Voice of the Morning Morning Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Morning Chapel CME Church 903 East 3rd Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 332-4842 info@morningchapel.com www.morningchapel.com Reverend Doctor Willa M. Ross, Pastor Reverend Russell O. Fuller, Sr. Presiding Elder Sr. Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick III, Presiding Prelate Schedule of Activities Sunday School — 9:30 am Sunday Morning Worship—11:00am Wednesday New Dimension Bible Study — 7:00 pm Voice of the Morning Committee: Editors-in-Chief: Birdia Fletcher and Shabra Watkins Layout Designer: Birdia Fletcher Writers: Yvette Caldwell, Johnette Calhoun, Sheryl Coaxum, Takiyah Evans, Tamiyah Fletcher, Christal Griffin, Linda Griffin, Katrina Jefferson, Acacia Nolan, Aisha Barron, J. P. Barron, and Shabra Watkins o August—October 2014 From the desk of Reverend Doctor Willa M. Ross As summer ends and we enter into the Fall Season, I am reminded of one of my favorite hymns, “How Great Thou Art”. This hymn is derived from a poem written by a young Swedish pastor named Karl Gustav Boberg. As Boberg was walking home from church one Sunday, he was caught in a severe thunderstorm and almost died. One report states that Boberg marveled over the rich coloring of the season and the birds singing in the trees. The way in which the sun shone on the waters and the birds singing in the trees caused him to reflect on God’s mighty power and control over nature and inspired him to write a poem about what he had witnessed. The poem was entitled “O Store Gud,” (O Mighty God). The poem went through several translations and the hymn in which we have come to know was translated by Stuart K. Hine. It is during this season of the year that I am constantly amazed by the beauty of God’s creation. This hymn of the church causes me to stop and take note of the awesomeness of our creator and to “consider all the worlds Thy hands have made.” No matter what difficulties arise in our lives or what the current circumstances of our world may be, if we take a moment to reflect on the awesomeness of our God and realize the power “displayed throughout the universe,” we can’t help but proclaim “How Great Thou Art”. Psalm 8 proclaims, “Oh Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who has set thy glory above the heavens.” (KJV) As we enter into this wonderful and beautiful season of the year, let us be reminded of the God who created the universe in such splendor and has the power to control nature. Though the storms come in our lives, we learn not to be afraid because we serve a God who is able to calm our fears and provide peace in the midst of the storm. And so we begin a new season of the calendar year but more important is the new season in Christ that we embark upon together here at Morning Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Knowing that this awesome and great God we serve has given us his Son who gladly bears our burdens provides for us the inspiration and the motivation to do the work that is before us. Knowing that the God who created the universe and turns summer into the fall season bursting in a beautiful array of falling leaves fills us with a sense of joy and peace in our lives as we strive toInside this Issue: gether to fulfill Jesus’ commission to make From the Desk of Rev. Dr. Ross....1 disciples. CME and Church News ….…...2-5 I thank God for the beauty of the season. MC Kudos …...…………………..6 I thank God for the members of Morning Social Concerns …………………7 Chapel and I thank God for the awesome Health & Beauty Tips ……………8 opportunity to serve as your pastor. “Then Calendar of Events ..……………9 sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee; Birthdays & Anniversaries ……10 How great Thou art, how great Thou art! Recipe of the Month………...