DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, October 28, 2014 No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the heart than it’s opposite. – Nelson Mandela MAKE SURE YOU STOP BY THE TABLE AT LUNCH TO GET YOUR RED RIBBON! Mix-It-Up Day is Today at Lunch!! You will sit with new people for just one day. No worries about what to talk about – Conversation starters will be there for you! Colorful stickers will help guide you to your table. You CAN do this for just one day! Who knows, you may become an SHG YouTube Star!! Detention – Detention will be Tomorrow at 7:05 a.m. in Room 213. Please check your RenWeb page to see if you are to serve a detention. Note: RenWeb is now on second quarter. Make sure you check back to your first quarter to determine if you had detentions issued then that you still need to serve. Come Pray Together - Join the SHG Community in praying the Rosary each Wednesday at 7:20 a.m. in the chapel. There are so many needs for which to pray: peace, the sick and suffering, the homeless, especially those right here in Springfield, and for us at SHG that we may be faithful to following Christ in all that we do. All are welcome! Please come when you can. Our Lady of Nazareth Club will meet this Thursday at 7:30 am in Mr. Bluhm’s classroom. Softball will have sign ups and an informational meeting on November 7th right after school in cafeteria. This should only last 15 minutes. SHG Boys Basketball will have an informational meeting for parents and players Tomorrow, October 29, at 6:00 pm, at west campus. NHS will be selling Halloween Treat Bags for $1 during lunch Today and Tomorrow. Jostens will be at SHG Friday, October 31st to receive Seniors graduation package orders. Please turn in either the green cyclone package form or the traditional 2 part form with the $60 deposit or payment in full. Junior still wishing to order their class rings may turn forms in on Friday as well. West Campus Lost & Found must be claimed by Thursday, October 30, at 4:00 p.m. FIRE Members - If you're going to the Snowflurry on Thursday, make sure to get your form turned into Ms. Pack ASAP. ALSO, there will be a mandatory meeting for those people Wednesday after school. 2nd Annual Pumpkin Smash hosted by The Key Club will take place right after school at West Campus, Friday, November 7th. The cost is $1 per smash! Wrestling - There will be a Wrestler/Parent meeting Wednesday, October 29th at 7:00pm at West Campus in the Cafe. No experience is necessary to join the team. First practice is November 10th. Spanish Club will meet Today in Room 229 to celebrate el Dia de los muertos. Dues are $5. Everyone is welcome!! March for Life - If you are interested in participating in the "March for Life" in Washington DC on January 21-24, 2015, please contact Kyle Holtgrave at 698-8500, extension 154 or email him at kholtgrave@dio.org. Information/registration packets for this AWESOME event are available in Campus Ministry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attention Seniors - The following colleges will send a representative to SHG. If you are interested in attending the presentation, please obtain a pass in the College Counseling Center at least one day Wed., Oct. 29 Mon., Nov. 3 Tues., Nov. 4 Wed., Nov. 5 Thurs., Nov. 6th hour 7th hour 7th hour 3rd hour 6th hour University of Missouri- St. Louis Western Illinois University Illinois Wesleyan Missouri Science and Technology- Rolla Drake University Campus Ministry & Volunteer Opportunities – If you would like to receive service hours for raking leaves, a home at 1122 E. Miller in Springfield and another at #58 Allen Drive in Riverton need student volunteers to rake leaves, starting at 10 am on Sat., Nov. 1st. Please contact Denny Kirkgesner at 629-8260 for more information. Please note, it may take a while for him to answer the phone when you call, so let the phone ring until he answers. ~ Student volunteers are needed to help with Memorial's Festival of Trees at the Orr Building starting on Saturday, Nov. 22nd and running through Sunday, Nov. 30th. Volunteer registration forms must be submitted by mail or online by Nov. 1st. These forms are available at lunch at the Campus Ministry table. ~ Student volunteers are needed to help with registration at the "Hearing Loss Seminar" on Sat., Nov. 8th at the Washington Park Pavilion from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm. If you are interested in volunteering, call Teresita Gonzalez at 816-2556 or pick up a flyer at the Campus Ministry table in the commons during lunch for more details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Week’s Events – Tuesday – Varsity Volleyball Regionals – Away vs. Jacksonville at 6:30 p.m. Friday – Varsity Football – Home vs. Jersey Community High at 7:00 p.m. Saturday – Swimming & Diving – CS8 Meet – Away (Lincoln Host) at 