In this issue...

Mission: ACBSP promotes
continuous improvement
and recognizes excellence in
the accreditation of business
education programs around
the world.
Fall 2014
A publication of the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
11520 West 119th Street • Overland Park, KS 66213 USA • Visit us at:
In this issue...
Doug Viehland outlines the
benefits of 2
Peter Horn, chair of the new
Accreditation Goverance Board,
explains the new structure... pg. 3
Wilfredo Giraldo shares an
update from Latin 4
Introducing Transnational
Journal of 7
ACBSP Regions: Partnering
with Business for Student 8
Member Spotlight:
Gateway Technical College &
East Central University
...pgs. 12-13 ________________
Call for Presentations 15
Call for Nominations...
pg. 19
Honor Society News:
Delta Mu 22
Professional 23
ACBSP travels to one of the oldest cities
in the world next month to explore a topic
that may help shape the future of business
education — “Partnering with Business for
Student Success: Integrating the Board Room into
the Classroom.”
The 2014 International Conference takes
place Nov. 27–30 in Athens, Greece.
Building on the success of the inaugural
International Conference held last year in
Brussels, the focus remains on making global
business connections, with an emphasis on
presentations of scholarly papers.
Corporate Member
ACBSP Heads to Greece in November for its
Second International Conference
Conference events will take place at the
Webster University - Athens Campus
Cultural Center.
Keynote Session Speaker—
David Bakradze • Ambassador of
Georgia to the Hellenic Republic and
the Republic of Serbia
David Bakradze has
served since April
2012 as Ambassador
of Georgia to the
Hellenic Republic
and the Republic of
Serbia. Prior to this
service, he was Senior Counsellor of the Embassy of Georgia to the Republic of Finland
and in various offices of the diplomatic service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.
His additional service to his native country
is in various offices in the National Security
Council of Georgia.
Ambassador Bakradze will share his views in
education as a Member of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Georgia and a Member
of the Diplomatic Community in Greece
and Serbia.
Keynote Session Speaker—
Basilio Petkidis • Chief Financial
Officer for Mamidakis Brothers Group
Basilio Petkidis
began working for
Sea-Land Service,
Inc. in the Republic of Panama in
1991 as a junior
accountant and
cost analyst until
1994 when he became Services Manager
and assistant to the General Manager. In
1996 he moved to Greece and joined the
Mamidakis Brothers Group as General
Manager for Hermes, S.A. (Hotel and Tourism Enterprise). In 1998 he was transferred
to the International Petroleum Trading Division as Chief Administrative and Financial
International Conference...continued on pg. 5.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Report From the Executive Director/CEO
Earlier this month I was required to write a letter to members who have not paid their membership dues for the
2014-15 membership year. Members who have not paid by December 31, 2014 will have their membership
revoked. I considered how to make the compelling case for renewal. The letters have been sent. However, as I
wrote, I considered the value of sharing the content of this letter with our wider membership. That is what I
am doing here, with links for you to download documents that were sent as enclosures with the invoice letter, so
that you can explore all that is offered with ACBSP membership.
Doug Viehland
“I ask you, the
reader of this
column, to
more fully that
you are part
of a successful
made successful
by your
and sharing of
information of
our good work
with others you
may encounter.”
—Douglas Viehland
Executive Director/CEO
We remain focused on meeting your accreditation and membership needs.
• ACBSP is the second largest accrediting body in the world. We continue to experience strong
membership growth, with about 50 new members joining each year.
• We set a new record at our Annual Conference in Chicago, as more than 1,000 individuals were in
• We celebrated our 25th Anniversary in many different ways this past year, including a presentation
at our 2014 Annual Conference focused on Celebrating Our Success.
• We have changed our website from one focused exclusively on ACBSP members to a site focused on
meeting the information needs of students, members, employers, and prospective members. A new
search feature allows you to locate members offering accredited business programs.
• We have expanded our staff to include a new Digital Content Specialist, focused on building our
social media strategy, and a new Chief Operating Officer, serving in an executive role.
I mention these things because your membership makes you are a part of our success. We want you to
continue to benefit from and be part of this success by your continued membership.
Despite all of this work already achieved, there is more to be accomplished.
• In 2015, we will completely move our paper processes for administration of our accreditation to an
Online Reporting Platform for Self-studies and Quality Assurance Reports. This is in a final beta test.
• In June 2015, we will release the inaugural issue of a new scholarly journal, Transnational Journal of
Business. A Call for Papers is available on our website.
• The theme of ACBSP Conference 2015, set for June 12-15 in Philadelphia, Pa., is “Partnering
with Business for Student Success,” with a focus on internships, business advisory councils, skills gap
surveys, fundraising and other topics. A Call for Presentations was released in October.
• ACBSP is the host and organizer of the 2015 INQAAHE Conference in Chicago. The International
Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education is the organization of agencies
throughout the world that are typically affiliated with a Ministry of Education in each country. All will
now be familiar with ACBSP as a global accrediting body.
• In early 2015, we will welcome a new Executive Director/CEO who will lead ACBSP to new levels
of success in the years ahead. He/she will be provided support by myself and others to ensure a
successful transition. For those who may not be aware, I announced my retirement in this column of
the summer issue of ACBSP Update.
In addition to all the other enclosures mentioned above we call special attention to our updated
Discover ACBSP booklet released earlier in 2014.
I trust you agree it is an exciting time to be an ACSBP member. We ask you to be a part of this
excitement with your renewal of membership. It is important.
I ask you, the reader of this column, to understand more fully that you are part of a successful organization made successful by your participation and sharing of information of our
good work with others you may encounter.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Executive Director/CEO.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Accreditation News
The Next 25 Years….
2014 is indeed proving to be a milestone year in the corporate lifecycle of ACBSP. The
Annual Conference in Chicago “the Windy City” culminated a year-long celebration of the
25th Anniversary of our great organization — 25 years of excellence in business education.
It was also at the Annual Business meeting held during the Chicago conference that the
membership voted to approve a change in the corporate bylaws aimed at strengthening the
organization’s focus on its core business of accreditation. The approved bylaws represented
one of the final components in a nearly 18-month research project undertaken by the Board
of Directors of the Council, at the request of the Strategic Planning Committee and in
cooperation with the two Boards of Commissioners; to review the Council’s administrative
infrastructure. The Project mandate was to determine if the Council’s governance continued
to be adequate to service the needs of a rapidly expanding, and increasingly diverse, database
of members and accredited programs. The project offered a “Case Study” example of how
the volunteer leadership of a non-profit organization coordinated their thoughts and collectively worked together with the organization’s administrative staff to improve the effectiveness
of the services offered to members — clearly the dynamics of a learning organization. The
Board of Directors, with input from the two Boards of Commissioners and the Bylaws Committee had previously approved the new bylaws, by motion, at their meeting on May 19, 2014.
This integration of the Accreditation Governance Board into the governance structure of
the Council does indeed strengthen the focus of the Council on accreditation and provides
an opportunity to broaden the scope and breadth of the governance and support offered
to members. With the creation of the Accreditation Governance Board, the governance of
the Council’s accreditation activities is now a two-pronged approach. The two Boards of
Commissioners provide accreditation decisions with regards to associate and graduate degree
programs and the Accreditation Governance Board provides assistance in the administration
of the accreditation activities and in developing broad accreditation policies and procedures.
This strengthening of the accreditation focus and accreditation and administrative support,
reflects a maturing organization and proactively positions us in the forefront of international
business accreditors as we move into our second 25 years.
I want to personally thank and congratulate the current members of the Accreditation
Governance Board for their dedication and commitment to ACBSP. It is because of such
volunteer leaders that our great organization continues to set the standards for business
accreditation. It is an honor for me to serve as the first Chair of the Accreditation Governance Board and I encourage all members to take an active role in the administration of the
Council’s activities either at the regional or national level. Contact your Regional President
or Committee Chairs and let them know you are available to serve. The Councils needs you.
Peter Horn, Ph.D.
We welcome our new
members, elected to serve on
the ACBSP Accreditation
Governance Board for 2014-15:
Peter Horn
Institute of Finance and Economics
Betsy Davis
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Tim Anderson
Chadron State University
Janice Stoudemire
Palmetto Academic Consulting
Services, Inc.
Bruce Stetar
Southern New Hampshire University
Von Plessner
Northwest State Community College
Ex-Officio Member
Steve Parscale
ACBSP Director of Accreditation/CAO
Anthony Negbenebor
Gardner-Webb University
ACBSP update fall 2014
Value That Goes Beyond Accreditation
Wilfredo Giraldo
“Universities in
Latin America
participate in
Region 9
activities, where
we have
projects of
interest to meet
their needs for
internationalization, faculty
support in the
process of
obtaining and
and faculty
—Wilfredo Giraldo
Director of
Latin American
”Excellent experience” is a reaction that expresses our thoughts after attending the Annual
Conference in Chicago. Among the things that helped characterize that description were:
interesting lectures on each of the conference tracks; Mentor & Evaluator Training; awards
given to teachers, students and ACBSP staff; networking opportunities to interact with friends
in academia and meet new colleagues; the various committee meetings; regional meetings; and
the celebration and recognition of accredited colleges and universities. All this shows that the
benefits that come from your association with ACBSP go far beyond the management of incorporating accreditation standards and assessment of your ACBSP accreditation readiness.
The value proposition that ACBSP provides has been strengthened through the regional
organization of ACBSP. Universities in Latin America actively participate in Region 9 activities, where we have identified projects of interest to meet their needs for internationalization,
faculty academic qualifications, support in the process of obtaining and maintaining accreditation, and faculty professional development, among other things.
