The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church 7232 KY 56, Owensboro, KY 42301 Ph: 270-771-4436 Fax: 1-866-856-7191 Ÿ Rel. Ed. 270-771-4438 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 am Weekdays: Tuesday-Saturday 7:00 am Holy Day: Contact Parish Office PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Mark A. Buckner DRE: Debi Hopkins Office Manager: Patti J. Bartley THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME October 26, 2014 Increase our Faith (Luke 17:5) Holy God, We thank you for the gracious gift of faith. With the apostles before us, we ask that you open our hearts to the power of your Word and increase our faith that we may be bold followers and joyful witnesses to the message and mission of your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Bookkeeper: Sherleye Goff Youth Minister: Crissy Stevenson, Minister of Music: Jacob Hein PASTORAL COUNCIL Joey Smith Bryan Ebelhar, Mike Jones Brad Cecil and Sarah O’Bryan FINANCE COUNCIL Larry Elder; Kenny Knott; Rebecca Schwartz, Rita Wood ST. MARY MAGDALENE CEMETERY Contact the Parish Office- 771-4436 SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Contact Pastor for Instructions. Trunk or Treat Flashback 2010 Join in the fun, today, Sunday, Oct. 26th 4:00 PM for our Annual Trunk or Treat Event. WELCOME TO OUR PARISH If you are a visitor to St. Mary Magdalene, we want to welcome you. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 3:30pm; If you are new to the parish, please call the office at (771-4436) anytime by appointment. to register in the parish. MARRIAGES: Contact the pastor six months Office hours are: in advance to begin marriage preparation. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:30am to 2:30 pm. 2 The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 LITURGICAL MINISTERS for Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:30PM Grady Ebelhar Marcia Clouse Sandi Boswell Eucharistic Ministers Clark Payne Mary Ann Knott Patsy Hartz Danny & Sharon Ebelhar Kevin Schwartz Lincoln Ferguson Max Byrne Trendon Byrne Altar Servers Nick & Louis Szemethy Katelyn & Matthew Murphy Julie Ferguson Mark Payne Michelle Clancy Bryan & Benita Drury Sean Byrne Heath Byrne Lector Monday, Oct. 27th No Mass Tuesday, 7:00AM Oct. 28st Robert Hardy Wednesday, 7:00AM Oct. 29th Sue Riney Thursday, 7:00 AM Oct. 30th Herman Goetz Friday, 7:00 AM Oct. 31st Gary Riney Saturday, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM Nov. 1st Mary Ann Blandford Ira Hardy Sunday, 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Nov. 2nd Parishioners Vernon Mulligan READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Lk 6:12-16 Eph 2:19-22; Wednesday: Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:1-9; Thursday: Lk 13:31-35 Eph 6:10-20; Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Mt 5:1-12a Ushers/Greeters Phil Ebelhar Frankie Cecil Minister to the Sick: Kevin Schwartz the weekend of Nov. 2nd November Church Cleaners: Cathy Ebelhar, Rita Cecil, Patty Kaelin, Darlene Thomas, Sherri Pate, The Wathen Family, Amanda Clary, Anne Jones LOVE SHOWN IN ACTION Do you receive the word of God with joy as the Thessalonians did? Their faith showed in their actions. They became models for other believers. The first reading tells us to put our faith into action. This passage is part of a long list of ordinances God commanded the Israelites to observe. God will judge us by how we treat our neighbors. God will hear the cries of any whom we neglect or mistreat and will come to their defense. In today’s Gospel the Pharisees put the question of God’s law to Jesus. “Which commandment of the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:36) How could he possibly choose from all the detailed commandments the Jews observed? He was sure to offend somebody by his answer! Of course, Jesus went right to the heart of the matter. Love is the greatest commandment— love of God and love of neighbor. Everything else is based on this. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; NEW PARISHIONERS St. Mary Magdalene welcomes all newcomers to our Parish Family. We would be honored to have you as a member. Please fill out this section, cut out, and turn in or mail it to the Parish Office. We will send you papers for membership.. Name________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________ 3 The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Love your neighbor Reading I: Exodus 22:20-26 (social laws) Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 1:510 (a model for believers) Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 (the greatest commandment) October 26, 2014 October Calendar 25– Youth Group setting up for Trunk or Treat 9AM 26– PREP 9-10:20 AM 26– Trunk or Treat 4:00 PM 27– OCS Parent Meeting 6:00PM 28– Scripture Study 7:45-9:00 AM 28– Young Adult Ministry 6:30 PM 29– Confirmation Class 6:30– 8:00 PM 30– Finance Council Meeting 12:00 PM Key Passage: [Jesus] said to him “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39) We are in the works of planning a Young Adult Ministry Program here at St. Mary Magdalene. This ministry encompasses all of those ages 18 (graduated high school) through 39. We will be having our first gathering on Tuesday, October 28 at 6:30 PM. All that fit this age group are highly encouraged to attend and bring your ideas of what you think this ministry could offer you!! We will be finished by 8:00 PM. Can't wait to see you there!! Adult: In a practical sense, what is one thing that would change in your life if you loved your neighbor as yourself? SUICIDE SUPPORT GROUP A Suicide Support Group meets on the second Thursday of every month at the Sts. Joseph and Paul Youth House (located at 311 Bolivar Street) Child: Why is it hard sometimes to love your neighbor? How can you do a better job of following Jesus’ commandment? Saturday Mass Change at St. Stephen Cathedral: Beginning November 8th, the two (2) Saturday morning Masses will be merged into a 9:00am Mass. There will still be two hours to celebrate God's forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) every Saturday, but from 9:30 to 11:30am. Other churches in Daviess County which have a Saturday morning Mass are:, Immaculate at 7am, St. Mary Magdalene at 7am, Precious Blood at 8am and Carmel Home at 9:30am. Discover when to forgive, and when to put the problem in God’s hands. The Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand are offering a program, “Forgiving What We Cannot Forget,” on Saturday, November 8, at Kordes Center on the grounds of Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Indiana. Presented by Sister Jane Becker, OSB. Program runs from 9:30 a.m. Eastern time until 11:30 a.m. Cost is $30. Registration due November 5. For more information or to register, call 800-880-2777, or 812-367-1411, ext. 2915, or visit KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TURKEY SHOOT Every Sunday, November 2-November 23, shoots start at 1:00PMat Knights of Columbus grounds, 7912 Haynes Station Road, Whitesville, KY Don’t forget to turn you clocks back next Sunday, November 2nd 4 The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 WHAT: Trunk-or-Treat is a Halloween event where people gather and park their cars in a large parking lot. They open their trunks, or the backs of their vehicles, and decorate them. Then they pass out candy from their trunks. The event provides a safe family environment for trick-or-treaters. We will begin with a Chili Supper in the parish hall at 4:00 PM. Cost is a donation to cover cost of everything toward the event. WHO: We need adults with vehicles to decorate and hand out candy, and we need children to dress up and trick-or-treat!!! This is a great fellowship opportunity for ALL parishioner’s. TIMELINE: 4:00-4:30 Chili served in parish hall 4:30– Costume Judging OUTSIDE ages 0-3 4:40– Costume Judging ages 4-8 4:50– Costume Judging ages 8-12 5:00– All raffle tickets MUST be turned in before the drawing. Trunk or treating and activities begin 5:10– Costume Judging ages 13-17 5:20– Costume Judging ages 18 and up 5:45-Trunk Judging winner announced *****Raffle winners will be announced between 5:00 and 6:00 PM. WHERE: The designated area for the Trunk-or-Treating will be in the back parking lotbeside the parish hall. There will be a designated parking for those who do not wish to decorate their cars or hand out candy, but want to come for the fellowship. What Else? There will be a trunk decorating contest and costume contest for different age groups!!! Prizes will be given!!! Weather pending– we will have more activities and games going on outside for the kids: Art projects, Hayrides, and more!!! 5 The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Saturday, Nov. 1: Not only is this All Saints Day, but is the night we set our clocks BACK. Officially, that is Sunday, Nov 2, but if you wait too long, you will be an hour early for Mass, and miss out on an “extra” hour of snooze time. Nov. 2: All Souls Day-Weather permitting, the PREP classes take a “prayer walk” over to the parish cemetery. All are invited to join us, about 9:15, in front of church. This takes about 25 minutes, and all are invited to name their loved ones who have passed, as we do the Litany of the Saints. (The classes will each have a list prepared, and others in attendance are invited to participate). We will have to cancel if the weather is unfavorable. Parents: Don’t forget to send PREP students with jackets, etc., as appropriate. 