9:00 a.m. Lunch Menu Pasta Bar Tuesday – Meatball Subs Wednesday – Bacon Cheeseburger Thursday – Italian Beef Friday – Chicken Wrap DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, October 27, 2014 Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you’d ever imagined. OP Teen – OP Teen will meet in the chapel Today at 3:10. All are welcome to attend. Mix-It-Up Day is Tomorrow at Lunch!! You will be sitting with new people for just one day during lunch. No worries about what to talk about – Conversation starters will be there for you! Colorful stickers will help guide you to your table. You CAN do this for just one day! Who knows, you may become an SHG YouTube Star!!! SHG Boys Basketball will have an informational meeting for parents and players on Wednesday, October 29, at 6:00 pm, at west campus. NHS will be selling Halloween Treat Bags for $1 during lunch Today, Tomorrow, and Wednesday. The Bookstore will be open on Tuesday mornings from 7:30-8:00 am starting Tomorrow. Jostens will be at SHG Today, October 27th to meet with the Seniors during B lunch. West Campus Lost & Found must be claimed by Thursday, October 30, at 4:00 p.m. JV Academic Team will practice today after school from 3:10 to 4:10 in Mr. Judd's room. Please be on time. FIRE Members - If you're going to the Snowflurry on Thursday, make sure to get your form turned into Ms. Pack ASAP. ALSO, there will be a mandatory meeting for those people Wednesday after school. 2nd Annual Pumpkin Smash hosted by The Key Club will take place right after school at West Campus, Friday, November 7th. The cost is $1 per smash! Wrestling - There will be a Wrestler/Parent meeting Wednesday, October 29th at 7:00pm at West Campus in the Cafe. No experience is necessary to join the team. First practice is November 10th. Spanish Club will meet Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 28 in Room 229 to celebrate el Dia de los muertos. Dues are $5. Everyone is welcome!! Flu Shots will be available at SHG Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 28th from 7:00 – 10:00 am. Shots are $25.99 each. All faculty, staff, students, and parents are welcome to come! March for Life - If you are interested in participating in the "March for Life" in Washington DC on January 21-24, 2015, please contact Kyle Holtgrave at 698-8500, extension 154 or email him at kholtgrave@dio.org. Information/registration packets for this AWESOME event are available in Campus Ministry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attention Seniors - The following colleges will send a representative to SHG. If you are interested in attending the presentation, please obtain a pass in the College Counseling Center at least one day 5th hour 7th hour 6th hour 3rd hour 7th hour 7th hour 3rd hour 6th hour Mon., Oct. 27 Tues., Oct. 28 Wed., Oct. 29 Thurs., Oct. 30 Mon., Nov. 3 Tues., Nov. 4 Wed., Nov. 5 Thurs., Nov. Truman State University Benedictine University University of Missouri- St. Louis University of Kentucky Western Illinois University Illinois Wesleyan Missouri Science and Technology- Rolla Drake University Campus Ministry & Volunteer Opportunities – If you would like to receive service hours for raking leaves, a home at 1122 E. Miller in Springfield and another at #58 Allen Drive in Riverton need student volunteers to rake leaves, starting at 10 am on Sat., Nov. 1st. Please contact Denny Kirkgesner at 629-8260 for more information. Please note, it may take a while for him to answer the phone when you call, so let the phone ring until he answers. ~ Student volunteers are needed to help with Memorial's Festival of Trees at the Orr Building starting on Saturday, Nov. 22nd and running through Sunday, Nov. 30th. Volunteer registration forms must be submitted by mail or online by Nov. 1st. These forms are available at lunch at the Campus Ministry table. ~ Student volunteers are needed to help with registration at the "Hearing Loss Seminar" on Sat., Nov. 8th at the Washington Park Pavilion from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm. If you are interested in volunteering, call Teresita Gonzalez at 816-2556 or pick up a flyer at the Campus Ministry table in the commons during lunch for more details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Week’s Events – Monday – Fresh. Football – Home vs. Rochester at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday – Varsity Volleyball Regionals – Away vs. Jacksonville at 6:30 p.m. Friday – Varsity Football – Home vs. Jersey Community High at 7:00 p.m. Saturday – Swimming & Diving – CS8 Meet – Away (Lincoln Host) at 9:00 a.m. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lunch Menu Pasta Bar Monday –BBQ Ribs Tuesday – Meatball Subs Wednesday – Bacon Cheeseburger Thursday – Italian Beef Friday – Chicken Wrap
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