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M. ; Papp, Kim ; Puig, Lluis ; 醫院皮膚部 Nakagawa, Hidemi ; Spelman, Lynda ; Sigurgeirsson, Bardur ; ▲College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 Rivas, Enrique ; ●▲Tsai, Tsen-Fang ; Wasel, Norman ; Tyring, Stephen ; Salko, Thomas ; Hampele, Isabelle ; Notter, Marianne ; Karpov, Alexander ; Helou, Silvia ; Papavassilis, Charis Autophagy Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Pages: 1179-1192 Published: JUL 2014 IF= 11.423;8.11% Autophagy promotes resistance to photodynamic therapy-induced apoptosis selectively in colorectal cancer stem-like cells ●Institute of Biomedical Engineering, College of ●Wei, Ming-Feng ; ▲Chen, Min-Wei ; ●█Chen, Ke-Cheng) ; Medicine and College of Engineering, NTU 臺大 ▼Lou, Pei-Jen ; ●Lin, Susan Yun-Fan ; Hung, Shih-Chieh ; 醫學院暨工學院醫學工程研究所 Hsiao, Michael ; Yao, Cheng-Jung ; ●▲Shieh, Ming-Jium ▲Department of Oncology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院腫瘤醫學部 █Department of Surgery, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 外科部 ▼Department of Otolaryngology, NTU Hospital 臺 大醫院耳鼻喉部 IF值>10 IF值>10 作者 2 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 Hepatology Volume: 59 Issue: 4 Pages: 1293-1302 Published: APR 2014 IF= 11.19;4.05% 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Antiviral Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus Infection Is ●Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital Hsu, Yao-Chun] ; Lin, Jaw-Town ; Ho, Hsiu J. ; Kao, Yu-Hsi ; Associated With Improved Renal and Cardiovascular 臺大醫院內科部 Huang, Yen-Tsung ; Hsiao, Nai-Wan ; ●Wu, Ming-Shiang ; Outcomes in Diabetic Patients Liu, Yi-Ya ; Wu, Chun-Ying IF值>10 MicroRNA-29a Promotion of Nephrin Acetylation Ameliorates Hyperglycemia-Induced Podocyte Dysfunction ●Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital Lin, Chun-Liang ; Lee, Pei-Hsien ; Hsu, Yung-Chien ; Lei, Chen-Chou ; Ko, Jih-Yang ; Chuang, Pei-Chin ; Huang, Yu-Ting 臺大醫院內科部 ; Wang, Shao-Yu ; Wu, Shin-Long ; Chen, Yu-Shan ; ●Chiang, Wen-Chih ; Reiser, Jochen ; Wang, Feng-Sheng Oncogene Volume: 33 Issue: 28 Pages: 3696-3706 Published: JUL 10 2014 IF= 8.559;5.94% A peptide that inhibits function of Myristoylated Alanine-Rich C Kinase Substrate (MARCKS) reduces lung cancer metastasis ●Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital Chen, C-H ; Thai, P. ; Yoneda, K. ; Adler, K. B. ; ●Yang, P-C ; and Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, NTU Wu, R. 臺大醫院內科部,臺大醫學院內科 Emerging Infectious Diseases Volume: 20 Issue: 8 Pages: 1382-1385 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 7.327;4.29% Pulmonary Infection and Colonization with Nontuberculous Mycobacteria, Taiwan, 2000-2012 ●Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College ●▲Chien, Jung-Yien ; Lai, Chih-Cheng ; ▲Sheng, Wang-Huei of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院臨床醫學研究所 ; ▲Yu, Chong-Jen ; ▲Hsueh, Po-Ren ▲College of Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺 大醫學院,臺大醫院 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Volume: 25 Issue: 8 Pages: 1698-1709 Published: AUG 2014 10>IF值≧5 IF= 9.466;2.67% 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 3 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Chest Volume: 146 Issue: 1 Pages: 123-134 Published: JUL 2014 IF= 7.132;5.66% Current Asthma in Schoolchildren Is Related to Fungal Spores in Classrooms ●Environmental and Occupational Medicine, ●▲Chen, Chi-Hsien ; Chao, Jasmine ; ●▲█Chan, ChangCollege of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院環境暨職 Chuan ; █Chen, Bing-Yu ; ●▲█Guo, Yue Leon 業醫學科 ▲NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 █Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛 學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 Environmental Health Perspectives Volume: 122 Issue: 6 Pages: 559-565 Published: JUN 2014 IF= 7.029;1.88% Effects of Arsenic on Osteoblast Differentiation in Vitro and on Bone Mineral Density and Microstructure in Rats ●Graduate Institute of Toxicology, College of ●Wu, Cheng-Tien ; ●Lu, Tung-Ying ; ▲Chan, Ding-Cheng ; Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院毒理學研究所 █Tsai, Keh-Sung ;▼Yang, Rong-Sen ; ●Liu, Shing-Hwa ▲Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院老年醫學部 █Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院檢驗醫學科 ▼Department of Orthopedics, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院骨科 Nano Research Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Pages: 658-669 Published: MAY 2014 IF= 6.963;7.57% AS1411 aptamer-conjugated Gd2O3:Eu nanoparticles for target-specific computed tomography/magnetic resonance/fluorescence molecular imaging ●College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 4 Kuo, Tsungrong ; Lai, Weiyun ; Li, Chenghung ; Wun, Yanjhan ; Chang, Huancheng ; Chen, Jinnshiun ; ●Yang, Panchyr ; Chen, Chiachun 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Oncotarget Volume: 5 Issue: 11 Pages: 3662-3672 Published: JUN 2014 IF= 6.627;8.42% Targeting Phosphatidylinositide3-Kinase/Akt pathway by BKM120 for radiosensitization in hepatocellular carcinoma ●Graduate Institute of Oncology, College of ●Liu, Wei-Lin ; Gao, Ming ;◆Tzen, Kai-Yuan ; ▼Tsai, ChiaoMedicine, NTU 臺大醫學院腫瘤醫學研究所 Ling ; ▼Hsu, Feng-Ming ; ●█▼★Cheng, Ann-Lii ; ●▲█ ▲Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College ▼Cheng, Jason Chia-Hsien of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院臨床醫學研究所 █Cancer Research Center, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院癌症研究中心 ▼Department of Oncology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院腫瘤醫學部 ◆Department of Nuclear Medicine, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院核子醫學部 ★Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院內科部 Oncotarget Volume: 5 Issue: 11 Pages: 3673-3684 Published: JUN 2014 IF= 6.627;8.42% beta 1, 4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase III modulates cancer stemness through EGFR signaling pathway in colon cancer cells ●Graduate Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, ●Che, Mei-Ieng ; ▲Huang, John ; ▲█Hung, Ji-Shiang ; ● College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院解剖學暨 Lin, Yo-Chuen ; ●Huang, Miao-Juei ; ▲Lai, Hong-Shiee ; ▲ 細胞生物學研究所 Hsu, Wen-Ming ; ▲Liang, Jin-Tung ; ●Huang, Min-Chuan ▲Department of Surgery, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 外科部 █Department of Medical Research, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院醫學研究部 Oncotarget Volume: 5 Issue: 11 Pages: 3880-3894 Published: JUN 2014 IF= 6.627;8.42% Snail regulates Nanog status during the epithelial●Graduate Institute of Toxicology, College of mesenchymal transition via the Smad1/Akt/GSK3 Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院毒理學研究所 beta signaling pathway in non-small-cell lung cancer 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 5 Liu, Chen-Wei ; Li, Ching-Hao ; Peng, Yi-Jen ; Cheng, Yu-Wen ; ●Chen, Huei-Wen ; ●Liao, Po-Lin) ; ●Kang, Jaw-Jou ; Yen, Mao-Hsiung 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Molecular Therapy Volume: 22 Issue: 8 Pages: 1450-1459 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 6.425;7.88% Systemic Administration of a Recombinant AAV1 Vector Encoding IGF-1 Improves Disease Manifestations in SMA Mice ●Department of Neurology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 ●▲Tsai, Li-Kai ; ●▲Chen, Chien-Lin ; Ting, Chen-Hung ; 院神經科 Lin-Chao, Sue ; █Hwu, Wuh-Liang ; Dodge, James C. ; Passini, Marco A. ; Cheng, Seng H. ▲College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 █Department of Medical Genetics, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院基因醫學部 Modern Pathology Volume: 27 Issue: 8 Pages: 1116-1125 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 6.364;6.58% Inhibition of ZEB1 by miR-200 characterizes Helicobacter pylori-positive gastric diffuse large Bcell lymphoma with a less aggressive behavior ●Department of Pathology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 ●Huang, Wei-Ting ; ▲Kuo, Sung-Hsin ; ▲Cheng, Ann-Lii ; 院病理部 ●Lin, Chung-Wu ▲Department of Oncology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院腫瘤醫學部 Modern Pathology Volume: 27 Issue: 8 Pages: 1163-1173 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 6.364;6.58% Morphological subclassification of intrahepatic ●Department of Pathology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 ●▲Liau, Jau-Yu ; ●▲Tsai, Jia-Huei ; █Yuan, Ray-Hwang ; cholangiocarcinoma: etiological, clinicopathological, 院病理部 ●▲Chang, Chih-Ning ; ●▲Lee, Hsin-Jung ; ●▲Jeng, Yungand molecular features Ming ▲Graduate Institute of Pathology, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院病理學科所 █Department of Surgery, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 外科部 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 6 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 ●Department of Pediatrics, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 ●▲Lu, Chun-Wei ; ●▲Wu, Mei-Hwan ; Chen, Hui-Chi ; Kao, Feng-Yu ; Huang, San-Kuei 院小兒部 ▲College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 International Journal of Cardiology Volume: 174 Issue: 3 Pages: 530-534 Published: JUL 1 2014 IF= 6.175;8.8% Epidemiological profile of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in a general population younger than 50 years of age in an era of radiofrequency catheter ablation International Journal of Cardiology Volume: 174 Issue: 3 Pages: 628-633 Published: JUL 1 2014 IF= 6.175;8.8% Risk stratification of arrhythmogenic right ventricular ●Graduate Institute of Epidemiology and