PRELIMINARY QUESTIONNAIRE OF SUPPLIERS The preliminary questionnaire is a simple and easy-to-fill-in form which will enable JSC “CONCERN TITAN-2” to make a list of potential suppliers of works/services and get the first impression about activities of applicant companies. The information submitted in the preliminary questionnaire will be registered and included in the database of JSC “CONCERN TITAN-2”. In case services/works offered by the applicant company will be of interest for JSC “CONCERN TITAN-2”, you will be invited to participate in bids. If you have a presentation which will allow us to familiarise in more detail with the activity of your company, please attach it to the preliminary questionnaire. We ask you to submit filled-in forms. It is necessary to send filled-in forms to the following e-mail addresses: Each applicant company will receive a letter of response with acknowledgement of receipt of the information from an authorised employee of JSC “CONCERN TITAN-2” within 10 working days from the moment of submission of the filled-in preliminary questionnaire to the specified e-mail address. № Item 1. Company’s full name 2. Company’s form of incorporation 3. Number of state registration 4. Date and address of registration 5. Registered location of company’s head office - Zip code - Country - Region - City (settlement) - Region - Street - House (building) 6. Legal address - Zip code - Country - Region - City (settlement) - Street - House (building) 7. Postal address - Zip code - Country - Region - City (settlement) - Street - House (building) 8. Full name of company’s head 9. Full name of the person responsible for filling-in of forms 10. Contact person, tel. 11. Contact person, e-mail 12. Reception, tel. 13. Reception, fax 14. Company’s web-site 15. Bank details 16. Full name of the controlling shareholder (to be filled in by the corporation) 17. The list of affiliated persons (the form provided in Appendix no. 1 is to be filled in). 18. The list of representations and branches with instructions of the form, location, VAT numbers (for cases when the representation is in the EU country) and a short description of types of activities. Answer In case there are several permanently operating representations in the EU countries – to specify a preferred one to work with JSC CONCERN TITAN-2. 19. The list of affiliated companies with indication of locations, VAT numbers (for cases when an affiliated company is registered in the EU country) and a short description of types of activities. In case there are several permanently operating affiliated companies in the EU countries – to specify a preferred one to work with JSC CONCERN TITAN-2. 20. Financial performance of the company (euros/ roubles) for the last 3 years: Balance sheet: 1) Charter capital; 2) Other sources of own founds 3) Fixed assets; 4) Current assets 5) Receivables and payables 6) Profit (loss) For construction companies, please separately specify the volume of work in progress in construction. Profit and loss statement: 1) Operating revenue 2) Cost of production; 3) General and administrative costs; 4) Profit Copies of company’s annual reports for the last three years are to be attached. 21. Existence of facts of company’s participation in court proceedings (the form provided in Appendix no.2 is to be filled in). In case of a holding company – to disclose information about all of its members COMPANY'S PRIMARY ACTIVITY 22. Main types of products (services). To obelize if this type of services/products is a part of company’s primary activity To specify the approximate volume of revenue for each type of activity for the last 3 years, in euro. - Research and development, experimental development - Designing - Production - Tests and checks - Civil works - Installation works - Starting-up and adjustment works and commissioning - Personnel training - Consultation and scientific and technical services - Information services - Logistics, transport, storage - Other services (to specify shortly) 23. Copies of valid licenses, permits and certificates with appendices describing specific kinds of activities for which the bidder has licences, permits and certificates 24. Recommendations and references of the companies / state bodies and other companies: - By results of participation in large industrial and power projects - By results of participation in state projects 25. Company’s position in the local market / occupied market share by types of activities. 26. The software used in the company for production management. 27. Subcontractors involved in the main technological process (the form provided in Appendix no.3 is to be filled in). The list of processes where subcontractors are involved, the scheme of interfaces of subcontractors and the company. It is necessary to attach it to the questionnaire. 28. To specify reference for the last 5 years (the form provided in Appendix no.4 is to be filled in). The type and quantity of manufactured equipment / executed works / rendered services must be indicated for: - Power facilities (nuclear and other power stations); - Separate power facilities without any communications with power stations; - Large industrial sites; - Other projects. 29. Series or type of production (to put X if applicable): A) Mass or a large-scale production B) Serial or piece production C) Individual production 30. Warranty and post-warranty service. The description of warranty guarantee and post-warranty measures, the description of actions providing performance of warranty certificates and service must be attached to the questionnaire. INDUSTRIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL CAPABILITIES OF THE COMPANY 31. Total area of premises (m2): - Including production space (rented areas are to be specified in brackets) - Designing zone - Area for testing and analytical laboratories - Area of warehouse premises 32. Material resources of the company (the form provided in Appendix no. 5 is to be filled in) - Construction equipment, incl. lifting equipment and mechanisms - Transport - Separate large industrial complexes (factories, manufacture lines, etc.) - Separate equipment and cars, big and unique equipment. To attach, if possible, the catalogue of equipment for manufacture. To give description of tools and accessories in use. - Stands for testing - Measuring and testing equipment 33. Personnel (the form provided in Appendix no. 6 is to be filled in). 34. Large investment projects on upgrading of fixed assets for the last three years (to list and specify the approximate volume of investments). 