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Trinity Lutheran Church
335 W. 1st St.
PO Box 37
Tea, SD 57064
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U.S. Postage
Tea, SD 57064
Permit #5
I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for
nothing. Galatians 2:21
You have heard me talk a great deal about God’s grace; about being saved by God’s grace
alone. I have frequently told you that in your baptisms God chose you, adopted you and in the waters of baptism you became God’s beloved child and God promised to love you forever. In confirmation class you learned that in baptism God forgives your sins, freed you from sin, death and the
devil and promises eternal salvation to all who believe. Notice who is active and who is passive in
the work of your salvation. God gives, you receive. God is active, you are passive. You are indeed saved by God’s grace alone! It is a pure gift. And this is problematic for some.
There are some who say, “Well pastor that cannot be right! There must be something I
must do to be saved! I must do good works, I must somehow prove that I am a person of faith,
there just has to be something for me to do to earn God’s favor.” And my
answer is no, there is nothing for you to do. Simply trust God’s promise
made to you in your baptism. This is difficult to accept in a society that
places a great deal of value on earning what you have. But God does not
operate under our society’s or any earthly society’s norms and values. So
then what must we do?
Dr. Gerhard O. Forde says it this way in his book “Justification by
Faith: A Matter of Death and Life”, “What shall I do to be saved? The
confessional answer is shocking: Nothing! Just be still; shut up and listen
for once in your life to what God the Almighty, creator and redeemer, is
What you talkin about
saying to his world and to you in the death and resurrection of his Son!
pastor?! There must be
something I have to do to Listen and believe!” Dr. Forde says that the gospel of Jesus Christ is neither conservative or liberal; it is radical! So radical that is makes many
be saved!
people who believe they must do something angry!
To be sure God’s grace is not a ticket to do as you please. Jesus did command you to love
God and love your neighbor as yourself. But the good works that you do flow out of the peace
that comes from knowing that you are loved unconditionally by God. They are done out of gratitude as a loving act of service to God and neighbor. No amount of good works can save you and
God does not want you to be doing good works to prove you believe. In fact God despises that
attitude! As the Apostle Paul so clearly states in Galatians, if salvation comes through the law, if it
depended upon you being good enough or doing enough good works, then Christ died for nothing.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, you are God’s beloved children saved by God’s grace alone
called to go into the world and love as God first loved you. To live your life as a joyful response
for the peace and freedom that God has given you as a pure gift.
Pastor Wayne
O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3
Over the summer there was a lot of caring conversations about our Sunday morning
schedule. During the listening sessions several persons mentioned changing to a two service
schedule. The Board of Worship and the Board of Education met and had conversations about
what they felt the best solution would be. They brought their proposal to the Church Council
who after careful conversation voted to implement the schedule we are using this fall. This
schedule places an emphasis upon families worshipping together. Rev.
Dr. David Anderson of Vibrant Faith Ministries tells us that a family worshipping together is more important than having a child go to Sunday
school. I know that this is a big change from what has been done in the
past but your pastoral leadership, the boards of worship and education and
the church council all agree with him. It is very important that you worship together as a family.
We all know there are challenges to worshipping as a family. Debbie and I raised two boys and
we lived through the years of crying babies and bored teenagers. Pastor Jess and I when we
plan worship will do our best to make worship as child friendly as we can. It is so wonderful to
see our young people involved in worship. It brings great joy to my heart to see families serving together on our Trinity Serving Teams. Parents,
your children are learning a great deal from that experience. You may not think so but just the act of bringing
them to worship and sitting together with them in the
pew is a teaching moment. They see their parents worshipping. They learn that this is important; that it is a
priority for you. They experience God coming down in
the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
It is great to have babies reaching out for the bread as
mom or dad carries them with them for the sacrament. When you get home talk with them
about the sacrament. Talk with them about the sermon, the lessons, the songs you sang and
they will learn about God, about what you believe and their belief will develop.
This does not happen if you don’t worship together. And of course, if your baby or toddler gets to be too much of a handful the Gathering space is set up with a speaker system so you
can listen and windows so you can watch as your child blows off some steam.
So let’s exult God’s name together and worship as families here at Trinity.
Pastor Wayne
Consecration Sunday Is Coming
November 16th, 2014
Congregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not
view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather,
such congregations see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually
in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a
percentage of their incomes.
Our congregation’s stewardship committee has selected the New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program as a way to teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year.
New Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver
to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church
to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay
dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as
an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?”
