Under the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Khalifa Minister of Finance Minister in Charge of Oil and Gas Affairs Chairman of National Oil and Gas Authority, Bahrain SPE MIDDLE EAST ARTIFICIAL LIFT CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION THE DIPLOMAT RADISSON BLU HOTEL MANAMA, KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN CONFERENCE PREVIEW SPE MIDDLE EAST CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 26—27 NOVEMBER 2014 Intelligent Production... What is Next? www.spe.org/events/meal SCHEDULE of EVENTS Tuesday, 25 November 2014 0700–1600 hours Registration and Speaker Check-In 0800–1600 hours Training Course: Artificial Lift and Production Optimisation—Techniques and Solutions 0800–1600 hours Training Course: Challenging Artificial Lift Solutions—Paradigm Shift to Excellence Wednesday, 26 November 2014 0730–1730 hours Registration and Speaker Check-In 0900–0930 hours Opening Ceremony 0930–1030 hours Inauguration of Exhibition and Coffee Break 0930–1800 hours Exhibition 1030–1200 hours Executive Plenary Session 1: Intelligent Production—What is Next? 1200–1300 hours Luncheon and Prayers 1300–1430 hours Panel Session 1: Artificial Lift Strategic Management 1430–1500 hours Coffee Break and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions 1500–1600 hours Session 1: Operational Excellence in Artificial Lift 1600–1630 hours Coffee Break and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions 1630–1730 hours Session 2: Emerging Technologies—What’s Next? 1730–1830 hours Session 3: Alternative Deployment Methods 1830–2100 hours Conference Gala Dinner Thursday, 27 November 2014 COMMITTEE Jamal A. Alkhonaifer, Conference Chairperson, Saudi Aramco Abdullah M. Al-Zahrani, Co-Chairperson, Saudi Aramco Michael Pickering, Co-Chairperson, Tatweer Petroleum Abdullah A. Al-Somali, Saudi Aramco Abdulla Al-Thawadi, Tatweer Petroleum Ahmed Abo Shaheba, Schlumberger Ahmed Elbehery, GE Oil & Gas Ali A. Jabar Al Sawad, National Oil & Gas Authority (NOGA) Atika Bimani, Petroleum Development Oman Colin Morrison, Caltec Dennis McEwen, Schlumberger Elsayed Bedair, ESHPETCO Hossam Saad, Baker Hughes Ibrahim Kamel, Fawares Petroleum Services Jan Paul, OMV Exploration & Production Magdy Kirolos, Alkhorayef Petroleum Mahmoud Kassem, GE Oil & Gas Masood Abdali, Weatherford Mohamed Afify, Belayim Petroleum Company/Eni JV 0730–1730 hours Registration and Speaker Check-In 0800–1730 hours Exhibition 0830–0930 hours Executive Plenary Session 2: Artificial Lift—Beyond the Limit 0930–1000 hours Coffee Break and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions 1000–1100 hours Session 4: Well Completion and Artificially Lifted Wells Rafael Lastra Melo, Saudi Aramco 1100–1115 hours Coffee Break and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions Reda Amrani, Maersk Oil 1115–1215 hours Session 5: Intelligent Production Application Saad Algarni, Midad Holding 1215–1300 hours Luncheon and Prayers 1300–1400 hours Session 6: Applications in Harsh Environment 1400–1430 hours Coffee Break and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions 1430–1600 hours Panel Session 2: R&D—What is Next? 1600–1630 hours Coffee Break and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions 1630–1730 hours Session 7: Production and Reservoir Management through Artificial Lift Real-Time 1730–1745 hours Closing Session/Project Awards/Raffle Draw Mohamed Ghareeb, Lufkin Industries a GE Company Nada Al Mesfer, Kuwait Oil Company Rafael Bastardo, Weatherford Said Dirawi, Baker Hughes Steve Palmer, GE Oil & Gas Wessam Nassar, Zenith Oilfield Yanni Wahba, Alkhorayef Petroleum PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Executive Plenary Session 1: Intelligent Production—What is Next? Executive Plenary Session 2: Artificial Lift—Beyond the Limits? Panel Session 1: Artificial Lift Strategic Management Moderator: Jamal A. Alkhonaifer, General Supervisor, Reserves Assessment and Production Planning, Saudi Aramco Moderator: Abdulrahman S. Al-Jarri, Manager of Production and Facilities Development Department, Saudi Aramco The Middle East has had the luxury of producing oil almost effortlessly from worldclass reservoirs for over 80 years, and has enjoyed the status of being the supplier of choice for the global oil market for almost as long. There can be no doubt that oil reserves are the envy of the rest of the world, and indeed, the world is thirsty for more. Oil has been an essential part of the world’s economies and the requirement for it has been steadily increasing. As such, the need to continuously explore ways to boost oil production through new extraction technologies, such as the use of artificial lift technology is vital since the oil sector is centering on tapping difficult reserves alongside improving and modernising the existing systems for increased