Ph: (03482) 251103 Tele Fax: (03482) 251103 Email: GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Office of the Executive Engineer Murshidabad Highway Division No.- II Public Works (Roads) Directorate P.O. Berhampore, Dist. Murshidabad Pin- 742101. Memo No. 7-132 / 878 Date : 21.10.2014 NOTICE INVITING ELECTRONIC TENDER NO. 12 (Sl. No. 1 – 3rd Call) of 2014-2015 of EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, MURSHIDABAD HIGHWAY DIVISION NO. -II, P.W. (ROADS) DIRECTORATE The Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, Public Works (Roads) Directorate invites e-Tender for the work detailed in the table below. (Submission of Tender through online). Name of Division : Murshidabad Highway Division No.- II, P.W.(Roads) Directorate List of scheme :Eligibility of Contractor Bonafied Outsiders as per Notification No. 137/1-A/PW/O/10C-02/14 dt. 24.04.2014 of the Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal. Price per Time of set of Completion other document (Rs.) 21 (Twenty One) Days Price of W.B. Form No. 2911 (ii) (Rs.) Rs. 1,000.00 Earnest Money (Rs.) Rs. 5.00 Rain Damage Repair of Simulia-Salar-Kagram Road from chainage 3.20 Km. to 10.20 Km. in stretches with approach road of two nos box culvert at 8.55 Km. and 10.20 Km. under Mayurakshi Bridge Highway SubDivision under Murshidabad Highway Division No.II. Estimated Amount put to Tender (Rs.) Rs. 19,907.00 1) Name of the work Rs. 9,95,333.00 Sl. No N.B. :- The intending tenderers shall not have to pay the cost of tender documents for the purpose of participating in e-tendering vide Notification No. 199-CRC/2M-10/2012 dt. 21.12.2012 of the Secretary to the Government of West Bengal. L1 Bidder will have to purchase 3 (three) copies of Formal Agreement in the prescribed rate as mentioned in the N.I.e.T. 1 1. For e-filing, intending bidder may download the tender documents from the website: directly with the help of Digital Signature Certificate & necessary earnest money may be remitted through demand draft/pay order issued from any nationalized bank in favour of the Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II and also to be documented through e-filing. 2. The rate of tender is to be submitted duly digitally signed in the website within stipulated date and time and considering all addenda and corrigendum. Both Technical bid and Financial Bid are to be submitted concurrently duly signed digitally in the website 3. The FINANCIAL OFFER of the prospective tenderer will be considered only if the tenderer qualifies in the Technical Bid. The decision of the Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate will be final and binding on all concerned and no challenge against such decision will be entertained. The list of Qualified tenderers will be displayed in the website on the scheduled date and time. 4. Running payment for work may be made to the executing agency as per availability of fund. The executing agency may not get a running payment unless the gross amount of running bill is at least 30% of the tendered amount. Provisions in Clause(s) 7, 8 & 9 contained in W.B. Form No.2911(ii) so far as they relate to quantum and frequency of payment are to be treated as superseded. 5. Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 (One hundred twenty) days after the dead line date for Financial Bid submission. 6. Important Information:DATE AND TIME SCHEDULE: Sl. No. 1. Particulars Date & Time Date of uploading of N.I.T. Documents (Online) 22.10.2014 at 6.00 P.M. (Publishing Date) 2. Tender documents download / sale start date (Online) 23.10.2014 at 9.00 A.M. onwards 3. Tender documents submission start date (Online) 23.10.2014 at 10.00 A.M. onwards 4. Tender documents download / submission end date (Online) 5. Bid opening date for Technical bid (Online) 6. Date of uploading list for Technically Qualified Bidder (Online) 01.11.2014 up to 5.00 P.M. 03.11.2014 after 12.00 Noon. To be uploaded after the verification of technical papers of the bidders. 7. Date of uploading final list for technically qualified bidders after disposal of appeals, if any (Online) 48 hrs. from the time of uploading list of Technically Qualified Bidders in the Web Portal only. 8. Date & Time for opening of Financial Proposal (Online) To be notified at the time of publishing List of Technically Qualified Bidders in the Web Portal only. 7. LOCATION OF CRITICAL EVENT Bid Opening Place In the Chamber of Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II,, P.W. (Roads) Directorate, P.O. - Berhampore, Dist.- Murshidabad. 2 8. Earnest Money : The amount of Earnest Money is to be submitted in the shape of Bank Draft/Pay Order of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the “Executive Engineer Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate” against the work. At the time of uploading the tender / quotation, the intending tenderer / quotationer should upload a scanned copy of such Demand Draft / Pay Order along with his / her tender / quotation. 