Liao, Ying-Chieh ; Lin, Yenn-Jiang ; Chung, Fa-Po ; Chang, cardiomyopathy based on signal averaged Shih-Lin ; Lo, Li-Wei ; Hu, Yu-Feng ; Chao, Tze-Fan ; Chung, Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, electrocardiograms NTU 臺大公衛學院流行病學與預防醫學研究所 Eric ; Tuan, Ta-Chuan ; Huang, Jin-Long ; Liao, Jo-Nan ; ● Chen, Yun-Yu ; Chen, Shih-Ann 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 Neuroimage Volume: 90 Pages: 84-92 10>IF值≧5 Published: APR 15 2014 IF= 6.132;4.13% Stroke Volume: 45 Issue: 8 Pages: 2359-2365 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 6.018;5.7% Association of hearing impairment with brain volume ●Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Science, changes in older adults College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院腦與心智 科學研究所 Different Doses of Recombinant Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator for Acute Stroke in Chinese Patients Lin, F. R. ; Ferrucci, L. ; An, Y. ; ●Goh, J. O. ; Doshi, Jimit ; Metter, E. J. ; Davatzikos, C. ; Kraut, M. A. ; Resnick, S. M. ●Department of neurology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 Chao, A-Ching ; Liu, Ching-Kuan ; Chen, Chih-Hung ; Lin, Huey-Juan ; Liu, Chung-Hsiang ; ●Jeng, Jiann-Shing ; Hu, 院神經部 Chaur-Jong ; Chung, Chih-Ping ; Hsu, Hung-Yi ; Sheng, WenYung ; Hu, Han-Hwa 10>IF值≧5 7 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine Volume: 10 Issue: 5 Pages: 1065-1073 Published: JUL 2014 IF= 5.978;9.84% The arrhythmogenic effect of self-assembling nanopeptide hydrogel scaffolds on neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes ●Institute of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, ▲█Chiu, Yu-Wei ; ●Chen, Wen-Pin ; Su, Chi-Chang ; Lee, NTU 臺大醫學院藥理學科 Yen-Chia ; Hsieh, Pei-Hsing ; ▲█▼Ho, Yi-Lwun ▲Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院臨床醫學研究所 █College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 ▼Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院內科部 Breast Cancer Research Volume: 16 Issue: 2 Pages: 13 Published: 2014 IF= 5.881;12.38% Malignant phyllodes tumors display mesenchymal stem cell features and aldehyde dehydrogenase/disialoganglioside identify their tumor stem cells ●Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院外科 ▲Department of Pathology, NTU 臺大醫學院病 理學科 Lin, Jin-Jin ; ●Huang, Chiun-Sheng ; Yu, John ; Liao, GuoShiou ; ▲Lien, Huang-Chun ; Hung, Jung-Tung ; Lin, Ruey-Jen ; Chou, Fen-Pi ; Yeh, Kun-Tu ; Yu, Alice L. Journal of Thoracic Oncology Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Pages: 1171-1179 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 5.8;9.13% Clinical and the Prognostic Characteristics of Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients with ROS1 Fusion in Comparison with Other Driver Mutations in East Asian Populations ●Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital, Yun-Lin Branch 臺大醫院雲林分院內科部 ▲Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大醫學院病理部,臺 大醫院病理學科 █Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大醫學院內 科,臺大醫院內科部 ▼Department of Oncology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院腫瘤醫學部 ◆Graduate Institute of Oncology, Cancer Research Center, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院腫 瘤醫學研究所,臺大醫學院癌症研究中心 ●Chen, Yen-Fu ; ▲Hsieh, Min-Shu ; ●Wu, Shang-Gin ; ▲ Chang, Yih-Leong ; █Shih, Jin-Yuan ; █Liu, Yi-Nan ; Tsai, Meng-Feng ; █Tsai, Tzu-Hsiu ; █Yu, Chong-Jen ; ▼◆Yang, James Chih-Hsin ; █Yang, Pan-Chyr 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 8 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Journal of Infectious Diseases Volume: 210 Issue: 4 Pages: 517-534 Published: AUG 15 2014 IF= 5.778;7.14% Risk of Newly Detected Infections and Cervical Abnormalities in Women Seropositive for Naturally Acquired Human Papillomavirus Type 16/18 Antibodies: Analysis of the Control Arm of PATRICIA ●Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院婦產科 Molecular Autism Volume: 5 Issue: Pages: 13 Published: JUN 25 2014 IF= 5.486;12.8% Genetic analysis of GABRB3 as a candidate gene of autism spectrum disorders ●Department of Psychiatry, NTU Hospital and ●Chen, Chia-Hsiang ; Huang, Chia-Chun ; Cheng, Min-Chih ; College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院精神醫學部 ●Chiu, Yen-Nan ; ●Tsai, Wen-Che ; Wu, Yu-Yu ; Liu, Shih,臺大醫學院精神科 Kai ; ●▲█Gau, Susan Shur-Fen ▲Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Science, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院腦與心智 科學研究所 █Graduate Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院流行病學與預防醫學研究所 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Volume: 57 Issue: 14 Pages: 6008-6018 Published: JUL 24 2014 IF= 5.48;5.17% Design, Synthesis, Mechanisms of Action, and ●Department of Pharmacology, College of Toxicity of Novel 20(S)-Sulfonylamidine