During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking our attendees and
members to make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary, benevolent,
and educational ministries in this community and around the world.
Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning worship on Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend who feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in such a
way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a
We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During morning worship our guest leader will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed
by members making their commitments as a confidential act of worship.
We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the Consecration Sunday team and governing board members. Since we will make no follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards,
we will make every effort to inform, inspire,
and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship.
Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic
participation in Consecration Sunday
Church Council Chairperson,
Marcia Hendrickson
Fall Highlights
Sunday, Oct. 5- Congregational Meeting
Immediately following 9:30am worship, the church will meet to elect the next set of church council
leaders for 2015. Mark your calendars as we all make important decisions for our church.
A dedication of Trinity’s 125th monument will follow the meeting.
Sunday, Oct. 12—Faith in Action will sponsor the Almost Sleepover from 7-9pm
Monday, Oct 13—The church office will be closed for the Columbus Day holiday.
Sunday, Oct. 19— “Take Stock in Our Youth” Phone Call Appeal
No matter what the market does, we can guarantee that when you invest in the faith formation of our
young people, you will see fantastic returns! Our young people will be calling each household for this
event asking you to support their faith formation experience.
Sunday, Oct. 19—5th Grade First Communion Milestone Classes Begin
Our 5th graders and their parents will gather together and receive instruction from the events surrounding the Last Supper. They will meet on Sunday, Oct. 19th and Nov. 2nd. They will also meet
on Saturday, Nov. 8th for a morning of active learning before the First Communion Sunday of celebration on Sunday, Nov. 9th.
Monday, Oct. 20—The Faith in Action group will have a fundraiser from 5-8pm at
the Tea Pizza Ranch.
Saturday, Oct. 25—AnnualTurkey supper 4-7pm
Three generations of the church working side-by-side to serve the hundreds of guests who come.
There is nothing better than scores of members working to welcome all who come. Sign up to help or
bring a pie!
Sunday, Oct. 26- Confirmation/Reformation Sunday
At the 9:30am service, the ninth grade confirmation class will receive our congratulations and blessings for affirming this important faith step in their lives.
Many thanks to Dick Gors, the 125th Committee, the Cemetery Board who generously paid for
the monument and for the volunteers who came to place the monument. It is a wonderful addition to our property and a testimony to our long standing tradition of proclaiming the good news
of Jesus Christ in the community of Tea and beyond.
We will hold a dedication ceremony after the Congregational Meeting on October 5th. We’ll
assemble around the monument, give God thanks for 125 years of ministry and ask God that
this congregation will continue to serve faithfully long into the future. We’ll have balloons to
release and cake and coffee inside. I look forward to seeing you there.
Pastor Wayne
Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at
home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Vibrant Faith Ministries tells us something that I think is quite obvious; if we want Christian children and youth we must have Christian adults. We need adults who know God’s word;
who know God’s story and are able to recite it to their children. We place great emphasis upon
providing a quality Sunday school program here at Trinity. Karla Gors and all of the volunteers
who step up to teach, lead music and all of the other things that need to be done in order to have a
Sunday school program do a great job at providing a quality Sunday school experience for our
young people. They learn about God’s love for them. They learn about Jesus in those classes but
parents, there is and even more powerful learning experience going on Sunday mornings and
throughout the week. Your children learn how important God is in your lives by observing you!
If you simply drop them off at the door and then leave for other places you are teaching
them that Sunday school really isn’t all that important. If the only hour of the week they hear anything about God or Jesus is at Sunday school you are actually teaching them that other things in
life are much more important than God and Jesus. There are two ways I can think of that you can
do on a Sunday morning that would send a powerful message to your children.
First of all worship with your children. Come to either the 8AM or 9:30AM service and
worship with your family. You may not think they are learning but they are. They learn first of all
by observing. They see you participating in worship and will begin to imitate you and grow in
their understanding of God coming to them in worship. The second thing is to go to Sunday
school yourself. Drop your children off at their Sunday school room and they see you headed off
to your Sunday school room as well. They learn that this is important to their parents. This is no
little thing.
Each week at 10:35 we will have at least one Adult Education offering. Right now we are
studying the book “What’s So Amazing About Grace” and all are welcome to attend whether you
have been there before or not. Drop in and check it out. Coffee and cookies are welcome. In the
future we will study books of the Bible or perhaps an issue in the church. The important thing is
that you as an adult study God’s word and then have caring conversations and devotions during the
week based upon what you have learned on Sunday mornings. Pastor Jess and I look forward to
seeing you in class!
