Welcome, Thank you for taking the time to visit Happy Sober Yogi. I am so excited to share the healing and transformational aspects of yoga with you. My goal is to help people in recovery from addiction experience the freedom and peace of mind offered by yoga and meditation. By connecting the mind, body and spirit using breath and movement, individuals are given a powerful relapse prevention tool. Yoga has been integral to my own recovery. Now it is my privilege to share it with others. I look forward to meeting you soon! Best Regards, Natalie Addictive behaviors separate and disconnect us from ourselves, our loved ones and our environment. Yoga itself means union, integration, balance. In the addiction recovery realm, yoga is an adjunct tool to address the physical, mental and spiritual disease of addiction using breath, movement and mindfulness. Yoga offers us the means to develop the physical energy, mental clarity, emotional stability and determination to respond to life’s circumstances. Yoga is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be especially difficult in early recovery. By becoming aware of the mind-body connection, one can feel the relapse pattern happening inside physically and emotionally. This awareness gives people an invaluable opportunity to notice and pause - an opportunity to rely upon recovery program tools, rather than relapsing on drugs or alcohol. Natalie Hyman founded Happy Sober Yogi to help people find hope, experience peace of mind, and rediscover joy while living through challenging times. The ancient practices of yoga and meditation are accessible, effective methods to empower individuals to embrace sobriety and stay in long-term recovery. Natalie trained in India with international yoga instructor Kia Miller to become a Radiant Body Yoga teacher (RYT 200). Natalie is also a certified leader for Y12SR (Yoga of 12Step Recovery), an innovative relapse prevention program founded by Nikki Myers. In May 2014, Natalie started the first Y12SR meeting in Colorado which is held on Saturday mornings at the Orchard Club South in Englewood. Natalie is a Harvard Law School graduate who left the legal profession to pursue her true calling. After fighting breast cancer in 2009, getting sober in 2011, and losing her mother to breast cancer in 2013, Natalie finally realized her destiny was to help others transform their lives by overcoming challenges with courage and grace. By sharing her truth with compassion and humor, Natalie inspires people to discover and live their truth. The Happy Sober Yogi signature workshop offers a fun and easy introduction to these life changing practices. Taught in a half-day format, suitable for all levels, amazing content! Yoga and Meditation Practice • One hour relaxing vinyasa yoga class • Learn basic yoga terminology and asana (poses) – with personal assistance and clear demonstrations • Introduction to meditation and pranayama – how to use breath and mantras to calm the body and mind Discussion and Q&A • What is Yoga? How can it help me? • Yoga Philosophy + The 12 Steps + Spiritual Principles • Each participant will receive written handouts with yoga sequence, meditation and breathing practices to try at home Recovery Communities & Resources Recovery Books Alcoholics Anonymous - www.aa.org Hazelden.org Y12SR.com tommyrosen.com (Recovery 2.0) xa-speakers.org (AA speakers) InTheRooms.com advocatesforrecovery.org youngpeopleinrecovery.org manyfaces1voice.org (Anonymous People) Spiritual Inspiration Mark Nepo - marknepo.com Eckhart Tolle - eckharttolletv.com Marianne Williamson - marianne.com Gary Zukav - seatofthesoul.com en*theos - entheos.com Spiritual Inspiration Yoga Classes Online YogaGlo - yogaglo.com GaiamTV - gaiamtv.com Meditation Chopra Center Meditation Resources - Link Isha Foundation Free Meditation - Link Alcoholics Anonymous (Big Book) Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (AA 12x12) Recovery 2.0, Move Beyond Addiction and Upgrade Your Life - Tommy Rosen A New Pair of Glasses - Chuck "C" Each Day a New Beginning - Karen Casey A Day at a Time - Hazelden Meditations Twenty-Four Hours a Day - Hazelden Meditations Drop the Rock, Removing Character Defects Hazelden (Bill P., Todd W., Sara S.) The Book of Awakening - Mark Nepo The Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav Illuminata, A Return to Prayer - Marianne Williamson A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle When Bad Things Happen to Good People - Harold Kushner When Things Fall Apart, Heart Advice for Difficult Times - Pema Chodron Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl Yoga Meditations from the Mat - Rolf Gates Yoga and the path of the Urban Mystic - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Sri Swami Darren Main Satchidananda
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