District Vision Our students are the focus of all we do at Norridge School District 80. The Student centered classroom will promote an independent, collaborative, and motivated learning environment. Our Administrators, Teachers, and Staff will set high standards in a safe, nurturing, and positive school environment which will prepare our graduates to take on their future with confidence. Giles School October 2014 www.norridge80.net Inspiring educational excellence in a nurturing environment From the Desk of Mr. Bergholtz… Happy Fall everyone! LIONS Giles School Newsletter Issue The first several weeks of the 2014-2015 school year are in the books and it seemed to go by in a blink. It has been great seeing the year going so well from the onset. Our students are committed to doing well and our dedicated staff is doing a great job supporting and challenging our students. October 2014 Dates to Remember Our 2nd -8th students have begun our fall ITBS testing. Sixth - eighth began online testing the 10/ 3 - No School week of the 22nd and 2nd -5th began online testing the week of the 29th . 10/9 - Pathway to PRIDE Night Also with regard to testing, ISAT reports will be sent home October 2nd . As many of you 10/ 13 - No know, this is the last time ISAT scores will be reported as Illinois is shifting to the PARCC test School this spring. As a reminder, some 7th and 3rd grade students may not have a math score as they 10/15 - SIP Day participated in the PARCC field test last spring. 11:45 Dismissal (No Lunch) Be ready for PRIDE night on October 9th . This will be the first time we have a district wide 10/21– BOE Mtg PRIDE event in the fall and we are all very excited. The festivities will run from 6:30 pm – at Giles 8:00 pm. Meet at Ridgewood High School at 6:30 to “Light the Night” to celebrate and en10/23 - Concert courage our students’ efforts to Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe! 7pm @ Giles Our softball and cross-country teams have looked great this year. As of the writing of this, our 10/31– Parade Girls’ Softball Team is advancing to the Semi-Finals! Good luck ladies! Also, be on the lookout for information regarding Grandparent’s Breakfast on October 24th starting at 7:30 am and the traditional Halloween Parade on October 31st. Please enjoy the month as the weather starts to change the colors transform! Jeffrey M. Bergholtz Principal Halloween Parade - October 31st All students go home for lunch! Lunch @ 11:45 - 1:30 Volume 14 Issue 2 Parade @ 1:45 Student Attendance Phone the office by 8 a.m. each day your child is absent. 708453-4847 Dismissal @ 3:00 Page 1 Fall Spirit Week Grand Morning with our Grandparents Friday, October 24, 2014 7:30 a.m. Small Gym In honor of Grandparents’ Day, we would like to invite you to have a light snack with your grandchildren and meet their classmates and teachers. This is a special day for GRANDPARENTS AND STUDENTS ONLY! (No parents please.) You must RSVP by Friday, October 10, 2014. Please see the last page of the newsletter for details on parking. Here comes the World Series! Student Council Are you ready for some football? Welcome to the 2014-2015 Student council. The executive officers are: Adrian Ortiz-President, Katie Lorscheider-Vice-President, Sarah Mahoney—Secretary, Christina Gambino-Treasurer. Thank you to everybody who ran for positions and congratulations to all the homeroom representatives. Along with our year long collection of pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House, we have many exciting activities to plan. We will keep you updated. Industrial Arts These projects are some of the work of the 6th and 7th grades in Industrial Arts. The 6th grade started off their year by measuring, marking and cutting dice. After paint and dots, voila! Ready for game night. The 7th graders chose, downloaded, resized and printed images important to them for their night light lanterns. They cut, drilled and assembled their pieces before painting them. They also got the chance to use the nailgun to put them together. Volume 14 Issue 2 Please remember to return the Parent Student Handbook form signed by parents either by paper or electronically . Bus Evacuation Drill The entire school practiced bus safety rules on September 18th. Band News We are pleased to announce that the members of the Giles-Leigh Cadet and Concert Bands are off to a great start and are already preparing for their first concert. The Fall Concert will take place on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at Giles School at 7:00 PM. The band students have been rehearsing several selections we are sure you will enjoy! See you then! Page 2 Red Ribbon Spirit Week Notes from the Nurse MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th – “Stay in the game, be drug free!” – ATHLETIC WEAR DAY -Come to school wearing your favorite team jersey or t-shirt. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd - “Red Ribbon Power! Rally around red!” – WEAR RED DAY – Come to school wearing red to show your support of Red Ribbon Week. All physicals from kindergarteners and sixth graders must be in by October 15th or children will be excluded from school. Contact Mrs. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd – “Breeze into a drug free future!” – HAWAIIAN DAY – Come to school wearing bright Hawaiian colors! Brosnan if you have any questions. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st – “Hats off to being drug free!” – CRAZY HAT DAY – Come to school wearing your favorite CRAZY hat. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th – “Be Cool, Stay in School!” – SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY – Come to school dressed in purple, gold and white or Giles spirit wear! LET’S ALL TAKE PART IN THIS IMPORTANT AND FUN WEEK! Congratulations to the 2014 Girls’ Softball Team Art News Some of the now-second grade artists who collaborated on this Joan Miró inspired mural last year. Joan Miró was a Spanish artist whose work is often called Surrealism even though he never joined or followed any group style. Last year, 4th graders worked on the Georges Seurat mural, and 2nd graders worked on the Henri Rousseau Sleeping Gypsy Mural. Kindergarteners are creating colorful fall leaves and learning about the primary and secondary colors! Members are: Maggie Ryan, Monika Danilowski, Athena Fahey, Valerie Gale, Mia Iovino, Katie Lorscheider, Christina Sciullo, Megan Straughn, Destiny Torres, Ally Marvin, Chiara O’Leary, Miamarie Ocampo, Sarah White and the manager is Christina Rizos. The team ended their season with a 9-1 record. They will begin the playoffs on September 27. Way to go ladies! Ms. Kennedy and Ms. Stein are very proud of all the girls’ accomplishments and hard work this year! We look forward to next year’s season! 