Royal Times Weekly

Royal Times
Volume 15, Issue 8
October 23, 2014
Picture Retake Day has been rescheduled to Monday, November 3, 2014.
Pictures should arrive at school this week.
Public Hours, Fitness Center
Any Royalton resident, 18 or older, is welcome to bring a pair of clean
soled shoes and proof of residency and work out for free, Mondays and
Wednesdays, 6-8 pm. 7th graders and older may join their parents and
work out together. Public hours begin November 3. If you have any
questions, please call Jenny Lane, 763-7740, ext. 208.
College and Career News
Important Upcoming Dates:
Oct. 24th
Southern Vermont College Representative @ noon
Oct. 30th
Vermont Technical College Representative @ 9:00 am
Nov. 1st
Early Admission Deadline for UVM and several other colleges
Nov. 3rd
Castleton State College Representative @ 12:30 pm
A Few Highlights on Getting Ready for College in High School
Courses- The courses your teens take in high school and their performance
levels are an essential part of college applications and, therefore, should be
taken very seriously.
Standardized Tests- For admission to college, most institutions will require
either SAT I or ACT.
Extracurricular Activities- Encourage your teens to participate in after school
activities. These activities are essential to a well-rounded application.
Community Service- Another opportunity to apply classroom skills in the
larger community. These activities are essential to well-rounded college and/or
scholarship applications.
Summer Enrichment- Identify summer opportunities that support your teens’
interest or encourage them to try something new, such as community service,
internships, work or camps. Consider visiting college campuses.
Financial Research- Start researching financial aid in ninth grade to familiarize
your teen with requirements and deadlines, so that they will be prepared in late
high school. Have him/her begin to investigate scholarship opportunities. This
will provide them with an incentive to work hard all four years of high school.
Any 1st through 5th grader is
welcome to sign up for Ski
Runners on
line( or
with the attached registration
forms. If your child is interested
in snowboarding please sign
up immediately as there are
only 20 spots total. Equipment
and rental equipment
scholarships are also limited so
please send quickly. I'll send
out ski bus registration forms
soon. If you need help with
anything, please let me know
(Jenny Lane, 763-7740, ext.
Thank you from Youth Soccer to
the Coaches, the Town
Recreation Committee and
We were very lucky this year to
have seventeen volunteer coaches
who prepped for and led practices
and coached games. Members of
the volunteer Recreation
Committee set up the fields - goals,
nets, lines, flag poles then
organized and put everything away
for the winter
(Saturday afternoon!). To the
parents of the 90 children who
participated, thank you for
registering your children, feeding
them supper at odd times (or in the
car) and driving them to and fro.
1:45 p.m October 31, 2014
Grades K-5 will be marching to the green on Friday the 31st. In the
event of inclement weather the parade will end in the gym.
We will not be requiring separate permission slips.
Please make certain that your child’s costume is school appropriate
- No fake weapons or fake blood please.
If you do not want your child to participate
please notify the main office.
Trunks! Trunks! Trunks!!!!!
All individuals, organizations and local
businesses that would like to participate in
this year’s fall festival we need you!
WE NEED people TO DECORATE TRUNKs and hand out
green in South Royalton on OCTOBER 25TH 1-3pm.
It’s a fun safe place for kids and a place where
the adults can have fun too.
If interested in pre-registering your vehicle
please contact Kerri Rogers at 802-299-9033 or to sign up your trunk for a
spot on the park.
Thursday, November 6, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Conferences will be scheduled by appointment only for students in grades 9-12.
Please call Bonnie Dumville at 802-763-7740 ext. 202 to make an appointment.
Every attempt will be made to honor your request. If you reach her voicemail please leave a message
with your request and daytime phone number.
Conferences for grades 6-8 will be held in the Garner Rix Room from 1-7:00 with no appointment
necessary. Conferences for grades PreK-5 are by appointment in classrooms; a notice will be sent
home with your child to schedule a time.
Grade 6-12 Report cards may be picked up at the office on the day of the conferences.
Thank you. We look forward to seeing you!
Spaghetti Dinner
Thursday, November 6th
During Parent Conference
Dinner will be served in the Café from 5:00 - 7:00p.m
$7.00 adult $5.00 Child $20.00 Family of 4
To-Go orders available
Traditional vegetarian and sauce with meat, tossed salad, garlic bread, and homemade dessert
All proceeds will benefit Yearbook Production
And a Show
Following Parent Conference
“The Matchmaker”
By Thornton Wilder
November 6,7,8 at 7:30p.m.
Students and Senior Citizen are 8$ and adults are 10$?
Book Fair
The South Royalton School Book Fair will be open to students, parents, and members of the
community from Monday, November 3 through Friday, November 7 from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30
p.m. We will be open for extended hours on Thursday, November 6. Stop by from 7:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Open during parent conferences!
Your child will receive a list of just some of the books that will be offered for sale at
the Book Fair. Many other titles will be available and we invite you to join us during your
child's class visit, after school or during our evening event.
Classroom visits this year will be during regular library class times.
We will not be charging sales tax.
November 6th
At the South Royalton School Lobby
Hosted by the Class of 2017
All funds raised will support the 10th Grade Class
Page 2
England & Ireland Fundraiser
Please help support local SoRo students raise money for their educational trip to
England & Ireland in February 2015! By purchasing one of these homemade pies or key chains
you will be making their trip possible. They make great Christmas, birthday, or just because
gifts! Please turn in Order and money to the front office. Checks can be made payable to
Makayla Christie.
