiot ja johtaminen ihmisten välisen vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta,
(keskeiset johtamisteoriat, johtamisen sosiaalipsykologia, valta ja johtamisympäristöt,
organisaatiokulttuurit, organisaatioiden roolirakenteet, ryhmäprosessit, tiimit, sosiaaliset
taidot), sekä johtamistilanteissa tarvittavien vuorovaikutustaitojen sosiaalipsykologinen
perusta (konfliktinhallinta, motivaatio, päätöksenteko, sosiaalinen havaitseminen,
persoonallisuus), arvot, oikeudenmukaisuus ja sosiaalinen identiteetti.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Kotitentti, johon ilmoittaudutaan
WebOodilla hyvissä ajoin. Kysymykset ja kirjoitusohjeet annetaan ennalta annettuna
päivämääränä, josta kahden viikon päästä kotitenttivastaukset palautetaan. Ennen
kysymysten julkistusta kannattaa tutustua tentin kirjallisuuteen sekä suunnitella oma muu
opiskeluaikataulu siten, että kyseisten kahden viikon aikana on tarpeeksi aikaa laatia
Kaksi seuraavista kirjoista:
Haslam Alexander ym. (2012) Uusi johtamisen psykologia TAI Haslam Alexander et al.
(2011) The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power.
Pennington, Donald C. (2005) Pienryhmän sosiaalipsykologia TAI Pennington, Donald C.
(2002) Social psychology of behaviour in small groups
Sutton, Robert I.(2007) The No Asshole Rule:Building a Civilized Workplace and
Surviving One That Isn’t
Whetten, David A. & Kim S. Cameron (2010): Developing Management Skills (8. painos),
Luvut 4 (Coaching, Counseling, and Supportive Communication), 7 (Managing Conflict),
8 (Empowering and Delegating) ja 9 (Building Effective Teams and Teamwork). Kirjan
aiemmatkin painokset (6. ja 7.) käyvät.
Esitiedot: Kandidaatin tutkinto tai 150 opintopistettä kandidaatin tutkintoon sisältyviä
Arvosteluasteikko: 0-5
Ilmoittautuminen: WebOodilla
Opetuskieli: suomi
20D00220 Social Psychology of Leadership Contexts and Skills (3 cr)
Responsible teacher: Marja Ahokas, Minna Stenius and Nelli Hankonen
Status of the Course: Compulsory course in the master’s degree (DS 2005)
Level of the Course: Intermediate studies
Workload: 80 hours
Learning Outcomes:
The course has learning objectives concerning knowledge, attitudes and skills.
Knowledge objectives: understanding social psychological concepts; understanding the
basic principles of human behavior (individual, group, as well as intergroup relations).
Attitudinal objectives: developing one’s idea of skillful leadership and ethics. The student
will be motivated to promote positive interaction and well-being at work in coworker as
well as in leader positions.
Skill outcomes: evaluating one’s own leadership and social skills, as a starting point to
practicing and further developing them later.
After the course the student has readiness 1) to understand organizations, groups, and
individuals from a social psychological point of view, and 2) to develop her/his social skills
and self-knowledge needed in working life and leadership positions.
Content: Organizations and leadership from the perspective of social interaction (major
leadership theories, the social psychology of leadership, power and leadership
environments, hierarchies and role structures in organizations, group processes, teams,
social skills), and the social psychological bases of requisite interactional skills (conflict
management,motivation, decision making, social perception, personality in the
workplace), values, justice and social identity.
Assessment Methods and Criteria: Home exam. Students sign up for the home exam
beforehand (WebOodi). The questions and writing instructions will be given on a certain
date, after which the students have two weeks to write the exam answers. It is
recommended that before the questions are given, the students get acquainted with the
literature and plan their schedule so that they will have enough time to write the exam
answers during the two weeks.
Study Material:
Home examination (two of the following four books):
Haslam Alexander et al. (2011) The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence
and Power OR Haslam Alexander ym. (2012) Uusi johtamisen psykologia
Pennington, Donald C. (2002) Social psychology of behaviour in small groups OR
Pennington, Donald C. (2005) Pienryhmän sosiaalipsykologia
Sutton, Robert I.(2007) The No Asshole Rule:Building a Civilized Workplace and
Surviving One That Isn’t
Whetten, David A. & Kim S. Cameron (2010): Developing Management Skills (8. edition)
Luvut 4 (Coaching, Counseling, and Supportive Communication), 7 (Managing Conflict),
8 (Empowering and Delegating) ja 9 (Building Effective Teams and Teamwork). You can
use 6. or 7. edition as well.