2014 Boys’ Softball Team The Giles Boys' Softball Team recently concluded their season with a 4-1 victory over Union Ridge. Members of the team included 8th graders Derek Budnik, Michael Cabot, Joey Krasinski, and Konrad Skowyra, 7th graders Brendan Burns, Tyler Fields, Austin Ruman, and Taki Tselepatiotis, and 6th graders Ross Bloecker, Joey Ingratta, Eric Kubacki, and John Swiderek. Volume 14 Issue 2 It is time for flu shots. It is recommended that everyone over 6 months receives a flu shot. Children with any health concerns, asthma, diabetes etc. should always get the flu shot. Page 3 Ms. Adrienne Ryba teaches Physical Education and 8th Grade Technology Encore. She graduated from Illinois State University. Her hobbies are being active and hanging out with friends and family and her favorite sports teams are the Chicago Bulls and Chicago Blackhawks. Favorite Quote: “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.” -Walt Disney Hi my name is Dawn Sundquist and I am the new 1st Gr ade Classr oom Aide for r oom 104, Ms. Muscarello's room. I am very excited to start the new school year and to be working at Giles! I graduated from North Park University with a Elementary Education and Communications degree. I also went back to school and earned a English as a Second Language endorsement and Special Needs endorsement. I spent the last few years working in Glenview School District 34. I am very excited to get to know the Giles staff, students, and families of this great community! Hi, my name is Rose Kolaski and I am a Teachers Aide in first grade. I was born and raised in Norridge, and I am excited to begin working in District 80. I graduated with a Teaching Certificate from National Louis University and I have spent the last 11 years working with children in many different settings. In my free time I love to spend time with my ever growing family as well as take many trips to the zoo. Look for more new staff members in the November Newsletter. It's Lion Time! The students participated in another fun buddy activity! The Lion Paw activity had students learn about their buddy and write what things they had in common. 1st Grade Goes to Safety Town The First Grade classes visited Safety Town on Sept. 26th at the Harlem-Irving Plaza. Students had the opportunity to learn about Fire Safety, Street Safety, Stranger Danger, and other topics. All of the these subjects highlight the importance of child safety. Learning Center News Our ST&P organization will be running the November Scholastic Book Fair in the Learning Center. The book fair will run from Wednesday November 5th thru Thursday November 13th. All classes will come to the book fair during their regular library times. The book fair will also be open for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Further information will follow as the dates get closer. Lunch Orders If you want your child to receive a hot lunch, an order form MUST be filled out for each month. The lunch staff is no longer responsible to put an order in due to children having possible food allergies. We cannot guarantee extra lunches will be available each day. If you have any questions, please call 708-453-4847 and ask for the lunchroom. Volume 14 Issue 2 Page 4 James Giles School October 2014 Sun Mon All Boys’ Soccer Games will be played on the road. Tue Wed All Boys’ Soccer Games and Girls’ Volleyball Games are scheduled to start at 4 pm 5 Thu 1 2 3 4 Softball Championship 7 8 Fire Prevention Math Lab Starts ECE Field Trip Week Cross Country Tournament 13 Sat ST&P Mtg. 7pm No School— Teacher Institute Day 6 12 Fri 10 Fire Truck Visit Picture Retakes 11 Market Day P/U 12-1 Pathway to Pride—Light up the Night 6:30p 14 15 VB @ Penn No School— 9 16 17 18 24 25 Soccer @ Rhode Columbus Day VB vs. R. G. SIP Day 11:45 am Dismissal 19 20 Soccer @ Penn VB vs. Hester Red Ribbon Week Athletic Wear Day 26 27 21 22 Soccer @ Rose Soccer @ R.G. VB @ U. R. BOE Mtg. 7pm @ Giles Crazy Hat Day Wear Red Day 28 23 A “Grand” Morning 7:30 am End of 1st Qtr. Hawaiian Day 29 Soccer vs. Leigh Soccer @ U. R. VB vs. Mann. (@ RHS) VB vs. Lincoln Soccer Playoffs @ Ridgewood 30 VB @ Elm PRIDE Freeze Pop Sale School Spirit Day 31 Home for lunch @11:45 - 1:30 Parade @ 1:45 Soccer Playoffs Early Dismissal @ Ridgewood @3:00 1 Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures Monday — Friday School Days Only 7:45 A.M. — 9:00 A.M. 2:15 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. In the interest of safety for all the students of Giles School, the following Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures will begin on the first day of school: CULLOM AVENUE WILL BE ONE WAY EASTBOUND from Oriole to Olcott. All drop off and pick up traffic will proceed EASTBOUND on Cullom. You can drop your child/children off at either gate on Cullom Avenue only. Traffic will proceed EASTBOUND to Olcott — or NORTHBOUND on Oleander. Oleander will be one way NORTHBOUND from Cullom to Montrose. The school gate at Oleander and Berteau will remain open, however, the street will be blocked to traffic. Oriole Avenue, from Berteau to Cullom, will stay closed to traffic. (with the exception of school buses). For the safety of your child/children, all children must enter and exit from the right side of the vehicle. As a reminder, Illinois State law prohibits the use of cell phones in a school zone. This includes texting. DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE. Please familiarize yourself with these new procedures prior to the first day of class. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
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