Recently we had the second Regional Meeting of this year in Bogotá (19-20 September),
together with an Mentor & Evaluator Training. Here are some highlights from the last two
Region 9 meetings:
• Incorporating new members of ACBSP: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
(México), Universidad Continental (Perú), Universidad del Quindío (Colombia),
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú), Universidad Regiomontana
(México), and Instituto San Ignacio de Loyola (Perú).
• Congratulating institutions which recently achieved accreditation: Universidad APEC from
Dominican Republic, UNID, and CETYS University from Mexico.
• Celebrating achievements of the 11 strategic initiatives of the Region 9 plan that are aligned
with the strategic plan of ACBSP.
• Implementing the Doctoral Exchange Project, which allows faculty holding a doctoral
degree to conduct courses at other universities. Currently the mechanism is already
implemented in San Martin de Porres University from Peru, APEC University from
Dominican Republic, and EAN from Colombia.
• Recognizing teachers who were recipients of the teaching excellence award and the student
who presented the Student Showcase at the Annual Conference.
• Developed the scope of work of an Ambassador University, the role assigned to institutions
that support the work of ACBSP, share information about ACBSP accreditation and
identify prospective members in Latin America. The following Universities were named as
Ambassador Universities: Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (México), Universidad
APEC (República Dominicana), Universidad Autónoma de Asunción (Paraguay), Universidad
EAN (Colombia), Quality Leadership Institute (Panamá), and Universidad San Martin de
Porres (Perú). All schools received a Certificate of Recognition as ACBSP Ambassadors.
• Designation of representatives from Region 9 appointed to ACBSP committees.
• Dr. Radhamés Mejía from APEC University was elected Secretary/Treasurer of
Region 9 for 2015-17.
• It was an honor to recognize ACSBP for its 25th anniversary by giving them a commemorative
plate for its contribution to the development and improvement of education worldwide.
• Finally, there was a valuable conference presentation on the theme: “Horizon 2014: New
Technologies for Teaching and Learning” by Maestro Carlos Güereca, Rector of UNID,
Mexico, in which the presenter reflected on challenges we face in training students who come
with other learning patterns and where technology plays a fundamental role.
As you can see by this summary, Region 9 has many activities and many projects of interest
and is eager to share and grow together for a better education experience for our students.
ACBSP update fall 2014
International Conference....continued from page 1.
Officer. Today he is Chief Financial Officer for the group.
He is a member of the Economic Chamber of Greece, a
member of the Institute of Financial Management of the
Hellenic Management Association (HMA), he has served
as President of the Glyfada Chapter of AHEPA, and serves
currently as Lieutenant Governor of the Board of AHEPA
Hellas District 25.
CFO Petkidis will share his personal and professional experiences of how business schools can connect with business for
student success.
Opening Session Speaker —
Giorgos Stylios • Deputy Minister of Education
for Greece
Giorgos Stylios is a professor in the
business management department of
the Technical Educational Institute
of Ionian Islands, where he has also
worked on various research and
development programs. From 200811, he served as Chair of the Department. In 2012, Stylios
was elected Member of the Parliament in Arta. He was
appointed Deputy Minister of Education for Greece in 2014.
Deputy Minister Stylios will share his experiences as a faculty
member, department chair, Member of Parliament, and
Deputy Minister of Education.
Accreditation Panel
An Accreditation Panel will feature three speakers sharing
their experiences of the ACBSP accreditation process and
describing ways in which they have used their accredited status
to create value for their business schools.
The panel members are:
• Munkhbayr B., Vice President for Academic Affairs,
Institute of Finance and Economics, Mongolia
• Peter Maher, Associate Dean - Quality Assurance,
Webster University, USA
• Alfred Miller, Business Faculty, Fujairah Women’s College,
Full bios are listed on the Speakers Web page.
Mentor & Evaluator Training
ACBSP is offering this in-person training for site team evaluators and mentors. However, registration is open to anyone with
an interest in the topic. This training is geared toward:
• An experienced evaluator seeking to update his/her skills;
• Someone who has assisted in a campus self-study and is now
interested in being a site team evaluator;
• A site evaluator wanting to move into a mentor role; or
• Someone just entering the accreditation process and seeking
to learn what a site team looks for in a campus visit.
Mentor & Evaluator Training will take place at the Cultural
Center from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 25, and 9 a.m.
- 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 26. A networking reception is
offered at the Cultural Center immediately following the session on Tuesday, and lunch will be provided on Wednesday.
Separate registration is required for this pre-conference workshop. Seating is limited and will be offered only for individuals
registering online for the conference. Exceptions can be made
upon special request to attend only the training for $150. The
cost is $100 for those registering for the conference.
List of Concurrent Sessions
A list of all concurrent sessions is now available for download.
The concurrent sessions are offered in four educational tracks:
Academic Improvement, Partnering with Business for Student
Success, Accreditation, and Focus on ACBSP.
Region 8 Meeting
This conference includes the traditional
business meeting of the International Council
of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP
Region 8). All conference attendees are
welcome to attend, observe, and learn of plans for the year.
Study Abroad Opportunity
NEW THIS YEAR: Webster University-Athens, an accredited member of ACBSP, is offering a unique conference and
study abroad opportunity, Nov. 22-30, in conjunction with
the ACBSP 2014 International Conference. Students and
the accompanying professors will first experience a two-day
land excursion to Delphi and Olympia, guided by scholars
immersing themselves in the lives of ancient Greeks. Day 3 is a
trip to Cape Sounion via the Attica coastal road. After passing
Glyfada, Vouliagmeni and Varkiza, all on the tour will visit the
most southern point of Attica Cape Sounion and the Temple
of Poseidon. Students will spend part of their time attending
conference sessions where presenters have been informed students will be present and to direct some of their presentations
to meet their educational needs. Students will also visit sites in
Athens including the Acropolis, the Benaki Museum, the
International Conference...continued on pg. 6.
ACBSP update fall 2014
International Conference....continued from page 5.
recently opened Acropolis Museum and other archeological
museums and sites.
Registration Fees
A convenient online registration is offered. The advance
registration fee is $500 USD for ACBSP members/$650
USD for nonmembers. Advance registration has been
extended to Nov. 3. After that date, the fee is $600 USD
for members/$750 USD for nonmembers. A detailed schedule
is available.
NOTE: The deadline to apply for this Conference and Study Abroad
Program was Oct. 19.
Optional Networking Dinner
Join others who can’t wait to begin their conference experience
with dinner and brief introductions. The location is the Roof
Garden Restaurant at the Electra Palace Hotel with a marvelous
view of the Acropolis and surrounding area. Host will be the
Co-President of Region 8 and host for the International
Conference in Athens, Vasilis J. Botopoulos. The cost is $80
USD. Reserve this dinner when you submit your online
conference reservation.
The Electra Palace Hotel Athens is the conference headquarters
hotel. ACBSP
has a block of
rooms reserved
at a discounted
rate at the Electra Palace Hotel
Athens, located
in Plaka, in the
heart of the old town of Athens, and only a few minutes away
from the Webster University - Athens Campus Cultural Center,
the location of all educational sessions and lunch each day.
Tours of Athens and Nearby Destinations
Time is set aside on
Saturday afternoon
and Sunday to enjoy
this great destination. ACBSP does
not offer a specific
tour but will have
suggestions at the
Welcome and Registration Desk, including these Athens tours:
Half-Day Sightseeing Tour with Acropolis & Parthenon, Morning Tour of Athens, Half-Day Tour to Cape Sounion, Athens
Sightseeing by Night and Dinner Show, Full-Day Tour to Delphi, Half-Day Tour to Ancient Corinth, and Cape Sounion and
the Temple of Poseidon.
The Hospitality Desk and the two evening dinners will be at the
Electra Palace Hotel. Room rates are € 120.00 single/€ 135.00
double. Online reservations are available or you can call +30
210 3370100 and reference the booking code “2014 ACBSP.”
For attendees seeking a lower rate, a room block is reserved
at the nearby Electra Hotel, under the same ownership as the
Electra Palace. No group booking code is necessary.
Did You Know?
Peregrine Academic Services (PAS) will provide each
attendee with a conference bag that can be used as a
leather briefcase following the International Conference.
A NEW feature this year is a portfolio sponsored by in
American University of Leadership (AUL). Both the
briefcase and portfolio are made of rich Moroccan leather.
Both items were made by arrangements of the AUL and are donations
by PAS and AUL in support of the International Conference, providing
a memory of the time together in Athens for years to follow.
ACBSP update fall 2014
It is with great pleasure that I announce the arrival of Transnational Journal of Business. Many
individuals (ACBSP President, Anthony Negbenebor, ACBSP Executive Director/CEO,
Douglas Viehland, and the entire Scholar-Practitioner Committee) have tirelessly and
relentlessly worked to create Transnational Journal of Business.
Transnational Journal of Business (TJB) offers many unique opportunities for the ACBSP community. TJB is envisioned to:
1. Act as a catalyst through which colleagues can share best practices while addressing the
emerging business and management challenges to empower their students to become
better equipped in responding to the workplace rising needs.
2. Afford the ACBSP community a venue for scholarly writing for colleagues from a wide
spectrum of ACBSP membership (from community colleges to doctoral programs).
3. Provide peer-reviewing opportunities for better becoming acquainted with
contemporary topics.
4. Provide a vehicle for transferring and sharing of knowledge which could otherwise
be hidden.
TJB offers a writing space, although rhetorical at some level, provides a point and place in
time, where in the general sense, evidence-based learning takes place from the interactions
of the teacher, the student, and the environment within which we all operate (Trank, 2014).
As Kepes, Bennett, & McDaniel (2014) suggest, TJB, “focusing on the production and
dissemination of practically relevant and actionable knowledge” (p. 446), will give life to the
written words.
