OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Utilizing Technology and Social Media, Extension Professionals Impact Health Family & Consumer Sciences COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN ECOLOGY COLLEGE OF FOOD AGRICULTURE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Factors affecting decision to use technology based program • Fast paced lifestyle of our society • Allows for flexibility to engage in the program • Potential to reach a younger audience • Reaching out to non-traditional audience • Participation not limited to a demographic area OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION A Little History • Started in 2007 with 3 agencies in one county working on a online wellness challenge • Expanded in 2009 to 2 counties • Increased in 2011 to 6 Ohio Extension Educators • After a 2013 In-service increased to over 24 primarily FCS Educators and other Staff 3 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Live Healthy Live Well Email Challenges • 2 Email Messages each Week • Tracking Log • Pre/Post Surveys 4 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Spring 2014 Email Challenge 23 OSU Extension Educators Over 3,700 participants from 14 States Your Plan for Health – 1,500 participants COLLEGE OF FOOD, AGRICULTURAL, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN ECOLOGY 5 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Live Healthy Live Well Email Challenges • Wellness Themes • 6 Weeks • 3 Challenges Each Year COLLEGE OF FOOD, AGRICULTURAL, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN ECOLOGY 6 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Promoting the Wellness Challenge 7 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Program Log 8 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Sample Email Message Week 3, Message 1 – September 22 Gluten-Free Foods: Who Benefits from Them? Hi Challenge Friends, How did you do with the Challenge last week? I know I received a number of comments last week from people who are working hard at getting in more physical fitness and to increase their vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Here are a few of those comments: · Stepped up the stepping! Wore a pedometer….makes me feel accountable to something….. Did much better on my fruits and vegetables than I do normally, but still short of the goal, so I am going to work harder on that this week. ~ Mary · The newsletter article about 100% whole grain was very informative. I always try to get the 12 grain (or similar) but never knew to look for the stamp. I certainly will from now on! When I'm eating junk food, who cares? But when I'm trying to be healthy, I don't want to be buffaloed. A very serious thank you for this! -Jenny 9 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Demographics – Survey Respondents • At least 77 Ohio Counties, 15 other states • Primarily working adults • Some participants from prior Extension Programs 10 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 11 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Ages of Fall 2014 Challenge Participants 12 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Did you learn new information as a result of participating in the LHLW Spring Challenge? 13 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Have you adopted one or more of the recommended practices that might help reduce your risk of developing chronic disease? (Example: Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes) 14 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Weight Statistics – Zero Weight Gain Challenge 15 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Examples of Survey Questions 16 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Interesting Finding Incentives - people like to win but often don’t pick them up. 17 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Success Stories I’m really loving this challenge. It’s helping me stay in check. I write down my exercise before I go and that keeps me motivated to go to class even if I’m tired and I ALWAYS feel better after I workout! 18 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION This week I went to the YMCA and have been walking every night. Drinking a lot of water, and have changed my eating habits… 19 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Sara reports that the thing she has done the best with over the Challenge is to get more fruit in every day. She believes it has helped her to maintain her weight and energy.“Ya know an apple a day....” She also worked to get in as many exercise sessions as she could. 20 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Tricia - Great example of how this program has caused me to think about my food. I went on vacation last week and several comments were made on how I was eating so healthy – especially while on vacation. 21 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CL reports by changing to more fruits and vegetables, walking every day, I had less time for junk food and have lost 5 pounds. 22 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Live Healthy Live Well Blog http://livehealthyosu.com/ 23 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COLLEGE OF FOOD, AGRICULTURAL, AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN ECOLOGY 24 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION #SUPERFOODSCHAT 25 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION What questions do you have ? 26 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt 27 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Resources: All articles were written from research-based resources and information. Developed by: Ohio State University Extension Educators, Family and Consumer Sciences, Lisa Barlage, Ross County/Ohio Valley EERA Pat Brinkman, Fayette County/Miami Valley EERA Cindy Shuster, Perry County/Buckeye Hills EERA Michelle Treber, Pickaway County/Heart of Ohio EERA 28 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Contact information: Michelle Treber, LD, MA, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Ohio State University Extension Pickaway County/Heart of Ohio EERA treber.1@osu.edu 740-474-7534 29
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