Resume -- October 2014
+1 (206) 414-8527
New York City
Hi! I’m Ryan. I’m a software architect and product designer. I love startups.
I love working with cool people with creative ides. I love making simple,
easy to use things that make other people more productive and happy. I also love beer.
June 2013
Sept 2012
CTO & Product Architect
PlaceFull | Seattle, WA
At PlaceFull, I led product design, managed the dev team,
architected scalability improvements, designed the infrastructure
(AWS) and transaction security, contributed to feature
development and built mobile apps. I also led sales and
marketing strategy discussions and acted as a business advisor.
Power of U
McGraw-Hill | New York City, NY
Sr. Product Lead
President, Board of Directors
Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery | Seattle, WA
This is my passion project. Over the last couple years I’ve run
the first cooperative brewery in Washington and have seen it
grow to 870+ member-owners. I oversee a board of nine
volunteers and have had my hands in everything from lease
negotiation, to brewery design to event planning. We have
raised $350,000 and hope to be open in Spring 2015.
Subscription Integration
The Onion | Madison, WI
Data Architect
May 2013
Apr 2012
Cofounder & CTO
Jumyo| Seattle, WA
Jumyo was a mobile startup I cofounded that used geospatial
and time-based image metadata collected from all users in a
particular locale to dynamically build photo based stories. I
oversaw product development, testing, fundraising and marketing.
May 2013
Aug 2012
Product Development Lead
X2Biosystems | Seattle, WA
X2 is a Seattle-based startup that builds biometric devices using
accelerometers and gyroscopes to conduct sports-injury impact
and concussion detection. I ran the development of the webbased portal for managing impact data, team and player rostering.
Aug 2012
Nov 2008
Sr. Product Lead
Promethean | Seattle, WA
This was probably one of the coolest things I’ve done. This role
started as Development Lead for an education startup,
SynapticMash, which I helped grow and see through an
acquisition. I ran product design and architecture and managed
a team of 10+ developers.
To Infinity!
Not bored yet? I’ve done a lot more than what you’ve read here...
Concussion Data Management
NFL | Seattle, WA
Product Development Lead
Traffic Data Integration
Dash Navigation | San Francisco, CA
Integration Architect
Product Design
Web App Development
Software Architecture
.NET / C#
Redis / Mongo
iOS & Android
Drinking Beer
User Interface for Rostering
United States 20100257483
Oct. 2010
Education Roster Data Building
United States US08595254
Mar. 2010
Beer | Snowboarding | Soccer | Books | Backpacking | Travel | Coffee | Sci-Fi | Music | Film