The Kanawha Reporter, Thursday, October 23, 2014 Page 4 Official Proceedings: City of Kanawha Kanawha City Council Proceedings from October 14, 2014 The Kanawha City Council met in regular open session, Tuesday, October 14th, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Councilpersons present: Ray Bassett, Judy VanderPloeg, Nancy Litch and Christa Hanson. Absent: Sherrie Johnson. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilperson Bassett moved approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Councilperson Bassett moved approval of the minutes, clerk’s report and payment of the following bills: October 2014 Bills Hach-accuvac 78.77 Aramark-cleaning service 66.11 Mike’s Tree Service-tree removal 980.00 G & K-cleaning service 10.78 Ag Source-tests 135.00 Radar Road Tech-certification 70.00 Brown Supply-chain tool 195.00 Office Elements-copier contract 92.23 Hawkins-chlorine, other 49.82 Tony Rasmussen-reimb oil chg 70.98 Lodin Otto-spraying 420.00 Green Canopy-portables 150.00 JD Financial-lawn mower repair 52.97 Big Brad’s-coffee 12.19 Renner & Birchem-audit 3450.00 Swenson Hdwe-float valve 38.15 Business Forms-receipt books 99.36 Pronto-fuel 410.38 GSS Print Shop-tshirts summer ball 224.60 Hanson & Sons-oil chg, other 329.25 N Central-fuel 290.61 Mid America Publ-publications 114.28 Electronic Spec-siren 504.86 Office Depot-supplies 101.72 DNR-water use fee 99.00 Adv Systems-printer contract 44.41 Tony Rasmussen-reimb supplies 174.21 Earl Hill-legal fees 252.00 Carpenter Uniform-police vest 688.08 The following report was given to the Council: September 2014 Expenditures 15.29 Baker & Taylor-books-lib Copper Tree Consulting-tree inventory 785.00 Gale-book-lib IMWCA-work comp Principal-insurance Waste Mgmt-garbage serv Communications1-phone Columbia House-dvd-lib IRS-941 tax IPERS-ipers Office Elements-copier contract K Equipment-sweeper repair Barkema Tree-tree work Advanced Systems-printer contract Green Canopy-portables Aug, Sep Office Depot-ink, timecards Hanson & Son-tires Swenson’s-cleaning supply Carpenter Uniform-police uniforms Brad’s-garb bags, coffee N Central-fuel Britt Lbr-sakrete Banyon Data-support Hawkins-chlorine Trulson-air filter Mike Brooks-clean-up Ag Source-tests Mid-America Publ-publications Feld Fire-repairs JD Financial-parts Tony Rasmussen-reimb-uniform costs Hach-chemicals Aramark-cleaning service Pronto-fuel Electronic Spec-battery pack Iowa Law Enforcement -MMPI/ POST test Paul’s Writing Serv-grant writing iWireless-phone Pitney Bowes-postage CID-towels Mike Brooks-water plant MCI-phone N Central-fuel Country Sampler-library renewal Oprah-library renewal Adv Systems-copier cont-lib Micro Marketing-dvds-lib Card Center-supplies-lib Wellmark-insurance Real Simple-renewal-lib 20.63 677.00 70.90 233.39 571.83 12.94 2757.48 1386.79 92.15 2513.61 50.00 45.83 171.20 62.68 329.25 33.94 1189.16 39.19 162.22 32.97 795.00 330.50 12.85 84.00 220.00 176.67 185.00 47.36 342.30 396.83 60.08 392.30 700.75 240.00 225.00 160.18 200.00 223.20 72.00 52.53 242.92 24.99 32.07 23.84 60.35 319.32 2186.55 24.00 Spangler-mileage reimb 119.78 Alliant-fire util 383.78 Baker & Taylor-books-lib 286.30 Pitney & Bowes-meter lease 141.21 Hart Bros-ammunition 625.00 Delta Dental-insurance 260.82 Electronic Spec-radio cases-fire 76.00 Alliant-util 2872.74 Rick Birkenholtz-book-lib 15.00 Guthmiller-mileage-lib 24.29 Robert Harle-socket set 50.00 IMWCA-work comp 677.00 IPERS-ipers 1997.00 Treas of Iowa-state wh 1248.00 Iowa Workforce-unemp 19.65 Treas of Iowa-sales tax 2095.00 Postmaster-bill postage 82.96 IRS-941 3538.49 Sept 2014 Expenditure by Fund General 18,870.51 RUT 6090.20 Emp Ben 5856.22 Library 2062.48 Water 4799.70 Sewer 396.72 Sept 2014 Revenue by Fund General 8118.44 RUT 5199.56 Emp Ben 3449.37 LOT 5356.61 Debt Serv 3713.49 Library 448.37 Water 9987.68 Sewer 5154.09 Councilperson Bassett made a motion approving the following police report: September 9 – October 14, 2014 Hours worked: 158.5 Miles driven: 930 Traffic Stops: 3 Stolen Property: 2 Suspicious vehicle: 1 Bad Check: 6 Animal Complaint: 2 Ambulance: 1 School: 1 Domestic: 1 Backup: 1 The motion was seconded. All were in favor. The motion carried. Also, during the police report, Chief Rasmussen showed examples of car decals. Councilperson Bassett made a motion approving an expenditure of up to $400 for car signage. