THAMES VALLEY WINTER RUNNING LEAGUE presents Race No. 2 of the Winter Season Calendar 2014/2015 BEECHWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL proudly presents this new venue thanks to the kind permission of the Head of Bulmershe School ( Mrs Emma Reynolds) to use the Bulmershe Sports Playing Field. This event is being hosted in conjunction with The Coombes School , Ascot Heath Primary School and Hawkdon Primary School . Thames Valley Running League- Thursday 23rd October 2014 at 3.30pm at Bulmershe School- Second event of the new Winter Season 2014/2015 Here are the instructions: The races are scheduled as follows:Year 3 / 4 Girls race at 3.30pm Year 3 /4 Boys race at 3,45pm Year 5/6 Girls race at 4.00pm Year 5/6 Boys race at 4.15pm Race briefings will take place at the start, 5 minutes before the START of the race NB All car users , coaches transporting athletes with their Team Managers must be in the site before 2.50pm ( Bulmershe School children exit at 3.00pm so we need to keep the exit gates clear and for emergency vehicles after this time) No car users will be allowed to leave until Bulmershe children have exited their school! There are 220 car park places available on site in three netball court car park areas which will be manned by two supervising adults and Year 12 / 13 World Challenge students who will be asking for a £1 or £2 donation for parking Please give generously. ( Hawkdon Primary School) All schools should aim to report for 2.50pm on the Sports field at Bulmershe School, Woodley All athletes should run in T – shirt, shorts and socks with good grip trainers. Spikes are allowed but in this first event the going is expected to be FIRM The whole Schools Race Briefing will be at 3.15pm Marshals must be in place by 3.25pm at their race positions. Every school is expected to nominate TWO parent volunteers to help marshal the extensive site. They should report to Mr Winship ( The Coombes) by 3.10pm at the tree for briefing and placement on the course. We expect a high number of schools entering this event- last year over 900 athletes were present at this equivalent event of the season. We need to know how many numbers to expect so please ring in by Tuesday 21st October to Beechwood School 0118 9695976. leave your numbers with the school secretary (Nicki) The Course at Bulmershe has been set up to include the whole perimeter and a route which travels around the sports pitches. There is some hill work in the north east corner and the race distances are as follows: Yr 3 /4 Girls and Boys ( Blue route on the map) 1,830m (1 1 /3rd mile) Yr 5 /6 Girls and Boys ( Red route on the map ) 2.430m ( 1 2 /3rds mile) All schools must report into the Registration desk near the tree in the warming up Paddock on the field to pick up their Results Service score sheets which must be handed into Terri Gregory at the end of the event if you want your school to be placed in the 24 schools’ results. Please note that Ascot Heath Primary School will be manning this desk. Team managers- You are responsible for your pupils’ safety, welfare and behaviour. At any time any of the senior organisers can refuse entry to a child or a school if any of these areas of responsibility are contravened. First Aid: All schools must bring their own First Aid equipment/ box and have someone to administer treatment to minor injuries. A Para medic vehicle will be on stand by to deal with more serious injuries or medical problems. ( Ian Garner) TEAM MANAGERS If you are going to be late to the event or you have to inform us of an emergency please ring either myself Gordon on 07879405854 or Despite any untoward happenings it is expected that the races will run on time and even a bit before if weather threatens Parking: Please advise your parents not to park on pavements or someone’s drive. The RESIDENTS in the roads adjacent to the School have all been told to report any vehicle registration number to the school and this will be passed onto the Police. It is an offence to have two wheels on the pavement and or trespass on someone’s property. A summons will be issued. Please pass on. HEALTH and SAFETY 1. Please advise other runners who are not in the race that they must not run alongside the athletes during the race. The same applies to Parents. We can get congestion and confusion about which way to go if the course becomes crowded. Please Keep off the running track! Only teachers or Team Managers are allowed to be close to the athletes and run alongside to offer encouragement .This should only be in the case of a child who is SEN or is having difficulty . 2. Finally even on a dry warm day athletes must look after their body before and after the race. TOG UP before and after. 3. Don’t forget to urge your children to return to base in the Paddock because of safe guarding 4. They should all have water with them and have taken their ventolin if they suffer from asthma The Responsibility of the Team Manager is to : Ensure the behaviour of all their athletes is in keeping with the expectations of other schools Ensure that the safety of their children is paramount at all times and that their behaviour doesn’t compromise the safety of others especially in the races Ensure that the parents escorting their children park responsibly in designated areas and behave in a responsible manner . ( See separate note on PARKING) Ensure that no adults other than authorised personnel can run alongside the athletes. Only in the case of vulnerable children or those with some impairment maybe accompanied by a guide or an adult That no bicycles or vehicles are allowed to be ridden or used anywhere near the Athletes Ensure that drivers ensure the roadway from Howth Drive to the Bulmershe School is kept clear at all times to allow the entry and exit of an emergency vehicle . Usual Health and Safety warnings Ensure all athletes stay with their school base and do not wander off All athletes should come adequately attired with over track suit, top and bottom worn before and after the race. Children should be encouraged to run in shorts and T shirts. Good grip trainers are perfectly ok! All school runners should run in their school colours so they can be differentiated Someone on your school Management Team must be responsible for First Aid. They must carry their own First Aid Kit. Paramedics may not be available for this event. Clear warning to Athletes Any reports of cheating or improper behaviour towards other athletes could result in your team’s disqualification. As competition hots up, so do the rules, which must be adhered to. PARKING I must ask you to reinforce to your parents the following warnings: Do not park on anyone’s drive or outside their house in front of their drive in adjoining roads Respect the wishes of the organisers( T.V.W.R.L.) and Woodley Town Council. The Police will patrol the roads and estates during the afternoon and will ticket offenders. On behalf of the residents I have promised to request the Police to punish offenders. Do not park irresponsibly on pavements or commit u turns in the road by turning on people’s property Please park in Bulmershe Leisure Centre or in the School designated Car Parks or adjoining roads named on map. Please limit the number of cars where possible and come early Schools who are using Coaches must let me know or Clear pathways must be kept clear for the Ambulance Loddon Valley Police will be requested to stand by in view of expected numbers These instructions have been agreed in accordance with, The Loddon Valley Police and myself as organiser. Thanking each Team Manager for passing on these requests to your parents and athletes in your schools. Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation See you there and let’s enjoy a happy end to another memorable winter’s running event in 2014/ 2015 GORDON DAVIES Thames Valley Winter Running League Organiser ( TVWRL) Wednesday 1st October
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