efficiency. Moderators: Ahmed Abo Shaheba, Sales and Marketing Manager, Artificial Lift, Middle East, Schlumberger; Magdy Kirolos, Director QHSE Fields Operations and Training, Al Khorayef Petroleum However, instead of becoming complacent and take the easy oil for granted, we must be ahead of the game as we are seeing evidence of the end of easy oil. As production of oil and the void space is not fully replaced, the ability to efficiently continue flowing to the surface has become increasingly challenging. For an energy dependent world, applying new techniques to extract black gold from a major slice of the global energy supply is a must. Artificial lift is the first line of defense in mitigating loss of production capacity. It was there even before secondary or enhanced oil recovery, and can serve in the areas where secondary or enhanced oil recovery options are not even feasible. The purpose behind this conference is to explore what is next in artificial lift applications such as Gas Lift, Electric Submersible Pumps, Beam Pumps, Progressing Cavity Pumps, Plunger Lift and Hydraulic Lifting system technologies. What is new in the areas of deployment, efficient operation, and surveillance of all types of artificial lift technologies will be discussed. The aim is to benefit from these carefully selected presentations of case studies and best practices and apply the learning to boosting productivity in fields. The next best method that will help in the application of artificial lift technologies to facilitate intelligent production will be anticipated during this panel session. Speakers: • Anjus Melborne, President of Artificial Lift, Schlumberger • Hisham Zubari, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Tatweer Petroleum • Khalid Al-Buraik, Vice President of Petroleum Engineering & Development, Saudi Aramco • Wade Welborn, Vice President of Artificial Lift Systems, Baker Hughes The benefits and the advancement of artificial lift go beyond limits. It leverages the advancement of artificial lift automation and information technology to enable new intelligent artificial lift products to significantly reduce operational cost and improve productivity, efficiency, reliability, and control. The mounting demand of the artificial lift technologies in the world has definitely increased the importance and value of specialised events such as this. During this conference, the major role that artificial lift technologies play in the oil industry will be highlighted. However, ways to exploit innovative ideas and reach beyond the limits of the artificial lift technologies will be discussed. Methods to improve the industry networking and knowledge sharing to reach the maximum success and meet future expectations for both customers and service companies will also be touched upon. The key to this panel session is how to go beyond the current known artificial lift methods and come up with new types of artificial lift methods. The challenge is to change the conventional ways and work towards smart, quick, and simple methods to increase oil production so that artificial lift benefits and technologies can be reached beyond the limits. Artificial lift operations strategy is a commitment to working jointly between the services and the operating companies to achieve and exceed agreed targets which address the project value drivers and align goals, through engineering commitment, use of fit-for-purpose equipment, supplying experienced, competent personnel, providing effective training and sharing risk and reward, resulting in minimising the life cycle costs of the current operations. The future plans and the approach is one of providing the best value. This can be achieved through accepting responsibility for the establishment and management of a successful operation. Success can only be measured if it adds value to that of the asset through reduced overall cost and/ or increased production and this through Artificial Lift Financial Risk Analysis. It is not difficult to achieve a successful ESP operation, provided there is focus on new technology and correct equipment, fit-for-purpose, produced to a quality plan, correctly engineered, experienced, and competent personnel, with effective training and competency assessment programmes in place, effective and clear procedures for manufacture, testing, installation, commissioning, operations, and troubleshooting. This requires a support service organisation in place including engineering, installation, base services, quality assurance and control, HSE, a clear focus on operations/project goals and a financial commitment to achieving them through total field management. Speakers: • David Malone, President & Chief Executive Officer, AccessESP • Iain Maclean, Chief Executive Officer, Zilift • Rami Qasem, President & Chief Executive Officer MENAT, GE Oil & Gas • Saad