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. City Attorney Earl Hill presented an attorney-client contract with the firm Lewis Wagner from Indianapolis, to represent the City with respect to the Entry of Judgment against Patricia Mileham. Councilperson Litch moved approval of entering into this contract. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Mike Birchem presented the 13-14 Audit Report. Councilperson Hanson moved approval of the report. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Councilperson Bassett moved approval of the 2014 State of Iowa Financial Report. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Jim Mallen and Bill Friedow asked the Council to consider helping the Liberty School Museum with the insurance expense. The item was tabled. Councilperson Litch approved Town Tap’s beer permit renewal pending proof of dram shop insurance. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Discussion on purchasing either a lap top or antivirus software for the clerk was tabled. Noting that the Kanawha Community Fire Board had approved the purchase of a pumper/ tanker from Midwest Fire in the amount of $215, 778, Councilperson Bassett moved approval of a budget amendment which will be needed to include the purchase of a tanker truck for the fire department. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. With there being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made, seconded and carried. Sharon Grimm, City Clerk Terry Johnson, Mayor Published in the Kanawha Reporter on Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014 Published in the Kanawha Reporter on Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014 2b The Leader • Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Donna L. Young Rayhons, Decesased Probate No. ESPRO11366 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Donna L. Young Rayhons, Deceased, who died on or about August 8, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of October, 2014, the last will and testament of Donna L. Young Rayhons, deceased, bearing date of the 12th day of December, 2002, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Suzan Brunes and Linda Dunshee were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors havingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 8th day of October, 2014. Date of second publication: 22nd day of October, 2014. Probate Code Section 304 Susan Brunes and Linda Dunshee Executor of the Estate Suzan Brunes-403 Morningside Dr., Klemme IA 50449 Linda Dunshee-4830 65th St., Urbandale IA 50322 Philip L. Garland, ICIS PIN No: P00170366 Attorney for the Executor 200 State St., Garner, IA 50438 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, October 15 and October 22, 2014. PUBLIC NOTICES / COURTHOUSE Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Edward Duregger, Decesased Probate No. ESPRO11374 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Edward Duregger, Deceased, who died on or about October 4, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 6th day of October, 2014, the last will and testament of Edward Durgger, deceased, bearing date of the 1st day of March, 1995, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Lori J. Steinfeldt was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors havingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 8th day of October, 2014. Lori J. Steinfeldt Executor of estate 6951NW9thCourt Johnston, Iowa 50131 MichaelJ.Moeller,ICISPINNo:AT011939 Attorney for executor SorensenLawOffice 22 N. 3rd Street ClearLake,Iowa50428 Date of second pulbication: 22nd day of October, 2014. ProbateCodeSection304 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Oct. 15 and Oct. 22, 2014 Proceedings: G-H-V CSD GARNER-HAYFIELD-VENTURA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS October 13, 2014 Prior to the meeting (7:30pm) notary Janice