304L flr, \ : .i.i J. r, h-. \.. 'SL _6 I$trrr"'ry'- 3045 ,S' .J *$RF-. m i*,,-t c/Q o Latge t l - / SJt en YES oul JA ^, 1007193 -"-^) /' Y NO NON NEIN X A /!\ 4\ NO NON NEIN X WAnNtNGt ,@ arlv Jrurt,ifu nd anr altiwa.thcra earptugsarenontoxic, ,G\ but maY interfere widr W i, qtgn h rl4*n. wtrktr ou6 tead to serious I ^\-tIl injury or death. \pi/Y \ @ ilEroJa xArrrAuAr-u Bilsom' 303/304 on kertakdytt6inen vaahtomu-ovituIppa, lota on kahta kokoa: Brlsonr 303 (naruttomat)/ 304(narulliset). Large,koko:5 -12 mm. Brlsonr 303 (naruttonrat) / 304(narulliset). Smitt,koko:5- t0 mm Bilsom303/304on testattuja hyvriksytty Eurooppalaisen standardinEN 352-2:1993 mukaisesii. iryvarsyntdnro: 94i Osz. Tulkimuslaitos: (0121r), BIA DE-5375+ sarixtAugustin,Germany Katsovaimennusarvot kadntopuolen taulukosta Kiyttoohjeet 1. Tarkasta sopivuuskohtien2 ja 3 mukaisesti, ennenkuin pddtdt,minkdkoon valitset(koskeesekdkokoa L ettd kokoa SI 2 Pyoritdtulppapuhtaidensormienvdlissderittdintiukaksi ileri6ksija tyonnase korvakdytdvddn kiertdmdlldsitd kevyesti 1avetdmallasamallaulkokorvaatakaviistoon, niinettd korvakaytdvdon suorassa. 3. Annatulpanlaajentuakorvakdytavdssd. Tarkastataustamelussa(alle80 dB (A)),ettdtulppavaimentaahyvin melua ja etteisiindole vuotoja.Jos tulppaei vaimenna riittdvdsti,vaihda toiseenkokkon. 4. Valitseoikeankokoiset, sopivattulpat Jos kumpikaankoko ei sovi,valitsejokintoinenBilsom-kuulonsuojain, ennenkuin menetmelualueelle. 5. Pideainatulppiameluisilla alueillaoleskellessasi A. Pidahulota,etta korvatulpat asetetaanpaikalleenja huolletaanohjeidenmukaan. B. Korvatulppien kuntoon tarkistettava saidnnollisesti. c Kgrvatulpaton sdilytettdvdennen kayttoaja kdyttdkertojen vdlilldniin,etteiniihinjoudulikaa,rasvaatms. D Tietytkemikaalitsaattavatvahingoittaa tuotetta.Lisatietoja tai maahantuo.jalta. _ qaatvalmistajalta E. Elleiedelldmainittuja suosituksia noudateta, naiden korvatulppien antamasuojaja toimintakyky voivat voimakkaastiheiketd,eikdBacou-Dalloz a-voidapitdd vastuullisena siitamahdollisesti aiheutuvista seurauksista. Bacou-Dalloz ei voitaata,ett6 ndidenkorvatulppien kdyttdjd pystyykuulemaanja ymmdrtdmdAn rnitddnympdriston ja muidenhenkil6idenkanssakdytdvid varoitussignaaleja keskustelula. Erilaistensignaalienaanitasoja taajuussekd taustamelu voivatvaihdella erilaisissa tilanteissa. Varoitus:Nauhavoi jddddkiinniliikkuviin koneenosiin. @ , ANvANDARINFoRMATIoN Bilsom'303/304 ir en horselproppav skumplastf6r engAngsbruktillginglig i tvA storlekar: 303 (ut ans n o r e )1 3 0 4(me dsn d re ) L a rg e ,stor lek:5- 12m m . 3 03 (u t a ns n o r e )1 3 0 4(me dsn d re ).S ma l l ,stor lek.5- 10mm . Brlsom303/304ar testadoch godkandi enlighetmed EuropeiskaStandardenEN 352-2.1 993 God k ann a n d n e r : 9 4 10 5 7 . I nstit utBIA : ( 0 1 2 1 )D , E -5 3 7 5 4 S a n ktA u g u sti n,Tyskland. Ddmpningsvdrde: Se tabellpA omstAendesida. Bruksanvisning passformenav bAdestorlekL och S enligt 1. Kontrollera punkt2 och 3 innanvaletav propp sker. 2. Med renafingrarrullasoch klAmsproppenihop till en smal cylindervarefterden sattesin i horselgAngen med en ldtt vridningsamtidigtsom ytterdratdras uppAtoch bakAtf6r att rdta ut horselgAngen. 