….11 Your Servant Leader, Pastor Ross Morning Chapel Tidbits ………..12 CME & Church News Morning Chapel Rejoices and Welcomes Our New Pastor in Heels By: Shabra Watkins What a Great Day it was at Morning Chapel in August! Following a week at the Annual Conference, it was announced that Rev. Dr. Willa M. Ross was assigned to Morning Chapel and history was made at The Old Rock Church. She became the very first woman to hold the Senior Pastor position! It is our honor and our blessing from God to have this great, intelligent, led by God Pastor, lead Morning Chapel to great visions and great ministries. Reverend Dr. Willa M. Ross is a native of Jackson, Tennessee, and was raised in Chicago, Illinois, where she completed high school and began her higher education matriculation. She returned to Jackson, Tennessee in 1982 where she united with Mother Liberty Christian Methodist Episcopal Church under the leadership of Reverend Ronald M. Cunningham, now 53rd Bishop of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Prior to accepting the call to ministry in 1998, Dr. Ross worked for the Federal Government for twenty years. She was licensed at Mother Liberty Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in April, 1999. She was ordained deacon by the East Tennessee Annual Conference, First Episcopal District in 2000, and Traveling Elder in 2002. She was accepted into Full Connection in July, 2005. Upon accepting the call to ministry, Reverend Ross entered Memphis Theological Seminary, where she earned her Master of Divinity Degree, graduating Summa Cum Laude in May 2002 and was recognized as the Alston Outstanding African American Female Student. She received her Doctor of Ministry Degree in May, 2008 in the area of Christian Education. Her Doctoral Dissertation was entitled Preparing and Equipping Leaders as Christ Bearers who Lead Youth in Mission. She was the recipient of the Outstanding African American Alumni Award in February, 2008. Rev. Dr. Ross was also responsible for administration of the office and assisted the General Secretary in the planning and development of Christian Education resources, workshops, and the coordination of the Connectional Youth and Young Adult Conference. She worked with the former General Secretary, Dr. Cunningham in the coordination and implementation of the 15th and 16th Annual C.M.E. Convocation and the Jubilee 2000 Connectional Youth and Young Adult Conferences. She assisted in the planning and coordination 2 of the 2004 Connectional Youth and Youth Adult Conferences, Living Water and the planning and implementation of the 2008 Connectional Youth and Young Adult Conferences held in Orlando, Florida under the leadership of Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield, General Secretary of the Department of Christian Education. She served as the Youth Conference Coordinator for this event. She had been with the Department of Christian Education since January, 1999. Pastor Ross is an advocate for children and youth and is passionate about Christian Education at every level of the church. She is the mother of three adult children, Kevin (Shemica) Gautreaux, Dorothy (Jevon) Sisnett and Chinitra Gautreaux, and one grandchild, Eva Paris Gautreaux. On August 17th, Pastor Ross preached her first sermon at Morning Chapel entitled, “Renew, Revive and Restore”. Not only did she bring a great message, she sang a classic R and B song, “Rescue Me” that sealed her great sermon! It was so awesome! Morning Chapel will never be the same again! This great leader of God has conducted meetings with our members and officers, established long and short term goals and is taking us all to new heights and ministries as we move forward in our Christian Journey and outreach at Morning Chapel and in the community. Pastor Ross has not stopped since arriving here at Morning Chapel. She entered with a strong passion to serve and lead. Her faith is evident in her sermons, in her spirit and in her heart. Morning Chapel is overjoyed in this great treasure we have received. Get ready, Morning Chapel-we are blessed beyond measure as we enter this new era of Ministry, Caring and Sharing with a great Leader of God wearing heels and tennis shoes, ready to run for Jesus and Morning Chapel! Members, put on your tennis shoes and get ready to run for Jesus and become active in one of the many ministries available. We welcome you Pastor Ross with thanksgiving and love and we are eager and ready with you to engulf on this journey, spreading and sharing the love of Jesus Christ! With you and our God we are on the way to greatness! Welcome again, Pastor Ross! CME & Church News . Welcome Dinner By: Katrina Jefferson Morning Chapel’s Vacation Bible School By: Aisha Barron Morning Chapel celebrated our new Pastor, Rev. Willa Ross with a Welcome Dinner at Pappadeaux’s on August 24, 2014. About 45 members were excited to join her after church for Sunday dinner. We filled the private room and dined on delicious Cajun seafood. “Pappadeaux’s is one of my favorite places to eat. I’m so thankful for everyone who came out. The children even shared their fries. I’m so overwhelmed by your love and support. Y’all are awesome” said Rev. Ross. It was a blessing to be able to meet and greet our new Pastor and give her a taste of how we fellowship. 