Pastor Wayne
Going to the National Youth Gathering?
Headed to Youth Camp or Family Camp?
Want to save for a future faith forming experience?
Or would you like to help a youth raise money?
Purchase Scrip Grocery Cards on Sunday mornings at the
Welcome Desk. Use them regularly as you shop for groceries.
Earn 5% back on money you already spend. Money earned goes
directly into your Family Account, the account of anyone you
designate, or into our Youth and Family Scholarship Fund.
Youth Stock Phone Calls Sundays, Oct. 19th & Nov. 2nd!
Calling All Youth!
*7th-12th Grade*
Put Your Phone to Good Use!
We’re selling shares of “stock” in your youth ministry experience!
Stock Sales is a fabulous fundraising
opportunity for all 7th-12th graders.
It takes a lot of time, talent, and treasure to make things like lock-ins,
mission trips, milestones, Bible studies, camp trips, service projects,
Confirmation, and Wednesday Wings happen.
Buying Youth Stock is one chance for Trinity people to do just that.’s your job to get the word out.
What’s in it for you? By participating In a phone calling night, you will
earn money to help you go to camp, on a mission trip, or take part in
other youth events that have a participation fee.
Meet in the Trinity office at 5:30pm on Sundays Oct. 20 or Nov 2
Bring your cell phone if you are able!
Youth Stock Phone Calls Sundays, Oct. 19th & Nov. 2nd!
Support Our Youth Ministry—
Buy Youth Stock Shares
Again This Fall…
Take Stock in Our Youth!
No matter what the market does, we can
guarantee that when you invest in the faith
formation of our young people, you will see
fantastic returns! Our ministry with youth in
our congregation and community is a joint
venture—it is congregationally-owned. It
takes all of our time, talent, and treasures to
pass on the faith to the next generation.
This October, our young people will be
calling each household of our congregation
asking you to support their faith formation
experience by helping to fund events such as
the Summer Mission Trip, Wednesday Wings
youth group, small group Bible studies, lockins, service projects, milestones and more.
Shares of Youth Stock will sell for $15 each.
Please consider supporting our young people by purchasing
one or more shares.
Shareholders will receive an annual Newsletter telling the story of how your money
has helped to create faith forming experiences for our youth throughout the year.
Wednesday’s at 8:00 pm
Performance dates:
Saturday December 13th at 7:00 pm
Sunday December 14th at 10:30 am
It’s now a time where we come together as musicians to begin working through notes, rhythms, phrases, dynamics, and all
those simple components that become polished and molded into a gift fit only for a king! It is truly an amazing experience to
work with our choir each year. As individuals we may feel like we only contribute a small part but together we create incredible
things. “Come Messiah King” is filled with many different styles. You’ll find yourself musically shifting gears from a soft rock
ballad to classical Vivaldi to that smooth horn section of the 70’s and 80’s. All while it pulls every emotion of excitement, sorrow, joy, and love from all who listen. There really is something for everyone in this Cantata. We’ll be bringing talents from musicians all over the Sioux Empire to present this year’s Cantata “Come Messiah King”.
Program Notes
The story of the Incarnation is a divine example of promises made and promises kept. The prophecies concerning the coming
of Messiah were ancient, the span of centuries between the proclamations and the promise weighed heavily on the heart of
God’s people. The Phari­sees; the keepers of the Law kept the rituals alive. However, over time, the rituals of the law super­
seded the reality of the Lord. The land we call Holy had been held captive by the Ro-man legions for almost a century when
God moved to fulfill His covenant of a new King. This is where our story begins—this is where the prayer “Come, Messiah
King,” is answered.
Trinity Lutheran’s Annual Turkey Supper
& Old Fashioned Country Store
Saturday, October 25, 2014
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Adults $8.00, Ages 6-12 $4.00, Ages 5 and under free
Plans for the annual WELCA fundraiser are underway! The Turkey Supper
planning committee appreciates our congregation’s support of this much anticipated event! There are so many areas that you can volunteer to help
make for a successful event! Please look over the large signup sheet in the
gathering space or sign up on the church website. Volunteers are needed to
roast turkeys at home as well as help prepare and serve the meal here at the
church. Each family is asked to bring a dessert (pies are a favorite).
If you have any questions, please contact: Annette Geiken 940-3499 or
Lenae Smidt 201-2338.
Over 55 will be accepting donations for the country store such as homemade
bakes goods, canning, and crafts.