Derivatives Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院藥理學研究所 of Camptothecin as Potent Antitumor Agents 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 9 Castellsague, Xavier ; Naud, Paulo ; ●Chow, Song-Nan ; Wheeler, Cosette M. ; Germar, Maria Julieta V. ; Lehtinen, Matti ; Paavonen, Jorma ; Jaisamrarn, Unnop ; Garland, Suzanne M. ; Salmeron, Jorge ; Apter, Dan ; Kitchener, Henry ; Teixeira, Julio C. ; Skinner, S. Rachel ; Limson, Genara ; Szarewski, Anne ; Romanowski, Barbara ; Aoki, Fred Y. ; Schwarz, Tino F. ; Poppe, Willy A. J. ; Xavier Bosch, F. ; de Carvalho, Newton S. ; Peters, Klaus ; Tjalma, Wiebren A. A. ; Safaeian, Mahboobeh ; Raillard, Alice ; Descamps, Dominique ; Struyf, Frank ; Dubin, Gary ; Rosillon, Dominique ; Baril, Laurence Wang, Mei-Juan ; Liu, Ying-Qian ; Chang, Ling-Chu ; Wang, Chih-Ya ; Zhao, Yong-Long ; Zhao, Xiao-Bo ; Qian, Keduo ; Nan, Xiang ; Yang, Liu ; Yang, Xiao-Ming ; Hung, Hsin-Yi ; Yang, Jai-Sing ; Kuo, Daih-Huang ; Goto, Masuo ; MorrisNatschke, Susan L. ; Pan, Shiow-Lin ; ●Teng, Che-Ming ; Kuo, Sheng-Chu ; Wu, Tian-Shung ; Wu, Yang-Chang ; Lee, KuoHsiung 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Molecular Cancer Volume: 13 Issue: Pages: 14 Published: JUL 15 2014 IF= 5.397;14.36% Inhibition of G9a induces DUSP4-dependent ●Graduate Institute of Toxicology, College of ●Li, Kai-Chun ; ●Hua, Kuo-Tai ; ●Lin, Yi-Shen ; Su, Chiaautophagic cell death in head and neck squamous cell Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院毒理學研究所 Yi ;▲Ko, Jenq-Yuh ; Hsiao, Michael ; ●Kuo, Min-Liang ;▲ carcinoma Tan, Ching-Ting ▲Department of Otolaryngology, NTU Hospital and College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院耳鼻喉部 ,臺大醫學院耳鼻喉科 Scientific Reports Volume: 4 Issue: Pages: 6 Published: JUL 24 2014 IF= 5.078;9.09% The K898E germline variant in the PP1-binding motif of BRCA1 causes defects in DNA Repair ●School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, NTU ●Chen, Bert Yu-Hung ; ●Huang, Cheng-Hsiang ; Lin, Ying臺大藥學專業學院 Hsi ; ●Huang, Ching-Chun ; Deng, Chu-Xia ; ●Hsu, LihChing Scientific Reports Volume: 4 Issue: Pages: 7 Published: JUL 18 2014 IF= 5.078;9.09% A Novel Albumin-Based Tissue Scaffold for Autogenic Tissue Engineering Applications ●Department of Orthopedics, College of Li, Pei-Shan ; Lee, I. –Liang ; Yu, Wei-Lin ; ●▲Sun, Jui-Sheng ; Jane, Wann-Neng ; Shen, Hsin-Hsin Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院骨科 ▲Department of Orthopedic Surgery, NTU Hospital, Hsin Chu Branch 臺大醫院新竹分院骨 科部 Scientific Reports Volume: 4 Issue: Pages: 9 Published: JUL 24 2014 IF= 5.078;9.09% Antifibrotic effects of KS370G, a caffeamide ●Department of Pharmacology, College of derivative, in renal ischemia-reperfusion injured mice Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院藥理學科 and renal tubular epithelial cells 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 10>IF值≧5 10 ●Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, NTU 臺 大醫學院藥理學科 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Archives of Toxicology Volume: 88 Issue: 8 Pages: 1549-1559 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 5.078;10.34% Long-term low-dose exposure of human urothelial cells to sodium arsenite activates lipocalin-2 via promoter hypomethylation ●Graduate Institute of Oncology, College of Wang, Hsiu-Hua ; ●Wu, Meei-Maan ; Chan, Michael W. Y. ; Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院腫瘤醫學研究所 ▲Pu, Yeong-Shiau ; Chen, Chien-Jen ; Lee, Te-Chang ▲Department of Urology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 泌尿部 Molecular Pharmaceutics Volume: 11 Issue: 8 Pages: 2777-2786 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 4.787;9.45% Intracellular Delivery of Recombinant Arginine Deiminase (rADI) by Heparin-Binding Hemagglutinin Adhesion Peptide Restores Sensitivity in rADI-Resistant Cancer Cells ●School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, NTU ●▲█Wu, Fe-Lin Lin ; ●Yeh, Tzyy-Harn ; ●Chen, Ying臺大藥學專業學院 Luen ; ●Chiu, Yu-Chin ;●Cheng, Ju-Chen ; ▼Wei, Ming▲Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, School Feng ; ●▲█Shen, Li-Jiuan of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大藥學 專業學院臨床藥學研究所 █Department of Pharmacy, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院藥劑部 ▼The National Center of Excellence for Clinical Trial and Research, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院國家 級卓越臨床試驗與研究中心 Biochemical Pharmacology Volume: 90 Issue: 3 Pages: 320-330 Published: AUG 1 2014 IF= 4.65;9.84% A novel small molecule hybrid of vorinostat and DACA displays anticancer activity against human hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer through dual inhibition of histone deacetylase and topoisomerase I ●School of Pharmacy, NTU 臺大藥學專業學院 ●Yu, Chia-Chun ; Pan, Shiow-Lin ; Chao, Shi-Wei ; ▲Liu, ▲Department