• AFDA Facts and Figures 5-8 Companies by Sector 9-14 Airbus Defence and Space 16 Atea Finland 17 Atlas Elektronik Finland 18 Boomeranger Boats 19 Cargotec20 Codenomicon21 Cojot22 Combinent23 Combitech24 Componenta Corporation 25 Conlog Group 26 Control Express Finland 27 DA-Design28 Datactica29 Defia30 Desigence31 DrawTech32 Efore33 Elektrobit Wireless 34 Environics35 Espotel36 Finnair Technical Services & Finnair Engine Services 37 Finnish Defence PowerSystems 38 Fitelnet39 Forcit40 Frestems41 Furuno Finland 42 FY-Composites43 Glenair44 HT Engineering / HT Laser 45 HT Holsters 46 InPlace Solutions 47 Insta DefSec 48 Insta ILS Oy 49 Jetico Inc. 50 Jet-Tekno51 Kenno Tech 52 Kiitokori – Group 53 Kongsberg Defence 54 AFDA 2015 Contents 3 AFDA 2015 • AFDA 2015 The Finnish defence, aerospace and security industry is represented by AFDA, the Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries. AFDA covers almost all the defence related industries in Finland with ca. 100 member companies. AFDA has close relations with the Finnish Ministry of Defence and Defence Forces. In Finland, a viable and competitive domestic defence industry is seen as a fundamental element of credible national defence. Maintaining and developing domestic integration and maintenance capacities, systems capability know-how and crisis repair expertise is considered essential for national defence. A major part of army, navy and air force maintenance has been outsourced to domestic companies, which act as close partners to the Defence Forces. With a few exceptions, most Finnish defence, aerospace and security companies are privately owned SMEs. Many of them operate mainly in other industrial sectors than defence, aerospace or security. Cumulative turnover within defence, aerospace and security was approximately 1,2 billion Euros in 2014. The amount of exports was ca. 48 %. Direct employment in 2014 was ca. 5500. The defence market in clearly the most important one, since it accounted for ca 55 % of the turnover of the AFDA membership. International markets and competitions are vital for Finnish companies. Products produced by AFDA member companies are well known all over the world and used in over 100 countries. Assisting member companies in their export activities and networking are amongst AFDA’s priorities. AFDA is a member in ASD, Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe. AFDA represents the Finnish defence industry in NIAG (NATO Industrial Advisory Group), in EDA and in Nordic Cooperation. AFDA is a part of The Federation of Finnish Technology Industries. • Laser Gas 55 Machinery56 Marine Alutech 57 Mastsystem Int’l trading as Cobham Mast Systems 58 Mavatech (Suomen Terästekniikka) 59 Mectalent60 Meyer Turku 61 Mikro-Pulssi62 Milcon63 Milectria64 Millog65 Mirasys66 Morehouse67 Nammo Lapua 68 Nammo Vihtavuori 69 Nokian Metallirakenne 70 Noptel71 Oricopa72 Patria 74-77 Polartherm78 Pöyry Finland 79 Raikka80 Rakkatec81 Rauma Marine Constructions 82 Robonic83 Rhode & Swartz Finland 84 Rolls-Royce85 Sako86 Sarco87 Savox Communications 88 Scantarp89 Silverskin Information Security 90 Sisu Axles 91 Sisu Defence 92 Specim, Spectral Imaging 93 State Security Network Group 94 Surma95 Systematic Finland 96 Temet97 T & G Sarkkinen 98 ThyssenKrupp Aerospace Finland 99 Vaisala100 Volvo Finland 101 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 102 4 5 Breakdown by Sector Change 2013 / 2014 % 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2011 2012 2013 Defence -27 % Aviation 0 % 2014 Security + 13 % Space -49 % The Finnish defence, aerospace and security industries focus on certain niche areas. Finland is the home for global market leaders in logistics, armored wheeled vehicles and turreted mortar systems. The industry know-how is also extended to dual-use products, various sensor solutions and C4. Security solutions and civilian applications are becoming increasingly important. The Finnish companies have great competences within cyber and information systems. The companies invest significantly in R&D, ca. 15% of turnover. AFDA members are acknowledged internationally for producing high-quality, premium products with long life-cycle performance. Exports and Domestic Sales Change 2013 / 2014 % 1500 1200 900 600 2011 2013 Export -19 % 2014 Total -16 % The Finnish climate sets specific requirements for defence technologies. Everything has to function at an arctic environment as well as in summer’s heat and autumn rainfalls. The companies have extensive expertise in the hot environments as well and are well prepared to meet the needs of international customers and crisis management operations. One of the competences of the Finnish companies is the ability to create premium products with long life-cycle performance as well as innovative and new methods of utilizing technology. • 2012 • AFDA 2015 Domestic -13 % AFDA 2015 300 6 7 Companies by Sector Air Action does speak louder than words. We deliver. AFDA Facts and Figures 2015 provides basic information about AFDA member companies and their products, services and expertise. AFDA office is at your service in matters concerning defence, aerospace and security industries in Finland. Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries, AFDA P.O. Box 10 FI -00131 Helsinki Finland Ms. Tuija Karanko Secretary General Tel. +358 40 559 8986 Fax +358 9 624 462 tuija.karanko(at)techind.fi Millog.................................... 65 Morehouse............................ 67 Noptel................................... 71 Oricopa................................. 72 Patria................................74-77 Polartherm............................ 78 Rohde & Schwarz Finland...... 84 Scantarp................................ 89 Systematic Finland................. 96 ThyssenKrupp Aerospace........... Finland.................................. 99 Vaisala................................. 100 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland............ 102 Ammunition and explosives AFDA 2015 • Nammo Lapua....................... 68 Nammo Vihtavuori................ 69 Patria................................74-77 Raikka................................... 80 Sako...................................... 86 Vaisala................................. 100 AFDA 2015 DrawTech.............................. 32 Finnish Defence Power- Systems............................ 38 Forcit..................................... 40 Kongsberg Defence............... 54 Morehouse............................ 67 • www.defenceindustries.fi Airbus Defence and Space..... 16 Cargotec............................... 20 Combinent........................... 23 Conlog Group ...................... 26 DA-Design............................. 28 Finnair Technical Services & Finnair Engine Services...... 37 Forcit .................................... 40 FY-Composites....................... 43 Insta DefSec.......................... 48 Jet-Tekno............................... 51 Kongsberg Defence............... 54 Laser Gas............................... 55 Machinery............................. 56 Mectalent.............................. 60 8 9 Land C4I Kongsberg Defence..............54 Milcon..................................63 Milectria...............................64 Mirasys.................................66 Oricopa.................................72 Patria.............................. 74-77 Pöyry Finland........................79 Rakkatec...............................81 Rohde & Schwarz Finland......84 Sarco....................................87 Savox Communications.........88 Specim, Spectral Imaging......93 State Security Networks Group..............................94 Systematic Finland................96 T & G Sarkkinen....................98 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland...........102 Cyber Mavatech (Suomen Terästekniikka).................59 Mectalent.............................60 Mikro-Pulssi..........................62 Milcon..................................63 Milectria...............................64 Millog...................................65 Morehouse...........................67 Nokian Metallirakenne..........70 Noptel..................................71 Oricopa.................................72 Patria.............................. 74-77 Polartherm............................78 Rakkatec...............................81 Rohde & Schwarz Finland......84 Savox Communications.........88 Scantarp...............................89 Sisu Axles..............................91 Sisu Defence.........................92 Systematic Oy Finland...........96 Vaisala................................100 Volvo Finland......................101 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland...........102 Jetico Inc...............................50 Patria.............................. 74-77 Rohde & Schwarz Finland......84 Silverskin Information Security............................90 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland...........102 • • AFDA 2015 Atea Finland.........................17 Codenomicon.......................21 Combinent...........................23 Combitech............................24 Finnish Defence PowerSystems............................38 Fitelnet.................................39 Insta DefSec..........................48 Cargotec...............................20 Cojot....................................22 Combinent...........................23 Componenta Corporation.....25 Conlog Group.......................26 Control Express Finland.........27 DA-Design............................28 DrawTech..............................32 Elektrobit Wireless................34 Environics.............................35 Finnish Defence PowerSystems............................38 Forcit....................................40 Frestems...............................41 FY-Composites......................43 Glenair..................................44 Insta DefSec..........................48 Jet-Tekno..............................51 Kenno Tech...........................52 Kiitokori................................53 Kongsberg Defence..............54 Machinery.............................56 Mastsystem Int’l Oy (Cobham).........................58 AFDA 2015 Airbus Defence and Space....16 Atlas Elektronik Finland.........18 Codenomicon.......................21 Cojot....................................22 Combinent...........................23 Combitech............................24 Conlog Group.......................26 Control Express Finland.........27 DA-Design............................28 Datactica..............................29 Efore.....................................33 Elektrobit Wireless................34 Espotel..................................36 Finnish Defence PowerSystems............................38 Fitelnet.................................39 Glenair..................................44 InPlace Solutions...................47 Insta DefSec..........................48 10 11 Atlas Elektronik Finland.........18 Boomeranger Boats..............19 Cargotec...............................20 Cojot....................................22 Combinent...........................23 Componenta Corporation.....25 Conlog Group.......................26 Control Express Finland.........27 DA-Design............................28 DrawTech..............................32 Environics.............................35 Finnish Defence PowerSystems............................38 Forcit....................................40 Furuno Finland......................42 FY-Composites......................43 Glenair..................................44 HT Engineering / HT Laser.....45 Insta DefSec..........................48 Jet-Tekno..............................51 Kongsberg Defence..............54 Machinery.............................56 Services Marine Alutech.....................57 Mectalent.............................60 Meyer Turku.........................61 Milectria...............................64 Millog...................................65 Morehouse...........................67 Noptel..................................71 Oricopa.................................72 Patria.............................. 74-77 Rauma Marine Constructions...................82 Rohde & Schwarz Finland......84 Rolls-Royce...........................85 Savox Communications.........88 Scantarp...............................89 Surma...................................95 Systematic Finland................96 Vaisala................................100 Volvo Finland......................101 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland...........102 Mirasys.................................66 Noptel..................................71 Patria.............................. 74-77 Pöyry Finland........................79 Sarco....................................87 Temet...................................97 • Airbus Defence and Space....16 Combinent...........................23 Datactica..............................32 Fitelnet.................................39 Frestems...............................41 FY-Composites......................43 HT Holsters...........................46 Mectalent.............................60 Milectria...............................64 Millog...................................65 Morehouse...........................67 Nokian Metallirakenne..........70 Oricopa.................................72 Patria.............................. 74-77 Polartherm............................78 Pöyry Finland........................79 Raikka...................................80 Rauma Marine Constructions...................82 Rohde & Schwarz Finland......84 Sarco....................................87 Scantarp...............................89 Silverskin Information Security............................90 Sisu Axles..............................91 Sisu Defence.........................92 Specim, Spectral Imaging......93 State Security Networks Group..............................94 Systematic Finland................96 Temet...................................97 T & G Sarkkinen....................98 ThyssenKrupp Aerospace Finland.............................99 Vaisala................................100 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland...........102 • AFDA 2015 Security Airbus Defence and Space....16 Atea Finland.........................17 Atlas Elektronik Finland.........18 Cargotec...............................20 Codenomicon.......................21 Combinent...........................23 Combitech............................24 Conlog Group.......................26 Control Express Finland.........27 Defia.....................................30 Desigence.............................31 DrawTech..............................32 Elektrobit Wireless................34 Espotel..................................36 Finnair Technical Services & Finnair Engine Services.....37 Finnish Defence PowerSystems............................38 Fitelnet.................................39 Frestems...............................41 FY-Composites......................43 HT Engineering / HT Laser.....45 InPlace Solutions...................47 Insta DefSec..........................48 Insta ILS................................49 Jet-Tekno..............................51 Laser Gas..............................55 Machinery.............................56 Mavatech (Suomen Terästekniikka).................59 AFDA 2015 Naval 12 13 Space DA-Design............................28 Glenair..................................44 Kongsberg Defence..............54 Mectalent.............................60 Patria.............................. 