3 Morning Chapel hosted this past July our annual Vacation Bible School entitled, “Agency D3: Discover. Decide. Defend.” The VBS 2014 theme verse was 1 Peter 3:15: “But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” Our lessons were powerful and were taught by some of Morning Chapel’s dynamic instructors and volunteers. Our instructors included: Acacia Nolen for the Toddlers Shabra Watkins for Ages 4-7 & Ages 8-12 Taniyah Carter for Ages 13-17 Takiyah Evans for the Adults Johnette Calhoun and Christal Griffin for Arts and Crafts Angela Bell All Music Aisha Barron –Superintendent for VBS These instructors came prepared nightly with their lessons and delivered the word of God and encouragement every day! Dinner was ready and served “to go” nightly. It was an awesome three days of fellowship that culminated on Thursday evening with the songs the kids learned and the student receiving their certificates. This VBS was enjoyable, spirit- filled and fun for everyone. Next year will be even bigger and better! CME & Church News Morning Chapel’s Back To School Musical By: Angela Bell, Music Director On Saturday, August 30, 2014, the Sunbeam and Youth choirs of Morning Chapel presented a Back-to -School Musical. This was a very exciting and energetic experience for the members of Morning Chapel as well as the guest who attended. The program was in an effort to uplift, encourage, and pray for our children and youth as they started another school year. The children and youth entered, debuting their new hunter green choir shirts, during the processional song “Celebrate” lead by Rheaven Carter and Freddie Nolen IV. This song also included a Trio led by choir members Isaac Tate, Trinitee Young, and Tatum Evans. Other songs ministered in the musical were “ I Love the Lord” led by Jacayla Dangerfield, Evan Bell, Elena Nolen, Khalun Griffin , and Avery Evans, “You’re Welcome Here”, “Smile”, and of course one of their favorites “Trouble Don’t Last Always” led by Isaac Tate. In between all the wonderful singing, inspirational prayers were given by selected men and fathers of our church. Nicholas Griffin prayed for success over the children, Anthony Dangefield Sr. prayed for strength over the children, and Freddie Nolen III prayed for peace over the children. These prayers where done in such a spiritual way that they allowed the Holy Spirit to move across the whole congregation. We were delighted to have two guest churches that participated in the musical. St. Andrews United Methodist and Campus Drive United Methodist Churches were well represented by the ministries that they shared. Campus Drive’s Youth Step Team and choir ministered a dynamic collection of gospel steps and songs, and St. Andrew’s Youth Praise Dancers were very graceful as they ministered in dance. The Morning Chapel dynamic music team which included Minister Leslie Perry on the organ, and Brother Robert Evans and Terence Bell on the drums did an excellent job of working with the children and youth to prepare for the great musical that was given. This year they were joined by the guest drummer Shamar Peoples of Carter Metropolitan CME Church who also participated in the choir. 4 The musical ended with remarks given by Sister Takiyah Evans for the Board of Christian Education and myself, gifts given, and a spirit filled Benediction given by Minister Leslie Perry. Afterwards, all musical attendees enjoyed a wonderful reception in the Fellowship Hall. Special thanks to Sister Mattie Roberts for organizing and planning the reception along with all the parents of the children and youth. Morning Chapel Bashes Trash By: Katrina Jefferson The Youth & Young Adults made their 5th appearance volunteering at the 23rd annual Trinity River Trash Bash. The cleanup was held September 20, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at various points along the Trinity River throughout Tarrant County. 