Welcome to the City
Thank you
In Memory
Way to Go!
Baby Talk
IT Bits and Bytes
Flu Shots
CPRD Flash
Employee Service Awards
October 29, 2014
Employee Christmas Luncheon
December 18, 2014
The ACE-G.Town Promise Lessons from
Kalamazoo event on September 12 was an
incredible success.
From the nationally
known and inspiring guest speakers, to
Greeley’s own Spoken Word poets, to the
announcement of the G.Town Promise,
there was an incredible and infectious
energy in Greeley that day.
programs were announced that I believe will
help support all students in Greeley. Here’s
a quick summary.
College Promise - Provides financial
assistance to help make a post-secondary
degree a reality. G.Town Promise will work
with the College Promise scholarship
program at Aims College to raise additional
financial resources and provide increased
opportunities for Greeley and Evans high
school students to advance their higher
education objectives at Aims Community
College and other higher education
institutions in Colorado.
Young Leaders Discovery & Impact Summit Students who have already focused on a
Career Pathway will use inspirational and
practical sessions to help them refine their
goals and aspirations. At the same time, it
will introduce these concepts and attitudes
to other students who are just beginning
their journey.
Career Pathways - Provides youth who
attend Greeley-Evans District 6, charter, and
private schools with support in their career
pathway via direct contact with local
professionals for mentoring, job shadowing
and internship opportunities. Business tours,
Chamber of Commerce connections,
sponsor recruitment for clubs and activities
will support students who take advantage of
Career Pathways.
Busing Program - A new free ride program
for youth on Greeley Evans Transit (GET) fixed
routes will help students take advantage of
opportunities to enrich their lives and their
educational experiences as well as assist in
getting to and from school for the regular
school day when needed.
Early College High School - Students can
earn a high school diploma and two years
of college credit at the same time. There is
no cost to the student or their family. Up to
two years of transferable college credit can
be earned tuition free.
The intent of the event was to inspire and
inform and that was definitely accomplished
as over 850 people attended including
about 150 high school students. I’d like to
thank staff in CPRD, at GET and the many
others who helped make the event a
www.gtownpromise.com to learn more and
share this information with your friends and
family as we update and add to this new
Roy H. Otto, City Manager
Kim Burke
Assistant Ticket
Office Coordinator
Russell Dumesnil
Service Worker
Renee Martinez
Service Worker
Eric Mellinger
Jessica Goodness
PD/Animal Control
Robert Miller
Finance Budget
Randy Mitchell – Bellvue Water Treatment
Plant Superintendent
Randy has been working to get water into
our homes for a long time – over 30 years
to be precise. Randy began employment
as a seasonal employee in July of 1984
and in March of 1985 was hired as a
Maintenance Worker. In May of 1993
Randy was promoted to Plant Operator
and began the job of treating our superb water! Randy
obtained certification as an ‘A’ Operator working at the
Boyd Lake Plant. Randy moved to “higher ground” in 2004
when he transferred to the Bellvue Water Treatment Plant. In
July of this year Randy was promoted to Plant
Superintendent! Congratulations Randy – we know you will
do a ‘super’ job!
Juan (Tony) Pena - Maintenance Tech
Water Distribution
Tony Pena started with the City as a
seasonal laborer in 2010. He was hired as a
Facilities Service Worker in Culture Parks
and Recreation until his promotion to
Maintenance Technician for Water
Distribution. We are very proud to have
Tony at the City and congratulate him on
his accomplishments!
Michael Hayes
Police Officer
Elizabeth Pruitt
Police Officer
Susan Henderson
Sr. City Attorney
Eva Rojaz
CD/Staff Engineer
Lonnie Lorton
Jim Schneurle
WS/Raw Water
Operations Technician
Andrew Kabot – Water Plants
Technical Administrator
Andrew Kabot started working for
the City of Greeley’s Boyd Lake
Water Treatment Plant in
September of 2004 as a Plant A
Operator and transferred to the
Bellvue Water Treatment Plant in
March, 2008. In August of this year
Andrew began the duties of Technical
Administrator for the Water Treatment Plants. We
know you’ll do great things in this new role
Andrew! Keep up the good work!
Phyllis Tuff – Water Inventory
Phyllis Tuff has only been with
the City a short time but has
been putting her skills to good
use. In July of 2013 Phyllis was
hired as Administrative Specialist
for the Water and Sewer
Department. As of September 11, 2014 she will be
working in the Water Distribution Division as the
Inventory Coordinator. Good luck with that busy
crew Phyllis, and congratulations on your new role.