Al-Turaiki, Executive Board Member and President—Upstream, Midad Holding Speakers: • Abdulhaq Baflah, Vice President, Saudi Operations, Al Khorayef Petroleum • Bryan Coryea, Vice President Artificial Lift, Schlumberger • Jamal Abboud, Artificial Lift Expert, ADCO • Wadieh Asfour, Artificial Lift Lead, Oxy Oman www.spe.org/events/meal PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Panel Session 2: R&D—What is Next? Moderators: Rafael Bastrado, Regional Manager, Weatherford; Said Dirawi, Product Line Manager, Baker Hughes In the oil and gas industry, the total investment in research and development has been estimated to be over 18 Billion USD with an average growth rate of 3–4% every year. R&D has always been one of the vehicles of finding answers to the challenges in upstream and downstream areas in the oil and gas industry. These answers are later transformed into best practices, processes, and new technologies that will help improve existing products or create new ones. Technology is one of the key components of the formula for success in the oil and gas industry because it has helped reduce environmental impact, risk, accidents and cost (Opex and Capex), improve oil recovery, reliability, run life, and accuracy among other benefits. In the last 100 years technology has dramatically changed the way oil and gas industry invests, develops, and produces the assets. Artificial lift has been one of the major areas for investment by operators and service companies. Although the artificial lift technology has not evolved substantially in the last 10–15 years, a big investment has been made in R&D to develop technologies to increase artificial lift systems reliability in challenging applications (heavy oil, high temperature and pressure, corrosive environments, etc), help reduce intervention cost, and deferred production. Setting the standard for technical excellence ARTIFICIAL LIFT AND PRODUCTION OPTIMISATION— TECHNIQUES AND SOLUTIONS Course Instructor: Rajan Chokshi, Director, Training & Business Development, Production Systems, Weatherford Understanding lift systems and production optimisation is essential to improving profitability of an operating asset. Awareness gained from this course will benefit participants in making informed choices about various lift technologies, their application, and optimum utilisation. CHALLENGING ARTIFICIAL LIFT SOLUTIONS—PARADIGM SHIFT TO EXCELLENCE Course Instructor: Sisir Kumar De, Technical Manager, Weatherford This course will provide an overview of challenges faced while lifting from hot, heavy and unconventional reservoirs using case studies across the globe, issues encountered, and lift solutions applied for harsh and non-traditional environments like thermal, HPHT, highly corrosive, gassy, and sandy production. To find out more or register for the training course, email formsdubai@spe.org PROJECT AWARDS The project awards will highlight and recognise successful projects in artificial lift that have demonstrated distinction and excellence. Submit your entries for one of the categories listed below to ydadapeer@spe.org before 30 September 2014. The purpose behind this session is sharing information with individuals, academia, operators, and service companies about new technologies, enhanced capabilities, and new applications in artificial lift systems such as Reciprocating Rod Lift, ESP’s, PCP’s, Gas Lift, Plunger Lift, and Hydraulic Lift among others. CATEGORY 1: Most Impactful Artificial Lift Application in a Single Field Speakers: CATEGORY 3: Optimum HSE Application in Artificial Lift • Adam Mooney, Vice President Marketing & Technology Research and Development, Schlumberger • Rafael Lastra, Engineering Consultant, Saudi Aramco • Sacha Sarshar, Chief Technology Officer, Caltec • Scott Hoyte, Director and General Manager, GE Oil and Gas www.spe.org/events/meal CATEGORY 2: Most Advanced Technological Artificial Application CATEGORY 4: Most Innovative Solution All entries need to be accompanied with a project title, image, and 300 word description. 26–27 November 2014 EARLY BIRD MANAMA, BAHRAIN Registration Deadline: 27 September 2014 THE DIPLOMAT RADISSON BLU HOTEL Intelligent Production... What is Next? DELEGATE INFORMATION Please fill in the form in capital letters and fax it to +971.4.457.3164, or email it to formsdubai@spe.org. Alternatively, you can register online at www.spe.org/events/meal. Call +971.4.457.5800 for more information. Registrant’s Last Name (Family Name) Registrant’s First Name (Forename) Company Name SPE Member Job Title City Yes q No q Member Number q Check here if you DO NOT wish to receive updates via mail Street Address or P.O. Box Country State/Province Telephone (include country/area/city code) Zip/Postal Code Email Facsimile (include country/area/city code) BEFORE 27 SEPTEMBER 2014 Full Registration: Two-Day Registration AFTER 