New LeMahieu TV Ad Launches Today

October 24, 2014
Contact: Scott Fitzgerald, (608) 257-8035
New LeMahieu TV Ad Launches Today
[Madison, WI…] Republican candidate for the 9th State Senate district Devin LeMahieu (ROostburg) released his third ad of the campaign today, entitled “Rolling.”
The ad emphasizes that Wisconsin’s economy is “rolling” due to pro-growth reforms pushed by
Republicans over the past four years, and warns that electing Democrat Martha Laning (DPlymouth) would halt that progress.
“Under Republican leadership, Wisconsin has created over 100,000 jobs and its
unemployment rate is at its lowest point since 2008,” said Senate Majority Leader Scott
Fitzgerald (R-Juneau). “Martha Laning’s liberal ideology and tax-and-spend approach is
the wrong direction for Wisconsin, and I am confident the voters of the conservative
lakeshore district will recognize that on November 4th.”
To view the ad, visit LeMahieu for Senate’s YouTube channel at
P.O. Box 2741 * Madison, WI 53701 *
Authorized and Paid for by Committee to Elect a Republican Senate, Scott Fitzgerald, Treasurer