Steve Nelson has been a fixture in the
Greeley Police Department since 1978
where he worked as a patrol officer for 6.5
investigator. As the years flew by, Steve
was promoted to Sergeant in 1987,
working as a shift sergeant then an
administration sergeant. He supervised
the Community Services Unit, Crime
Prevention Unit, Training and Personnel, and Patrol Tactical
Unit and served as the Public Information Officer.
In 1996 Steve was promoted to Lieutenant and “worked
some great cases, one even made the Jay Leno and
David Letterman shows.” He and his staff were recognized
by head of DEA for their efforts on a case that netted over
11 million dollars in cash and property seizures. In 2008
Steve supervised a patrol unit for 5 years before finishing
his career in Investigations.
“I have loved it here, it’s been an honor to serve the
citizens of Greeley and the members of the best
department in the State of Colorado.”
We all wish Steve the best in his retirement.
football, usually
our first freeze, first snowfall, AND Open
Watch COGI for meetings
coming soon to a location near you.
IMPORTANT: The benefit enrollment process
will be automated this year and ALL
employees will be required to re-enroll for
2015 benefits – even those who do not wish to
make any changes.
You are encouraged to attend one of the
many open enrollment meetings that will be
offered to hear firsthand about upcoming
changes and learn about the online
enrollment process.
The moment of retirement for Conrad
Esparza has arrived. Conrad has
decided that he is going to retire from
the Equipment Maintenance
Department and move on to enjoy the
lighter side of things in life. Conrad was
a very dedicated employee and
enjoyed working with all of his coworkers.
He started in the Transit
Department as a night shift Mechanic
then moved over to the Equipment Maintenance Fleet
day shift. As mechanic, Conrad dealt with different types
of units/equipment from the small to the large. We thank
him for his dedication and hard work. He will be missed by
all of us. Thank you Conrad from The Team
April Longoria (Parks) would like
to send a big THANK YOU to
Gerri Gehring (Forestry) for
assisting with the cleanup at the
Municipal Court building. You
made this task a lot easier!!
Kevin Schofield and his crew would like to send a “thank you” to
Danny Pacheco and Billy Holguin (Streets) for helping remove the
overgrown plants behind the UCCC. We thank you and your great
skills running all the heavy equipment for us.
From Roy Otto and the City Manager’s Office
staff to Andy McRoberts, Pilar de Jesus, Nancy
Patrick Moore would like to thank
Milton, Jason Evenson, Neal Johnson, Bill Reeves
Arnie Hernandez and James Young
and the other staff in Culture, Parks, and
from Traffic, for painting the lines for
Recreation and to Will Jones, Samantha Kamps,
our driving practice course.
Pat Moore, Tom Barbour and the bus drivers at
GET -- a very BIG thank you for all your support for
the ACE - G.Town Promise Lessons from
Kalamazoo event held on September 12. If we
Thank you HR Rembrandts, Sharon McCabe,
missed saying “thanks” to someone, please know
Linda Cannon, Halle Smith, Tammy Thompson
that we appreciated everyone’s help and hard
and her grand-daughter for the Chalk-A-Lot
work. It was an awesome event!
A huge thank you to Nanci
Avery, for her incredible.
creative abilities. She took
my very rough idea and
Joe Kunovic and Eddie Trevino
created a work of art in a
extend a big thank you to Karen
matter of seconds. Please
Scopel, Joe Collins and the rest
see the Core Values on
of the Code Enforcement
page 3. ~Laurie, HR
Inspector staff for guiding us
through the W&S Department’s
first ever Administrative Hearing!
Thanks to Jeremy Lawrence, Steve Robben, Kevin
Orrison and Rubi Lara for all the help with solving
various computer problems at the WPCF.
John Kabot, a 33 year employee with
the City and a resident Operator A at
our Bellvue Water Treatment Plant,
died Sunday, August 24, 2014. John
was born June 25, 1956 in Germany
to Frank and Jane Kabot. John loved
the outdoors and was fascinated with
all facets of science. He was always
up for an adventure and willing to
drop what he was doing at a
moment's notice to help family, friends and his
community. He will be remembered for his many
hobbies (and he had a lot) – including an abundant
garden he loved to plant and tend outside his residence
at the Treatment Plant.
