Marja-Liisa Mäkelä University of Turku, Department of Education My

The Ups and Downs on the Educational Path.
Research plan: study of immigrant students transition
from compulsory school to further education.
Marja-Liisa Mäkelä
University of Turku, Department of Education
Transition period from compulsory school to further education can be problematic for the immigrant background youths.
Statistics have shown in previous studies that these students continue education after compulsory school less often than
the majority students. Previous studies have also shown that the immigrant parents have very high expectations for their
children future education. There is clear contradiction between the reality and future hopes.
My research concentrates on the experiences of the
students and their parents during the 9 grade and
one year after that concerning the further education.
This gives me the opportunity to see how the future
plans are formed before and after the transition period.
Did they get in the school they wanted? Or are they in
danger becoming a school drop outs? In many previous
studies results have shown that immigrants are still in
vulnerable situation in the labor market. How ever
education that is acquired in Finland gives the second
generation good start for their careers. Transition from
compulsory school is the first step.
My data will consist of a surveys and interviews
conducted to the immigrant students and their parents.
• First survey is done in the beginning of the 2015 for
the students while they are in the 9 grade and that
will be repeated in the fall of 2015 when they have
left the compulsory school.
• Interviews of the students are done in the late spring
2015 and a year after that.
• I will collect a small survey from the parents in the
late spring 2015 and interview some of them in the
fall 2015.
I’ll use the mixed methods in my study. Quantitative
data allows me to make more general interpretations and
the qualitative data allows me to go beyond the numbers
and ask more personal questions. That way I’ll be able
to make my analysis using a broad perspective to the
phenomenon in question.
1. How do the immigrant background students see their
future educational path during the 9 grade and how
does their view change after one year? Are there some
subgroups and what are their background predictors?
2. How do parents express their hopes, expectations and
possible worries of their children’s future? Do they differ
from the students views?
• Immigrants are a minority group and their position in
the public can be at times a vulnerable.
• Research done to under aged needs to have parental
acceptance -> with immigrant parents the language
can cause problems.
• Researchers position in interview situations might
need to be carefully explained so that trusting
atmosphere will be achieved.
Kyhä, H. 2011. Koulutetut maahanmuuttajat työmarkkinoilla. Tutukimus
korkeakoulututukinnon suorittanieden maahanmuuttajien työllistymisestä ja työurien
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Rinne, R. & Tuittu, A. 2011. Peruskoulu maahanmuuttaja- ja suomalaisvanhempien
silmin. Teoksessa Klemelä, K; Tuittu, A; Virta, A. Rinne, R. (toim.): Vieraina koulussa?
Monikulttuurinen koulu oppilaiden, vanhempien, opettajien ja rehtoreiden kokemana.
Turku: TY.
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Sannino, A. 2010. Maahanmuuttajien lasten siirtymät
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Transitions and educational trajectories of immigrant youth: A 4-year longitudinal study
from compulsory to further education is funded for 2014-2018 by the Academy of
Marja-Liisa Mäkelä: