Subject: Invitation to participate in ACM-ICPC Asia Lahore Regional 2014 Dear Sir/Madam, ACM-ICPC, the Association of Computer Machinery – Inter Collegiate Programming Competition, Regional contest i.e. ACM-ICPC Lahore Regional 2014, is going to be held in Pakistan for the very first time at FAST-NU, Lahore. NUCES-ACM, the ACM student chapter at FAST-NU Lahore will organize this event. ACM-ICPC is a team-based, programming competition that fosters problem-solving, programming and teamwork skills amongst university students around the globe. The contest involves a network of dozens of universities hosting Regional competitions. Participation in Regionals has grown to thousands of the finest students in computing disciplines at almost 2,330 universities from over 91 countries in six continents. The winner team from each Regional contest advances to compete in the ACM-ICPC World Finals annually. We request your kind involvement, to encourage and facilitate participation of as many teams as possible. This will not only help improve the future generation of programmers in Pakistan but also help us find the best possible team in the region to perform well in the World Finals and make us all of us proud. Registration is already active and will remain open till November 6, 2014. First round will be conducted online on November 9, 2014. Top teams from the online round will be automatically registered for the onsite regional contest to be held on November 21 & 22, 2014 at FAST-NU, Lahore. Registration link and rules of Lahore Regional 2014 can be accessed from Regional’s official page If you have any query regarding the contest, do not hesitate to ask over email. Your participation and involvement is highly appreciated. Looking forward to a positive response. _________________________ _________________________ Dr. Khawaja M. Umar Suleman Regional Contest Director ACM-ICPC Lahore Regional 2014 +92 42 1111 28128 ext. 234 Syed Ammar Bukhari Chairperson NUCES-ACM Student Chapter
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