74-77 Rohde & Schwarz Finland......84 Vaisala................................100 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.......................102 UAS RPAS UAS RPAS • AFDA 2015 • AFDA 2015 Insta DefSec..........................48 Oricopa.................................72 Patria.............................. 74-77 Robonic................................83 Specim, Spectral Imaging......93 Vaisala................................100 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.......................102 14 15 Airbus Defence and Space Oy Atea Finland Oy Airbus Defence and Space provides and integrates TETRA, 112 Emergency Response Centre, Border Surveillance, Air Surveillance and Defence Systems. Business, Products and Services Airbus Defence and Space, division of Airbus Group, is a worldwide leader in security solutions and systems, providing lead system integration and value-added products and services to civil and military customers around the globe. Our portfolio ranges from air systems and land, naval and joint systems through intelligence and surveillance to cyber security and secure communications as well as satellite communication systems and services, missiles, services and support solutions. In Finland, Airbus has world leading competencies in TETRA secure communications, cyber security products and services and defence systems, such as, multi-sensor tracking and command & control systems. 16 Business, Products and Services Atea builds cutting-edge IT environments to its customers. Whether you are looking for help to build an optimal end user environment or transfer your data center to cloud, we have the solution. To enhance your business communications, take look at our unified communications solutions. Our offerings also cover technical expert services ranging from life-cycle management, to outsourcing and consulting services. We provide our customers with the most advanced IT e-commerce and procurement system, Atea eSHOP. UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Juha Sihvonen Owner Atea ASA (listed on Oslo Stock Exchange) Key Figures Revenue MEUR 179 (2013) Personnel 350 Contact Mr. Kalevi Halonen Tel. +358 40 648 4143 E-mail: kalevi.halonen(at)atea.fi www.atea.fi • • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Hans Holmberg Key Figures Net sales: € 150 million Personnel: 350 Exports: Over 90% of net sales Contact P.O. Box 168, Hiomotie 32 FI-00381 Helsinki, Finland P.O. Box 592, Mattilanniemi 6 FI-40101 Jyväskylä, Finland Tel. +358 10 4080 000 E-mail: finland(at)airbus.com www.airbusdefenceandspace.com Atea is the leading IT infrastructure provider in the Nordic and the Baltic countries. Our experts help our customers to create more productive and meaningful work environments. We adapt IT agilely to match the needs of organization’s operation in a constantly changing environment. 17 ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Finland Oy Boomeranger Boats Ltd. ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Finland Oy is an agile and capable provider of new, tailored Combat and Mission Management Systems for domestic and foreign customers and support services for Combat Management and MCM Systems. The company is also capable of providing Systems Integrator and Prime Contractor Services for larger projects. Boomeranger Boats Ltd. specializes in Rigid Inflatable Boats (RIB) of the highest quality. Designed and built for professionals by professionals, these boats are developed in Finland for use in the harshest marine environments and meet the demanding requirements of military and defence clients. The company was founded 1991. • 18 ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Finland Oy Hiomotie 32, FI-00380 Helsinki, Finland CEO Mr. Jaakko Savisaari Tel. +358 20 779 0180 Mobile +358 400 314 927 E-mail: jaakko.savisaari(at)atlas-elektronik.com www.atlas-elektronik.com UAS RPAS Contact P.O. Box 95 FI-07901 Loviisa, Finland Tel. + 358 19 515 805 Fax. + 358 19 515 825 E-mail: boomeranger(at)boomeranger.fi www.boomeranger.fi UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 AFDA 2015 Contact Business, Products and Services As our mission is to build the highest quality RIBs of the market, we pay a lot of attention on structure details and only best materials are used. Since 1991 over 250 RIBs have been delivered and all are still in active duty without transom or tube problems. The product range varies in size from 4 to 14 meters. There are special model variants of proven designs available for different purposes, but Boomeranger Boats still remain to be custom-made according to customer’s needs. The final layout and arrangements are always to be decided by the customer. Boomeranger has multibrand support for engines as normally our customers have established service logistics and hence the choice for engine is clear. We offer the customer the best options taking into consideration the role of the boat. Boomeranger Boats are widely used by Navies, Special Forces and other authorities around the world. • Business, Products and Services We provide Integrated Combat and Mission Systems to navies, coast guards and other operators of integrated systems with situational awareness, command functionalities and special functions like helicopter control, oil reconnaissance and recovery, maritime survey. We have extended our operations to larger projects as Prime Contractor. These projects include ship class mid-life-upgrades. We offer not only a technical solution, but also an operational one that meets the customer’s needs and requirements. We do have a very keen ear for customer requirements and wishes. 19 Codenomicon Oy Business, Products and Services Cargotec and its daughter brands offer following products and services: -- Hiab Loader Cranes, Hook lifts and Truck-Mounted Forklifts -- Kalmar Rough Terrain Container Handlers -- Bromma Port Security solutions -- MacGregor naval cargo handling equipment. • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Mika Vehviläinen Key Figures Net sales: € 3,3 billion Personnel: 10 500 Exports: € 1,1 billion Contact Porkkalankatu 5 FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 20 777 4000 Fax. +358 20 777 4036 E-mail: communications(at)cargotec.com www.cargotec.com 20 UAS RPAS Codenomicon delivers a nextgeneration suite of threat awareness and proactive security testing solutions that verify and fortify software security and robustness, working together to deliver strength and security at the Core. Business, Products and Services Defensics is a powerful testing platform that enables developers and asset owners to proactively discover and remediate unknown vulnerabilities in software and devices. AppCheck is an analysis platform that provides total visibility into the composition and risk posture of any software and device, empowering developers and asset owners to improve the security of their business-critical technology. AbuseSA provides governments, CERTs and cyber authorities with automated, aggregated and actionable threat intelligence to enable effective security response. Transform the overwhelming expanse of threat data into manageable reports and intelligence. Contact Codenomicon Oy Tutkijantie 4 E FI-90590 Oulu, Finland Tel. +358 424 7431 Fax +358 8 340 141 E-mail: info(at)codenomicon.com www.codenomicon.com UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Cargotec improves the efficiency of cargo flows on land and at sea - wherever cargo is on the move. Cargotec’s brands MacGregor, Kalmar and Hiab are recognised leaders in cargo and load handling solutions around the world. Cargotec’s global network is positioned close to customers and offers extensive services that ensure the continuous, reliable and sustainable performance of equipment. Cargotec’s class B shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki under symbol CGCBV. • Cargotec Oyj 21 COJOT Oy Combinent Oy Ab © PO2 Jason Johnson COJOT is specialized in the design, development and manufacture of mobile VHF/UHF/SHF wideband antennas. Business, Products and Services COJOT provides a broad range of sophisticated antenna solutions for today’s demanding radio frequency systems used for tactical communication, electronic warfare (EW) and spectrum monitoring applications. Our key products are centered around the 20 MHz to 6 000 MHz frequency range, covering antennas for the manpack, handheld and vehicle segment, including solutions for fixed installations such as on masts or shelters. In addition to our of-the-shelf products, we provide EM-Simulations of antenna radiation patterns for performance analysis and efficiency optimization as well as customization services. COJOT is a widely recognized and trusted source for supplying reliable wideband antennas for the defence industry, military contractors, public safety authorities and defence forces worldwide. Key Figures Contact Net sales: 2,0 M€ (2014) Exports: 84% (2014) Personnel: 10 P.O. Box 59, FI-02271 Espoo, Finland Tel. +358 9 452 2334 Fax +358 9 452 3696 E-mail: contact(at)cojot.com www.cojot.com Combinent designs and produces high quality slip rings and special equipment for industrial and defence purposes. Business, Products and Services Combinent produces a variety of defence equipment for domestic and international use. Combinent provides upgrading and service of all kind of equipment, including military slip rings. Combinent products include: -- Gun and Radar Slip Rings & lifecycle support -- Naval Gun Cabins -- Gun Gradle and Pedestal -- Offshore Winches -- Beltloaders and other special products. Managing Director Mr. Pasi Hämäläinen Owner Heatterm Oy Key Figures Net sales: € 2–4 million per year Personnel: 20 Exports: 20–40% Contact Kipinätie 3 FI-06150 Porvoo, Finland Tel. +358 207 311 330 Fax. +358 207 311 348 E-mail: combinent(at)combinent.com www.combinent.com 22 UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • • AFDA 2015 23 Combitech Oy Componenta Corporation Combitech is a Nordic technical consultancy with over 1400 employees in Sweden, Finland and Norway. Combitech is an independent company within the defence and security company Saab AB. We combine technical expertise with deep industry knowledge, an holistic view and a special focus on the environment and security. The result is customized, sustainable solutions for demanding customers operating both nationally and globally. Our customers are primarily in the defence and defence industry, as well as the industrial and public sectors. In January 2014, Saab Systems Oy changed its name to Combitech Oy. The Company has 60 employees in four offices located in Espoo, Tampere, Jyväskylä and Säkylä. Combitech Oy’s operations consist mainly of solution deliveries including expert and support services with customers in the defence sector as well as the security, cyber security and communications markets. Being part of a Nordic consultancy, means that our clients in Finland have access to our total range of competence and services in Combitech. 24 Managing Director Mr. Pekka Blomberg Owner Combitech AB Key Figures Sales: 7 M€ (2014) Personnel: 59 Contact Combitech Oy Metsänneidonkuja 8 FI-02130 Espoo Tel. +358 20 79 60 600 Email: pekka.blomberg(at)combitech.fi www.combitech.fi Managing Director Mr. Heikki Lehtonen Owner Stock exchange company, listed in the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Key Figures Net sales: € 452 million Personnel: 4,400 Export and foreign activities: 88% Contact Panuntie 4 FI-00610 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 10 403 00 Fax. +358 10 403 2832 E-mail: fi.sales(at)componenta.com www.componenta.com UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services Componenta supplies iron and aluminum cast components and solutions to vehicle manufacturers, for example of heavy trucks, passenger cars and military vehicles. Our customers also include manufactures of machines and equipment, including e.g. military industry, construction & mining, agricultural machinery and wind power plants. Componenta provides customers with engineering services, casting, machining, heat and surface treatment of components and logistic services. • • AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services: -- Command & Control Systems -- Intelligence & Electronic Warfare Systems -- Security Management Systems -- Secure Communication Solutions -- Cyber Security, Security Audits and Security Consultation -- Software Development and Systems Integration. Componenta is one of the largest cast component suppliers in Europe. With local presence in key markets we serve our customers by providing them solutions from engineering to components. 25 Conlog Group Control Express Finland Oy Conlog Group provides tactical and logistics containers/shelters for defence and security purposes. Moreover, our product range contains special vehicles for military or civil purposes. Our solid know-how covers the whole chain from the definition of the client’s needs to product development, design and manufacture to training, documentation and life-cycle support. Control Express Finland Oy is the largest designer and manufacturer of ruggedized military and industrial computers, computer displays and communications equipment in the Nordic countries. With its 20 years of experience CEF is a reliable business partner. CEF´s customers consist international industrial companies and defence companies as well as The Finnish Defence Forces. Business, Products and Services Conlog Group designs, develops and manufactures tactical and logistics containers/shelters for example for the following use: -- Radar stations, command, control and communication centers -- CBRN surveillance and decontamination units -- Medical and first aid facilities -- Field camps, kitchens, sanitary premises and maintenance units -- Containers for transport and storing of high explosives -- Special vehicles for military or civil purposes. Business, Products and Services We design, customize and manufacture high-quality technology products and services for demanding conditions to improve the business of our clients. We have recently launched a new family of IP65 class protected ruggedized displays for armored and special vehicles. With The led-backlighted buttons it is possible to e.g. choose the input signals from four different cameras. Managing Director Mr. Karl Lönngren Owner Privately owned Key Figures Net sales: € 13 million Personnel: 100 Contact P.O. Box 4 FI-57101 Savonlinna, Finland Visiting address: Laitaatsillantie 3, FI-57170 Savonlinna Tel. +358 10 4244 800 Fax +358 10 4244 880 E-mail: sales(at)cef.fi www.cef.fi Managing Director Mr. Jouko Koski Key Figures Net sales: ca € 10 million Personnel: ca 70 Exports: 10% Contact Ahmasjärventie 2–4 FI-91300 Ylikiiminki, Finland Tel. +358 207 699 100 Fax. +358 20 7699 111 E-mail: firstname.surname(at)conlog.fi www.conlog-group.fi 26 UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • • AFDA 2015 27 DA-Design Oy Datactica Ltd DA-Design is the smart partner for defence and space