Dr. Hamid Kazeroony,
Dr. Hamid Kazeroony,
SPHR. is Managing
Editor of Transnational
Journal of Business.
The inaugural issue of
Transnational Journal of
Business will be published in June 2015.
As the managing editor of TJB, I invite you to review what the journal has to offer at: and contact me with any questions at: I look forward to talking to many of you in Athens in November 2014
or at our ACBSP Conference 2015, next June in Philadelphia, where we will also be
offering a pre-conference training session on becoming published.
The inaugural issue will
Kepes, S., Bennett, A. A., & McDaniel, M. A. (2014). Evidence-Based Management and
the Trustworthiness of Our Cumulative Scientific Knowledge: Implications for Teaching,
Research, and Practice. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 13(3), 446-466.
Trank, C. Q. (2014). “Reading” Evidence-Based Management: The Possibilities of Interpretation. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 13(3), 381-395.
Makerere University
have a special section
focused on Africa. In
support of this section,
Vincent Bagire, Ph.D.,
Business School,
Kampala, Uganda, has
been appointed to serve
as guest editor.
ACBSP update fall 2014
ACBSP Regions:
Partnering With Business for Student Success
We all know the world around us is constantly
changing. Just ask yourself: How would you have
defined student success in 1990? How would this
definition differ today? The Midwestern Council
of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP Region
5) recently held their fall conference on the theme
“Partnering with Business for Student Success,”
where they discussed such questions precisely. The
conference was held Oct. 15-17 in Kansas City,
Mo. Park University graciously hosted approximately 50 individuals at the downtown Marriott
Hotel, including business faculty, deans, ACBSP
staff, corporate representatives, and local politicians. As one
of the newest members of the ACBSP staff, I was attending
my first regional conference.
sometimes companies do make exceptions if a student
does not meet the GPA requirement. However, they look at
whether the student was involved in any extra-curricular activities that may have taken his/her time away from studies.
Attendees raised important questions and discussion points
throughout the conference. During the opening session, Richard Stillwell of Insight Management Consultants said, “People
tell me they want the next Apple. I say if you want the next
Apple, bring me the next Steve Jobs.” Stillwell made the point
— in today’s world, education isn’t enough. Students need
hands-on experience in the field. Business professors need to
incorporate practical reality in their educational concepts and
curriculum in order to help students achieve success.
The keynote speaker was Dr. Prema Arasu, CEO and Vice
Provost at Kansas State University-Olathe. During the
keynote session, Arasu discussed the gap between business
programs and the corporate world.
“When businesses go to educators, educators ask what the
business needs. The businesses ask what educators are looking for. However, the dialogue never goes any further,” she
said. According to Arasu, educators need to think outside
the box and allow their students to have an inter-disciplinary mindset. This inter-disciplinary mindset will allow
for students to fit into the workforce easily. Administrators
need to allow business educators the flexibility to try new
approaches within the classroom environment and also
build the bridges with corporate companies to provide
students with better experiences.
A Business Discussion Panel was also held to further elaborate
on the topic of Internships. The panel consisted of six members from various companies, such as Farmers Insurance and
Commerce Bank. When asked about the expectations companies have when considering a student for an internship, the
overall consensus among the panelists was that a student with
a great personality and drive is ideal. Students who dress the
part, have a decent grade-point average, and are well-rounded
individuals usually will make the cut.
Overall, the conference was a great success. All agreed that
there is room for improvement when it comes to businesses
partnering with business programs to produce students who
are ready to make immediate contributions to the workforce.
Robert Mayer, from MR Capital Advisors LLC, said he
looks for students who have something to gain from the
internship and also have something to offer the company.
Surprisingly, when it came to discussing the definition of a
“decent grade-point average,” the responses varied. Four
out of the six panelists stated that a 3.0 GPA is preferred.
The other two stated that their company prefers that
interns have a 3.2 or a 3.4 GPA. Attendees then asked why
a 3.2 or 3.4 GPA? Why not a 4.0 student? The panel stated
that a 4.0 student does not take failure well and often does
not know what failure is like. Panelists also stated that
Seven regions have held conferences this fall, with three
more scheduled for November. Each event is focused on the
theme, “Partnering with Business for Student Success.” I’ve
shared my take-aways from the Region 5 conference. What
are some of the key points you took away from your regional conference? Share them with your colleagues on Twitter
@ACBSPaccredited, using the #ACBSPRegions.
by: Maliha Khan, ACBSP Digital Content Specialist
ACBSP update fall 2014
Are you the next International Teaching Excellence Award recipient?
2015 Award Applications Must be Submitted by January 31
As you attend your regional meetings this fall, you will hear a Call for Applications to begin the Teaching Excellence Award process for 2015. Now is the
time to begin gathering your application materials. The Teaching Excellence
Award Committee and the Commission have established five criteria for the
selection of recipients, both at the regional and international levels.
Please be aware that all applications must fall within the required word limit
for each of the five criterion, and that application materials should only
include the files requested on the application form. Materials exceeding those
limits will be returned to the applicant.
Visit the Teaching Excellence
Web page to access award
guidelines. An application is
available in English or Spanish.
2014 International Teaching Excellence
Award recipients receiving their award from
Charles Beem, ACBSP President 2013-14:
Steve Nichols (pictured above), associate
degree recipient, and Ben Blackford,
baccalaureate/graduate degree recipient.
Application materials should be
submitted to: Andrea Vertz at by
January 31. Feel free to call
with any questions at
Upcoming ACBSP Regional Meetings
Southwestern Council of Business Schools and Programs — ACBSP Region 6
November 5-7, 2014 • Stillwater, Oklahoma
Eastern Council of Business Schools and Programs — ACBSP Region 2
November 7-8, 2014 • Washington, D.C.
International Council of Business Schools and Programs — ACBSP Region 8
November 27-30, 2014 • Athens, Greece
ACBSP update Highlights from Fall Regional Conferences
Visit the
Facebook page
for more
fall 2014
ACBSP update by: Maliha Khan
ACBSP Digital Content Specialist
fall 2014
STAY UPDATED: The best way to stay updated
with the latest news and announcements from your
region is to constantly check the region’s page on our
website. Here’s a hint, we’ve provided each region
with a short URL link to save you time. Just type your
region and the number after to access
the page. For example, Region 1 would type
“” into their Web browser.
Regional officers, photos from events, important announcements, list of active schools, Best of
Regions presentations, Student Showcase presentations, and information on upcoming conferences or events
can be found on each region’s respective page.
Backstage Pass gives you a front row seat to
learn more about various features of the
ACBSP website. For this issue, we’re going
to highlight the Regions of ACBSP.
ACBSP’s membership is divided into 10
geographical regions across the globe.
These regions serve as communities that
engage in ACBSP activities within their
geographical area. Do you know what
region your school is under? What activities
your region engages in? How to stay
updated with the latest news from your
region? If not, don’t worry. We’ve
got you covered!
By visiting the Regional Councils page,
you’ll find all the information you need as a
regional member:
don’t know what region your school
is in, simply look at the region map
we’ve provided to you on this page.
Click on the listing of States/
Provinces and countries under each
region to go to the respective region’s page. You can
also use the hyperlinks provided below the map to
access these pages.
bottom of the “Regional Councils” page, you will
find links to the Regional Council Handbook,
timelines of ACBSP Activities for Regional Presidents
and Treasurers, important forms, and a link to
the regional meetings page.
Getting involved at the regional level is a great way to
meet fellow members in your region. While also, providing
opportunities to network with other business professionals and
educators. Each Region has a committee of officers including
President, President-Elect, Treasurer and Secretary. If you
cannot serve in one of these positions, serving as a volunteer at
Regional Conferences makes a huge difference!
For more information on how to get involved at the Regional
level, check out the new ACBSP publication Pathways to
Involvement Membership Resource Kit.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Gateway Wins National Green Genome Award:
College Recognized for Outstanding College
Sustainability and Workforce Efforts
Gateway Technical College was one of five exemplary
community colleges to be presented with an American
Association of Community College (AACC) Green Genome
Award in October 2014. The five awards were issued
as part of AACC’s expanding national effort to support
environmentally sustainable practices, programs, and job
training at the nation’s almost 1,200 community colleges.
The Green Genome Awards, created by AACC’s
Sustainability Education and Economic Development
Center (SEED) are evaluated in four key areas critical
to holistic green college transformation: community
engagement, governance, program design and delivery,
and strategic partnerships. Gateway was recognized for the
Strategic Partnerships category.
and sustainable economy,” said Walter G. Bumphus, AACC
President and CEO.
“Through the SEED Center, AACC is providing
community colleges an important roadmap to connect
and integrate campus sustainability practices and clean
economy-related education and workforce development.”
“Partnerships with our business community help strengthen
Gateway’s ability to provide real-world training and to
continue its goal of being a leader in sustainable practices.
We strive to continuously improve our educational and
‘green’ practices and our business partners are an essential
part of that effort,” says Stephanie Sklba, Gateway vice
president, community and government relations, who also
oversees the college’s sustainability efforts.
In naming Gateway as the winner for the Strategic
Partnerships category, SEED says: “Gateway Technical
College is poised to meet the needs of the green economy with
more than 400 committed industry partners who advise on
workforce and market trends.…Its regional impact reaches
the business community through sustainability seminars
and connects with four-year universities through transfer
agreements, which truly build paths to clean energy jobs.”
“We are proud to receive this AACC award. We will
continue to reach for new and innovative ways to partner
with industry in the area of sustainability and to engage
our students in sustainable training practices which today’s
students should have for today and tomorrow’s careers. This
training benefits our students as well as our local economy.”
