N0.,8`25,3e_9. PATENTED JULY-10, 1906. l W. J. MCWADE. _ . COMBINATION MAIL BOX, SPEAKING TUBE, No. APPLIGATIONPILED APR.25.1904.^ - 76? 2 SHEETS-SHEET 1. 5" _ _ ._ _ \ ,1_a|~vrxíl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-%. . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No. 825,339. ^ ` « ' ` ~ ' s _ PATBNTNN JULY lo, 190e. W, J, MGWADN COMBINATION MAIL B0X, SPEAKING TUBE, NC. APPLÍGATION FILED APÄZÖ. 1904. " _WILLIAM J. MOWADE, oECHïCAo-o, ïLLïNoîïS.' _Gowieaem'i‘aofe mme-@QA 'eeäîmoeaee‘ïusm N6. seeßso. Speciñceticn of Letters '.ëetent. .To all what@ it may cow/cern: ’ Patented. Juiy if), 1906. eontei for s'shortdistexice, es seen. at 17, andi Be it known that I, WILLIAM J. MCWADE, 'from such horizontoi portion they extend fa citizen oi’ the ‘Unite/iL States,_1‘esiding in doWnWm-diy in accordance with _the incliner Chicago, in the county of Cook and ‘Stets of tion given the bodies. 'By gâïojeoting the 'iiiincis heveinvented o. new and use?ui' näoodies inwemiiy end downwofoiy, es thus de- 6o Improvement 'in Combination Mei-i ~ Boxes, seï‘ibed, I om eno‘oieci to insert the boxes in Speakingïi‘ubes, &c., of which. thefoiiowing i’ecesses ordinarily ?oì‘med in four-»inch parti is e specification. " y tions or reerliiy formed in Weils 'oi' that thick~ ness, emi the Weil-space coveifsd. is only about the amount of Weib-roomN amd to ‘orio the olle-third of that 'Lasne-Hy ïeoìiiiïed ,1 also, by 6 5 . in my present invention i sim to reduce mail-boxes, together with their Spee iing~ sopei‘posing the‘boxes end oolistmctiug them tubes and electric oel1s„in _s very mech more es described I ein eiiobied to gï'eotiy econo compact ’form than heretofore without <ie~ mize the menufeeture, es timey number of ,treoting .in anyway from their utiiity ami joints in the sheet metal is greotl1 reduced, The mein ` The doors ere provided with locks "i8 and 7e ñaaftm‘ev o?'t e >iiovexition is ’found in, the ex; may be swung open for enough to enable the 15 also' to oiiee en the construction. rengement hereinafter describeô` ci the mail» insertion of thevhend. „They eine sie@ pio» boxes with the tubesfand oeiis. The inveîœ vided with swinging sec-tions consisting` of l tion also embodies other details of impop the gloss Window 19 end its swinging immo zo tance, which ore fully set forth below and . 20, adopted to be swung iowa-rá et the bottom yq for the insertion in the bei; of the mail, A show_n >in the accompanying drawings, _ Referring> to sitio- drawings, `Figure l is e letter 2l is shown in one of tile boxes es hm» front elevation of series oi; battery of mooie ing been. inserted in this Wstjf, the hinged w im boxes with' thei? 'accompanying tubes and' flot’ being sligìitiy‘ ogcii. `The hinged win# ‘ colis.. Fig. 2 is e Vertioei section of the seme. dow 22, ifmay é'vesired.> aise be’pï'o‘videii ' ` Withe _ v'oero‘..»hoider _ ' » ' Figs. 3, 4, and 5 are detail sections on iioes 3 3, '5_„ftïmmedieteiy above each dooie 12 is icm 4 ¿Lend 5 5 of Figsu i ¿md In seid,` drawings, 1_0 re sesenta o metti Gated the oioutiilîieoe ‘Z3 tot the speaking 1ste or frame forming the ‘îfootof _o series or tube snol the limes-#batteri 2li oi >the ñet' or 30 attery of three meilßooxos olio. theirs cofre.