Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Christianity: Value, History and Tradition October 26, 2014 Reverend Pat Jobe Minister Rev. Michelle McClendon Associate Minister Christian Elser Music Director Kathleen Anderson Director of Lifespan Religious Education Maureen Nery Director, Our UUWoC Stephanie Green Fellowship Administrator Want to Contact Us? Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 1135 State Park Road, Greenville, SC 29609 Phone 864-271-4883 Office Hours Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship October 26, 2014 Order of Service Welcome Pat Jobe Chalice Lighting Barbara Gill Prelude Linda Mattern Opening Words Barbara Gill *Opening Song #52 In Sweet Fields of Autumn Story for all Ages All Sing Mae Tromsness Children's Benediction #413 Go Now in Peace Words for Reflection Pat Jobe Community Caring Please share your joys and sorrows in our Community Memory Book before or after the Service Anthem All Creatures of Our God and King by Ralph Vaughan Williams Offertory Sermon *Closing Song Closing Words Postlude Benediction All Sing Choir Linda Mattern Christianity: Value, History and Tradition #262 Hosanna in the Highest Pat Jobe All Sing Pat Jobe Linda Mattern Pat Jobe *Please rise in body or in spirit as you are willing and able. Please turn off cell phones before our service begins. “Joys and Sorrows” You may write your Joys or Sorrows in the Memory Book on the table in the front of the sanctuary. These will be read during the "Community Caring” segment of the service. If you are not inclined to write in the book, you may simply light a candle in silence. ~ Thanks to Our Service Associates ~ Worship Associate Barbara Gill Luminary Eve Garry Accompanist Linda Mattern Music Director Christian Elser Ushers Rita Lance & Annette Garver Greeters Joan Baker, Karen Parker & Liz McGrory Sound Crew Richard Fuller, Teresa Hall, Charles Fulks Sound Crew Assistants John & Dillard Robertson Flower Ministry Coffee Baristas Muriel Hill-Rowley Steven Chapp & John West Eve Garry is an 8th grader at Beck Academy. She loves animals, plays lacrosse, and enjoys reading. She has a brother Jacob, sister Hannah and dog Kaylo. Barbara Gill has been a member of GUUF since 1987. She has served on the Board and committees in various capacities. Presently, Barbara is on the Sunday Services Committee, Worship Committee and is a cofacilitator of her covenant group. Linda Mattern is the recently retired music therapist with St. Francis Bon Secours. She is a long-time member of GUUF and a precious asset to our music program. Newcomers! To learn more about our Fellowship, please fill out the yellow card and drop it into the offering basket. Recordings of Sunday Services may be ordered and picked up opposite the wooden entrance doors to the sanctuary where the Audio Stand is located or by email to If you would like a hearing device, please ask an usher. November 2, 2014 Day of the Dead, Fear of Dying Pat Jobe Why do we fear dying? What is the antidote to this fear? How do we live so that we don't fear death? Our tradition is that we bring pictures of those who have passed on, light candles in their memory and celebrate whatever life may lie beyond the grave. Congregational Care Items We extend our loving support to: My 91 year old mother suffered a severe stroke yesterday and is in ICU in hospital in NE Pa – Sandy Howard We celebrate with: A candle of joy and appreciation from the Upstate Pagan Pride Day Council to the Greenville UU Fellowship for allowing us to use the grounds to host the 4th Pagan Pride Day here on October 18. We had a fantastic community outreach to more than 700 pagans or people learning about our beliefs, spirituality and way of life with nature on many different paths. Thank you to Selena Fax who came from Wisconsin to do a great ritual! The biggest Earth Spirit has had, over 100! We had a wonderfully successful Pagan Pride Day on October 18, here at GUUF. Thank you to all that attended and helped to make it a great day - Pink JUST FOR INFO! Annual Fellowship Fundraiser - Auction 2014 When: Saturday, November 8th at 6 pm Where: GUUF, New Fellowship Hall Please donate your creative gifts, gourmet dinners, valuable services, tickets/gift certificates or special theme baskets for the live or silent Auction. We are lucky to have Marty Flynn as our auctioneer! Small, tangible items will be accepted from November 2nd to November 8th. Please email at, or call Jan Price (569-4429) or Judy Root (356-0144), if you have items available. SURVEY RESULTS PRESENTATION On November 9 the Committee on Ministry will be presenting the survey results from earlier this year. This will not be an exhaustive review of the entire survey, but rather highlighting several examples to show you how best to navigate it on your own. Online access to the full survey will be given after the sermon and concert on that day and will be open for two weeks thereafter. GREEN COMMITTEE MEETING The Green Committee will meet at 12:30 pm Sunday, Nov. 2 to plan a green worship service that will be held Nov. 30. Pat Jobe will preach on the topic, "Five Things We Can Do Better to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint." DAY OF THE DEAD CELEBRATION This year’s celebration service for the Day of the Dead will be November 2. Please bring your pictures and mementos to be put on the table with the candles. Our own expert, Betsy Smith, will be in charge of the decorations. She is still walking with two canes, so she may