35. Applied codes and standards. To attach the list of international codes and applicable standards for manufacture. 36. Document control tools. To specify whether electronic document control systems are in use. 37. Laboratories with test stands. To mark X if applicable, the list of the equipment and types of carried out tests in laboratory conditions are to be attached to the questionnaire. 38. Access to railways, nearby railway stations, port terminals and own/rented moorings. Description of transport services and infrastructure for manufacturers of large-sized products is to be attached to the questionnaire. 39. General planning practice: planning types, a decision tree To attach the description of the planning system. QUALITY, ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, HEALTH & SECURITY 39. Availability of quality system (integrated management system) complying to ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004, OHSAS 18001: 2007. To attach copies of current certificates, and also the list of procedures of the quality management system 40. Work experience according to IAEA-International atomic energy agency GS-R-3, GS-G-3.1 and GS-G3.5 (if the company participated in nuclear power station construction projects). To obelize if applicable. To attach a short summary to the questionnaire. 41. Organizational scheme of quality management, with definition of all types of communications (functional responsibility, interface operations). To attach a detailed description to the questionnaire. 42. Experience of cooperation with independent or state control bodies for checking of goods and services. To obelize if applicable. To attach a short description to the questionnaire. 43. Presence of specialised technical control of released products without sub-contract (technological potential). 44. If the company uses consulting companies for quality management, to describe experience of interaction and submit a list of involved consulting companies. In the right top corner, the documents attached to the questionnaire must have a reference to the point number of the questionnaire which the attached documents are related to. In addition to the filled in questionnaire applicant companies can submit other data in the free form. Appendix no. 1 The list of affiliated persons The structure of affiliated persons as of № Company’s full name (the name of a non-commercial organisation) or surname, name, patronymic of the affiliated person Location of the legal person or Residence of the physical person (it is indicated only with consent of the physical person) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ____________________________________ (Signature, seal) ____________________________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who signed). Ground (grounds) for the person to be admitted affiliated 2 0 Share of participation of Date of onset of the ground affiliated person in the (grounds) charter capital of joint-stock company, % Share of equity stocks of the Joint-stock company belonging to the affiliated person, % Appendix no. 2 Information about Bidder’s participation in court proceedings. Year Other participants of court proceedings 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ____________________________________ (Signature, seal) ____________________________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who signed). Dispute subject Claim amount To indicate whether the process is over and in whose favour the court judgement has been. Appendix no. 3 The List of Subcontractors № Name of the Subcontractor Legal and post addresses, contact information Short description of the supplied products / Approximate share of the subcontractor in carried out works / rendered services the final cost of a product/work/service *, % 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. *it may be specified in section of types of products manufactured by the company / carried out works / rendered services ____________________________________ (Signature, seal) ____________________________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who signed). Appendix no 4 Special experience № п/п Project name Description of carried out works (Volume and structure) Performance terms (year and month of the beginning, the actual or planned termination, for non- complete contracts — performance percent) Client (name, address, contact person, position, contact phone) The price of carried out works approx., euro TOTAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ____________________________________ (Signature, seal) ____________________________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who signed). Including own forces Information on claims on the listed contracts Appendix no. 5 Inquiry about material and technical resources* № Name Quantity Year of release Location The property right or other right (economic control, operational administration) Condition Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. * The spreadsheet must be filled in for material and technical resources which are free or potentially free for use in the project; if necessary, it is allowed for inquiry purposes to indicate separately the whole volume of material and technical resources at the disposal of the company. ____________________________________ (Signature, seal) ____________________________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who signed). Appendix no. 6 Main staff resources* Staff number, persons Group of specialists The total of staff Permanent Involved (on a fee-for-service basis) Including the staff working within the last 3 years Permanent Involved (on a fee-for-service basis) Personnel with knowledge of nuclear technology and/or related to any Finnish nuclear power plant Permanent Involved (on a feefor-service basis) Including the staff working within the last 3 years Permanent Involved (on a feefor-service basis) Administrative and management personnel Scientists Engineers Designers (with a breakdown by specialities) Industrial personnel (with a breakdown by specialities) * Other personnel * The spreadsheet must be filled for the personnel free or potentially free for use in the project; if necessary, it is allowed for inquiry purposes to indicate separately the total number of personnel at the disposal of the company. ** Must be provided with a breakdown by specific specialities depending on type of the company and works carried out by the company. ____________________________________ (Signature, seal) ____________________________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who signed).
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