Administration PRESORT STD US POSTAGE PAID DATAMARK 318 Garvey Avenue Elsmere, KY 41018 City Administrator Alex Mattingly City Clerk Jessica Chaney Finance Officer/Treasurer Jessica Lucius Police Chief Tim Thames Public Works Director Chris Zerhusen City Attorney Tom Miller City Engineer Ray Erpenbeck From the Mayors Desk Mayor Marty Lenhof Elsmere Parks and Recreation - Fall & Winter Programs October 25, 2014 Halloween Party at Elsmere Senior Center: 3 - 5 p.m. Come dressed in your Halloween best and bring a carved pumpkin for the pumpkin contest. Prizes will be given for the scariest, weirdest, funniest and coolest carved pumpkins. We will also give prizes for the best costume by age 0 - 3, 4 - 8, 9 - 12 , teen and adult. Games and snacks will also be available. November 16, 2014 Jimmie’s Rollerdome Skating Party: 5 - 7 p.m. Join us for a great night of skating and help us collect food for needy area families at Thanksgiving. Each person needs to bring at least one item of non-perishable food to be admitted at no cost. Christmas Tree Ornament Contest: We are looking for ornaments that represent Elsmere to decorate the tree for the Christmas party. We are accepting ornaments from Oct. 1 - Nov. 21. The ornaments can be dropped of at the Elsmere City Building, 318 Garvey Ave. Prizes will be given for the best youth and best adult ornament. December 14, 2014 Christmas Party at Elsmere Senior Center: 2 - 4 p.m. Come join us for carriage rides, gifts from Santa and family pictures. You must register ahead of time for the Christmas party with the names and ages of your children, gifts will be given to children 0 - 12 yrs. old. We will have a professional photographer taking free family portraits so bring your best smile. The City will also have games and treats for all. To register call (859) 342-7911 or email Parks and Recreation Director Denise Donahue at January 18, 2015 Jimmie’s Rollerdome Skating Party: 5 - 7 p.m. Join us for a fun night of skating. ALL EVENTS FREE TO ELSMERE RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS! Over the past several months, you have likely seen the dividends of your tax dollars through the many street and sidewalk projects initiated by the City of Elsmere. We are working hard to ensure citizens have safe and aesthetically pleasing infrastructure. Some examples of completed or ongoing projects within the last year are the Park Ave. reconstruction, Maple Ave. reconstruction, Swan/Caldwell reconstruction, the Garvey Ave. resurfacing, the Turkeyfoot Acres sidewalk repair project, and the Dixie Highway curb and sidewalk repair project. Many other projects are in store in the coming months, including reconstructing Merravay Drive. I also continue to make code enforcement and nuisance abatement a priority. While some properties have been improved or cleaned up, there are others in Elsmere that need attention. As you will see elsewhere in the newsletter, Elsmere is partnering with Planning and Development Services of Kenton County (PDS) to supplement ELSMERE EXPRESS WWW.CITYOFELSMERE.COM - FALL/WINTER 2014 NEWSLETTER the efforts of the City’s existing part-time code enforcement officer. This was an efficient way to add more resources to fight blight, and avoid adding the cost of another employee. In addition, Elsmere is also looking at ways to ensure compliance with minimum rental housing standards within the city, which could be through a rental inspection ordinance (which several nearby cities have adopted). Elsmere is welcome. Please remember that I am at the City Building each business day, so please feel free to stop by to let me know your thoughts about the City or its operations. “Elsmere has twice been named one of the safest cities in Kentucky.” Effective September 2014, the City of Elsmere is partnering with Planning and Development Services of Kenton County or PDS (formerly known as NKAPC) to increase Elsmere’s code enforcement and nuisance abatement efforts. With little or no cost to the City, PDS staff will supplement the efforts of Elsmere’s existing part-time code enforcement officer. In the coming months, city code enforcement officials will be methodically going through the city to note violations of the city’s nuisance and property maintenance ordinances and take appropriate action. Also, I would like to highlight that Elsmere has been twice named one of the safest cities in Kentucky within the last four months. Safe Choice Security named Elsmere the 20th safest city in Kentucky in September, and the 43rd safest by in June - this is out of the 375+ cities in Kentucky. These rankings reflect the hard work of the Elsmere Police Department, which also became accredited by the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police in June 2013. I am also happy to report that City Council voted to not increase property tax rates for the coming year. Council members and myself work daily to ensure your tax dollars are used wisely and efficiently. However, we always strive to be better - any comment or suggestion about Sincerely, Mayor Marty Lenhof ************************** Elsmere Partners with PDS for Code Enforcement Please note that this is an effort to better address resident complaints about problem properties in Elsmere and shift to a more proactive enforcement model, and is not meant to be a nitpicky or overly aggressive arrangement. However, Elsmere residents are strongly encouraged to review the state of their property to ensure it is in compliance with the City Code of Mayor and City Council Mayor Marty Lenhof Councilwoman Joanne Barnett-Smith Councilwoman Nancy Bowman Councilman Billy Bradford Councilman Tim Greene Councilwoman Gloria Grubbs Councilwoman Mary Lou Neal Ordinances. Residents may view the Code of Ordinances online at As always, Elsmere appreciates citizen assistance identifying code enforcement violations, which should be reported directly to Elsmere Code Enforcement Officer Rich Aliff at or to the City Clerk’s Office at (859) 3427911, Ext. 3. Resident Quick Tips! Registered voters in Kentucky now can obtain information about their precinct location and legislative districts by using the State Board of Elections Voter Information Center: The City of Elsmere Property Tax Bills will be mailed to property owners at the end of October. Property Owners have the option to save 2% on real or personal property if paid by December 1, 2014. To avoid penalty and interest, property tax bills must be paid by 5:00 p.m. on December 31, 2014. Elsmere Dog and Cat Licenses expired on September 30. Please remember to renew your dog and cat tags. All cats and dogs in Elsmere, must be licensed by both the City of Elsmere and Kenton County. STREET WORK UPDATE Park Avenue - The Park Avenue reconstruction project is largely completed as of September 30. This reconstruction project consisted of major improvements to the storm drainage system and the installation of a new concrete pavement. Additionally, this project has been completed almost three months ahead of schedule. The City of Elsmere would like to give a special "thank you” to the residents on Park Avenue for their wonderful cooperation and patience during construction, which helped ensure the project was completed in a timely manner. Maple Avenue - The contract for the Maple Avenue reconstruction project (Caldwell Drive to Kenton Street), has been awarded to JPS Construction Co. This project consists of installing a new 25 foot wide concrete pavement with major improvements to the storm drainage system. Construction has started on this project and all construction is to be completed near the end of October. Galvin Avenue/Edwards Road - Galvin Avenue and Edwards Road (Garvey Avenue to Central Row), will be resurfaced with asphalt this fall. A contract has been awarded to Len Riegler Blacktop Co. This project is expected to be completed by the beginning of November. Merravay Drive - The reconstruction of Merravay Drive has been slightly delayed, and is now scheduled to begin in spring 2015 and be completed by the end of October 2015. This project will consist of installing a new 25 foot wide concrete pavement. Dixie Highway Curb and Sidewalk Repair - Major repairs are being made to the curbs and sidewalks along Dixie Highway from the Boone County Line to Garvey Avenue. This is a joint project between the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and the City of Elsmere. Deteriorating sections of the curbs, FALL / WINTER 2014 NEWSLETTER sidewalks and entrances will be removed and replaced. This project is scheduled to be completed by the end of October. Please remember that inclement weather can cause unforeseen delays and may require an extension of the project completion dates. Please use off street parking whenever available and do not park on primary routes. When snow plow drivers clear streets, their plows will push snow to the curb and into driveways. There is no way to clear the street without this inconvenience. Use extreme caution when following snowplow equipment and travel a minimum of 200 feet behind any snowplow. Limiting travel allows snowplow operators to clear roads more effectively. Thank you for your cooperation, if you have any questions feel free to call the City Building at (859) 342-7911 or email Public Works Director Chris Zerhusen at Pictured: Foreman Pat Donahue, Public Works Director Chris Zerhusen, Laborer Ryan Robertson at the 2014 Elsmere Police/ Fire/ Public Works Night. SNOW EMERGENCY INFORMATION With winter around the corner there are a few things residents need to know. A snow emergency can be declared by the City of Elsmere when deemed necessary to aid in the snow removal process. If a snow emergency is declared and you live on a snow emergency route street, then you will be required by law to move your vehicle. Parking on snow emergency routes during any snow emergency may put you at risk of receiving a parking citation or having your vehicle towed by the Elsmere Police Department. Parking shall be prohibited during snow emergencies on the following designated snow emergency routes: Autumn Road, Buckner Street - from Garvey Avenue to Main Street, Central Row, Feather Lane, Main Street, Lytle Avenue to Bluegrass Avenue, Ripple Creek Drive, East Covered Bridge Drive, Goodridge Drive, Manderlay Drive, Eastern Avenue, Pebble Creek Drive - from Garvey Avenue to Clovernook. All cul-de-sacs are included in snow emergencies. ELSMERE POLICE DEPARTMENT NEWS AND TIPS As we head into the fall and winter months remember to be aware of our children walking to and from school during the early morning hours which will be in near dark conditions. Obey speed limits and watch for children crossing streets. Take extra time to defrost windshields and clean ice from the glass and headlights of your vehicles to