15 members participated in the cleanup at the Trinity River bank in a new location near the Coyote Drive-In. Cleanup kits were available to volunteers the day of the event and Participants received free T-shirts. This year the Trinity River banks were very clean! The trash picked up by our whole group was less than one bag of trash. “It was good to see less trash. Apparently our efforts are working” said Christal Griffin who volunteered with her company to pass out packets. A few of us ventured to the official Trash Bash After Party at Panther Pavilion for free food, prizes, and entertainment by Radio Disney AM 620. This event is sponsored yearly by the Tarrant Regional Water District. CME & Church News Rozell Gray Program By: Vernice Coleman, Stewardess President . The Fort Worth District Stewardess presented their annual Rozell Gray program, Sunday, September 14, 2014 at Morning Chapel CME Church, Fort Worth, TX. Rev. Dr. Willa Ross, Pastor of Morning Chapel CME Church, Fort Worth was the messenger for this service of worship and praise. The Stewardess of the Year recipient for 2014 is Mrs. Mary Scruggs. She is a member of Lane Chapel CME Church, Lewisville, Texas. Her escorting Pastor was Rev. Marcus Rodgers. The Fort Worth District Stewardess of the Year is chosen based on dedicated service to "Service of the Lord's Table" each year. After the program, refreshment were served and enjoyed by everyone. The President, Vernice Coleman wishes to thank Rev. Dr. Ross, Rev. Patricia McWilliams-Paton Minister, all program participants, and everyone in attendance for supporting the stewardess of the Fort Worth District. Annual Conference By: Birdia Fletcher The Dallas Fort Worth Annual Conference convened August 10-13, 2014. It was held at the Hilton Hotel, 815 Main Street, Downtown Fort Worth. The conference was hosted by Carter Metropolitan CME Church. Morning Chapel delegates to the conference were: Aisha Barron, Vernice B. Coleman, Tina Jones, Mattie Roberts, and Alternate Delegate— Johnnie P. Barron The Conference ended on August 13 with the Eight Episcopal District being appointed Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick II, PredisingPrelate and Rev. Dr. Willa M. Ross being assigned Senior Pastor of Morning Chapel CME Church. The members are delighted to have both of them as our leaders in Christ. 5 Missionary News By: J. P. Barron The Fort Worth District Missionaries will have their annual Earline Galloway March on October 26, 2014 at Carter Metropolitan. This is a time where we share with the Women Shelter, Homeless, and Aids House by donating blankets, health packets and books. This year, children in foster care will be our special guest at the March. On October 18, 2014 the Region Missionaries will meet at Christian Chapel CME Church, Rev. V. Burns, Pastor and Mrs. Nepha Love, Region Missionary President. October 11-12, 2014 the Missionary Institute will be held at Texas College, Tyler, Texas. Please register for the institute even if you cannot attend. Registration is $25 and a $10 Walmart gift card for Texas College students. Johnnie P. Barron, Institute Director thanks you. You may contact J. P. Barron at 817 -534-8680. Back to Church Sunday By: Birdia Fletcher Morning Chapel participated in the National Back to Church Sunday, September 21, 2014. Back to Church Sunday is a campaign strategically designed to help churches reach out and invite everyone to try church again. This powerful movement encourages church attendance by inspiring and empowering church members to invite their neighbors, friends and loved ones to a special Sunday service designed just for them. Rev. Dr. Ross, Pastor of Morning Chapel welcomed members and friends back to Church. They were encouraged to continue to come and be a part of the Church family. Morning Chapel Kudos by: Shabra Watkins & Birdia Fletcher Note from the Editors: Beginning with this issue of the newsletter, Morning Chapel’s Newsletter will include a feature entitled: Morning Chapel Kudos. You may have accomplishments, activities, and events of your children, spouse, other family members, and church members listed in the newsletter each month. Give your Kudos (written) to Birdia Fletcher or Shabra Watkins or email mail to birdia.fletcher@att.net or shabra_watkins87@yahoo.com The newsletter will be published monthly, therefore your Kudos will be due no later than the fourth Sunday of each month. We look forward to receiving your Kudos for publication. Thanks, The Voice of the Morning. Are you ready for some football? Kudos to the Bell Boys!!! Congratulations: Terence Bell has started the 11th grade and is starting Rheaven Carter for trying out and making the on the Mansfield Legacy Broncos JV football