Brass Ring Halloween Horse Show P.O. Box 76 Chester Springs, PA 19425 BRASS RING’S HALLOWEEN HORSE SHOW (CCHSA Recognized) Sunday, October 26, 2014 WELCOME TO OUR ANNUAL HALLOWEEN HORSE SHOW Costume Class & Halloween Trophies & Awards Wyndsor Farm Route 23, Elverson, PA ENTRIES – Joanne Turner 302-420-0041 Address Correction Requested INFORMATION - Kathy Gillmer 610-256-9929 Prize List On Line – and CCHSA Offering the “Halloween Equitation Challenge” CLASS SPECIFICATIONS Open Junior Equitation CCHSA Points Open to junior exhibitors judged on Equitation only. Fences 2’-2’3 Ponies 2’9 Horses. W/T O/F W/T/C Low Children’s Horse (see below)** CCHSA Points Open to horses ridden by a Junior. Fences 26. May not x-enter Children’s Horse. U/S O/F O/F O/F Children’s Hunter Horse (see below)** Open to horses ridden by a Junior. Fences 2’9. U/S O/F O/F O/F Pleasure Horse Open to all horses. Fences 2’6. W/T W/T/C CCHSA Points CCHSA Points O/F Low Adult Hunter (see below)** CCHSA Points Open to horses ridden by an Adult Amateur. May NOT x-enter Adult Hunter. Fences 2’6. U/S O/F O/F O/F Adult Hunter (see below)** Same specs as Low Adult Hunter. Fences 2’9-3’. U/S O/F O/F CCHSA Points 53, Lead Line CCHSA points – Open to children 6 and under. May cross enter Walk and Walk-Trot Classes. CCHSA Medal CCHSA Points Pony Medal – Open to ponies ridden by a junior. Riders may be brought back to work on the flat. Fences 2’-2’3-2’6. Adult Medal – Open to horses ridden by an adult. Same specs as Pony Medal. Fences 2’9-3’. Horse Medal – Open to horses ridden by a junior. Same specs as Pony Medal. Fences 2’9-3’. Low Hunter Open to horses. Fences 2’6-2’9. O/F CCHSA Points O/F U/S **75. NO CHARGE FOR THE COSTUME CLASS - ENJOY **These divisions are listed Combined on the Time Schedule. Please Enter the proper class numbers as we will split the divisions if we have more than 3 in each section. Baby Green Hunter CCHSA Points st nd Open to horses/ ponies 7 yr. old and under in 1 -2 year of showing. May trot corners , adults may ride ponies. Fences 2’ – 2’6. W/T O/F O/F U/S Shortest Stirrup CCHSA Points Open to children 8 and under. May x-enter Pleasure and Short Stirrup divisions. Walk W/T/C W/T W/T 2X’s Short Stirrup Equitation CCHSA Points Open to children 10 and under. May x-enter other divisions except at USEF horse shows. Fences 2’. W/T O/F (4 fences) W/T/C O/F (6 fences) Short Stirrup Hunter CCHSA Points Same specs as Short Stirrup Equitation except to be judged as a hunter. U/S O/F (6 fences) O/F (4 fences) Pleasure Pony CCHSA Points Open to all ponies. Judged on manners and suitability. Fences 2’ – 2’3. W/T O/F (4 fences) W/T/C W/T 2X’s Low Children’s Pony (see notation)** CCHSA Points Open to ponies ridden by a junior. May not x-enter Children’s Pony. Fences 2’ Small/Medium; 2’3 Large. U/S O/F O/F O/F Children’s Pony (see notation)** Open to ponies ridden by a junior. Fences 2’ – 2’3 – 2’6. U/S O/F O/F . O/F CCHSA Points Novice Equitation CCHSA Points Open to riders who have not won three (3) blue ribbons in equitation. Beginner equitation not to count. Fences 2’3. W/T O/F W/T/C Beginner Equitation CCHSA Points st Open to Adults and Juniors in their 1 year of showing. May x-enter Pleasure, Low Children’s/Adult and Novice Equitation. Fences 2’. W/T O/F W/T/C Brass ring Horse shows PRESENTS Class 100 THE HALLOWEEN EQUITATION CHALLENGE Open to all junior riders on ponies and horses. 2’3” ponies; 2’6” horses. To be shown over a course of 8 – 10 fences. Judged on Equitation only. Must have shown in one class at this horse show to qualify. Entry Fee $25 COOLERS SPECIAL AWARDS HALLOWEEN GIFTS To ALL winners 1 st through 6 th place Top Riders will be brought back to test on the Flat TIME SCHEDULE One Ring - 8:00 AM Start Entry Fee: $20 pre - $22.00 post Judge: TBA Classes will run in the following order in the indoor ring: (continued) 1. Shortest Stirrup Walk 2. Shortest Stirrup W/T 3. Shortest Stirrup W/T 2X 4. Shortest Stirrup W/T/C 5. Short Stirrup Eq. W/T 6. Short Stirrup Eq. W/T/C 7. Short Stirrup Eq. O/F 8. Short Stirrup Eq. O/F 9. Pleasure Pony W/T 10. Pleasure Pony W/T/C 11. Pleasure Pony W/T 2X 12. Pleasure Pony O/F Schooling Break 13. Beginner Eq. W/T 14. Beginner Eq. W/T/C 15. Beginner Eq. O/F 16. Novice Eq. W/T 17. Novice Eq. W/T/C 18. Novice Eq. O/F Schooling Break-‐ Costume Class 19. CCHSA Pony Medal 20. Low Children Pony O/F 21. Low Children Pony O/F 22. Low Children Pony U/S 23. Children Pony O/F 24. Children Pony O/F 25. Children Pony U/S Schooling Break 26. CCHSA Junior Horse Medal 100. EQUITATION CHALLENGE 27. Open Junior Equitation W/T 28. Open Junior Equitation W/T/C 29. Open Junior Equitation O/F 30. Low Children’s Horse O/F 31. Low Children’s Horse O/F 32. Low Children’s Horse U/S 33. Children’s Hunter Horse O/F 34. Children’s Hunter Horse O/F 35. Children’s Hunter Horse U/S Schooling Break 36. Baby Green O/F 37. Baby Green O/F 38. Baby Green U/S 38a.Baby Green W/T 39. Low Hunter O/F 40. Low Hunter O/F 41. Low Hunter U/S Schooling Break 42. CCHSA Adult Medal O/F 43. Low Adult Hunter O/F 44. Low Adult Hunter OF 45. Low Adult U/S 46. Adult Hunter O/F 47. Adult Hunter O/F 48. Adult Hunter U/S Divisions with less than 3 entries will be combined or cancelled
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