9. The Bidder, at his own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine the site of works and its Surroundings and obtain all information’s that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the work as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender, before submitting the offer with full satisfaction. The cost of visiting the site shall be at his own expense. 10. The intending Bidders should clearly understand that whatever may be the outcome of the present invitation of Bids, no cost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the Department. The Executive Engineer Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate reserves the right to reject any or all the application(s) for purchasing Bid Documents and/or to accept or reject any or all the offer(s) without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that might have been incurred by any Tenderer at the stage of Bidding. 11. Refund of EMD : The Earnest Money of all the unsuccessful Tenderers deposited in favour of The Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate along with the Tenders will be refunded by the said Executive Engineer on receipt of application from Tenderers on the basis of P.W.D. Accounts Branch notification no. 451-A/ PW/O/10C-35/10 dated 26/07/2011 of the Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal. 12. The intending tenderers are required to quote the rate on line, only. No off line tender will be entertained. 13. Contractor shall have to comply with the provisions of (a) the contract labour (Regulation Abolition) Act. 1970 (b) Apprentice Act. 1961 and (c) minimum wages Act. 1948 and any notification thereof or any other laws relating there to and the rules made and order issued there under from time to time. 14. During the scrutiny, if it comes to the notice to the tender inviting authority that the credential(s) and/or any other paper(s) of any bidder is / are incorrect/ manufactured/ fabricated, that bidder will not be allowed to participate in the tender and that application will be rejected outright. The Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate reserves the right to cancel the N.I.T. or issue corrigendum notices to the NIT due to unavoidable circumstances and no claim in this respect will be entertained. 15. In case of any objection regarding prequalifying an Agency, that should be lodged to the Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate within 2 days from the date of publication of the list of qualified agencies and beyond that time schedule no objection will be entertained. 16. Before issuance of the work order, the tender inviting authority verify the credential(s) and/or other document(s) of the lowest tenderer. After verification, if it is found that the document(s) submitted by the lowest tenderer is/are either manufactured or false, the work order will not be issued in favour of the said Tenderer. 17. If any discrepancy arises between two similar clauses on different notification(s), the clause as stated in later notification will supersede the former one in the following sequence :i) Form No. 2911(ii) ii) NIT 18. Printed Schedule of Rates applicable for execution of the work : Current P. W. (Roads) Department Schedule of Rates for Road Works. All the works should be executed strictly as per specification and terms and conditions prescribed in the price schedule and / or current P.W. (Roads) Schedule of Rates for road works, contract documents and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. When specifications and / or tests have been prescribed for the materials to be supplied by the contracting firm for execution of the work, they shall conform to such specification and / or shall satisfy such tests. 19. With whom the acceptance of the tenders vest No.II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate. : Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division 3 20. Bitumen (Straight run & Cationic Emulsion), if available, may be issued to the agency from any godown / stackyard under the jurisdiction of Kandi Highway Sub Division. If not issued due to unavailability, in that case the agency will be required to arrange the same for execution of the work without any extra claim for payment / time for completion of the work. All other materials including cement and steel will have to be arranged by the agency and authentic documents like Tax Invoice, Challan etc. in support of purchase of steel, cement and bitumen and tests certificates, where applicable, will have to be submitted by the agency to the Department. 