need some help! We will put out the decorations after the service on October 26 (one week prior to the Day of the Dead service) and everyone can participate. More votive candle holders are needed for the service. We have those in the Flower Room and the ladies at Audrey’s have helped in more ways than just candles. Please put any votives in the Flower Room so they can be used in the celebration for the Day of the Dead. On the morning of the celebration, we will meet again in the Sanctuary at 9.15 am to place the mums and get any last minute pictures in place. This year, we have a new element to the celebration. A banner is being made for each of the departed members and close relatives of the Fellowship. A family member will carry this banner down the aisle at the beginning of the service. We have an exceptional membership and this celebration will be for all of us. If you wish to participate and purchase a mum or carry a banner, please complete the form and put it in the offering basket. (Ushers, please make sure the completed applications get to the GUUF office – thank you), or email/call the GUUF office. The cost per mum is $10 and the plant will be labeled with the name of the person to be remembered. Please ensure we have your requests by Oct. 29 at the latest. YOUR NAME CONTACT NUMBER NUMBER OF MUMS REQUIRED NAME TO BE REMEMBERED NAME TO BE REMEMBERED NAME TO BE REMEMBERED NAME OF BANNER CARRIER TOTAL ATTACHED ($10/MUM) Highlights in Lifespan Religious Education From Babies to Sages October 26, 2014 Classes and Events Today 9:30: Childcare Opens Choir Practice 9:45: Discussion Group—Founders Room A Course in Miracles—New Conference Room RE Classes for Children and Youth 11:00: Middle School and High School Youth begin IN CLASS Middle School (6th-8th): Getting Ready for BOO! IN THE UU! Coming of Age (9th-10th): Getting Ready for BOO! IN THE UU! Senior High (11th-12th): Getting Ready for BOO! IN THE UU! 11:15: After the Story for All Ages Spirit Play “Lite” (3-4 yrs): The Witch Next Door - about being kind Children and Youth in all classes will enjoy PUMPKIN DECORATING TODAY! Congregants will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite pumpkins with their spare change this week and next. All money collected will benefit UNICEF. Parents, please remember to monitor your children closely when they are in your care. Ongoing Adult Religious Education DISCUSSION GROUP Sunday mornings, 9:45-10:45, Founders Room Our church started with this group—it is the oldest and longest running class at the Fellowship. Lively discussions about timely topics. For information, please contact Herb Reeves at A COURSE IN MIRACLES Facilitator: Jean Blank 9:45-10:45, New Conference Room (off the front lobby) Participants work with the spiritual practice of forgiveness. Contact Jean Blank at for information. THE WISDOM PATH Led by Suzy Boghani, Ed Proulx and Nancy Bender Sundays, September 21-December 14, 12:30-2:30 The class continues, but registration for this session is now closed. THERE WILL BE NO CLASS THIS WEEK WOMEN’S BOOK GROUP Meets 2nd Sunday each month 9:45-10:45: Women’s Room Downstairs For information, contact Susan Cooper, YOGA Monday evenings, 7:00 New Fellowship Hall (for now) Through November 24 Join Bruce Cable, a certified Sivananda practitioner with over 20 years of teaching experience, for gentle, invigorating yoga practice sessions that can improve your overall health and well-being. All skill levels welcome. Donations gratefully accepted. For more information, email HOW JESUS BECAME GOD Book Discussion Group Led by Dr. Michelle McClendon Mondays at 7 PM in the Sanctuary How Jesus Became God tells the story of an idea that shaped Christianity, and of the evolution of a belief that looked very different in the 4th Century than it did in the first. We welcome Dr. Michelle McClendon as teacher and facilitator. Participants in this class will need to purchase the book: How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee by Bart D. Ehrman, available online and at local bookstores. Registration for this class is not required, but we will be collecting contact information to help participants prepare for each session. For more information, email . REMINDER! NO CLASS ON OCTOBER 27. READ THROUGH CHAPTER 3 FOR THE NOVEMBER 3 SESSION. DATES TO REMEMBER SPIRIT PLAY TRAINING November 2, 12:30-2:00, Spirit Play Room #2 Join MJ Simpson and Kirsten Robertson to learn about this wonderful Montessori-based curriculum we use with our K5-3rd graders in their RE classes. This training is for all who wish to become story tellers and door keepers, and for anyone who would like to learn more about what’s happening in RE. Light lunch and childcare provided. REGISTRATION FOR YOUTH CONS AT THE MOUNTAIN IS OPEN! Middle School CON: November 21-23 Senior High CON: December 5-7 Register online at IF YOU WILL BE USING TRAVEL CREDIT, please contact Laura Christenbury at PRIOR to registering. Parents, please bring your little ones downstairs after service today for a spooky event put on by the youth! Costumes are a plus! We love Halloween and want to share some fun (or screams!) with our favorite little folks. The event should take no longer than 30 minutes following service. Donations to UNICEF welcome. YOUNG ADULTS GROUP FORMING! Calling all 18-35 year olds! We want to develop a social and volunteer group for our young adults. If you are interested in joining, email Allison Miller at
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