2015 Tennessee TSA Regional Conferences General Information Region Date

2015 Tennessee TSA Regional Conferences
General Information
Registration Opens:
Registration Deadline:
Late Registration Deadline:
Payment Deadline:
Dec. 1, 2014
Dec. 12, 2014
Dec. 15, 2014
Jan. 5, 2015
Registration Website: http://www.registermychapter.com/tsa/TN/
Regional Coordinator
Contact Information
Jan. 24
Karns Middle School
(Knoxville, TN)
Wanda Walker
Jan. 10
Beth Foreman
Jan. 27
Page High School
(Franklin, TN)
Union University
(Jackson, TN)
Denise Reed
Important Registration Information
Registration Fee:
$10 per person
(applies to all adults/students)
For insurance reasons, TN TSA requires
that all those in attendance MUST be
officially registered for the conference in
order to attend.
Send to:
All fees must be received by the
TN TSA State Advisor on or
before Jan. 5. This is not a
postmark date.
Amanda Hodges
Tennessee TSA
11th Floor Andrew Johnson Tower
710 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243
Payments will not be accepted
Payments must include the following in
order to be processed:
 East TN - “TSA - 4000” printed in
the memo line
 Middle TN - “TSA - 4010” printed
in the memo line
 West TN - “TSA - 4020” printed
in the memo line
 A copy of your invoice
Required Forms
Required Forms:
TN TSA Release Form
Jan. 5 , 2015
(submitted via email)
These forms must be submitted via email
to Lynne.Cohen@tn.gov by the deadline.
Submit one file with forms for all adults
and students registered from your school.
Please double check for required
You must include “TSA” and the school
name in the subject line of the email.
Any attendee who does not have the
required, completed forms will not be
allowed to remain onsite.
Electronic Event Submissions
Regional Events
Promotional Graphics
Promotional Design
Deadline: Must be received on or
before Jan. 2, 2015. Entries received
after 11:59 p.m. on Jan. 2 will not be
Send to:
(regional/state levels only)
Note: Subject line must include school
name and participant number in order
to be judged.
You must be affiliated in order to register your chapter. National TSA must process your payment in order for your
affiliation to be complete. Please allow one to two weeks (after mailing payment) for your affiliation to be processed and
completed. We are no longer able to open the system up for those who are not yet affiliated.
Dress Code
The Tennessee TSA Modified Dress Code will be followed for all regional conferences. Please carefully review this
information with students and parents prior to the conference date.
Event Entries
Due to time constraints, students may compete in a total of three events. In an effort to provide as many students as
possible with an opportunity to participate, the number of entries per event on the regional level may be higher than
the state/national levels. Detailed information regarding which events will be held on the regional level, as well as the
number of entries per chapter, may be found beginning on page 49.
Information regarding lunch options/pricing will be provided by your regional coordinator prior to the opening of
registration for your region.
If you know of any professionals, parents, chaperones or alumni who may be interested in judging, please send the
following information to your regional coordinator (page 9) as soon as possible:
 Name
 Event(s) they may be interested in judging
 Email addresses
It is important that you notify the Tennessee TSA state advisor if any of your students decide that they will not
compete in an event that they were registered for following the registration deadline. This will be important in
securing the appropriate number and types of judges. We want to ensure that we protect the time of the professionals
and volunteers who assist with judging our competitive events.
Refund Policy
Because supplies, materials, and space are ordered based on final registration numbers (immediately following the
registration deadline), Tennessee TSA is unable to provide refunds for students who decide not to attend following the
close of registration. Schools will be responsible for paying for all attendees who appear on the chapter’s registration
invoice following the registration deadline.