Bob Fouts, a Transit Bus Operator
of over 2 years, passed away on
August 24th, while doing what he
loved, riding his motorcycle. His
work ethic, contagious positive
attitude and willingness to help
anyone will forever be missed but
never forgotten by his family at
Transit and the riders he
In August, Greeley-Evans Transit had their annual Driver’s
Challenge Bus Roadeo. First place went to Janae
Meadows. Second place was Ruben Ramos. Third place
was Bob Fouts. GET will also be sending the top two
drivers, and fourth place finisher Wayne Jones to the RTD
State Roadeo on September 20th.
The GIS Division is excited to
new online
mapping platform, named
‘ORIGIN 3’. Within the new platform, we are able to
create mapping applications that are not only for the
desktop, but seamlessly move between your smart phone
and tablet.
A big portion of this rollout is the replacement of the
ORIGIN Property Information site, now titled ORIGIN 3
Property Facts. Update your links with the new URL; http://
Below are a few basic tips on how to use the new site;
L to R: Janae Meadows, Ruben Ramos, Bob Fouts, Wayne Jones
Steven Taylor has been with us since
May 22, 2014 as our new Service Writer
in the Equipment Maintenance
department. Please contact Steven
when you schedule maintenance and
repairs for your units. In the short time
Steven has been with us, he has
learned much in regard to your needs,
so don't hesitate to call (350-9376) with
any questions or concerns you may have, or stop by. He
is here Monday thru Friday, 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Congratulations to Tyler (Fire) and Amber Speck
on the birth of their daughter, Dierdre Raynalee
on August 27, 2014. She weighed 6 pounds 3
ounces and was19 inches long. Everyone is
doing great.
John (Police) and Megan McNerney welcomed
baby boy Cody Gabriel on August 27, 2014.
Cody weighted 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 20
inches long. He has 2 brothers, Wyatt and
Congratulations to Art (Traffic) Perez and Sarah
Perez-Reinick on the birth of their daughter
Carlena Kay. Carlena was born on September
18, 2014 weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces and 21
inches long.
 Read the home panel – This provides some
general direction on how to use the new
mapping site.
Search Bar:
 Use the ‘search’ bar in the upper right corner
to find addresses, owner names, parcel
numbers or account numbers
 Tip – If you are searching for say 919 7th St, just
type in 919 7th. This will provide you with the
best results and you can select the correct
match from the list.
Property Facts Access:
 Use your mouse arrow to click on any property
you want information on. You do not need to
activate any other tools.
 Click on the search result you want, the map
will zoom you to the property, then click on the
property to access the detailed information.
Other Layers:
 Use the ‘Layers’ button in the bottom left to
open up the panel that will allow you to turn
on other features such as historic aerial
imagery, utilities or contours.
You will begin to see more of the new ORIGIN 3 look as we
continue to roll out new online maps, so please visit the
www.greeleygov.com/gis page for the current releases.
Please feel free to contact the GIS Division with any
questions at 350-9300.
October 1
Bill Armstrong
Jamie Askvig
Ben Barco
Bruce Lamb
October 13
Steve Gregory
Susan Henderson
Jerry Pickett
Mark Ulrich
October 2
Jessica Arreguin
Dellys Starr
October 14
Wes Doney
October 4
Matt Reed
Cristina Stephens
October 5
Scott Cox
Tavis Kaberline
Tony Sander
Rochelle Sandoval
October 7
Michael Garrott
Pat Hill
Nick Kindsfater
Jim McLaughlin
October 8
William Abbot
Alex Cox
Jim Neergaard
October 9
Sue Anderson
Mike Savage
October 10
David Stoll
October 11
Andrea Haring
Steve Holman
Chris Morgan
Teri Waters
October 12
Joe Meilinger
Paul Shannon
October 15
Neda Ogan
Wes Scott
Adrian Yebra
October 16
Roxanna Caldwell
October 17
Ken Gillette
Greta Steinmetz
October 18
Dave Hedstrom
Dan Miller
Paul Tucker
October 19
Joan Derr
Jessica Diagana
Ruth Jones
Rudy Montanez
October 20
Caroline Blackburn
Linda Burnett
Louie Esquibel
Kevin Orrison
David Sgranfetto
Jerrae Swanson
October 21
Aaron Carmichael
Dick Quaco
Michael Wright
October 24
Susan Frame
Shiloh Hatcher
Luis Maldonado
Rafael Samaniego
Ted Trujillo
October 25
Tom Cesare
Mark Harrahill
Diana Ruiz
Denise Tenorio
October 26
Dale Blehm
Michele Larson
Seth Luedtke
Jon Tollefson
October 27
Sarah Vonfeldt
Mark Winter
October 28
Jon Baker
Jon Hergenreter
Denise Jaramillo
Nancy Lynch
Phil MacHendrie
October 29
Chris Colbert
Brett Radin
October 30
Charles Archibeque
October 31
Vicky Barr
Cory Hamburger
Tammy Hansen
Patrick Ness
John Thornhill
Rod Unrein
Kevin Maloney spotted his but Wendie
Whitehouse did not spot her employee number
in the September Connection. If you spot your
employee number, call HR.