Bier, re- administered the oath of office to Steve Watson, Pamela Roberts, Jack Toppin, and Larry Costello, upon the advice of re-organization attorney Rick Engel. The following re-appointments and re-administering of oaths were conducted by notary Janice Bier, upon the advice of re-organization attorney Rick Engel: Re-appointment of 7th Board member, Allison Linahon, with re-administering the oath of office Re-appointment of Board President, Larry Costello, with re-administering the oath of office Re-appointment of Board Vice-President, Pamela Roberts, with re-administering the oath of office The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Community School District was held on October 13, 2014, in the media center at the high school building at approximately 7:30 p.m. Board members present: Watson, Roberts, Toppin, Costello, Linahon Board members absent: Tusha and Zrostlik Re-appointment of Acting Board Secretary, Patricia Schmidt, with re-administering the oath of office by notary Janice Bier. Reappointment of Acting Superintendent, Tyler Williams. Motion by Toppin, second by Watson, to approve the minutes of the September 22, 2014 organizational meeting. All voted in favor. Motion by Watson, second by Linahon, to readopt the current Garner-Hayfield CSD board policies as the board polices of the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura CSD with these policies being reviewed and revised as necessary for the new district. All voted in favor. Terms of office were re-established for each board member on the following schedule: David Zrostlik, Term to expire Sept. 2015 Tim Tusha – Term to expire Sept. 2015 Larry Costello – Term to expire Sept. 2017 Jack Toppin – Term to expire Sept. 2017 Steve Watson – Term to expire Sept. 2017 Pamela Roberts – Term to expire Sept. 2019 Allison Linahon – Term to expire Sept. 2019 With the Sept. 2019 election the board will go from a seven member board to a 5 member board. All voted in favor. Motion by Roberts, second by Toppin, to reset the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. or immediately following the Garner-Hayfield CSD regular meeting, whichever is later, at the Garner-Hayfield/Ventura High School media center. All voted in favor. Motion by Watson, second by Toppin, to approve placing the Voted PPEl and Revenue Purpose Statement on the election ballot for December 2, 2014. All voted in favor. Board member Tim Tusha arrived at this point (7:53) and Acting Board Sectetary/Notary Schmidt re-administered the oath of office. Motion by Tusha, second by Watson, to hire the Ahlers Law Firm, specifically Attorney Jim Hanks if available, to assist the board with negotiations. All voted in favor. Discussion was held on a Mission Statement. Members from the current SIAC committees in both districts will be asked to draft some possible mission statements from which the board may choose. Enrollment projections were presented by Acting Supt. Williams indicating that the district will likely see a decline for a few years in enrollment as we graduate larger classes then we will bring in for Kindergarten. Transportation for the G-H-V district was discussed. The board discussed instituting a new combined color coded activity calendar that will placed on the new website. Discussion was held on the uses (grade levels at each building) for the buildings in the new district. More discussion will be held in November with a possible decision being made at the December meeting. Building names, colors, and mascots were discussed. More discussion will take place in November with a possible decision being made at the December meeting. There being no further business to come before the board at this time, upon motion by Toppin, second by Roberts, and unanimously carried, the organizational meeting was adjourned by Pres. Costello at approximately 9:27 p.m. Patricia A. Schmidt Acting Board Secretary Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014 Proceedings: Hancock Co. HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS October 6, 2014 Garner, Iowa The Hancock County, Iowa, Board of Supervisors met in adjourned session