industry and authorities. Offering covers multi-use solutions for demanding environments from sea depths to space vacuum. The company is the trusted partner having the Facility Security Clearance - EU SECRET, and the National Security Auditing Criteria - KATAKRI II. 28 Managing Director Mr. Sami Kotiniemi Owner Privately owned Key Figures Net sales: € 8 million Personnel: 55 Exports: 40% Contact Keskuskatu 29 FI-31600 Jokioinen, Finland Tel. +358 29 0800 900 Fax. +358 29 0800 999 E-mail: kauko.helevirta(at)da-design.fi E-mail: info(at)da-design.fi www.da-design.fi tasks. “If it’s difficult, bring it to us!” Business, Products and Services Datactica is a software company specialized in producing tools for critical decision making, e.g. situation picture software for military surveillance. Our main business areas are defence and security and our main technologies are data fusion and data mining. Datactica’s Ground Situation Picture Engine (GSPE) is a tracking system for ground targets/objects. Data from several types of sensors can be combined in a novel fashion to produce a predictive situation picture. It utilizes background info like road and terrain passability maps in the estimation of targets’ routes and their reachable objectives. Datactical Files is a data mining tool for recognizing named entities from unstructured data, documents, internet pages, spreadsheets, etc. It is based on a universal language model in a way that makes it powerful in handling inflected languages, like Finnish. UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Timo Hänninen Key Figures Net sales: € 1–2 million Personnel: 10–15 Exports: 20% Contact Hermiankatu 1, FI-33720 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 10 3873780 Fax. +358 10 3873781 E-mail: info(at)datactica.fi www.datactica.fi • • AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services DA-Design’s supplies smart, high performance and reliable solutions for sea, air and land forces as well as space agencies. The solutions consist of systems, sub-systems and equipment. They can be smart R&T based projects or products. Our expertise is also to cost-effectively increase existing system’s performance by modernizing the system and its features with new technologies. The product offering covers EW suite testers, radar testers, electronic mine fuzes, radars, radar technics, antenna positioning, RF receivers and transmitters, observing sensors and safety critical solutions. DA-Design provides LCM services to supplied designs and products. Datactica Ltd is a small independent company that has specialized in sensor data fusion. Being “de facto” provider of tracking software in Finnish defense industry, Datactica is highly valued for its quality solutions in difficult 29 Defia Oy Desigence Ltd Oy • 30 Managing Director Mr. Tomi Lehmus Owner Privately Owned Key Figures Net sales: 1,7 M€ Personnel: 11 Exports: 30% Contact Automaatiotie 1 FI-90460 Oulunsalo, Finland Tel. +358 40 192 6364 E-mail: defia(at)defia.fi www.defia.fi Business, Products and Services Desigence delivers design solutions, which create better business and better user satisfaction – everything from light switches and medical X-ray machines to new mortar design and Finnish future soldier concept. Design specialists in human factors, psychology, business, engineering, design, and manufacturing provide full service consulting for product innovation and design. We have outstanding list of references and design awards. We work with leading medical companies is US and in Finland as well as with the major Finnish high-tech and defense companies. Over 22 years of experience with over 2000 successful R & D projects. Desigence Ltd is located in Helsinki, Turku, and in Switzerland. Managing Director Mr. Jorma Savolainen Owner Privately owned Contact Lemuntie 3-5 B, FI-00510 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 400 965 985 E-mail: kaarle.manty(at)desigence.com www.desigence.com UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services Defia is a privately owned production laboratory. Defia is specialized in small volume production and maintenance of high end technology products. -- Board assembly -- Box build -- Logistics -- Quality assurance The basis for Defia`s operations is the seamless co-operation with customers, and the company`s highly skilled personnel who take pride in their work. The personnel is highly educated and have a long and versatile work history, making them consummate professionals in the field. The equipment at Defia facilities are perfectly suited for the production, testing and maintenance of demanding small volume products and prototypes. The operations and facilities of Defia meet with official security standards defined by authorities. Desigence is a design innovation company. -- We are a refreshingly businessoriented product and service development company established in 1992 -- We are specialized to identify and to renew products -- We help companies define and design products which people and organizations desire to use -- Desigence is a ideal partner to identify and develop new business opportunities in Finland • © Puolustusvoimat Outsourced manufacturing and maintenance services. 31 DrawTech Oy Efore Oyj Drawtech Oy is specialized in manufacturing deep-drawn, pressed and machined metal parts, components and related services. Efore Group is an international company which develops and produces demanding power electronics products. The company has been established in 1975. Efore’s head office is based in Finland and its production units are located in China and Tunisia. Sales and marketing operations are located in Europe, United States and China. In the fiscal year ending in December 2013, consolidated net sales totaled EUR 82,5 million and the Group’s personnel averaged 836. The company’s share is quoted on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd. Efore acquired the entire share capital of the Italian based Roal Electronics S.p.A on July 10, 2013. Business, Products and Services Drawtech services include material sourcing, product designs, coating, welding, cutting and assembling. Our main product line is large caliber brass cases for marine gun systems and steel shells for handgrenades. DrawTech has a long track record with several projects of defence forces in various countries especially in the USA and Asia. Managing Director Mr. Heikki Savikko Owner Captium Group 66%, Nammo Group 34% Key Figures Net sales: € 3 million Over 80%, Mainly USA , Asia Contact Jaakolantie 7 FI-23500 Uusikaupunki, FINLAND Tel. +358 2 848 1400 Fax. +358 2 848 1420 E-mail: sales(at)drawtech.fi www.drawtech.fi Business, Products and Services: -- EMP/HPM Protected System Cabinets -- DC Backup power systems for vehicle and stationary usage -- Battery systems -- Rectifiers, Inverters, Converters -- Power supplies -- Power distribution units. 32 UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Heikki Viika Key Figures Net sales: 85,3 M€ (2014) Personnel: 940 Public listed company in Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Contact Efore Oyj Quartetto Business Park Linnoitustie 4B FI-02600 Espoo, Finland Tel. +358 9 478 466 Fax +358 9 4784 6500 E-mail: sales(at)efore.com www.efore.com • • AFDA 2015 33 Environics Oy Business, Products and Services -- EB Tactical Wireless IP Network (TAC WIN) – High-data-rate IP network for modern tactical communications -- EB Tactical LTE Access Point – Connectivity option providing wireless LTE access to EB TAC WIN network -- EB Tough VoIP product portfolio – Tactical IP-based communication products consisting of Voice over IP clients and network extension units -- EB Tough Mobile – Secure and strong LTE smartphone -- EB Wideband COMINT Sensor -- R&D services & system integration • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Hannu Huttunen Owner Publicly listed in OMX Helsinki Key Figures Net sales: EUR 53,0 million (2014) Personnel: 471 Exports: Majority of the revenue comes from international operations Contact Mr. Jari Sankala Tutkijantie 8 FI-90590 Oulu, Finland Tel. +358 40 344 2000 Fax +358 8 343 032 E-mail: jari.sankala(at)elektrobit.com www.elektrobit.com 34 UAS RPAS Environics is a global provider of CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) detection devices and integrated system solutions as well as industrial gas detection systems. Business, Products and Services Environics provides innovative solutions for the whole safeguarding society from civil defense and homeland security to the military and industry. Behind our comprehensive range of products and solution is a highly competent team of experts having years of experience in the implementation of demanding projects in the fields of CBRN and industry. Environics is strongly committed to meet its customer requirements and needs as well as to continue development of state-of-art technologies and innovative solutions for detection and analyzing constantly evolving CBRN threats and industrial requirements. All of our process including development and manufacturing are guided by a certified Quality Management Systems. Managing Director Ms. Kirsi Korhonen Owner Finntemet Key Figures Net sales: 9,1 M€ (2014) Personnel: 53 Export: Majority of revenue comes from international operations Contact Sammonkatu 12 P.O. Box 349 FI-50101 Mikkeli, Finland Tel. +358 20 143 0430 Fax +358 20 143 0440 E-mail: sales(at)environics.fi www.environics.fi UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Elektrobit provides products and solutions for Tactical Communications and Signals Intelligence. • Elektrobit Wireless 35 Business, Products and Services Providing professional research and development services and ODM products, Espotel applies and participates in the development of the latest technologies. We offer a full range of services in the design of embedded systems including electronics, RF, mechanics and both low-level embedded software and higher level software development. Our customers operate in wide range of industrial areas, measurement systems, telecommunications, wireless systems, portable systems, in-vehicle and military systems and medical products. Espotel has six offices in Finland - Espoo, Kuopio, Oulu, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Vaasa together with one in Wroclaw, Poland. Managing Director Mr. Kari Liuska Key Figures Net sales: € 26 million Personnel: 300 Contact sales(at)espotel.com Kappelitie 6 FI-02200 Espoo FINLAND www.espotel.com AFDA 2015 • Finnair Technical Services offers maintenance solutions and technical services which meet the highest standards. Business, Products and Services Finnair Technical Services is an EASA Part 145 approved large aircraft maintenance organisation with extensive aircraft, engine and component capabilities. Services include EASA Part M subcontracted continuous airworthiness management services. The company has approval reference FI.145.0001. The organisation has approvals also from the United States, Russian and Bermuda civil aviation safety authorities at the moment. The full technical support covers engineering, airframes and modifications, engines/APUs, components (inc. pool access), landing gears, line maintenance, technical training and 24h customer service for A320 family, A330/340, MD11, B757, E170/190 and ATR42/72 aircraft. The main markets are in Europe, Russia and CIS countries. Other important markets include the US, China and India. Managing Director Mr. Kimmo Soini, M. Sc. (Aeron. Eng.) Owner Finnair Plc Key Figures Net sales: € 224 million Personnel: 1600 Exports: 25% Contact Mr. Vesa Paukkeri, VP Sales and Marketing Tel. +358 40 746 1620 E-mail: vesa.paukkeri(at)finnair.com Mr. Mikko Koskentalo, Tel. +358 40 5860 955 E-mail: mikko.koskentalo(at)finnair.com www.finnair.com 36 Finnair Technical Services Ltd. & Finnair Engine Services Ltd. UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Founded in 1986, Espotel is Scandinavia’s leading provider of R&D services for embedded systems development. • Espotel Oy 37 Oy Finnish Defence PowerSystems Ab Fitelnet Oy Finnish Defence Power Systems is a proven local partner for integration and product life cycle management of defence and security products. We offer our services mainly to international defence companies Fitelnet provides products and services for security networks. Main focus is in protection against intentional electromagnetic interference. looking for a Finnish subcontractor. Business, Products and Services FDPS is specialised in integration and acceptance testing of: -- electronic, optical and mechanical defence systems -- computer and communication systems for defence -- point of contact for international companies and local operators -- modifications and modernisations -- subcontractor management -- training and technical support -- spare parts control and deliveries. Managing Director Mr. Tapani Hollmén Owner Telva PowerSystems 55%, RDE 30%, Finnish investor 15% Key Figures Personnel: 4 Exports: 100% Contact Mr. Viljo Hyvärinen Arentitie 3 FI-00410 Helsinki Tel. +358 (0) 207 939 363 E-mail: viljo.hyvarinen(at)fdps.fi www.telva.fi Business, Products and Services Protection against intentional electromagnetic interference includes EMP/HPM protected system cabinets and EMP/HPM filters for data lines. Fitelnet provides mobile TETRA base stations and consultation services in EMP/HPM protection and in TETRA technology. Installation platforms for communication systems as well as hybrid energy solutions. Managing Director Mr. Markku Valkealahti Owner Private Finnish Company Key Figures Net sales: € 2,8 million Personnel: 11 Contact Joukontie 42 A FI-01400 Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358 9 239 3400 Fax. +358 9 239 3500 E-mail: marketing(at)fitelnet.fi www.fitelnet.fi 38 UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • • AFDA 2015 39 Frestems Oy (Ltd) Business, Products and Services Forcit Defence is one of the forerunners in Insensitive Munitions technology today, manufacturing IM defence systems with its own Plastic Bonded Explosives (PBX) product family. Forcit Defence has over 30 years of IM-experience and Forcit was the first non-NATO nation company to receive MSIAC IM award. Forcit Defence acts as a prime contractor for defence forces and supplier for global OEM’s. Forcit Defence product areas: 1. Land Systems (Military engineering, infantry, special forces and EOD systems) 2. Underwater systems (Sea mines, Mine Disposal Charge, Depth charge). Owner Key Figures • AFDA 2015 Contact 40 Privately owned (100% Finnish) Net sales: 90 MEUR Personnel: 280 Forcitintie 37 FI-10900 Hanko, Finland Tel. +358 207 440 400 Fax +358 207 440 225 E-mail: sales.defence(at)forcit.fi www.forcit.fi Frestems is a specialist manufacturer of military evacuation equipment, producing military ambulance vehicle interiors, stretcher platform solutions and stretchers / litters. Frestems has wide experience in creating ambulance solutions for all types of military vehicles from soft to heavily armoured ambulances as well as for old and new vehicles. Business, Products and Services Frestems solutions are widely used in military ambulances and medical evacuation vehicles in battlefields and crisis areas around the world. Frestems is the preferred choice for military customers due to the quality, safety and functionality. The design of Frestems’ platforms and stretchers is unique. Telescopic platforms, automatic stretcher locking systems and lightened loading mechanisms allows for safe, rapid and patient / casualty-friendly evacuation. Managing Director Mr. Ari-Matti Vuorenoja Owner Privatedly owned company Key Figures Net sales: € ~2,5 million Personnel: ~20 Exports: average >50% Contact Ahertajankatu 16 FI-38250 Sastamala, Finland Tel. +358 3 5157 357 Fax. +358 3 5157 333 E-mail: frestems(at)frestems.fi www.frestems.fi UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Forcit is the largest manufacturer of explosives and Insensitive Munitions Systems (IM) in Nordic countries. Since 1893 Forcit has served quarries, mines and construction industry as well as defence forces and defence industry. Forcit Defence has a global customer presence and is represented in 14 countries. • OY FORCIT AB / Forcit Defence 41 Furuno Finland Oy FY-Composites Oy Furuno Finland Oy delivers efficient and reliable navigation and surveillance solutions for mariners and authorities – from engineering to life-cycle services. Business, Products and Services -- Furuno Finland Oy provides integrated bridge systems for naval vessels as turn-key delivery. Our expertise covers electrical and mechanical design with mock-up production, console production, installation and commissioning including FAT, HAT and SAT processes. In our project scope belong integrated navigation bridge system integration with C2- and other ship systems. Furuno Finland Oy has strong service and maintenance capability which guarantees high usability level and low life cycle cost. -- Furuno Finland Oy has own R&D department for developing efficient naval solutions including WECDIS. We deliver also in-house developed surveillance systems including radars, stabilized thermal cameras, oil and ice radars, integrated oil spill detection systems and system integration. 