21. Intending tenderers are required to submit online attested/self-attested photocopies of valid partnership deed (in case of partnership firm), current Professional Tax Deposit Challan [As per 440-L dt. 11.03.2014 read with Notification No. 848-F.T. dt. 28.05.2014 of Govt. of West Bengal], PAN Card, Trade License from the respective Municipality, Panchayet etc. [Non statutory documents] 22. Earnest Money in the form of eligible instruments as per rule duly pledged in favour of the Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, Government of West Bengal or in the shape of Demand Draft payable to the Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, must be submitted by those Enlisted Contractors of P.W.D., who have not kept fixed permanent securities with the Government. VIII th Issue of NSC cannot be pledged as Earnest Money as per postal rule. Unpledged instruments will not be entertained. In case of partnership firm(s), the pledged instrument(s) must reflect the name(s) of the firm as well as the name(s) and address(es) of the partner / partners who is/are authorized to pledge the same as per valid partnership deed(s). 23. In case of partnership firm, the intending tenderer shall have to produce authentic document in respect of firm, registration obtained from the Registrar of Firm, West Bengal pursuant to the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 (Act IX of 1932) along with copy of partnership deed. “Where an individual person holds a digital certificate in his own name duly issued to him against the company or the firm of which he happens to be a director or partner, such individual person shall, while uploading any tender for and on behalf of such company or firm, invariably upload a copy of registered power of attorney showing clear authorization in his favour, by the rest of the directors of such company or the partners of such firm, to upload such tender. The power of attorney shall have to be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908”. 24. Self attested photocopies of documents of credentials showing satisfactory completion of a single work in any Government Department within last 5 (Five) years of value not less than 20% of the Estimated Cost of the work applied for. Audited balance Sheet showing accounts up to previous year and ‘Certificate of Registration’ and ‘Certificate for Validity of Registration’ from the respective Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Bye Law, Professional Tax Deposit Challan, PAN Card. Also in case of Registered Unemployed Engineers’ Cooperative Societies, documents in satisfying the following criteria are required to be documented through e-filling:(i) the Society consists of at least 10(ten) members of which at least 60% should hold Degree or Diploma in any branch in Engineering as per memo no 44-A/4M-11/2002 dt. 09.01.2004 of Deputy Secretary-III, P.W.D.. Privilege will be allowed as per G.O. No. 378(9)-A/PW/O/10C- 17/05 dt. 31-05-2005 P.W.D. Accounts Branch by Deputy Secretary-III including necessary documents in support of the statement and along with other supporting papers. (Non-Statutory documents) (ii) at least one member of the society holds plumbing license (in case of S & P works only). 25. If the dates fall on holidays or on days of bandh or natural calamity, the dates defer to next working days for offline work. 26. All tenderers are requested to be present online during opening of tenders positively. If considered necessary, instant online bid may be conducted immediately after opening of tenders to lower down rates and in no case his/their absence will stand against holding the same. 27. In case of inadvertent typographical mistake found in the specific price schedule of rates, the same will be treated to be so corrected as to conform with the prevailing relevant schedule of rates and / or technically sanctioned estimate. 4 28. The intending tenderer is required to quote the rate in figures as well as in words as percentage above / below than or at par with the relevant price schedule of rates. Conditional / incomplete tender will not be entertained. 29. The accepting authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and he will not be bound to accept either the lowest tender or any of the tenders. 30. Issuance of work order as well as payment will depend on availability of fund and no claim whatsoever will be entertained for delay of Issuance of work order as well as payment, if any. Intending tenderers may consider these criteria while quoting their rates. 