team’s powerful offense. Go Terence!!! Choir at Mary Orr Intermediate, Mansfield ISD. Ethan Bell is starting with the Mansfield Jobe Middle Reed Elementary, Mansfield ISD. Rhain Carter for making the Choir at Martha th School Mavericks 7 grade Football Team. Ethan plays a multitude of positions this year including cornerback, safety, wide receiver, running back, punt return and kickoff return. Go Ethan!!!! Evan Bell is doing a great job at his new school Mans- field Mary Jo Shepard Elementary in the 4 th grade. Evan also is starting as Center for the Mighty Mansfield Buccaneers. Go Evan!!!! Kudos to: Congratulations are in order for Katrina Jefferson. It was announced in September that she will become a Bride! Mr. Clarence Carter declared his love and asked Katrina to become his wife! The two will become one on March 7th, 2015. We are so happy for Katrina and Clarence on their engagement. The lovely couple will celebrate their nuptials in Colleyville, Texas. Gabrielle Lewis for entering 2nd grade at D. P. Morris Elementary in Mansfield ISD. Good luck in this year’s activities: Ballet at Art Ballet Academy, Competitive Cheer with Onyx Cheer Force 6 — Cedar Hill, and Choir at D. P. Morris. Micaela Watkins was crowned in Garland Texas Happy Retirement to Bro. Thomas Jefferson! After 38 years of dedication and committed service, Bro. Jefferson retired from Miller Coors company. What an honor to have celebrating longevity and a great career. We know your co-workers will miss you greatly. Enjoy your new life of leisure, relaxing and whatever way you decide to celebrate your new milestone in your life. Happy Retirement! last September as the new Ms. Black Texas, 2014 during pageant competition with other ladies from the state of Texas. She will compete in November in Houston Texas for the title of Miss Black America, Co ed. Micaela is using as her platform Sickle Cell disease awareness in honor of her friend she lost to the disease and to bring more awareness to the disease that affects so many African American people. Good Luck Micaela in November in Houston! Social Concerns by: Takiyah Evans TARRANT COUNTY EARLY VOTING NOVEMBER 4, 2014 GENERAL AND SPECIAL JOINT ELECTIONS EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE DAYS AND HOURS October 20 – 24 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. October 25 Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. October 26 Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. October 27 – 31 Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Texas uses three methods to vote. Texans cast their votes by paper ballot or by using an optical scan system or DRE. (DRE stands for Direct Record Electronic system. A DRE also allows for the connection of an audio/headphone attachment, simple touch devices, or a sip and puff tube that enables the blind, elderly, physically disabled, and non-reading Texans to vote independently and in private.) The type of system on which you vote is decided by the political subdivision (county, city, school district, etc.) in which you live. Depending on where you live, you may also use a different system for early voting than on Election Day. Here’s a brief summary regarding the different voting methods: Paper ballots are still used as the primary way of voting in a number of Texas counties. Voters mark their ballot by hand with an indelible marker (a marker that cannot be erased) or pen and place their finished ballot in a ballot box. Local election officials then count the votes by hand. 7 Optical scan voting systems enable voters to mark their choices on pre-printed ballots by either connecting “arrows” or filling in “bubbles” next to the candidates’ names. The paper ballot is then inserted into an electronic ballot counter, which then counts the marked “bubbles” or “arrows” on each ballot and automatically computes the totals for each candidate and/or issue. DREs (Direct Record Electronic systems) enable voters to record their choices electronically directly into the machine. There are several types of DREs (some have a dial while others use a touch screen), but essentially they all enable voters to move back and forth between screens (ballot pages) to select the candidates and/or issues for whom they wish to vote. Once a voter has made his or her choices, the DRE provides a summary screen that presents those choices and gives the voter the ability to go back and make any changes before