42 Business, Products and Services The company’s main products for ballistic protection are ballistic helmets, visors, shields, Rapid Armor® Shelter System and customized armouring solutions for cars, trucks and ships. Structural products are composite structures for navy applications and various industrial components. FY-Composites Oy has successfully realized long term close co-operation with the Finnish Defence Forces and is the main supplier for light weight composites products for the Finnish Navy and Army. We have also performed several deliveries and projects for foreign countries armies and police forces. UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Martin Hildebrand Owner Privatedly owned Key Figures Net sales: € 5 million Personnel: 20 Exports: 30% Contact Menotie 4 FI-33470 Ylöjärvi Tel. +358 10 239 7810 E-mail: contacts(at)fy-composites.com www.fy-composites.com • • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Arto Lindgren Manager, Sales & Mr. Tero Airissalo Marketing Contact Niittyrinne 7 FI-02270 Espoo, Finland Tel. +358 9 4355 670 Fax +358 9 4355 6710 E-mail: info(at)furuno.fi www.furuno.fi FY-Composites Oy is specialized in manufacturing of customized light weight composite products for ballistic protection and structural applications. 43 Glenair Oy HT Engineering Ltd / HT Laser Serving military, aviation, space and industrial customers with interconnect solutions where high performance connector and shielding solutions are needed. Business, Products and Services Full spectrum product lines designed to meet every interconnect requirement. From high reliability connectors as VG95234 and VG95328 to hermetic, Micro-D twist pin, Mighty Mouse miniature, Geo-Marine and fibre optics, from conduit systems to complex interconnect assemblies. Shields for EMI/RFI protection. Glenair products; wide array of components which all are manufactured in own factories: -- Astro tools -- Band-It tools & ties -- Earth Bonding tools & Accessories. Managing Director Mr. Mats Nielsen Owner Privately owned by Glebair Inc. Contact Glenair Nordic AB Puistokatu 5 FI-57100 Savonlinna, FINLAND Mobile: +358 440 771 773 Fax. +468 50 55 00 01 E-mail: mika(at)glenair.se www.glenair.com UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • AFDA 2015 • Business, Products and Services Our products and services consist of design of marine work-, rescue- and defence boat sets. We provide project management and conduction of marine boat systems as well as testing, training and life cycle support. The boats can be manufactured up to 15 meters long in three semi-custom lines. The design introduces proven maneuverability, stability and high performance for demanding professional use. We also provide Alamarin-Jet manufactured water jet propulsion jets supporting the boats. Jets have been used worldwide by various authorities such as coast guard, police, customs and military authorities. Also Rescue Boat Societies and other demanding professional user categories trust in Alamarin products. Managing Director Mr. Hannu Teiskonen Owner Mr. Hannu Teiskonen (Teiskonen Oy group) Key Figures Net sales: € 35 million Personnel: 250 Exports: 60% Contact Mr. Jukka Teiskonen P.O. Box 120 FI-42700 Keuruu, Finland Tel. +358 40 5510 688 Fax. +358 10 7745 000 E-mail: jukka.teiskonen(at)htlaser.fi www.htech.fi 44 HT Engineering Ltd. provides project management and manufacturing of marine equipment for rescue and defence use. 45 HT Holsters Ltd InPlace Solutions Ltd. HT Holsters Ltd designs and manufactures holsters and tactical carry systems for military and law enforcement use. Business, Products and Services Our products include: -- Duty Holsters -- Military Holsters -- Concealed Carry Holsters -- Tactical Carry Solutions Baton Holsters OC Holsters Quick Attachment Systems Magazine Holders Holster Accessories. HT HOLSTERS LTD is tightly focused on providing the ultimate user experience whether it means unrivalled safety and functionality, superior comfort of carry or the best survivability in environments that usually freeze all the action. Patented and user endorsed technologies have ensured that HT HOLSTERS LTD has rapidly grown to be the leading provider of the most advanced holster technology available. • 46 Managing Director Mr. Thomas Nynäs Owner Privately owned Contact Mr. Thomas Nynäs Säbråntie 2 FI-68500 Kruunupyy, Finland Tel. +358 6 834 6000 Fax +358 6 832 9879 E-mail: thomas.nynas(at)inplace.fi www.inplace.fi UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Marko Rissanen Key Figures Exports: 95% Contact Postal Address: P.O. Box 120 FI-00201 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 400 300 358 e-mail: sales(at)htholsters.com www.htholsters.com Business, Products and Services InPlace Solutions creates software solutions for Geospatial Intelligence. Our customers often have a stated need for extremely accurate data for mission-critical purposes. InPlace Solutions is a known as a skilled Systems integrator and we have a longstanding track record of integrating time and location into existing data processing workflows. Our software development is typically carried out as a part of an integration project. The solution concept ranges from data acquisition and data production to advanced data analysis and decision support. Great care is taken to effectively visualize complex spatial and temporal data into high quality maps and data products. • ------ InPlace Solutions Ltd specializes in qeospatial software solutions for defense, civil defense and energy. The company designs and implements GEOINT solutions based on COTS software and integrates business processes with spatial information. 47 Insta DefSec Oy Insta ILS OY Insta DefSec provides solutions and services for critical decision making in both defence and public safety&security domains, as well as for information and cyber security. Our customers also include public administration, companies requiring top-level information security, as well as international system suppliers. Avionics life cycle support services. Business, Products and Services Our solutions enable the utilization of new models of operation, improved situation awareness, authority co-operation, international compatibility, and performance. Simultaneously they ensure extremely high information security. Top competence, excellent products and partnership network combined with our certified operating practices have earned us market leadership for several solutions. Insta DefSec is a part of Insta Group, a well-established 55 years old family business. Other affiliates of Insta Group are Insta Automation Oy supplying electrical automation services, Insta ILS Oy providing life cycle services for the aviation industry and Insta Innovation Oy focusing on virtual technology and innovative services. Contact Business, Products and Services -- AESA-145 certified avionics maintenance and avionics related design services. -- Test software development to avionics test systems. -- Aircraft equipment development and manufacturing. -- System Support services. Key Figures Net sales: 9 M€ Personnel: 90 Ville Soininen, VP Insta ILS Oy Mobile +358 40 539 2523 ville.soininen(at)insta.fi www.insta.fi 48 UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Pertti Huusko Key Figures Net sales: € 27,9 million Personnel: 229 (on average) Contact Sarankulmankatu 20 (P.O. Box 80) FI-33901 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 20 771 7111 Fax +358 20 771 7100 www.insta.fi 49 Jet-Tekno Oy • 50 Jet-Tekno Oy is specialized in the design and manufacture of refueling and other ground service vehicles and equipment. Business, Products and Services Approved for use by the U.S. Department of Defense, Jetico’s BCWipe is for clearing selected files with surgical precision such as in response to classified data spills, while BCWipe Total WipeOut can erase entire hard drives for disposal or decommission. Jetico’s BestCrypt disguises the data you keep with strong encryption that’s easy to use and light on your system. Enterprise Editions of Jetico software include Jetico Central Manager to empower Administrators with control of client software on remote computers. Jetico products are trusted by government and military agencies, all of the top 10 U.S. defense contractors, many national laboratories, as well as various other enterprises and a wide global base of home and small business users in over 100 countries. Founded in 1995, Jetico is privately held and headquartered in the Otaniemi Science Park in Finland. Business, Products and Services Jet-Tekno Oy has a very experienced management and production team aiming to build long-term relationships with its customers. Many of the clients it serves today have been with the company since its beginning. All design and assembly operations are undertaken under the same roof, with certain components being sourced from carefully selected sub-contractors and suppliers. This means that Jet-Tekno can maintain close control of its product quality at all stages, ensuring that the equipment it supplies is safe, dependable, and efficient. All products are designed to match the individual customer’s requirements, and meet the relevant civil or military aviation regulations. Jet-Tekno has supplied equipment to civil & military aviation of Finland, Sweden, Western & Central Europe and Asia. Oil companies including Shell, Neste and Exxon are also its customers. Managing Director Mr. Michael Waksman Owner Jetico Inc. Oy Key Figures Net sales: 1 M$ Personnel: 12 Exports: 98% Contact Mr. Michael Waksman Jetico Inc. Oy Tekniikantie 14, 02150 Espoo, Finland Phone (U.S.): 1-202-742-2901 Phone: +358-92-517-3030 Fax: +358-92-517-3031 michael.waksman(at)jetico.com www.jetico.com Managing Director Mr. Jouko Sokka Owner Privately-held company Key Figures Net sales: € 3,5 million Personnel: 19 Exports: 10% Contact Jet-Tekno Oy Nuutisarankatu 12 FI-33900 Tampere, Finland Tel. + 358 3 233 88 00 Fax. + 358 3 233 88 77 E-mail: jet-tekno(at)jet-tekno www.jet-tekno.fi UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 AFDA 2015 Jetico provides military-standard data protection software for sensitive and mission-critical data throughout the lifecycle. • Jetico Inc. Oy 51 Kenno Tech Ltd. Kiitokori Oy - Group Kenno Tech Ltd. focuses on the design and production of laser welded steel sandwich elements. For defence/security customers the company offers heavy fortification products: Balpro ® Protector modular ballistic shield systems and Balpro ® Containers. 52 Business, Products and Services Group product range -- Saurus® fire fighting and rescue vehicles -- Saurus® decontamination vehicles -- Vema® hydraulic platform vehicles (up to 55m) -- Kiitokori aircraft washers and de-icers -- Kiitokori mobile clinic and command vehicles -- Kiitokori buses. UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Antero Sirkka Owner Mr. Ilmari Mustonen (CEO) and Antero Sirkka Key Figures Mr. Ilmari Mustonen (CEO) and Antero Sirkka Net sales: € 35 million Personnel: 210 Exports: 70% Contact Saunatie 5 FI-40900 Säynätsalo, Finland Tel. +358 10 6161 400 Fax. +358 10 6161 411 www.kiitokori.fi www.saurus.fi, www.vema.fi Managing Director Mr. Harri Pekkanen Owner Privately held Finnish company Key Figures Net sales: 1–2,5 € million Personnel: 10 Exports: 10% Contact Kenno Tech Ltd. Tehdaskylänkatu 3 FI-11710 Riihimäki, Finland Tel. +358 40 551 5383 Fax +358 19 732 751 E-mail: info(at)kennotech.fi www.kenno-shield.com www.kennotech.fi • • AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services -- Balpro ® Protector is a flexible, modular shield system. A system set travels as a 20 ft container, is fast to assemble into 42 metres of camp wall, shelter or other protective structure and is genuinely multi-use. The system is being continually developed with a watch tower and a safety barrier/road block barrier being the latest addition to the product family. -- Balpro ® Container is a cost efficient transport solution that protects against threats up to 155 mm artillery shrapnel. -- Balpro ® products are in use by the Finnish Defence Forces. They are also used with UNIFIL peace keeping operation in Lebanon. Kiitokori Group is specialized in manufacturing customized heavy duty vehicles for fire & rescue services and airport ground handling services covering the special MIL-applications. Kiitokori Group consist of three manufacturing companies, Kiitokori Oy, Sammutin Oy and Vema Lift Oy all located in the Southern Finland. The company has both the ISO 9001 and AQAP 2110 certifications. 53 Laser Gas Ltd • AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services KONGSBERG contributes to improved safety, security and performance in demanding and complex missions. We achieve this through an in-depth knowledge of our customer’s objectives and the needs of the operator, and by meeting their challenges with the right systems, services and technological solutions. The KONGSBERG Defence portfolio includes: -- PROTECTOR Remote Weapon Station (RWS) -- Anti-ship Missiles -- Air Defence Systems -- Naval Systems -- Surveillance Systems -- Tactical Communications Systems -- C4ISR Solutions -- Space Technology and Systems. KONGSBERG is a worldwide knowledge environment and a performance culture. We share knowledge and drive improvements throughout our business, and seek to add value to every customer and in every sector where we operate. 