on the above captioned date pursuant to adjournment with Supervisors Florence (Sis) Thomas-Greiman, Ted D. Hall and Jerry J. Tlach present. Absent: none. The minutes of the September 29, 2014, and October 2, 2014, meetings were read and approved. On motion by Supervisor Tlach, seconded by Supervisor Hall and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Final payment voucher for bridge project BROSCO41(104)--8J-41. Authorized the issuance of credit cards to the Hancock County Sheriff, Hancock County Auditor, and Hancock County Attorney. On motion by Supervisor Hall, seconded by Supervisor Tlach and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Quarterly reports of the Hancock County Sheriff, Hancock County Recorder, and Hancock County Auditor for the period ending September 30, 2014. Signed federal aid agreement for Hancock County asphalt resurfacing program project number STP-S-C041(115)--5E-41. On motion by Supervisor Hall, seconded by Supervisor Tlach and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following Resolution: Organization Resolution and Agreement for Credit Card Program Michelle Eisenman, Auditor, who is the undersigned Recordkeeper for Hancock County, a political subdivision organized under the laws of Iowa, does hereby certify: 1. That she is the Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or an officer, partner, owner, principal, manager, member or other person having lawful custody of the official records of the above Organization (the “Recordkeeper”) and is authorized to provide this document to UMB Bank, n.a. (“Bank”). 2. That at a meeting of the governing body of the Organization duly held on October 6, 2014 and at which a quorum was present and acting throughout, or pursuant to the unanimous written consent of its members, the following Resolution and Agreement was duly adopted and approved and is currently in full force and effect, and has not been amended or rescinded: RESOLVED, that a credit card authority for this Organization be established by the Designated Officer named in the section immediately below with UMB Bank, n.a., and that separate accounts and credit cards (“Cards”) under said authority be opened and issued by Bank in the name of this Organization for use by employees and agents of this Organization who are identified from time to time by the Designated officer, or by any successor to the Designated Officer identified from time to time by the Recordkeeper (or by the successor to the Recordkeeper), and that the Organization authorizes the use of the Cards in accordance with the Cardholder Agreement that is sent by the Bank with the Cards; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that Michelle Eisenman, Auditor, is the Designated Officer, referred to in the above section of this Resolution , and that the Designated Officer or any successor to the Designated Officer designated in writing by the Recordkeeper (or by a successor Recordkeeper) may from time to time: request that Cards be issued in the name of this Organization; request that the credit limits and purchase controls be changed on exiting Cards issued in the name of the is Organization; designate additional persons authorized to use Cards issued by Bank in the name of this Organization; request termination of use of existing Cards, and communicate other pertinent information to the Bank; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the forgoing resolution shall remain in full force and effect until written notice of an amendment or rescission thereof is delivered to and receipted for by Bank; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Recordkeeper be and she is hereby authorized and directed to certify to Bank this resolution and the Recordkeeper signing this Resolution and Agreement for any person designated in writing by the Recordkeeper, is authorized to certify to the Bank the names and signatures of persons authorized to act on behalf of the Organization under the foregoing Resolution and Agreement, and from time to time hereafter, as additions to or changes in the identity of said Recordkeeper are made, such Recordkeeper