> opertment to which the mail-box aiiottefä 85 _ s ending _s eekmgtubes emi eieeti‘ic coils, _'Äfììeseâeviees are attesi ed to the cross mem» he 'f meii-n oxes , i‘osteeaif-oi* _being íoi‘med, bere 25 of the piste 1G, and the push-buttons Whoii'y the front _of the battery, os in. the old ere motîidcd with eiectrioai connections 26 construction, ere Hewlet-into t, eweil oi the. in tHe usuoi meneer. The mouthpieee 23 of 35 buiidings ill edownwerdiyànclioed dii’ectioo, eoeik'speokiog»tube connects with e diagonal so'thet the ortion-o? the 15501:; exposed at the pipe Aor'1oesse`9_,‘e-\fvey 27, lext‘emimg istereîiy ‘ front of the ettei‘y-is 'but iitti'e linger time e and horizonteiiy to e, junction with the in >@rossesection of the box. The boxes om er“ ciii’ied tube 28,`oi«ztending. upwardly through Q C) mngedfm verticei‘serles, one onto? ot eïi«` the’oox or boxes in the osso of eli except the _ other, end in _the exposedenoîs ere iooetefi _ upper hex. The tubes are adopted to be om» the doors 12, Wheïeb'y the tens-nt gems oo» bodied in the boxes without, iiowe‘ïei‘, toter» oess to the boxesfox: withdrew/«iu the mail. , toying with the' moilmottoï', inssmuch _as v'ii-‘ileso doors swing down ñ'om t e top on they ere located oioee to one of the sidewalls , en_d'pivots 13. ‘ The bociies of the' boxes ere i5, ood bythus iocetin them l avoid emi» _ 45 formed of sheet 'metal ood efe iergeiy inte» necessity of sopei‘eting ’tÄ e boxes from oec, roe v,ç_¿jro‘i vvji'th one another; Thus the strip 14, other or widening thestructure to obtaink which forms the top of the upper box; ex* room for the tubes, The tobeslââ pïojeot A y_tends downwaïd, forming e bookies eB of iä'om the ‘noxee‘in any suitebiemonner whioìï f f the‘serles ond oise the iower suie of the lower Wiii ermit them to be joineii to the ipse _of _ . So box, and therside Weils 15 of the series may the molding, and those poi‘tions of t cm io- „m5 veeo‘h be formed from a- singie sheet. The (ik .visiompletes i6 exi-@hierin the‘bottom of one - box and the toY of enedjs-oent one, end the;r „are united to t e side woììs end to the beek, and et theiif'fi‘ont ends they 'sie mede hoi'in cated ' ithm the boxes may ‘oe formed agei?st the side _Weii 1.5, ff'hich may sind -`pref erebiy does 'form one side of tube, as shown et Fi f. 5. The moutopiece 23 is pre?eyebly formed of I 1c » 2 825,339 sheet nietel, and tongues 29 are punched in i and the tubes beingl arranged Within the boxes and passing' through them at an angle when the inner end of' the n'iouthpieee is upward and backward. „.‘ished through the opening in the plate l() 4; The combination with the Wall of the 5 these tongues will as soon as they have passed building, of the battery of mailboxes and 7o ‘it and turned outward in such manner that the plate 10 spring-out and look theinouth- speaking~tubes, the boxes being arranged piece in position. >The pushábutton is pro- one above another with their bodies projeot« vided' With a sheet-nieta). guide o1" cap .30,` ing inwardly and downwardly inthe Wall, which is provided with ahoolr 31, adapted. Lo and ortions of the tubes being formed in io be inserted througl‘i the opening 32 in the part iy the metal of the boxes and being ar~ 75 plate l() and to lock against the inner surface ranged within the boxes, substantially as set ol‘ the plate, as seen at Fig. 4. At- the side forth. opposite to this hook the part ISOis secured to ' 5. The combination with the wall. of the the block 33 by the screw 37, and the block is building, of the batteryof inail-boxes, speiilir~ i5 rigidly held tothe plate 1() by the screw 3i , this forni ot' attachment permitting the very > ready attachment and detachment of the push-lnittf'in. The electric wires are referably supported in the bassage-Way un er the ing-tubes and call-buttons, the boxes beiner 8c arranged one above another with theirbodies ' projecting .downwardly into the. wall, and the tubes and button-wires being arranged between the doors‘oil the adjacent boxes at 2o tubes 2S. 'formed by the diagonal strip 35, se~ l the front and passing through the interionof 85 cured to the side wall 15 and the under side ,lthe boxes, the tubes passing at an angle _up~ of the tube 255'. 