54 Managing Director Mr. Tommi Malinen Owner Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS (100%) Contact Äyritie 8 D (PLAZA II, LARGO) FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358 (0)50 3499864 E-mail: tommi.malinen(at)kongsberg.com www.kongsberg.com UAS RPAS Laser Gas manufactures onsite gaseous nitrogen and oxygen generators for military market. Business, Products and Services Our products enable our customers to produce oxygen and nitrogen at the point of use, effectively eliminating the logistical supply chain associated with delivered product. Onsite nitrogen and oxygen generators can lower facility’s gas supply costs dramatically. Our products are field proven and supported globally in widely varying operating conditions. One combined nitrogen/oxygen generator can satisfy 100% of the requirements for nitrogen and oxygen on the flight line - tire filling, strut servicing, EPU purging, cylinder filling, accumulators, missile’s cylinder refilling and pilot’s oxygen bottle. Our stationary nitrogen generators are designed to be used as a dedicated source of nitrogen for use in the missile maintenance and storage centers. Managing Director Mr. Rami Hakala Owner Hakala family 100% Key Figures Net sales: 2,5 million Euros Personnel: 6 Exports: 90% Contact Laviantie 30 38700 Kankaanpaa FINLAND Tel. +358 40 553 99 94 Fax. +358 2 572 3111 E-mail: info(at)lasergas.fi www.lasergas.fi UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Kongsberg Defence Oy delivers systems for command and control, decision support, communications, missiles and weapon control systems. Kongsberg Defence Oy is part of the international KONGSBERG Group. • Kongsberg Defence Oy 55 Marine Alutech Oy Ab • AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services Machinery Ltd provides maintenance and life cycle services for the Finnish defence administration. Participation in IP and other partnership programmes are a part of our comprehensive service provision and growth strategy. Machinery represents Cummins Inc., the world’s leading diesel engine manufacturer in Finland. Our field of expertise includes Cummins diesel engines, diesel engines for marine applications, diesel generators and standby power units as well as their life cycle services. We also design and assemble mobile power units approved for road use. Our customers include e.g. the Finnish Defence Forces and other authorities, hospitals, power plants, airports, commercial and office buildings and the industrial sites. Our comprehensive service network covers the whole of Finland. 56 Managing Director Mr. Jussi Muikku Owner Family Timonen Key Figures Net sales: Machinery Group: € 43 million, Machinery Ltd: € 33 million Personnel: Machinery Group: 136, Machinery Ltd: 94 Contact Mr. Jarmo Kosamo P.O. Box 560 (Visiting Address: Ansatie 5) FI-01741, Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358 20 163 0300 E-mail: jarmo.kosamo(at)machinery.fi www.machinery.fi UAS RPAS Marine Alutech is the leading designer and manufacturer of fast patrol boats and aluminium & composite government vessels in North Europe. The Salo based company is founded in 1991 and employs ~70 employees. In addition to construction, production and after sales services Marine Alutech offers full vessel service and maintenance throughout the vessel life cycle. High quality products combined with our service concept enable effective and reliable operation through the long life cycle of the product not to mention the high resale value of the product. Long-term customer relationships enable comprehensive understanding of customer needs. Through our extensive and long-term co-operation network we are able to respond to our customers’ needs by utilizing the industry’s highest technology. Business, Products and Services Market segments: design and manufacturing of combat boats, landing crafts, fast patrol boats and FRC’s in aluminium & composite material up to 24 meters. High-level experience in project design, project sales, boat manufacturing and after sales. Products: Own Watercat-collection 5 – 20m work boats for speed range 20 – 60 knots. Quality systems: ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004, conformity with AQAP 2110. Key Figures Contact Turnover ca. 10,4 meur Mr. Niko Haro, CEO Telakkatie 47, FI-25570 Teijo, Finland Tel. +358 2 728 8100 Fax +358 2 728 8129 E-mail: info(at)marinealutech.com www.marinealutech.com www.facebook.com/marinealutech UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Machinery Ltd is a part of Machinery Group, a Finnish multisectoral company, which operates in Finland and in the Baltic countries. Machinery Group has two business lines: Machinery Ltd (technical trade and service) and Amo Ltd (import of toys and games). • Machinery Ltd 57 Mavatech (Suomen Terästekniikka Oy) Business, Products and Services Cobham Mast Systems´ know-how and understanding of customers´ specific needs and requirements are based on more than 30 years of experience. It´s lightweight telescopic masts are used extensively around the world by defence forces, police and other emergency services. There are seven main product lines: TM-, TR-, EX-, EXL- and EXB-masts, telescopic lifting poles and tripods including accessories for deployment. In addition to the industry´s widest product range, Cobham Mast Systems also provides custom, fully integrated solutions precisely tailored to the application. All products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements of transportable communication, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and broadcast systems. The company has certified quality system ISO9000, ISO14001 and AQAP2110. • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Heikki Miettinen Owner Cobham plc Key Figures Net sales: € 8,0 million (2014) Personnel: 30 (2014) Exports: 94% (2014) Contact Tel. +358 20 775 0810 Fax +358 13 737 7113 E-mail: mastsystem(at)cobham.com www.cobham.com/mastsystems 58 Suomen Terästekniikka Oy is a diversified engineering production and industrial surface treatment company operating in the defence, security and civil sectors. We offer high-quality engineering production, a wide range of surface treatments, maintenance and speciality CBRN products. Business, Products and Services Suomen Terästekniikka possesses years of experience as a manufacturer and project supplier of manufacturing process equipment, various conveyors and water treatment equipment. We specialise in the design and painting of camouflage patterns on defence materiel. We perform a wide variety of demanding maintenance and regularly-scheduled service on various systems. We manufacture and sell MAVATECH CBRN decontamination products. Our products are lightweight and rapidly deployed sprayers, portable showers and decontaminants for immediate decontamination needs in the field. Managing Director Mr. Markku Vainikainen Owner Family Vainikainen Key Figures Net sales: € 2,8 million Personnel: 20 Exports: 5% Contact Mr. Risto Rautavirta Puhdistamontie 26 FI-05840 Hyvinkää, Finland Tel. +358 40 5515 210 Fax +358 19 434 920 E-mail: risto.rautavirta(at)mavatech.com www.mavatech.com www.suomenterastekniikka.fi UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Cobham Mast Systems is the leading manufacturer and supplier of lightweight telescopic composite masts and mast systems. • Mastsystem Int´l Oy trading as Cobham Mast Systems 59 Mectalent Oy Meyer Turku Oy Mectalent designs and manufactures demanding, complex product families, components, instruments and modules for industrial, healthcare and defence industries. Our operation is based on accuracy, high competence and customer-oriented attitude. Meyer Turku Oy is one of the leading European shipbuilding companies owned by Meyer Werft (70%) and Finnish State through Teollisuussijoitus (30%). The company’s shipyard in Turku employs 1,350 people. Specializes in designing and building cruise ships, car-passenger ferries and special vessels such as icebreakers and naval vessels. • 60 Managing Director Mr. Jan Meyer Owner Meyer Werft and Suomen Teollisuussijoitus Oy Key Figures Net sales: € 539 million (in 2013) Personnel: 1350 Contact Meyer Turku Oy P.O. Box 666 FI-20101 Turku, Finland Tel: +358 10 6700 E-mail: info(at)meyerturku.fi www.meyerturku.fi UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Tapio Harila Owner Cor Group Oy Key Figures Net sales: 5,9 M€ Personnel: 48 Exports: 12% Contact Veistämötie 15 FI-90620 Oulu, Finland Tel. +358 20 741 9400 E-mail: info(at)mectalent.fi www.mectalent.com Business, Products and Services Meyer Turku Oy specializes in designing and building cruise ships, car-passenger ferries and special vessels such as icebreakers and naval vessels. -- Belongs to the leading European shipbuilding company – Meyer Group -- Strong focus on research, development and innovation -- Concept design to customer’s needs – world leading team for concept design for most demanding ship projects including general naval architecture, hydrodynamics, seakeeping, stability, propulsion, structural calculations, noise & vibration analysis, operation in ice etc. -- Developing and supporting the vast sub-supplier network -- Focus on the Customers’ needs throughout the whole lifecycle • Business, Products and Services Mectalent combines highly developed processes, top expertise and absolute accuracy. Our team of experts possesses a high design competence that enables finding the optimal solutions for the most demanding customer challenges. Mectalent offers its customers the unique ability to design and produce solutions that others simply cannot. Mectalent has a proven track record and reputation as a trusted expert who provides solutions for even the most demanding customer needs. Mectalent’s cross-disciplinary team possesses a profound understanding of the design and manufacturing process, but also of the end-users requirements. 61 MILCON OY Milcon Oy • AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services During the past 20 years, Mikro-Pulssi Oy has delivered several hundred automatic fire protection systems for military vehicles. Our systems have been installed, for example, in armoured wheeled vehicles (Patria AMV, XA-180 series, XA-202, XA-203), Leopard 2-based bridge-laying vehicles, Leopard 2-based minesweeping vehicles, and on ASRAD-R CMAD Anti-air missile platforms. Our latest product development, ExAct Titan, is an innovative fire protection system for armoured military vehicles. The system protects the crew and the vehicle against all kinds of fires. Explosive fires and armour penetrations are detected and suppressed in milliseconds, providing excellent protection against modern fire threats such as IEDs. 62 Business, Products and Services Milcon products and services include: -- Mil. std cable assemblies and wiring harnesses; designing, manufacturing and subcontracting -- Fiber optics products -- Connectors, components, spare parts, accessories for military electronics applications -- Consulting and procurement. Contact Mr. Janne Korpinen Tuotantolinja 4 FI-36220 KANGASALA Tel.Int. +358 10 239 2170 Fax. +358 3 364 2812 E-mail: janne.korpinen(at)milcon.fi www.milcon.fi Managing Director Mr. Jussi Pentti Key Figures Net sales: 1,8 M€ Personnel: 14 Exports: 10% Contact Mr. Hannu Siivola Kaskimäenkatu 1 FI-33900 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 3 3122 1400 Fax. +358 3 3122 1469 E-mail: hannu.siivola(at)mikro-pulssi.fi www.mikro-pulssi.fi www.exact-titan.com UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Mikro-Pulssi Oy is an independent, Finnish company operating in the fire protection industry. We design and manufacture automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems for military, public and private sector clients. • Mikro-Pulssi Oy 63 MILECTRIA • AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services In the defence industry, Milectria operates as a subcontractor and manufactures complete electrical systems for military land vehicles, weapon systems, military training simulators, naval vessels and to other military equipment. Our products and services consist of electro-mechanical assemblies and material services. Our main products are cable harnesses and electrical panels for military use. We have experience in Technology Transfer to number of countries and projects. Milectria has a unique service which is called Military Quick Stock (www.milectria.fi/militaryquickstock). From Military Quick Stock it is possible to acquire military specified cable material with a very fast lead time. Besides military specified cable material, from the service it is possible to order ready material kit including other components of cable harnesses or complete ready cable harness. Milectria is an international company with operations in Finland and Estonia. 64 Managing Director Mr. Tomi Kaukonen Key Figures Net sales: € 13,3 million (2014) Personnel: 210 Contact Milectria Oy Merventie 58 FI-13720 Parola Finland Tel. +358 40 5086070 Fax +358 671 5519 E-mail: tomi.kaukonen(at)milectria.fi www.milectria.fi Life cycle support. Business, Products and Services Millog Oy is a strategic partner of the Finnish Defence Forces, providing life-cycle support for Finnish Army and Finnish Navy materiel. Our services include army material maintenance including wheeled and tracked vehicles, weapon systems, electronic systems and related modifications, installations and life cycle support as well as maintenance and related services of the Navy vessels and systems. On top of the partnership with the Finnish Defence Forces Millog Oy provides services to other authorities and customers. In the area of optronics Millog Oy designs, develops and manufactures thermal cameras multisensors and night vision systems. In addition Millog Oy´s services include design and production of Optical systems, subassemblies and components. Managing Director Mr. Aarne Nieminen Owner Patria, Insta Group Oy Key Figures Net sales: 150 M€ Personnel: 1000 Contact Sarvijaakonkatu 3A FI-33540 Tampere Tel. +358 20 469 7000 Fax +358 20 469 7001 E-mail: info(at)millog.fi www.millog.fi UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 www.milectria.fi Millog Ltd. Milectria is a defence oriented company and its main products are military standard cable harness – and electrical unit manufacturing. • MILECTRIA Milectria Oy 65 Oy Morehouse Ltd Business, Products and Services Mirasys provides future proof, scalable systems with great business value. Our key words are open platform, rich features, easiness of use, and successful partnership. The technological expertise of Mirasys lies in the fields of acquisition, analysis, storage and retrieval of video images. Other key technology areas are image visualization and integration of camera surveillance with other systems. Mirasys puts a lot of effort in continuous research and development in cooperation with the end user community, research institutes, universities and other companies in Finland and abroad. Today, close to 500,000 video surveillance cameras across the world are controlled with Mirasys software. Customers of Mirasys include airports, seaports, law enforcement, border control, defense, and large corporations such as banks and retail chains. • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Jukka