Other winners of the award include: Greenfield Community
College, Massachusetts (Overall); Lane Community College,
Oregon (Governance); McHenry County College, Illinois
(Community Engagement); Moraine Valley Community
College, Illinois (Program Design & Delivery).
“AACC is thrilled to recognize colleges like Gateway that
have not only prepared a skilled workforce, but have also
become change agents in regional efforts to develop a green
The business programs at Gateway Technical College were
accredited in 2013. Learn more at
ACBSP update fall 2014
East Central University Lecture Puts the Spotlight
on Business in China
China is a major player in the global business community
and that was the topic of discussion as Dr. Shine Chiang
delivered East Central University’s 2014-2015 Boswell
Lecture entitled “Spotlight on Business in China” in
September at the Chickasaw Business and Conference
Topics addressed in a panel presentation included China’s
natural environment, international relations, economic
environment and culture and education system. Other
topics included being a traveler/short term visitor in China
and the state of doing business in China. The event was
free and open to the public.
“Given China’s place in the world today and in the future,
we thought a series of events to help area residents better
understand China would be a great contribution to the
local area,” said Dr. Pat Fountain, Boswell Professor of
Business Administration at ECU. “Our hope is that people
will find these events both educational and entertaining.”
Chiang is an associate professor of marketing and supply
chain management at the Overseas Chinese University in
Taipei, Taiwan.
“Her lecture was an outsider’s views and perceptions
of doing business in China and examined a number of
areas influencing business in China,” Fountain said. “She
addressed topics such as the business environment of today
and in the future, as well as business education in China.
Her talk was based on her experiences in China more than
on her research on and in China.”
East Central University Harland C. Stonecipher School
of Business was first accredited by ACBSP in 1994.
ACBSP accreditation was reaffirmed in 2014. Learn more
ACBSP update fall 2014
Stock-Trak Global Portfolio Simulations Powers 67% of the
Trading Rooms in the U.S., Including Many ACBSP Schools
StockTrak is the leading provider of stock market simulations
and virtual trading applications for the academic market with
more than 1,100 professors in 35 countries using it every year
in their finance, economics and accounting classes. More than
67% of the Trading Rooms in U.S. business schools rely on
Stock-Trak’s virtual trading technology to give their students
real-world experience in managing portfolios of global stocks,
options, futures, bonds, mutual funds and commodities.
focus on the academic world, Stock-Trak now serves over
1,100 professors in 50+ countries.
“Virtual trading provides the ‘hands on, real world’
experience, as well as the competition element, that business
students crave,” says Mark T. Brookshire, Founder and CEO
of Stock-Trak, Inc. “The experience of trading in virtual
portfolios in their finance classes gives the students skills
that prepare them for a job in the financial services sector—
whether it be in working with the Student Managed Fund at
their university to helping them get interviews and eventually
jobs on Wall Street.”
Many ACBSP universities that have trading rooms and/
or strong finance programs are taking advantage of StockTrak’s services like California Baptist University, County
College of Morris, East Central University, Gardner-Webb
University, Howard University, SUNY-New Paltz, University
of the Incarnate Word, University of West Alabama, Utica
College, and York College.
When using Stock-Trak, professors create a customized
trading period and assignment for their student. Students
can be given anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000,000 in a
virtual portfolio so students can manage a starter portfolio
or pretend they manage a hedge fund on Wall Street.
Academics and businesses agree that StockTrak14 is their
1st choice when it comes to bringing a real word teaching
supplement into their classroom. If you are a professor
teaching an Investments, Derivatives, Personal Finance Class,
Portfolio Management, Portfolio Analysis, Capital Markets
and or Accounting, then Stock-Trak is for you.
Forrest F. Aven, Ph.D., Dean, H-E-B School of Business &
Administration at University of the Incarnate Word, said:
“UIW is taking the opportunity to invest in bringing best
practices to the School of Business & Administration. By
having our own branded version of Stock-Trak’s stockmarket simulation software, students in our dedicated
finance program will be able to experience life-like trading
environments. This innovation will allow students to
simulate trading in markets across the globe, enhancing their
employability in this hugely competitive space.”
Academic Products
With more than 25 years of experience providing
educational portfolio simulations, Stock-Trak’s virtual trading
platform is the most realistic product and academically
focused of its kind in the world today. With its entirely unique
offering to the academic community, Stock-Trak enables
business students to gain unfettered virtual trading access to
financial markets via its global portfolio simulations platforms
AND allows professors to evaluate their performances via
several different measures, including overall portfolio return,
Sharpe Ratio, and portfolio alpha and beta. With its keen
Watch this video to see four unique ways in which colleges
and universities can benefit from Stock-Trak’s products while
offering your students the best stock market educational
experience available today. Working side-by-side with
professors, Stock-Trak tailors their platform for students to
experience the most realistic financial markets simulation
today. Stock-Trak’s expertise in the industry ensures that your
global equity trading meets the demands of your university.
For more information, contact Mark Brookshire, Founder,
or Thomas Reti, Director of Global Education, at sales@ or visit Stock-Trak has been a
Corporate Member of ACBSP since April 2014.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Call for Presentations
Partnering with Business for Student Success
ACBSP Conference 2015
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown — June 12-15, 2015
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
The ACBSP Annual Conference Committee invites proposals for presentations during ACBSP Conference 2015.
Presentation proposals may be either practitioner or research based. Practitioner-based presentations should
be interactive with a high level of participant engagement and hands-on experience. Research-based presentations should include the appropriate research design and scientific methodology. This can be presentation
based on a previous presentation or research or newly introduced presentation and research content.
All concurrent sessions are 45 minutes. This typically will include five minutes for introductions at the beginning, 25-30 minutes to present, five to ten minutes for questions and discussions, and five minutes at the
end for concluding remarks and completion of session evaluations.
Four Educational Session Tracks for Your Presentation
All proposals must indicate one of the following concurrent conference tracks:
1. Partnering with Business for Student Success
The ACBSP Conference 2015 has a theme focused on “Partnering with Business for Student Success — Integrating
the Board Room into the Classroom.” With the dynamics of ‘global’ business, it is becoming imperative that business
schools produce graduates that are market ready. The theme is centered on creating a ‘Global Market Classroom’
which is simply the integration of classroom with entrepreneurial activities to create a student ready for success in
the business world. The ‘Global’ represents the community beyond the classroom which can be local, national, or
international arena while ‘Market’ means the exchange of ideas.
Some of the topics that would be a focus of presentations can include:
--Skills Gap Survey
--Assessment Practices Focused On Business
--Fundraising for Success
--Executive in Residence Programs
--Business Advisory Councils
2. Teaching Excellence
This track focuses on best practices for the classroom, assessment of student learning, and online delivery of learning.
3. Teaching Excellence — Global Business Education
This includes delivery of global business education as the Global Business Education Committee supports a
series of sessions focused on teaching excellence in the delivery of global business education.
4. Accreditation Process
These sessions focus on the actual processes associated with initial accreditation, maintenance of accreditation,
and reaffirmation of accreditation. Presentations should demonstrate linkages between institutional experience
and the accreditation processes. Potential topics include involving the faculty in the preparation of self-study
or quality assurance reports; lessons learned; and obtaining administrative support when pursuing and
obtaining accreditation.
Call for Presentations...continued on pg. 16.
ACBSP update fall 2014
—— 2015 Call for Presentations ——
Submission Process & Deadlines
A one-page form is used to submit a response to this Call for Presentations. The form is located at the end of
this document and is available for download as a Word document. All proposals must be submitted electronically via email to Proposals will be acknowledged by email within five working days.
If you do not receive an acknowledgement of your submittal, please contact Sarah Haas at the ACBSP offices at or call 913-339-9356.
All proposals are peer-reviewed by representatives of the Annual Conference Committee. Authors will be
notified of the status of their proposal and the committee’s decision as either accepted without modification,
accepted with modification, or not accepted.
The chart that follows provides detailed information for deadlines and submissions. Please consider these
dates as you prepare your submission in response to this call for Presentations.
January 31, 2015
Deadline for submission of response to this Call for Presentations
March 10, 2015
Email notification of acceptance from Sarah Haas
March 31, 2015
Deadline for submission of 70-word bio and audio-visual requirements
May 1, 2015
First conference call with presenters/authors (optional but recommended)
May 5, 2015
Second conference call with presenters/authors (optional but recommended)
May 9, 2015
Electronic submission of conference documents
May 13, 2015
Early registration deadline (presenters are required to register for the conference)
• Two conference calls with all conference authors will be conducted in May with notice to all authors selected
for presentation during the Annual Conference. The purpose of these conference calls is to respond to your
questions to ensure the best possible presentation. Each author is asked to participate in only one of these calls
but may participate in both. Instructions on how to call in will be available later.
• Electronic files of your presentation must be submitted to ACBSP home office by May 9, 2015. Presentations
are required to be in PowerPoint format. Additional materials should be in Word or PDF format. Files must
be submitted by the deadline to be included in the Conference proceedings. Presentations are posted on the
ACBSP web site following the event. Print stations are available during the event. If the files are not received,
there will be additional requirements for the presenter.
Conference Registration
• Submitting a presentation implies that all authors listed in the program book and on the website proceedings
will register for the conference. Authors not presenting can be recognized in the brief or detailed description
(see submittal in response to Call for Presentations) and in the content of the presentation. Each accepted
presentation entitles one author to a discount of 50% off one regular or advance conference registration.
• If the presentation is accepted, the main contact will be asked to fill out a special registration form to register
for the conference in order to receive the 50% discount. More information on how to register will be given to
you once you have been notified your presentation has been accepted. Individuals responding to this request
for presentations are asked not to submit their registration until after they have been notified of their acceptance as an author.
