THE FINNISH VETERINARY JOURNAL Suomen Eläinlääkärilehti – Finsk Veterinärtidskrift MEDIA INFORMATION Updated September 1, 2015 Publisher The Finnish Veterinary Association (registered organisation) Suomen Eläinlääkäriliitto ry − Finlands Veterinärförbund rf Website, choose in English Address Aleksis Kiven katu 52−54, FIN-00510 Helsinki, Finland Managing Editor Anna Parkkari phone: +358 9 7745 4817, fax: +358 9 7745 4818 email: Editor Kirsi Sario, phone +358 50911 9117, email: Advertising Tiina Karenius, phone: +358 9 7745 4814, fax: + 358 9 7745 4818 email: Job advertisements Anneli Itäluoma-Alanen phone: +358 9 7745 4813, email: Circulation Edition 2 750 copies Technical data Format of Journal A 4 (210 x 297 mm) Print surface 170 x 245 mm Number/ width of columns 3 off 50 mm Screen width 60 lines Printing method sheet-fed offset Paper quality 80 g/m² matt Binding stapling Material requirement Freehand, Pagemaker, Quark, In Design, Corel, Illustrator, (cmyk) pdf Delivery of materials Printer ESA Print Oy, Porvoo Contact person Saija Sihvola puh. +358 207 70 3648, + 358 50 595 5979 Email ADVERTISING PRICES FROM Jan. 1st, 2015 Size Black&white Colour Full page Half page 1/3 page ¼ page 890 e 500 e 340 e 250 e 1 900 e 1 330 e 890 e 705 e The prices quoted apply to ready to print material. Graphic design done by the Journal costs 100 e/ hour and the Journal keeps the copyright to the finished material. Job advertisements notice: the width is 170 mm, height as you wish, price is 8.30 e/ mm in black&white and in colour 9.50 e/ mm. Supplement prices By agreement Colour separations By agreement Receiver of payments Suomen Eläinlääkäriliitto ry Cancellation of ads Up to the deadline free of charge, after that a fee of 20 % of the price of the ad will be charged. Claims Claims concerning the printed appearance of the advertisement must be submitted in writing within 7 days from the publication date of the journal. The publihser’s liability for errors is limited to the price of the advertisement. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE FOR 2015 Issue Reservations Deadline for advertisements Publishing date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17.12.14 5.2. 20.3. 30.4. 3.8. 1.9. 24.9. 26.10. 19.11. 17.12.14 5.2. 20.3. 30.4. 3.8. 1.9. 24.9. 26.10. 19.11. 30.1. 3.3. 21.4. 28.5. * 25.8. 24.9. 22.10. ** 19.11. 22.12. Annual Veterinary Congress will be held in Helsinki from 2nd to 4th December 2015. Inquiries about the exhibition in Annual Veterinary Congress and about the compendium: Fennovet, phone: +358 40 745 6457, e-mail: * Veterinary Congress pre-issue ** Veterinary Congress extra * Annual Veterinary Congress prewiev ** Annual Veterinary Congress extra 8.1.2014
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