31. If any tenderer withdraws his offer before acceptance without giving any satisfactory explanation for such withdrawal, he may be disqualified from submitting tender to this Division (or Sub Division under this Division) for minimum period of 1(one) year. 32. All such taxes, cess, royalties etc. as are applicable as per rule / G.O. in force for execution of the work will be borne by the agency and deducted at sources from the bill of the work. 33. Successful Tenderers will be required to obtain valid Registration Certificate & Labour License from respective Regional Labour Offices where construction work by them are proposed to be carried out as per Clauses u/s 7 of West Bengal Building & other Construction Works’ Act, 1996 and u/s 12 of Contract Labour Act. Power of Attorney holders are not allowed to sign Tender Documents unless approved by Government. 34. Clause-25 of the conditions of contract of the West Bengal Form No. 2911/2911(ii) may be treated to be omitted and there is no provision for arbitration for resolution of disputes that may arise out of the contracts to be entered into by the Department with the contractors for the purpose of carrying out execution of public works as per G.O No. 558/SPW dated 13-12-2011 of P.W.D. 35. Successful tenderer will have to produce all other documents in original for verification prior to issuance of Work Order. 36. Successful tenderers will be required to observe the following conditions strictly: a) Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Employees State Insurance Act,1948 should be strictly adhered to wherever such Acts become applicable. b) Minimum wages to the workers shall be paid according to the rates notified and/or revised by the State Government from time to time under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 in respect of scheduled employments, within the specified time as per law. Payment of bonus, wherever applicable, has to be made. c) Adequate safety and welfare measures must be provided as per the provisions of the Building and other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 read with West Bengal Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2004. d) All liabilities arising out of engagement of workers are duly met before submission of bills for payment. 37. If there is any violation of any or all the relevant above criteria during execution of the job, it will render the concerned agencies ineligible for the work then and there or at any subsequent stage as may be found convenient. 38. Full address with Pin code, valid registration no. under the WBVAT rules 2005, if any, and PAN issued by the Income Tax Department of the successful tenderer are to be clearly and compulsorily mentioned at the space provided for this purpose at end of Special Terms and Conditions. Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II. P.W. (Roads) Directorate. 5 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS SECTION – A 1. General guidance for e-Tendering Instructions/ Guidelines for tenders for electronic submission of the tenders online have been annexed for assisting the contractors to participate in e-Tendering. 2. Registration of Contractor Any contractor willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be enrolled & registered with the Government e-Procurement system; through logging on to (the web portal of public works department) the contractor is to click on the link for e-Tendering site as given on the web portal. 3. Digital Signature certificate (DSC) Each contractor is required to obtain a class-II or Class-III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for submission of tenders, from the approved service provider of the National Information’s Centre (NIC) on payment of requisite amount details are available at the Web Site stated in Clause 2 of Guidelines to Tenderer DSC is given as a USB e-Token. 4. Downloading of Tender Documents The contractor can search & download NIT & Tender Documents electronically from computer once he logs on to the website mentioned in Clause 2 using the Digital Signature Certificate. This is the only mode of collection of Tender Documents. 5. Submission of Tenders. General process of submission, Tenders are to be submitted through online the website stated in Cl. 2 in two folders at a time for each work, one in Technical Proposal & the other is Financial Proposal before the prescribed date &time using the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) the documents are to be uploaded virus scanned copy duly Digitally Signed. The documents will get encrypted (transformed into non readable formats). A. Technical proposal The Technical proposal should contain scanned copies of the following further two covers (folders). A-1. Statutory Cover Containing i) Prequalification Application in prescribed format annexed herewith (Sec-B, Form - I). ii) Affidavits and format for general affidavit Marked as Affidavit - “Y” annexed herewith. iii) Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque (from any Nationalized Bank) towards earnest money (EMD) as prescribed in the NIT against each of the serial of work