Riivari Owner CapMan 50%; small investors & management 50% Key Figures Net sales: € 7,46 million Personnel: 58 (incl. subsidiaries and sales offices abroad) Exports: 56% Contact Atomitie 5 C FI-00370 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 9 2533 3300 Fax. +358 9 2533 3330 E-mail: sales(at)mirasys.com www.mirasys.com 66 The Morehouse container is a concept for an urgent need for a professional work space for demanding conditions. We supply separate entities or whole systems with life-cycle maintenance. Our product range include: i.e., laboratory-, storage-, work space-, explosives storage and transportation containers for demanding environments. Our products represent evidence of Scandinavian precision and accuracy. We are a pioneer in mobile space solutions. We have provided solutions for e.g., Antarctica, the jungle and Siberia. Since 1995, we have dispatched containers for each crisis management mission, which Finland has been involved in. Business, Products and Services Morehouse premium containers are superior for the following reasons: EASY OF USE within minutes: warm, light, electricity, air-conditioning, etc. SECURITY has been given special attention. Ballistic protection and NBC protection are available. MOBILITY - Our products can be transported by any vehicle equipped for transport of containers. Our main product is a convertible container model M75i (NSN 5411-58-000-5437), which transform to the needed situation. Managing Director Mr. Pekka Tuomela Key Figures Net sales: € 3,2 million (2014) Personnel: 22 Exports: 15 % Contact Koritie 3, FI-77700 Rautalampi, Finland Tel. +358 17 2648 600 Fax +358 17 2648 607 E-mail: morehouse(at)morehouse.fi www.morehouse.fi UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Mirasys Ltd. is the leading Finnish vendor of software for high-resolution video and audio surveillance solutions. • Mirasys Ltd. 67 Nammo Vihtavuori Oy Nammo Vihtavuori Oy Nammo Lapua is an ammunition manufacturer with over 90 years of experience in premium products and international cooperation. The company has production facilities in Lapua, Vihtavuori and Sastamala, as well as offices in Vantaa and Tampere. Nammo Lapua Group has four daughter companies; two in Finland and two in Germany. Nammo Lapua is part of Nammo Group since 1998. • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Raimo Helasmäki Owner Nammo AS Key Figures Net sales: € 50 million Personnel: 210 Exports: 55% Contact Nammo Lapua Oy P.O. Box 5, FI-62101 LAPUA Tel. +358 10 5233 800 E-mail: firstname.lastname(at)nammo.com www.nammo.com, www.lapua.com 68 UAS RPAS Business, Products and Services Nammo Vihtavuori Oy is a well known supplier of high quality small, medium and large caliber single base propellants, nitrocellulose, double base premix paste and ether. Managing Director Mr. Raimo Helasmäki Owner Nammo Lapua Oy Key Figures Net sales: € 15 million Personnel: 120 Exports: 56% Contact Mr. Ilkka Heikkilä, Site Manager Ruutitehtaantie 80 FI-41330 Vihtavuori, Finland Tel. +358 10 5233 140 E-mail: firstname.surname(at)nammo.com www.vihtavuori.com, www.nammo.com UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Business, Products and Services Lapua Site: Premium quality centerfire cartridges and components (bullets, cases). Lapua is a leading supplier of .338 Lapua Magnum as well as of other sniper ammunition. Lapua Brand is also well recognized in civilian market (hunters, target and sport shooters). Site offers test shooting services. Vihtavuori Site & Sastamala Productions Unit: Artillery, mortar and medium caliber rounds, hand grenades, fuzes, base bleed units, light weight anti-armor weapons and R&D projects. Propellant Site: Propellants, nitrocellulose and energetic oils for military and civilian applications. Schönebeck Site: .22 caliber rimfire ammunition in LAPUA and SK Brands, among those well known products like Polar Biathlon, X-act, Midas+. The site provides also test shooting services for individuals and teams. The Vihtavuori production facility was founded in1922 and ever since it has been a major supplier of propellants, nitrocellulose and energetic oils for military and civilian applications. Since January 2014 the company is part of Nammo Group. • Nammo Lapua Oy 69 Noptel Oy Business, Products and Services Nokian Metallirakenne Oy has over 40 years of experience in one-off production as well as manufacturing series, and our special know-how comprehends various prototypes. We have provided shelter and trailer solutions for different services of the Finnish Defence Forces (Army, Air Force, Navy) for most various purposes and conditions. Our know-how covers for instance the overall design and manufacturing of the following systems and equipment installed in shelters: -- electric, information and data link systems installation -- air conditioning and air dehumidifying systems -- refrigeration and freezer units -- floor, water, air or fuel operational heating systems -- splinter protection, NBC/CBRN protection, EMC/EMP/HPM -- shielding -- automatic fire-fighting systems -- shock and vibration absorption for the installed equipment. Managing Director Owner Technical Manager Key Figures • AFDA 2015 Contact 70 Mr. Seppo Dickman Mr. Seppo Dickman Mr. Harri Lehtinen Net sales: € 5,5 million (2013) Personnel: 23 Exports: -% Rounionkatu 104, FI-37150 Nokia, Finland Tel. +358 3 312 44500 Fax. +358 3 312 44510 E-mail: nmr(at)nokianmetallirakenne.fi www.nokianmetallirakenne.fi UAS RPAS Noptel specialises in the design and manufacture of optoelectronic devices for measurements of distance, alignment, displacement and deflection. Noptel is one of the world leading companies in shooting skills training and laser range finding. Noptel was founded in 1982 and is a part of Belgian FN Herstal group. Business, Products and Services For military use Noptel offers three main products and technologies: Shooting skills training devices and systems, Long distance OEM range finder units, Fast range finder units for short distance. The company has supplied more than 11000 shooter training systems for defence forces, police and security in over 60 countries. The system helps instructors to train recruits safely and efficiently within a short time and in demanding training environments. It is based on our own measurement technology, innovative shot analysis and a high-class customer service. A very important part of the production are the laser range finders designed for customer specific use and supplied to system integrators and manufacturers as OEM units. Both fast short range units (200m) and long range units (>10 km) have their own special role in the military systems. All units are eye safe and use diode laser. Several leading European system suppliers have adopted Noptel range finders to their own systems. CEO Mr. Markku Koskinen Marketing Director Mr. Matti Tervaskanto Key Figures Net sales: € 4 million Personnel: 27 Exports: 95% Contact Teknologiantie 2, FI-90590 Oulu, Finland Tel. +358 40 181 4351 E-mail: info(at)noptel.fi www.noptel.fi UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Nokian Metallirakenne Oy is a designer and manufacturer of fully equipped containers, shelters and trailers on a turnkey basis for various purposes. Subcontractor of steel constructions. • Nokian Metallirakenne Oy 71 Oricopa Oy Oricopa is a proven provider of smart solutions and services in systems integration in demanding defense and security applications. Business, Products and Services Oricopa designs and produces safety critical equipment and systems for highly demanding conditions. Oricopa is able to assist foreign companies in locating partnership and opportunities in Finland. Owner Key Figures Contact Millog Oy Net sales: ~20 Meur Personnel: ~60 Mr. Antti Mäenpää Tel. +358 40 560 7034 E-mail: antti.maenpaa(at)oricopa.fi www.oricopa.fi 72 AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • • AFDA 2015 73 Products and services Armoured wheeled vehicles, mortar systems including fire control systems and simulators, ammunition, and related life-cycle support services: -- Patria AMV 8x8 – product family -- Patria Nemo 120 mm turreted mortar system -- Life-cycle support services from scheduled maintenance to upgrades of complete systems, tailored to the customers’ needs Aircraft and helicopter life-cycle support services and pilot training: -- F-18 life-cycle support -- Hawk life-cycle support -- NH90 assembly -- Helicopter maintenance -- Basic training for military pilots -- Training for civilian pilots • AFDA 2015 Army materiel maintenance service for the Finnish Defence Forces: -- Armoured vehicles -- Weapon systems -- Electronic systems -- Protective materials 74 Development and integration of intelligence, surveillance, and command and control systems; integration and life-cycle support of related subsystems: -- Networking data links -- Remote operable ELINT -- Applications that support critical infrastructure -- Implementation, deployment, servicing and modernisation of weapons and sensor systems and their platforms. Patria – undisputed market leader of modern 8x8s Patria AMV 8x8 is the most modern and successful combat proven armoured wheeled vehicle in its class. Patria AMV was launched to the market in 2004 and has been deployed since 2007 e.g. in NATO led ISAF operation, where it has been used by several nations. Since its first deployment AMV’s high performance has been continuously developed further to meet the most stringent customer needs, which has led to series of contracts with different customers. Being fully NATO compatible, Patria AMV fulfils the toughest user requirements of modern defence forces, such as increased mobility, high level of protection and versatile adaptability for different roles. Patria AMV is a European solution with outstanding test results from all over the world. While being currently contracted with the Finnish, Polish, Slovenian, Croatian, South African, the United Arab Emirates’ and Swedish Armed Forces – Patria AMV is the undisputed market leader of modern 8x8s. Introduced at the DSEI 2013 exhibition in London Patria AMVXP is the latest member of Patria AMV –product family. XP stands for Extra Performance, Extra Protection and Extra Payload. This new vehicle is built on experience and verified solutions based on Patria AMV and it takes the overall performance of the modern 8x8 armoured wheeled vehicle platform to a new level fulfilling the customer needs of tomorrow. Point of Contact: Mr. Markku Bollmann, markku.bollmann(at)patria.fi UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Patria in brief Patria is a trusted provider of defence, security and aviation lifecycle support services and technology solutions. Patria has operations and projects in countries such as Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Poland, United Arab Emirates, USA and South Africa. Versatile duties employ today some 2,800 skilled professionals. Managing Director Mr. Heikki Allonen Key Figures Net sales: EUR 462.4 million (2014) Exports: 50% (2014) Personnel: 2,800 Contact Mr. Pentti Miettinen Kaivokatu 10 A FI-00100 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 20 4691 E-mail: info(at)patria.fi www.patria.fi • Patria 75 Patria – global market leader in turreted mortar systems Patria Nemo is a remote-controlled 120 mm mortar turret with superior performance, excellent signature management and ballistic and NBCR-protection, making it the most modern and compact turreted mortar system on the market. Due to Patria Nemo’s low weight of only 1700 kg, it can easily be mounted onto various tracked or wheeled platforms and even on naval vessels. Vehicle or vessel installed Patria Nemo system operates independently with impressive firepower, including direct and indirect fire, up to a range of 10 km. The firepower is further enhanced by Patria Nemo’s Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) capability. Patria Nemo mortar system is supported with state-of-the-art fire control systems and training solutions including simulators. Patria Nemo has been selected by the UAE Navy and by the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) project. Point of Contact: Mr. Markku Bollmann, markku.bollmann(at)patria.fi Point of Contact: Mr. Simo Mäkipaja, simo.makipaja(at)patria.fi Photo: Patria Patria – experienced aviation life cycle service provider Patria provides life cycle support services for aircraft and helicopters as well as pilot training. Life cycle support covers maintenance, repair and modification services in the Nordic region. With a massive accumulated experience in final assembly of several military aircraft types – such as F-18 Hornet and Hawk - Patria is able to offer its customers a trustworthy partnership in their needs in aircraft life cycle support. Through NH90 final assembly Patria has expanded its competences to cover helicopter life cycle support as well. The pilot training services cover both military and civilian sector. Patria – offering situational awareness Patria is a provider of intelligence, surveillance and command and control systems as well as of related life cycle support services. Patria’s MPNDL, Multi-Purpose Networking Data Link is tailored for C2 of MALE class UAS and is one of only few airborne links actually verified on-board a real UAS system in an operational scenario. Patria’s CANDL, Compact Airborne Networking Data Link, offers all the features needed for UAS communications such as data security, high bandwidth, multiple network members, unparalleled BLOS range and airborne relaying capability. Being a single link solution integrated into one compact terminal makes these features now available also to smaller UAS, such as VTOLs. Patria’s electronic intelligence system ARIS has been in operational use since 2010 and offers a complete, remote operable ELINT system providing the highest performance available for both real-time and offline signal analysis. Providing systems for the use of situational awareness datagathering and presentation is at the core of Patria’s system know-how. Patria has during the last years developed consequently its systems competence as well as the ability to lead and implement complex systems integration projects. Patria works in close cooperation with other significant system providers and plays an important role when new systems are being integrated into the existing infrastructure of the Finnish Defence Forces. 76 AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • • AFDA 2015 Point of Contact: Mr. Tuure Hakavuori, tuure.hakavuori(at)patria.fi 77 Polartherm Oy Pöyry Finland Oy Polartherm is a private-owned Finnish Company that specializes in Air Heating Equipment for both the civilian and the military markets. The number of employees is 70 and the turnover last FY was some 15 million euros. We are the leading heating equipment manufacture in Northern Europe, and we export over 80% of our production, mainly to the United States, Canada, and the EU. Our main product line is, and has been throughout our 40-year history, Portable Heating Equipment for both civilian and military markets. We design, test, manufacture and market a very wide range of equipment using fuel oils, natural gas, LPG and electricity as energy sources, starting from a 1500 Watt electric heater up to almost 500 kilowatts of heat produced by combusting liquid or gaseous fuel. For several years, our biggest customer has been the US Air Force, currently operating some 10 000 of our Ground Support and Troop Support heaters. Therefore, for years, Polartherm has been the biggest Finnish deliverer to the US Department of Defense. The Canadian Army is also a major customer, whom Polartherm supplies with both Field Shelter heaters and Field Water heaters. Approx. 