27 SEPTEMBER AND ONSITE COST IN USD NOT AN SPE MEMBER? Become an SPE member for USD 110 (which includes: one-year membership + one-time entrance fee), or renew your membership for USD 90. As an SPE member you pay the lower member registration fee. SPE Member USD 845 q USD 945 q Nonmember USD 995 q USD 1,095 q Author/Presenter/Committee/Session Chair/Panelist (Please select) USD 595 q USD 695 q Visitor (Exhibition Only)—2 days Complimentary Complimentary Student (valid ID required) Complimentary Complimentary REGISTRATION INFORMATION AND COSTS Full conference registrations include all conference sessions, coffee breaks for two days, daily luncheon tickets, one gala dinner ticket, and one delegate bag. Student registrations (for students with valid IDs only) include all conference sessions, technical exhibition, and coffee breaks. One-Day Registration (please select) BEFORE 27 SEPTEMBER 2014 AFTER 27 SEPTEMBER AND ONSITE USD 450 q USD 550 q SPE Member q Wednesday, 26 November q Thursday, 27 November Nonmember Visitor (Exhibition Only)—1 day USD 550 q USD 650 q Complimentary Complimentary COST IN USD One-day conference registrations include all conference sessions, coffee breaks, and luncheon on the specified day. Gala dinner is included for registrations on 26 November. Student registrations (with valid IDs only) include all conference sessions, technical exhibition, and coffee breaks. Training Course Registration (Tuesday, 25 November)—Select Only One Course q 14ALP3: Artificial Lift and Production Optimisation—Techniques and Solutions q 14CAL1: Challenging Artificial Lift Solutions—Paradigm Shift to Excellence Registration Fee SPE Member USD 750 q Nonmember USD 900 q BEFORE 27 SEPTEMBER 2014 AFTER 27 SEPTEMBER AND ONSITE SPE Member USD 1,495 q USD 1,595 q Nonmember USD 1,795 q USD 1,895 q Training Course and Full Conference Registration q 14ALP3: Artificial Lift and Production Optimisation—Techniques and Solutions q 14CAL1: Challenging Artificial Lift Solutions—Paradigm Shift to Excellence Additional Tickets COST IN USD COST IN USD COST IN USD Luncheon Ticket (please select date) q Wednesday, 26 November q Thursday, 27 November USD 70 × ( ______ tickets) Gala Dinner (Wednesday, 26 November) USD 75 × ( _______ tickets) IMPORTANT: All fees paid to SPE are net of taxes. The registration fees in this form do not include any local or withholding taxes. All such taxes will be added to the above-mentioned registration fees in the invoice. Payment can be made by credit cards or bank transfers. All payments should be made in USD. Cancellation Policy q Bank Transfer Please make the payment to: HSBC Bank Middle East Ltd, Jebel Ali Branch, P.O. Box 66, Dubai, UAE Account: SPE Middle East DMCC Account Number: 036-217131-100 (USD) Swift Code: BBMEAEAD IBAN: AE180200000036217131100 IMPORTANT: TRANSFER REFERENCE MUST QUOTE “14MEAL’ AND INVOICE NUMBER. •If you cancel before 27 October 2014, you will receive a full refund less USD 100. •If you cancel after 27 October 2014, you will not be eligible for a refund. •No refund will be given if a registered delegate fails to attend the conference. •SPE must receive cancellation requests in writing by 27 October 2014, by fax on +971.4.457.3164, or by email to formsdubai@spe.org. q Credit Card q Visa q American Express Exp Date: Authorised Signature q MasterCard Credit Card Number Name as it Appears on Card Billing Address of Charge CCV No./Security Code www.spe.org/events/meal PAYMENT AND CANCELLATION POLICY All SPE sessions are protected by US copyright laws. Photography and video/audio recording of any kind are strictly prohibited in the sessions and throughout the exhibition area except for authorised personnel. SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS The Society of Petroleum Engineers gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution and support of the following companies: Gold and Delegate Bags Sponsor Gold Sponsors Conference Gala Dinner Sponsor 26 November Luncheon Sponsor EXHIBITORS Al Khorayef Petroleum John Crane Artificial Lift Performance KUDU Industries ARTEMIS Kautschuk NETZSCH Baker Hughes Petroleum Technology Company Borets Praxis Completion Technology Caltec Quick Connectors Delta Doha Corporation RMSpumptools Emerson Industrial Automation SAWAFI ESP Completion Technologies Schlumberger Europump Sercel GRC Gyrodata Society of Petroleum Engineers GE Oil & Gas Taurus Engineering ITT - BIW Connector Systems UNICO JHK Oilfield Production Weatherford For more information about sponsoring For all other enquiries or to know more and exhibiting at this event, please contact: about this event, please contact: Tamer Shabana Yousuff Dadapeer Sales Manager Event Manager Tel: +971.4.457.5876 Tel: +971.4.457.5805 Email: tshabana@spe.org Email: ydadapeer@spe.org www.spe.org/events/meal
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