3. Lat proppenexpanderai h6rselgAngen. I en bullrigmiljo (under80 dB (A)),kontrolleras att proppenddmpar effektivtutan lAckageOm proppeninteddmpartillrdckligt byt till annanstorlek 4. Valj sedanrdtt proppstorlekf6r korrektpassform.Om ingenav de tvAstorlekarna passar,vdlj ett annatBilsomho rs e ls k y d d i n n a nd u g A ri n i e n b u l l ri gmi l j6. propparna Anvand 5. underhelatiden,som du ar utsattfor buller. A. Kontrollera att propparnadr insattaenligtinstruktionen. B. Propparnaskallkontrolleras regelbundet. C. PropparnaskallforvaraspA ett sAdantsdtt att de inte utsattsfor smuls,fett och liknande. D. Vissakemikalierkan pAverkadenna produkt.Ytterligare upplysningarkan fAshos tillverkaren. E. Om ovanstAende rekommendationer intef6ljs,kan oronproppensskyddseffekt och funktionrejdltf6rsdmras.Detta kan i sA fall Bacou-Dallozinte ta ansvarfor. Vi kan inte garanteraatt nAgontyp av varningssignaler inkl.kommunikationmed andramanniskori omgivningarna kan h6ras och fdrstAs.LjudnivAnoch frekvensinnehAttet pA varningssignalen och bakgrundsbullret kan varierai olika situationer. VARNING:Bandetkan fastai roterandemaskindelar. USER INSTRUCTION Bilsomn303/304is adisposablefoam earplugavailablein two sizes: 303 (uncorded)/304(corded).Large,size:5-12mm. 303 (uncorded)1304(corded).Small,size5-10mm. Bilsom303/304is testedand approvedin accordancewith the ApprovalNo: 941057. EuropeanStandardEN 352-2:1993. SanktAugustin,Germany. BIA(0121),DE-53754 Institute: Attenuationdata pleasesee the tableoverleaf. User instructions 1. Checkfor correctfit accordingto step 2 and 3, with both L and S size,beforechoosingwhichsizeto use. 2. Withcleanhands,rollthe plug betweenyour fingersinto a verytight cylinderand insertit with a slightrockingand twistingmotionwhilepullingthe outerear upwardsand backwardsto straightenthe ear canal. 3. Letthe plug expandin the ear canal.In the presenceof backgroundnoise(below80 dB (A)),checkthat the plug attenuatesnoisewell,withoutany leakage.Changeto the othersizeif the plugsdo not attenuateproperly. 4. Choosethe rightsizeof plugsfor a properfit. lf neitherof the two sizesfits,pleasechooseanothertype of Bilsomhearing protectorbeforeenteringthe noisearea. 5. Wearthe plugsduringthe entirenoiseexposure. A. Pleaseensurethat the earplugsare fitted,adjustedand in accordancewith instructions. maintained B. The earplugsshouldbe regularlyinspectedfor serviceability C. The plugs shouldbe storedbeforeand belweenusagein a way that protectsthemfrom dirt,grease,etc. D This productmay be adverselyaffectedby certainchemical substances.Furtherinformationshouldbe soughtafterby the manufacturer. are not followed, recommendations E. ll the abovementioned the protectionand functionaffordedby the earplugmay be cannotbe held severelyimpairedfor which Bacou-Dalloz responsible.We cannotguaranteethat any type of warntng withotherpeoplein the sursignalsincl.communication Thesoundlevel roundingscan be heardand understood. and the frequencycontentof the warningand background noisecan varyin differentsituations. WARNING:Thecord can be caughtup by rotatingmachinery parts. AB, Box pleasecontactBacou-Dalloz Forfurtherinformation, Sweden,tel +46 42 88100, 550,SE-26050 BILLESHOLM, fax +46 4273822or any of the otheraddressesshown, Tested according to EN 352-2:1993 BILSOM 303/304 Earplug ATTENUATIONDATA Bilsom 303/304 Earplug Tested according to ANSI S3.19-1974 n flx) Frequency Flz 1% Grand MeanAtt., dB u.4 35.0 6.2 Std Dev, dB Real-Ear Prot.. dB r(m 1150 NHH valLe s).Y 3 6 4 38.9 39.8 426 43.0 1 29dB 3 4 4 2 3 8 3 0 2.9 3.0 3.2 4 2 2 7 6 2 6 6 28.6 n 9 30.6 32.9 3 3 4 u.2 J4.8 csA *#r CAUTION: For noise envtronmentsdominated by frequenciesbelow 500 Hz, the C-weightedenvironmentalnoise levelshould be used lmproper fit of this device will reduce its effectivenessin attenuating norse Although hearing protectors can be recommended for protectronagainst the harmfuleffectsof impulse noise,the Noise ReductionRating (NRR)rs based on the attenuationof continuous rrorseand may not be an accurate indicator of the protectron attainable against impulse noise, such as gunfire. NOTE: The Noise ReductionRatingrs derived from testing procedures at an independentlaboratoryand in accordance to acceptableA.N.S l. standards. Actual