ST. MATTHEW’S The Anglican Church in the Glebe

A Study of St. Mark’s Gospel - A short study on the
Gospel of St. Mark will be offered on two consecutive
Thursdays, Nov 13th and 20th from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00
p.m. There will be a reading and reflection and a bowl of
soup for lunch. This will be excellent preparation to begin hearing the way St. Mark tells the story of Jesus.
Mark will be the main Gospel heard in our worship for the next liturgical year beginning in Advent. Our student intern, Victoria Scott,
will be leading this study. Plan to join us if you can.
St. Matthew’s Pre-Christmas Scarf & Jewellery
Sale Join us Sunday, Dec. 7, after the 10 am service
in the church hall. Donations welcome! Please bring
scarves, costume jewellery, ties and gloves (unworn
or lightly worn) to the containers across from the church office. Bow
ties are hot sellers! The sale is a great opportunity to buy lovely
Christmas presents at very reasonable prices. Last year the sale raised
more than $1,200. If you have any questions please contact Peggy
Nankivell at or 613-230-8669.
Small toiletries are always needed.
Thank you.
WRITTEN IN STONE—(or wood, or plaster, or glass)
At a Chapel Chat today, parishioners David Farr and Peter
Rider will explore the history of St. Matthew's and show
how some of it is recorded in the fabric of the building
itself. The Chapel Chat will begin with the creation of the
Diocese of Ottawa and move on to its expansion, the creation of St.
Matthew's Parish being one of its early manifestations. A silent witness to these events stands before all who enter St. Matthew's. The
physical surroundings are a legacy, a burden, and a foundation for the
Messiah (Nov. 22 and 23) - Four top Canadian guest soloists will
headline this year’s pre-Christmas presentation of Handel’s joyous
Messiah oratorio by the combined choirs of St. Matthew’s. Conducted by Kirkland Adsett, the church’s Men and Boys’ and Women
and Girls’ choirs will be joined by soprano Jennifer Taverner, mezzosoprano Lydia Piehl, tenor James McLean and baritone Geoffrey
Sirett. Featuring a professional orchestra, two candlelit performances
will be held: Sat. Nov. 22 at 7pm and Sun. Nov. 23 at 2pm. This will
be the 21st annual staging by St. Matthew’s of the Messiah and the
first year with a matinee concert. Tickets prices are: Reserved $35
(Adults), $25 (Students), General Admission: $25 (Adults) and $15
(Students). A $5 premium applies for at-door purchases. Online at, or at the church office from mid-Oct.
Upcoming Events
Today & ,
9:00—9:45 “Conversations” Scripture reading of the day
Nov 2,9,16, with Archbishop Curtis—Alcove of Main Hall
23, 30
11:30-12:15—Chapel Chat with David Farr and Peter Rider
Nov 6,7,8
Synod of the Diocese of Ottawa. All welcome for opening
service at Christ Church Cathedral, Nov 6 at 7:00 p.m.
Nov 9
After 10:00 am Eucharist—special Remembrance Day
presentation by Glebe & Lisgar high school students
Nov 10
Ordination at Christ church Cathedral, 7:00 p.m.
Nov 12
11:30 Eucharist followed by Seniors’ Lunch
Nov 13,20
11:00am-1:00 pm A Study of St. Mark’s Gospel
Homes for the Holidays in support of hospice care in Ottawa.
Karen Junke for info 613 613-232-7514
Nov 15
2-5 pm Creation Matters Dialogue—Fossil Fuel Divestment
and Re-Investment. Diocesan workshop at St. Matthew’s
Nov 22/23
Handel’s Messiah at St. Matthew’s
Nov. 30
Bishop Chapman will be with us for Baptism and
Confirmation at 10:00 a.m.
Dec 3
7:00pm Parish Council Meeting with Bishop John Chapman
Conversations” - -A new series of “Conversations” started
Sunday, October 19th and runs until Sunday, November
30th. Join Archbishop Barry Curtis and the group as we
seek to better understand each Sunday’s Lectionary readings and to relate them to our lives in this modern world. We will meet in
the church hall at 9:00am and finish by 9:45am.
Contact—Rector: The Rev. Canon Pat Johnston 613 234-4024
(For pastoral emergency if the office is closed 613 422-3882)
Honorary Assistants: The Rev. Professor Kevin Flynn,
The Rev. Canon Allen Box and The Most Rev. Barry Curtis,
The Venerable Dr. Peter John Hobbs
Director of Music and Organist: Kirkland Adsett (613 234-5482)
Wardens: John Proudfoot 613 233-0158, Sue Rayner 613 233-8380 and
Valerie Needham 613 730-1986
Sunday School and Youth Coordinator: Aindrea Proudfoot 613 240-1507
Hospitality Ministries Coordinator: Ashley King:
Student Intern: Victoria Scott
The Anglican Church in the Glebe
October 26, 2014
20th After Pentecost
Sunday Services
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Chapel)
10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist
4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong (1st. & 3rd. Sundays, as announced)
Our Parish Vision
St. Matthew’s is a welcoming Christian community
committed to growing in faith, offering joyous worship
and reaching out in loving service.
We warmly welcome all visitors.
All baptised Christians are welcome to receive Communion.
Everyone is invited to stay for refreshments and conversation
after the 10:00 a.m. service
217 First Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 2G5
Office: 613 234-4024 Music: 613 234-5482
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
The order for this celebration is found in the Book of Alternative
Services, beginning on p. 230. The Scripture readings are on the insert
and Psalm 90: 1-6, 13-17 can be found on page 826 of the BAS.
