Tri -State League Meet Kendall Park Roller Rink November 16, 2014 Dear Skaters, Coaches, Parents, and Friends, The Eastern Region Artistic Coaches Association is pleased to announce that we are hosting our fall competition to be held Sunday morning, November 16, 2014, at Kendall Park Roller Rink, Kendall Park, NJ. Competition will be geared towards the newer and upcoming skaters. We are offering “B”, “C” and Adult Intro events in Figures, Dance, Singles and Creative Solo. We hope this format will give coaches and skaters an opportunity to compete in a less expensive and more relaxed atmosphere. We will be offering the Eastern Region Youth Developmental Program (ERYDP), which aids in the development of the newer skaters. This is a three-tiered program, with the “Red”, “Yellow” and “Green” levels available for our contests. For more information on this program, please visit the regional website at (Contest Page) Sponsored by the Eastern Region Coaches Association Eastern Region Coaches Association: Kristen Taylor – President Scott Bartell - Vice President Janet Jordan – Treasurer The Eastern Region Coaches Association sponsors several endeavors in our region including a $1000 College Scholarship, travel expenses for World Team coaches, and Eastern Region National Practice. Panel of Judges: Judges from our Eastern Region’s Judging Panel will be used. Kendall Park Professional Staff: Jim Kennedy and Sha-Ron Karr Kendall Park Rink Operators: Cliff and Michael Nazarro Registration Fees: $15.00 each event. ERYDP Color events $15.00 each event. Application Deadline: Postmarked by Monday, November 3, 2014 Please Note: Late Entries are not appreciated but will be accepted with a $5.00 late fee per application. Please mail completed applications and payments to: Steven Hinkle, 30 Wyndham Road, Voorhees, NJ 08043 Checks payable to: “ERACA” Awards: Medals will be awarded for First, Second and Third placements in Intro, B and C events. All ERYDP level skaters will receive a certificate. Spectators: No admission fee Programs: $2.00 Score sheets: $1.00 PLEASE NOTE: Events will start no earlier than 6AM on Sunday. For a personal copy of the final schedule, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope or e-mail address. A final schedule will be posted on the Eastern Region Web Page All events will be Co-Ed events. Multiple events may be performed together but will be judged separately. Kendall Park Roller Rink 3550 State Rt 27, Kendall Park, NJ 08824 (732) 297-3003 Tri -State League Meet Kendall Park Roller Rink November 16, 2014 Rules of Entry: All USARS rules will be observed, except as noted. Membership cards: All contestants registered in official A, B or C events must have current USA Roller Sports membership. Contestants registering only in ERYDP Events and Intro Events may skate without a USA RS membership. Awards: Unique medals with neck ribbons will be presented for first through third places. ERYDP skaters will all receive a certificate. AGE ELIGIBILITY is determined by the skater’s age on January 1, 2014. Challenge up and Cross Over: Level C skaters may challenge up to Level B Intro skaters may challenge up to their age appropriate C or B event. (Note: In order for an Intro skater to challenge up they must have a current USA Roller Sports membership card.) Adult skaters may cross over between Novice B & Esquire B if eligible by age. Creative Solo for this competition is open for all ages and is Co-Ed. No “A” skaters may compete in this event. Intro Level events are for those skaters who have never competed at the National Championships in the same discipline. Final Events: Due to the nature of the contest all events will be final events. Unofficial Event Rules: Eastern Region Youth Development Program Events: Please Refer to the web page (Contest Page) Intro Events: • An open event for skaters who have never competed in a National Championship in that artistic event. • Skaters who exceed the skill level of Intro will be asked to register in Level C, B or A Standard divisions in future competitions. • There will be three age groups as follows: (Age as of 1/1/2014) Primary Intro – 8 years old and under (Figures, Freestyle, Solo Dance, No Team Dance) Youth Intro – 9 to 15 years old (Figures, Freestyle, Solo Dance, Team Dance) Adult Intro - 16 years old and older (Figures, Freestyle, Solo Dance, Team Dance) Figure Requirements: 111A & 112B Dance Requirements: Progressive Tango Intro Free Skating Rules: Time: Maximum of two minutes Music: Any music may be used, including vocal, as long as content is deemed appropriate. Content: Maximum of 5 jumps. Half or single jumps only. May only include one combination jump, which will count as one jump. Maximum of 3 upright spins. May only include one combination spin, which will count as one spin. No camel or sit spins. Content restrictions: 1½ revolution jumps and sit spins are beyond the skill level of the Intro divisions and will not be scored if attempted. Note: If the skater can do this content they should not be registering in this event. Kendall Park Roller Rink 3550 State Rt 27, Kendall Park, NJ 08824 (732) 297-3003 