CONFERENCE PROGRAMME The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2014 Krakow / Poland "New technologies and the future of Teaching and Learning" Time Room: Programme of Wednesday 22 October 2014 09.00-15.30 General Board Meeting (invitation only) 16.00-18.30 OpenupEd Strategy meeting (open for all) 16.00-18.30 SEQUENT infosession on Quality Assurance in online education (EADTU, EFQUEL, ENQA) (open for all) 16.00-18.30 Preparatory meeting for the workshop of the EADTU Student Council (registration via Time Programme of Thursday 23 October 2014 08.00-09.00 Registration in main hall 09.00-10.45 Plenary Room - Opening session Chaired by Anja Oskamp, President EADTU and Rector Open Universiteit the Netherlands Welcome Tadeusz Slomka, Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland Anja Oskamp, President EADTU and Rector Open Universiteit the Netherlands Address by the Minister of Higher Education of Poland - “Digital higher education and the modernisation of Polish universities” Minister of Higher Education and Research of Poland Keynote speaker – “Policies, strategies and models for online and distance learning at the AGH University of Science and Technology. Good practices and outline for the future” Zbigniew Ką kol, Vice-Rector at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland Presidential address – EADTU’s main activities 2014 and the conference themes 2014 Anja Oskamp, President EADTU and Rector Open Universiteit the Netherlands Time Programme of Thursday 23 October 2014 10.45-11.15 Coffee break 11.15-13.00 Plenary Room - Keynote session on “New modes of teaching and learning and the future of European higher education” Chaired by Musa Mihsein, Vice-President EADTU, Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic The Open University, United Kingdom “Digital higher education and its potential for the innovation of European higher education systems” Mark Brown, Director, National Institute for Digital Learning, Dublin City University, Ireland “Online and blended teaching and learning in European universities. Its opportunities for collaboration and partnerships” Michael Kerrison, Director of Academic Development, University of London International Programmes “Report and recommendations Foresights on Open Education 2030” Yves Punie, Senior Scientist at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), European Commission, Sevilla, Spain “Responses to increased complexity: Learner Journeys” Belinda Tynan, Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching at The Open University, United Kingdom 13.00-14.00 Lunch Time Programme of Thursday 23 October 2014 14.00-16.00 Parallel sessions Strand: New opportunities by open and flexible education Strand: Curriculum innovation Strand: OER / MOOCs Strand: Research Chair: Chair: Chair: Chair: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: Extending the reach and richness of learning opportunities at Stellenbosch University, South Africa: Building an integrated ICT strategy on the successes Maintaining an effective online learning and the role of the e-tutor: The University of Education, Winneba experience Successful Design Approaches to Massive Open Online Courses Team-Based Design: Self-Regulation for Global English Language Learners Dr Antoinette van der Merwe, Senior Director: Learning and Teaching Enhancement S.O. Essuman, P. Appiah-Boateng Steven Warburton Maureen Snow Andrade University of Stellenbosch, South Africa University of Education, Winneba, Ghana University of Surrey, United Kingdom Utah Valley University Mapping online engagement using the Visitors and Residents continuum Student Response Systems: Do nursing students prefer coloured paper or digital solutions? Analysis of MOOCs' psychopedagogic models: positive and negative aspects Modern consumers and Open universities: Can we create a teaching model in which students become the co-creators of value? David White, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning Martin Aasbrenn, Simen A. Steindal, Helge Stensrud, Hanne Maria Bingen Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Alessandro Caforio George Moerkerke University of the Arts London, United Kingdom Hedmark University College, Elverum, Norway; Diakonhjemmet University College, Oslo, Norway International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Italy Open University of the Netherlands Bridging Math-Gaps with the Learning Environment MUMIE - Report on the European Project S3M2 for the Enhancement of Student Mobility Master in the mix: transition from a regular oncampus Master of Statistics into a blended and a distance program MOOCs : The Emperor’s New Education? Learning analytics and the learner journey F. Daalderop, J. Daudt, M. Grudzinski, M. Hanke, N. Kurt, A. Rasila, R. Seiler, H. Tiitu Stephanie Verbeken, Prof. Dr. Marc Aerts, Prof. Dr. Geert Molenberghs Jacek Urbaniec Professor Belinda Tynan (Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning & Teaching) TU Delft the Netherlands; Integral-learning GmbH, Berlin; KTH Stockholm; TU Berlin; Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland Hasselt University, Censtat/I-BioStat, Leuven University, L-BioStat/I-BioStat eLearning Centre of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow Open University, United Kingdom Strand: New opportunities by open and flexible education Strand: Curriculum innovation Strand: OER / MOOCs Strand: Research Chair: Chair: Chair: Chair: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: Open Education: achievements, challenges and a proposal for reflection Reflections on supporting online distance