TELLEMENT BON! BRAND NEW COOKING MAGAZINE TELLEMENT BON! WHY A NEW COOKING MAGAZINE? SO CONSUMERS CAN REDISCOVER THE JOYS OF EATING – SIMPLY AND ECONOMICALLY! Energetic, fun, practical, fast, healthy, bold, colourful… So many words to describe TELLEMENT BON!, the latest cooking magazine for anyone managing a household, juggling a busy schedule, trying to stay on budget, and wanting to put more joy on the table. it’s adding excitement to family mealtimes during the week, or entertaining friends on the weekend, TELLEMENT BON! recipes are smart and delicious solutions with maximum WOW factor! Quick and easy recipes, fancy weekday recipes, tips for eating well in a hurry, supermarket-to-plate shortcuts, smart ideas that please gourmets palates, TELLEMENT BON! promises to help readers smile when they answer the question that comes up at least 5 nights a week: “What‘s for dinner?” Marie-Claude Bonneau Editor and Content Manager • 60,000 copies for the first issue • 6 issues per year • 8.5” x 10.75” • Perfect bound • Between 120 and 150 pages • On newsstands October 23, 2014 JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON! SIMPLE, GOURMET SOLUTIONS FOR QUEBEC WOMEN By offering simple, balanced, but aways gourmet recipes, this new magazine makes life easier for active women who don’t have much time to cook during the week, but who also don’t want to neglect quality in their meals. Colourful and practical recipes that fit the family budget! A WINNING RECIPE! Delicious Simple Economical Quick Fun Colored Quebecor Media – Research Source: PMB, Spring 2014, Franco Quebec, 12+ PRACTICAL AND FUN CONTENT BITE SIZE WEEKDAY COOKING: 5 PM PANIC (FAST, EASY, MINIMAL INGREDIENTS) • Innovations • • Tips and advice Ingredient of the month • Quick recipes • Info • Shopping • Smart recipes (to optimize kids’ health) • Mix and match WEEKEND COOKING • Kitchen assembly ONE DISH, 40 VARIATIONS E.g.: 40 ways to eat corn or 40 summer salads • Theme of the month (e.g. apples) • • • Topic of the season (e.g. casseroles) Weekend challenge OUR TV CHEFS • Wine article • Theme-related recipes • Traditional vs. revisited • Recipes seen on TV • Classic vs. light Quebecor Media – Research WELL-KNOWN CHEFS GUEST CONTRIBUTORS* MATHIEU CLOUTIER STEFANO FAITA MÉLANIE MARCHAND JESSICA HARNOIS CHUCK HUGHES JONATHAN GARNIER Quebecor Media – Research * Collaborators shown for illustrative purposes only BUSY WOMEN WHO WANT TO EAT WELL It’s no secret, Quebec women are busy! Despite their 101 jobs, meals are those special moments for quality time with family, friends or as a couple! Always looking for new ideas, they want quick and tasty recipes, but won’t neglect food quality. They want simple recipes to delight the most demanding plates! WOMEN WHO ARE ACTIVE AND INFLUENTIAL • 74%, aged 25-54, work full-time (index 152) • • 60% have a university degree (index 140) 54% have children at home (index 153) • 71% engage in physical activity (index 113) WOMEN WHO LOVE TO COOK • 62% love to cook (index 125) • • 66% make dinner for the family (index 137) 54% prefer local food (index 107) • 68% have sit-down family meals (index 108) Quebecor Media – Research Source: PMB, Spring 2014, Quebec, Franco, 12+ NATIONAL RATES FREQUENCY 1x 3x 6x (-5%) (-8%) 1 PAGE $4,235 $4,025 $3,895 DOUBLE PAGE $8,470 $8,050 $7,790 ½ PAGE $2,965 $2,820 $2,725 ⅓ PAGE $2,540 $2,415 $2,335 C-2 $4,870 $4,630 $4,480 C-3 $4,660 $4,430 $4,285 C-4 $5,295 $5,030 $4,870 National rates are gross. DEADLINES VOL # RESERVATION MATERIAL 1 2 1 3 January 16, 2015 January 23, 2015 February 19, 2015 1 4 March 6, 2015 March 13, 2015 April 9, 2015 1 5 April 17, 2015 April 24, 2015 May 21, 2015 1 6 August 7, 2015 August 14, 2015 September 10, 2015 2 1 September 25, 2015 October 2, 2015 October 29, 2015 November 28, 2014 December 5, 2014 NEWSSTANDS January 1, 2015 Publishing dates and deadlines are subject to change. Please contact your representative to make sure you have the most recent timetable. You can also view the most up-to-date version of this timetable at TO ADVERTISE WITH US MONTREAL Caroline Gagnon Director, National Sales - Convergent Solutions 514 598-3976 Christine Ducharme Director, Sales and Development 514 370-5823 TORONTO Bryan Hamberg Solutions Director, National Sales 416 947-2138 WEBSITE
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