pressing the “Vote" or "Cast Ballot” button. One of the benefits of a DRE system is that it prevents “over-voting”; that Health & Beauty Tips by: Johnette Calhoun Enterovirus - D68: What you need to know. Infection Prevention and Control Canada (IPAC Canada) Enteroviruses cause a wide range of illness; most are associated with the common cold, but others are associated with lower respiratory tract, skin and mucous membrane, and central nervous system diseases. Enterovirus- D68 (EV-D68) is a previously rare enterovirus that can cause mild to severe illness. EV-D68 is unusual in that it is more often associated with lower respiratory illness. The virus is spread person-toperson through contact with the respiratory secretions of infected persons. In August 2014, several children's hospitals in the US reported increases in children hospitalized with severe respiratory illness. EV-D68 was identified in many of these children; notably, 70% of the children had a history of asthma or wheezing. As of September 16, a total of 130 cases of EV-D68 have been confirmed in 12 US states. No deaths have been reported; however some children have required ICU admission. EV-D68 is not reportable in Canada and consequently, cases are likely under-reported. Ontario, Alberta and BC have confirmed cases to date. Clinicians should consider EV-D68 infections in children presenting with severe respiratory illness and report any increase or unusual clusters/outbreaks of respiratory illness to their local public health authority. Healthcare providers should implement droplet and contact precautions, in addition to routine practices for patients with suspected EV-D68. Surfaces should be cleaned with a hospital-grade disinfectant with a Drug Identification Number or DIN and a label claim for non-enveloped viruses. Members of the public can take action to prevent the spread of this virus. Hands should be washed frequently with soap and water, or cleaned with an alcoholbased hand rub containing at least 70% alcohol. As will, coughing and sneezing into your sleeve can help 8 minimize the risk of spread of illness. Children should be kept home from school if they have coldlike symptoms. If symptoms of a lower respiratory illness develop, the child should be assessed by a healthcare provider, especially if the child has a history of asthma or wheezing. About IPAC Canada: IPAC Canada, formerly CHICA–Canada, is a national, multi-disciplinary, voluntary association of Infection Prevention and Control Professionals (ICPs) with 21 chapters across the country dedicated to the health of Canadians by promoting excellence in the practice of infection prevention and control. Visit IPAC Canada's website (www.ipac-canada.org) for infection prevention and control information. Beauty Tip: "HOW DO I FIGURE OUT MY SKIN TYPE" According to Bobbi Brown celebrity makeup artist, just pay attention to how your skin looks and feels. Do you need powder 15 minutes after you wash you face? If so, your skin is oily. I suggest a oil-based cleanser and a light oil-free moisturizer. If your skin is tight or flaking however, it's dry, Try a creamy cleanser and thick moisturizer. I swear by creams and balms that are super hydrating - they're perfect for this time of year. Plus they give a smooth, plumped-up look and feel good on your skin. October & November Calendar of Events New Organizations!! Greeters - Membership and Evangelism We are looking for a few people who would like to be a part of the Greeters Ministry. If you are interested or need more details, please contact Anthony Dangerfield Bridges Bridges is a special interest group targeted at Morning Chapel members that are between 36 - 55 years of age. This special interest group will focus on the interests and needs of its membership while fostering spiritual growth and interpersonal connections within the church and the community. October 5, 2012 Freedom Sunday and Get Out the Vote Prayer Conference Call Sunday, October 5th at 7:00 P.M. (All Time Zones) Call In Number (661) 673-8600 Pin Number 1038024# Your Bishop will be on the Call, so Please Join the Call! What is Freedom Sunday? The purpose of Freedom Sunday, October 12th is to set a time for every CME church to hear preaching and teaching about voter empowerment, civic engagement and registering new voters. The upcoming election is as critical as any in our nation's history, therefore, challenging our communities to achieve