learning students Online learning opportunities for universities: Issues and challenges of MOOCs Writing skill development in a distance learning curriculum: scaffolding writing with models Walter Kugemann Lucy MacLeod & Naomi Jeffery Teresa Chikerema, Gaolathe Seeloa Olga Firssova MENON network, NTL New Technologies & Learning in Europe The Open University in Scotland, United Kingdom Botho University, Kgale, Gaborone, Botswana, Africa Welten Institute, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, Open University the Netherlands Digital badging at the Open University: recognition for informal learning Methodological challenges to evaluation in fully open learning postgraduate studies Opening up education the Danish way. Considerations based on the redesign of a master programme in ICT-based Educational Design Transfer of learning: influencing factors and the impact on course design Patrina Law, Andrew Law J. C. Antoranz, D. Rodríguez-Pérez, C. Santa Marta, E. Cortés Rubio, M. M. Desco Joergen Bang, Christian Dalsgaard, Arne Kjaer Saskia Brand-Gruwel and Laurent Testers The Open University, United Kingdom Departamento de Física Matemática y de Fluidos, UNED, Madrid, Spain Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, Denmark Open University of the Netherlands; NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences 16.00-16.30 Coffee break Time Programme of Thursday 23 October 2014 16.30-17.45 Parallel sessions Strand: Innovative pedagogical models for course design Strand: Curriculum innovation Strand: MOOC projects in Europe Strand: Research Chair: Chair: Chair: Chair: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: Knowledge modelling dilemma in competencebased learning OUAnywhere: Successes and challenges for strategy development and the implementation of mobile access for enhancing learning and teaching Teach.Learn.anywhere. everywhere. Exploring ubiquity and flexibility in MOOCs through ECO project International Learning Design Challenges: Making impact Przemysław Różewski, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz Professor Belinda Tynan Rosa Mª Goig Martínez, Tiberio Feliz Murias, José Manuel Sáez López West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland; AGH - University of Science and Technology, Poland The Open University, United Kingdom Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain Diana Laurillard, Patricia Charlton, Dionisis Dimakopoulos, Bernard Horan, Eileen Kennedy, Joanna Wild Towards a learning-centered design framework for Blended Learning Join Europe’s MOOC teacher community: Analysis of the communication plan of ECO project Adult Learning Open University Determinants Study, Design presentation Hanneke Duisterwinkel, Bianca van der Aalst, Perry den Brok Ángel Barbas Coslado, Tiberio Feliz Murias, Sonia Santoveña Casal Renate H. M. de Groot, Jérôme (H.) J. M. Gijselaers, Joyce Neroni, Paul A. Kirschner Eindhoven University of Technology Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain Welten Institute - Research Center for Learning, Teaching and Technologies - Open University, Heerlen, the Netherlands Blogging for learning. How lecture time is replaced by blogging for Master of Management Students. HOME Project EMMA project June Breivik, Development Manager e-learning The Norwegian Business School Thursday 23 October 2014 19.45h-23.30h Conference dinner at the Wieliczka Salt Mine See practical information on social events on our conference website Time Programme of Friday 24 October 2014 09.00-11.00 Parallel sessions Strand: New opportunities by open and flexible education Strand: Innovative pedagogical models for course design Strand: OER / MOOCs Strand: Virtual Mobility Chair: Chair: Chair: Chair: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: The Model for Transition of Traditional Lectures to Online Open Educational Resources Do students in a distance learning program use etools and digital devices to support their learning? The IMPOERS - Implementation of OER in a nursing program Marketing course: a real experience of Virtual Mobility between Slovenia and Spain Danguole Rutkauskiene, Gytis Cibulskis, Remigijus Kutas, Tomas Piskinas Jean Claude Callens Marie Elf, Maria Neljesjö, Monika Jansson, Ebba Ossiannilsson M. Elena Aramendia-Muneta, Nataša Ritonija Kaunas University of Technology VIVES, dienst Onderwijs & Kwaliteit, interne studiedienst, Belgium School of Health and Social Studies, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden; Centre for Educational Development, Lund University, Lund, Sweden Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain; Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies Maribor, Slovenia University 3.0: Challenges and Opportunities E-Learning Delivery of Courses as an Effective Strategy in Education How to cook a multidisciplinary MOOC: experience from the TU Delft/ Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Student Mobility Handbook Natalia Tikhomirova Christiana Davidescu, Diana Andrani Joost Groot Kormelink Frederic Truyen, Willem van Valkenburg Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Russia Padjadjaran University; Indonesian Computer University TU Delft, the Netherlands KU Leuven; Technical University Delft Innovative didactical strategies based on tablets and ulearning E-Learning Quality and the University Student ePortfolio Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative at the Open University of Tanzania Virtual mobility as an alternative to physical mobility: case of Franchised Higher Education Institutions in Botswana Tiberio Feliz Murias, Salvora Feliz Ricoy