of Urology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 Shih-Ping ; ●Hsu, Jui-Ling ; █Yang, Yu-Chen; Li, Tsia-Kun ; 泌尿部 Huang, Wei-Jan ; ●Guh, Jih-Hwa █Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院微生物學科 10>IF值≧5 IF值<5 IF值<5 11 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 ●Institute of physiology, College of Medicine, ●Wu, Li-Ling ; Peng, Wei-Hao ; ●Kuo, Wei-Ting ; ●Huang, NTU, NTU Hospital 臺大醫學院生理學研究所, Ching-Ying ; █Ni, Yen-Hsuan ; ▲Lu, Kuo-Shyan ; Turner, 臺大醫院 Jerrold R. ; ●Yu, Linda C. H. ▲Graduate Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大 醫學院解剖學暨細胞生物學科,臺大醫院 █Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大醫學院小兒科,臺 大醫院小兒部 American Journal of Pathology Volume: 184 Issue: 8 Pages: 2260-2274 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 4.602;10.53% Commensal Bacterial Endocytosis in Epithelial Cells Is Dependent on Myosin Light Chain KinaseActivated Brush Border Fanning by Interferongamma Addiction Volume: 109 Issue: 8 Pages: 1355-1362 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 4.596;11.11% Using cognitive modelling to investigate the ●Clinical Psychology Center, NTU Hospital 臺大 Liang, Chi-Wen ; Zhong, Roy Yi-Xiu ; ●Chung, Yun-Chen ; psychological processes of the Go/NoGo Pan, Chun-Hung ; Yen, Muh-Yong ; Cheng, Chung-Ping ; Hsu, 醫院臨床心理中心 discrimination task in male abstinent heroin misusers Wen-Yau Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Volume: 58 Issue: 7 Pages: 3814-3819 Published: JUL 2014 IF= 4.451;10.63% Antifungal Susceptibilities of Candida Isolates ●Department of Laboratory Medicine, College of ●Huang, Yu-Tsung ; Liu, Chia-Ying ; Liao, Chun-Hsing ; ●▲ Causing Bloodstream Infections at a Medical Center Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大醫學院檢 Chung, Kuei-Pin ; ▲Sheng, Wang-Huei ; ●▲Hsueh, Po-Ren in Taiwan, 2009-2010 驗醫學科,臺大醫院檢驗醫學部 ▲Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大醫學院內 科,臺大醫院內科部 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Volume: 58 Issue: 7 Pages: 3983-3990 Published: JUL 2014 IF= 4.451;10.63% Sheltering Effect and Indirect Pathogenesis of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Polymicrobial Infection IF值<5 IF值<5 IF值<5 ●Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, College Liao, Yu-Ting ; Kuo, Shu-Chen ; Lee, Yi-Tzu ; Chen, Chien-Pei of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院臨床藥學研究所 ; ●Lin, Shu-Wen ; ●Shen, Li-Jiuan ; Fung, Chang-Phone ; Cho, Wen-Long ; Chen, Te-Li IF值<5 12 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 ●Department of Dermatology, NTU Hospital and College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院皮膚部,臺 大醫學院皮膚科 Acta Dermato-Venereologica Volume: 94 Issue: 4 Pages: 472-473 Published: 2014 IF= 4.244;8.2% First-line Combination Therapy with Rituximab and Corticosteroids is Effective and Safe for Pemphigus International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics Volume: 89 Issue: 4 Pages: 804-813 Published: JUL 15 2014 IF= 4.176;11.57% Interobserver Variability in Target Definition for ●Department of Oncology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 Hepatocellular Carcinoma With and Without Portal 院腫瘤醫學部 Vein Thrombus: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Consensus Guidelines Environmental Research Volume: 133 Pages: 96-102 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 3.951;9.38% Modeling horizontal and vertical variation in intraurban exposure to PM2.5 concentrations and compositions 作者 ●Cho, Yung-Tsu ; Lee, Fang-Yu ; Chu, Chia-Yu ; Wang, LiFang IF值<5 IF值<5 IF值<5 Hong, Theodore S. ; Bosch, Walter R. ; Krishnan, Sunil ; Kim, Tae K.; Mamon, Harvey J. ; Shyn, Paul ; Ben-Josef, Edgar ; Seong, Jinsil ; Haddock, Michael G. ; ●Cheng, Jason C. ; Feng, Mary U. ; Stephans, Kevin L. ; Roberge, David ; Crane, Christopher ; Dawson, Laura A. ●Department of Public Health, College of Public ●▲█Wu, Chang-Fu ; ▲Lin, Hung-I ; █Ho, Chi-Chang ; ▲ Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院公共衛生學系 Yang, Tzu-Hui ; Chen, Chu-Chih ; █Chan, Chang-Chuan ▲Institute of Environmental Health, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院環境衛生研究 所 █Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛 學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 13 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Journal of Surgical Oncology Volume: 110 Issue: 2 Pages: 99-106 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 3.943;6.44% Clinicopathology and Genetic Profile of Synchronous Multiple Small Adenocarcinomas: Implication for Surgical Treatment of an Uncommon Lung Malignancy ●Department of Surgery, NTU Hospital, Hsin Chu ●▲Lin, Mong-Wei ; ▲█▼Wu, Chen-Tu ; ◆▼Shih, JinBranch 臺大醫院新竹分院外科部 Yuan ; ▲█▼Chang, Yih-Leong ; ▲◆▼Yang, Pan-Chyr ▲Institute of Pathology, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院病理學科 █Department of Pathology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院病理部 ▼College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 ◆Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院內科部 Ieee Transactions on Medical Imaging Volume: 33 Issue: 7 Pages: 1503-1511 Published: JUL 2014 IF= 3.799;6.48% Multi-Dimensional Tumor Detection in Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Using Topographic Watershed ●Department of Medical Imaging, NTU Hospital Lo, Chung-Ming ; Chen, Rong-Tai ; ●▲Chang, Yeun-Chung ; 臺大醫院影像醫學部 █▲Yang, Ya-Wen ; Hung, Ming-Jen ; █▲Huang, ChiunSheng ; Chang, Ruey-Feng ▲College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 █Department of Surgery, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 外科部 Liver Transplantation Volume: 21 Issue: 8 Pages: 1068-E59 Published: DEC 7 2013 IF= 3.793;6.93% Hepatitis C viral infection and the risk of dementia ●Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial ●W.-C. Chiu, ●Y.-T. Tsan, ●▲S.-L. Tsai, C.-J. Chang, ●J.Hygiene, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛 D. Wang, ●█▼P.-C. Chen, and Health Data Analysis in Taiwan (hDATa) Research Group 學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所 ▲Department of Medical Education, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院教學部 █Environmental and Occupational Medicine, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院環境 暨職業醫學科 ▼Department of Public Health, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院公共衛生學系 IF值<5 IF值<5 IF值<5 14 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 7 Published: JUL 9 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Weekly and Holiday-Related Patterns of Panic ●Department of Urology, NTU Hospital and Attacks in Panic Disorder: A Population-Based Study College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院泌尿部,臺 大醫學院泌尿科 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 10 Published: MAY 20 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Geographic Disparity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Mortality Rates among the Taiwan Population ●Master of Public Health Degree Program, Chan, Ta-Chien ; Chiang, Po-Huang ; Su, Ming-Daw ; ●Wang, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院公共 Hsuan-Wen ; Liu, Michael Shi-yung 衛生碩士學位學程 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 5 Published: JUN 4 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Development and Validation of the Smartphone Addiction Inventory (SPAI) ●Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大醫學院精神科,臺 大醫精神醫學部 Lin, Yu-Hsuan ; ●Chang, Li-Ren ; Lee, Yang-Han ; Tseng, Hsien-Wei ; Kuo, Terry B. J. ; Chen, Sue-Huei Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 5 Published: JUN 27 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Increased Risk of Pneumonia in Patients Receiving Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonists for Prostate Cancer ●Department of Urology, NTU Hospital and College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院泌尿部,臺 大醫學院泌尿科 Chung, Shiu-Dong ; ●Liu, Shih-Ping ; Lin, Herng-Ching ; Wang, Li-Hsuan Kao, Li-Ting ; Xirasagar, Sudha ; Chung, Kuo-Hsuan ; Lin, Herng-Ching ; ●Liu, Shih-Ping ; Chung, Shiu-Dong IF值<5 IF值<5 IF值<5 IF值<5 15 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 9 Published: JUN 13 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) ●Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital Chen, Ling-I ; Guh, Jinn-Yuh ; ●Wu, Kwan-Dun ; ●Chen, Study and CKD Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD- 臺大醫院內科部 Yung-Ming ; Kuo, Mei-Chuan ; Hwang, Shang-Jyh ; Chen, TzuEPI) Equations for Taiwanese Adults Hui ; Chen, Hung-Chun Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 10 Published: JUN 18 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% A Nationwide Survey of Mild Cognitive Impairment ●Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, and Dementia, Including Very Mild Dementia, in NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大醫學院神經科,臺 Taiwan 大醫院神經部 ▲Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Science, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院腦與心智 科學研究所 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 10 Published: JUN 25 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% The Impact of Endothelial Progenitor Cells on Restenosis after Percutaneous Angioplasty of Hemodialysis Vascular Access Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 18 Published: JUN 11 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Gallic Acid Ameliorated Impaired Glucose and Lipid ●Department of Oncology, Department of Internal Chao, Jung ; ●Huo, Teh-Ia ; Cheng, Hao-Yuan ; Tsai, JenHomeostasis in High Fat Diet-Induced NAFLD Mice