or designee shall immediately report, furnish and certify such changes to the Bank, and shall submit to Bank a new incumbency certificate or other document reflecting such changes in order to make such changes effective, and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the foregoing resolution was adopted in accordance with the governing documents of the Organization, and that such resolution is now in full force and effect. On motion by Supervisor Hall, seconded by Supervisor Tlach and carried, the Board authorized the County Auditor to issue checks for the claims on file this date, October 6, 2014. A full listing of all claims paid in October, 2014 will be published in the October 20, 2014 minutes. No further business to come before the Board, motion made to adjourn at 10:16 a.m. by Supervisor Hall and carried. All Supervisors present voting, “Aye,” session to adjourn and will meet again on October 13, 2014. ATTEST: Michelle K. Eisenman, Auditor Florence (Sis) Greiman, Chair Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014 Proceedings: Wesley CITY OF WESLEY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES October 6, 2014 The Wesley City Council met in regular session October 6, 2014, at the Wesley Community Center. Mayor Pro-Tem Sue Golwitzer, called the 6:30 pm meeting to order. Roll call was answered by council members, Leider, Florea, Studer, Bills, and Golwitzer. Absent Mayor Larson: Others present: City Clerk, M. Wingert; C. Larson, City Supt., Kent Rode, Maureen Elbert, Lynn Ostendorf, Erik Anderson, Bob Malloy, Karen Kirsch, Nick, Kirsch, Mat Kirsch, Duane Kirsch, Judy Clark, Helen Youngwirth, Barry McGahuey, Gretchen McGahuey, Eileen Plathe, Joe Thilges, Marji Morris, Bob Snyder, Jim Schumacher: A motion was made by Leider, seconded by, Bills, to approve the agenda. All ayes. A motion was made by Bills, seconded by Florea, to approve the minutes of the September 8 meeting as published. All ayes. A motion by Leider, seconded by Bills to approve the bills submitted. All ayes. GENERAL Alliant Energy, street lights, 1111.85; park, 69.15; school, 16.97; pool, 561.08; NW Internet, serv., 317.90, Century Link, serv., 60.79; pool, 33.03; Payroll, gross, 1252.13; K & H Co-op Oil, fuel, 430.40; Mid-America Publishing, pub., 67.88; Bomgaar’s, supplies, 126.49; Mid-American Energy, serv., 10.00; pool, 9.77; Marco, contract/lease, 178.45; Farm Plan, hose, 217.65; Bob Becker Const., sup., 32.98; Alliant Energy, burn, 984.87; Barry McGahuey, refund, 1459.86; KRHC, drug test, 25.00; M. Wingert, miles, ppds, 136.22; Mike Olson, tree removal, 475.00; D. Larson, ppds, 126.15; KC EMS, dues, 175.50; Treas. St. Ia., sales tax, pool, 47.50; Unity Point, drug test, 37.00: Totals, 5374.67 TRUST & AGENCY FICA, city share, 355.58; IPERS, city share, 395.59: Total, 751.17 GENERAL LIBRARY MidAmerican, gas bill, 17.96; Century Link, 120.89; Payroll, 2012.24; Alliant, 208.25; Card Services, misc. charges, 1266.80: Totals, 3626.14 ROAD USE TAX K & H Classic Stop, fuel, 362.87; Payroll, gross, 1383.84; Hallett Materials, cold mix, 570.40: Total, 2317.11 WATER UTILITY Alliant, serv., 518.57; Payroll, gross, 2198.25; FICA, city share, 168.16; IPERS, city share, 196.30; AG Source, sampling, ; M. Wingert, ins., 611.51; C. Larson, ins., 668.75; Treas. State Ia., sales tax, 869.87; M. Wingert, ups, 40.52; DNR, permit fee, 99.00; IMWCA, prem., 616.00: Total, 5986.93 GARBAGE ENTERPRISE FUND Payroll, gross, 2766.19; FICA, city share, 211.61; IPERS, city share, 247.02; Kossuth County Auditor, landfill, 1138.15; K & H Co-op Oil, fuel, 461.81; Zeigler, parts, 73.71; Treas. State Iowa, sales tax, 216.38: Totals, 5114.87 SEWER O & M Alliant, serv., 16.97; Payroll, gross, 2260.01; FICA, city share, 172.89; IPERS, city share, 201.81; Treas. State Ia., sales tax, 83.35: Total, 2735.03 A motion to approve the financials for September was made by Florea, seconded by Bills: All ayes. Bob Malloy, attorney for Gold Eagle Co-op presented the application for voluntary annexation to the Council. Motion by Bills, seconded by, Bills to set the public hearing for Approval of Application for Voluntary