ACBSP update fall 2014
—— 2015 Call for Presentations ——
Call for Papers for Transnational Journal of Business
As you consider the conduct of a presentation at our annual conference, consider the preparation of submittal to
the inaugural issue of the Transnational Journal of Business. The Journal welcome authors to submit their original
research papers, case studies, conference reports, management reports, book reviews, and commentaries on
developments in the literature, practice, and excellence in business education, for review and consideration for
publication. While this can be on a variety of topics, a special priority for the inaugural issue of the TJB is the
theme for the 2015 Annual Conference, Partnering With Business for Student Success—Integrating The Board
Room Into the Classroom. Your scholarly contribution can be linked to the topic and focus of your presentation.
More information regarding the Transnational Journal of Business and responding to the Call for Papers is available
at the ACBSP Web page for the Transnational Journal of Business. To allow time for submission to provide two peer
review reports and response from the author(s), the deadline for submittal of manuscript for publication in a June
issue is March 15 of each year.
Contact Information
For assistance in responding to this Call for Presentations or for more information about the 2015 Annual
Conference please contact: Sarah Haas, Conference and Meetings Manager, ACBSP, 11520 West 119th Street,
Overland Park, KS 66213 USA. • Phone: 913-339-9356, Fax: 913-339-6226, Email:
Examples of Presentations Selected
for Previous ACBSP Annual Conferences Include:
Teaching Excellence
• Developing POP – A Professional Online Presence! (2013)
• Student Engagement through Microsoft Interactive Classroom (2013)
• Teaching Business Using Student-Created Websites (2012)
• The Successful Use of Contemporary Social Media in the Classroom (2012)
Teaching Excellence — Global Business Accreditation
• Teaching Business Skills to Professional International Women (2013)
• Global Business Education: Developing Leaders for the Future (2013)
• Assessing Global Common Professional Competencies After Business Study Tours (2012)
• Preparing for Global Business: The International Capstone (2012)
Accreditation Process
• Lessons Learned by a School Offering Non-Traditional Business Programs (2013)
• Tying it Altogether: Linkages between the ACBSP Standards and Criteria (2013)
• Documenting Excellence- Having an Organized Resource Room (2012)
• The Other Side of Assessment and Learning (2012)
ACBSP update fall 2014
Submittal in Response to Call for Presentations
ACBSP Conference 2015
(This form is also available for download as a Microsoft Word® document.)
Primary Author:
Zip Code
Please provide the name, title and affiliation of each co-author
Co-author #1 (and email): r Yes r No
Co-author #2 (and email):r Yes r No
Co-author #3 (and email):r Yes r No
Title of Presentation: Pages in this submittal: r one r two
Presentation Type: r Practitioner r Research
Track:r Partnering with Business for Student Success
r Teaching Excellence — Global Business Education
r Teaching Excellence
r Accreditation Process
Abstract (40 words):
Session Description (200 words): This is a full description of what is being proposed for the session including
detailed description of (a) the topic, (b) the presentation format, and (c) importance to conference attendees.
Why should your presentation be accepted? (no more than 100 words)
Please submit this complete form prior to January 31, 2015 to:
Sarah Haas, Conference and Meetings Manager
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
11520 West 119th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213
Phone: 913-339-9356 Fax: 913-339-6226
ACBSP update fall 2014
The following notices are given by the Executive Director/CEO as calls for nominations for candidates for the noted
officer, director, and commissioner positions. Nominations are conducted with due regard for representation of geographic
areas and characteristics of member institutions.
Notice is hereby given for the following officer and director positions. All officers and at-large directors must have
previously served as a member of the Board of Directors, as a member of a Board of Commissioners, as chair of an
appointed committee, or as an officer of one of the ACBSP Regional Councils.
The President-Elect serves as advisor to the President and substitutes for the President in his or her absence or if he/she
is unable to serve. Upon conclusion of the term of the President, the President-Elect automatically assumes the office of
President for a one-year term. The President-Elect serves as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee as dictated by the bylaws, as a member of the Personnel Committee as provided in the committee policies and
procedure manual, as chair of the Nominating Committee by tradition, as an ex-officio voting member of the Strategic
Planning Committee as established by the committee policies and procedures, and is anticipated to serve as co-chair of
the 2016 ACBSP Conference in Atlanta, Georgia and the 2017 ACBSP Conference in Anaheim, California. The President-Elect for the 2015-16 year must be from a baccalaureate/graduate degree institution.
The Treasurer is responsible for the appropriate stewardship of Council funds. The Treasurer presents a report at each
Annual Business Meeting or at any other time a report is requested. The Treasurer coordinates the preparation of the annual
budget, arranges for a yearly audit of the financial records, and is responsible for an itemized account of all receipts, expenditures, and investments. The Treasurer is an ex-officio member of the Audit Committee. While not required, the Nominating
Committee has in the recent past given preference to individuals who teach accounting and/or to a CPA. The Treasurer
serves a two-year term and may be elected to a second consecutive two-year term. Paul Sears, University of Findlay, is concluding his second consecutive two-year term and cannot be re-nominated for an additional term.
At-Large Director — Associate Degree Institutions
At-Large Directors are elected to serve a two-year term and may be elected to serve a second two-year term. The Baccalaureate/Graduate position is elected during even number years, and the Associate Degree position is elected in odd
numbered years. Barbara DiNardo, Owens Community College, is currently serving her first full term in the position
and is eligible for re-nomination.
Notice is hereby given for three vacancies on the Board of Commissioners of the Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree Commission. In addition to all other qualifications, Commissioners must be affiliated with an accredited Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree institution. All Commissioners serve a three-year term and may be elected for a second consecutive three-year
term. Board members are expected to attend meetings each November, April, and June and review materials in advance
of each meeting. Prior to their name being put forward to the membership, all nominees must have the endorsement and
sponsorship of their member institution for time and expenses necessary to fulfill the duties as a commissioner.
One individual currently serving as Commissioner has served two consecutive three-year terms and is not eligible for
• Karen Shumway, Angelo State University (Region 6)
Three individuals currently serving as Commissioner have terms that are expiring and are eligible for re-nomination.
• Charlene Conner, Dallas Baptist University (Region 6)
• Bruce Stetar, Southern New Hampshire University (Region 8)
• R. Nandagopal, PSG Institute of Management--PSG College of Technology (Region 10)
Call for Nominations...continued on pg. 20.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Notice is hereby given for three vacancies on the Board of Commissioners of Associate Degree Programs. In addition to
all other qualifications, commissioners must be affiliated with an accredited Associate Degree institution. All commissioners serve a three-year term and may be elected for a second consecutive three-year term. Board members are expected to
attend meetings each November, April, and June and review materials in advance of each meeting. Prior to their name
being put forward to the membership, all nominees must have the endorsement and sponsorship of their member institution for time and expenses necessary to fulfill the duties as a commissioner.
One individual currently serving as Commissioner has served two consecutive three-year terms and is not eligible for
• Betsy Davis, Florida State College at Jacksonville (Region 3)
Two individuals currently serving as Commissioner have terms that are expiring and are eligible for re-nomination.
• Michelle Byrd, Gaston College (Region 3)
• Dennis Brode, Sinclair Community College (Region 4)
Candidates for positions are submitted to the Executive Director, who is required to forward them to the Nominating
Committee for each of the Board of Commissioners and for the Board of Directors. All nominations must be received by
December 1. Self-nominations are permitted. Send nominations to Douglas Viehland at or by mail
to the Council offices at 11520 West 119th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213 or by fax to 913-339-6226.
All nominations and self-nominations will be acknowledged within five business days. If you not receive an acknowledgement you cannot be assured your nomination or self-nomination has been received. In this case you should contact
Douglas Viehland again to secure an acknowledgement.
The Nominating Committees may identify candidates beyond those submitted to the Executive Director. By January 31,
the Nominating Committees will submit a slate of candidates to the Executive Director.
The Executive Director will forward the slate to all institutional representatives by March 1, 2015, providing an opportunity for write-in nominations. Write-in nominations of any individual from five percent (5%) of the total membership eligible
to vote shall cause the name to appear on the ballot. Any write-in nomination must be submitted to the Executive Director
prior to May 1. The Executive Director will validate the names on a write-in nomination petition and disclose the names
of persons listed on the petition only upon written request.
The report of the Nominating Committees will be read at the annual business meetings of the respective Boards during
the 2015 ACBSP Conference on June 13 or June 14, 2015 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The officers and Board members
are elected by a majority vote of official representatives present at the respective annual business meetings.
ACBSP update fall 2014
A Conversation With...
Toni Adams, Accreditation Manager
What is your background? I am originally from Henderson, Kentucky.
I moved to Florida after graduating from college, but moved to the Kansas
City area 21 years ago. We have lived in Overland Park for 18 years and we
love the area. We couldn’t have asked for a better place to raise our boys.
The only thing I would change is the weather. I hate winter!!
My career as a Physician Recruiter lasted for
more than 10 years and led me to Kansas
City, where I met my wonderful husband.
What do you know now that you wish
you’d known then? Life is too short to
dwell on regrets.
What personal information do you want to share about family,
hobbies or interests? I have been married to my husband Bryan for 20
years. We have two wonderful boys, Wes and Zach. Wes is a freshman at
the University of Kansas, majoring in Computer Engineering, and Zach is a
high school freshman, following in his brother’s footsteps in the Aerospace
and Engineering Program at Olathe Northwest High School. My favorite
things to do involve spending time with family ~ bowling, playing board
games or cards, going to local events, watching movies, or just hanging at
home. Other interests and hobbies include volunteer work, exercise, biking,
reading, cooking, scrapbooking, and traveling.