1st Reconciliation & 1st Communion 2015 REMINDERS for all parish 2nd graders: Cendal Brown Addison Byrne Simon Ferguson Kylie Fitzgerald Catherine Gillim Reese Keller Kathyrn Riney Graci Stephen Noah Storm Logan Wood If you have a 2nd grader not on this list, who has not received these Sacraments, please contact the parish ASAP. On Sunday, Nov. 30, Debi will be available to meet with First Reconciliation parent/guardians between the Sunday Masses. Choice of 2 times: 9:00 a.m. or 9:45a.m. Meeting will last approx. 30 min. This eliminates the need for a night meeting. We will cover all info needed and provide resources for you to assist your child prepare to receive this Sacrament at home. Half of the children are in Catholic School, half are receiving preparation right now in PREP. Still, children will be asking YOU questions and need YOUR guidance and reassurance. Our short meeting will help YOU to be prepared and relaxed. At the parish, we partner together in this effort. If you are not available that Sunday, contact Debi for an alternate time. MARK YOUR CALENDAR… Sunday, October 26– Trunk or Treat: Youth be at the Parish Hall at 2:30 PM Sunday, November 2– Middle School Youth 5-6 PM High School Youth 6:30-8:30 PM Sunday, November 9– Youth Mass Practice 5:00-6:30 PM Fall Raffle: The youth are selling raffle tickets at each of the masses this weekend, October 25-26 for the fall raffle. THIS IS THE LAST OPPORTUNITY TO GET TICKETS!!! We have several gift certificates in the drawing, as well as a few gift baskets and other prizes. Over 35 items are being drawn. Tickets are $5 each and benefit the youth group. Please see one of our youth, or contact the office for a ticket. The drawing will take place at our Trunk or Treat Event! Sacrament of Confirmation Information: As part of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, each student is expected to do service. Part of living out the Christian faith, means having a lifestyle where we serve one another. We do NOT do service hours here at St. Mary Magdalene, but rather have opportunities for the youth to serve. The students are expected to be at the Mount St. Joseph Villa on November 9 and December 14 from 2:00-4:00 PM. These dates have been sent out previously, but we want to make sure everyone is making these dates a priority on their calendar. Trunk or Treat ALL YOUTH need to be at the Parish Hall at 2:30 PM on Sunday October 26 to get ready for Trunk or Treat. Come ready to work, have a good time, and plan on staying late to clean the hall up! 6 The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Community Outreach At the August Parish Council meeting, the possibility of a new program was discussed. Drawing on inspiration from other churches, a new ministry is envisioned that offers outreach to elderly and needy members of the community who struggle with home improvement and maintenance projects. This "Toolbox Ministry" would offer volunteers the opportunity to help the less fortunate through a donation of time and expertise. If you are a skilled tradesperson (plumber, electrician, carpenter, etc) or if you'd just like to donate some time doing home cleanup (gutters, windows, landscaping, etc.), there are many neighbors who could use your help. Recipients could be nominated anonymously for help, and then a contact person will organize the response effort. To make this happen, we need to hear from YOU! Please contact: Brad Cecil by email at or by phone at 270-929-1595. Let us know that you're interested in the program. If feasible, further announcements will follow. Thank you: The Parish Council Please pray for the repose of the soul of, June Ebelhar. We offer her children and families our deepest sympathy. May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sadly, one of the most difficult reforms of the Second Vatican Council for the Church to embrace has been one of the most thorough