Tri -State League Meet Kendall Park Roller Rink November 16, 2014 Contest Requirements: Event Figure Solo Dance Primary 1B, 2 Balanciaga, Glide Waltz Juvenile C 111A, 112B Juvenile B 5B, 113A Team Dance Balanciaga, City Blues Juv/Elem B Elementary C 1B, 112A Elementary B 5B, 7A City Blues, Balanciaga Fresh/Soph C 1B, 112A Balanciaga, Glide Waltz Balanciaga, Glide Waltz Fresh/Soph B 5A, 8B City Blues, Chase Waltz City Blues, Chase Waltz 1, 2B City Blues, Casino Tango City Blues, Casino Tango Novice B Double Cross Waltz, City Blues Esquire B 111A, 112B Glide Waltz, Progressive Tango Glide Waltz Youth Intro 9 - 15 111A, 112B Glide Waltz, Progressive Tango Glide Waltz, Progressive Tango Adult Intro 16 & Over 111A, 112B Glide Waltz, Progressive Tango Glide Waltz, Progressive Tango Loops Level C 10 & Under 114A, 130B Loops Level C 11 & Over 114A, 130B Loops Level B 10 & Under 14B, 130A Loops Level B 11 & Over 14B, 130A Primary Intro 8 & Under We anticipate enough time to skate two dances. If we do not have time the dance in "red" will not be skated. Youth Developmental Events "RED" 8 & under "RED" 9 to 15 "YELLOW" 8 & under ROF-LOF-ROF Glide Waltz Corner (Both Directions) "YELLOW" 9 to 15 ROF-LOF-ROF Glide Waltz Corner (Both Directions) "GREEN" 8 & under 111A Progressive Tango Corner (Both Directions) "GREEN" 9 to 15 111A Progressive Tango Corner (Both Directions) Dance Flight Times: Skating four (4) sequences of the dance Novice B, Esquire B Skating 3:00 minutes All other events We’re looking forward to seeing you in November! Please contact us with any questions. Applications: STEVEN HINKLE: 609-870-7055 Kendall Park Roller Rink 3550 State Rt 27, Kendall Park, NJ 08824 (732) 297-3003 Tri -State League Meet Kendall Park Roller Rink November 16, 2014 Directions: From North Jersey: Take NJ Turnpike South to I-287 North to Rt 1 South. Follow Rt 1 South approx. 10 miles to New Road (Exxon and Red Roof Inn at corner). Turn Right. Follow New Road approx. 2 miles to Route 27. Turn left onto Route 27. Rink will be on your left approx. 2/10 of a mile. Turn Left into shopping center for skating rink. From East Jersey: Take I-195 West to I-295 North. Follow I-295 to Route 1 North. Follow Rt 1 North approx. 11 miles to New Road (Exxon and Red Roof Inn at corner). Take jug handle and cross Route 1 onto New Road. Follow New Road approx. 2 miles to Route 27. Turn left onto Route 27. Rink will be on your left approx. 2/10 of a mile. Turn Left into shopping center for skating rink. From South Jersey: Follow I-295 North to Route 1 North. Follow Rt 1 North approx. 11 miles to New Road (Exxon and Red Roof Inn at corner). Take jug handle and cross Route 1 onto New Road. Follow New Road approx. 2 miles to Route 27. Turn left onto Route 27. Rink will be on your left approx. 2/10 of a mile. Turn Left into shopping center for skating rink. Kendall Park Roller Rink 3550 State Rt 27, Kendall Park, NJ 08824 (732) 297-3003 Tri -State League Meet Kendall Park Roller Rink November 16, 2014 First Name:_____________________________ Last Name:________________________________ Sex: M or F Address:_______________________________ City:___________________________ State:______ Zip:__________ Phone No.:_____________________________ Birth Date:_____/_____/_____ Age as of 1/1/2014___________ Club ID:________________________ Club Name:___________________________________________ Amateur Card #:_________________________ Coach's Name:________________________________________ Dance Partner:__________________________ Club Name:___________________________________________ Figure & Loop Events Freestyle Events Team Dance Events Solo Dance Events Primary Primary Juv/Elem B Primary Juvenile C Juv/Elementary C Fresh/Soph C Elementary B Juvenile B Juv/Elementary B Fresh/Soph B Fresh/Soph C Elementary C Fresh/Soph C Novice B Fresh/Soph B Elementary B Fresh/Soph B Elementary B Novice B Fresh/Soph C Primary Intro 8 & Under Juv/Elem B Esquire B Fresh/Soph B Youth Intro 9 - 15 Youth Intro 15 & Under Creative Solo Novice B Adult Intro 16 & Over Adult Intro 16 & Over Primary Intro 8 & Under Primary Intro 8 & Under Youth Intro 9 - 15 Youth Intro 9 - 15 Adult Intro 16 & Over Adult Intro 16 & Over Loops Level C 10 & Under Loops Level C 11 & Over Loops Level B 10 & Under Loops Level B 11 & Over Youth Developmental Figure Youth Developmental Freestyle Youth Developmental Dance "RED" 8 & under "YELLOW" 8 & under "YELLOW" 8 & under "RED" 9 to 15 "YELLOW" 9 to 15 "YELLOW" 9 to 15 "YELLOW" 8 & under "GREEN" 8 & under "GREEN" 8 & under "YELLOW" 9 to 15 "GREEN" 9 to 15 "GREEN" 9 to 15 "GREEN" 8 & under "GREEN" 9 to 15 Mail Applications to: Steven Hink le 30 Wyndham Road First Event $15.00 x Additional Events @ $15.00 Each x ERYDP Event @ $15.00 Each x Voorhees, NJ 08043 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO "ERACA" = = = Total = PLEASE USE ONE CLUB CHECK. Postmark Deadline: Monday, November 3, 2014 Late Entries are not appreciated but will be accepted with a $5.00 late fee per application. Kendall Park Roller Rink 3550 State Rt 27, Kendall Park, NJ 08824 (732) 297-3003
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