What do you like most about working
for ACBSP? Everything! My job is challenging and never boring. It is close
to home, the benefits are fantastic, and the staff is wonderful. It truly is a
family atmosphere, with everyone working together as a team to achieve
our goals.
What was your childhood ambition? I wanted to be an advertising
executive. I attended Murray State University, and they did not have a major
in Advertising at that time, so I majored in Business Administration and
minored in Marketing.
What was your first job? I was a Marketing Assistant at EMSA, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and went on to become a Physician Recruiter at that same company.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? When I was
doing event management for Kansas Bio, a non-profit association to
enhance and grow the bioscience industry in Kansas. I was surrounded by
self- proclaimed “science nerds.” Anyone who knows me, knows I am NOT
a science nerd by any stretch of the imagination. I admitted to a favorite
executive that I was intimidated by all the “scientific” terminology. He said
to me “when someone asks you a question and you are not sure how to
respond, just look thoughtful and say “What do you think?” I can’t tell you
how many times that advice has come in handy.
Douglas Viehland
Steve Parscale Wilfredo Giraldo Executive Director/CEO
Director of Accreditation/CAO
Director of Latin American
Mary Riley Diana HallerudMelinda Dorning
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Assistant Director of
for Administration
of Accreditation
Marketing & Communications
Editor, ACBSP Update
Sherry WilliamsSarah HaasGiles Rafol
Manager of First Impressions Conference and Meetings Manager of New Media
Andrea VertzToni AdamsMaliha Khan
Member Services Manager
Accreditation Manager
Digital Content Specialist
Ron DeYoung Executive Liaison to the Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree
Board of Commissioners
Larry Zachrich Executive Liaison to the
Associate Degree
Board of Commissioners
ACBSP update H o n o r
S o c i e t y
fall 2014
N e w s
Delta Mu Delta Inducts 9,310 New Members in 2014
The past 12 months have been a great time to be associated
with Delta Mu Delta, the international honor society for
business majors. Recent highlights include the following
• In the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, we inducted
9,310 new members. Over the life of the Society, we have
inducted almost 195,000 members.
• The Society installed 17 new chapters last year, made up
of 12 new schools, and five additional campus chapters of
previously installed schools. There were 300 active
chapters last year!
• The Society installed its FIRST chapter on the African
• In late August, we awarded $58,250 in scholarships to 58
different students.
• Two of those scholarships were funded by ACBSP Regions.
We thank ACBSP Region 4 for being the trailblazer! We
awarded the ACBSP Region 7/DMD Regional award for
the first time. With funds that will be contributed in the current year, four ACBSP Regions will honor Society students
from their respective regions (2, 4, 6, and 7) in 2015.
The Society has experienced several leadership changes
over the summer. New roles include the following: Joni
Adkins as Vice President, Bambi Hora as Secretary,
Byran Burks as the Region 6 representative, and Gordon
Richards as the Region 2 representative. In addition, our
former Director, Roger Smitter, is now pursuing another
opportunity apart from Delta Mu Delta.
In June, the Accreditation
Council for Business Schools
and Programs (ACBSP)
celebrated its 25th anniversary. We appreciate the
partnership we have with
ACBSP and thank them
for the resource guide they
produced earlier this year.
With this guide, we hope
to inform newly accredited
schools about the benefits of
honor societies, particularly
at those institutions located outside the United States.
You can view the Delta Mu
Delta Resource Guide here.
Delta Mu
Delta Hon
or Society
er reS
We continue to make plans
for our next Biennial meeting,
scheduled for Nov. 6–8, 2015,
at the Marriott Kansas City
Country Club Plaza.
We look forward to seeing
you there!
Perry Glen Moore
President, Delta Mu Delta
Delta Mu
g one
red y
1913 -2
Council for
by the
Business Schoo
on behalf
Delta Intern
ls and Progra
ational Honor
Society in
ACBSP update fall 2014
Viterbo University’s College of Business and Leadership invites applications for two full-time faculty position
starting August, 2015.
One of the position’s primary teaching assignment calls for teaching finance and other quantitative courses at the
undergraduate and graduate level. Interest in teaching related business courses (e.g., operations management,
LEAN or quality management, or business analytics) will be considered positively.
The other position’s primary responsibilities include teaching organizational development and change at the
undergraduate and graduate level. Strength in quantitative methodologies, lean management, or quality management will be considered positively. Experience in health care, executive education, or coaching is also a plus.
We are seeking individuals with solid academic preparation, professional experience, and a true passion for helping students become successful, principled business leaders. Candidates must be innovative in their pedagogical
approach with an understanding of the skills and technological literacy required to lead in a global environment.
We seek collegial faculty who are doctorally or professionally qualified under the ACBSP standards, and who
view themselves foremost as educators and possess a commitment to scholarship.
Viterbo University is a Catholic, Franciscan, liberal arts institution with an enrollment of approximately 3,200
students. Viterbo is located in scenic La Crosse, Wisconsin, which has been rated as one of the top places to live
in the U.S. The region features an attractive cost of living, beautiful bluffs and coulees, three major rivers including the Mississippi River, world class health care and education systems, and easy access to major cities in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois.
Qualifications: A master's degree in the primary discipline or a master’s degree in business administration
with significant professional is required. Doctoral degree in a business-related discipline preferred; required for
immediate tenure track appointment. University level teaching experience preferred as is business experience.
Rank and Salary: Appointment at Assistant Professor rank. Nine-month academic year appointment with an
appointment date of August 20, 2015. Salary competitive with other private, liberal arts institutions.
To apply: Please complete online employment application form and submit a letter of application indicating
interest and qualifications, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy and areas of research interests,
transcripts (initial submissions may be unofficial copies), and contact information for two professional references to Dr. Thomas E. Knothe, Dean, College of Business and Leadership, Viterbo University, 900 Viterbo Drive, La
Crosse, WI 54601 (or Review begins immediately.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Tillman School of Business
Successful candidates will have evidence of scholarly publications in peer-reviewed journals; a record of teaching
and research in field; and excellent oral and written communication skills. The University offers classes both
undergraduate and graduate in various modes of delivery. Please visit
Send cover letter, résumé, teaching philosophy, list of three references, and official undergraduate and graduate
transcripts which must be sent directly from the institutions to: Manager of Faculty Records/University of Mount
Olive/634 Henderson St/Mount Olive, NC 28365/or email:
Full-Time Positions
Healthcare Management:
The Division of Management Services seeks applicants for a faculty position in Healthcare Management
starting in spring 2015. Candidates must hold a doctoral degree from an accredited institution in any area of
healthcare; AUPHA/CAHME accredited institution graduates are highly preferred.
International Business:
The Division of Management Systems seeks applicants for a faculty position in International Business starting
in spring 2013. Candidates must hold a doctoral degree from an accredited AACSB/ACBSP institution.
The Division of Management Systems seeks applicants for a faculty position in International Business starting
in spring 2013. Candidates must hold a doctoral degree from an accredited AACSB/ACBSP institution.
Part-Time Positions
MBA online faculty
Undergraduate (Online and seated)
ACBSP update fall 2014
Faculty Position in Organizational Leadership and Training/HRD
College of Management
Department of Operations and Management
JOB DETAILS: Faculty, tenure track in Menomonie, WI. Nine-month academic year appointment. Anticipated
appointment start date is August 24, 2015.
• Doctorate
• Terminal degree must be in Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Training and Human Resource Development,
Organizational Systems or related fields
• At least five years of professional work experience
• Work experience in leadership and human resource development
• Post-secondary teaching experience
The University of Wisconsin-Stout emphasizes teaching competency; candidates brought to campus will be
required to teach a component of a class as part of the interview process.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Faculty, tenure-track position teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, both on-campus
and off-campus distance learning formats. Assignment may include teaching evenings, weekends, online courses
and related courses based on department needs. Primary needs call for teaching Organizational Leadership,
Training, and Human Resource Development courses. In addition to teaching, all UW-Stout faculty are expected to
engage in research and professional service.
TO ENSURE CONSIDERATION: Completed applications must be submitted online. Review of applications
will begin December 1, 2014 and may continue until the position is filled. Your online application will not be
considered complete until all required documents are attached and all required fields are completed. Note: Once
you have attached your materials and submitted your application you will not be able to go into the system and
change them.
Please be sure you have included the following documents:
- Cover letter specifically addressing how you meet the minimum and preferred qualifications
- Current résumé
- Names and contact information for at least three current references
- Unofficial copies of transcripts; official transcripts required at time of hire
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Minimum starting salary of $55,000.00. Salary commensurate with qualifications
and experience. The UW System provides an excellent benefits package including participation in the Wisconsin
State retirement plan.
- Benefit Details:
- Total Compensation Estimator:
Applicants can also view the FAQs after accessing the online system by clicking on the “Help” link in the upper
right corner.
Confidential inquiries and questions may be directed to:
Dr. Sally Dresdow, Committee Chair
Operations & Management Department
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Phone: 715-232-3085
“Christ Over All”
POSITION: John Brown University, Soderquist College of Business, seeks a full-time faculty member in accounting
beginning July 1, 2015. Responsibilities include but are not limited to teaching accounting courses,
providing program support in undergraduate and graduate programs, advising, and committee service.
Preference will be given to applicants with potential to teach in multiple business disciplines and multiple
delivery methods. Limited travel is required as many graduate courses are taught at University and
corporate locations within the region. The position reports to the Dean of the College of Business.
