St. John the Baptist R.C. Primary School Milton Lane, Dartmouth, Devon TQ6 9HW Tel: 01803 832495 Newsletter 24-10-14 AFTER HALF TERM’S DINNER MENU: NEW MENU WEEK 1 ATTENDANCE Attendance figures for week ending Friday 17th October are as follows: Year R 88.9% Year 4 98.3% Year 1 100% Year 5 100% Year 2 98.6% Year 6 100% Year 3 96.7% 97.4% Well done to Years 1, 5 and 6 for 100% attendance. Best year group attendance for October: Year 1 with 98.4% Whole school attendance this academic year so far: 96.2%. ABSENCE REMINDER Please remember that copies of medical appointments must be brought to school as they are needed for school records to avoid an unauthorised absence mark (refer to previous newsletter). This is essential if your child will be out for the whole day. ROAD SAFETY We have talked to all our children about traffic awareness and general road safety this week. Could you please stress the importance of this to your child/children over half-term and ensure they are familiar with the Green Cross Code. PE CLOTHES To accommodate the colder weather we suggest that all children now have jogging bottoms (not leggings) in school for games sessions rather than shorts. These should be plain black or navy. Shorts will still be required for dance which all pupils will be doing until Christmas. SCHOOL PHOTOS Don’t forget to bring in your school photo orders. The last day to bring them in is Wednesday 5th November. BAG PACKING AT SAINSBURYS The Friends of St Johns are organising a Bag Pack at Sainsburys on Saturday 13th December between 10am and 4pm. This is an important fundraiser and they will need lots of help. If you can spare an hour or so please contact Sarah Ridalls (Thomas’ mum in Class 3) on CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The Friends are holding their Christmas Bazaar on Friday 5th December from 1.30pm at school. Help will be needed on the day from 12 noon to set up the tables and to help on the stalls. They also currently have space for someone who makes and sells cards, so if you know of anyone who would like a table please let one of the Friends know. The Friends are Lucy Langman (Henry’s mum Class 3), Sarah Ridalls (Thomas’ mum in Class 3), Jenny Pichowski (Maisie-Mae’s mum Class 2), Stacey Cooper (Florence’s mum Class 1), Natalie Jackson (Jenson, Lana and Bayley’s mum Classes 1, 2 and 3) PTO SHOE BOXES Please help Operation Christmas Child by packing a shoebox over the half term. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to demonstrate the heart of the Christian message that is core to the ethos of our school. All shoeboxes should be brought into school by Monday 10th November. BAG2 SCHOOL Collection bags for Bag2School have already been sent out in bookbags. Please fill these bags with any unwanted clothes, shoes etc over the half term. Bag2School will pay the Friends 50p per kilogram! Please bring in your bags on the first day back at school (Tuesday 4th Nov) as they will be collected then. EWAN’S ANIMATION Congratulations to Ewan who won a national animation competition held by CITV. Part of Ewan’s prize is for his animation is to be screened on CITV several times during the half term. The screenings are as follows:- Monday 27th at 06.10, 10.30 and 14.30, Tuesday 28th at 07.45, 12.10 and 16.05, Wednesday 29th at 09.20 and 13.30, Thursday 30th at 06.50, 11.00 and 15.05 and Friday 31st at 08.15 and 12.40. It is called ‘Baily the Extraordinary Burping Fish’ - you may want to watch! FUN KIDS WORKSHOPS - FRIDAY 31 OCTOBER 10AM TIL MIDDAY Halloween ‘Magical Dwellings’ with the artist Naturemake. Come and take part in this unique and magical, artist led nature craft workshop, where you can design and build your own Halloween themed witches house or autumnal fairy dwelling sculpture. Let your imagination run wild and be amazed at what you can achieve! All materials are provided. Suitable for ages 5 and up. Children under 9 to be accompanied by an adult. Tickets £12. Book at or call 01803 839530 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Mon 27th to Fri 31st Oct Fri 31st Oct Mon 3rd Nov Tues 4th Nov Fri 7th Nov Mon 10th Nov Sat 29th Nov Fri 5th Dec Tues 9th Dec Wed 10th Thur 11th Dec Sat 13th Dec Wed 17th Dec Thur 18th Dec Fri 19th Dec Fri 19th Dec to Fri 2nd Jan Mon 5th Jan 2015 Half term Childrens workshops at the Flavel 10am to 12 Non-pupil Day Bag2School collection day! Help needed for Friends creating raffle tickets at 1pm! Shoe boxes in Candlelit Dartmouth Christmas Bazaar Class 1 Christmas play at 5pm Christmas play at 2pm and 6pm Christmas Play at 6pm Sainsburys Bag Pack Christmas Party and lunch Nativity End of term Friends mufti day Christmas Holiday Back to School THE GIVING MACHINE Please don’t forget to use the ‘giving machine’ website when shopping.
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