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree or 150 ECTS credits in the Bachelor’s degree
Evaluation: 0-5
Registration for Courses: via WebOodi
Language of Instruction: English
20D00250 Projektityö (3 op)
Real Case Project
Kurssin asema: Maisterin taitosalkku (tutkintosääntö 2005)
Kurssin taso: Aineopinnot
Työmäärä toteutustavoittain: 80 tuntia projektityötä
Osaamistavoitteet: Projektien tarkoitus on edistää opiskelijan projektityö- ja
Sisältö: Projektissa opiskelijat ratkovat aitoa casea, aidolle kohteelle. Erityisen suotavaa
on, että projekti tukee yhteiskunnallisesti tai sosiaalisesti kannattavia teemoja.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Projekti tehdään mieluiten ryhmässä,
jossa on opiskelijoita useammasta Aalto-yliopiston koulusta. Myös muissa Aaltoyliopiston kouluissa organisoidut projektit voivat tulla kysymykseen.
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Mikäli opiskelija harkitsee projektia, jonka uskoisi sopivan konseptiin,
kannattaa ottaa yhteys Yrityspalveluiden yritysprojektikoordinaattoriin.
Lisätietoja: Mahdollisista projekteista on aina neuvoteltava etukäteen. Jälkikäteen jo
projektin valmistuttua ilmoitettuja projekteja ei oteta huomioon.
20E00100 Student Business Project (6 op)
Vastuuopettaja: Projektia valvovat Kauppakorkeakoulun professorit ja tukijat. Tutkijan
tausta riippuu toimeksiannosta.
Kurssin asema: KTM-tutkinto; kurssin sijoittuminen opintoihin riippuu kyseisestä
projektista ja opiskelijan ohjelmasta. Opiskelijan on tarkastettava omasta ohjelmastaan
miten Yritysprojekti sijoittuu kyseiseen ohjelmaan.
Kurssin taso: Syventävät opinnot.
Opetusperiodi: Projektit alkavat ympäri vuoden yleensä n. 1-2 vk opiskelijoiden
valitsemisesta. Projektin kokonaiskesto riippuu tehtävästä projektista ja se on yleensä 2-4
Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää millaista on tehdä aitoja tutkimus-, kehitys-, tai
konsultointiprojekteja yrityksille. Projektissa opiskelijat pääsevät soveltamaan opittuja
tietojaan ja taitojaan aidossa tilanteessa. Opiskelija oppii myös työskentelemään yhdessä
eri aineiden opiskelijoiden kanssa ja hyödyntämään heidän osaamistaan. Projektissa
opitaan, miten aito tutkimusprojekti toteutetaan yrityksen kanssa. Projektin jälkeen
opiskelija pystyy tekemään tutkimussuunnitelman, toteuttamaan tutkimuksen ja
raportoimaan tulokset yritykselle.
Sisältö: Projektin tarkka sisältö riippuu toimeksiannosta. Raportointi tapahtuu sekä
kirjallisesti että suullisesti yrityksen edustajille loppukokouksessa. Raportointikieli on
projektista riippuen joko suomi tai englanti.
Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet: Projektin toteutus riippuu kulloisestakin
toimeksiannosta. Opiskelijat työskentelevät 2-5 opiskelijan ryhmissä. Ryhmää
ohjaa Kauppakorkeakoulun tutkija tai muu henkilökunta.
Oppimateriaali: Kirjallisuus ja muu materiaali riippuu toteutettavasta projektista.
Korvaavuudet: Kurssia ei voi korvata muilla projektimuotoisilla kursseilla tai opinnoilla.
Esitiedot: KTK tutkinto
Arvosteluasteikko: hyväksytty/hylätty
Ilmoittautuminen: Uusista yritysprojekteista ilmoitetaan Urawebissä. Projektiin haetaan
lähettämällä yritysprojektikoordinaattorille a) lyhyt hakukirje, b) CV ja c) opintosuoritusote
Hakemusten perusteella opiskelijat valitaan haastatteluihin, joiden jälkeen lopullinen
projektiryhmä kootaan. Yritysprojektin laittaminen opiskelijan omaan opintosuunnitelmaan
ei siis vielä takaa projektiin pääsyä. Opintosuunnitelma on kuitenkin sikäli tärkeä, että se
antaa Kauppakorkeakoululle tiedon yritysprojekteista potentiaalisesti kiinnostuneiden
opiskelijoiden määrästä.
Opetuskieli: suomi/englanti
Lisätietoja: Samaan projektiin voidaan ottaa sekä loppuvaiheen KTK-opiskelijoita
(20C00100) että KTM-opiskelijoita (20E00100). Opiskelijoiden keskinäinen työnjako
riippuu projektista ja hakijoiden taustoista.