full voter participation is our civic duty. October 31 — Halloween Weekly and/or Monthly Events: 9 1st Monday: Steward Meeting 6 pm Church Conference 7 pm Wednesday: Prayer Service 6:30 pm Bible Study 7 pm Children & Youth Rehearsal 7 pm (2nd Wednesday) Mass Choir Rehearsal 8 pm (1st, 3rd, & 4th Wednesdays) August, September, & October Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays 11-Aug Tatum Evans 1-Sep Althea Barron 5-Oct Kiamesha Parker 15-Aug Sheryl Hunter 4-Sep LaRhonda McDonald 9-Oct Micheal Watkins 17-Aug Trinitee Young 7-Sep Aarron Barron, Jr. 10-Oct Micaela Watkins 18-Aug Aileax Barron 8-Sep Bruce Barron 10-Oct Brianna Fletcher 19-Aug Wayne Ashford 9-Sep Linda Griffin 12-Oct Evelyn Caldwell 23-Aug Elnora Woods 10-Sep Annette Young 12-Oct Robbie Watkins 27-Aug Christal Griffin 11-Sep Charlene Johnson 15-Oct Nicholas Griffin 18-Sep Lydia Ward 17-Oct Freddie Nolen, III 20-Sep Vel Ivory 22-Oct Rheaven Carter 21-Sep Johnette Calhoun 25-Oct Vincent McDonald 22-Sep Beverly Washington 25-Oct Katilyn Williams 23-Sep Shuntel Johnson 26-Oct DeTosha Williams 25-Sep Tori Evans 30-Oct Ashley McGilvery 28-Sep Edwin Bell 28-Sep Takiyah Evans 28-Sep Mattie Roberts 30-Sep Elena Nolen Anniversaries 17-Aug Micheal & Shabra Watkins 22-Aug Alfred & Barbara Brown 29-Aug Anthony & Dietra Dangerfield 30-Sep Edwin & Angela Bell 16-Oct Joe & Beverly Washington 10 Recipe for the Month by: Linda Griffin Charred Tomato, Chicken and Broccoli Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, trimmed 4 cups broccoli florets 1 1/2 pounds medium tomatoes 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus 3 tablespoons, divided 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/4 cup lemon juice Preparation 1. Place chicken in a skillet or saucepan and add enough water to cover; bring to a simmer over high heat. Cover, reduce heat and simmer gently until the chicken is cooked through and no longer pink in the middle, 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer to a cutting board. When cool enough to handle, shred with two forks into bite-size pieces. 2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add broccoli and cook until tender, 3 to 5 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water until cool. 3. Meanwhile, core tomatoes and cut in half crosswise. Gently squeeze out seeds and discard. Set the tomatoes cut -side down on paper towels to drain for about 5 minutes. 4. Place a large heavy skillet, such as cast-iron, over high heat until very hot. Brush the cut sides of the tomatoes with 1 teaspoon oil and place cut-side down in the pan. Cook until charred and beginning to soften, 4 to 5 minutes. Brush the tops lightly with another 1 teaspoon oil, turn and cook until the skin is charred, 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer to a plate to cool. Do not clean the pan. 5. Heat the remaining 3 tablespoons oil in the pan over medium heat. Stir in salt, pepper and chili powder and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, about 45 seconds. Slowly pour in lemon juice (it may splatter), then remove the pan from the heat. Stir to scrape up any browned bits. 6. Coarsely chop the tomatoes and combine them in a large bowl with the shredded chicken, broccoli and the pan dressing; toss to coat. http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes © Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved. Used with permission. For more recipes go to EatingWell.com 11 Tidbit & PUZZLE Your Cross Morning Chapel Tidbits by Acacia Nolen A young man was at the end of his rope, seeing no way out, he dropped his knees in prayer. "Lord, I can't go on," he said. "I have too heavy a cross to bear. "The Lord replied, "My son, if you can't bear its weight, just place your cross inside this room. Then, open that other door and pick out any cross you wish." The man was filled with relief and said, "Thank you Lord," and he did as he was told. Upon entering the other room, he saw many crosses; some so large the tops were not visible. Then, he spotted a tiny cross leaning against a far wall. "I'd like that one, Lord," he whispered. The Lord replied, "My son, that is the cross you just brought in." When life's problems seem overwhelming, it helps to look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself far more fortunate than you imagined. Answers will be printed in the next Issue 12 12
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