noise reduction can vary from laboratory results as labelled.Protectionis maximizedwhen: proper protectoris selectedfor application,a good trarnrngprogram is utilizedand proper fitting technrquesare followed. Tested according to Australian Standard 127O:2OO2 Bllsom 303U303S Earplug Mean Attenuation. dB Std. Der/.,dB Mean-Mrnus-Std.Dev.dB C l a s s4 125 zfi 63 @ MeanAttenualron.dB @ Std Dev..dB @Assumed Protectron (AF/) H=32d8 dE M =29dB 1% m 37.3 37.9 39.1 5m l m xxp m) txxt 36.0 34.6 42.5 6.4 64 9.0 9.2 9.7 7 9 4.6 4 9 4.7 2 2 0 28.3 287 n 4 28.1 30.0 37.6 4 1 . 8 L-29d8 SNR=33 dB 28.4 A(L)NRR2e INFORMATIONREQUIREDBY E.PA. The levelof noise enteringa person's ear,when hearing protectionis worn as directed, is closely approximated by the difference between the A-weightedenvironmentalleveland the NRR. Example: 1. The environmentalnoise levelat the ear is 100 dB (A). 2 The NRR is 29 decibels (dB) 3. The levelof noise enteringthe ear is approximatelyequalto 71 dB (A). Frequency Hz Ofteryencyl'lz soo 1mo 20(n '(n0 rcm sLcs 22.3 21.6 23.4 24.8 32.8 39.6 4 1 . 7 7.3 7.2 7.8 7.O 6.4 8.8 9 5 2 2 d B 1 5 . 0 1 4 . 4 1 5 . 6 1 7 . 8 2 6 4 30.8 32.2 O Fr6quences. Frequenz. Frecuencia. Frequenze. Frekvens. Frekvens. Frekvens. Taajuus. Frequentre Frequ6ncia. u1v6rr1rc. Cz6stotliwoea. Frekvencra. @ Attdnuation moyenne. Mittelwert der SchalldAmmung. Atenuaci6n media. Attenuazione media. Medelvdrde Middelverdi. Middelvardi. Keskiarvo. Gemiddel.de demping. Atenuagdo m6dia. M6o4 E[oo06vror1. Tfumienie Srednie. Atlagos tompit6s O Ecart type. Standardabweichung. Desviaci6n estandard. Deviazione Standard. Standardawikelse. Standardawik. Standardafuigelse. Standardipoikkeama. Standaard afwijking. Desvio padr6o. Kavovrx{ An6xAroq. Odchylenie standardowe. Szabv6nyos elt6r6s. @ Protection effective en dB. Angenommene Schutaruirkung dB. Protecci6n calculada en dB. Protezione presunta in dB. Forvdntad skyddseffekt i dB. Forventet dempning idB. Forventet dampning idB. l\rvioitu suojausteho, dB. Verwachte beschermcapaciteit in dB. Expectativa de protecgio em dB. Avcpev6pevrl l-lpoorcoiq oe dB. Pzewidp,vany zakres ochrony dB. Felt6telezeft v6d6hat6s dB. Bacou-DallozPty Ltd 3 WalkerStreet BRAESIDE, Victorra3195 Australia Tel + 61 1300139166 Fax +61 1300362 491 Bacou-Dallozlberica Avda.Castilla1 ES-28830SAN FERNANDO DE HENARES Spain Tel +34 91 655 5457 Fax +34 91 677 0898 Bacou-Dalloz OfliceStrombeek Klauwaartslaan 3, Box 5 BE-1853STROMBEEK-BEVER Belgium Tel +322267 3803 Fax +322267 6050 Bacou-DallozAB Box 550 SE-26050 BILLESHOLM Sweden Tel + 46 42 881 00 Fax +464273822 Bacou-Dafloz Zl ParrsNord ll 33, rue des Vanesses BP 50288 FR-95958ROISSYCDG CEDEX France Tel +33 1 49 90 79 79 Fax +33 1 49 90 79 80 Bacou-DallozLtd OsbornWay Hook HAMPSHIRE RG 27 gHX UnitedKingdom Tel +44 1 256 693 200 Fax +441256 693 300 c?) g I ; 3 8 c\r Bacou-Dalloz GmbH & Co. KG Postfach11 11 65 DE.23521LUBE.K Germany Tel +49 451 702740 Fax +49r45't798058 Bacou-Dallor 7828WatervilleRoad SANDIEGO.CA 92154 USA Tel +1 619 661 8383 Fax +'t 619 661 8131 E O o' Bacou-Dalloz Hong Kong Ltd FtatC,26/F., CaoitalTrade Centre No 62 TsunYip Street KwunTong,KOWLON Hong Kong Tel + 852 27070922 Fax + 85227070932 E p 2 Suojalaite Oy - Safety Equipment Co. Niittyläntie 3, FI-00620 Helsinki, Finland puh./tel. +358-(0)9-7771 8600 fax +358-(0)9-794 255 www.suojalaite.fi suojalaite@suojalaite.fi Bacou-Daffo, ViaVittorioVeneto,'142 tT-27020DORNO PV Italy Tel + 39 0382812111 Fax +39 038284113 E R A .g B E d tri I € e A H 2 I a 8 Bacou-DallozKorealnc ParadiseBldg.,186-210,2-Ga, JangChung-Dong, Jung-Gu SEOUL '100-392 Korea Tel +8222273263314 Fax +82222732631 -? Bacou-Dalloz -t/
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