3000 heaters have so far been delivered. Infrastructure Design Services • 78 Joakim Petersen-Dyggve Tel. +358 2 529 2100 Fax. +358 2 558 1844 E-mail: petersen(at)Polartherm.fi www.polartherm.fi UAS RPAS Infrastructure Design Services Mr. Mikko Inkala, GSM +358 40 716 9133 E-mail: mikko.inkala(at)poyry.com Design and consulting services for tunnels and underground facilities Mr. Mikko Inkala, GSM +358 40 716 9133 E-mail mikko.inkala(at)poyry.com Mr. Magnus Långstedt, GSM +358 40 561 9982 E-mail: magnus.langstedt(at)poyry.com P.O. BOX 500 (Jaakonkatu 3), FI-01621 Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358 10 3311 www.poyry.fi, www.poyry.com UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 AFDA 2015 Contact Contact • Business, Products and Services Our military product lines include Aircraft Ground Support heaters, Troop and Shelter heaters, field grade Water heaters and, as our latest addition, patented Gun Barrel Cleaning systems. Our civilian product lines include a wide range of electrical, LPG and oil fired, portable and stationary air heaters for agricultural, aviation and construction markets. Our services include design, development, testing and manufacturing to specific customer requirements. Business, Products and Services Pöyry is a global consulting and engineering company dedicated to balanced sustainability. Pöyry Finland Oy is part of the Pöyry Group and has extensive expertise in energy, industrial, urban, infrastructure and transport, as well as in water and environmental sectors. Over 20 regional offices employ 1500 experts and project professionals. We are responsible for the Groups’ Infrastructure Design Services in Finland. Besides our approximately 110 infrastructure sector professionals, our worldwide network provides access to the entire Pöyry organisation’s multifaceted expertise and international experience. -- Civil defence shelters -- Command and control centers -- Emergency control centers -- Weapon effect / impact resistant structures -- EMP- and HPM resistant structures -- Architectural and layout design -- Structural, geotechnical, rock, HVAC and electrical engineering 79 Raikka Oy Rakkatec Oy Raikka Oy is a private Finnish company which has operated in the defence sector for over 60 years. Rakkatec Oy is developing and marketing unmanned ground vehicles for military, industrial and security purposes, which can operate on rough terrain in all weather including arctic conditions. Business, Products and Services Our products include EOD devices, ignition systems and mechanical / electric / non-electric igniters and fuzes. We manufacture propellant charges for 81 and 120 mm mortars and less lethal shotgun ammunition. We provide training devices and hazard division and transport classification tests for explosive articles. We act as a contract manufacturer for metal industry. Business, Products and Services Rakka 4000 is a remote control multipurpose robotic vehicle platform designed and built to negotiate rough terrain and arctic conditions. The platform is able to carry heavy loads and may be equipped with a manipulator arm with various tools, quickly interchangeable. Rakka has a continuous 4WD drivetrain and articulated steering. An unusually high level of maneuverability is achieved with a unique active chassis. Rakka platform can transport high loads, equal to the net vehicle weight of 3000 kg, thus a 1:1 ratio. The Rakka platform is remote control. In the current version, the operator is located at distance but line-of-sight, in order to maintain visual contact and battlefield awareness. 80 UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Managing Director Pasi Peho, COO Owner 100% privately owned Contact Arkadiankatu 23 G, 00100 HELSINKI Tel. +358 40 594 1101 E-mail: pasi.peho(at)rakkatec.fi www.rakkatec.fi • • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Seppo Liikkanen Owner 100% privately owned Key Figures Net sales: € 10 million Personnel: 42 employees Exports: 2% Contact Töölönkatu 27 A 6 FI-00260 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 9 4777 950 Fax. +358 9 4777 9555 E-mail: helsinki(at)raikka.fi www.raikka.fi 81 Rauma Marine Constructions Oy Robonic Ltd Oy Rauma Marine Constructions Oy (RMC) is a shipbuilding and project management company offering to its customers the top end of Finnish shipbuilding. The operation is based on combining the best and most skilled design and execution team for each project. Resources are obtained from a well-integrated professional local network. RMC carries the responsibility for execution, planning and quality of the operation and end product. Robonic Ltd Oy is the world’s premier UAV/RPA launch systems house. Robonic has more than three decades of operational experience with pneumatic technology to achieve zero point or short rail launch of remotely piloted aircraft and up to high speed target drones. Its family of solutions provides a cost effective and flexible launch method, meeting the current and evolving requirements of the global UAS/ RPAS industry. Business, Products and Services The shipyard in Rauma has a world-wide high reputation as builder of car-passenger ferries, special vessels and naval craft. The operations of Rauma Marine Constructions (RMC) is based on personnel skills, gained experience and market position. The company is expanding the product portfolio to even more sophisticated ships as well as post delivery services. Business, Products and Services Our systems have been successfully used to launch some 20 different types of air vehicle, a record unmatched by any other available solution in the international marketplace. Our services also include adapter (interface) design and launch related consultancy. Through our dedicated UAV/RPA test flight centre in Lapland at Kemijarvi, Finland we can support all forms of UAS trials, evaluation and operational qualification. We offer a unique set of capabilities that can directly assist manufacturers prepare their systems for the new global marketplace. Robonic is a fully owned subsidiary of Sagem Défence Sécurité (Safran Group). 82 UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Juha Moisio Owner Sagem Défence Sécurité (Safran Group) Contact Pinninkatu 53 C FI-33100 Tampere, Finland Tel. +358 40 751 6363 Fax. +358 3 2730 588 E-mail: sales(at)robonic.fi www.robonic.fi • • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Heikki Pöntynen Contact P.O. Box 55 Suojantie 5 FI-26101 Rauma, Finland Tel. +358 29 1700080 E-mail: info(at)RMCfinland.fi www.RMCfinland.fi 83 Rolls-Royce Oy Ab Business, Products and Services Our business comprises for segments: RADIOMONITORING AND LOCATION (Receivers, Direction Finders and Integrated Systems). SECURE COMMUNICATIONS (Encryption Devices, Software Radios for military use, Air Traffic Control Radios and Integrated Systems). BROADCAST (TV and Radio Transmitters, Head Ends and Video Servers). TEST & MEASUREMENT (Electronics Measuring Instruments, e.g. Oscilloscopes, Signal Analyzers, Signal Generators and Network Analyzers). SERVICES account for about 20% of our revenue. We provide maintenance and calibration services also for other manufacturers’ measuring instruments and sign comprehensive Service Level Agreements that cover the customer’s entire laboratory asset inventory. Key Figures • AFDA 2015 Contact 84 Revenue:17.981.000 € (2014) Personnel: 28 (2014) Taivaltie 5, 01610 Vantaa Tel. +358 20 7600 400 E-mail: asiakaspalvelu(at)rohde-schwarz.com www.rohde-schwarz.com UAS RPAS Rolls-Royce Oy Ab is part of global Rolls-Royce, the a world leader in the supply of Azimuth thrusters, deck machinery and waterjets. Business, Products and Services Rolls-Royce azimuth thrusters: -- Power range up to 16 MW -- Primary applications are harbour and ocean going tugboats, offshore supply essels and dynamic positioning systems as well as road ferries. Rolls-Royce mooring, anchoring and handling/towing (AHTW) systems are electrically and hydraulically driven. Rolls-Royce waterjets: -- Steel Series sizes 25-125. Steel waterjets have the best pump efficiency on the market over the whole speed range. -- Aluminium Series sizes 24-67 re normally supplied as skidmount self-contained units ready for rapid installation, but tailor-made inlets can be provided to, i.e. special naval crafts. Key Figures Contact Net sales: 614 M€ Personnel: Kokkola 80, Rauma 555 Exports: 99% Rolls-Royce Oy Ab Potkuritie 4, FI-67900 Kokkola Tel. +358 6 8324500 Fax. +358 6 8324513 Suojantie 5, FI-26100 Rauma Tel. +358 2 83791 Fax. +358 2 83794804 E-mail: info.kokkola(at)rolls-royce.com www.rolls-royce.com UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Rohde & Schwarz Finland Oy, found in 2004, is a Finnish subsidiary of Munich based Rohde & Schwarz Group. Main customers include authorities, regulators, defense forces, broadcast and telecomm operators, airport operators, electronics industry and wireless communications user and network equipment manufacturers. In addition to innovative high technology products and systems we provide maintenance and professional services which maximize usability and availability of the products and systems throughout their entire customer use life cycle. Local service/value added is a key element of our strategy in Finland. • Rohde & Schwarz Finland Oy 85 Sako Ltd. Sarco Oy Sako Ltd is the leading manufacturer of military, hunting and sporting rifles in Europe, and a member of the international Beretta Group. Sako Ltd is established in 1921. Sako’s fine products are distributed worldwide, more than 50 countries. Business, Products and Services For decades Sako has developed world-class rifles as well as cartridges. By integrating its knowledge of both the rifle and cartridge production, Sako brand can offer a shooter the unique advantages of uncompromising accuracy and reliability. Our main fields of operation include the design, production, marketing and global sales of military, hunting and sporting rifles as well as cartridges. In Finland Sako is the leading importer and wholesale merchant in the field. Managing Director Mr. Raimo Karjalainen Owner Beretta Holding S.p.A. (100%) Key Figures Net sales: 84,0 Meur Personnel: 305 Exports: 97% Contact P.O. Box 149 FI-11101 Riihimäki, Finland Tel. +358 10 8305 200 Fax +358 10 8305 380 E-mail: raimo.karjalainen(at)sako.fi www.sako.fi Sarco Oy designs and manufactures intercom equipment, message systems and devices, special cables and adaptors, among others. Business, Products and Services Sarco Oy delivers intercoms and communication systems for the Finnish Defence Forces. This long-term customer connection is a convincing guarantee for quality since the Defence Forces require very high product reliability. Managing Director Mr. Sakari Korhonen Key Figures Net sales: ca € 3 million Personnel: 15 Exports: 20% Contact Niittyläntie 3 FI-00160 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 9 777 1500 Fax. +358 9 757 1944 E-mail: sarco(at)sarco.fi www.sarco.fi 86 UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • • AFDA 2015 87 SAVOX Communications Oy Ab Oy Scantarp Ab Savox Communications is focused on providing safety, rescue and communications products and solutions that improve and save lives in hazardous and highly demanding environments. Business, Products and Services Savox Communications has a unique combination of in-house design, engineering and manufacturing resources which, in addition to its own range of branded products, allows making radio accessory products according to customer needs. The latest developments have been responding to the communication challenges of the battle fields. Savox Communications had a central coordinator role in the Future Warrior Technology Program PVTO2012 and just recently Savox launched THOR – the new tactical headgear system designed for the needs of armed forces, special forces, marine and SWAT units and a wide variety of other military and security end users. UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • AFDA 2015 • Business, Products and Services As North Europe’s leading producer of coated technical fabrics Scantarp offers protection solutions for civilian and military use. Already 50 years of product development in cooperation with our customers and suppliers contribute us to answer even the most demanding market requirements. Scantarp has strong experience in making weather shelters, tents, tent systems and lots of tailor made protection gear to the customer in Finland and abroad. Our camouflage making for Finland is based on Saab Barracuda multispectral materials. Managing Director Mr. Heikki Kotala Owner 100% Atri Maja Oü (Estonia) Key Figures Net sales: € 13,4 million Personnel: 80 Exports: 50% (Defence and security 15%) Contact Mr. Alexander Aminoff Lukkosalmentie 4 FI-70420 Kuopio, Finland Tel. +358 17 288 1188 E-mail: alexander.aminoff(at)scantarp.fi Managing Director Mr. Jerry Kettunen Key Figures Exports: 97% Contact Sinikalliontie 3 B FI-02630 Espoo, Finland Tel. +358 9 417 411 00 Fax +358 9 417 411 40 E-mail: savox(at)savox.com www.savox.com 88 Scantarp is the leading producer of coated fabrics in Northern Europe. The company is a supplier for the FDF in protection, tents and camouflage. It is representing Saab Barracuda in Camouflage for Finland. 