We will a Congregational Meeting following the 9:30 service on Sunday October
5th. The main agenda item will be the election of new Church Council members.
The Nominating Committee has met and sent out Letters of Call to several members
inviting them to prayerfully consider serving. We will also update you on the many
exciting things happening here at Trinity and update you on our financial position. I
look forward to seeing you there.
Pastor Wayne
“If we want Christian children and youth we need Christian Adults” Vibrant Faith Ministries. I would like to help people develop vibrant in home small group Bible studies. Anybody
can do this; you do not need to be a biblical scholar to study the Bible or host or lead a study. You simply need the desire to learn and
the motivation to get started. I would be happy to help you get a
group started. If you are interested in starting a small group study
simply call me on my cell, 214-6828, email me at or talk with me at church and I will help you
with materials for a study, give you tips on how to lead a study and
help you in any way I can. I invite you to dive in and discover the
depth of God’s love for you through the study of God’s word.
Pastor Wayne
Please join us in celebrating Calvin Schriever's 90th
birthday on Sunday October
5th, 2014 from 2pm - 4pm at
Trinity Lutheran Church of Tea.
In true German tradition, we
will be serving cookies and tea
as part of the luncheon.
If you can not attend, greetings
may be sent to him at 27430
471st Ave Harrisburg,
SD 57032.
Tim and Joelle Thies
Janelle Campbell
Brad and Pamela Haugen
Doug and Jackie Medema
Jim and Lenna Olsen
Joe and Nichole Swan
Keith and Brenda Polzin
Arnold and Suzanne Gleason
Brett and Nicole Lovro
Leslie and Justin Erickson
Larry and Sue Panning
Dustin and Megan Peterson
Andrew and Gretchen Aarbo
Kelly and Brandi Keehn
Harry and Judy Reshetar
Jeremy and Holly Persons
Jeff and Molly Olinger
Cody and Shalene Toupal
Gene and Sarah Kraus
Steve and Bettina Underberg
Pam and Scott Javers
Scott and Michele Crawford
Ryan and Jennifer Thompson
Rob and Erin Schramm
Brian and Carrie Corner
Eric and Kristi Stueven
Beau and Jean Ann Bryan
Brandon and Meagan Olson
Chad and Jody Hoffman
Roger and Laurie Parsons
Marty and Kadie Lund
David and Gina Coley
Troy and Nicole Barthel
Duane and Karla Gors
Tom and Amanda McKnelly
Russell and Brenda Crawford
Arlin and Joann Olson
Pete and Alesia Daggett
Jerome and Dianne Werness
Alvin and Carol Schroeder
Monte Bender 10/1
Sharon Nelson 10/2
Arthur (Corky) Miles 10/2
Karen Cordie
Dennis Bell
Owen Coyne
Crystal Bahnson 10/2
Caleb Christensen 10/2
Hope Bratland 10/3
Kayleen Graff
Kay Hoffman
Brandon Mose 10/3
Joshua Martinsen 10/3
Gale Dannen
Kathryn Underberg 10/3
Melody Rohrer 10/3
Thaiven Ekthanitphong 10/3
Nicholas Olson 10/3
Jack Gearman 10/3
Tena Fowlds
Caryn Spracklin 10/4
Elisa Hillman
Mallorie Heidinger10/5
Mavrick Stockwell 10/5
Andrew Tuohino 10/5
Pamela Haugen 10/6
Larry Panning 10/6
Paesyn Peterson 10/6
Kris Jones
Kathy Rippentrop 10/6
Jessica Nelson 10/6
Jonathan Prindiville 10/6
Marjorie Steele 10/7
Dale Geiken
Marty Lund
Brittley Minnaert 10/7
Amira Jacobson 10/7
Jennifer Larson 10/7
