2014 Giving Tree BYW will be collecting names for the 2014 Giving Tree from Oct.- Nov. 2. The Application sheets & return box are located in the info. room. If you know someone in need of Christmas gifts (any age) please fill out an application with their information. See BYW for more info. SERMON NOTES In Loving Memory The following gave love offerings to Calvary Road in memory of Pastor Wayne Willett: Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection is Sun. Oct. 26- Nov. 9 Use a cardboard or plastic shoebox - fill with toys, candy, etc. Choose a boy or girl - Ages 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14 Include $7.00 shipping fee (If you would like youth to prepare your box, please give a $10 donation - check written to Calvary Road with Operation Christmas Child on memo line) Everything needs to be turned in by Nov. 12th. Missions Ministry A.J. & Evelyn Plemmons, Doris Ann Messer, Betty Boone, Wells Funeral Home, Larry & Barbara Waldron, Ray & Shelby Fisher, WTHS Class of 1951, International Mission Board SBC, Little Diversified Architechural Consulting, Harry & Betty Justice, Blaine & Joyce Earley, & David Rhew Lottie Moon WMU and The Seekers Sunday School Class OCTOBER Birthdays This Week Connie Allen Chad Johnson Makenzie Thomason Gracie Franklin Tina McCall Morgan Fields Callan Pleasant 10/26 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/27 10/30 10/31 OCTOBER Anniversaries This Week Sat. Nov. 22nd Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study - 8:00am Any men that would like to help cook the BBQ for our meal on Sun. Nov. 23rd, please plan to stay following the Bible Study Ron & Margaret Russell Jerry & Pam Cutshaw 10/26/73 10/27/89 NOVEMBER Birthdays This Week Luke Franklin Nancy Rogers Neil Rogers Ann Stephens 11/1 11/1 11/1 11/1 Senior Pastor: John H. Swanger, III (C) 550-1003 pastor@crbcnc.org Youth/Associate Pastor: Mark Golden (C) 734-1712 mgolden@crbcnc.org Minister of Music: Scott Eavenson (C) 734-3427 musicminister@crbcnc.org 77 Sutton Loop Waynesville, NC 28786 Office (828) 926-0506 Fax (828) 926-5232 www.crbcnc.org Oc t . 26, 2014 Our Ministries Nursery : Birth - 24 months of age Wee Worship (Potty Trained Toddlers): 2-4 yrs) Nursery Workers: Barbara Walls, Kim Lanning, Melissa Mehaffey & Becky Phillips Nursery 11/2 - Sandy Clontz, Katrinka Webb, Jean Lackey, Margaret Russell Wee Workers: Belva Evans & Pat Minton Wee Workers: 11/2 - Reagan Wyatt & Mindi Garrett DEACON ON CALL: This Week - Gary Sorrells 456-3046 Next week 11/2- Doyce Stephens GREETERS Upstairs Greeters -Ryan & Lauren Teague & Elizabeth Ross Next week: 11/2 - Kathy Eavenson, Sue Smathers & Valerie Holloway Downstairs Greeters - Ronnie Downs & Harry Justice Next week: 11/2 - Jimmy & Amy Riggs SECURITY Early Service - Stan Henson & Buddy Chandler Late - Joey Sorrells, Michael Beasley & Steve Myers Next week: 11/2 - Ed Shelton & Emily Hilfiker Late - Wade Francis & Doug Worrell Mowing Schedule 10/30 - Chris Fisher, Dean Greene, Aaron & Charles Hoefs 11/6 - John & Josh Fields 11/13 - John Swanger, Jeremy Parton, Ronnie Downs Regular Offering Last Week: $21,634.00 Building &Pay Off Offering: $2,775.00 Today is the deadline to sign up for Yesterday’s Teens trip to Farmer’s Daughter for lunch on Friday, Oct. 21st - Cost is $16.00 ea. Please sign up in the information room. TONIGHT REVIVAL @ HIGH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor John Swanger will be preaching Sun. - Thur. 73 High Street, Canton, NC Vans will leave at 5:30pm this evening Our Choir will sing tonight THIS WEEK....................................................................... REVIVAL - Mon. - Thu. Oct. 27-30- 7:00pm Tue. Oct. 28 - BTW Meeting - 7pm - Michelle’s home Wed. Oct. 29 - Vans will leave the church at 6:30pm to go to Revival @ High Street Baptist No Services at Calvary Road Deadline: All Budget Requests sheets need to be turned in - put in box outside church office. No Trunk or Treat This Year due to Revival Fri. Oct. 31 - Yesterday’s Teens Trip to Farmer’s Daughter Restaurant for Lunch - 9:00am Looking Ahead >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tue. NOV. 4 - Make up pictures for the Directory Last chance - complimentary 8x10 Call the office to set up your appointment. Sun. Nov. 9 - “First Steps” Class - 9:40am - Sanctuary For anyone interested in joining the church Wed. Nov. 12 - DEADLINE to turn in all Samaritan Purse shoeboxes, materials to pack boxes or money to ship boxes. The youth will pack & get them ready to ship that evening. Thu. Nov. 20 - Choir Meal - 6:00pm & rehearsal will follow at 7:00pm PLEASE RESPECT GOD’S HOUSE..... To maintain an atmosphere of worship & respect, please turn off all pagers & cell phones, refrain from entering & exiting the sanctuary during prayer or invitation and DISPOSE OF ALL FOOD & DRINK N BEFORE ENTERING THE SANCTUARY Bibles, Prayer Cards & Tithe envelopes available on the back of the pews. Hearing aids available in sound room. OUR PRAYER REQUESTS Military Katelyn Capra Justin Cochran Byron Goins Dylan Haynes Heath McAllister Kayla Russell Logan Presnell Special Beth Campbell Louise Davis Joyce Gaddis Sharon Gaddis Larry Golden Todd Grahl Sheryl Lentini Helen Russell Nursing Homes Carl Carroll Dorothy Carroll Wilda Dean Peggy Doty Tammy Lanning Mary Ruth Massie Thelma Medford Hardin Nicholson Minnie Parton Lena Phillips Ruth Presnell Beth Seagle Shirley Schubert Burter Thomas For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Matt. 25:35,36 WELCOME TO OUR SERVICES Regular Schedule Sunday Morning Early Worship Service 8:15am Sunday School 9:40am-10:40am Second Worship Service 11:00am Sunday Evening Children’s Program 5:00pm Youth Bible Study 5:00pm Bible Study 5:00pm Wednesday Evening Youth Lifegroups 6:45pm Seedlings & Explorers 7:00pm Worship Service 7:00pm In Colchester, England, a young man named Charles Spurgeon was drifting into careless ways and his habits were shiftless . While he was waiting for some evil companions, he had an impulse to turn into a church. It was a cold, snowy winter day. Because the preacher did not arrive, a layman conducted the services and undertook to speak. There was something so sincere and earnest in the layman’s appeal that this young man that morning accepted Christ. The handful of corn scattered that day produced in Charles Spurgeon a harvest that satisfied a worldwide need.
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