89 Sisu Axles Inc. Business, Products and Services Audits and assessments: We provide a range of system, network and software audits. Our audits range from compliance audits to hostile assessments using weaponized malware. R & D: We help our customer develop robust, secure products by conducting risk analyses, designing security components and training employees. Holistic Information Security Management: We help client organisations to manage their information security in a holistic and measurable way that is always in line with business needs and industry specific best practises, rules and regulations. • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Mr. Mikko Niemelä Key Figures Net sales: € 0.8 million Personnel: 10 Contact Meritullintori 3 FI-00170 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 40 7048 677 E-mail: mikko(at)silverskin.fi www.silverskin.com 90 Sisu Axles Inc. manufactures axles for military and armored modular vehicles and heavy duty trucks. Business, Products and Services Sisu Axles is a privately owned company, located in Hämeenlinna, Finland. Our products can be seen all over the world in tough and sometimes extreme applications. Solution provider is the term we use. We are driven by customers’ needs while our customers are driven with unique applications. Sisu Axles assists them to equip their vehicles with axle systems that they don´t find anywhere else. Sisu Axles serves customers who are rather niche market suppliers than those who make products for high volume vehicle industry. Tailoring for special purposes and applications knowledge are key words to describe our know-how. Our solutions are available all over the world, supported by the highly specialized R&D team and by Aftermarket unit with high availability of critical parts and services to eliminate unexpected downtime of the customers´ vehicles. Managing Director Mr. Jouni Teppo Owner Marmon Group Limited Contact P.O. Box 189 FI-13101, Hämeenlinna, Finland Street Address: Autotehtaantie 1, FI-13250 Hämeenlinna, Finland Tel. +358 204 55 2999 Fax +358 204 55 2900 E-mail: sales(at)sisuaxles.com www.sisuaxles.com UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Silverskin is a small company providing consultation, audit and assessment services with global coverage. We maintain the highest number of information security industry certifications in Finland. We meet the highest level requirements of both European Union and U.S. Department of Defence Directive (DoDD 8570). • Silverskin Information Security 91 SPECIM, Spectral Imaging Ltd. Business, Products and Services SISU off-road trucks are designed for military use, and for operating in particularly severe off-road conditions. SISU military vehicles are characterized by an efficient load carrying capacity in extreme terrain, major load rating even with high protection level, as well as adaptability for various operating tasks. READY-PROVEN-RELIABLE: Armoured SISU military trucks are in operational use e.g. in Afghanistan, and in Lebanon. Additional information of SISU products and SISU services is available online on our website. • AFDA 2015 Contact 92 Tammisaarentie 45, FI-10300 Karjaa, Finland Tel. +358 10 2751 Fax. +358 19 233 001 E-mail: info(at)sisuauto.com www.sisuauto.com UAS RPAS Specim is a world leading company for hyperspectral imaging instruments, from UV through VNIR and SWIR up to LWIR. Business, Products and Services High reliability and performance in least size and weight have made SPECIM’s sensors the tools of choice for many defence and law enforcement organizations around the world for anti-camouflage target detection, counter IED, counter narcotics, border surveillance and mobility modelling applications from airborne platforms and ground vehicles. SPECIM provides complete systems ready to be installed onboard all types of fixed- or rotary wing as well as manned or unmanned airborne platforms. Managing Director Mr. Georg Meissner Key Figures Net sales: € 6,7 Million Personnel: ca. 40 Exports: 90% Contact Elektroniikkatie 13 FI-90590 Oulu Tel. +358 10 4244 400 Fax. +358 8 388 580 E-mail: info(at)specim.fi www.specim.fi UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Military Vehicles and related Life-Cycle Support. • Sisu Defence Oy 93 State Security Networks Group Surma Ltd State Security Networks Ltd functions as the network operator responsible for the high-readiness network and infrastructure services of the administrative security network. Together with its subsidiaries, the State Security Networks is an expert organisation that enables reliable, secure and high-quality information exchange. The parent company, State Security Networks Ltd, is a non-profit limited company wholly owned by the State. Its operations are regulated by the Act on the Public Administration’s Security Network Activities. Our major clients include companies of critical importance for security of supply in sectors such as telecommunications and energy as well as the ministries and other authorities responsible for the security and functioning of the society. These include the Rescue Service Organisation, the police, the Finnish Defence Forces, the Emergency Response Centre Administration, social welfare and health care, and the Finnish Border Guard. Surma is a private Finnish company specialized in naval combat survivability. We develop and sell software tools for comprehensive combat survivability assessment, and we provide analysis and research services related to naval design. The scope of our services includes also survivability assessment of other floating structures and submarines. • 94 State Security Networks Ltd. Tekniikantie 4 B, P.O. Box 357 FI-02151 Espoo, Finland Exchange +358 20 7400 500 fax +358 20 7400 501 tel. +358 800 182555 email: asiakaspalvelu(at)erillisverkot.fi www.erillisverkot.fi UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 AFDA 2015 Contact Managing Director Mr. Martti Helamaa Owner Personnel 80% Private Investors 20% Key Figures Net revenue: 0,7 M€ (2014) Exports: 47% (2014) Defence: 100% (2014) Personnel: 14 (2014) Contact Kaisaniemenkatu 1 G P.O. Box 970 FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland Tel +358 50 503 5850 Fax +358 5080 515 007 surma(at)survivability.fi www.survivability.fi • Business, Products and Services One of our subsidiaries, Suomen Virveverkko Oy owns and operates the VIRVE network. Introduced in 2002, VIRVE is the world’s first nationwide TETRA technology-based radio telephone network. Another subsidiary, VIRVE Tuotteet ja Palvelut Oy sells and provides services to terminal devices and auxiliary devices from various manufacturers suited for the TETRA networks. Subsidiary Johtotieto Oy seeks to prevent damage to Finland’s critical infrastructure. Subsidiary Leijonaverkot Oy owns, administers and leases out underground protective facilities with communications system facilities and data centres that are security-critical to society. Business, Products and Services Our main product is a combat survivability assessment software SURMA. It is a ship design oriented survivability management application with the purpose of enhancing the survivability related features already from the very beginning of any ship or other platform design process. SURMA enables survivability assessment to be an integral part of every phase of the design. Even though the main focus is on naval design of future combatants, also existing vessels can be analyzed. 95 TEMET is the brand name in blast protection, CBRN filtration and special ventilation technology providing full range of high-quality products for hardened civilian and military shelters. TEMET’s technology is also successfully utilized in many industrial applications. Business, Products and Services Systematic, headquartered in Denmark, was founded in 1985. Today, the company has approx. 450 employees and offices in Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Singapore, Sweden, UAE, UK and USA. Systematic’s products and solutions have been sold to customers in almost 50 countries. Through our international partnerships, we deliver cost effective solutions that are both rapidly deployed and uniquely tailored to national requirements. The SitaWare product suite provides a C2 capability at the Joint/ National HQ level (SitaWare Headquarters), integrated in vehicles (SitaWare Frontline) and for the dismounted commander (SitaWare Edge). The IRIS product suite provides a full messaging capability for defining, preparing, editing and sending military messages. Business, Products and Services For hardening technology, TEMET can offer the most advanced products designed for blast resistant closing of the access ways and ventilation openings. Our advanced design methods supported by experience and comprehensive validating testing methods guarantee that a uniform blast resistance level for the facility is attained. Regarding the temporary life supporting systems technology, TEMET has a full range of special equipment and systems required in effective NBC-protection based on reliable detection of the CBRN-threat and effective filtration of the intake air for correct pressurization of the shelter. TEMET equipment may be custom designed and TEMET can assist all the way from designing phase to the commissioning of the finalized shelter. command and control (C2) solutions. • AFDA 2015 Managing Director Ms. Merja Annala Contact Systematic Oy Finland Finlaysoninkuja 19 FI-33210 Tampere Finland Tel. +358 207 463 870 Fax +358 207 463 877 E-mail: merja.annala(at)systematic.com E-mail: contact_fi(at)systematic.com www.systematic.com 96 Managing Director Mr. Jyrki Ronkainen Owner Family owned Key Figures Net sales: € 20 million Personnel: 80 Exports: 50–60% Contact Mr. Juha Manninen, Marketing Manager Asentajankatu 3 FI-00880 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 40 516 8541 Fax. +358 20 757 9515 E-mail: juha.manninen(at)temet.com www.temet.com UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Temet Oy Systematic is an independent software company providing scalable software products, turnkey solutions and support services for defence forces, security organizations and systems integrators, specialising in interoperable • Systematic Oy Finland 97 ThyssenKrupp Aerospace Finland Ltd. Business, Products and Services January 2007 Norwegian T&G Elektro AS (founded 1955) and Finnish Sarkkinen Oy (founded 1967) merged together to expand T&G Groups operations in Finland. Design and manufacturing of electrical cable and harnessing systems for harsh environments were started in Finland. the sales of electrical and optical connectors, electromechanical components, tools, wires, cables and cable accessories was done already since 1967 among the other industrial segments to MIL needs. Today the service includes among the above technical support, design and different kind of logistic services. Owner Key Figures • AFDA 2015 Contact 98 Private persons and T&G Elektro As Net sales: € 2 million Personnel: 7 Exports: 45% T&G Sarkkinen Oy Hirsalantie 11 FI-02420 Jorvas, Finland Tel. +358 02 793 9750 Fax. +358 20 793 9769 E-mail: sales(at)tgsarkkinen.fi www.tgsarkkinen.fi UAS RPAS Business, Products and Services ThyssenKrupp Aerospace Finland Ltd. is a leading supplier of aluminium, titanium and special steel products. ThyssenKrupp offers heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable aluminium, steel and titanium cut-to-size as required. Our steel and titanium products are intended for demanding use. Our focus groups include, among others, the electronics and transportation industries, die and tool manufacturers, and the aviation industry. Our products are typically used in various structures in the field of aviation, in internal combustion engines, power stations and other places requiring high corrosion resistance. ThyssenKrupp offers flexible service and top-quality materials. Managing Director Mr. Petri Laaksonen Owner ThyssenKrupp Materials International GmbH Key Figures Net sales: € 15 million Personnel: 23 Exports: 10% Contact Jalostamontie 1 FI-42300 Jämsänkoski, Finland Tel. +358 40 5446 771 Fax. +358 20 127 4450 E-mail: petri.laaksonen(at)thyssenkrupp.com www.thyssenkruppaerospace.fi UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Sales of electrical and optical connectors, electromechanical components, tools, wires, cables and cable accessories. Design and manufacturing of electrical cable and harnessing systems for harsh environments. • T&G Sarkkinen Oy 99 Volvo Ab Finland Business, Products and Services -- Meteorological measurements instruments eg. for humidity, barometric pressure and wind -- Meteorological systems: eg. radiosondes and sounding systems, dropsondes, surface weather systems and weather radars -- Meteorological solutions: eg. for aviation and traffic as well as solutions for renewable energy and integration of meteorological systems to mobile platforms -- Services: eg. support, maintenance and modernization services, data services and renewable energy assessment and forecasting services. • AFDA 2015 Managing Director President and CEO Mr. Kjell Forsén Owner Public Company Key Figures Net sales: 299.7 million € Personnel: 1613 (31.12.2014) Exports: 97% Contact Vanha Nurmijärventie 21 FI-01670 Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358 9 89491 Fax. +358 9 8949 2227 E-mail: info(at)vaisala.com www.vaisala.com 100 Established in 1928 Volvo Finland Ab is the oldest subsidiary of global Volvo Ab. It supplies transport solutions to its civilian and military customers as well as marine power plants and construction engines for various applications. Business, Products and Services Volvo provides its customers with Volvo and Renault Trucks, Volvo buses and Volvo Penta naval and industrial engines as well as Volvo construction engines and equipment. Volvo also provides the customers with financial leasing and insurance services. Volvo has a service network for trucks which covers the whole Finland with 31 regional workshops. Volvo also has well established relations with local companies which are specialized in body buildings and structures on chassis. Volvo has central logistic depot close to Helsinki-Vantaa airport and this guarantees quick deliveries of spare parts to its regional workshops everywhere in Finland. Volvo Penta has service units for marine engines in 42 places of business in Finland. Volvo’s core values are quality, safety and environmental care. Managing Director Mr. Magnus Björklund Owner shareholder Volvo Ab Key Figures Net sales: € 180 million (trucks) € 20 million (Penta engines and services) Personnel: 460 + 300 in partner’s service Contact Volvo Finland Ab Vetotie 3, FI-01610 Vantaa, Finland Tel. +358 10 655 00 Fax +358 10 655 5895 E-mail: magnus.bjorklund(at)volvo.com www.volvotrucks.com UAS RPAS UAS RPAS AFDA 2015 Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurements. We provide a comprehensive range of innovative observation and measurement products and services for weather-related and industrial markets. The company is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki stock exchange. • Vaisala Oyj 101 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is the leading research and technology company in the Nordic countries. We use our research and knowledge to provide expert services for our domestic and international customers and partners. We serve both private and public sectors. Business, Products and Services We develop new smart technologies, profitable solutions and innovation services. We cooperate with our customers to produce technology for business and build success and well-being for the benefit of society. We use 4,000,000 hours of brainpower a year to develop new technological solutions. You benefit from this spearhead research, when we work with you to create new products, production processes, methods, and services. VTT ensures an efficient utilisation of science and technology with the aid of broad international cooperation and networking. VTT is essential part of Finland’s defence, security and aerospace technology innovation system. 102 AFDA 2015 UAS RPAS • • AFDA 2015 Managing Director President and CEO Mr. Erkki KM Leppävuori Owner The Finnish State Key Figures Turnover: € 250 million Personnel: 2,400 Exports: 21% Established: 1942 Contact VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd P.O. Box 1000 FI-02044 VTT, Finland Tel. +358 20 722 111 E-mail: info(at)vtt.fi www.vttresearch.com 103 • • 104 105 AFDA 2015 AFDA 2015 FINLAND Helsinki Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries, AFDA Contact: Ms. Tuija Karanko Secretary General +358 40 559 8986 tuija.karanko(at)techind.fi AFDA(at)techind.fi • AFDA 2015 Address: P.O. Box 10 00131 Helsinki, Finland fax: +358 9 624 462 106 Visiting address: Eteläranta 10, Helsinki www.defenceindustries.fi 6/2015
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