PROGRAM: The Soderquist College of Business includes the traditional undergraduate, degree completion, and
graduate programs. Traditional undergraduate programs include majors in Accounting, Business
Administration, International Business, Management, and Marketing, all delivered in a residential
setting. Graduate Business Programs include the Master of Business Administration with emphases in
Leadership and Ethics, International Business, and Global Continuous Improvement; the Master of
Science in Leadership and Ethics; and the Master of Science in Higher Education Leadership. Program
delivery is on-site at locations in Arkansas and online. Adult degree completion programs include
Business Administration, Organizational Management, and Management Accounting. Collectively, the
College of Business is the largest portfolio of programs at JBU with continuing growth in enrollment
and diversity. Training leaders with integrity, character, and trustworthiness based on a Christ-centered
model is a priority. JBU business programs are currently accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY: John Brown University is an interdenominational, independent, evangelical Christian
university founded in 1919. Accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of The North Central
Association of Colleges and Schools, JBU is widely recognized for academic excellence and holistic
Christian character development, including prestigious national awards. JBU mottos “Christ Over All”
and “Head, Heart, and Hand” bring focus to the JBU distinctive. The University has a strong tradition of
excellence, one which contributes dynamically to the intellectual, spiritual, and professional effectiveness
of its graduates. The financial position of the University is sound, with significant endowment and trust
benefits. Including the degree completion and graduate programs, enrollment is approximately 2,400
with residential enrollment operating at capacity. The 200-acre campus is part of a beautiful community
in the in the third fastest growing county in the United States near the foothills of the Ozark Mountains.
All employees must be in agreement with our Faculty Employment Objectives and Articles of Faith.
Faculty members are expected to take an active role in the spiritual life on campus and the spiritual
development of students.
QUALIFICATIONS: An earned doctorate with significant professional experience is preferred. Masters degree
required. Preference will be given to applicants with effective teaching experience in higher education
and in multiple delivery methods. Evidence of scholarly engagement and a commitment to Christian
higher education are essential.
A competitive salary exists which will be commensurate with training and/or experience.
IMPORTANT DATES: Position begins July 1, 2015. Screening begins November 3, 2014, and continues until the
position is filled.
TO APPLY: Submit electronically a letter of interest and vita to Attn: Dr. Ed Ericson III,
Vice President for Academic Affairs, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, AR.
Phone: 479.524.7129. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
“Christ Over All”
John Brown University, Soderquist College of Business, seeks a full-time faculty member in
international business beginning July 1, 2015. Responsibilities include but are not limited to teaching
international business courses, providing program support in graduate and undergraduate business
programs, advising, committee service, and opportunities to design and implement international studies
programs. Preference will be given to applicants with strength in multiple delivery methods. Limited
travel is required as many graduate courses are taught at University and corporate locations within the
region. The position reports to the Dean of the College of Business.
PROGRAM: The College of Business includes the traditional undergraduate, degree completion, and graduate
programs. The traditional undergraduate program offers majors in Accounting, Business
Administration, International Business, Management, and Marketing, all delivered in a residential
setting. Adult degree completion programs include Business Administration, Organizational
Management, and Management Accounting. Graduate Business Programs include the Master of
Business Administration with emphases in Leadership and Ethics, International Business, and Global
Continuous Improvement; the Master of Science in Leadership and Ethics; and the Master of Science in
Higher Education Leadership. Program delivery is on-site at locations in Arkansas and online.
Collectively, the College of Business is the largest portfolio of programs at JBU with continuing growth
in enrollment and diversity. Training leaders with integrity, character, and trustworthiness based on a
Christ-centered model is a priority. JBU business programs are currently accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY: John Brown University is an interdenominational, independent, evangelical Christian
university founded in 1919. Accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of The North Central
Association of Colleges and Schools, JBU is widely recognized for academic excellence and holistic
Christian character development, including prestigious national awards. JBU mottos “Christ Over All”
and “Head, Heart, and Hand” bring focus to the JBU distinctive. The University has a strong tradition of
excellence, one which contributes dynamically to the intellectual, spiritual, and professional
effectiveness of its graduates. The financial position of the University is sound, with significant
endowment and trust benefits. Including the degree completion and graduate programs, enrollment is
approximately 2,400 with residential enrollment operating at capacity. The 200-acre campus is part of a
beautiful community in the in the third fastest growing county in the United States near the foothills of
the Ozark Mountains. All employees must be in agreement with our Faculty Employment Objectives
and Articles of Faith. Faculty members are expected to take an active role in the spiritual life on
campus and the spiritual development of students.
QUALIFICATIONS: An earned doctorate with significant professional experience is strongly preferred. Masters
degree required. Preference will be given to applicants with effective teaching experience in higher
education and in multiple delivery methods. Evidence of scholarly engagement and a commitment to
Christian higher education are essential.
A competitive salary exists which will be commensurate with training and/or experience.
IMPORTANT DATES: Position begins July 1, 2015. Screening begins November 3, 2014, and continues until the
position is filled.
Submit electronically a letter of interest and vita to Attn: Dr. Ed Ericson III,
Vice President for Academic Affairs, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, AR 72761.
Phone: 479.524.7129. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Meredith College, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, is one of the largest independent women’s colleges in the United States,
enrolling more than 1,600 undergraduate (women) students and 260 graduate (coeducational) students in the Schools of Arts
& Humanities; Business; Education, Health & Human Sciences; and Natural & Mathematical Sciences. Grounded in the liberal
arts and committed to professional preparation, Meredith educates and inspires students to live with integrity and provide
leadership for the needs, opportunities, and challenges of society. Meredith helps students build upon their strengths to
create intentional lives, working with advisers, faculty, and other mentors and utilizing a four-part plan to develop curricular,
co-curricular, financial, and career plans for achieving their goals at and beyond Meredith. With more than 70 majors, minors,
and concentrations, Meredith attracts students who see themselves as confident leaders and realize the contributions a wellrounded education will make in their lives. The College is particularly proud of its commitment to experiential learning, with
vibrant programs in Study Abroad, Undergraduate Research, Service Learning, and Internships/ Cooperative Education.
Enrollment at Meredith is healthy, and the current strategic plan focuses on enhancing educational excellence, enrollment,
financial strength, facilities and technology, as well as visibility. Equally important is the plan’s call to attend to “quality of life”
for faculty, staff, and students by enhancing collaboration, compensation, wellness initiatives, sustainability, and other features
that are hallmarks of the Meredith community. The historic 225-acre campus is located in the Research Triangle Park area
(Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill), a key asset in recruiting, programming, and job placement results. To learn more about
Meredith College, please visit
Dean, School of Business Search
Meredith is currently seeking a dynamic leader to become the new Dean for the School of Business. The School is accredited
by AACSB and offers undergraduate programs in accounting, business administration, and economics, as well as a Master of
Business Administration. Fourteen full-time faculty members and approximately 150 undergraduate and 70 graduate students
make up the School of Business.
The Dean is the chief academic and administrative officer of the School of Business and reports directly to the Provost. The
Dean plays a pivotal role in setting the strategic direction for the School, strengthening current programs and developing
new initiatives, enhancing instruction and scholarship, and leading outreach efforts to the business community. The Dean will
assume a leadership role for building effective partnerships, participating in external relations and fundraising, and developing
and maintaining strong relationships with alumni and key stakeholders. The Dean will ensure successful programming for
faculty recruitment, professional development, and maintaining AACSB accreditation.
The successful candidate will have evidence of fundraising achievements, success in working with the business community,
and the ability to envision and provide leadership to advance the School of Business to greater national recognition.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are critical, and the successful candidate should be a leader whose work is
characterized by vision, openness, integrity, collaboration, and effective action. Meredith College seeks candidates who are
academic leaders, reflecting a thorough understanding of the business environment and education at the collegiate level, with
strong academic administrative experience and direct knowledge of—and leadership skills related to—AACSB accreditation.
A strong candidate will have an earned doctorate and a record of teaching and scholarship that supports appointment to the
rank of Professor in the School of Business.
Application: Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to RPA Inc.
at Additional materials will be solicited as needed. For a
confidential discussion about this opportunity or to make a nomination, please call
Brandy Collins, Director for Executive Recruitment and Search Manager, or Dr. Donna Fish,
Senior Consultant, at 800-992-9277. The first review of candidates will begin on
Nov. 19, 2014, and first round interviews will commence shortly thereafter. Meredith College
is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Qualified women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.
For a confidential discussion
call 800-992-9277
ACBSP update fall 2014
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Colby-Sawyer College is looking for a new colleague to join the Business Administration Department. We seek an
innovative, energetic educator to teach courses in decision sciences (business statistics, operations, computing).
In addition, we are looking for a generalist who is comfortable teaching in a secondary area of business that
complements department needs and candidate interests.
Evidence of excellence in teaching at the college level and a philosophy of education consonant with ColbySawyer’s programs and mission are required. All full-time faculty are expected to contribute to the college’s liberal
education program.
Visit our website at to learn more about our unique teaching and learning community.
To Apply:
Email a current CV, letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, sample syllabi if available, and names
and telephone numbers/email addresses of three references to
ACBSP update fall 2014
School of Business and
Position: Assistant Professor, Non-tenure Track
Starting Date: August 2015
Summary: The School of Business and Leadership seeks a full-time, non-tenure track, Assistant Professor who has an
interest in teaching accounting and finance courses in the School’s graduate and undergraduate programs.
Role: Online and in-class (ground) classroom instruction in the undergraduate and graduate programs. Instruction
to cover evaluation of finance and accounting performance, planning, organizing, analyzing, and related
concepts. Effective interpersonal skills, problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, business ethics, and Christian values are emphasized.
Qualifications: Preferred Doctoral qualifications (PhD in accounting; DBA with accounting emphasis preferred). Also consider
CPA, CMA, and or MBA with professional experience. Practical managerial experience. Experience and
strong commitment to teaching excellence with the adult learner. Facility in online education desirable. Ability
to work with diverse student populations and commitment to cross-cultural curricula. Commitment to the
Christian faith and demonstration of the integration of faith and learning in the academic discipline.