10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist (Book of Alternative Services)
Children meet at the back of the nave and we will go together downstairs
and will return at the time of the Peace.
Mass setting: Communion Service in A minor
Prelude Toccata in d
The Gathering of the Community
Processional Hymn 347 The God of Abraham Praise
Greeting and Opening Collect p.185
Glory to God p.186
The Collect of the Day
The Propers for today are found in the Book of Alternative Services
on p. 388. The readings for next week are: Revelations 7: 9-17;
1 John 3: 1-3; Psalm 34: 1-10, 22; Matthew 5: 1-12
Weekday Services
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. Eucharist & Social Hour
Harold Darke
J.S. Bach
The Proclamation of the Word
First Reading Deuteronomy 34: 1-12
Psalm 90: 1-6, 13-17
Second Reading 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-8
Gradual Hymn 487 Where Charity and Love Prevail
Gospel Acclamation 708: Sung first by the choir, then repeated by all
The Holy Gospel Matthew 22: 34-46
The Nicene Creed p. 188
Prayers of the People
Confession and Absolution p. 191
The Peace
The Celebration of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn 645 Come Down O Love Divine
Down Ampney
Prayer over the Gifts
Eucharistic Prayer # 1 p.193
Sanctus, Benedictus
The Lord's Prayer p.211 (744 CP)
The Breaking of the Bread # 2 p.212
Agnus Dei
The Communion
Anthems O Taste and See, O How Amiable
Vaughn Williams
Prayer after Communion p. 214
The Blessing
The Dismissal
Recessional Hymn 565 Guide Me, O thou Great Jehovah Cwm Rhonda
Postlude Fugue in d
J.S. Bach
Gluten-free Communion wafers are available at the high altar.
Please speak to the person administering the host.
Hearing Assist headphones. We have 6 receivers which can be used
by individuals. Please see a sidesperson if you would like to try a unit.
Sponsorship Opportunities for Handel’s Messiah
Adopt an oboe or cherish a cello! Because of the high costs
of hiring a professional orchestra and soloists, we are again
seeking sponsors for St. Matthew’s productions of this year’s
Messiah. Sponsors will be listed in the program, including
commercial logos if desired. Supporters may also personalize their
adoptions, for example making the donation in the name of a young
musician in the family or as a memorial for a loved one. Donations may also be made in support of St. Matthew’s hardworking choirs. These gifts are tax-deductible. Advertisements in the program may also be purchased. Please contact
Peggy Nankivell at 613-230-8669 or
Pew cushions are at the front and back of the church, help yourself.
Healing Prayers during 10 a.m. Eucharist—If you desire a prayer for
healing for yourself or a loved one, please come to the transept on the
pulpit side during Communion. All are welcome.
Our rector, Can Pat is preaching this morning at St. John’s Church on
Elgin Street. St. John’s is launching their fall stewardship program today.
Pat served at St. John’s from 1983—1986 as assistant curate.
Canon Allen Box was the rector at that time.
Families: The children are welcome to bring a clipboard from the back of the church to their pews after
Sunday School. Each clipboard will be prepared
with activities and a different reading level book.
Any questions, see Aindrea Proudfoot.
Meditation Groups: These groups have now recommenced.
The Monday evening group will meet at 7:30pm and the Wednesday
group will meet at 12:15pm.
Worship Participants
Altar Guild: Frances Montgomery, Cynthia McBride, Ann McCormack,
Robina Bulleid, Doug Biehler, John McBride
8:00 a.m. Reader: Hannah Hobbs Server: Rachel Hobbs
10:00 a.m.
Servers: Jan Robar, Rick Trites, Annie Ducharme-Trites
Readers: Tom Martin, Sarah Martin
Prayers of the People: Rick Trites
Communion Ministers: Jim McCarthy, Doug Robar, Randi Goddard,
Patrick Martin, Diane McCauley
Healing Team: Judith Maxwell, Ava Hammond
Sidesperson & Greeters : Janice Sonnen, Ian Guthrie, Errol Whittier
Coffee Hour: Sheila and Jim Campbell
Commemoration of WW 1 and WW 2. On Sunday
Nov 9, we invite all parishioners to stay for a presentation of "The Harolds of St. Matthew's". After service,
we will be hosting all for coffee downstairs to hear students from Lisgar Collegiate Institute tell the story of the
late Harold Burgess, a member of St. Matthew's and a
graduate of Lisgar, killed in action in WW 1. Students from Glebe
Collegiate Institute will then tell the story of Harold Fisher, member of
our church and a graduate of Glebe Collegiate, killed in action WW 2.
Our contribution to the solemn ceremonies taking place across Canada
to remember all those who served, we hope you can join us at 11:30
am for what should be a most moving event.
Anglican Diocese of Ottawa—
Creation Matters Dialogue:
Fossil Fuel Divestment and
Re-investment—According to
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, “people
of conscience need to break their ties
with corporations financing the injustice of climate change.” Should
we, as individuals and as a church, join the fossil fuel divestment
movement, and re-invest in other ways? Join Creation Matters, the
environmental subcommittee of the Diocese of Ottawa, with invited
speakers/panelists, for presentations and discussion on fossil fuel divestment and re-investment for individuals and the church.
When: 2 - 5 pm, Saturday 15 November 2014 at St. Matthew’s.
Reserve your spot: 613-234-4024 / email - / web -
Invited speakers will include Dr. Walter Whitely, a leader in fossil fuel
divestment from Trinity St. Paul’s United Church in Toronto, and
Tricia Spooner, an expert on socially responsible investing, including
fossil fuel divestment, from Wood Gundy.