Annexation for November 3, 2014, at 6:30 pm: All ayes. Kent Rode, from I & S Group, presented a proposal for preliminary investigation and new well design, with a project cost of $191,000. A motion was made by Bills, seconded by Studer to dig a new well using this proposal. All ayes. Motion by Leider, seconded by Florea, to go with option # 3 the state revolving loan fund for financing of project. All ayes. A motion was made by Bills, seconded by Leider, to attain the engineering services of I & S Group for the project. All ayes. A public input survey on sidewalks will be sent out to all residents. This information will help the city council with their sidewalk project plan. Areas of repair will also be documented. Trick/Treating will be Halloween night from 5-7 pm. Motion by Bills, seconded by Studer, to approve Res. 14-11 Accepting Gift of Real Estate from Bauer Trust. All ayes. A motion to adjourn was made by Leider, seconded by Studer. All ayes. Marla J. Wingert City Clerk Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014 Proceedings CITY OF WESLEY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES October 10, 2014 The Wesley City Council met in special session, October 10, 2014, at City Hall. Mayor Protem Sue Golwitzer called the 6:30 pm meeting to order. Absent Chuck Bills, and Mayor Larson. Since the October 6th council meeting the council has some second thoughts on the proposal for the new well they accepted from the I & S Group. Jim Schumacher met with the council on well #4 and explained the problems and other options possibly available. The council adjourned at 7:30 pm Marla J. Wingert City Clerk Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014 Proceedings: Garner-Hayfield CSD GARNER-HAYFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS October 13, 2014 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Garner-Hayfield Community School District was held on October 13, 2014, in the high school media center at approximately 5:30 p.m. Board members present: Tusha, Thiele, Toppin, and Roberts. Board members absent: Zrostlik Motion by Roberts second by Thiele, to approve the proposed agenda for said regular meeting. All voted in favor. Motion by Roberts, second by Toppin, to approve the minutes of the Septemer 15, 2014, regular meeting. All voted in favor. Motion by Toppin, second by Thiele, to approve the Secretary’s Financial Reports, as well as the bill lists to be paid from the General Fund, Activity Fund, FFA Scholarship Fund, House Construction Fund, Insurance Fund, PPEL Fund, Merit Achievement Fund, and the Nutrition Fund. All voted in favor. The board presented Christine LaBounty with her high school diploma upon her recent graduation from Lakeside Alternative High School. Educational reports were presented by Dustin Ward, Rob Godden, and Renee Weisenstein covering the high school math department. Educational reports were heard from Dianne Hinders, Renee Denny, Mike Meyering, and Jim Haag. Supt. Williams indicated that the October 1, 2014, enrollment count appears to be down resident students. He also reported that local entities are working together on an Active Shooter Plan. Discusssion was held on insurance coverage for Green Upgrades. The item was tabled until the November meeting to acquire more information. Motion by Thiele, second by Toppin, to accept the proposal from Johnson Controls in the amount of $4,452.00 for the 14-15 service contract. All voted in favor. This was necessary with Gadbury Plumbing who had been awarded the contract going out of business June 30,2014. Motion by Toppin, second by Roberts, to approve the following personnel hires: Loretta Jordan Roth – SPED Paraprofessional; Paulsen – Volunteer Wrestling Coach; Emberly Albertson – Ass.t Girls Track Coach. All voted in favor. Discussion was held on offering an Early Retirement Benefit. Item was tabled until the November meeting. The board was reminded that auditors would be coming and a member would need to meet with the auditors. There being no further business to come before the board at this time, upon motion by Thiele, seconded by Toppin, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned by Pres. Tusha at approximately 6:51 p.m. Patricia A. Schmidt Board Secretary GENERAL FUND: Payroll Expenses-Payroll Deductions and Benefits $290,219.67 Payroll-July Payroll (Net Pay) $280,327.22 West Hancock CSD -DFC Ment. Salary & Benefits $2,301.14 NCIBA-Band Sup $20.00 Postmaster -Newsletter Mailing, Postage $781.62 UNI-Vocal Entry Fees $240.00 Total $573,889.65 ACTIVITY FUND: Ballard High School-Athl Sup $110.00 Children’s Miracle Network -St. Council Sup $1,124.00 Eric’s Mobile Music-St. Council PS $400.00 Erik Jolivette-Athl Sup $340.00 ICCA-Cheer Sup, Athl Sup $335.00 Kelly Brahn-Athl PS $130.00 Reliance State Bank-St. Council Sup -Homecoming $300.00 Rusty Wintermote-Athl PS $75.00 University of Minnesota-Athl Sup $300.00 Total $3,114.00 The above checks are included in September expenditures but were not approved at the September board meeting. Sub-Total $577,003.65 GENERAL FUND: AC4C-DFC Ment. Sup $400.00 AEA267-Travel Exp, Sup, TAG Sup, SPED Sup $3,833.25 ALCO-SPED Sup, Sup $253.36 Alliant Energy-Electricity, Gas $14,030.09 Ankeny CSD-Purch Serv $700.00 Apple Care Services Parts-Equip Rep $433.99 Apple Computer-Equipment, Sup $4,726.00 Arnold Motor Supply-IA Sup $54.99 BARCO Municipal Products -Grds Maint $1,619.06 Bill’s Family Foods -FCS Sup, Voc AG Sup, TAG Sup $605.54 Bob Baumgard-Trans Phys $50.00 Brenthaven-Sup $494.25 Brian Roberts-Nurse Sup $25.00 Cardmember Services-DFC Travel, DFC Ment Sup, DFC Ment. Travel $8,226.86 Central Iowa Distributing-Maint Sup $3,215.92 CenturyLink-Telephone $532.01 CenturyLink-Telephone-Long Distance $170.34 Classroom Direct-Sup $17.87 Comm1-Internet $127.54 Continental Research Corp.-Maint Sup $657.63 Country Inn and Suites-Travel Exp $384.16 Crescent Electric-Maint Sup $38.04 Culver-Hahn Electric -Maint Sup, Elec Rep $2,240.15 Cypress Choral Music-Vocal Sup $122.25 Debra Quintus-DFC Sup, DFC Travel $415.68 DeLage Landen Financial Serv. -Purch Serv $947.08 DELL-Adm Equipment $2,342.16 Diana Deibler-Election Exp $129.16 Diane Deibler-Election Exp $100.00 Dianne Hinders-Core Curr Sup, Curr Coor Travel $253.81 Discount School Supplies-Sup $80.38 Dr. Anne Johnson-Core Curr PS $2,000.00 Engel Law Office-Legal Exp $348.75 Epiphany Community Services -DFC Contract $1,000.00 Eshipping-Textbooks $235.19 Fjetland Pest Control-Bldg Rep $25.00 Forest City CSD-Core Curr PS $701.20 Garner-Hayfield General Fund -DFC Office Sup $44.80 Garner-Hayfield Lunch Fund -GAP Other Sup $24.00 Garner Lumber Supply-Maint Sup $76.52 Garner Municipal Utilities-Water $1,249.97 Goal Setters-Grds Maint $674.10 Google-Software $11.00 Hancock County Auditor-Election Exp $660.62 Hancock County Extension -YD Contract $3,217.25 Hancock County Coop Oil Assn. -Diesel, Gas, Maint Sup,Tires $5,927.04 Harris Computer Systems-Sup $220.56 Heath’s Computer Repair-Sup $17.00 Heiman Fire Equipment-Grds Maint $849.96 Heinemann-Sup $192.50 Holly Friederich-Nurse Sup $88.85 Huber Supply-IA Sup, Ia Resale $654.18 Iowa ASCD-Travel Exp $170.00 IXL Learning-Software $2,680.00 Jan Hana-Election Exp $100.00 Janitor’s Closet-Maint Sup $627.46 Jason Heitland-Vocal Sup, Travel Exp $117.13 J.W. Pepper-Band Sup $28.84 Kaeser and Blair Inc.-DFC Other Sup $380.92 Karie Terhark-DFC Ment. Travel $357.00 KIOW FM-News Adv $100.00 Knorr Electric-Plumb, Htg, Vent $396.00 Kramer Hardware-Elec Rep, Plumb, Htg, Vent, IA Sup, Postage, Maint Sup $581.39 Kristin Schmidt-SPED Travel $77.04 Lakeshore Learning-SPED Sup $27.99 Landfill of No. Iowa-Garb Coll $441.49 Larson Plumbing & Heating -Plumb, Htg, Vent $836.74 Learning A-Z-Early Literacy Sup $959.70 Leland Woodworks -Equipment, Maint Sup $1,605.00 MARCO Inc.-Purch Serv, Sup $688.64 McGraw Hill-SPED Textbooks $160.59 Media Salad-DFC Contract $200.00 Merikay Mestad-Election Exp $100.00 Mid-America Publishing-Sup, DFC Other Sup, Brd Proc, News Adv $771.83 Mid-West Bus Parts-Trans Rep Pts $161.01 Mid-West Roofing-Bldg Rep $123.50 Mike Meyering-Sup $11.50 Next Generation Technologies -DFC Ment. Equip, Purch Serv $11,840.50 North Iowa Printing-SPED Sup, Sup $331.65 Opportunity Village-SPED Cont. Serv. $430.27 Oriental Trading-SPED Sup $70.73 Partitions Plus-Bldg Rep $850.00 Patricia Drabek-Trans Phys $50.00 Perfection Learning Corp. -SPED Sup, Textbooks $3,163.46 Pro Parts of Iowa-Trans Rep Pts, IA Sup, IA Resale $678.19 Quill Corp.