You will be able to pick up your homemade pies November 21st 7:15-8:00am in the schools
main lobby or November 22nd from 10am-12. Orders must be In by November 14th.
Key chain orders must be in by November 21st and will be made by December 1st!
Homemade Pies!!
$10 per pie
___ Concord Grape with crumble topping
___ Traditional apple with 2 crusts
___ Apple with crumble top
Phone number_________________
Handmade key chains
___ SoRo colors
___ Black & Green Camo
___ Pink & Pink Camo
___ Grab Bag (take a chance!!! You will be
Able to choose From a variety of key chains In the bag)
___ Blue & Blue Camo
Name ________________________
Phone Number _____________________
~If you would like to see the key chain up close…we have left one up at the front office ~
Thank you for your support!!!!
Middle School Grades 6, 7 & 8
20-40% of each sale goes toward future
Middle School trips!
Questions – See Holly Williams or email
See a South Royalton Middle School student or
You can browse all Tupperware offerings anytime at
Be sure you are on the VT Holly Williams site
Dear Sir or Madam,
Enclosed is an application for the Holly Jolly Project, a holiday toy program for families. Please copy and distribute to
families, also please feel free to distribute more than once as family’s needs may change as the time draws nearer to the
holidays. Below is some information about our program.
 What do we do?
The Holly Jolly project provides toys to the families in the communities of Braintree, Brookfield, Chelsea, Randolph,
Rochester, Royalton, Strafford, Sharon, and Tunbridge. (other towns may be served on a case to case base depending on
the need.)
 How are we different from other toy give a ways?
The Holly Jolly Project continues to fill requests for toys up until Christmas Eve, while other give-a-ways have a deadline
for applications. We have found that the neediest families are those who come through at the last moment. They are
the working poor who thought they would have enough resources to cover, they are the families who are often faced
with making decision like: the family car broke down and they have to choose between buying presents and fixing the car
and they are most often new comers to the world of services. We do have a return by date on our application but that is
only to encourage families to send back the application as soon as possible. We do take applications after that date as is
stated on the application.
 Our history and Who’s involved?
Holly Jolly is a non-funded program that originated at CVCAC and was taken over by two parents from the community
Prudence Pease and Joan Colburn. It was passed down to another area parent Pam Doyle in 2003. Pam Doyle is the
Head Elf and director/coordinator of the program working with; Community Action, Randolph National Bank,
Randolph Chamber of Commerce, Colburn’s Store in Strafford, local area businesses and people from the community.
We operate only by donations and help from community members. We do not receive any government (Federal, State, or
Local) funding.
 How do Applications get distributed?
Applications are distributed through the Central Vermont Community Action, Orange County Parent Child Center,
VNA, schools, daycares and churches in the towns served receive applications to distribute. Families may also call the
program and one can be sent directly to a family or it could be emailed.
 Why do we do this without a cut off date?
One year after our toy give away night we had a small box of gifts left and three days to go till Christmas and as always
on Christmas eave night we received a call about a family in need not only of gifts but also of a tree and of a Christmas
dinner. Holly Jolly delivered.
When I began on this journey I did it for the wonder in the children’s eyes – we don’t have a cut off date and we do that
for the relief in the parent’s eyes.
I thank you for your part in this program by helping to distribute applications to families in need. I would also like to
point out that sometimes the families that are in the most need are the ones we don’t know about and by sending out
applications to all we can help those that may have otherwise gone with out.
Pam Doyle, Head Elf
The Holly Jolly Project
21 Bruleigh Rd
East Corinth, Vermont 05040
The Holly Jolly project provides toys during Christmas time to families in need in the communities of Braintree,
Brookfield, Chelsea, Randolph, Rochester, Royalton, Strafford, Sharon, and Tunbridge.
Instructions: Custodial Parents/Legal Guardians must complete and sign this application and return it to the
address above by November 12, 2014. Please be sure to include contact info so we can reach you. You must put
info for both parents so we do not serve children of multiple families twice. Please note the above address
change for the program. Applications received after this date will be filled if possible. (Please send in late
applications or call if you receive this late!!)
Mailing Address____________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone_______________________________ Message Phone___________________________________
E-Mail (optional) ____________________________________________
What town do you live in? __________________ *Person who will be picking up gifts:___________________
Number of Adults in home: _____________ Number of children in home: ______________
Income Guidelines: To be eligible for gifts from the
Holly Jolly Project families must be within the following
income guidelines:
Household Size Monthly Income
Please describe any extenuating circumstances that contribute to your need for assistance this year.
Gifts are given to children thru the 8th grade or 14yrs of age.
Please do not ask for clothing, violent or battery operated toys.
There is a $25 LIMIT ON GIFT!!!
Child’s first name
Suggested Gift
Pick-up of gifts will be available in Randolph – Dates, location and times have
not yet been decided. You will be notified by mail as to these dates and time
so please be sure to give your correct mailing address and a phone number
you can be reached at. Feel free to call with questions.
Season Greetings from the Holly Jolly Project and
Head Elf: Pam Doyle,
I verify that the information stated on this application is true of my current situation and that my
household income is within the stated guidelines. **I also verify that I am the custodial
parent/grandparent of the above children.
Parent Signatures____________________________________________________________
*Please note that unless you have contacted me and made other arrangements prior to the pick up date I will not release gifts to
anyone other than who is listed to pick them up. This is for your benefit so that there is no confusion. There will be a form to sign
stating that you received your gifts when you pick them up, Thank you for your understanding.
**Children of multiple families will only be served by the custodial parent/legal guardian.