Medicine, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院腫瘤醫學部, Chieh ; Liao, Jiunn-Wang ; Lee, Meng-Shiou ; Qin, Xue-Mei ; Hsieh, Ming-Tsuen ; Pao, Li-Heng ; Peng, Wen-Huang 臺大醫院內科部 IF值<5 IF值<5 ●Sun, Yu ; Lee, Huey-Jane ; Yang, Shu-Chien ; ●Chen, Ta-Fu ; Lin, Ker-Neng ; Lin, Chung-Chih ; Wang, Pei-Ning ; Tang, LiYu ; ●▲Chiu, Ming-Jang ●Cardiovascular Center, NTU Hospital, Hsin Chu ●▲Wu, Chih-Cheng ; Huang, Po-Hsun ; ●▲Lai, Chao-Lun ; Branch 臺大醫院新竹分院心血管中心 ●Leu, Hsin-Bang ; Chen, Jaw-Wen ; Lin, Shing-Jong ▲College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 IF值<5 IF值<5 16 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 6 Published: JUL 21 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Does Non-Central Nervous System Tuberculosis Increase the Risk of Ischemic Stroke? A PopulationBased Propensity Score-Matched Follow-Up Study ●Department of Physical Medicine and ●Wu, Chueh-Hung ; Chen, Li-Sheng ; Yen, Ming-Fang ; Chiu, Rehabilitation, NTU Hospital and College of Yueh-Hsia ; Fann, Ching-Yuan ; ▲█Chen, Hsiu-Hsi ; ●Pan, Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院復健部,臺大醫學院復 Shin-Liang 健科 ▲Centre of Biostatistics Consultation, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院生物統計諮詢 及研究中心 █Division of Biostatistics, Graduate Institute of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大 公衛學院流行病學與預防醫學研究所生物醫學 統計學組 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 7 Published: JUL 10 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Increased Risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome among Patients with Urinary Stone Disease: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study ●Department of Urology, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 Hung, Shun-Fa ; ●Huang, Chao-Yuan] ; Lin, Cheng-Li ; Chung, Shiu-Dong ; Chung, Chi-Jung ; Kao, Chia-Hung ; 泌尿部 Chang, Chao-Hsiang Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 8 Published: JUL 21 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Induced by Hepatitis B ●Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of ●Tzeng, Horng-Tay ; Tsai, Hwei-Fang ; ▲Chyuan, I-Tsu ; ● Virus Core Mediating the Immune Response for Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院免疫學研究所 Liao, Hsiu-Jung ; Chen, Chun-Jen ; █▼Chen, Pei-Jer ; ●▲ Hepatitis B Viral Clearance in Mice Model ▲Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital Hsu, Ping-Ning 臺大醫院內科部 █Graduate Institute of Microbiology, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院微生物學科暨研究所 ▼Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院臨床醫學研究所 IF值<5 IF值<5 IF值<5 17 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者 Tsao, Tsung-Ming ; sai, Ming-Jer ; Wang, Ya-Nan ; ●▲Lin, Heng-Lun ; ▲Wu, Chang-Fu ; Hwang, Jing-Shiang ; ▼Hsu, Sandy-H. J. ; Chao, Hsing ; Chuang, Kai-Jen ; Chou, Charles-C. K. ; ●▲Su, Ta-Chen Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 8 Published: JUL 28 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% The Health Effects of a Forest Environment on Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease and HeathRelated Quality of Life ●Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院內科部 ▲Cardiovascular Center, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 心血管中心 █College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院 ▼NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 10 Published: JUL 15 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Association of Adjuvant Antiviral Therapy with Risk of Cancer Progression and Deaths in Patients with Hepatitis-B-Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma following Curative Treatment: A Nationwide Cohort Study ●Graduate Institute of Epidemiology and ●▲Yeh, Yi-Chun ; █Liu, Chun-Jen ; ★Kuo, Raymond Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, Nienchen ; Lai, Chiu-Ling ; ◆Shau, Wen-Yi ; █▼◆Chen, PeiNTU 臺大公衛學院流行病學與預防醫學研究所 Jer ; ●▲Lai, Mei-Shu ▲Center of Comparative Cost Effectiveness Research, National Center of Excellence for Clinical Trial and Research, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院國家級卓越臨床試驗與研究中心比較性效果 研究中心 █Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院內科部 ▼Hepatitis Research Center, NTU Hospital 臺大 醫院肝炎研究中心 ◆Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院臨床醫學研究所 ★Institute of Health Policy and Management, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院健康 政策與管理研究所 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 12 Published: JUL 22 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Areca Nut Components Affect COX-2, Cyclin B1/cdc25C and Keratin Expression, PGE2 Production in Keratinocyte Is Related to Reactive Oxygen Species, CYP1A1, Src, EGFR and Ras Signaling ●Department of Dentistry, NTU Hospital and Chang, Mei-Chi ; ●Chen, Yi-Jane ; ●Chang, Hsiao-Hua ; School of Dentistry, NTU 