-Sup $51.16 Read naturally-Software $2,412.00 Reading A-Z-Sup $84.95 Rich’s Electronics-Equip Rep $40.00 Rieman Music -Band Resale, Band Sup $1,178.47 River City Communications -Purch Serv, Elec Rep $967.00 Riverside Scoring Service-TAG Sup $41.55 Sandy Rayhons-DFC Travel, DFC Ment Sup, DFC Ment. Travel $489.80 SAI-Dues $491.00 School Specialty-Sup, Art Sup $2,897.51 Senor Wooly-Software $70.00 Shawn Huinker-Trans Phys $50.00 Sign Pro-DFC Other Sup $385.00 Staples-Sup $42.24 Touch Math-SPED Sup $141.48 UNI-TAG Sup $200.00 Unora Claude-Election Exp $100.00 US Telephuch-Purch Serv $155.17 VISA-Textbooks, Sup, SPED Sup, Band Sup $3,048.13 Waste Management-Garb Coll $960.44 West Hancock CSD -DFC Ment. Salary and Benefits $3,193.57 William V. Macgill-Nurse Sup $657.51 Total $112,220.61 ACTIVITY FUND: AEA267-Musical Sup $3.52 Anderson Erickson Dairy-FFA Sup $766.63 Anderson’s-St. Council Sup $29.98 Andrew Sinnwell-Athl Sup $580.50 Bills Family Foods-Athl Sup, FFA Sup, St. Council Sup $768.42 Brian Pearce-Athl PS $140.00 Culligan-K6 Conc Sup $39.00 David Hildebrand-Athl PS $100.00 Decker Sporting Goods-Uniform Sup, FB Sup, Athl Sup, VB Sup $3,347.50 Earl Whitmire-Athl PS $60.00 Garner Greenhouse-St. Council Sup $113.60 Garner-Hayfield Lunch Fund -K6 St Council Sup $6.75 Gifts Sew Sweet-FFA Sup, XC Sup $1,303.78 Graphic Edge-VB Sup $749.08 Green Canopy-Athl PS $335.00 Hewett Wholesale-St. Council Sup $364.86 Iowa BB Coaches Association $200.00 -Athl Sup Iowa Scale Company-Athl PS $68.00 Josh Chizek-St. Council Sup $37.31 Kaeser and Blair-K6 St. Council Sup $309.42 Karl Woolridge-Athl PS $170.00 KBA-Boys BB Sup $74.67 Kramer Hardware-FFA Sup, Athl Sup $41.95 Liberts-F&R Sup $31.92 MacKenzie Haag-St. Council Sup $23.54 Mark Nalan-Athl PS $140.00 Matt Bethke-Athl PS $75.00 Matt Lang-Ath PS $75.00 Mike’s Auto Body-Athl PS $175.00 Patrick Wilder-Athl PS $75.00 Patty Jo Sanderson-FB Sup $108.00 Ree Pederson-Athl PS $140.00 Rusty Wintermote-Athl PS $170.00 Scott Whitehill-Athl PS $170.00 Stumps-St. Council Sup $30.93 Tom Sullivan-Athl PS $170.00 Tony Dahle-Athl PS $75.00 Tony Halsted-Athl PS $170.00 Varsity Spirit-Uniform Sup $3,876.65 World’s Finest Chocolate $4,530.00 -K6 St. Council Sup Total $19,646.01 PPEL FUND: River City Communications $5,085.00 -Equipment Total $5,085.00 MERIT ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FUND: Susan Pistek-Scholarship Payment $1,000.00 Total $1,000.00 FFA SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Jacob Pringnitz-Scholarship Payment $750.00 Total $750.00 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION FUND: $22.95 AEA267-House Const Sup Diversified Management $5,690.00 -House Const Sup Garner Lumber-House Const Sup $12,737.33 Green Canopy-House Const Sup $90.16 Iowa Wall Saw Service $464.00 -House Const Sup Jaspersen Insurance $231.00 -House Const Sup Kramer Hardware-House Const Sup $113.46 Smiths Hardware-House Const Sup $1,668.77 Waste Management-House Const Sup $233.62 Yohn Enterprises-House Const Sup $1,274.38 Total $22,525.67 INSURANCE FUND: $947.95 AFLAC-Cancer Premium Garner-Hayfield Employees-Partial $1,354.71 Self-Funding Reimbursement Mercer H & B Iowa Fiduciary $90,820.29 -Health and Dental Premium Total $93,122.95 NUTRITION FUND: Anderson Erickson Dairy-Food $3,799.11 At Your Service-Other Sup $668.48 Bill’s Family Foods-Food $133.88 Coca-Cola Refreshments $845.40 -Ala Carte Food EMS Detergent Services-Other Sup $209.20 Fjetland Pest Control-Other Sup $20.00 Garner-Hayfield General Fund $13,944.83 -Payroll Heiman Fire Equipment-Other Sup $94.00 Judy Winter-Other Sup $40.00 Keck Inc.-Food, Ala Carte Food $1,238.22 Martin Bros. Dist.-Food, $15,955.55 Ala Carte Food, Other Sup Pan-O-Gold Baking Co.-Food $978.55 Reinhart-Ala Carte Food, $4,757.95 Other Food Total $42,685.17 GRAND TOTAL $874,039.06 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014
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