NovaTime/Supervisor-201 Advanced Scheduling
Defensive Driving
NovaTime/Supervisor 301 Reporting
How Kanban Saved my Project
Supervisory Series-Communication Matters
Using Emotional Intelligence & Cultural Competency
The Power of Teamwork
Supervisory Series-Yes Conflict
Accounts Payable Refresher & Accounts Receivable Query
Excel Charts (Basic)
Reasonable Suspicion
Fall Learning Catalog
Lunch n Learn-Gluten=-free by Banner
Flu Shots (see schedule)
Flu Shots (see schedule)
MARK your calendars for our last AME Friday
Afternoon Club of the year. AME FAC will
take place at St. Michaels Tavern in Greeley
(located at 2918 67th Ave, Greeley, CO
80634) on November 14th. Come relax after work with
fellow AME members and enjoy one drink on us from
4pm-6:00pm. Please contact any AME board member
if you have questions.
SAVE THE DATES: (Board MeetingOctober 15, 2014 at 12pm – IG Admin Office
Membership MeetingOctober 24th, 2014 @ 12p – Senior Center Dining
2015 Elections (Open to AME members only)
Questions about your employment?
City of Greeley
Human Resources
1000 10th Street
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone 970.350.9710
Email HR@greeleygov.com
The City of Greeley
Wellness Program
2014 Flu Sho Clinics
Select a convenient location listed below
October 14
October 15
October 16
Time: 7am - 9 am
Time: 10am - 12 pm
Time: 7am - 9 am
Location: Family FunPlex
Location: City Hall Training Room
Location: 4-H Building @ Island Grove
October 21
October 22
October 23
Time: 2pm - 4 pm
Time: 11am - 1 pm
Time: 4pm - 6 pm
Location: City Hall Training Room
Location: Police Dept – Donahue Rm
Location: Family FunPlex
Flu shots will be administered by the City of Greeley Firefighters
Registration: No registration required for flu clinics
Cost: FREE Flu Shots to benefit-eligible employees, spouses and dependents.
(You or your dependents do not have to be on the health plan)
 Flu shots will not be provided to persons under the age of 4. It is recommended that flu shots for
children under the age of 4 be obtained through the child’s personal health care provider.
 For person’s age 4 to 17 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must be present and will be required to
sign a written consent before a flu shot can be given.
A fun mix of events that bring excitement and learning to you!
Senior Health & Job Fair
Friday, October 3 • 7-11am
The 16th Annual 50+ Health Fair and Employee Job Fair will be
held at Island Grove Regional Park Exhibition Building.
Call 350.9437 for details. Free, fee for Blood Draw TBD.
Island Grove Exhibition Building • 501 N. 14th Ave
Cosmic Costume Skate
Saturday, November 1 • 7:15-8:45pm
Want another chance to wear your Halloween costume?
Come dressed up and receive free skate rental. There will be a
costume contest from 7:45-8pm, so be creative to win a prize!
Admission $5, $1 age 4 & under, $2 Skate Rental (free with costume).
900 8th Ave • 970.350.9402 • greeleyicehaus.com
Saturday, October 4 & October 18, 11am to 4pm
Centennial Village
Saturday & Sunday, October 25 & 26, 4 to 8pm
970.350.9220 • greeleymuseums.com
Wynonna & The Big Noise
Thursday, October 2 • 7pm
The Capitol Steps
Friday, October 3 • 7:30pm
Bill Engvall
Thursday, October 16 • 7pm
701 10th Ave. • 970.356.5000 • ucstars.com
Culture, Parks, and Recreation Department
Dedicated to providing opportunities to participate in activities
that enrich and enhance the quality of life through recreation,
culture, history and youth enrichment.