and Carmen Ricoy Lorenzo. Ilaria Venturini Dr. Kassimu A. Nihuka, Prof. Tolly S. A. Mbwette, Dr. Paul F. Kihwelo Gaolathe Seelo, Cross Gombiro, Teresa Chikerema UNED; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Universidad de Vigo Università Telematica Pegaso, Italy Open University of Tanzania, Africa Botho University, Kgale, Gaborone, Botswana Strand: New opportunities by open and flexible education Strand: Innovative pedagogical models for course design Strand: OER / MOOCs Chair: Chair: Chair: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: Applying Social Media in Vocational Education Trainers Student voices. Exploring flipped learning from the students perspective. Open AGH: Making open e-textbooks sustainable Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, Foteini Grivokostopoulou, Konstantinos Kovas, Isidoros Perikos June Breivik, Development Manager e-learning Karolina Grodecka, Jan Kusiak University of Patras, Greece The Norwegian Business School AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland Opening up University of Athens Flipping the classroom – Towards Ubiquitous Learning SPOCs at UPMC Pantelis Balaouras, Konstantinos Tsimpanis, Lazaros Merakos Robert Gajewski Antoine Rauzy, Pierre Jarraud University of Athens, Greece Warsaw University of Technology, Poland UPMC Sorbonne Universités Paris, FIED 11.00-11.30 Coffee break Time Programme of Friday 24 October 2014 11.30-13.00 Parallel sessions Strand: New opportunities by open and flexible education Strand: Innovative pedagogical models for course design Strand: Quality Assurance Chair: Chair: Chair: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: ROOM: Open and flexible education: A university strategy A new conceptual frame for group work: group connoisseurship Evaluating the Quality and the Success of Online Courses Workshop: student representation at your uni: a win-win situation Professor Belinda Tynan, Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching Clara O’Shea and Tim Fawns Paula Peres, Anabela Mesquita The Open University, United Kingdom The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Polytechnic Institute of Porto / ISCAP; Algoritmi Center Minho University, Portugal Towards Open Educational Practice New ways of learning in higher education: the recognition of professional experience. A proposal by UNED Quality assurance and virtualisability of curricula Pete Cannell, Ronald Macintyre Marta Ruiz-Corbella; Miriam Garcia-Blanco; MaríaJosé Bautista-Cerro y Maria García-Amilburu Marek Frankowicz The Open University in Scotland, United Kingdom Faculty of Education, UNED, Spain Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland Modernising an open university through improvement of student services at Universitas Terbuka in Indonesia E-learning and Assessment Based on Informatic Technology (EABIT) in Order to Improve Vocational Student’s Skills SEQUENT Project: quality in online education (EADTU / EFQUEL/ ENQA) Aminudin Zuhairi, Suci M. Isman & Siti Julaeha Doni Dermawan George Ubachs Anthony F. Camilleri Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia Indonesia University of Education EADTU Student Council: open session New technologies and the future of Teaching and Learning from the student's perspective EADTU Student Council EADTU/EFQUEL 13.00-14.00 Lunch Final conclusions of the Conference EADTU Student Council Time Programme of Friday 24 October 2014 14.00-15.00 Plenary Room - Keynote session on “New modes of teaching and learning and new pedagogies” “Education and IT!. Examples of destructive and constructive interference with some conclusions” Łukasz Turski, Professor at the Polish Academy of Science , Warsaw, Poland “New modes of teaching and learning and innovations in course design and curriculum development” Carles Sigalés Conde, Vice-President Teaching and Learning of UOC, Barcelona, Spain Announcement Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2015 Hagen, Germany Helmut Hoyer, Rector at FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany 15.00-16.00 Plenary Room - Keynote session on “Open and flexible education, MOOCs and informal learning” “MOOCs and their impact on the transformation of higher education institutions and collaboration - an institutional, national and global perspective” Alejandro Tiana Ferrer, Rector of UNED, Madrid, Spain “OpenupEd and the quality label for MOOCs” Fred Mulder, UNESCO Chair Open Educational Resources, Chair OpenupEd, The Netherlands Jon Rosewell, professor at the Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom 16.00-16.30 Coffee break Time Programme of Friday 24 October 2014 16.30-17.30 Plenary Room - Closing session “Digital higher education and opening up education to learning citizens, professionals and organisations” Alan Tait, Member of the Executive Committee of ICDE, United Kingdom “The modernisation agenda of European universities” Address by the European Commissioner for Education and Culture (t.b.c.) “Message of Krakow: Empowering Universities” Anja Oskamp, President EADTU and Rector Open Universiteit the Netherlands 17.30 Closing Followed by a closing drink Time 09.00-13.00 10.00-16.00 Optional Social Programme of Saturday 25 October 2014 Guided walking tour through Krakow, departing at 9 am. For more information please consult the social events section on our dedicated conference website. Guided excursion to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, departing at 10 am. For more information please consult the social events section on our dedicated conference website.
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