in favour of the concerned Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, Public Works (Roads) Directorate. iv) Tender form No. 2911(ii) & NIT (Download and upload the same digitally signed). The quoting of rates will only be encrypted in the B.O.Q. under Financial Bid. In case of quoting any rate in 2911(ii), the tender will be liable to summary rejection. A-2. Non statutory Cover Containing i) Professional Tax (PT) deposit receipt challan for the financial year 2014-15, Pan Card, IT Saral for the Assessment year 2013-14, VAT Registration Certificate (if obtained / registered), Trade License. ii) Registration Certificate under Company Act (if any). iii) Registered Deed of partnership Firm/ Article of Association & Memorandum. iv) Registered Power of Attorney (For Partnership Firm/ Private Limited Company, if any) 6 v) Registration Certificate and Clearance Certificate issued by the Assistant Register of Co-Op(S)(ARCS) bye laws are to be submitted by the Registered labour Co-Opt.(S)/ Engineers’ Co.-Opt.(S) vi) Requisite Credential Certificate for completion of at least one similar nature of work under the authority of State/ Central Govt. having a magnitude of at least 20 (Forty) percent of the Estimated amount put to tender during the last 5 (five) years prior to the date of issue of this NIT is to be furnished in applicable cases. THE ABOVE STATED NON-STATUTORY/TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE ARRANGED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER Click the check boxes beside the necessary documents in the My Document list and then click the tab “Submit Non Statutory Documents’ to send the selected documents to Non-Statutory folder. Next Click the tab “Click to Encrypt and upload” and then click the “Technical” Folder to upload the Technical Documents. Sl. No. Sub Category Description Details A. Category Name CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATES 1. VAT Registration certificate (if obtained / registered). 2. PAN 3. P. Tax (Challan) (2014-2015) 4. Latest IT Receipt 5. IT-Saral for Assessment year 2013-2014 B. Company Details Company Details – I 1. Proprietorship Firm (Trade License). 2. Partnership Firm (Partnership Deed, Trade License) 3. Society (Society Registration copy, Trade License) 4. Registered Power of Attorney 5.Registration Certificate from ARCS C. Credential Credential 1 Credential 2 1. Similar nature of work done & completion certificate which is applicable for eligibility. D. Financial Payment certificate – 1 Payment certificate – 2 Only payment certificates not the TDS certificate. 2013-2014 P & L and Balance sheet (with annexure) Profit & Loss and Balance sheet (with annexure and 3 CD FORM in case of tax audit) 2012-2013 P & L and Balance sheet (with annexure) Profit & Loss and Balance sheet (with annexure and 3 CD FORM in case of tax audit) i. Opening of Technical proposal: - Technical proposals will be opened by the Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P. W. (Roads) Directorate and his authorized representative electronically from the web site stated using their Digital Signature Certificate. ii. Intending tenderers may remain present if they so desire. 7 SECTION – B Tender screening committee (TSC) i. Opening of Technical proposal: - Technical proposals will be opened by the Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P. W. (Roads) Directorate or his authorized representative electronically from the website using their Digital Signature Certificate. ii. Intending tenderers may remain present if they so desire. iii. Cover (folder) statutory documents (vide Cl. No. 5.A-1) should be open first & if found in order, cover (Folder) for non statutory documents will be opened. If there is any deficiency in the statutory documents the tender will summarily be rejected. iv. Decrypted (transformed in to readable formats) documents of the non statutory cover will be downloaded. v. Uploading of summary list of technically qualified tenderers. vi. Pursuant to scrutiny the summary of the list of eligible tenders & the serial number of work for which their proposal will be considered will be uploaded in the web portal. vii. While evaluation the committee may summon of the tenders & seek clarification / information or additional documents or original hard copy of any of the documents already submitted & if these are not produced within the stipulated time frame, their proposals will be liable for rejection. C. Financial proposal i. The financial proposal should contain the following documents in one cover (folder) i.e. Bill of quantities (BOQ) the contractor is to quote the rate (Presenting Above/ Below/ At par) online through computer in the space marked for quoting rate in the BOQ. ii. Only downloaded copies of the above documents are to be uploaded virus scanned & Digitally Signed by the Contractor. Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II. P.W. (Roads) Directorate. 8 SECTION – B FORM –I PRE-QUALIFICATION APPLICATION To The Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II. P. W. (Roads) Directorate. Ref : - Tender for _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________ (Name of work) _________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ N.I.e.T No. :- 12 (Sl. No. 1 – 3rd Call) of 2014-15 of Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II, P. W. (Roads) Directorate. Dear Sir, Having examined the Statutory, Non statutory and NIT documents, I / we hereby submit all the necessary information and relevant documents for evaluation. The application is made by me / us on behalf of________________________________________________________________________ in the capacity ________________________________________________ duly authorized to submit the order. The necessary evidence admissible by law in respect of authority assigned to us on behalf of the group of firms for Application and for completion of the contract documents is attached herewith. We are interested in bidding for the work(s) given in Enclosure to this letter. We understand that: (a) Tender Inviting and Accepting Authority/Engineer-in-Charge can amend the scope and value of the contract bid under this project. (b) Tender Inviting and Accepting Authority/Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. Enclo:- e-Filling:1. Statutory Documents 2. Non Statutory Documents Date : Signature of applicant including title and capacity in which application is made. 9 AFFIDAVIT – “Y” (To be furnished in Non – Judicial Stamp paper of appropriate value duly notarized) 1. I, the under-signed do certify that all the statements made in the attached documents are true and correct. In case of any information submitted proved to be false or concealed, the application may be rejected and no objection/claim will be raised by the under-signed. 2. The under-signed also hereby certifies that neither our firm _________________ _________________________________________________ nor any of constituent partner had been debarred to participate in tender by the P.W. Department during the last 5 (five) years prior to the date of this NIeT. 3. The under-signed would authorize and request any Bank, person, Government Office, Firm or Corporation to furnish pertinent information as deemed necessary and/or as requested by the Department to verify this statement. 4. The under-signed understands that further qualifying information may be requested and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of The Department. 5. Certified that I have applied in the tender in the capacity of individual/as a partner of a firm and I have not applied severally for the same work. ____________________________________________ Signed by an authorised officer of the firm ____________________________________________ Title of the officer ___________________________________________ Name of the Firm with Seal Date________________ 10 Memo No. 7-132 / 878 / 1(27) Date : 22.10.2014 Copy forwarded to:1. The Superintending Engineer, Central Highway Circle (in duplicate) 2. The Superintending Engineer, Central Circle, P.W.D. 3-7. The Executive Engineer, P.W.D. Berhampore Division - I / II / Murshidabad Social Sector Division. Berhampore P.H.E. Division / Berhampore Irrigation Division. 8.-12. The Executive Engineer, / Murshidabad Highway Division No.I/ Birbhum Highway Division - I / II, Nadia Highway Division - I / II. 13-14. The Assistant Engineer, Kandi Highway Sub-Division / Mayurakshi Bridge Highway Sub-Division. 15. The District Magistrate, Murshidabad for information. 16. The Superintendent of Police, Murshidabad, Berhampore. 17-22. The Secretary, Murshidabad District Engineer’s Co- Operative Society Ltd./ Murshidabad District Contractor’s Association / Murshidabad Districts Allied Contractor Association/ Murshidabad District Labour Co-Operative Association / Berhampore United Contractor’s Welfare Association / Contractors Welfare Association of Murshidabad. 23. The Sabhadhipati, Murshidabad Zilla Parishad. 24-26. The Estimating Section / Accounts Section / Cash Section. 27. Notice Board. Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II. P.W. (Roads) Directorate. Memo No. 7-132 / 878 / 2(1) Date : 22.10.2014 Copy forwarded to the Director of Information, Information Division Department, Information & Cultural Affairs, Writers’ Building, Kolkata for information with a request to publish the matter in two important daily newspapers (one in Bengali & other in English) for one day. Enclo: - As stated. Executive Engineer, Murshidabad Highway Division No.II. P.W. (Roads) Directorate. 11
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