Mission, Goal and Teaching Information: The mission of the School of Business and Leadership is to develop the business
and leadership capabilities of our students. This is accomplished by provided foundational knowledge, encouraging ethics
based on Biblical principles, and integrating Christian values such as integrity and stewardship.
Our goal is to provide both undergraduate and graduate degree programs that meet the diverse educational needs and
professional goals of students seeking to integrate Christian values into their work worlds. At Malone, we express our faith
through the integration of faith and learning, how we conduct ourselves, and how we work with students. An atmosphere of
respect, care, and understanding permeates the Malone programs.
Malone’s utilizes the Learning House (Moodle) learning management system for ground and online courses. Ground
classrooms use this system to complement course activity. Syllabi, course assignments, chat rooms, grades, progress reports,
and sharing materials, are just a few benefits of this technology.
Malone University: Malone is a Christian university for the arts, sciences, and professions in the liberal arts tradition, affiliated
with the Evangelical Friends Church, offering 41 majors, 42 minors, and 11 graduate programs. Nationally, Malone University
is ranked in the top four percent of colleges and universities in career outcomes, top 10 (#9) best online financial aid packages,
and top 50 (#30) most affordable Christian colleges. Regionally, U.S. News & World Report’s America’s Best Colleges 2015
ranks Malone University among the top colleges and universities in the Midwest in the category Regional Universities, and to
its list of best online bachelor’s programs. Statewide, Malone appears on the list of colleges offering the best lifetime return on
investment in Ohio. Malone University has been recognized by the prestigious Templeton Foundation as a leader in character
development, as a military-friendly school by Victory Media, and as one of Northeast Ohio’s top workplaces by the Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Application Process: • letter of application • curriculum vitae • statement of Christian faith
• teaching philosophy
• statement of the integration of faith and learning in the academic discipline
• names and contact information for three references
Send Application Materials to: Dr. Donald L. Tucker, Provost
Malone University
2600 Cleveland Ave NW
Canton OH 44709-3897
Application materials must be received by November 30, 2014 Malone University has an established policy of equal academic and employment opportunity. This policy is applied to all
qualified students, employees and applicants for admission or employment, in all university programs and activities, without
unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or military or veteran status. Malone
University is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and minorities.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Member — Finance
The Business Administration Program at Roanoke College seeks to hire a full-time, tenure-track faculty member
effective August 2015. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated proficiency in teaching, and expertise
in one or more of the following areas: Corporate Finance, Fund Management, and Investments. The standard
teaching load is 3 courses per semester with an Intensive Learning May term taught every third year.
For the fourth year, The Princeton Review lists Roanoke among the nation’s great schools for students who major
in business/finance. The Department of Business Administration and Economics offers two degree programs: the
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and the Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA). Each of these degrees,
as every degree at Roanoke College, requires the completion of the General Education Curriculum in the Liberal
Arts. The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) major is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business
Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
Roanoke College:
Roanoke College is a nationally ranked residential liberal arts college affiliated with the Lutheran Church (ELCA),
located in the beautiful Roanoke Valley of Virginia. A Phi Beta Kappa institution, Roanoke College is an equal
opportunity employer and actively seeks diversity among its faculty, staff, and students; members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate will hold a Ph.D. or ABD status in Finance and have a passion for teaching
undergraduates in a liberal arts setting. Evidence of highly effective classroom teaching is required. A program
of research with potential to publish in peer-reviewed outlets is expected.
A competitive salary exists which will be commensurate with training and/or experience.
Important Dates:
Position begins August 1, 2015. Screening begins November 14, 2014.
To Apply:
We will be conducting interviews through A/V conferencing. To be considered for an interview, interested
applicants should apply electronically to Dreama Poore — Please include a cover letter
including salary expectations, CV, statement of teaching, statement of research, unofficial transcript, and three
letters of recommendation by November 14, 2014.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty Member
Organization Behavior/Human Resource Management
The Business Administration Program at Roanoke College seeks to hire a full-time, tenure-track faculty member
effective August 2015. The primary teaching responsibilities are for undergraduate courses in the Organizational
Behavior and Human Resource Management areas. The standard teaching load is 3 courses per semester with an
Intensive Learning May term taught every third year.
For the fourth year, The Princeton Review lists Roanoke among the nation’s great schools for students who major
in business/finance. The Department of Business Administration and Economics offers two degree programs: the
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and the Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA). Each of these degrees,
as every degree at Roanoke College, requires the completion of the General Education Curriculum in the Liberal
Arts. The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) major is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business
Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
Roanoke College:
Roanoke College is a nationally ranked residential liberal arts college affiliated with the Lutheran Church (ELCA),
located in the beautiful Roanoke Valley of Virginia. A Phi Beta Kappa institution, Roanoke College is an equal
opportunity employer and actively seeks diversity among its faculty, staff, and students; members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate will hold a Ph.D. or ABD status, have a passion for teaching undergraduates in a liberal
arts setting, and exhibit the ability to effectively conduct scholarly research. Evidence of highly effective classroom
teaching is required. A program of research with potential to publish in peer-reviewed outlets is expected.
A competitive salary exists which will be commensurate with training and/or experience.
Important Dates:
Position begins August 1, 2015. Screening begins November 14, 2014.
To Apply:
We will be conducting initial interviews through A/V teleconferencing. To be considered for an interview,
interested applicants should apply electronically to Dreama Poore ( Please include a
cover letter, CV, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and names of references (or letters of recommendation) by
November 14, 2014.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Online Adjunct Instructors
MBA and Master’s Programs
Southern New Hampshire University, the fastest-growing nonprofit university in the nation, is committed to
academic rigor and student success. SNHU’s College of Online and Continuing Education (COCE) is seeking
graduate level adjunct instructors to teach online.
We offer more than 60 online, accredited graduate programs, including more than 20 specialized MBAs. Our
degree programs have earned, Best Buy, and New Hampshire Business Review Best Online
Degree and Best MBA awards. We are a top Military-Friendly School.
Graduate Degree Information:
MBA Program Information:
Our instructors provide high-quality academic experiences and support students as they work toward their
educational goals. Online faculty members work collaboratively in a supportive academic environment, partnering
with student advising and the academic team to ensure that each student has the support, tools and resources he
or she need to be successful.
We are accepting applications in all business discipline which include:
FinanceInternational Business
MarketingOrganization Leadership
Operations and Project Management Quantitative Studies
Business of Sport Management
• Ph.D. in the discipline you desire to teach
• DBA with a Master’s degree in the discipline you desire to teach
• Current relatable business experience
• Professional certifications required for some disciplines
• Prior college level teaching or training experience a plus
Application Information
Applicants committed to student success are encouraged to apply at:
Candidates must live in and be authorized to work in the United States without sponsorship. Southern New Hampshire
University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, citizenship, religion, marital or veteran status or
any other protected status, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability in admission to, access to, treatment in or employment
in its programs and activities.
ACBSP update fall 2014
Full-time/term-tenure track
Faculty Position in Marketing
The Department of Management and Business at Messiah College invites applications for a full-time/
term-tenure track faculty position in Marketing to begin in August 2015.
The Program: Messiah’s Marketing Program distinguishes itself by preparing students through a unique blend of
experiential learning and faith integration. Graduates of the Program have held positions that include: PR director
for Microsoft, senior CRM manager for Gap Inc., brand manager at Hershey Foods, marketing development
manager for Coca-Cola, director of professional marketing at Johnson & Johnson, and vice president of global
fund relations at JPMorgan Chase.
The Department: Messiah’s ACBSP-accredited Department of Management & Business is one of the College’s
largest departments ( Home to six strong business majors and
the International Business Institute (, the
Department provides a very collegial environment in which to teach and to conduct other scholarly work.
The College: Messiah College is a Christian College of the liberal arts and applied sciences that is committed to
an embracing evangelical spirit and academic excellence. The main campus is located in a picturesque setting in
South-Central Pennsylvania, minutes from the state capital, Harrisburg, and in close proximity to New York City,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. The College also operates a satellite campus in Harrisburg
Qualifications: The Department seeks exceptional Marketing faculty candidates who will be excellent teachers
and mentors of undergraduate students, demonstrate intercultural competence, have a vibrant Christian faith,
and are able to help the program keep pace with exciting new trends in the field. Instructional assignments will
take into consideration the right candidate’s skills and interests. The Program offers courses such as Marketing
Principles, Market Research, Advertising, Decision-Making Tools for Management, Personal Selling, Global
Marketing, and Social/Digital Marketing.
A relevant doctorate is preferred but not required. ABD candidates, those committed to completing a doctorate,
and those with master’s degrees and strong work experience will be considered. A track record of, or potential for,
scholarship is desirable. See the on-line position description for more specific job responsibilities.
Diversity: The College seeks to create a work environment and organizational culture that reflects and
appreciates the uniqueness that the individual brings to the workplace while striving to provide an atmosphere
of success. Messiah’s strategic plan includes a commitment to community engagement in diverse settings and
the development of cross-cultural competencies as well as a commitment to developing a comprehensive and
integrated approach to global engagement. As such, Messiah College is fully committed to a culturally diverse
faculty and student body. Successful candidates will evidence similar commitments.
Compensation: Salary and rank commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Applications and Nominations: Application materials will be reviewed upon receipt and will be accepted until
the position is filled. Please provide a current curriculum vitae or resume as well as a letter of interest that clearly
explains how your Christian faith represents a strong fit with the mission of Messiah College, which is “to educate
men and women toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service,
leadership and reconciliation in church and society.”
Paper applications will not be accepted.
For more information and to apply, please see: