October 2014 SD Prevention Resource Centers WPRC Youth & Family Services Vonnie Ackerman vackerman@youthandfamilyservices.org 605-342-1593 Burke Eilers beilers@youthandfamilyservices.org SEPRC Volunteers of AmericaDakotas Melinda Olson m.olson@voa-dakotas.org Michelle Majeres m.majeres@voa-dakotas.org NEPRC Human Service Agency Dodi Haug dodih@humanserviceagency.org 605-884-3516 Kayla Potter kaylap@humanserviceagency.org Red Ribbon Week In an effort to prevent drug use and Contest educate youth, the National Family Partnership (NFP) invites families and schools across America to participate in the Annual Red Ribbon Photo Contest, in conjunction with the 29th Annual Red Ribbon Week. Ten families across America will be selected to win the grand prize: an iPad and $1,000 donation to a K-12 school of their choosing. There will also be one prize awarded for a school decoration. Here’s How to Enter: Students and families decorate their home’s front door, mailbox or fence with a double-looped red ribbon and the theme, “Love Yourself. Be Drug Free.” Schools may decorate any part of their campus. Take a photo with your decoration and upload it to RedRibbon.org/content from Oct. 1 – Nov. 4. You must be 18 years or older to upload the photo and can do so from any desktop or mobile device. Ask family and friends to vote for your entry beginning Nov 5. Eleven winners will be announced Dec 5. 605-884-3524 Teresa Kaasa teresak@humanserviceagency.org 605-884-3530 http://www.trafficsafetymarketing.gov/Halloween Free Online Event: Bullying Prevention in the Classroom October 28, 2014 − Webinars All Afternoon Long The Lowdown on Bullying: Understand and Identify Bullying Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 @ 1:00 PM EDT Prevent or Defuse Bullying: Strategies for Reining in Bullying Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 @ 2:00 PM EDT Bullying in Digital Places: Understanding Generation Mobile Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 @ 3:00 PM EDT Cyber Bullying: Essential Elements of Prevention Tuesday, October 28, 2014 @ 4:00 PM EDT Many adults often fail to understand the impact bullying has on a child's life. In this free online event, explore tactics for recognizing and identifying instances of bullying, and learn effective strategies to prevent and rein in bullying. You'll Learn How To... • Clearly define the types of bullying and cyber bullying • Identify the three most common forms of bullying • Implement effective strategies for bullying prevention http://community.simplek12.com/tlc/isafe/#top Internet Safety and Cyberbullying: Keeping Kids Safe October 30th, 2-3 p.m. EST This is the first webinar in a two-part series hosted by the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, this webinar series is a collaborative effort by DOJ, the U.S. Departments of Education and Agriculture, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program (ICAC). This webinar focuses on internet safety and cyberbullying. The FTC will delve into the principles of good digital citizenship, internet safety on the go, and aspects of socializing online. The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force will then explore apps that prey on children, share recent criminal cases, educate audience members about tools to keep children safe online, and highlight the consequences of cyberbullying. A question and answer session will follow each presenter. th The second webinar will be held on November 20 and feature expert insights from the FBI and the ICAC Task Force on sextortion and sexting. Please stay tuned for more information about this webinar in the weeks to come. Learn more and register today. Upcoming Training and Events October 28-29 – LifeSkills Training – Sioux Falls – Contact Michelle at m.majeres@voa-dakotas.org or 444-6342 Nov 5-6 – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training – Chamberlain – Contact Kayla at 884-3524 or kaylap@humanserviceagency.org Nov 7 – Question, Persuade, Refer, Treat (QPRT) – Sioux Falls – Contact Lori at 274-1406 or lori@helplinecenter.org Nov 12 – Improv – Sioux Falls – Contact Michelle at m.majeres@voa-dakotas.org or 444-6342 Nov 14-15 – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training – Brookings – Contact Lori at 274-1406 or lori@helplinecenter.org Nov 17 – Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) – Chamberlain – Contact Michelle at m.majeres@voa-dakotas.org or 444-6342 Nov 26 – Sudden & Traumatic Loss: What Every Caregiver and First Responder Needs to Know – Rapid City – Contact Stephanie at 348-6692 or frontporch@midconetwork.com March 26-27 – Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Conference – Rapid City – Contact 3421593 or vackerman@youthandfamilyservices.org March 27-28 – Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Conference – Watertown – Contact 8843524 or kaylap@humanserviceagency.org April 21-23 – Native American Curriculum for State Accredited, Non-Tribal Mental Health & Substance Abuse Programs in SD – Sioux Falls – Contact 319-335-5564 or jacki-bock@uiowa.edu May 12-14 – Native American Curriculum for State Accredited, Non-Tribal Mental Health & Substance Abuse Programs in SD – Rapid City – Contact 319-335-5564 or jacki-bock@uiowa.edu MADD Tie One on for Safety Campaign – www.madd.org Great American Smoke-Out (3rd Thursday of Nov.) – www.cancer.org National Family Week – www.nationalfamilyweek.org National Drug Facts Week – www.drugfactsweek.drugabuse.gov Highway Safety Program Mission Statement: Partner with prevention advocates to provide education and assistance to reduce the number of traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities occurring on SD roadways. Office of Highway Safety Campaigns TEEN DRIVER SAFETY WEEK OCTOBER 20-24 SCHOOL BUS WEEK OCTOBER 25 MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY OCTOBER 31 HALLOWEEN – “DON’T DRINK & DRIVE” NOVEMBER 17-23 TEENS DON’T TEXT & DRIVE WEEK OCTOBER 19-25 Regional Contacts East River Eric Majeres Sioux Falls 605.444.6301 e.majeres@voa-dakotas.org West River Diane Thaler Rapid City 605.341.8336 dthaler@voanr.org Distracted Driving is a dangerous epidemic on America’s roadways. In 2012 alone, 3,328 were killed in distracted driving crashes. The U.S. Department of Transportation is leading the effort to stop texting & cell phone use behind the wheel. Distraction.gov is your resource for learning more about distracted driving. Get the facts, get involved, & help us keep America’s roadways safe. www.nhtsa.gov www.safercar.gov www.distraction.gov www.chuggington.com/safety South Dakota Suicide Prevention Resources Statewide Website sdsuicideprevention.org Statewide Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 Answered by the Helpline Center For Additional Information Contact: Lori Montis 605-274-1406 Lori@helplinecenter.org The Relationship between Bullying and Suicide The Relationship between Bullying and Suicide: What We Know and What It Means for Schools is a new publication from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Bullying and Suicide will be the focus of a webinar on October 27, 2014 (1:30-3 p.m. ET). This free publication summarizes key research findings, outlines steps school personnel can take, and provides sources of more information on ways to reduce bullying and prevent suicide. The webinar will help participants understand the relationship between bullying and suicide - including how different groups are affected - and identify strategies to improve the ability of schools to prevent and respond to bullying and suicide. South Dakota Tobacco Control Program Regional Contacts Western and Central Regions Joan Lindstrom 605-394-5120 jlindstrom@tie.net Southeast Region Sarah Quail 605-444-6341 The 2015-2020 South Dakota Tobacco Control State Plan is now available! View the plan online: http://doh.sd.gov/prevention/tobacco/ Poisoning Cases Related to E-Cigarettes Keep Spiraling Upward Incidents have increased tenfold since 2011, data shows Across the United States, poison control centers continue to report soaring numbers of accidental poisonings related to the nicotine liquid used in electronic cigarettes. The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) reports that, through August 31, there have been 2,724 calls so far this year involving exposures to e-cigarette devices and liquid nicotine. That is up from 1,542 in 2013, 460 in 2012 and 271 in 2011. Read the full report at the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids website. s.quail@voa-dakotas.org Fifty years ago, the U.S. Surgeon General released the first report on smoking and health. Since then, there have been an estimated 20 million deaths due to smoking. This online memorial honors those 20 million people – spouses, mothers, fathers, children, sisters, brothers, friends, - who we have lost. Learn more at www.cdc.gov/20million. Northeast Region Roshal Rossman 605-884-3538 roshalf@humanserviceagency.org Teens Against Tobacco Use (TATU) Trainings For more information, or to register for one of the trainings, please contact Ashley Heyne at ashley.heyne@state.sd.us, or 626-2229. The following dates still have spots open this fall: o o o October 30 in Sioux Falls November 12 in Fort Pierre November 19 in Mission Trainings are held from 9am–3pm unless otherwise noted on the registration form.
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