improve visibility. Be careful not to lock your keys in your car while defrosting and warming up your cars. The Elsmere Police Department does assist in unlocking vehicles at no cost to residents; however, priority calls could cause a delay in our response time. Please remember that if you need police assistance the most efficient way to request assistance is by dialing the dispatch center at (859) 727 - 2424 for non-emergency calls, or 9-1-1 for emergencies. If you wish to speak to an Elsmere Police Officer or need general information you can call the Elsmere Police office Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM, after these times please call dispatch and your call will be directed to the proper resource. Page 2 CITY WIDE LOAN PROGRAM Kentucky Police Academy on October 31. The City of Elsmere offers an income based City Wide Loan up to $6,000 to qualifying Elsmere residents. The City Wide Loan offers rehab assistance for exterior repairs, structural deficiencies and energy conservation improvements to private citizens who own and occupy their home and live within the corporate limits of the City of Elsmere. Recruit Officer Alexis Day is a Lloyd Memorial High School and Beckfield College graduate and most recently was employed as a Deputy Jailer at the Campbell County Detention Center. Recruit Day will graduate from the academy on December 5. Examples of improvements include but are not limited to: roof, chimney and flashing repairs and replacement, siding repairs and replacement, foundation repairs, retaining wall repairs/ replacement and window repairs/ replacement. In order for rehab assistance to be provided, the house on which the rehab repairs are to be undertaken must meet the Department of Housing and Urban Development program housing quality standards or the house must meet those standards as a result of the rehab assistance provided through the City Wide Loan. If any improvements and/or repairs require a building and/or zoning permit, it must be submitted prior to the review of the loan application. For additional information and loan terms, please visit the City Building, 318 Garvey Ave., or contact (859) 342-7911. Applications for this loan program are available in the “forms library” section of the Elsmere website: POLICE DEPARTMENT WELCOMES NEW OFFICERS The Elsmere Police Department would like to welcome the two newest members of the agency. Both new officers grew up in the community and attended local schools. Recruit Officer Zachary Ritchie is a graduate of Dixie Heights High School and served six years in the United States Army. Recruit Ritchie will graduate from the FALL / WINTER 2014 NEWSLETTER BUILDING INSPECTOR’S CORNER To keep you and your loved ones safe, please remember to change old smoke detectors and replace batteries each fall. It is also recommended that smoke detectors are in each bedroom, each hallway leading toward sleeping areas, and a detector on each level of the home. The average smoke detector loses sensitivity after about seven years and should be replaced. In addition, carbon monoxide detectors are now required in new construction and recommended for all existing homes. Please remember to obtain the required building and zoning permits from the City of Elsmere. A new building code went into effect in January 2014. All plans submitted for new construction and most remodeling projects must be in compliance with the new code changes. Please remember commencing construction without a permit or approval shall automatically cause the permit fee due to double. All contactors are required by law to show proof of workman's compensation insurance. -William Stith, Elsmere Building Inspector TANK BUS PILOT PROGRAM COMING SOON TO GARVEY AVENUE A TANK bus pilot program will be starting on January 1, 2015 on Garvey Avenue, from the Industrial Park to Dixie Highway. This is a great opportunity for our residents to take ad- vantage of using TANK bus service. For more information and details, please stay tuned to ERLANGER/ELSMERE SCHOOL NEWS U.S. NEWS ranks Lloyd among nations best high schools - U.S. News and World Report has named Lloyd Memorial High School in its 2014 list of Best High Schools in the country. Congratulations Lloyd! Researchers for U.S News began with a list of 31,242 public high schools across the nation. By the time they finished their analysis, they chose only 4,707 schools - or 27% - as the highestranking schools in the nation. Lloyd Memorial High School is on that list! The national publication awarded Lloyd a bronze medal. Lloyd is one of only four high schools in Boone, Campbell and Kenton counties to be recognized in the U.S. News and World Report 2014 rankings. Early Learning Center opens at Erlanger-Elsmere Schools - ErlangerElsmere Schools is pleased to announce that Children, Inc. has opened a new Early Learning Center to serve preschoolers. It is located on the campus of Lloyd Memorial High School. It provides a high quality program to serve pre-kindergarten children who are 3, 4 and 5 years old. To find out more information or to enroll your child, contact Rene Bricking at Children, Inc. at or call (859) 431-2075, or visit Want to keep up with news from Erlanger/Elsmere Schools? Visit to sign up for the school district newsletter, Engage, and link to the schools’ Facebook and Twitter news feeds. Page 3
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