Caleb Kuhnert 10/7
Shannon Larsen 10/7
Milo Shawd
Calvin Schriever 10/8
Cailey Highum 10/8
Todd Persson 10/8
Carrie Quamen 10/9
Laurie Ihnen
John Herr
Kristi Eimers
Angela Curtis
Robert J Breider 10/10
Luke Elkins
Vic Ensz
Rhonda Roe
Mason Schlunsen10/10
Gordon Bergjord 10/11
Kyle Svanda
Hunter Otten
Alma Gors
Treyson Kuhnert 10/12
Stacy VanTol
Tatym Slykhuis 10/12
Megan Peterson 10/12
Brett Somsen
Lerma Ballman 10/12
John Curtis
Chad Ulvestad 10/13
Kim Beens
Nicholas Kuhnert 10/13
Emerson Smolik 10/13
Nickolaus Andrews10/13
Peggy Struck
Tylor Bear Heals Chapin 13
Torsten Haugen 10/14
Ron Seim
Blake Spah
Becky Olson
Becky Bowers 10/15
Kyleigh Besta
Nikki Wilken
Teri Schlunsen 10/15
Carla Ochsner 10/16
Kathy Otten
Lois Rhodes
Jacob DeYoung 10/16
William Payfer 10/17
Kenadie Martinsen10/17
Joe Swan
Kim Joffer
Duane Wachendorf 10/18
Michelle McGregor 10/18
Debra Svanda 10/18
Khristy Loe
Leo Dannen
Gunner Dubbelde 10/19
Lucas Larson
Cole Hansen
Kaden Graff
McKayla Poppens10/20
Garrett Wiebenga 10/20
Jessen Wiebenga10/20
Kaleb Joffer
Connie Christensen 10/21
Cole Albright
Jan Paulson
Chloe Christensen10/22
Jennifer Panning 10/23
Jill Smith
Rick Dannen
Wyatt Kleinschmit 10/23
Chari Eli
William (Bill) Crevier10/24
Holly Persons 10/24
Wyatt Lardy
Braden Dose
Barry Brown
James Tuohino 10/24
Patti Goehring 10/24
Josh Kranz
Sienna Mork
Dorothy Miles
Lee Daggett
Austin Lake
Dawson R Eimers 10/26
Paul Fritz
Douglas Vanderwerf 10/26
Connie Nelson 10/26
Ellie Persson
Trevor Hewitt
Barbara Schroder 10/27
Bryce Crawford 10/27
Russell Crawford 10/27
Jessica Robinson 10/27
Landan E J Bamsey 10/27
Eric Mette
Nathan Ochsner 10/27
James Anderson 10/27
Kennedy Bartels 10/27
Leah Howes
Harold Jacobson 10/28
Myah Stueven 10/28
Ethan Eli
Brandi Keehn
Jack Hilt
Lisa Peterson
Linda Nissen
Cierra Otten
Madison Baatz 10/29
Shirley Daggett 10/29
Ernest Otten
Kim Headrick
Skylar Gerdes 10/31
Amy Mosterd
Debbie Gallipo 10/31
Anniversaries of Baptism
Arp, Jillian M
Aymar, Amber
Aymar, Kayla
Baker, Colby
Blakey, George
Brandner, Andrea
Breider, Robert J
Burke, Noah
Carlson, Amanda
Chapin, Madison
Cooper, Josh
Cordie, Elizabeth
Cordie, Rebecca
Cordie, Cory
Coyne, Lynn
DeYoung, Richard
Dose, Jared
Dose, Gracie
Dose, Carter A
Fritz, Paul
Fritz, Eric
Fuller, Kandy
Garrow, Sherrlyn
Gerdes, Skylar
Gerdes, Hunter B
Gors, Richard
Graff, Kayleen
Graff, Kiera
Groeneveld, Paul
Haugen, Dennis
Headrick, Kim
Hillestad, Cameron
Hinman, Dane
Hornstra, Amy
Hurney, Michael
Ihlen, Amber
Irvine, Shelby
Jensen, Camille
Johnson, Everett
Johnson, Brax
Lardy, Wade
Larson, Ethan
Larson, Lucas
Lovro, Noa
Lund, Bennett
Martinsen, Masen
McConnell, Natalie
McIntyre, Vance
McKinney, Karlee
McKnelly, Grant
Mette, Summer
Minnaert, Brittley
Mork, Tony
Mose, Brandon
Mosterd, Aaron
Muller, Gerard
Otten, Hayden D
Persons, Jeremy
Peterson, Coleman
Peterson, Jodie
Pfeifer, Brianna
Poppens, David
Poppens, McKayla
Prindiville, Lisa
Reisenweber, Reyna
Roe, Rhonda
Roemen, Kamdyn
Saugstad, Emery
Schmidt, Katelyn
Schreurs, Lucas
Schroder, MaKayla
Seim, Ron
Stadtfeld, Piper
Stahl, Carson
Staton, Kristi
Sullenger, Kelsey
Swier, Tenley
Swier, Tate
Temme, Hannah
Temme, Mason
Vink, Talynn
Voelker, Emery
Voelker, Brady