36 represents the marble or í _Wardly and backwardiy throughthe boxes, other :finish ein ployed for the surfacing ot' the ' substantially as set forth. partition orwell to which the inail-boxes are 6. The Inail-box for >apartment and other 2 5 applied. y buildings arranged in ,an inclined position in g‘o ' W'hile l have shown a battery of three boxes with their accompanying tubes vand calls it will be understood that I do not wish to be` liniited to any number, as many fea3o tures ol’ the invention are adapted to be used with a greater number of boxes and with a number. l contemplate using it in pri~ vate residences where only a single box is the wall of the 'building and having awindow at its u per end, and areflector attheback of the ¿bx adapted to ,catehthe Ilightfrorn the window and illuminate the lowerendy of the box, said window being also arranged Afor 9 5 observation of the interior of the boxandito receive from the bottoni of the box and from the reflector the return rays of light. needed. The face-plate l0 is made, as will 7. The combination with the wall of the r35 be understood, teilt the nuniberof boxes eni~l building, of the inail~box for apartment and loo ployed and ' may be stamped from sheet other buildings arranged in an inclinedposi metal. ' ' tion in the Wall of the building and having a in order that the .inail - matter may be i door at its upper end, with a speakii'ig-tube clearly observed through the window of the E passing through the upper end oi” the box, 4o boxes, l provide within the boxes mirrors or l such tube beinf;r positioned in. the box at the m5 reflectors 4.0, as seen at Fig. 2. These i‘eilec- à side thereof 'andl at an angle, substai'itially as tors` need ‘io be applied only to the under siii‘- î set forth. fares ol’rhe division-plate iôiand the tube 14.. - 8. A series or set of inclined letter-boxes l claim-M - ‘ earth having7 an observation-opening, the di 145 1. 'The combination of a series ol’ inclined letteißboxes :ii-ri‘inged in rows oi‘ banks, und a series of speaking-tubes arranged with their niouthpieces in immediate proxiniiqI io the corresponding booms7 a pori ion of the tubes 5o pi: 'sing upwardly through the boxes at the sides of the latter, essentiallwi' as and. l'or the pui'pose set forth. o ¿riding partitions between upper and lower rio i boxes having rellectors, and the inclination oi’ thi; boxes being of the proper angle to di reet iight, by ineens of such reflectors, from 5 .such openings to the bottoms of the boxes Í and l’i'oni the bottoms ol` the boxes to such 1x5 openings, substantially as and for the pur `, poses described. 2. The battery of letter-boxes sind speak»- . ing-tube 55 boxes a í). A sei-ies or set ole letter~boxes inclined as eonsisting .of :i series of lettei‘- . desvribed, und a. speaking-tube arranged need in rows or lni'nks, a eoi'i‘o- 1 within and at the side oi each boit, each tube 12o spondine series oi” spezihíinliçtubes and a l'roni ‘ extending inward for the saine distance, and plate i'o ' the batte-i"y , the't-ubes having their ."fextendingy thence transversely of the boxes io ` fer. .;, “ed in the cross members ol' i the top ot the series where their connection ', ‘sing within and through the i ends- are in line one behind the other at dil sii‘iirs oi the suinc. feront distances l'roin the from, oip the boxes, .'25 ' „e e<nnlo>inuî~ion sith the willi of the sul lniiidiiigg, of' tb»y buitrfi'j." oi' inail-boxes ani _ speaking-tubes, the boxes being,f arranged` ‘one above unothir with their bodies 'iroject- I ing inwardly and downwardly iu tie wall i ‘-.‘i'itnesses: ll . VY". M i; xm if, EDW. S. liners.
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