臺大臺大醫院牙科部, Chan, Chiu-Po ;●Yeh, Chien-Yang ; ●Wang, Yin-Lin ; Cheng, 臺大牙醫專業學院 Ru-Hsiu ; ●Hahn, Liang-Jiunn ;●Jeng, Jiiang-Huei IF值<5 IF值<5 IF值<5 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 18 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 14 Published: JUL 1 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% Deep-Sea Water Containing Selenium Provides Intestinal Protection against Duodenal Ulcers through the Upregulation of Bcl-2 and Thioredoxin Reductase 1 ●Department of Family Medicine, NTU Hospital Yang, Chih-Ching ; ●Yao, Chien-An ; Lin, Yi-Ruu ; ▲Yang, and College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院家庭醫學 Jyh-Chin ; Chien, Chiang-Ting 部,臺大醫學院家庭醫學科 ▲Department of Internal Medicine, NTU Hospital and College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院內科部, 臺大醫學院內科 Plos One Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Pages: 9 Published: AUG 4 2014 IF= 3.534;14.55% C1GALT1 Promotes Invasive Phenotypes of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Modulating Integrin beta 1 Glycosylation and Activity ●Graduate Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, ●Liu, Chiung-Hui ; ▲Hu, Rey-Heng ; ●Huang, Miao-Juei ; ● College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院解剖學暨 ▲Lai, I-Rue ; ●Chen, Chia-Hua ; ▲Lai, Hong-Shiee ; ▲Wu, 細胞生物學科暨研究所 Yao-Ming ; ●Huang, Min-Chuan ▲Department of Surgery, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院 外科部 Applied Physics Letters Volume: 104 Issue: 26 Pages: 5 Published: JUN 30 2014 IF= 3.515;14.71% Phonon-assisted transient electroluminescence in Si ●Department of Laboratory Medicine, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院檢驗醫學部 Drug and Alcohol Dependence Volume: 141 Issue: Pages: 132-137 Published: AUG 1 2014 IF= 3.278;22.22% Relationship between betel quid chewing and risks of ●Department of Family Medicine, NTU Hospital cardiovascular disease in older adults: A cross臺大醫院家庭醫學部 sectional study in Taiwan IF值<5 IF值<5 Cheng, Tzu-Huan ; ●Chu-Su, Yu ; Liu, Chien-Sheng ; Lin, Chii-Wann IF值<5 IF值<5 19 Lin, Sheng-Hsiang ; Liao, Yu-Shu ; Huang, Shih-Horng ; ● Liao, Wan-Hsiu 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 作者 Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Pages: 25-30 Published: JUL 2014 IF= 3.14;11.54% Genome-wide normalized score: a novel algorithm to ●Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yeang, C. H. ; Ma, G. C. ; Hsu, H. W. ; Lin, Y. S. ; Chang, S. M. detect fetal trisomy 21 during non-invasive prenatal College of Medicine, NTU and NTU Hospital 臺大 ; Cheng, P. J. ; ●Chen, C. A. ;▲Ni, Y. H. ; ●▲Chen, M. testing 醫學院婦產科,臺大醫院婦產部 ▲Department of Medical Genetics, NTU Hospital 臺大醫院基因醫學部 Research in Developmental Disabilities Volume: Issue: Pages: Published: OCT 2014 IF= 2.735;2.7% A randomized controlled trial of clinic-based and home-based interventions in comparison with usual care for preterm infants: Effects and mediators ●School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院 物理治療學系暨研究所 ▲Department of Pediatrics, NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院小兒部 █Graduate Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, NTU 臺大公衛學院流行病學與預防醫學研究所 ▼Department of Psychiatry, NTU Hospital and College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫院精神醫學部 ,臺大醫學院精神科 ◆Graduate Institute of Health Care Organization Administration, College of Public Health, NTU 臺 大公衛學院醫療機構管理研究所 ★Physical Therapy Center NTU Hospital 臺大醫 院物理治療中心 ●Wu, Ying-Chin ; ●Leng, Chi-Hon ; ▲Hsieh, Wu-Shiun ; Hsu, Chyong-Hsin ; █Chen, Wei J. ; ▼Gau, Susan Shur-Fen ; Chiu, Nan-Chang ; ◆Yang, Ming-Chin ; Fang, Li-Jung ; Hsu, Hui-Chin ; ●Yu, Yen-Ting ; ●Wu, Yen-Tzu ; ●★Chen, LiChiou ; ●★Jeng, Suh-Fang American Journal of Chinese Medicine Volume: 42 Issue: 4 Pages: 869-889 Published: 2014 IF= 2.625;13.64% Lotus Leaf (Nelumbo nucifera) and its Active Constituents Prevent Inflammatory Responses in Macrophages via JNK/NF-kappa B Signaling Pathway ●Graduate Institute of Toxicology, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院毒理學研究所 ●Liu, Shing-Hwa ; Lu, Tien-Hui ; Su, Chin-Chuan ; Lay, IngShiow ; Lin, Hui-Yi ; Fang, Kai-Min ; Ho, Tsung-Jung ; Chen, Kuo-Liang ; Su, Yi-Chang ; Chiang, Wen-Chang ; Chen, YaWen IF值<5 IF值<5 IF值<5 20 期刊IF值 之範圍 文章篇名 文章出處;期刊IF值;學科領域擇優百分比 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Volume: 95 Issue: 8 Pages: 1477-1483 Published: AUG 2014 IF= 2.441;14.52% 作者發表文章時使用的單位名稱 Comparison of the Test-Retest Reliability of the Balance Computerized Adaptive Test and a Computerized Posturography Instrument in Patients With Stroke ●School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, NTU 臺大醫學院職能治療學系 IF值<5 21 作者 Chen, Chia-Hsin ; Lin, Shih-Feng ; ●Yu, Wan-Hui ; Lin, JauHong ; ●Chen, Hao-Ling ; ●Hsieh, Ching-Lin
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