and beautiful: the sacrament of penance. Because it is individual and private, it has been difficult for the changes to take root. Sometimes a priest may be grounded in the earlier form, and at other times the penitent may resist the priest’s attempt to blend in the proper texts and rituals. Perhaps because the new form is almost identical in structure to the old, it has been difficult to insititute. It may also be true that with the liturgy in English now, it is far more clear that the Eucharist, too, is a “sacrament of reconciliation.” It is certainly true that there are different skills and gifts in ministry, and experienced penitents know that not all priests are equally at ease in this sacramental encounter. Sometimes a difficult experience can drive people away from a liturgy that is spiritually rich and rewarding. Yet we know that one bad meal seldom puts people off restaurants forever: the dinner gong tends to dispel bad memories, and so we try again. Individual confession and absolution is for us both treasure and tradition. If you haven’t been for a while, consider coming back to praise God for this gift of mercy. 7 The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Happy Birthday to You!! IN SPECIAL NEED OF PRAYER HOME BOUND/RETIREMENT HOMES: Bobby Collignon, Carolyn Knott, Jean McCarty, Michael O’Bryan, Pearl O'Bryan Remember in prayer, those sick in our Community: Michael Alvey, Toya Ashby, Bill Bratcher, Riley Carmen, Marion Cecil, Joe Bill Clark, Martha Clark, David Clouse, Pam Cox, Mary Alice Crowe, Maria Daughtery, Steve Dean, Caroline Elder, Jean Ferrel, Audrey Fogle, Samuel George, Jeff Green, Susan Riney Guernsey, Billy Johnson, Benjamin Halbig, Robert Haire, Jerry Harris, Lydia Haycraft, Frances Hayden, Joe Hayden, Pat Hayden, Bill Head, Marie Hester, George Hooper, Leslie Jackson, Martha Johnson, Bill Kamuf, Sarah Kamuf, Bill Knott, Mary Ann Kurz, Leiann Lashbrook, Joe Lewis, Bill Loudermilk, Joy Malone, Joy Medley Lyons, Dora McCarty, Joe Bill & Margie Merimee, Gary Miller, Diane Minton, Michael & Sue O’Bryan, Larry Oller, Jamie Potter, Gary Reynolds, Jason Roberts, Christian Ruiz, Melanie Russelburg, Mike Sevy, Cindy Smith, Norbert J. Smith, Sabrina Sparks, Gayle Strehl, Bernice Thomas, Alma Topper, Darryl Warren, Kevin Warren, Phil Warren,. *Please note: Names will remain on the list for one month. Prayers for our Military- As a parish family, we at St. Mary Magdalene pray for all the members of our parish. We especially pray for our parishioners and their relatives who are currently on active duty in the military. James Calhoun, Jessica Chase, Christine Kugele, Frank Murphy, Chad Norris, Jeff & Sarah Odell, Jonathan Tucker Parishioners celebrating Birthday’s this week 25– Claudia O’Bryan 26– Katelyn Combs; Julie Ebelhar; Reese Keller; Lorie Knott 27– Janet McMaster 28– Brad Stephen; Sedia Storm 29- Scott Burden; Jim Burns; Billy Payne; Laurie Payne; Susan Risse 30– Tom Settles 31– Karen Clouse; Crissy Stevenson November 01– Chris Kamuf 02– Amber Bryant; Kelly Thomas Happy Anniversary!! Parishioners celebrating Anniversaries this week 26– Jim & Kelly Goetz 40 Years! 26– Eric & Christina Dant 30– Larry & Ruth Oller If your birthday/anniversary is omitted from this list, or incorrectly dated, please call the parish office. Good Deeds: OFFERINGS: 10/19/2014 Weekly Actual $ 7,400.21 Weekly Budget $ 8,534.00 Year to Date Actual $ 114,154.24 Year to Date Budget $ 136,544.00 Building Fund Collection: CD Interest YTD (includes CD) $ 291.00 $ $ 65,273.23 Thank you for your sacrificial giving and generosity! St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery Please contact Patti, to purchase a cemetery plot. (270) 771-4436. INFORMATION SHEET (This page will be replaced by JSPaluch Production with your advt page) 8 The Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Church name & address: St. Mary Magdalene #583200 7232 KY 56 Owensboro, KY 42301 Contact person: Patti Bartley @ 270-771-4436 Software: Win 7, MSPub 2007, Adobe Acrobat XI Date of publication: (Sunday’s date) Transmission day & time: Tuesday 3 PM. Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 6 content pages + this page = 8 (8-4-JL; 1 advt) Special instructions for Production: FedEx shipping address: 7232 KY 56, Owensboro, KY 42301 Special instructions for delivery: if the parish office is closed, please leave in the back of church on table. FedEx tracking e-mail:
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